Student Perceptions of Teaching Materials Introduction to
Accounting and Six Tasks in Accounting Study Programs FE Unimed
, Jumiadi AW
and Anggriyani
Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan -Indonesia
Keywords: Accounting Student Perception, Introductory Accounting-Based Teaching Material KKNI
Abstract: Quality requirements that are capable of accounting study program graduates in the era of the Asean
Economic Community and Industry 4.0 cannot be served. Efforts to implement the IQF with six tasks in the
accounting study program have been carried out. The purpose of the research is to explore deeply the
perceptions of students towards introductory accounting teaching materials and six tasks. The student's
perception was focused on the positive impacts and constraints and the relation of the availability of
teaching materials with six tasks. Respondents of introductory accounting students in semester 1 of class A,
B, and C of accounting study program 2018/2019. Data collection techniques with interviews and fo cus
group discuss (FGD). The data analysis technique is qualitative descriptive analysis.The results show that:
first, there are no pre-tentative accounting introductory teaching materials used in Indonesia, there are
teaching materials for foreign books, domestic textbooks and lecturer material collections. Second, the
learning material has been described in the KKNI-based semester recovery plan (RPS) and has been
completed with six assignments but has not been tested by experts. The positive impact of the 6 IQF tasks
according to the students: first, for students who are diligent and like to work hard to master accounting
introductory books, it almost certainly works optimally, while for students who are lazy things become hard
and difficult. Second, students should not know in advance the learning material through Routine Tasks
(TR) and the complexity of books in the form (CBR) but do not work in accordance with the reality of
students, only some of them can follow it. Constraints, for students, are first difficult to understand foreign
language books and prefer to use existing teaching materials, so it is very necessary for standard and up-to-
date accounting introductory teaching materials. Second, the introduction of accounting teaching materials
has not yet been created in line with the six main tasks, mini research assignments (MR), engineering ideas
(RI) and project assignments (PR). Third, the students were overwhelmed with making six assignments, so
they were busy making six assignments and lacking in material, and the results tended to be made and made
from paste. For students, it is difficult to manage time so that students have difficulty in studying accounting
material because they are too focused on the 6 tasks of the IQF.
1.1 Background
UNIMED has implemented an Indonesian National
Qualifications Framework (KKNI) curriculum that
emphasizes aspects of attitude, general skills and
mastery of specialized knowledge to answer the
needs of current users to improve learning
effectiveness Introduction to Accounting by
encouraging Study Groups Lecturers (KDBK ) The
phenomenon of this research is that the business
environment and accounting standards of Indonesia
are rapidly changing, while the teaching materials
taught by introductory lecturers are still very behind.
As a result, it is indispensable textbook introductory
accounting that follows the change.
Nasirwan, ., AW, J. and Anggriyani, .
Student Perceptions of Teaching Materials Introduction to Accounting and Six Tasks in Accounting Study Programs FE Unimed.
DOI: 10.5220/0009511512131218
In Proceedings of the 1st Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science (UNICEES 2018), pages 1213-1218
ISBN: 978-989-758-432-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Introduction to Accounting Accounting is a
basic, compulsory and very important subject in the
accounting department and includes the financial
KDBK accounting. Accounting introductory books
have been found, but presentative introductory
accounting teaching materials to be used in
Indonesian lectures in the accounting department
have not been found.
The above phenomenon is reinforced by
empirical reality that occurs in Accounting Study
Program, Universitas Negeri Medan, showing that
first, in the 2017/2018 academic year there were 28
students who did not graduate in the Introduction to
Accounting courses. This number increased
considerably compared to the 2016/2017 school
year, which was 15 students. This raises a question
mark why this can happen even though the KKNI
curriculum aims to improve student competence,
which is reflected in the student graduation rate in
the Introduction to Accounting course. Second,
students are busy making six assignments from each
subject, so they are less able to manage time to
explore and inspire the introductory course of
accounting as the main subject in the accounting
department. Third, in the 2016/2017 academic year,
introductory accounting has 4 credits and added 1
credit practice so that it becomes 5 credits. Then, in
the pre-accounting 2017/2018 school year, 4 credits
were reduced by 1 so that there were only 3 credits.
