Realization of Vertical Settlements with Ecological Concepts, Case:
Dupak, Sombo, and Grudo Flats in Surabaya, Indonesia
and Tri Endangsih
Program Studi of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Budi Luhur, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Flats, Ecological, Ecological Architecture, and Surabaya
Abstract : One of the government's efforts to overcome the problem of informal settlements is by building flats. In Act No.
16 of 1985 Article 37 flats must meet ecological requirements which include harmony and balance of
environmental functions. To improve the quality of the environment and the sustainability of flats in the
future, it’s necessary to conduct research on the application of ecological concepts by evaluating the
physical condition of buildings and the environment of flats. From the results of this study produce
recommendations for the design of an ecological flats namely; ecological improvement in land use,
provision of networks and pedestrian facilities, parking, and provision of public transport lines. Water
conservation and management by developing alternative water other than PDAM sources, management and
processing of waste waste. Energy conservation by developing alternative electrical energy not only from
PLN, utilizing solar energy for natural lighting, health and comfort in the room by optimizing natural
Urban populations in Asian countries experience
faster growth. UN (2014) estimates that by 2030,
55% of the 4.9 billion Asian population will live in
cities(Pravitasari, 2018) and (Rika Kisnarini, 2015).
Urbanization always gives negative and positive
influences to the development in any sectors. The
consequence of urbanization is the rapid to urban
flow area will cause the slum settlements spread
widely, and the micro informal sectors are
mushrooming(Felecia P. Adam, 2017) and (Ernawati
Purwaningsih, 2011). Since the 20th century the
government has begun to implement urban reforms,
village improvement policies and resettlement. This
resulted in an era of transformation of urban villages
in Indonesia began to develop vertical
settlements(Irkham and Utomo, 2017). One of the
big cities with a fast population is Surabaya with
3,016,653 people. This number increased when
compared to last year which was 2,943,528
people(East Java Statistic Center, 2017). in the end it
led to many informal settlements and in the end the
government provided solutions to build flats from
1989 to present(Ramadhani, 2015).
To maintain the continuity of the flat, it has been
regulated in Law No. 16 of 1985 Article 37
concerning wedge buildings must meet ecological
requirements which include harmony and balance of
environmental functions(President of the Indonesian
republic, 1985). In fact, after being built and
inhabited, it affects the way or lifestyle. In Sari et
al's study (2016: 73) revealed a flat solution raises
several new problems(Sari. A. A, Shirleyana,
Feliciani, F, 2016). From several studies on flats
carried out in Surabaya, flats' 'as is' design was
exacerbated by the living habits of the residents,
making the apartment environment look more seedy
and not well organized.
Based on the previous explanation, this research
needs to be done with the aim of evaluating the
physical condition and people who occupy the flat in
the object of research, so that the concept of
ecological settlements can be identified that can be
applied to objects of observation. Evaluation is done
to see the facts of deficiencies and strengths in
settlements or flats to make ecological flats better
and better in the future.
In the evaluation study the application of the concept
of ecological architecture in this flat uses a
Hakim, . and Endangsih, T.
Realization of Vertical Settlements with Ecological Concepts, Case: Dupak, Sombo, and Grudo Flats in Surabaya, Indonesia.
DOI: 10.5220/0009915307200727
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 720-727
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
qualitative exploration approach and for deductive
analysis(Lexy J. Moleong, 2017)and (Sudaryono,
2018). This approach is to evaluate the components
of ecological architecture that have been
implemented and that have not been applied to these
flats, so that it can be known whether this building
has been carried out in accordance with Law No. 16
of 1985 Article 37 concerning flats buildings must
meet ecological requirements.
