A Comprehensive Analysis of Firm’s Value: A Study of Selected
Firms in Indonesia
Firman Syarif
and Mutia Ismail
Department of Accounting, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan –Indonesia
Keywords: Management Change, Investment Decision, Audit Committee, Good Corporate Governance, Capital
Structure and Firm’s Value
Abstract: The main objective of this study is to determine the influence of Management Change, Investment Decision,
Audit Committee, Good Corporate Governance and Capital Structure on Firm’s Value. A sample of 15 firms
listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange (ISE) for a period of 4 years from 2014-2017 was used. Data were sourced
from annual reports of selected firms. The Multiple Linier Regression (MLR) statistical technique was used
for data analysis and hypothesis testing. The study revealed that there is a significant influence of Management
Change, Investment Decision, Good Corporate Governance and Capital Structure on Firms’ Value. But there
isn’t a significant influence of Audit Committee on Firms’ Value. The study therefore recommends that
Investment Decision and Capital Structure are optimized by firms to aid maximization of firms’ value.
All small firms, medium firms and large firms need
funds to activate. Among them, large firms really
need funds to do day to day operations and sometimes
try to expand domestically and abroad for their
activities. The main objective of the firms are to get
much profit, to maximize their stockholders welfare.
To make it succeed, they need funds to finance their
operations and activities. It is important to improve
the firms’ performance by changing the management,
investment decision, creating Good Corporate
Governance, form Audit Committee and also good
financing strategy such as arranging capital structure
(financing source) which are devided into two:
Reserve and retained earnings as the internal
financing and long term loans, issuance of bond
payables, common stock and preferred stock.
Firms must choose the best Directors to manage
the firm, investment decision should be done
carefully. The aim of decision investment is to get
high profit margin with certain risk. It is expected to
increase firms’ value. It is also meant to increase
stockholders’ welfare. Stockholders worth can be
measured by stock price. it can be counted from
amount of common stock outstanding times stock
price at that time. Market price is reflected from
various decision and policy done by management so
it could be said that firms’ value is derived from
management actions. According to the Cadbury
Report, 1992, the Combined Code, 2003, 2006, and
the FRC, 2016, a board of directors should
established Audit Committee, Audit remuneration,
Audit nomination , etc., to improve efficiency. This
research aims to narrow down and focus on Audit
Committee adoption as being one of the most
important function of board of directors.
A variety of research in financial management has
been widely performed and contributed useful
financial theory to science and management policies,
such as the capital structure theory (Modigliani and
Miller, 1958 and 1963) and agency theory (Jensen
and Meckling, 1976) etc. Therefore, the activities
within the company play an important role in the
survival of the company. The main goal of the firms’
policy are commonly aimed at the development of the
company by increasing fims’ value.
At least eight theories and theoretical frameworks
have been developed relating 6 factors influencing
firms’ value (Kumar, 2007), these are:
Syarif, F. and Ismail, M.
A Comprehensive Analysis of Firm’s Value: A Study of Selected Firms in Indonesia.
DOI: 10.5220/0009508411671173
In Proceedings of the 1st Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science (UNICEES 2018), pages 1167-1173
ISBN: 978-989-758-432-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
1. Irrelevance Theory by Modigliani and
Miller (M&M) in 1958
2. Static Trade-off Theory (STT) by Myers and
Majluf in 1984
3. Asymmetric Information signaling
framework by Ross in 1977
4. Model based on agency cost by Jensen and
Meckling in 1976
5. Pecking Order Framework (POF) by Majluf
and Meyers in 1984
6. The legal environment framework of capital
structure by La Porta et. al in 1997
7. Target leverage framework or mean revision
theory by Fisher et al in 1989
8. Transaction cost framework by Williamson
in 1988
The principle of agency conflict and agency
Agency theory is defined as “ one in which one or
more persons (the principal (s)) engange another
person (the agent) to perform some service on their
behalf which involve delegating some decision
making authority to the agent” (Jensen and Meckling,
The relationship between the principal and the
agent possesses two major interdependent problems.
