How Problem based Learning Integrated STEM Affects to Science
Literacy on the Aspect Content of Science
Evi Sapinatul Bahriah
, Dedi Irwandi
Faculty of Tarbiya and Teachers Training, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah, Indonesia
Keywords: Problem Based Learning; STEM; Science Literacy, Content of Science
Abstract: Scientific literacy is one of the 21st century competencies that must be mastered by the pre-service teachers
of chemistry in order to compete the challenges in both national and international. One of the aspects of
literacy is a science content, namely chemical essential concepts needed to understand natural phenomena
and changes towards nature performed by human activity. This research aims to find out the effect of
problem-based learning integrated to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) towards
the enhancement of science literacy particularly on the science content. The content of science that
examined are chemical kinetics with indicator: the relationship between the concentration of reactants and
time; energy dependence of the rate constants and activation against temperature; and the factors that affect
the rate of reaction. The research method used was weak experimental designs through the one-group
pretest-posttest design. The research sample is 34 students on the fourth semesters of Chemistry Education
in the academic year 2016/2017. Furthermore, the instruments used in this research is an essay test. The data
obtained were analyzed by quantitative descriptive technique. The results showed an average rating of 49.2
pre-test and average value of 69.5 posttest with value N-Gain (%) amount to 39.1 (medium). Therefore, the
model of problem-based learning integrated science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)
provides a positive contribution towards the enhancement of student's science literacy.
The 21st Century is commonly known as the
globalization era which influence various aspects of
life including the implementation of the education.
Furthermore, education is being the important aspect
to ensure the students in order to have basic skills to
learn and innovate using a technology, understand
the information media, be able to work together, and
survive by using life skills (Murti, 2015). In
addition, the education also should be capable to
produce the competent human resources and be able
to compete in the real world (Wijaya, et al, 2016).
Besides, to enhance the students’ ability in the 21st
century, the character education must be
implemented in the education.
The science literacy is an individual's capacity to
use scientific knowledge, identify questions, draw
conclusions based on the evidence in order to
understand and help the students to make decisions
about the natural world and the interaction people to
the nature (OECD, 2009; 2013; Bahriah, 2014).
Also, it can be defined as person's ability to
understand science, communicating science both
oral and written form and implement scientific
knowledge to solve the problems (Toharudin, 2011).
Based on the definition of both the experts we can
conclude that science literacy is the ability of a
person to be able to solve the problem by using
knowledge of science. Miller (1998, in Permanasari,
2016) posited that science literacy can be defined as
the ability to read and write about science and
technology. A person's ability in science was
strongly influenced by the systematic way of
thinking, logical and rational, which is highly trained
in mathematical potential. Both of these capabilities
will be used to conduct a critical analysis of a
phenomenon in science, use it anyway at the
moment someone doing troubleshooting context-
related science. The ability to think logically and
rationally is one of the aspects of mathematical
literacy. A literat towards mathematics, usually will
have the ability to think of the phenomenon that was
discovered with a logical, systematic, and troubled
by critical thoughts (Permanasari, 2016).
Bahriah, E. and Irwandi, D.
How Problem based Learning Integrated STEM Affects to Science Literacy on the Aspect Content of Science.
DOI: 10.5220/0009914000300037
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 30-37
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Therefore, the science literacy is very important
to be developed because everyone needs a lot of
information and knowledge to determine a correct
choice and solve the problems faced in every day. It
contributes in the social’s life and the household
management in the decision-making process
(Laugksch,, 1999). According to Hayat (2010)
the science literacy is needed to as a rule model to
compete the complex problems in this global world.
The nature of science literacy is considered by three
elements such as knowledge about the content,
understand the knowledge and conduct a scientific
research (Wenning, 2006).
However, the assessment study conducted by
PISA (Program for International Student
Assessment) revealed that learning science in
Indonesia less successful in enhancing the science
literacy ability. This fact was revealed by the results
of PISA study in 2000 that ranked Indonesia in the
position of 38 from 41 participated countries with
the average score of the test for about 393; in 2003
Indonesia was ranked into 38 out of 41 participated
countries with an average score 395. While
Indonesia was ranked in the position of 57 from 65
countries with the average score of 383 (OECD,
2009), and by the year 2015 Indonesia was only able
to occupy a position 64 of 65 countries.
Based on the data of PISA analysis results, it
showed that Indonesia got low score in literacy
achievement particularly about 29% to 34% for the
content, process, and 32% for context (Permanasari,
2016). The content of science is one of the
dimensions of scientific literacy refers to essential
chemical concepts necessary to understand natural
phenomena and changes towards nature performed
by human activity (PISA, 2009). According to
Ogunkula (2013) the way to to improve the literacy
of science in science learning is by connecting a
concept of science with emerging topics and
interesting in real life.