This SKS reduction, has a negative impact, namely
first, the lack of depth in understanding each
introductory accounting material taught. Second,
there is no accounting introduction material that
needs special emphasis. Third, there is less
maximum fighting power from students to master
accounting introductory subjects.
In the learning process students are required to
be actively involved in teaching and learning
activities by using the Student Center Learning
(SCL) to be able to help students to play an active
role in the learning process and be more fluent and
able to make and complete financial reports properly
and correctly.
The presentative introductory accounting
teaching material means, first, the results of research
through an in-depth study based on the IQF,
second,materials introductory teachingmust meet the
most basic knowledge and skills that must exist.
Third, introductory accounting teaching materials
must be easily learned by students. Fourth, teaching
materials must be completed with Semester Lecture
Plans (RPS).
1.2 Formulation of the Problem
Based on the background research, the problem of
this research can be formulated as follows: Is the
existing KKNI-based introductory accounting
teaching material optimizing six tasks? Does the
introductory teaching material for accounting
already have the most basic knowledge and skills? Is
the introductory teaching material for accounting
guaranteed to be easily learned by students equipped
with RPS? Has an evaluation of the advantages and
disadvantages of the implementation of an accountat
introductory teaching material been carried out to
make improvements?
1.3 Research
Objectives This study aims: To produce introductory
accounting teaching materials based on KKNI by
optimizing six tasks, forming accounting
introductory teaching materials that have the most
basic knowledge achievements and the most basic
skills, ensuring that introductory teaching materials
are easily learned by students equipped with RPS,
evaluate the advantages and disadvantages for
further improvement.
2.1 Learning Materials Teaching
Materials must be made fun so that students can
easily understand the material presented so that one
of the obligations of the lecturer is to provide a
pleasant learning atmosphere. Teaching materials
are one way to make learning fun. Mulyasa (2006:
96) revealed that teaching material is something that
contains a message of learning, both special and
general in nature that can be utilized for the benefit
of learning. Prastowo (2012: 17) teaching materials
are basically all materials that are arranged
systematically, which displays a complete figure of
competencies that will be mastered by students and
used in the learning process with the aim of planning
and reviewing the implementation of learning. Well-
designed teaching materials by lecturers will be able
to make learning more effective and students'
understanding of accounting increases.
Wadjdi (2004: 105) explains that good teaching
materials are materials that: (1) can arouse students'
learning interest, (2) have instructional clarity, (3)
present material with good structure, (4) provide
opportunities for students to practice and provide
feedback to students, and (5) create two-way
communication. In addition to the above matters to
stimulate creativity and interest in student learning,
teaching materials are designed as attractive as
possible including the use of colors, shapes, font
sizes and letter thickening, as well as lines and
linesnneeded to clarify the contents of the message.
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
2.2 Competencen Introduction to Accounting
Based on the semester lecture plan (RPS)
competency achievements are presented as follows:
Competent to explain the meaning of accounting
(accounting), information users accounting, and the
field ofspecialization accounting. Competently
compile the company's accounting equation
(accounting equation), categorize it types of
financial statements and their components.
Competent explains the characteristics, sorting
stages in theCycle, Accounting analyze transaction
(transaction),record the transactions to in the general
ledger (general journal) and specialized journals
(specialjournal),post journals to the general ledger
(ledger) and prepare a trial balance or The trial
balance (trialbalance),analyze transaction data
related adjustment (adjustmententries) adjusting
entries, prepare a work sheet / paper
work(worksheet),compiling financial
statements(financial statement), prepare journal
entries closing (closing entries), preparingreversing
entries forservice and trade companies.