The first is the problem of information asymmetry
between the principal and the agent. The second is the
possibility of conflict or a divergence of interest
between the principal and the agent (Hill and Jones,
1992). In term of divergence of interest, the agent
does not necessarily make decisions in the best
interests of the principal. The agent (manager) may
prefer to persue their own personal objectives instead
of primary objective of wealth maximization for
shareholders (Huse, 2007; Eisenhardt, 1989; Berle
and Means 1932).
The formation of an audit committee by board of
commissionaires is design to overcome agency
problems and helps enhance the firms’ monitoring
and effectiveness. However, Khosa (2017) indicates
that the presence of an audit committee can mitigate
the agency costs between managers and shareholders.
Also, the establishment of an audit committee helps
to align the interest of management with those of
shareholders (Hillman and Dalziel, 2003). The
establishment of an audit committee as part of best
corporate governance practice helps to reduce agency
costs and information asymmetry by ensuring that a
firms’ activities are conducted in line with the
expectations of the principal and agent.
2.1 Prior Audit Committee Studies and
Hypotheses Development
The benefits gained by firms as a result of
establishing an audit committee, prior studies indicate
that the presence of an audit committee can have no
impact or a negative impact on a firm. Empirical
research by Khosa, (2017) indicates that audit
committee independence is negatively associated
with firm value. This research is consistent with the
findings of Yermack (1996). He showed that the
establishment of an audit committee board had a
negative correlation to a firm’s Tobin’s Q.
In contrast, Chan and Li’s (2008) research reveals
that the establishment of these committee (audit,
nominating and compensation) have a positive impact
on firm value since their knowledge and experience
can be shared during board meetings. Also, the
information given by a committee can enhance the
overall insight of a board of directors into their firm.
However, given the mixed empirical evidence, this
research predicts that audit committee can have either
a positive or negative association with firm value.
Henceforth, the main hypotheses to be tested are as
Ha1: there is a positive and statistically significant
relationship between the existence of an audit
committee and a firm’s value.
2.2 Prior Institutional Ownership Study and
Hypothesis Development
Analyzing the effect of dominant institutional
investors on firm value Mallorqui and Martin (2011)
found that the ownership of investment funds is
positively related to firm value but the ownership of
banking institutions is negatively related to firm
The existing empirical evidence regarding the
relationship between institutional ownership of firm
value remains inconclusive. McConnell and Servaes
(1990) found a significant positive relationship
between institutional ownership and Tobin’s Q.
Consistent with these arguments, the following
hypotheses is proposed:
Ha2: There is a positive effect between institutional
ownership and firms’ value
2.3 Prior Capital Structure Study and
Hypothesis Development
Woolridge and Snow (1990), found a significant
positive abnormal return at the level of 0.71% of the
overall investment announcement. They are
categorized into several types of investment
announcement, joint ventures, R & D project,
diversify markets/products, and capital expenditure.
Significant positive market reaction and long term
investments, the investment is more than 3 years.
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
Capital structure is one policy influencing firms’
value. According to Weston and Copeland (1997),
capital structure is a permanent financing consist of
long term liabilities, preferred stock and stockholders
equity. Capital structure shows the proportion on
using payables to finance the investments. Investors
try to balance between risk and return.
Research conducted Anuchitworawong (2000)
after crisis in Thailand, and Guo (2006), found that
capital structure has a negative and significant effect
on Return On Asset (ROA). Rayan, K (2008) found
financial leverage has a negative and significant
effect on firm value. Salehi, M (2009) who conducted
research in Iran, also found that financial leverage has
a negative impact on corporate performance, While
Bhatti, et al (2010), found that high levels of leverage
that will create a high systematic risk and high
volatility in stock prices. Henceforth, the main
hypotheses to be tested are as follows:
Ha3: There is a positive and statistically significant
relationship between capital structure and firms’
2.4 Prior Investment Decision Study and
Hypotheses Development
The aim of investment decision is to get high profit
margin with certain high risk. The highest of profit
margin followed by the highest the management risk.