The things that are evaluated are increasing soil
ecology, movement and connectivity, water
management and conservation, solid waste
management, and building energy. Collecting data in
accordance with the components of architectural
ecology, classifying data in information units,
categorizing and drawing conclusions(Setiawan and
Haryadi, 2010). Data collection techniques by
making direct observations on the object of research
with field notes. Observation by interviewing the
managers and residents of the Flats. Observation
results are then normalized to get new norms as a
basis for the preparation of design recommendations
for future improvements. The object of the study
were three flats built in Surabaya, including: Dupak,
Sombo, and Grudo (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Research location
Source: Research Document, 2018
According to Sugiyono, 2011 the focus of
research is anything that is in whatever form that is
determined by the researcher to obtain the
information, then draws it’s conclusions(Sugiyono,
2011). The focus of the research on the object of this
observation is the physical flats, corridors, blocks
and areas that are associated with ecological design
using green building design standards. after
collecting data categorized and evaluated to produce
design recommendations.
3.1 Definition of Ecology
Ecology is the science that studies the interaction
between organisms and their environment and
others. Derived from the Greek word oikos
("habitat") and logos ("science"). Ecology is defined
as the study of both the interaction between living
things and the interaction between living things and
their environment. The term ecology was first put
forward by Ernst Haeckel (1834-1914). In ecology,
living things are studied as a unit or system with
their environment. The term, "ecology" was first
created by Ernst Haeckel (1834-1919) in 1866.
Haekal defines "comprehensive science about the
relationship of organisms to the environment"
(Frodin 2001 in Attmann, 2010: 32) (Ernst Haeckel,)
as well as Frick and Suskiyatno (2007: 1) saying
ecology is the relationship between living things
(plants, animals, humans ) with its environment (the
light of the relationship of organisms to the
environment, (krebs, (1972) the relationship between
structure and the natural function of interaction
relationships that determine the distribution and
abundance of organisms, temperature, rainfall,
humidity, topography.) Likewise according to
haeckel (1866), Ecology is a comprehensive science,
Odum (1963).
Architectural ecological principles (Batel Dinur,
Interweaving Architecture and Ecology - A
theoretical perspective). The ecological principles
a. Flutuation
The principle of fluctuation states that buildings
are designed and felt as a place to differentiate
between natural culture and process
relationships. Buildings should reflect the natural
process relationships that occur at the site and
more than that allowing a process to be
considered a process and not as a presentation of
the process, more will succeed in connecting
people with the reality in that location.
b. Stratification
The principle of stratification states that building
organizations should emerge from the interaction
of differences in parts and levels. Such an
organization that allows complexity to be
managed in an integrated manner.
c. Interdependence
Stating that the relationship between buildings
and their parts is a reciprocal relationship.
Reviewers (designers and users) as well as
locations cannot be separated from parts of the
Realization of Vertical Settlements with Ecological Concepts, Case: Dupak, Sombo, and Grudo Flats in Surabaya, Indonesia
building, interdependence between buildings and
their parts is sustainable throughout the life of
the building.
Eco architecture emphasizes high-quality
architecture, although quality in the field of
architecture is difficult to measure and determine,
there is no clear boundary line between high-quality
architecture and ordinary architecture(Amiratiara
and Collinthia Erwindi, 2017). Existing phenomena
are architectural qualities that only pay attention to
the shape and construction of buildings and tend to
pay less attention to the quality of life and the
desires of the wearer, even though they are clear
main characters.
Figure 2 The concept of a holistic architectural ecology
Source: (Frick Heins dan Bambang Suskiyanto, 2007)
3.2 Ecological and Architecture
Ecological architecture holistic (whole). Ecological
architecture contains parts of biological architecture
(humanitarian architecture that pays attention to the
health of residents), alternative architecture, solar
architecture (relating to the use and processing of
solar energy), bionic architecture (civil engineering
and construction that takes into account natural
development), and sustainable development. The
holistic nature of ecological architecture(Karyono,
2010) and (Mahardika Ayodia, 2013).
Ecological architecture or eco-architecture is
development carried out as the needs of human life
related to the natural environment (Krusche.
in Frick and Suskiyatno (2007: 52)(Frick Heins dan
Bambang Suskiyanto, 2007) and (Sukawi, 2008) .
Ecological architecture relates primarily to how
ecological properties will affect buildings, their
inhabitants and the environment, ecological
architecture is used to describe the design of
ecological buildings and their balance with nature
Illustrations of the components of ecological
architecture are as it is seen on figure 2.4.
