Practice of Disclosure Accounting Social Responsibility
Dimita Purba
, Duma Megaria Elisabeth
, Syafruddin Ginting
and Iskandar Muda
Student Postgraduate, Faculty Economic and Business, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan Indonesia
Lecture Faculty Economic and Business, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan Indonesia
Keywords: Accounting Social Responsibility, Profitabilitas, Disclosure
Abstract: PT. Toba Pulp Lestari is a paper production company founded in 1983 in Porsea sub-district. PT. Toba Pulp,
one of the companies that applies Corporate Social Responsibility, is a company's commitment to build a
better quality of life together with related parties, especially the surrounding communities and the social
environment in which the company is located in an integrated manner with its business activities in a
sustainable manner. The purpose of this study was to determine the application of Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) and the impact on the profitability of PT. Toba Pulp Lestari, Tbk. The method of data
collection used is documentation and literature study. The research method used in the study was
descriptive. The results of the study show that PT. Toba Pulp Lestari, Tbk, which every year pays for CD
(Community Development) / CSR funds by 1% of net sales. To implement CSR means the company issues
a number of costs. Final costs will be burdensome which reduce perceptions as high as profitability of
companies will decrease. Still, by implementing CSR, the corporate image will increase both the loyalty of
consumers to the highest level. This results in a level of profitability that will affect the indirect results.
In maintaining its existence, the company should be
separated from the community as its external
environment. There is a reciprocal relationship
between the company and the community. Every
company around the world will prepare various
planned activities to improve the existence of the
company and become a Good Bussiness company.
One of them is by implementing Corporate
Social Responsibility (CSR) activities. CSRis an
agreement from The World Business Council for
Subtainable Development (WBCSD) in South Africa
in 2002 aimed at encouraging all companies in the
world to create sustainable development
CSR is transparent in expressing activities which
is conducted by companies related to social
activities, where disclosure is only limited to
company financial information, but is also expected
to provide information about the impacts caused by
company activities, especially those related to the
environment and problems social
Guaranteed sustainability of the company if the
company conducted by its responsibilities is not
only limited to shareholders but the company must
also pay attention to the social and the environment
that becomes the company's operations
The community will give a negative response to
the company that is considered not to pay attention
to the economic, social and environmental
conditions. This negative response from the
community will threaten the sustainability of the
At present economic decisions are taken only by
considering the performance of the financial
information which is realized to be irrelevant by
investors and company management. The purpose of
this study is to determine the social responsibility
accounting at PT. Toba Pulp Lestari, Tbk and
recognize of social responsibility activities. And
recognize the impact of Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) on profitability at PT. Toba
Pulp Lestari, Tbk.
Purba, D., Elisabeth, D., Ginting, S. and Muda, I.
Practice of Disclosure Accounting Social Responsibility.
DOI: 10.5220/0009508911851189
In Proceedings of the 1st Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science (UNICEES 2018), pages 1185-1189
ISBN: 978-989-758-432-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.1 Stakeholder Theory
Friedman (1962) in (Ghozali, Imam, dan Chariri,
2007) stated that the company's main goal is to
maximize the prosperity of its owners. So according
to him, stakeholders are only defined as owners. In
the end, the Stakeholder Theory emerged by
Freeman (1983) in (Ghozali, Imam, dan Chariri,
2007) which explained the involvement and role of
stakeholders in promoting CSR towards the
company. According to him, stakeholders consisting
of customers, competitors, merchant associations,
media, environment, distributors, government,
consumer protection institutions, local communities,
and business people have active participation that is
very much needed in the successful implementation
of CSR. This makes the existence of a company
strongly influenced by the support provided by
stakeholders to the company (Ghozali, Imam, dan
Chariri, 2007)
Stakeholder theory considers the position of
stakeholders more powerful. This stakeholder group
is the main consideration for companies in
disclosing and / not disclosing information in
financial statements. In view of stakeholder theory,
companies have stakeholders, not shareholders
(Belkaoui, Ahmed Riahi, 2006).