Based on the problems mentioned above, it is
very important to develop a model of learning that
can enhance the science literacy, particularly on
aspects of science content. One of the learning
models that can be developed is a problem-based
learning model. It becomes one of the learning
approaches that serve many contextual issues that
can stimulate the creativity of learners to find
concepts and solve problems in daily life (Arends,
2007). Through problem-based learning, the students
can get various exposure to increase their knowledge
and also, they can apply their knowledge in the real
life. A significant benefit of problem-based learning
provides the opportunity to solve the problem in
accordance with individual styles of learners
(Sanjaya, 2011). According to the results of the
research conducted by Jones (1996b), he concluded
that the enhancement of students’ ability in learning
through problem-based learning model is able to
activate the learners’ basic knowledge, develop the
students’ thinking process, becomes more familiar
and understand the context in the real world. In
addition, it is also a problem-based learning, an
emphasis on the learning inquiries (Wang,,
Further on, problem-based learning is currently
need to follow the developments of the age in the era
of globalization by integrating Science, Technology,
Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). The link
between science and technology as well as other
science cannot be separated in the learning of
science. STEM is a disciplined science that are
closely related to each other. It requires Math as a
tool in processing data, while technology and
technique application of science. Approach to
learning in the STEM is expected to yield
meaningful learning for students through the
integration of knowledge, concepts, and skills
systematically. Some of the benefits of the approach
STEM make students to solve problems better,
innovators, inventors, independent, logical thinker,
and technological literacy (Morrison, 2006, in
Stohlmann, Moore, & Roehrig, 2012, p. 29). The
application of STEM in learning can encourage
learners to design, develop and utilize technology,
sharpening cognitive, affective, and manipulative as
well as apply the knowledge (Kapila, 2014;
Permanasari, 2016).
Therefore, the application of a suitable STEM to
the study of science particularly chemistry. STEM-
based learning can train students in applying their
knowledge to create a design as a form of problem
solving related environment by leveraging
technology. STEM has been applied in a number of
developed countries like the United States, Japan,
Finland, Australia and Singapore. Application of the
STEM can be supported by a variety of learning
methods. The integrative nature of the STEM allows
a variety of learning methods can be used to support
their application (Permanasari, 2106). Refer to the
wedge between science literacy and creativity with
the close study found a number of results of research
that supports the use of problem-based learning.
Problem based learning integrated STEM can give a
chance on learners to apply knowledge on
issues/problems as a form of problem solving.
The material is selected in this research is
chemical kinetics. This is due to the material
How Problem based Learning Integrated STEM Affects to Science Literacy on the Aspect Content of Science
chemical kinetics are seen meet the three basic
principles of election content PISA expressed by
Hayat and Yusuf (2010), namely: (1) concepts to be
tested must be relevant to everyday life situations
that are real; (2) the concept of chemical kinetics is
estimated to still be relevant at least for the next
decade; and (3) the concept should be related to
competency of the process i.e. the knowledge not
only rely on the student's memory and deals only
with certain information. Chemical kinetics is one of
the chemical materials that is abstract but very close
to everyday life because of its application.
Based on the exposure, still rare researchers who
developed a model of a model of integrated
problem-based learning science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics (STEM) against
science literacy students. Therefore, researchers are
interested in researching and developing further on
how the development of the model the model
integrated problem-based learning science,
technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)
in improving science literacy students on the science
This research is classified into a quantitative
research methodology which used weak
experimental method through the one-group pretest-
posttest design (Fraenkel, et al., 2006).
Table 1: The One-Group Pretest-Postest Design
= Pretest; O
= Postest; X = Implementation PBL
integrated STEM
Furthermore, the writers involved all of the
Chemistry Education students in academic year
2016/2017 as the population of this research. As the
result, thirty-four students of Chemistry Education in
the fourth semester (4B) were chosen to participate
in the research. In addition, to collect the data of the
research the writers also provided an essay test as
the research instrument and questionnaire. It is given
twice during conducting the research particularly at
the pre-test and the posttest. Therefore, the data was
gathered and calculated through N-Gain score. The
formula to calculate the N-Gain score was adapted
from Meltzer (2002) as follow:
To be more specific, there were 3 categories in
%N-Gain result such as high score (g>70), medium
score (70g30) and low score (g<30) (Hake, 1998).
