How the Organizational Change and Organizational Culture Effected
to the Employees’ Performance?
Widya Parimita
and Hania Aminah
Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta-Indonesia
Keywords: Organizational Chaneg, Organizational Culture, Employees’ Performace
Abstract: The purpose of this study is: to find out 1) Description of organizational change, organizational culture and
performance of PT X employees, 2) Effect of organizational changes on the employees’ performance, 3)
Effect of organizational culture on the employees’ performance, 4) Models Organizational change research
and organizational culture can predict the employees’ performance. The technique of collecting data using
survey methods is by distributing questionnaires which are then processed with the SPSS 25 program. This
study using descriptive and explanatory analysis. The results of the regression show that there is a positive
and significant influence between organizational changes on employee performance, and also there is a
positive and significant influence between organizational culture on employee performance, and for
research models of organizational change and organizational culture can predict the employees’
performance that organizational change and organizational culture can predict significantly the performance
of employees.
The success of an organization in running its
business depends on the ability of human resources
to manage the resources owned by the company.
Human resources are one of the key factors in
economic reform namely, how to create qualified
and skillful Human Resources (HR) and highly
competitive in today's global competition (Utami et
al., 2017). The performance of an employee
determines how the success of an organization in
achieving its goals. Employees become executors of
various policies and operational activities in an
organization. All forms of resources owned by the
organization will not be able to run optimally if it is
not supported by the performance of employees who
are qualified in their fields. Ferlan (2016: 1058)
strengthens this argument by stating that
organizations and employees are a unit that has a
relationship and must be balanced.
Every organization will always strive to improve
employee performance, with the hope that
organizational goals are achieved. The performance
of an employee plays an important role for an
organization, because the performance of each
employee is a contribution to the achievement of the
performance of each organizational function and in
turn the performance of organizational functions
contributes to the achievement of an organization or
company (Utami et al., 2017: 205). PT X is a
company engaged in supplying household goods.
From the results of observations made by
researchers, in the last 3 years there have been
organizational changes 2 times in the organizational
structure of PT X. From these changes it is thought
to have an impact on the decline in employee
This organizational change has been planned and
aims to find the most appropriate form of
organization so that it can support the achievement
of organizational goals. In addition, according to
Ferlan (2016: 1065) an organization can only
survive if it can make changes. When organizational
changes occur, all employees must be ensured that
they have enough information. This is intended so
that employees can be better prepared to deal with
these changes. Employees must be informed of
changes in the organization before they occur so that
they can prepare themselves physically and
emotionally (Karanja, 2015: 239). Besides
organizational change, organizational values become
Parimita, W. and Aminah, H.
How the Organizational Change and Organizational Culture Effected to the Employees’ Performance?.
DOI: 10.5220/0009507708330838
In Proceedings of the 1st Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science (UNICEES 2018), pages 833-838
ISBN: 978-989-758-432-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
a culture inherent in the organization, where
organizational culture plays an important role in
achieving organizational goals. Utami et al. (2017:
207) said that organizational culture plays an
important role in achieving an organizational goal
because organizational culture is a way of working
quality and is based on meaningful values and
provides motivation and inspiration to work better.
Thus, organizations that have a good organizational
culture are considered capable of motivating and
inspiring employees to work better. Employees who
successfully adapt within the organizational culture
will be able to maximize the performance they have
so that it has an impact on achieving organizational
goals. Based on data obtained by researchers, human
resource management at PT X has been conducted.
Organizational performance is largely determined by
how the employee's performance the organization
has. The fulcrum for the good and bad performance
of organizations to make better resources. Employee
performance itself is the output of the development
and training carried out by the organization. Gultom
(2014: 176). Improve communication skills. Good
management of their organization is needed, so that
the output that can be accessed by the organization
can be fulfilled.
Nkuraru & Wanza (2016: 190) also states that
performance is an important thing for organizations
to achieve company goals and objectives. Provisions
reinforced by Trang (2013: 210) employee
performance is the output or work results of
employees in accordance with the duties and
responsibilities to achieve organizational goals.
Employees are interpreted as something very
important, depending on how the company is able to
manage it. Then, according to Mangkunegara (2011:
43) performance is the result achieved through
certain activities and procedures by using resources
for the specified organization. Performance is the
result of the system applied by the organization,
starting from planning to evaluation.
Meanwhile, according to Utami et al. (2017:
206) individual performance is the result of work
both in terms of quality and the number of work
standards that have been determined. From here we
can see that there are two aspects that need to be
considered in one employee, namely from the
quality that can be done by the employee. From the
definition above, the researcher synthesizes
performance is the work result that can be obtained
from a project of certain procedures to achieve the
company's target according to the standards that
have been set together.
Organizational Change
Today, we want the world to be on a massive
journey. Individuals and organizations are required
to make changes in times that are able to survive in
competition. Organizations must always be prepared
to look at the risks and opportunities that exist to
survive. According to Utami et al. (2017: 207)
organization for organizational components such as
structure, strategy, systems and human behavior that
aims to increase the effectiveness of the
organization. Organizational change is done to
improve organizational performance. Then, Karanja
(2015: 232) is an organization which is an action or
movement designed in a process or process that
affects the work of the organization. Changes may
also affect the strategies used in achieving, the
process of implementing strategies, tasks and
functions carried out by employees in the
organization, and the relationship between
employees themselves. Sunaryo (2017: 102)
emphasizes the main goal of the organization which
ultimately is to achieve organizational goals to the
fullest. This achievement certainly cannot be done
simply by doing the same thing and repeatedly.