Corporate Social Responsibility is a corporate
strategy to satisfy the desires of stakeholders, the
better disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility
by the company, the stakeholders will be more
satisfied and will give full support to the company
for all its activities aimed at raising performance and
achieving profit.
2.2 Legitimacy Theory
The legitimacy theory and stakeholder theory are
theoretical perspectives that are within the
framework of the theory of political economy.
Because the influence of the wider community can
determine the allocation of financial resources and
other economic sources, companies tend to use
environment-based performance and disclosure of
environmental information to justify or legitimize
corporate activities in the eyes of the public (Gray,
Rob, 1995)
(Ralf, 2007) revealed that the explanation of the
strength of the organization's legitimacy theory in
the context of corporate social responsibility in
developing countries is twofold; First, the capability
to place profit maximization motives makes a clearer
picture of the motivation of the company to increase
its social responsibility. Second, the legitimacy of an
organization can be to include cultural factors that
form different institutional pressures in different
contexts. Legitimacy can provide a powerful
mechanism for understanding voluntary disclosures
for the environment and social activities carried out
by the company, and this understanding will lead to
critical public debate, furthermore the legitimacy
theory shows researchers and the wider community
of ways to be more sensitive to the content of
disclosure company (Tilling, 2004)
Corporate Social Responsibility practices carried
out by the company aim to align themselves with
community norms. With good disclosure of
Corporate Social Responsibility, it is expected that
the company will gain legitimacy from the
community so that it can improve performance
aimed at achieving corporate profits.
2.3 Signaling Theory
According to (Harahap, 2007) signal theory
(signaling theory) explains why companies have the
urge to provide financial reports to external parties.
The company's push to provide information is
because there is information asymmetry between
company management and outsiders (investors)
The company will present an annual report on the
company's CSR activities or reports on the
implementation of GCG (Good Corporate
Governance) in the company.
The purpose of this additional report is to provide
additional information about the company's activities
as well as a means to provide signals to stakeholders
on other matters, for example providing signals
about the company's concern for the surrounding
area, or a sign that the company is not only provide
information based on regulatory provisions but
provide more information for stakeholders. These
signals are expected to be positively accepted by the
market so as to be able to influence the company's
market performance reflected in the market price of
the company's shares.
According to Morris in (Harahap, 2007),
information asymmetry can occur if one party has a
more complete signal of information than the other
party. Information asymmetry occurs if management
does not convey all information obtained in full so
that it affects the value of the company reflected in
changes in stock prices because the market will
respond to existing information as a signal.
According to (Drever, 2016) signaling theory
emphasizes that the reporting company can increase
the value of the company through its reporting.
2.4 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Conceptually, there are many notions of social and
environmental responsibility, better known as
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
According to Lako in the book CSR and Reform
of the Business & Accounting Paradigm (Lako,
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
2011), CSR is a continuing commitment of a
company to be economically, legally and ethically
responsible for the impacts of its economic actions
on the community and the environment and
proactively make efforts sustainable efforts to
prevent potential negative impacts on society and the
environment and improve social and environmental
A world organization The World Business
Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) in
(Belkaoui, Ahmed Riahi, 2006) defines CSR as
“Continuing Commitment by business to be
have ethically and contribute to economic
development while improving the quality of life of
the workforce and their families as well as of the
local community and society at large.”
According to the CSR Study Circle, the
definition of CSR is the earnest effort of business
entities to minimize negative impacts and maximize
the positive impact of their operations on all
stakeholders in the economic, social and
environmental spheres to achieve sustainable
development goals.
According to (Agus, 2011) that corporate
responsibility is not only limited to economic
responsibility, namely how to maximize profits to
increase shareholder equity, but also must be
socially responsible and environmentally (
environmental responsibility) integrally.
