Narration of the Heaven Gates in Manuscript of Hadits Duqa
Samidi Khalim
, Nur Hasaniyah
Peneliti Khazanah Keagamaan Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Agama Semarang
Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Keywords: Manuscript, Philology, The chapters of Heaven.
Abstract: This paper is summary of philological research which describes the narration of the heaven gates based on
the Manuscript of the Hadith Duqa. Philology in itself was linked to texts. It had to do with both,
interpreting the text of Hadith Duqa and preserving the original text in a world were transmission was based
on manual copying. Hadith Duqa is Javanesse manuscript with Pegonese script that very vulnerable and the
content (text) is fading, hard to read. Besides that, the characters and language in the script are also difficult
to understand by today's generation. Hadith Duqa scripts need to be preserved their contents before the
script begins to get damaged due to age and environment. Therefore one of the steps to save the manuscript
is by doing the transfer of media or digitalization and study of its contents (text). The Manuscript of Hadit
Duqa contains various Islamic teachings related to eschatology (the last day), but the focus of the study is
only on the narratives of the gates of heaven. Based on the Manuscripts of Hadith Duqa, there are eight
doors of heaven: the door of the Prophet, the door of prayer, the door of the zakat, the door of amar makruf
nahi munkar, the door overcomes the lust, the door jihad fi sabilillah, the door of hajj and umroh, and the
door of obedience to parents.
The condition of the Hadith Duqa (HD) manuscript
is very concerning, the paper has been break with
age, writing or texts began to fade and hard to read.
The manuscript must be saved by media transfer or
digitizing and study the content. The Hadith Duqa
manuscript is written in Pegon script and Javanese
that less familiar to today’s generations (Behrend,
1993; Rachman, 2017; Saraswati, 2016). HD scripts
need to be preserved to preserve their contents
before the script begins to get damaged due to age
and environment. Through philological research in
various stages, the contents of the manuscript can be
saved. The manuscript will be edited or translated
and translated, so the manuscript can be read and
understood. While in content, the text of HD is very
important to understand, because it contains many
teachings of Islam, such as telling about Dajjal,
describe of end the world, the day of resurrection to
the story of the ferocity of hell and happiness in
heaven. All of described in Hadith Duqa Manuscript
tell in Java Language and social conditions of Java
community, special character of Javanese society.
This is the reason why research on this manuscript
of Duqa had to be done.
This manuscript contains a variety of Islamic
teachings related to eschatology (the end of the day).
The Great Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) explains
that eschatology is a theology of the end of time like
the end of the world, the resurrection of all humans,
the existence of heaven and hell and so on (KBBI,
2005: 308). Experts define eschatology as a doctrine
of the end, discussing beliefs related to the final
incarnations of human life such as death, doomsday,
end of world, resurrection, final judgment, heaven
and hell and so on (Sibawaihi, 2004: 13; Oetari et
al., 2016). Based on these two meanings, it can be
said that eschatology is a teaching relating to human
beliefs about life after death or the afterlife.
Narrated in the HD manuscript there are eight
doors in heaven which includes the sequence from
the first door to the last door and its designation. The
heaven doors have levels according to human status
on earth and charity. Then, it is also explained the
names of the eight heavens and the conditions in
them which include the material forming the heaven,
its features and the distance between the eight doors.
Khalim, S. and Hasaniyah, N.
Narration of the Heaven Gates in Manuscript of Hadits Duqa.
DOI: 10.5220/0009911905640568
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 564-568
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Narrative of the afterlife, life after death is very
interesting discussion, because it tells of events that
have never happened in the world and will happen in
the end times (Christomy, 2007). For Muslims
believe in the final day is obligatory, for being one
of the six pillars of faith. The end of the age has
already been explained in the Qur'an and hadith. The
belief in the coming of the ending which is followed
by the afterlife is a fundamental tenet of Islam, one
of the six pillars of faith. Allah SWT in the last day
will do the calculation of the deeds of human deeds
justly and carefully, for his servants who believe and
do good deeds and always obey His command and
stay away from his prohibition, then they will be
rewarded with the pleasure of heaven, while
unbelievers will be tortured in hell. Therefore the
truly faithful Muslims will do obedience to Allah
SWT as much as possible, in order to later get he
reward of heaven by His side. So through the study
of philology Manuscript of Hadith Duqa will be
presented how the doors to enter the paradise.
The firts step in philology research is identification
of manuscript, edit of text, transliteration, and then
analysis of the content. But in this paper not all steps
in philology research are shown, only identification
of the manuscript and content analisys.
