Employee Productivity with Work Motivation as Intervening
Variables at PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk Medan
Abdi Setiawan
, Irawan
, Kiki Farida Ferine
, Nashrudin Setiawan
and Emi Wakhyuni
Pancabudi University, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Job Promotion, Work Environment, Employee Productivity, Work Motivation
Abstract: This study aims to analyze the effect of job promotion and work environment partially or simultaneously on
employee work productivity with work motivation as an intervening variable at PT Telekomunikasi
Indonesia, Tbk Medan. While the data analysis technique used is using Path Analysis with statistical
techniques that are relatively complex partially and simultaneously. The results of this study are partially or
simultaneously job promotion and work environment affect work motivation. Partially simultaneous job
promotion and work environment have a significant effect on work productivity. Work motivation has not
been able to mediate (intervening) of job promotion and work productivity. Work motivation can mediate
(intervening) the influence of work environment on work productivity.
Human resources are the key to the success of a
company in carrying out its operational activities. In
each company, the human element or labor is the
main driving force in the activity process to achieve
a goal. As we already know the purpose of a
company one of which is the presence of employees
who work efficiently. And the efficiency of a
company is very dependent on the good and bad
development of human resources in the company in
order to increase the work productivity of these
employees.. Promotion is a separation that enlarges
the Authority and Responsibility of employees to a
higher position within an organization so that the
obligations, rights, status and income are greater.
The existence of a promotion is expected to be able
to make the human resources in the organization or
company able to show their best abilities, because
promotion is a stimulus or encouragement for them
to compete in providing the best capabilities they
The work environment is everything that is
around the workers and can affect themselves in
carrying out the tasks assigned.
Companies are required to provide and create a
comfortable and sufficient work environment for
their employees. The work environment for
employees has now become one of the important
factors in maintaining employee work productivity,
because not all employees will feel satisfied with
their work by looking at and weighing work
environment factors. A good work environment
cannot be created by itself, but companies that create
and design work environments for employees and
employees feel satisfied when they feel the
environment in which they work is in accordance
with the conditions or conditions of the work
environment they have been expecting.
Productivity is the relationship between inputs
and outputs of a productive system. Employees are
required to have high work productivity, because
with the existence of high work productivity, the
achievement of company goals will be carried out
well. Achieving high work productivity is not easy.
Company management must be able to manage
human resources in the company to work effectively
and efficiently. This can be realized if the company
provides an opportunity for each employee to be
promoted. In addition, company management must
also be able to provide a good working environment
to create high work productivity.
Motivation is one of the things that affect human
behavior, motivation is also referred to as a driver,
desire, support or needs - needs that can make
someone excited and motivated to reduce and fulfill
their own impulses, so they can act and act
Setiawan, A., Irawan, ., Ferine, K., Setiawan, N. and Wakhyuni, E.
Employee Productivity with Work Motivation as Intervening Variables at PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk Medan.
DOI: 10.5220/0009508608430850
In Proceedings of the 1st Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science (UNICEES 2018), pages 843-850
ISBN: 978-989-758-432-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
according to certain ways that will bring in the
optimal direction.
Job Promotion.
Definition Job promotion is the way to increase
employee productivity. Job promotion can also be
interpreted as a career development of someone who
works in a company. Promotion has an important
role for employees, even a dream that is always
looked forward to. With the existence of promotion
means that there is trust and recognition of the
abilities and skills of the employee concerned to
occupy a higher position. Thus, promotions will
provide social status, authority (responsibility),
responsibility (Responsibility), and income
(Outcomes) that are getting bigger for employees.
Siagian (2010: 169): "Promotion is when an
employee is transferred from one job to another
whose responsibility is greater, the level in the
hierarchy of positions is higher and his income is
also greater". Handoko (2008: 121): "Careers as a
sequence of promotion or transfer (transfer) laterally
to more positions according to responsibility to
locations that are better in or cross the hierarchy of
work relations during one's work life"
Job Promotion Indicators
Indicators of job promotion, according to Hasibuan
(2007: 107) include things "Social status, Authority
(Authority), Responsibility (Income) and Income
1. Social status
Employees who are promoted at a higher career
level will be able to improve social status in
their lives.