2.3 Six Tasks
In accordance with the Indonesian National
Qualifications Framework (KKNI), the structured
and independent tasks for introductory accounting
courses are explained as follows:
Routine Tasks, carried out independently.There
are 10 routine assignments given at the end of each
discussion in accordance with the semester learning
plan. The Critical Book Report assignment is given
in group 2 meetings (1 group of 3 people), with the
task given is to criticize Jerry J. Weygandt's Book,
Paul D. Kimmel, Donald E. Kieso-Accounting
Principles-Wiley (2015).
Review Journal is given at meeting 7
independently, with the task given is reviewing 1
journal related to the accounting cycle of a service
company. Engineering ideas were given at the 6th
meeting independently, with the task given was to
make a paper with the theme determined by the
lecturer. Mini Research is given at 10 meetings in
groups (1 group of 3 people), with the task given is
to conduct a mini research on one MSME (trading
company). In general, the hypothesis that wants to
be proven is that MSMEs do not carry out the
accounting cycle in preparing their financial
statements. Projects are given to the 13th meeting in
groups (1 group of 3 people), with the task given is
to run the correct accounting cycle on one MSME
(services and trade) starting from the collection of
transaction documents (real) to the preparation of
financial statements for the past one month.
2.4 Development of Teaching Materials
Introduction to Accounting
This research is research and development or
Research and Development (R & D). Development
conducted in the form ofteaching material
accounting introductory. Development of Teaching
Materials Introduction to Accounting uses a systems
approach, emphasizing the relationship between
each component. The system approach can also
increase the opportunities for integrating all
variables that affect learning in learning design.
These steps are not standard things that must be
followed, steps taken can be adjusted to the needs of
the researcher. To produceteaching material
products interactive, planning, learning design is
This study was conducted in the Department
Accounting of the Faculty of Economics,
Universitas Negeri Medan, in the academic year
2018/2019. The implementation period is from
September to December 2018.
The research subjects are Accounting
Department students from the Faculty of Economics,
Universitas Negeri Medan, using the focus group
discuss method. The development of the substance
of the KKNI-based accounting introductory material
by optimizing six tasks will be integrated in the
following steps: Making questions about perceptions
students about 6 KKNI assignments, conducting
FGD (Focus Group Discuss) about student
perceptions of 6 KKNI assignments, recapitulating
data that has been collected, analyzing and
discussing 6 tasks that have been discussed,
discussing the relationship between teaching
materials and the 6th KKNI, and make suggestions
and conclusions regarding the 6 claims of the IQF.
Data analysis in this study used quantitative
descriptive analysis using the Focus Group Discuss
(FGD) method.
4.1 Student Perceptions of 6 KKNI
Tasks Routine Tasks
The benefits of routine assignments are that students
become more active and creative in understanding
lecture material. Trained students and accustomed to
working on introductory accounting questions, in the
form of making financial statements of a company in
Student Perceptions of Teaching Materials Introduction to Accounting and Six Tasks in Accounting Study Programs FE Unimed
detail and complete. Students become challenged
and motivated in mastering the material being
taught. Students prepare material before entering
hours lecture. The constraints of making routine
tasks are theproportion of very dense assignments
and many, making students unable to fully
understand due to routine tasks whose proportions
are relatively large. Students in managing these
routine tasks are said to be lacking, because each
subject other than the introductory accounting
course also has other subjects. So that students still
cannot take advantage of the time in carrying out
this routine task because they have received various
routine tasks from various other subjects. So, the
average student does the routine in H-1 before the
assignment is collected. This becomes ineffective
and inefficient.
The solution to the constraints of making routine
tasks is the proportion of routine tasks minimized by
creating tasks without reducing the level of quality
of the routine tasks. So that students are not
depressed by the large proportion of many routine
tasks and can control the routine tasks of other
courses. Based on the above, students can practice
managing time during routine tasks.