To identification of the manuscript, so we have
to know who is the owner. The manuscript of Hadith
Duqa is author's own has been stored for 5 years
ago, but has not been reviewed. This manuscript is
made of striped folio paper, has no paper stamp, and
the text is written in black ink. The physical
condition of this manuscript requires extra care,
because the paper is fragile, the ink used to write the
text through the paper so there is some text that is
hard to read. In addition there are several pages that
have been torn and missing.
The manuscript of Hadits Duqa had a length of
36,5 cm and a width of 23 cm, consisting of six tails,
55 sheets (110 pages), and the number of lines per
page was 40. There was no front or back cover. The
language used in the script is the Javanese language,
written in Pegon script, no number in writing.
There are illustrations in the first page of the
manuscript, middle and end pages do not have
illustrations. At the end of the text is written:
Tamat. Wallahu a’lam bissowwab, wal insana
mahallul khata’ wa nisyan, sdaya sderek kang
sami ningali punika hadis masih panjang. Margi
dilajngipun masih kurang cakb punika nama,
dados wulan Rajab tanggal spisan dinane slasa
kliwon tahun H Tahun pitu 7 - 1253 ingkang gadah
iki hadis dajal lan hadis duqa’ setiting punika Hajji
Ismail Mijn inggh punika tamat. Wallahu a’lam”.
In the text HD discusses the whole of heaven and its
contents. Jannah (heaven) is a pleasure that God
promises to the devout and pious people of the world
to Allah SWT. The literal meaning of "Jannah" is the
cover, the veil and concealment. Then the word
"Jannah" is defined as a shady tree. The word is used
to refer to a garden in which many trees are shady
(Islam, 2001: 225; Jones, 1983). The discussion of
Jannah is very important for Muslims. Jannah or
heaven as the ultimate terminal of eternal human
life, in return Allah Almighty for submission and
obedience while living in the world. Reading the
heavenly nature and the great pleasures in it is very
interesting to examine, then through this script of
this Duqa Hadith we will get narration how to reach
it. There are many ways to get the pleasure of
Talking about the nature of heaven and the great
pleasures in it is very interesting, then through this
script Hadith Duqa will get narration how to achieve
it. In the text of the Hadith Duqa mentioned there are
many ways to reach the pleasure of heaven. There
are eight doors in heaven, each door is reserved for
different classes depending on the level of the deeds
of worship while in the world (Sugahara, 2007;
Wieringa, 2016). The doors of heaven are prepared
by Allah in the hereafter, in return for those who
have faith and piety. Every door of heaven has
certain criteria to show who is entitled to enter from
the first door to the eighth door. This is as described
in the Hadith Duqa Manuscript as follows.
Pira-pira lawange suwarga angandika Ibnu
Abas keduwe suwarga iku wulung lawang saking
emas kang den tretes kelawan Suca kang tinulis
ingatase lawang kang awwal apa lafazh lailaha
illallah muhammadun rasulullah. utawi bab awwal
iku lawange para Nabi lan para utusan kabeh lan
para syahid-syahid lan para wong kang luman
(Hadith Duqa, P. 2).
Based on the Manuscript of Hadith Duqa (HD)
the gates of heaven are namely:
Narration of the Heaven Gates in Manuscript of Hadits Duqa
3.1 The Door of Prophet and the
Messenger of Allah
The first chapter discusses the door of Prophets, the
messengers of Allah, the sahid and the generous
people. This heavenly door is the most special door
and for the special people. Humans who reach the
highest levels in the degree of humanity that God
wants to enter heaven through that door. This first
door has a carving on it that reads lafad "la ilaha
illallah muhammadur rasulullah".
The Prophet is the highest rank in the degree in
the eyes of Allah, the glorious man promised
heaven. The chosen man who brings the word of
God to be delivered to mankind as a guidance of the
way of truth to those who follow and misguidance to
those who oppose it. Allah has given glory to the
Prophets of the world and given the privilege of
heaven. The privilege God gave to the sahid and the
generous people to enter through the main door with
the Prophet. The martyrs and the philanthropy have
the honour and glory to enter paradise with the
classes of prophets and apostles. This is explained in
the HD script.
“kang tinulis ingatase lawang kang awwal apa
lafazh lailaha illallah muhammadun rasulullah.
utawi bab awwal iku lawange para Nabi lan para
utusan kabeh lan para syahid-syahid lan para wong
kang luman” (Hadith Duqa, P. 2).