2. Authority
Job promotions given to employees will
increase / expand their authority in carrying out
work activities.
3. Responsibility
Job promotion requires a higher responsibility
in terms of work where promoted employees
will have greater responsibility from higher
4. Income (Outcomes)
With the promotion, the employee's income will
be higher. This is due to the position promotion,
the employee will get a higher position than
With the promotion, the employee's income will
be higher. This is due to the position promotion, the
employee will get a higher position than before.
Work Environment
Work environment is something that is around the
company that affects the workings and productivity
of employees. For more details, the understanding of
the work environment will be presented by several
experts, including: Amirullah and Budiyono (2004:
4): "The organizational environment can be
interpreted as influencing forces, both directly and
indirectly on organizational performance".
Nitisemito (2006: 109): "The work environment is
everything that exists around the workers and can
affect themselves in carrying out the tasks that are
charged".From the definition above it can be
concluded that the work environment is a condition
that can be prepared by the management of the
company concerned when the workplace is formed
by the company. The company management should
consider the work environment for company
Work Environment Indicators
Gibson and Ivanevich (1997) in Ricky (2011: 34):
"Perception of the work environment is a series of
things that are perceived by people who work in an
organizational environment and have a large role in
influencing employee behavior". There are five
aspects of perceptions of the psychological
environment, which affect employee behavior,
1) Work structure, which is how far the employee
feels that the work given to him has a good
work structure and organization.
2) Job responsibility, namely the extent to which
employees feel that employees understand their
responsibilities and are responsible for their
3) Attention and leadership support, namely the
extent to which employees feel that leaders
often provide direction, confidence, attention
and respect for them.
4) Working group cooperation, namely the extent
to which employees feel there is good
cooperation between existing working groups.
Smooth communication, namely the extent to
which employees feel that there is good, open
and smooth communication between co-workers
and leaders.
Work Productivity
Definition of Work Productivity, Hasibuan (2007:
94) is: "Comparison between output and input,
where the output must have added value and better
workmanship". According to Handoko (2008: 210):
"Productivity is the relationship between inputs and
outputs of a productive system". Whereas Triton
(2010: 80): "Productivity has two dimensions. The
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
first dimension is productivity which leads to the
achievement of maximum performance, namely the
achievement of targets related to quality, quantity
and time, the second is efficiency related to efforts
to compare inputs with the realization of their use or
how the work is carried out ".
Based on the above definition it can be seen that
productivity is a comparison between the results
obtained with the sacrifices that have been given.
The sacrifice is not only labor but also contributes to
other production factors, including capital and
expertise. Low productivity will cause in-efficient
use of labor which is also a waste for a company.
Therefore the role of employees and leaders really
determines the productivity of a company in
achieving its goals.
Work Productivity Indicator.
Productivity measurement is an important
management tool at all economic levels. In several
countries and companies in recent years there has
been an increase in interest in measure productivity.
Productivity indexes are also useful in
determining comparisons between temporal
countries such as growth rates and productivity
According to Gomes (2003: 160) indicators of
productivity are:
1. Knowlage.
That is a person's ability which is measured by
his knowledge of things related to assignments,
use of work tools and technical abilities of his
2. Skills
Is a specific skill that someone has related or
related to the completion of tasks quickly and
3. Abilities (Abilities).
That is the capacity or nature of the individual
who was born or studied which allows one to
perform or complete various kinds of tasks and
4. Attitudes (Atitudes).
Namely the regularity of feelings and thoughts
of someone who acts on aspects of the
Work Motivation
Motivation is one of the things that affect human
behavior, motivation is also referred to as a driver,
desire, support or needs - needs that can make
someone excited and motivated to reduce and fulfill
their own impulses, so they can act and act
according to certain ways that will bring in the
optimal direction.Motivation functions as a driver or
encouragement to employees to work hard for the
achievement of good corporate goals, for more
clarity following Rivai's opinion (2008: 445)
"Motivation is a set of attitudes and values that
affect individuals to achieve specific things
according with individual goals. According to
Greenberg and Baron in Wibowo (2011: 379) argue
that "Motivation is a series of processes that arouse
(arouse), direct (direct), and maintain (maintain)
human behavior toward achieving goals.