2.5 Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting
CSR disclosure itself is interpreted as part of the
social responsibility accounting that communicates
social information to stakeholders. The disclosure or
reporting of CSR implementation is reported in the
Sustainability Reporting. Sustainability reporting is
a practice of measurement, disclosure and
accountability efforts of organizational performance
in achieving sustainable development goals.
Sustainability reporting must provide a balanced and
reasonable picture of the sustainability performance
of an organization, both positive and negative
Nationally applicable guidelines are regulations
that apply in Indonesia. Corporate Social
Responsibility has been ratified as the company's
obligation in Article 74 of Law Number 40 of 2007
concerning Limited Liability Companies (Company
Law) on July 20, 2007 (UU Perseroan Terbatas No.
40 Tahun 2007, 2007) and Government Regulation
No. 47 of 2012 concerning Social Responsibility and
Environment of Limited Liability Companies (PP
According (Harahap, 2007), explained three (3)
form corporate social responsibility, “(a) Corporate
Philanthoropy, (b) Corporate Responsibility, dan (c)
Corporate Policy”.
In addition there are 5 (five) possible areas where
social responsibility is located, namely (1) Net Profit
Contributions, (2) Donations to the environment, (3)
Public Donations, (4) Donations to Human
Resources, (5) ) Product or Service Contribution.
According to Thomas W Zimmerer in a book
written by Suryana (2006: 18) there are several
kinds of accountability, namely: "
1) Responsibility to the environment,
2) Responsibility to employees,
3) Responsibility to customers,
4) Responsibility to investors,
5) Responsibility to the community "
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a
mechanism for an organization to voluntarily
integrate attention to the environment and socially
into its operations and its interactions with
stakeholders, which exceeds organizational
responsibility in the legal field. The company's
social responsibility is expressed in a report called
Sustainability Reporting. Sustainability Reporting is
reporting on economic, environmental and social
policies, the influence and performance of
organizations and their products in the context of
sustainable development.
The data used by the author is secondary data,
namely annual report PT. Toba Pulp Lestari, Tbk in
2014-2017, company profile, company brief history,
company organizational structure. Sources of data
obtained through various sources, namely literature,
articles, internet sites relating to research conducted.
Data collection techniques in this study are
library documentation and study.The variable and
operational definition variable on this study is as
1. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a
concept that organizations, especially (but not
only), companies are having various forms of
responsibility towards all stakeholders,
including consumers, employees, shareholders,
communities and the environment in all aspects
company operations that cover economic, social
and environmental aspects
2. Profitability or ability to obtain profits is a
measure of the percentage used to measure the
extent of the firm to produce a level that can be
received. On research profitability is proxied by
ROA (Return on Assets)
Practice of Disclosure Accounting Social Responsibility
The data analysis technique used in this study is
descriptive data analysis technique, which is an
analytical method that describes a situation
objectively, so as to obtain a solution to a problem
faced by the company.
The approach and stages of the PT CSR program.
Toba Pulp Lestari, Tbk namely Joint Community
1. Hold a Meeting with Community Leaders and
Village Representatives.
2. Make an agreement on the type of program as
needed: Integrated Agriculture Program (IFS),
namely: livestock, fisheries, agriculture;
infrastructure; education; health and others.
3. Implement the program in accordance with the
agreement with the community.
The form of Corporate Social Responsibility
implemented by PT Toba Pulp Lestari is Community
CSR program activities in 2014-2016:
- Community relation
- Community services
PT Toba Pulp Lestari's assistance in education in the
form of assistance in the right to grant scholarships
to outstanding students, and repair of elementary
school buildings in Pangombusan village, Siruar
Village, in Tangga Batu I village and development
of PAUD schools in North Siantar Village
-Community Empowering
Implementation programs related to providing wider
access to the community to support their
independence, such as the formation of cooperatives
managed by the community. And providing direct
assistance to the community such as giving
livestock, and assistance in agriculture.
