Phonological Acquisition of First Language in a Child with
Speech Difficulty
Varda Himmatul Aliyah
, Sheila Nashiba
and Rohmani Nur Indah
Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, Indonesia
Keywords: Phonological acquisition, early speech, speech difficulties
Abstract: Phonological acquisition of the mother tongue is something that will never escape from human life.
Phonological acquisition in children is strongly influenced by the surrounding environment. There are some
children who have difficulty in this phase. Researchers conducted a study with the aim of knowing
phonological acquisition of mother tongue in children aged seven years with speech difficulties or lisp. The
method used in this research is qualitative research method with "case study" approach. The result of the
research that the child has difficulty in reciting some consonant letters i.e d, g, k, q and t. She hasn’t been
able to pronounce well the letters that positioned at the beginning and middle of the word, whereas those
consonants placed at the end of the word, he can pronounce well. For words that contain two consonant
letters, the pronunciation becomes unclear and especially pronounced with a fast tempo, will make it more
difficult for the listener to understand it.
A process that will never be separated from human
life is the acquisition of language. This process will
take place continuously through several stages. Each
of these stages will develop towards more complex
language forms. What influences the process of
acquiring a child's language is the situation and
situation of the language in his environment, so that
he can recognize the language.
A child will express his ideas directly without
hindrance using language tools that are owned and
used in his environment, this is commonly referred to
as purposive child language. The child's language
behavior departs from the adoption process by
imitating the language model that has been obtained
from the surrounding environment. There is a
phenomenon that someone's language is not always
the same, there are different elements and types of
languages. It is influenced by who is the speaker,
what language he uses, who he speaks to, the topic
and purpose of the conversation, and when the
conversation takes place.
Today research on language acquisition in
children still requires exploitation given the higher
cases of speech delays or language barriers. Barriers
to language acquisition are very diverse, including
obstacles to phonological acquisition. There are
phenomena experienced by some children who have
difficulties in their acceptance and cause them to
experience speech difficulties, especially in
phonological acquisition. The existence of a
phenomenon like this is one of the discourses of
language disorders in children in Psycholinguistics.
A child can begin to distinguish sounds in the first
half of the year, and then the role will be taken over
by the child's interaction with his environment. If up
to the age of seven years the child cannot speak
phonology correctly, it means that there is an inability
in language or commonly called language disorder. In
this case, the difficulty of talking to children.
The subject of this study was a small daughter
who had the initials ANG and was seven years old,
grade 1 elementary school in Malang. Both of his
parents in his daily life speak Javanese and
Indonesian. ANG was a little troubled when
pronouncing the alphabet letter, so when he spoke he
often did not understand what word he was saying.
The urgency of this study is to map the maternal
phonological acquisition of seven-year-olds who
experience speech difficulties, describing
phonological sequences that are difficult to
pronounce and their location. Previous studies were
conducted with a focus on phonological acquisition
of eight-year-old children (Kepirianto, 2010). So in
general, the mapping in this study is to elaborate on
Aliyah, V., Nashiba, S. and Indah, R.
Phonological Acquisition of First Language in a Child with Speech Difficulty.
DOI: 10.5220/0009915900680073
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 68-73
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the findings of phonological acquisition of speech
impaired persons in the context of bilingual speakers,
namely Javanese and Indonesian.
2.1 Phonological Acquisition of
Language in Children
Phonology is part of grammar that analyzes the sound
of language (Kridalaksana, 2007). One of the things
that is considered very important in language learning
is understanding sound. A language researcher will
have difficulty researching language without
mastering the sound of language properly. As in
language learning, a language learner will master the
language that will be learned if the said word is
sounded well. Therefore, mastery of sound is a very
important element in language learning and research
(Samsuri, 1987).
A language is mastered by the language
acquisition process. In language acquisition, the input
(input) factor is the most important thing. Chomsky
said that language also has a universal concept so that
mentally, children already know the properties that
are universal (Dardjowidjojo, 1991). Similar to a
child is an entity whose entire body has a button and
a cable attached, one of the buttons will cause a
certain light bulb to light up. So the form of language
is strongly influenced by input from the surrounding
Phonological acquisition in children is part of the
acquisition of a complete mother tongue. There are
several theories that explain the acquisition of
children's language phonology. One of them is the
universal structure theory developed by Jakobson that
distinguishes two separate periods in the acquisition
and development of phonology, namely the period of
ignoring (waging) and the acquisition of pure
language. Jakobson tried to observe the baby's
sounding at the babling stage and he managed to find
that a normal baby can emit sounds with vocalizations
both vowel and consonant. Jakobson concluded that
there are two stages in phonological acquisition,
namely (1) the stage of pre-labeling and (2) the
acquisition of pure language (Dardjowidjojo, 2005).