According to Hasibuan (2005: 143) states that:
"Motivation is the provision of driving power that
creates the enthusiasm of one's work so that they
want to work together, work effectively and be
integrated with all the power to achieve
satisfaction". According to Nawawi (2008: 351)
states: "motivation is a condition that encourages or
becomes because someone does an action / activity,
which takes place consciously".
Work Motivation indicators
Employee motivation will be determined by the
stimulus.The intended stimulus is the driving force
of employee motivation, thus giving effect to the
behavior of individual employees concerned.
Motivational indicators according to Claude S.
George in Hasibuan (2005: 163) are:
1) Fair and decent wages
2) Opportunities for advancement / promotion
3) Recognition as an individual.
4) Job security.
5) A good workplace.
6) Acceptance by groups.
7) Fair treatment.
8) Recognition of achievements
Conceptual Framework
Job promotion has an important meaning for the
employees as a whole, with the opportunity to offer
promotions, employees will be motivated to work
together and achieve, finally the tasks given by the
companywill be carried out as well as possible and
affect the work productivity of its employees. The
higher the chance for promotion, the higher the
productivity of his work,In addition to promotion, to
create high employee productivity, a conducive and
comfortable work environment is needed.
With the existence of the work environment, the
employees at work will feel calm so that they can
create optimal work productivity. Work motivation
provided by the company can support employee
work productivity.
Based on the description, the conceptual
framework of this research is as follows:
Employee Productivity with Work Motivation as Intervening Variables at PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk Medan
Figure 1: Conceptual Framework
The hypotheses in this study are as follows:
1. Partially and simultaneously Job
Promotion and Work Environment influences
Work Motivation at PT Telekomunikasi
Indonesia, Tbk Medan.
2. Partially and simultaneously Job
Promotion and Work Environment have an
effect on Employee Work Productivity at PT
Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk Medan.
3. Work motivation mediates (intervening)
Job Promotion and Work Environment towards
Work Productivity at PT Telekomunikasi
Indonesia, Tbk Medan.
The kind of research is quantitative descriptive
research that is research that aims to describe or
describe the characteristics of a situation or object of
research, carried out through the collection and
analysis of quantitative data and statistical testing.
The population of this study were 200 employees
of the company with the Slovin formula taken as
respondents totaling 67 respondents The data
analysis technique used was multiple regression
analysis after fulfilling the classical assumptions
concerning normality, heteroscedasticity,
autocorrelation and multicollinearity. This study
uses a simple path analysis model by calculating the
values of direct and indirect correlation.
Y = α +
X +
Z + є
Y = a + X+ɛ
Z = a + X+ ɛ
a. Direct effect:
b. Indirect effect:
X Z Y = (PYX) (PYZ)
c. Total effect:
X Z Y = (PYX) + (PYZ)
Based on the test of the questions for Position
Promotion variables (X1), Work Environment (X2),
Work Productivity (Y) and Work Motivation (Z) it
turns out that all questions have valid status because
of the total score> r table.