Critical Book Report
The benefits of CBR assignments are to train
students to criticize a book with other books for the
better, so that the best books are obtained as
teaching materials that will be used in lectures. Train
students in formulating and concluding the results of
book criticism. The obstacle of making CBR is that
students do not understand how to criticize the right
according to CBR writing in general. Theinterest in
reading averagestudents is less, due to various
aspects. Can be seen from the nature of CBR
assignments in groups, usually students in the
process are only a few people who work so that
those who do not participate.
The solution to the constraints of making a CBR is
that each student must have a clear RPS course and
if there is a part of a systematic assignment that is
less clear, he can ask the lecturer or senior class who
have experience in this CBR assignment. In
increasing student interest in reading, this task
should be individual or independent with different
material based on the sub-chapter.
Critical Journal Review Benefits task
CJR is menambah information that is fundamental
from an article research, of scientific know the
systematic manufacture journal of the kindest,
students samakin good at criticizing, comparing,
finding and determining the essential information in
a journal, is able to develop the knowledge, even
making own journal about a material that is indeed
in its field. Constraints from making CJR isa
semester student first, students have never worked
on CJR so that new students are often confused and
need a relatively long time to finish it, not knowing
how the location and structure of the journal is so
often wrong to do it. For the 3rd semester students
and onwards, this task was only a formality and only
through copy paste from the senior or making it
carelessly. The solution to the problem of making
CJR was asking the lecturer directly during the
lecture and looking for references from senior
brothers and fellow friends, finding out how is the
systematic creation of CJR, making deadlines for
each task so that the tasks that are not piled up, work
on the tasks together so that when things are found
thatn't we dounderstand we can discuss them
Engineering ideas
The benefit of RI's duty is to expand students' minds
so they can find new ideas in ccounting, helping
students to run their own businesses. Constraints in
making RI is the difficulty of finding new ideas in
accounting so students often copy-paste other
people's ideas.
The solution to overcoming the constraints of
RI's duty is that this task is better combined with
Mini research assignments because it is in line to
make students easier in their work.
Mini Research
Benefits of MR task is to add insight and thinking
ability to train students to conduct research in a
simple, investigate the situation existing problems,
find solutions to a problem, knowing something
previously unknown, solve various problems in
The constraint of the MR assignment is the time
needed to carry out a relatively long mini research
and the relatively large amount of material used.
The solution to overcome the obstacles in
making MR tasks is to make mini research
assignments in line with engineering ideas and
projects so that the time and material spent can be
minimized. Determine a mini research site in
advance so as not to rush when tasks will be
Thebenefits of project assignments are training
students to deal with real problems not only theories,
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
developing initiatives and responsibilities, one of the
ways to develop what has been learned in the
workplace in the world, training and getting used to
communicating and discussing, training in
teamwork, giving experience on the field and
meeting outsiders, trained students report their work
on the field, train students to speak in public.
Obstacles in making project tasks are too much
time consuming, there is no knowledge of children
in the first semester so that it is difficult for first
semester children to conduct research on the
problem so that the project runs poorly, the project
becomes difficult to implement if the lecturer
explains vaguely, the number of tasks so that
thinking becomes rigid so that it does not produce a
quality project. The solution to overcome the
obstacles in making project assignments is that
lecturers must guide students continuously so that
the results obtained are satisfactory and students
must make projects in accordance with the Republic
of Indonesia that they have raised.
4.2 Linkages Teaching Materials
Towards 6 Routine Task Tasks, The majority of
students said that routine assignments were closely
related to teaching materials because the routine task
was to re-discuss the material explained by the
Critical Book Report, The majority of students
said that CBR was very much related to teaching
materials because students would re-discuss books
or teaching materials taught by lecturers.
Critical Journal Review, The majority of students
say that CJR is not too related to teaching materials
because it is difficult to find journals that are truly in
accordance with the material being taught by the
Idea Engineering, the majority said that RI was
related to teaching materials but it was very difficult
to find engineering ideas that were truly new and
could be applied directly.