Figure 2.4. Ecological Architecture Components
Source: Krusche. in Frick and Suskiyatno (2007:
52)(Frick Heins dan Bambang Suskiyanto, 2007)
This balance is formed through three main
components(Attmann, 2010) and (Mahardika
Ayodia, 2013), namely:
1. Ecological elements (technology and material),
must be selected from nature or resources from
the earth that are minimally processed,
biodegradable, renewable and low in energy
2. Resource ecology, considering building resources,
site selection, soil type, and groundwater
conditions before construction is designed and
constructed. Water resources and waste
management must be built and used ecologically.
3. Environmental ecology, Prevention of pollution
(air, water and soil), preserving existing
ecosystems. Planning for responsible land use
must address problems by considering the
climate, existing ecosystems and the natural
environment. To see whether a building has met
aspects of ecology can be measured by looking at
the performance or performance of the building.
To evaluate and assess the application of
ecological architecture in buildings that have already
been operated, it can be done with a rating format
from Greenship rating tools, the Green Building
Council Indonesia 2012 for ecological areas can be
seen from several indicators, namely:1). Land
ecological enhancement, 2). Movement and
connetivity, 3). Water management and
conservation, 4). Solid waste, and 5). Building and
energy (Direktorat Pengembangan Perangkat
Penilaian, 2014). Whereas for the house building the
category in ecology is having: 1). Green area, 2).
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
Supporting Infrastructure, 3). Community
Accessibility, 4). Artificial lighting, 5). Heat
reduction, 6). Water-saving output tools, 7). Use of
material, 8). Clean air circulation, 9). Minimization
of pollutant sources, 10). Maximize natural lighting,
11). Acoustic level(Titisari et al., 2012).
The above assessment to determine the level of
application of ecological architecture, the results of
the assessment can be used to improve the
performance of the building so that it can meet the
requirements of comfort, safety and health.
Building a flat should be in accordance with the
designation of land as housing as stipulated in the
Local Spatial Regulation. The five towers studied
are located in the land with residential designation
and in the local residential area. Dupak and Sombo
flats are located in a very dense area with access to
village roads as the main access. while the Grudo
flats are located in areas that are not too densely
populated and have close access to the highway.
Figure 3. Land Use In The Object Of Research
Source: Research Document, 2018
The flat area with single or plural buildings must
be well planned for green open space as a form of
building sustainability with the surrounding
environment. A green open space in the form of a
park that maintains mature trees, the existence of
land for food and land production to accommodate
the activities of flat dwellers with public facilities
such as sports fields and playgrounds. To improve
the ecology of a land, it is necessary to have a Green
Open Space that aims to maintain the harmony and
balance of the ecosystem, to improve the quality and
function of the natural environment and improve the
comfort and health of residents in flats. The
availability of green open spaces in the flat areas in
Surabaya can be categorized into two types:
1. Area with a single building
Grudo flats are single buildings, with single loaded
corridor and middle voids which are used as parks.
In the flat area, there is only one flat block
building. Based on the results of observations
carried out by the two towers, the environment has
a much better quality and an effort to improve the
ecology of the land compared to other flats. In
Grudo flats, there is a green open space that can be
used for interaction and children's play,
maintaining a number of large trees in the area and
the efforts to produce food such as vegetables that
can be directly used by residents, such as vegetable
planting can be seen in the area and in the flat
corridor planted on each floor.
Figure 4. Green Open Space In Grudo Flats
Source: Research Document, 2018
2. Area with plural buildings
Plural buildings in the flat area are in the Dupak
and Sombo flats. In the second area, the flats
have a very large land with more than five flats.
In Dupak flats there are five flats with three
floors, Dupak flats are very minimal with public
facilities, open spaces are used as parking lots for
flats, besides that there is no green space. There
are only a number of trees that are maintained
and some ornamental plants are planted in the
Figure 5. Green Open Space In Dupak And Sombo Flats
Source: Research Document, 2018
In Sombo flats, there are 10 flat blocks with four
floors with adequate public facilities, but in the
Sombo flat area there is not enough green open
space to accommodate public activities as well as to
maintain environmental balance, there are only a
Realization of Vertical Settlements with Ecological Concepts, Case: Dupak, Sombo, and Grudo Flats in Surabaya, Indonesia
number of retained trees and land for vegetable
production in front of the management office.