The opening phase occurs since a baby is five or
six months old and will stop at around 12-18 months
of age called pure language acquisition. At the stage
of acquiring pure language, the child should be able
to say a few easy sounds like consonants m, p, s, k
and vowels a, i, u, e. There will be more letters he will
master as you get older. Agreeing with this, at around
six months of age a child can issue consonant or vocal
sounds (Indah, 2017).
The acquisition of the sounds is called the cooing
process. A child usually begins to distinguish sounds
between the first half of the year to the next so that it
can be said that speech perception depends on the
interaction of the child and the surrounding
environment. For example, a deaf child cannot find
sound patterns from audio stimuli such as from radio,
tape or television. Effective auditive stimuli are
sounds that children often hear at certain times, such
as sounds when they are given milk, when bathed and
when changing diapers. The visual stimuli are usually
obtained when the baby is rocked by playing a doll in
front of him. The consonants that come out in the
babling stage are bilabial nasal and vowel consonants
a thus will appear the structure C1 - V1 - C1 - V1 -
C1 - V1 .... pa - pa - pa, ma - ma - ma, ba - ba - ba ...
(Indah, 2017). From these words parents will
associate with the mention of papa and mama. From
the information above, if a child cannot say a few
letters with the correct vocalization even after he is
more than five years old then he can be sure to
experience language disorders especially in
phonological acquisition.
2.2 Study of Language Disorders
Speech and language disorders are often referred
to as speech developmental disorders and expressive
language. Language disorder is a type of disorder in
communication and an indication of someone
experiencing disruption in the symbolic process.
Language disorders can occur in children or adults.
The causes of speech disorders are articulation,
noise disorders, fluency problems, aphasia, and delay
in speech due to environmental factors such as
hearing loss or growth and development disorders.
Meanwhile, the cause of hearing loss is conductive
hearing loss caused by a disease related to ear
function, hearing loss due to loss of nerve sensors,
complex hearing loss due to damage to ear function,
hearing loss due to nerve damage or brain tissue. And
disorders due to other conditions, for example:
learning difficulties, brain paralysis, mental
retardation and cleft lip (Indah, 2017).
One example of interference faced by children
when learning to speak specifically in the
pronunciation of certain letters is "slurred".
Slurredness is the inability to pronounce certain
letters. Almost everyone has experienced the lisp
phase. For example, as in a baby, it is normal to
pronounce the letter "r" heard like "l" and so on.
Phonological Acquisition of First Language in a Child with Speech Difficulty
However, there is also lisp caused by habit. The
language commonly used in communication also
contributes to causing slurry. For example Sundanese
speakers replace the letters "v" and "f" which become
the letter "p". And the letter "z" which tends to be "j"
or a Balinese speaker who replaces the pronunciation
of the letters "t" and "d" cleanly, and tends to change
to "th" and "dh". In addition Japanese speakers
replace the letter "l" with "r". Or there is also lisp that
is caused by the habits of parents who speak slurred
with children, for example, "cini-cini main cama
There are various variations of lisp in children.
Some say "r" becomes "l", "k" so "t", "k" so "d" or "s"
with "t" is often reversed. Children who are three or
four years old, their tongue muscles begin to mature.
Basically the development of each child is different.
If there is detecting kecadelan in children, parents
should not allow it so that children do not continue to
be in the lisp phase (Putra, 2009).
When children enter preschool age, children begin
to face social consequences in the form of extended
communication. Children begin to compare their
pronunciation with other children of their age, and
when faced with speakers other than their children,
the exposure to language becomes wider. Language
exposure is very diverse, one of the phonological
exposures that makes children aware of how correct
and acceptable pronunciation is. This phonological
awareness is different in speed between normal
children and children with speech difficulties (Hund-
Reid & Schneider, 2013).
This study was conducted to map phonological
acquisition of persons with speech difficulties. For
this reason, a scientific method is needed to obtain
data with the purpose and usefulness according to the
purpose of the study (Sugiyono, 2014). This type of
research is qualitative research with a "case study"
approach. Bogdan and Taylor argued that qualitative
methods are research that produces descriptive data
both written and oral from objects observed or
examined (Moleong, 2014). In this study elaborated
on how a person with speech difficulties has a pattern
of phonological acquisition.