The results of the reliability test of Job
Promotion instruments (X1), Work Environment
(X2),Work Productivity (Y) and Work Motivation
(Z) from each question submitted can be seen in
Table 1 below :
Tabel 1: Variable Instrument Reliability Test Results
Variable Cronba
N of
0,764 8 Reliable
0,869 10
0,856 10
0,788 8
Source: Research Results, 2018 (Data Processed)
Classic assumption test
1.Normality test
Tabel 2: Normality Test Results
Variable Sig. α =
5 %
Job Promotion
Source: Research Results, 2018 (Data Processed)
The results of normality test can be seen in Figure 2
below :
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
Figure 2: PP-Plots Curve
2. Multicollinearity Test
Tabel 3: Multicollinearity Test Results
Tolerance VIF
Job Promotion
Work Environment
Work Motivation
Source: Research Results, 2018 (Data Processed)
All independent variables have a Variance
Inflation Factor (VIF) number of less than 10, while
the Tolerance value is close to 1, thus it can be
concluded that the regression model does not have
3. Heteroscedasticity Test
Figure 3 : Heteroskedastisitas Test Result
If there is no clear pattern, and the points spread
above and below the number 0 on the Y axis,
heteroscedasticity does not occur. This means there
is no heteroscedasticity in the regression model, so
that a decent regression model is used to predict
work productivity based on input from the
independent variable.
Analysis of Multiple Linear Regression
Tabel 4: Analysis of Multiple Linear Regression
1 Constant
Source: Research Results, 2018 (Data Processed)
The multiple linear regression equation for two
predictors (Job Promotion and Work Environment)
is :
Y= 0.535 + 0.925X1 + 0.290X2
Based on the regression equation above it can be
seen that:
1.0.535 means: if the work productivity variable is
not influenced by job promotion factors and the
work environment is worth 0 then the work
productivity of employees at PT. Telekomunikasi
Indonesia, Tbk Medan is only 0.535 per one-unit.
2.0,925 means: for each increase in the promotion
variable by one unit, the work productivity of the
employee will increase by 0,925 per one-unit
assuming the work environment variable is
considered constant.
3.0.290 means: every increase in the work
environment variable is one unit, then the work
productivity of the employee will increase by 0.290
one-unit with the variable assumption that
promotion is considered constant.
Determination Coefficient (R-Square)
Tabel 5: Determination Coefficient dan R-Square
l R
R Square
Std. Error
of the
.6341 .6233 2.77182
Source: Research Results, 2018 (Data Processed)
Based on the results of the SPSS calculation, the
R-Square value obtained is 0.6341 indicating that
Employee Productivity with Work Motivation as Intervening Variables at PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk Medan
around 63.41% of the Y variable (employee work
productivity) can be explained by Job Promotion
variables (X1) and Work Environment variables
(X2). Practically it can be said that Job Promotion
contributions (X1) and Work Environment variables
(X2) to variable Y (employee Work Productivity)
are 63.41%. The rest (100% - 63.41% = 36.59%) is
influenced by other variables not examined in this
Simultaneous Test (F test)
Tabel 6: F Test
Sum of
Square F Sig.
491.712 7.683
Source: Research Results, 2018 (Data Processed)
The value of F calculation above is 55.468
greater than Ftable of 3.13 with sig 0,000 < (0.05),
indicating that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted,
means that Job Promotion variables (X1) and Work
Environment variables (X2) simultaneously have an
significant to Y (employee Work Productivity).
T test
Tabel 7: Uji t
t Sig.
.131 .896
Job Promotion
6.957 .000
Work Environmen
3.134 .003
Source: Research Results, 2018 (Data Processed)
Based on Table 7, it can be concluded as follows:
1) Effect of Job Promotion on employee work
The value of t calculation of 6.957 is greater
than t table of 1.668 with probability t that is sig
0,000 smaller than the significance limit of 0.05.
This means that Job Promotion variables (X1)
partially have a significant effect on employee
Work Productivity (Y).
2) The influence of the Work Environment on
employee work productivity
From Table 7, the value of t calculation of 3.134
is greater than t table of 1.668 with the
probability of t being sig 0.003 smaller than the
significance limit of 0.05. This means that the
Work Environment variable (X2) partially has
significant influence on employee Work
Productivity (Y). Thus the work environment
factors contribute to the work productivity of
Significance of Position Promotion on Work
Productivity Through Work Motivation
Table 8: Intervening Variable Correlation
Path coefficient
PyZ 0,136
Source: Research Results, 2018 (Data Processed)
Indirect Effect (IE) Job Promotion of Work
Productivity through Work Motivation is:
Indirect Effect (IE) = (PZX1) (PyZ)
= -1,287 x 0.136
= -0.175
X1 Z  Y = (PYX1) + (IE)
= 0.317 - 0.175
= 0.142
The results of the hypothesis test of the influence
of Job Promotion on Work Productivity through
Work Motivation are smaller than the direct effect,
Ha is rejected and H0 is accepted. This means that
promotion through Work Motivation has no
significant effect on Work Productivity.