Figure 6. Green Open Space In Sombo Flats
Source: Research Document, 2018
A good flat area with a single or plural building
must be well planned for green open space as a form
of building sustainability with the surrounding
environment. A green open space in the form of a
park that maintains mature trees, the existence of
land for food and land production to accommodate
the activities of flat dwellers with public facilities
such as sports fields and playgrounds.
3.3 Movement and Connectivity
In an area of flats, pedestrian lanes must be
available, this is aimed at connectivity between
buildings or blocks within the flat area, the ease of
achievement, security and comfort of the residents
and other users. In the five cases of flats in Surabaya
there are no networks and special facilities for khaki
travelers. When viewed from the region, Sombo and
Dupak flats, which have more than one flat block in
the area providing pedestrian paths, should be
available to connect between buildings and
pedestrian paths to enter and exit in the area, while
in Grudo flats which are single buildings and triple
requires more pedestrian paths to enter the area. The
unavailability of pedestrian paths in the towers
causes the vehicles to be sequential in the same road.
Figure 7. Access To Flats
Source: Research Document, 2018
Efforts to encourage flat-dwellers to use public
transportation with the aim of reducing emissions
are also not easy, even though the rusun location is
close to the road access which makes it easy for
residents to access public transportation. For this
reason, it is necessary to have a bus stop near the flat
which can encourage residents to use public
transportation rather than private, but in its
development residents prefer private vehicles such
as motorbikes for daily transportation.
3.3.1 Water Management and Conservation
Generally in the three flats as a case study the
residents use well water and PDAM clean water.
Their well water is used for bathing and washing
purposes while water from PDAM is used for
cooking purposes. In some flats, such as in Sombo,
only using well water for cooking and bathing needs
is caused by inability to pay for clean water from the
PDAM. Problems faced by the residents of the flats,
such as having to bear the burden of water
payments, can be done with the effort to design
alternative water uses that are not from groundwater
and PDAM independently, in addition to reducing
the burden on residents also aims to maintain
ecology. Efforts to use alternative water must be
developed, although not yet optimal in available
Grudo flats, taps that can be drunk directly on each
floor can help the occupants obtain clean water
which can also save energy.
3.4 Solid Waste
Aspects that include ecological design are also the
efforts to implement solid waste management,
namely waste. It aims to reduce the negative impact
of the environment. Ecological flats can be seen
from the selection and collection facilities of three
types of biodegradable waste, inorganic waste, and
waste containing toxic and toxic materials found in
all areas both in buildings, landscaping and public
places. Based on the field observations, out of the
three cases of flats there were only one flats, the
Grudo flats were available, the sorting facilities were
three types of garbage contained in the building and
its area. This was also supported by the cooperation
of the residents who carried out the selection and
collection activities of the garbage so that it went
Figure 8. Waste Sorting Facilities
Source: Research Document, 2018
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
3.5 Conservation Energy
Ecological flats should take advantage of minimal
and economical energy use but still be able to work
efficiently and effectively for residents in flats. This
can be seen in the flats design that utilizes efficient
artificial lighting without reducing lighting quality.
Maximizing natural lighting is one way to save
electricity from the use of lights during the day.
With the use of natural lighting such as sunlight can
be beneficial to health and prevent the growth of
microbes. In the case study of the three flats, there
were two flats, namely Dupak and Sombo flats,
which kept lighting on the corridors, housing units,
kitchens, bathrooms throughout the day. This is
influenced by the shape of the corridor, stairway
placement, and the type and dimension of openings
Figure 8. Use Of Electrical Energy Source: Research Document,
The use of single loaded corridor is a fairly good
form applied to flats as seen in the case of Grudo
flats. In addition to the problem of energy use that
must be minimal, energy conservation can be seen
by the efforts to use alternative energy sources. In
the third case of flats there was one flats that had
used solar cells as an effort to use alternative energy,
namely in the Grudo flats. The efforts to use solar
cells can reduce the electricity burden that must be
borne by the occupants at the stacking house and
reduce the impact on the environment associated
with electricity-based electricity generation.