The approach used in this study is a case study in
children who experience language disorders. Case
studies aim to investigate phenomena that occur in
real life and are more concerned with questions such
as how and why and at some level also answer what
questions (Bungin, 2005).
Subjects in this study were a daughter with the
initials ANG, aged 7 years, grade 1 elementary school
in Malang. He experienced some difficulties in
pronouncing several letters of the alphabet, so often
the spoken sentence was difficult to understand by
listeners or opponents of his speech.
Data collection in this study was carried out in a
participatory manner in recording data to get
children's natural utterances. The researcher observes
and conducts a conversation by giving a stimulus so
that he can say a few words that are well targeted with
a tempo that is fast or slow, because the difference in
pronunciation tempo is expected to have an effect.
Based on observations, it was found several letters
that have not been properly pronounced. The list of
words that are the target of the pronunciation is
summarized in table 1 based on the position of the
letter at the beginning, middle and end of the word.
Table 1. Word list
Letters Initial Middle Final Combined
d danau,
g gusi,
k kompas
q qiraah,
t telur,
In general there are five consonants which the
subject is difficult to pronounce, among others: d, g,
k, q, t. The five letters become less clear in
pronunciation at the beginning of the word, in the
middle of the word or at the end of the word.
Difficulties also arise in combining several
consonants in one word. The pronunciation
difficulties are summarized in table 2.
Table 2. Difficult words
Letters Initial Mid Final Combined
Madhura - Dethak
Badhai - Dhekhat
Ghusi Baghai - Ghaghak
Ghajah Seghar - Angkhrek
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
Letters Initial Mid Final Combined
Sitkap - Tatak
Tkoran Sutar - Titus
Akhua - Thidhak
Khuran Ikhlab - Theghar
t Thelur Sathin -
Hitham -
In letter d, the subject cannot pronounce the letter
correctly when it is at the beginning and middle of the
word because there are vowels afterwards. So it
sounds not like d but more on "dh". Whereas in the
letter d at the end of the word he can pronounce well.
The second is the letter g, almost the same as the
letter d, he also has difficulty in pronouncing g at the
beginning and middle of the word. Does not sound
like g but more on "gh". While at the end he can recite
it well and precisely.
The third is the letter k, he cannot pronounce
clearly the existence of k at the beginning and middle
of the word. The pronounced k letter almost melts and
approaches other letter vocalizations such as "t".
Examples are "sukar" which sounds like "sutar".
While the letter k which is at the end of the word, he
can pronounce it well.
The fourth is the letter q, the subject can
pronounce the letter q which is at the end of the word.
However, when pronouncing the letter q which is at
the beginning and middle of the word. It doesn't
sound like q but more to the vocalization "kh". For
example, the word "qiraah" .
The fifth is on the letter t, he cannot pronounce
well if t is in front and center of the word. It's not like
a t, but more on "th". But, he can say with the right
vocalization t which is at the end of the word.
The last discussion is in words that have two
consonants that are considered difficult to pronounce
properly. As in the word "rat" will be "titus",
"brother" to "tatak", "close" to "dhekhat", "beat" to
"dethak", not to "thidhak", "crow" to "ghaghak",
"Tough" becomes "theghar", "orchid" becomes
"angkhrek". If the words are spoken at a faster tempo,
it will sound even more obscure and more difficult for
the listeners to understand.
Speech difficulties that are carried by the subject
appear on the phonological level in saying several
letters, so that the opponent's speech feels confused to
understand the sentence he is saying. This causes the
subject to feel inferior because many of his friends
isolate him.
Phonological acquisition of subjects suspected of
being associated with bilingual exposure obtained.
This is characterized by phoneme replacement into th
and dh. In Javanese the two phonemes appear more
than in Indonesian. Subjects have difficulty doing
phonological distinction between d and dh or between
t and th. Generally bilingual or bilingual children
experience differences in language development
patterns but in the interim period (Indah &
Abdurrahman, 2008). In this case the subject
experiences a difference in phonological patterns
through the golden age where the child should have
set the pronunciation ability. This is what causes the
subject to be called to have a language disorder in the
form of delayed maturation of phonological
acquisition that causes speech difficulties.