The company management, sets the social costs
incurred by PT. Toba Pulp Lestari Tbk which is
equal to 1% of net sales. Comparison of social costs
to net sales from 2014 - 2016 can be seen in table 1
Tabel 1: PT. Toba Pulp Lestari, TbkComparison of social
costs to net sales Tahun 2014 – 2016
Year Net Sales Social Cost Proporsi
2014 Rp. 1.503.505.
1 %
2015 Rp.
1 %
2016 Rp.
1 %
Tabel 2: CSR Disclosure PT. Toba Pulp Lestari, Tbk
Descriptions 2014 2015 2016
Economics 5 6 5
Environment 9 17 19
Labour 3 7 11
Human rights 0 0 0
Social 1 1 1
Product 0 0 1
Total 18 31 37
Index CSR 0.22 0.39 0.46
Of the overall indicators above, the results
obtained in 2014 were 18, 2015 had an increase of
31, and in 2015 had an increase of 37. For the CSR
Index obtained by the company in 2014 was 0.22. In
2015 it began to increase to 0.39. In 2016 also had
an increase from the previous year to 0.46
To measure company profitability by using
Return On Assets (ROA). ROA gives an idea of how
much efficient management is in using its assets to
generate profits
Tabel 3: Calculation of ROA at PT. Toba Pulp Lestari,
Year Net Profit Total Aset ROA
2014 USD 1.575 USD 330.234 0,47 %
2015 (USD 2.752) USD 333.904 (0,824 %)
2016 USD 37.492 USD 339.428 11,046 %
Source : PT Toba Pulp Lestari, Tbk
PT Toba Pulp Lestari Tbk has been established since
1983 under the name of PT Inti Indorayon Utama in
Parmaksian District, this company is engaged in the
manufacture of pulp. Since the establishment of this
company, there have been many conflicts with the
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
community. This happens because the company does
not carry out its corporate social responsibility
Since operating again in 2003 to become PT
Toba Pulp Lestari this company has a new paradigm
that will be run by the company. The company
implements Corporate Social Responsibility starting
from a commitment in the new paradigm in 2003
1. Use of environmentally friendly technology
2. Sustainable management of forest resources
3. Social responsibility:
a. Prioritizing the son of the local area
b. Cooperating with business partnerships
with local communities
c. Set aside funds for social contributions for
community development by 1% of Net
Sales per year
4. Accepting independent institutions to oversee
the implementation of the company's new
To implement CSR means the company will
spend a number of costs. Same is the case with PT.
Toba Pulp Lestari, Tbk, which annually issues CD /
CSR funds of 1% of net sales. This results in a level
of profitability that will affect and also affect the net
profit (loss) of the company.
The accounting treatment for the Company's
CSR is the CSR costs incurred by the company
listed in the company's profit and loss report which
shows that it is recorded as other expenses in the
company's profit and loss statement.
1. In general, CSR at PT. Toba Pulp Lestari has
been implemented based on the applicable
provisions, namely the provisions of Law
Number 40 of 2007 concerning Limited
Liability Companies as a regulation that covers
the implementation of CSR corporate social
responsibility in Indonesia and Government
Regulation Number 47 of 2012 concerning
Social and Environmental Responsibilities of
Limited Liability Companies as regulations
2. The implementation of the PT. Toba Pulp
Lestari, Tbk with a variety of programs
implemented, namely the use of
environmentally friendly technology,
sustainable forest resource management,
prioritizing local area sons to become company
employees, conducting business partnerships
with local communities, setting aside funds
contributing an average of 1% of net sales per
year as social costs incurred
3. The CSR of PT Toba Pulp Lestari has a role in
community welfare including:
a. Through Community Relations
b. Through Community Service
c. Through Community Empowering
4. Implementation of corporate social
responsibility or CSR of PT. Toba Pulp Lestari
as a whole has had a positive influence on the
community, both communities around the area
of the company operate
5. It can be concluded that social accounting or
accounting for social responsibility is a report or
new obligation that must be included in the
financial statements of each company which
will be a reflection or description of the
condition of the company in the short term and
especially the long term.
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Practice of Disclosure Accounting Social Responsibility