It is expected that increasing firms’ value means
increasing stockholders’ welfare. Capital expenditure
related to investment policy, where the policy is part
of the financial policies that have significance to
make the value of the company increases. This policy
is usually done when the company expanded the
business by adding production capacity,
modernization or building factories and capital
budgeting changes. Woolridge and Snow (1990) has
been treated as capital expenditure expansion of
production capacity, plant modernization and
changes in capital expenditure as capital expenditure.
Henceforth, the main hypotheses to be tested are as
Ha4: There is a positive and statistically effect of
investment decision on firms’value.
2.5 Prior Management Changes Study and
Hypotheses Development
Management changes in a firm can also change the
vision, mission and firms business strategies, and at
last it needs organization restructuring. This changing
is expected to increase value of the firm. Usually
organization restructuring will be followed by
management changes. Based on this description, the
hypotheses is as follows:
Ha5: There is a significant effect of management
changes on firms value
The research paper uses secondary data from
www.idx.co.id (annual report from food and
beverage companies) and covers a 4-year period of
15 financial firms annual reports (From December
2014 to December 2017). The financial firms are
focus on Food and Beverage Companies listed in
Indonesia Stock Exchange.
The firms were selected to be part of the sample
by using the criteria that they have had 4 consecutive
years of annual reports, and that the independent
variables (Audit committee, institutional ownership,
management changes, investment decision and
capital structure), dependent variable (Tobin’s Q).
The 15 firms generate 60 firm-year operations,
which are sufficient to help answer the research
questions and make a meaningful contribution to the
firms’ value literature. Also, selecting data from
2014-2017 is appropriate to the research objectives
and the rationale behind this study.
Data gathered were analyzed using regression
analysis method. Regression analysis is a statistical
tool for estimating relationships among variable
especially when focus is on the relationship between
a dependent variable and one or more independent
variables. Regression is also used to understand if the
independent variable is related to the dependent
variable and to explore the form of this relationship
and also infer the causal relationship (effect) between
the variables (dependent and independent). However,
the multiple linier regression method was specifically
employed, using the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS)
method to estimate the parameters. The Ordinary
Least Squares (OLS) method was employed because
it is the best linier unbiased estimator.
3.1 The Regression Design
The data given will be tested using the following
regression model:
Tobin’s Qit = ɑ0 + ɑ1 Audit Committeeit + ɑ2
Institutional Ownership + ɑ3 Capital Structure +
ɑ4 Investment Decision + ɑ5 Management
Changes + εit
Tobin’s Qit for firm i at time t is the dependent
variable used as a proxy for firm valuation. That
is, Tobon’s Q will represent and serve as a firm-
based organisational valuation measure. The term
ɑ0 is constant; ɑ1, ɑ2, ɑ3, ɑ4, ɑ5 are the
independent variables. The last term εit is the
model error for firm i at time t.
(i) Dependent variable Tobin’s Q firm value
A Comprehensive Analysis of Firm’s Value: A Study of Selected Firms in Indonesia
The dependent variable in this study is firm value,
which has also been used in several prior studies;
for example, (Agrawal and Knoeber, 1996;
Yermack, 1996; Gompers et al., 2003; Klapper
and Love, 2004; Beiner et al., 2006; Black et al.,
2006; Haniffa and Hudaib, 2006; Henry, 2008;
Guest, 2009; Ntim et al., 2015; Krause and Tse,
2016). Tobin’s Q represents the financial
valuation of corporate governance structures by
investors (outsiders), (Lindenberg and Rose,
1981). Tobin’s Q is measured as the ratio of total
assets minus the book value of equity plus the
market value of equity to total assets (Chung and
Pruitt 1994, Beiner et al., 2006).
(ii) The Independent variables in this study are
Audit Committee, Institutional Ownership,
Capital Structure, Investment Decision and
Management Changes.