Not only in the context of the Javanese-
Indonesian bilingual language, phonological
disturbances as experienced by the subject also occur
in the context of the Turkish language. Phonological
disorders detected during the phonological
acquisition process include the reduplication of
certain syllables, syllable removal, consonant
removal, assimilation, sound deviations, and a
number of other difficulties. Phonological difficulties
in this mother tongue will affect the difficulty in
learning other languages, especially in languages that
have different phonological structures (Topbas,
Obstacles in phonological acquisition cannot be
considered simple. This is because the findings that
articulation skills greatly affect fluency in mother
tongue which then affects the fluency of other
languages (Jong & Mora, 2017). As for the subjects
who received exposure to the Javanese language
before then exposure to Indonesian, there was a
phonological influence. When the subject was asked
to recite the words in Indonesian, the phonological
aspects of Javanese as a mother tongue helped
dominate it. This shows that when reciting the second
language there is an activity of motor sensory aspects
that is heavier than when the subject recites the
mother tongue (Simmonds, Wise, Dhanjal & Leech,
2011). This is because brain activity involves a wider
area (Abutalebi, Annoni, Zimine, Pegna, Seghier,
Lee-Jahnke, Lazeyras, Cappa & Khateb, 2008). As a
consequence, subjects with speech barriers will
encounter phonological difficulties.
One of the causes of this phenomenon is the lack
of attention of parents in correcting their words early.
He made several pronunciations but was rarely
justified by parents. As a consequence, habituation is
very influential on the acquisition of children's
language, especially in the field of phonology. Early
phonological correction is seen as significant to
prevent the sustainability of speech barriers. Ideally,
Phonological Acquisition of First Language in a Child with Speech Difficulty
from the age of four, children can be trained in
phonological awareness in order to distinguish
correct and clear pronunciation so that children try to
imitate accurately (Grawburg & Rvachew, 2007).
What is experienced by the subject in this study
included in the category of special speech disorders
that is in the phonological aspects where the subject
experienced delays in phonological acquisition
compared to his peers. At the age of seven-year-old
speakers, acoustic parameters have been formed
according to phonological exposure to their mother
tongue. Children should be able to do phonological
perceptions including how to distinguish the
pronunciation of all consonants correctly. This
maturity is the basis of children's phonological
awareness ability which results in normal
phonological acquisition abilities (Nittrouer, 1996).
The lower the child's ability to recognize the
phonological differences from the pronunciation of
the word as the exposure gained, the lower the
phonological awareness. This is as found from
observations on the subject. Thus, children who are
accustomed to obtaining accurate phonological
exposure can develop phonological awareness or
maximize their phonological gain. In this case, these
findings corroborate the results of the study which
states that children who have speech difficulties
experience lack of phonological acquisition, more
precisely in phonological awareness (Hesketh,
Adams, Nightingale & Hall, 2000).
Based on the results of the research that has been
done, it can be concluded that a 7-year-old child who
experienced several obstacles in acquiring
phonology, he had difficulty in pronouncing several
consonants, including: d, g, k, q, and t. If the letters
are at the beginning and the middle of the word, he
has not been able to memorize properly and correctly.
While at the end of the word, he can pronounce with
the right vocalization.
And if two of the letters are in one word, he has
more difficulty in pronunciation, especially if spoken
at a faster tempo. So, it will cause pronunciation
obscurity so the listener also has difficulty
understanding the spoken word. If this phonological
difficulty does not get treatment, it is possible other
than experiencing social problems, the subject will
experience learning problems, especially because of
the difficulty of spelling correctly. In children with
special language disorders such as those with
phonological difficulties who are not trained in
phonological awareness, they will have the right
reading ability (Warrick, Rubin & Rowe-Walsh,
The risk of phonological difficulties is also
suspected to connect with phonological awareness
and children's literacy abilities. The results show that
children who experience phonological difficulties,
will also have low phonological awareness because
they are not able to distinguish correct and wrong
pronunciation (Bird, Bishop & Freeman, 1995). The
impact ends in spelling difficulties, and often also has
difficulty writing correctly.
One of the causes of disfluency in children is the
environmental factor with the biggest role being in
parents. For children during language acqusition
process, active exposure is badly needed (Aziez,
2016). If lisp is left to school age it can cause children
to feel different from their friends. He will feel
ashamed and feel alien from others, even he will not
want to be told to speak in front of the class for fear
of being laughed at. As a result the child becomes
insecure and will affect the child's self-esteem. Keep
in mind that ages 1-7 years are the golden age for
child growth and development. Parents should pay
more attention to children at this time.
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