People who die in the way of Allah SWT (fi
sabilillah) will get the privilege of entering heaven
through the first door. They are the martyrs who
have sacrificed their souls and bodies in order to
fight for the religion of Allah SWT, so that the
moment of death to pick up the glory at His side. In
addition to martyrs, generous people also get the
glory to be with the prophets and apostles into the
heavens. They are the people who sincerely neglect
their property in the way of Allah SWT as described
in the Qur'an (Q.S. al-Baqarah: 3).
3.2 The Door of Salah
The second heaven's chapter is talking about the
people who establish prayers. For Muslims Salah
(prayer) is mandatory worship, even as a medium
communicates with the Creator of the universe.
Prayer also becomes a medium of fostering a
harmonious relationship between a person and his
family, society, and even the human relationship
with nature around him. With the prayer of a
Muslim can be better and noble toward true
happiness. In addition, it can also guide people to
live in harmony with the will of God, so as to deliver
the spirit united with the Almighty. Absolute and
everlasting happiness will also be gained in the
afterlife, ie the return of heaven and meet with Allah
SWT. This is described in the following HD script.
“Utawi bab kapindo iku lawange wongkang
pada alat kabeh kang pada bagusakn kabeh ing
wuune, lan pira-pira rukune alat” (HD,P.2).
3.3 The Door of Zakat
The third door of heaven is the door of the people
who are zakat experts with a good heart towards all
people. Allah SWT rewards so greatly to the people
who give zakat. Zakat means to give some of his
wealth in Ramadhan that is finished fasting on the
last day until before the implementation of Eid
Allah so loves those who zakat with a sincere
and well-behaved heart towards all people, until it
has been prepared for them the gates of heaven that
are wide open for those who are willing to pay zakat.
But God also hates those who do not want to pay
zakat when he is able to do it. Described HD
“Utawi bab kang kaping telune iku lawange
wongkang ahli zakat kabeh klawan bagus atine
wong iku kabeh”. (HD, P. 2).
3.4 The Door of Amar Ma’ruf Nahi
The fourth door concerns with those people who call
upon good (amar makruf) and prevents in evil (nahi
munkar). Useful human beings are beneficial to
others, one of which is to remind or prevent one's
brother in the ugliness or deed which is forbidden by
Allah SWT and invite together when doing good or
good deeds. Described in HD script: “Utawi bab
kang kaping pat iku lawange wongkang akon
klawan kbagusan lan wongkang nygah saking
pkara mungkar”. (HD,P. 2).
Inviting good and preventing munkar is the main
characteristic of believers. The Qur'an describes the
qualities of the faithful and the righteous, one of
them is to invite the good and to prevent munkar.
One's faith will be perfect with this amar ma'ruf nahi
munkar. Faith is the basis for every righteous deed,
by appealing to the good and preventing to munkar
is the trait that distinguishes oumat Islam with other
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
3.5 The Door to Win against the Lust
The fifth chapter is reserved for those who are able
to control their lusts from sahwat, vile and unjust
acts. Man's lust is the greatest enemy to the believers
(mukmin). So Allah SWT gives assurance of heaven
for people who are able to defeat their lust when
living in the world. The reply of Allah SWT to the
people able to defeat his lust is described in the
Manuscript of Hadith Duqa as follows.
“Utawi bab kang kaping lima iku lawange
wongkang nugl ing napsune saking pira-pira
syahwat lan nygah wong ing npsu saking manut
hawa”. (HD, P. 2). Meaning: "The fifth chapter
explains that the gates of heaven are reserved for
those who are capable of breaking the sahwat and
not following their lusts".
3.6 The Door of Hajj and Umrah
The door Hajj and Umrah. Hajj as a duty or pillar of
Islam that must be undertaken by every Muslim is
discussed in chapter six. Hajj and Umrah are two
types of worship that have many similarities, but
also have many principal differences. Described in
HD script: “Utawi bab kaping nem iku lawange
wongkang pada ajji lan wongkang umrah kabeh.”
(HD, P. 2).
Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam, obligatory for
capable people. Language, the word hajj meaning al-
qashdu, which means deliberate, or intentional doing
something grand. It is said hajja ilaina fulan means
fulan come to us, and the meaning of rajulun mahjuj
is the person in question (Sarwat, 2011: 22;
Rachman, Y.B., 2017).