3.2 Statistical Criteria
It is necessary to check the goodness of fit of the
model and the statistical significance of the eatimated
parameter; the statistical criterion used to check the
goodness of fit was the coefficient of determination
) and the T-tsest, Durbin Watson and F-test were
the criteria used to check the statistical significance
of the estimated parameters; the criteria are further
explained below:
1. T-test: this test was used to test the
significance of the parameters estimated at (n-
k) degree of freedom, where n= number of
observations and k = parameters.
2. Coefficient of Determination (R
): this shows
the percentage of the total variation of the
dependent variable that can be explained by
the independent variable (s). R
shows the
extent to which the independent variable
influences the dependent variable. A high
value shows a high degree of influence and
vice versa
3. F-test: this is used to test the significance of R
and thus test the significance of the model as a
If F-calculated is greater than F-tabulated, reject
the H
and if F-calculated is less than F-
tabulated accept H
at 5% level of significance.
4. Durbin-Watson statistic: This is mostly
relevant when using time series data. This
criterion was used to test whether there is any
evidence of autocorrelation in the residuals of
the time series regression. The statistics ranges
from zero to four, a value of two or close to
two indicates no autocorrelation in the sample.
A value far less than two indicate positive
correlation while a value greater than two
indicate negative correlation.
5. Audit committee connoted by AC is estimated
by audit committee members in the firms.
Institutional ownership is estimated by
amount of institutional stocks or shares
devided by total stocks times 100%.
Management changes in this paper use dummy
variable where 1 if management changes
happened and 0 otherwise. Investment
decision connoted by ID is proxied by Price
Earnings Ratio (PER), estimated by stock
price devided earnings per share times 100%.
Capital structure or financial leverage
connoted by CS is estimated by total debt/total
equity, and its value is given in ratio. Firms’
value connoted by FV is estimated using
market value of the shares of sampled firms,
and its value is given.
6. The listed firms are Food and Beverage period
2014-2017, the firms have closing price data
and the stocks are actively traded. The firms
also have financial ratios as research variable
The results of the OLS regression are analysed in the
table below.
Table 1: Descriptive statistics
Variables Mean Std.Dev. Observation
AC 3.115 0.379 52
IO 70.263 19.221 52
MC 0.289 0.457 52
ID 21.454 10.055 52
CS 1.146 1.328 52
FV 3.113 3.248 52
Source: SPSS 22
Table above highlights descriptive statistics of
variables. Firm Value (FV) which is the dependent
variable has a mean of 3,1154 and a standard
deviation value of 3,24751. The mean value of Audit
committee stood at 3,1154 and a standard deviation
value of 0,37853. The mean value of Institutional
ownership stood at 70,2625 and a standard deviation
value of 19,2213. The mean value of Management
changes stood at 0,2885 and a standard deviation
value of 0,45747. The mean value of Investment
Decision stood at 21,4538 and a standard deviation
value of 10,05458. The mean value of Capital
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
structure stood at 1,1463 and a standard deviation
value of 1,32821. The last column represents the
number of samples in our observation.
Table 2: Normality Test
 
Normal Parameters Mean 0.000
Absolute 0.178
Most Extreme Positive 0.178
Difference Negative -0.104
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z
Asymp.Sig (2-tailed)
a. Test distribution is
 
b. Calculated from data
 
Source: SPSS 22
The asymp.sig (2-tailed) shows that p prob value
0,075> 0,05. It means that normality assumption has
been fulfilled.
Table 3: Multicollinierity Test
Model Collinearity Statistics
Tolerance VIF
 
Audit Committee 0.943 1.060
Institutional Ownership 0.882 1.134
Management Changes 0.991 1.009
Investment Decision 0.849 1.178
Capital Structure 0.922 1.084
Source: SPSS 22
All variables showed that Variance Inflation
Factor Value are below 10 and Tolerance value are
above 0,1. It means that there is no multicollinierity
among the variables.