The questionnaire results in the form of student
and teacher responses were processed based on a
Likert Scale test. After scoring then the data is
changed in percentage form. The percentage
obtained is then interpreted in sentence form as
shown in Table 2 below.
Table 2: Interpretation % (Arikunto, 2006)
Average (%) Category
80-100 Very well
66-79 Good
56-65 Enaough
40-55 Less
0-39 More less
The research flow can be seen in Figure 1:
Figure 1: Research Flow
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
3.1 Result
To know the learning model that has been
implemented whether influence to the result of
students’ learning, the data will be analyzed by
comparing the average of pre-test score and the
percentage of N-Gain. The result of the overall
students’ learning can be seen from following Figure
Figure 2: The Result of the Overall Students’
Based on the data above, it can be said that the
average score of the pre-test and the posttest is about
49.2 and 69.5 relatively with N-Gain score
accounting to 39.1% which is categorized in the
medium level (Hake. 1998). It proves that the
implementation of problem-based learning model
integrated to Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics (STEM) can improve the overall
student learning outcomes.
After collecting the data, the writers analyzed the
students’ learning outcomes in each aspect of
science content. It was carried out during the pre-test
and the posttest of the implementation of problem-
based learning integrated to Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). Therefore,
the result of students’ learning outcomes in each
aspect of science content can be explained through
the Figure 3 below:
K1: The relationship between the reactant
concentration and its time
K2: The activation of an energy and the dependence
of a constant rate towards its temperature
K3: The factors that can influence the reaction rate
Figure 3: The Students’ Learning Outcomes in Each
Aspect of the Science Content
Based on the Figure: 3 above, it proved that all
of the science content aspect increased drastically
shown by the average score of N-Gain for about
60.6% in K1 which explaining about the relationship
between the reactant concentration and the time.
The responses of students to problem based
learning learning integrated with STEM are as
Table 3: Student Response to Learning conducted
No Indicator Average % Category
1 Students' attitude
towards learning the
Chemical Kinetics
69.85 Good
2 Students' attitude
towards learning with
Integrated Problem
Based Learning
Science, Technology,
Engineering, and
Mathematics (STEM)
71.32 Good
Average 70.59 Good
Based on table 3. its can be seen that the average
value of student responses to learning that has been
done is good. This is indicated by the average score
How Problem based Learning Integrated STEM Affects to Science Literacy on the Aspect Content of Science
on indicator 1. Students 'Chemical Kinetics Concept
attitude towards learning was 69.85 (Good) and on
indicators 2. Students' attitude towards learning with
Integrated Problem Based Learning Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)
of 71.32 (Good).
3.2 Discussion
Learning by using Integrated Problem Based
Learning Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics (STEM) was conducted on the concept
of Chemical Kinetics for 4 meetings. The first
meeting students were given a 20-minute pretest.
The second and third meetings were the
implementation of learning for 3x50 minutes and the
fourth meeting was conducted at the same time as a
The scientific literacy dimension measured in
this study is science content. Content of science is
one of the dimensions of scientific literacy that
refers to essential chemical concepts needed to
understand natural phenomena and changes to nature
carried out by human activities (PISA, 2009).
Therefore the aim of this research is to know the
enhancement of the students’ science literacy on the
aspect of science content through the problem-based
learning integrated to the STEM.
Problem-based learning model is one learning
model that presents contextual problems that can
stimulate students' creativity to find concepts and
solve problems in everyday life (Arends, 2007).
Problem-based learning focuses on real-world
problem solving (Johnson & Lamb, 2007).Syntac of
problem based learning is.
Figure 4: Syntac PBL (Arends, 2007)
The STEM approach in the learning process in
this study is carried out with an integrated or
integrated approach. That is an approach that
integrates two or more disciplines and is the best
approach for STEM learning (Winarni, 2016). The
implementation of problem based learning learning
integrated STEM is a STEM component, namely
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
integrated into the stages of problem based learning.
The component of science is the concept of kinetics
in life. The technology comon is the use of ICT in
learning, both as a learning medium and as a
learning resource. Engineering component is
learning through the practicum of the concept of
chemical kinetics. Where students are asked to
determine tools and materials and design
experiments. The mathematical component is the
formula of the kinetics concept in determining the
reaction order, reaction rate constants, concentration
and others.
Based on the graph 2, the average score of N-
Gain (%) obtained amounted to 39.1 (medium) with
an average rating of 49.2 pre-test and posttest of
69.5. Whereas, Hake (1998) stated that the N-Gain
score is not included in medium score. Therefore, it
showed that the learning process using an integrated
problem-based learning approach in Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)
learning outcomes can improve overall student for
about 39.1%.