Py X1Z =0,653
Figure 4: Job Promotion path analysis of Work
Productivity through Work Motivation
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
The results of path analysis show that Job
Promotion have a direct effect on Work Productivity
but Work Motivation cannot be an intervening
variable on Work Productivity The amount of direct
influence is 0.317 while the amount of indirect
influence is 0.142. Because of the value (X1ZY Z
PX1), Work Motivation does not function as an
intervening variable.
Significance of the Work Environment on Work
Productivity Through Work Motivation
Indirect Effect (IE) on Work Environment variables
on Work Productivity through Work Motivation :
Table 9: Intervening Variable Correlation
Path coefficient
PyZ 0,136
Source: Research Results, 2018 (Data Processed)
Indirect Effect (IE) Work Environment of Work
Productivity through Work Motivation is:
Indirect Effect (IE) = (PZX
) (PyZ)
= 0.470 x 0.136
= 0.064
Z Y = (PYX
) + (IE)
= 0.209 + 0.064
= 0.273
Figure 5 : Work Environment path analysis of Work
Productivity through Work Motivation
The results of path analysis show that Work
Environment have a direct effect on Work
Productivity and can also indirectly influence Work
Motivation (as an intervening variable) on Work
Productivity. The magnitude of the direct effect is
0.212 while the magnitude of the indirect effect is
0.272. Because of the value (X2ZY> PX2), Work
Motivation functions as an intervening variable.
Effect of Job Promotion and Work Environment
on Employee Productivity
Job Promotion has a positive and significant
influence on Employee Work Productivity. This is
indicated by the results of the calculation (attached)
of the t test, seen t count for the Job Promotion
variable of 6,957 with a probability of 0,000. By
using a 5% significance level obtained a probability
value smaller than 0.05, which means that the
hypothesis in this study is accepted. Thus it can be
concluded that Job Promotion has a positive and
significant influence on Employee Work
Work Environment has a positive and significant
effect on Employee Work Productivity. This is
indicated by the results of the calculation (attached)
of the t test, seen t count for the Work Environment
variable of 3.134 with a probability of 0.003. By
using a 5% significance level obtained a probability
value smaller than 0.05, which means that the
hypothesis in this study is accepted. Thus it can be
concluded that the Work Environment has a positive
and significant influence on Employee Work
Based on the results of multiple linear regression
it can be seen that the variables that have the greatest
influence on Employee Work Productivity are Job
Promotions that have regression coefficients of
0.925, then followed by the Work Environment
variable has regression coefficient of 0.290.
Nevertheless both of these variables have an equally
important role in increasing Employee Work
Productivity. The results of the R-Square
determination coefficient test were 0.6341 indicating
that Job Promotion contributions (X1) and Work
Environment variables (X2) in explaining their
effects on employee Work Productivity variables
were 63.41%, the remaining 36.59% were
influenced by other variables not examined in this
Simultaneously Job Promotion and Work
Environment influence Work Motivation. Partially
Job Promotion has a significant effect on Work
Motivation, as well as the Work Environment has a
significant effect on Work Motivation.
Simultaneously Job Promotion and Work
Environment have a significant effect on Work
Productivity. Partially Job Promotion and Work
Employee Productivity with Work Motivation as Intervening Variables at PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk Medan
Environment have a significant effect on Work
Work motivation has not been able to mediate
(intervening) the effect of Job Promotion on Work
Productivity. Work Motivation can mediate
(intervening) the influence of the Work Environment
on Work Productivity.
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UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science