Table 4: Autocorrelation Test
Run Test
Test Value -0.3737
Cases < Test Value 26
Cases >= Test Value 26
Total Cases 52
Number of runs 28
Z 0.,280
Asymp.Sig (2-tailed) 0.779
Source: SPSS 22
Asymp.Sig (2-tailed) 0,779 > 0,05 shows that
there is no autocorrelation from the model.
Model Summary and Analysis of Result
The result obtained from the preliminary ordinary
least square estimation technique is presented below:
Table 5: Ordinary Least Square Regression Result
(Initial Output)
Dep. Indep.
-0.152 0.88
MC 0.699 0.785 0.436
3.609 0.001
a. Dependent Variable: Firm Value
Adj R
Source: SPSS 22
The coefficient of determination (R
) with a value
of 0,283 shows that about 0,283% of the total
systematic variations in the dependent variable (FV)
have been been explained by the explanatory
variables taken together. The adjusted R-Square
shows that after adjusting for the degree of freedom,
the model could still explain about 0,205% of the total
systematic variations in firm value (FV), while about
79,5% of the systematic variation in firm value (FV)
was left unaccounted for, which has been captured by
the stochastic disturbance term in the model. This
indicates a moderate fit of the regression line and also
the model has a high forecasting power. On the basis
of the overall statistical significance of the model as
indicated by the F-statistics, it was observed that
overall model was statistically significance since sig.
value 0,007 < 0,005. On the other side, on the basis of
the individual statistical significance, as shown by the
t-statistic, it was observed that audit committee has
Prob. Value 0,880; Institutional Ownership has
Prob.Value 0,013; Management changes has
Prob.Value 0,436; Investment Decision has Prob.
Value 0,001 and Capital Structure has Prob. Value
Hypothesis Testing
In order to test the hypotheses of the study, the t-
statistic obtained from the regression result were
used, the paper adopted 5% level of significance
under the one-tailed test. Our decision rule is to
accept the alternative hypothesis if Prob. Value is less
than 0,005, otherwise we reject alternative and accept
the null.
A Comprehensive Analysis of Firm’s Value: A Study of Selected Firms in Indonesia
Hypothesis 1:
: there is a positive and statistically significant
relationship between the existence of an audit
committee and a firm’s value
From the empirical analysis it was observed that
Prob.Value from audit committee 0,633 and
coefficient regression - 0,167, which states that audit
committee influences negatively and not significant
on firms value.
Hypoyhesis 2:
: : There is a positive effect between institutional
ownership and firms’ value
From the empirical analysis, it was observed that
Prob. Value from Institutional ownership 0,05 and
coefficient regression 0,058, means that Institutional
ownership influence positively but not significantly
on firms value.
Hypothesis 3:
: There is a positive and statistically significant
relationship between capital structure and firms’
From the empirical analysis, it was observed that
Prob. Value from capital structure 0,091 and
coefficient regression 0,318, means that capital
structure influence positively but not significantly on
firms value.
Hypothesis 4:
: There is a positive and statistically effect of
investment decision on firms’value
From the empirical analysis, it was observed that
Prob. Value from investment decision 0,001 and
coefficient regression 0,158, means that investment
decision influence positively and significantly on
firms value.
Hypothesis 5
: There is a significant effect of management
changes on firms value
From the empirical analysis, it was observed that
Prob. Value from management changes 0,436 and
coefficient regression 0,999, means that management
changes influence positively but not significantly on
firms value.
The research examined the relationship among audit
committee, institutional ownership, management
changes, investment decision and capital structure on
firms value. From all independent variables, only
variable investment decision influence positively and
significantly on firms value.
Firm investment decisions are shown to be
directly related to financial factors, and they also
related to firms value. Investment decisions of firms
with high creditworthiness are extremely sensitive to
the availability of internal funds; less creditworthy
firms are much less sensitive to internal fund
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A Comprehensive Analysis of Firm’s Value: A Study of Selected Firms in Indonesia