Figure 9. Use of photovoltaics as alternative electricity
Source: Research Document, 2018
3.6 Indoor Health And Comfort
In the case study of flats, there are two types of flats.
Where in Dupak flats, Sombo uses a kitchen and
communal bathroom. While Flats Grudo uses a
kitchen and private bathroom. So that this section
will be divided into two parts. Based on the results
found in the field of natural ventilation and air
circulation (exchange) is not optimal in Dupak and
Sombo flats. This can be seen from: Openings and
Openings Type used by flats. The inlet type must be
able to direct the air motion as evenly as possible,
and optimize the air rate and change the air in space
and open the lid flexibly as needed. Basically the
entry and exit of air and wind. Cross ventilation
helps to optimize natural air inside the room. Based
on the results of the analysis of the three flats that
have optimal natural ventilation are in the Grudo
Figure 10. System Of Ventilation In Grudo Flats
Source: Research Document, 2018
Figure 11. Development of natural ventilation systems
Source: Research Document, 2018
Realization of Vertical Settlements with Ecological Concepts, Case: Dupak, Sombo, and Grudo Flats in Surabaya, Indonesia
The conclusions of this study are:
1. Land ecological enhancement and community in
these three cases can be classified in single and
multiple land uses. Input to land use and use for
public facilities is to provide green open space for
the public, preservation of plant habitat, providing
a productive community / garden community for
residents to produce their own food ingredients.
Provide land for animal raising so as not to keep
animals in the flat. Provide land for children's
playroom and space for interaction among the
residents. Provide land for sports fields and
provide a hall to accommodate the social cultural
activities of residents.
2.Movement and connectivity of three cases that
have provided pedestrian networks and facilities,
shared parking and vehicle lanes are grudo towers.
Recommendation on Movement and connectivity
are providing pedestrian paths within the area and
between buildings with natural materials so that
rainwater can directly absorb into the soil. Provide
a shared parking space located at the bottom of the
building to avoid on street parking.
3.On the Water management and conservation of the
three cases that have been implemented in the
Grudo flats in the presence of water ready to drink
from the faucet and the provision of trash bins and
waste disposal treatment tanks. Recommendations
on Water management and conservation by
planning rainwater harvesting systems to water
plants in green open spaces and flat gardens. In
addition, it can plan the processing of liquid waste
to be managed into alternative energy such as
4. In the management of solid waste in three cases of
buildings that have implemented Grudo flats, there
are three types of waste available in the building
and the area. For that, it is necessary to provide a
container, sorting and processing facilities for
waste, so that from the processing of the waste,
organic fertilizer can be produced which can be
used to fertilize the green open spaces and gardens
in the flats.
5. The optimal use of natural ventilation in flat units
with cross ventilation design so that the wind
moves evenly. wide openings dimension without
obstruction so that wind speed is higher, use single
loaded corridor to avoid obstruction of air into the
space by planning a plan of each rectangular plan
so that natural ventilation will be evenly
distributed throughout the room
6. In energy conservation, the three cases that have
applied alternative energy are Grudo flats by
utilizing solar energy as a source of energy for
electricity using photovoltaic devices. a
recommendation for energy conservation is to
develop alternative energy that is already available
for electricity. efficient use of electrical energy by
optimizing natural lighting in buildings with north
south building orientation so that natural lighting
will be evenly distributed throughout the flats,
using single loaded corridors to avoid darkness on
the inside of the corridor and the optimal use of
transparent openings with wide dimens on the
Thanks to the director of research and dedication to
the community of Budi Luhur university, as well all
managers and communities who live in flats that are
the research samples for the permission and data
support we receive for the benefit of this research.
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Realization of Vertical Settlements with Ecological Concepts, Case: Dupak, Sombo, and Grudo Flats in Surabaya, Indonesia