Beside analyzing the overall result of the
students’ learning, the writers also carried out the
analysis of the students learning outcomes based on
each aspect of science content. Specifically, the
writers focused on several aspects of science content
to be measured. For instance, the relationship
between the reactant concentration and its time (K1),
the activation of an energy and the dependence of a
constant rate towards its temperature (K2), and the
factors that can influence the reaction rate (K3).
Further on, the content was taught by using the
context that exists in everyday life, such as: benefits
of iodine, catalysis, the cooking process, and others.
Moreover, this was due to the integration of context
into learning concepts in creating the teaching and
learning process becomes more interactive,
innovative (Ramsden, in Jong, 2006) and easy to be
understood (Johnson, 2007). This statement was in
line to the result of the research conducted by
Bahriah (2012) and Asniar (2012) which stated that
the use of the surrounded context can enhance the
students’ science literacy in teaching and learning
Based on the data, all of the aspects of science
content had increased significantly shown by the
average score of N-Gain in general. The increasing
average score was rose by the content entitled the
relationship between the reactant concentration and
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
the time for about 60.6% and established in the
medium level. This content contained a lot of
concepts requiring to analyze and understand in
depth. In contrast, the content entitled the activation
of an energy and the dependence of a constant rate
towards its temperature increased slowly only for
about 27.4% and included to the low level. In
accordance with the results of the study Sinaga
(2006, in Nazar) states that almost 50% of students
have difficulty understanding the concept of the
effect of catalysts and temperature on the reaction
rate. A lot of students faced a cognitive conflict and
a misunderstanding about the reaction rate in first
order, second order and the relationship to the
activation of the energy. While the content on
“factors that affect the reaction rate” ascended to
29.4% and is included in the low category. It was
caused by the existence of various concepts which
needed the implementation in our daily life. So, they
can be easier to catch up the materials and find their
own concept and answer the questions given to the
The level of students' understanding of the
concept of kinetics kinetics can also be seen from
the results of practical activities. Practical activities
are conducted to see how the integration process of
integrated STEM problem based learning models
and to determine student performance. The
following is the data on student lab results.
Figure 5: Data Practicum Activity
Practical activities are assessed from several
aspects, namely: the value of the pretest, initial
report, performance, final report, and average value.
The average value of the pretest is 76.56; the
average value of the initial report is 40.88;
performance value of 76.38; the final report value is
45.32. The average value of the overall student
practicum is based on 79.72.
As the result, it could be concluded that each
science content rose significantly. On the other
words, the model of problem-based learning
integrated to Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics (STEM) provided a positive effect to
the teaching and learning process which became
more interactive and innovative, and also enhance
the students’ science literacy. STEM education can
develop when it is associated with the environment,
so that a learning is realized that presents the real
world experienced by students in everyday life
(NRC, 2011). In line to the Lam, D.M et al (2008)
statement that the learners were involved in
contextual learning and hands-on learning activities
through STEM approach. So, it can be an
appropriate approach to motivate learners in learning
and acquiring new knowledge. Gutherie et al. (2000)
also stated that the integration of STEM in learning
can improve the learning motivation of students and
develop the students’ critical thinking ability.
Asghar, Ellington, Rice, Johnson and Prime (2012)
also state the integration of STEM (Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) with
the perception of Problem Based Learning education
that encourages students to learn about nature
through exploration, investigation, and problem
solving through experience.
This is strengthened based on the recapitulation
of student responses to learning that is used in
general giving a positive response to learning using
problem-based learning (Problem Based Learning)
Integrated Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics (STEM). This can be shown by the
average score of 70.59 in the good category
(Arikunto, 2006). This means that the attitude of
students towards the basic courses shows an open
and enthusiastic attitude to explore further. So that
students are interested in finding, exploring, and
digging information from various sources about the
material being studied and the material they are
Based on the data analysis and the research findings,
it can be concluded that the implementation of
problem-based learning integrated to Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)
can enhance the students’ science literacy
particularly in the science aspect for about 39.1%.
Research can be continued by using more
samples and the control class, using a virtual lab or
linking technology in learning. Problem based
learning can be integrated using the approach of
How Problem based Learning Integrated STEM Affects to Science Literacy on the Aspect Content of Science
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
(STEM) in the learning of science.
The writers would like to express a gratitude to
Puslitpen LP2M Universitas Islam Negeri Jakarta
for funding this research and all academicians for
helping the writers during the research.
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How Problem based Learning Integrated STEM Affects to Science Literacy on the Aspect Content of Science