Mini Research, The majority of students say that
MR is very related to teaching materials because
MR is a direct application of teaching materials
given by lecturers.
Project, The majority of students said that the
project was related to teaching materials because the
project of implementing RI directly but requires
relatively longer time.
4.3 Excess weaknesses andsolutions
RPS Strengths in this RPS were made systematically
and clearly because of each point given information.
Starting type, font size, line distance, margins, paper
size and any contents of each sub-title such as
abstracts, contents, goals, methods, conclusions and
The disadvantages of RPS are that the
assignment given is not always in accordance with
the material being taught, and the student does not
contradict the RPS because of the lack of
assertiveness from the lecturer, but students often
ignore RPS. In addition, therechanges is no clear
explanation of materialsuch as the journaling
method with the old and new methods.
The suggestion for the weakness of the RPS is
that the lecturer should make the assignment in
accordance with the material so that the students
understand the task. Lecturers should be more
assertive in instructing students to always carry the
RPS so that there is no confusion about the lecture
material and the task writing systematics. The value
given for each task is too little to make students
trivial with the tasks they are doing. The value given
should be in accordance with the difficulty of the
The results of the research on the development of
Teaching Materials for Problem Based Learning
Strategy include: 1) student worksheet; 2) learning
strategy material; and 3) problem-based evaluation
Student worksheets are developed to help
students understand the teaching material for
learning strategies. Student worksheets are designed
to adopt problem-based learning steps which
include: 1) problem orientation; 2) learning
organization; 3) individual or group investigations;
4) development and presentation of problem solving
results; 5) analysis and evaluation of the problem
solving process.
Teaching materials designed include: 1) learning
theory in learning; 2) basic concepts of learning
strategies; 3) 21st century learning strategies; 4)
learning approach; 5) learning methods and
techniques; 6) learning models; 7) teaching factory;
8) strengthening character education.
Evaluation instruments designed include: 1)
problem-based problem instruments; and 2)
assessment guidelines.
Student Perceptions of Teaching Materials Introduction to Accounting and Six Tasks in Accounting Study Programs FE Unimed
Conclusion of this article isare that thereno pre-
tentative accounting introductory teaching materials
used in Indonesia, there are teaching materials for
foreign books, domestic books and lecture material
collections. The learning material has been described
in the KKNI-based semester RPS recovery plan and
has been completed with six assignments but has not
been tested by experts. Students who are diligent and
like to work hard to master an accounting
introductory book are almost certain to be
maximally successful, while for students who are
lazy things become hard and difficult. Constraints,
for lecturers, are first difficult to understand foreign
language books and prefer to use existing teaching
materials, so it is very necessary to present
presentative and up-to-date accounting introductory
teaching materials. Second, the introduction of
accounting teaching materials has not yet been
created in line with the six main tasks, mini research
assignments (MR), engineering ideas (RI) and
project assignments (PR). Third, students were
overwhelmed with making six tasks, so they were
busy making six assignments and lacking in
understanding the competencies of the material, and
the results tended to be made and made from
pasting. Fourth, the lecturers were over whelmed to
correct six tasks so that they did not give maximum
input to 6 tasks. Constraints, for students is difficult
to manage time so that students have difficulty in
studying accounting material because they are too
focused on 6 KKNI tasks. The advice of this article
is that accounting materials should be presentative
and relevant to the present and easily understood by
The KKNI task should be made as simple as
possible and in accordance with the ongoing
material accompanied by guidance from the lecturer.
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Accounting Principles-Wiley (2015) Jonathan.
Duchac, James. M Reeve, Carl S. Warren.
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Pannen, Paulina, et al. (2001).Constructivism in Learning.
PAU PPAI. Directorate General of Higher Education.
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Pannen, Paulina and Purwanto. (2001). Writing
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UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science