While umrah worship is a glimpse similar to the
pilgrimage, but still Umrah is not a pilgrimage. If
detailed further, umrah is a small haj, where some
hajj rituals are done in the umrah worship. So it can
be said that the umrah worship is a reduced
pilgrimage. By Umrah term is visiting the Ka'bah to
perform the ritual of worship is to do thawaf and sa'i
(Sarwat, 2011: 24). Umrah does not have a certain
time like Hajj that can only be done at a certain time.
If done outside of Hajj time into Umrah. This Hajj
and Umrah worship is one of the criteria of Muslims
who enter Paradise from the sixth door, the door of
Hajji and Umrah.
3.7 Jihad fi Sabilillah
The seventh chapter is related to the concept of jihad
in the way of Allah. Jihad is one of the most highly
recommended attitudes in Islamic religion. The
meaning of jihad itself is trying earnestly, but its
meaning becomes more widespread so it can be
interpreted by fighting against the unbelievers or
against lust. Fighting in the time of the Messenger of
Allah was those who fought against the unbelievers
who opposed the religion of Islam by bringing
swords and troops to attack the infidels. Allah SWT
gives the reward of heaven for people who jihad fi
sabilillah, with the supply of this seventh door. This
is described in the following HD script.
“Utawi bab kaping pitu iku lawange wongkang
perang sabīlullah.” (HD, P. 2).
Meaning: "the seventh chapter of heaven doors is
the door for who fight in the way of Allah"
3.8 The Door of Muttaqin and Birul
The eighth door is the mutaqin people and devoted
to their parents. Muttaqin is a believer who is afraid
of Allah SWT, afraid of violating the prohibition and
fear of his wrath. The signs of the muttaqin are
described in the Qur'an of Surat al-Baqarah verse: 3-
4, namely: believing in the unseen, establishing the
prayers, spending his fortune in the way of Allah,
believing in the Qur'an and God's Books revealed
earlier. Not everyone can reach the level as a
muttaqin person, described in the HD script.
“Utawi bab kaping wolu iku lwange wongkang
mutaqīn kabeh kang wongakeh kang pada nygah
ing pira-pira pningale kabeh saking pira-pira
aram lan pada nglekoni kabeh ing pira-pira
kbagusan saking wong bekti maring wong tuwa
rorone lan napung pira-pira sana’ lan liyane
mngkunu kabeh(HD, P. 2).
Birul Walidaini (doing good to both parents) is
our duty as a child to be gentle and obey both
parents, because in truth we will not be able to repay
all the good that they give for the sake of their
children. A child can only do good to both parents
and will not be able to compensate for their kindness
to love and raise their child.
Based on the description of the gates of heaven
in the Hadith Duqa manuscript, it can be understood
logically by Javanese people. Eschatology is a
religious appreciation to permeate all nature and
unseen forces. Javanese eschatology based on the
Pantheism, the universe is numinous - inseparable
from God. Javanese culture at this point has same
concept of Islamic teachings that came from Persia,
the influence of Al-Hallaj's Sufism (Ana al-Haq).
Sufism Al-Hallaj which refers to the union of God
and creatures, permeates the joints of Javanese
culture and produces widely known teachings:
Narration of the Heaven Gates in Manuscript of Hadits Duqa
Manunggaling Kawula Gusti (The Unity of God and
man). The concept of Manunggaling Kawula-Gusti
is a typical narrative among Muslims on Java,
especially for Sufism. Thus it can be understood that
the teachings of Islam have melted with Javanese
culture and gave rise to their own peculiarities.
The manuscripts of the Duqa Hadith provide a
narrative about the gates of heaven that will be
inhabited by those who believe and be cautious
while living in the world. The narrative is derived
from the Qur'an and the hadith of Prophet
Muhammad, to give a picture that man lives not only
in the world, but there is eternal life. Heaven as the
terminal end of life of the faithful and pious can be
achieved in many ways. There are eight doors of
heaven provided by Allah Almighty, the heaven for
His Prophets and Messengers, the doors to those
who establish the prayers, the doors for the people
who make the charity, the doors for those who
establish the amar makruf nahi munkar, the door for
those who are able to defeat their lusts, the doors for
those who are jihad fi sabilillah, the door of the
pilgrims and the umroh, and the door for the
worshipers of their parents (birul walidain).
Based on Hadith Duqa manuscript can
understand about Javanese thinking, there are need
to be rectified based on Qur'an, hadith, and opinions
of the scholars. Therefore, it is still open for further
research to criticize the content of the manuscript.
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