From several components that have been stated
by the experts above, the researcher synthesizes the
organization which is an action that is channeled
into the organization, such as structure, strategy,
system, and human behavior with the aim of
improving organizational performance.
Organizational Culture
Gultom (2014: 176) explains that organizational
culture in an organization is usually associated with
values, norms, attitudes and work ethics that are
shared with each component of the organization,
these elements become the basis for monitoring
employee behavior, the way they think, cooperate,
and interact with its employees.
Trang (2013: 210) explains that organizational
culture is a value, assumption, assumptions, attitudes
and behavioral norms that have institutionalized then
manifest in appearance, attitudes and actions, thus
becoming the identity of a particular organization.
Organizational culture becomes an inseparable thing
from the organization itself.
Organizational culture is agreed upon together,
both directly and indirectly by every element in the
organization. This is in line with Sunaryo (2017:
103) organizational culture is a shared perception
shared by all members of the organization.
Defined by Awadh & Saad (2013: 169),
organizational culture as a combination of values,
habits, beliefs, communication and translation of
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
behavior that provides guidance for many people. A
strong culture is a very useful tool for directing
behavior, because it helps employees to do better
work so that every employee at the beginning of his
career needs to understand the culture and how the
culture is implemented. The performance of an
organization is able to be sustained by a strong
organizational culture, because the established work
environment can make each employee at an optimal
level. Furthermore, the strong organizational culture
is also able to provide the control needed by
employees so as to be able to penetrate the
boundaries of a rigid formal bureaucracy, so that
motivation and innovation of employees can grow
From the definition stated above, the researcher
draws the conclusion that organizational culture is a
combination of values, habits, beliefs, attitudes and
actions that become the identity of the organization,
referring to the same system and differentiating from
other organizations.
Research Constellation Model
Figure 1: Research Constellation Model
This research is a descriptive and explanatory
research that takes place from May 2018 to August
2018 with the method of collecting data using the
survey method, namely by questionnaire. In
addition, researchers also used secondary data in the
form of employee performance appraisal data
obtained from PT X. The sampling technique used
was nonprobability sampling so that the sample in
this study were all members of the population,
namely all employees of PT X as many as 129
Validity test
Table 1: Validity test
Change (X
Culture (X
Validity test performed on organizational change
variables and organizational culture seen from all
items in the variable statement can be declared valid.
Expressed valid because all instruments have met
the requirements, namely the value of r count> r
table 0.344. So, it can be concluded that all
instruments can be used because they fulfill valid
Reliability test
Table 2: Reliability test
Item Valid
Change (X
Culture (X
Based on Table 2. above the reliability test
results for each variable organizational change and
organizational culture have Cronbach's Alpha
value> 0.6, which is 0.736 and 0.622. Thus, the
instruments of the two variables can be declared
reliable or reliable because the value of Cronbach's
Alpha is more than 0.6.
Descriptive analysis
Descriptive analysis is the result of processing raw
data of research variables to provide an overview of
the distribution and distribution of data. The raw
data of research variables are the results of research
obtained through questionnaires distributed to
respondents, namely all employees of PT X
numbered 129 employees. The results of the answers
to the questionnaire will be used to determine a
general description of the company's conditions
regarding organizational change, organizational
culture and performance.
The criteria for interpreting the scores that
researchers use in measuring organizational change
variables and organizational culture start at the level
of 0% - 25%. Disagree statements and strongly
disagree, organizational changes are declared very
How the Organizational Change and Organizational Culture Effected to the Employees’ Performance?
effective and the organizational culture is very
supportive. Then the levels of 26% - 50% for
disagree statements and strongly disagree, then
organizational changes are declared effective and the
organizational culture supports. Furthermore, if the
levels of 51% - 75% for statements of disagreement
and strongly disagree, organizational changes are
declared ineffective and the culture of the
organization does not support. Finally, if the level is
76% - 100% for the statement of disagreement and
strongly disagrees, organizational changes are
declared to be very ineffective and the
organizational culture is not very supportive.
Then, for a descriptive analysis of employee
performance variables, researchers used score
interpretation criteria by looking at if the average
obtained by employees is 0 - 6.00, then the
employee's performance is stated to be poor. Then, if
the average obtained by employees is 6.01 - 8.00
then the employee's performance is declared good. If
the average obtained by employees is 8.01 - 10.0,
the employee's performance is stated to be very
The results of the descriptive analysis for
organizational change and organizational culture
variables indicate that the statement strongly agrees
to the organizational change variable is 6.6% and the
organizational culture is 3.6%. Then, for the
statement of agreement for the variable
organizational change is 20.2% and the
organizational culture is 21.4%. Furthermore, for
disagreeing statements for organizational change
variables is 52.6% and organizational culture is
53.5%. For statements that strongly disagree for the
variable organizational change is 20.6% and
organizational culture is 21.5%.
So, when viewed from the results of the
descriptive analysis, organizational changes were
declared ineffective because the disagreement
statement and strongly disagree amounted to 73.2%.
For organizational culture variables it was declared
not supportive because the number of disagreements
and strongly disagreed was 75%.
Then, the results of research for employee
performance variables are as follows:
Organizational changes are declared ineffective,
can be seen from employees who do not need new
skills in doing their tasks. Employees feel enough
with the skills they have now. The existence of new
methods also proved unable to make employees
easier in carrying out their work. The coordination
mechanism in the company runs poorly so that the
flow of coordination between employees is not
Real organizational culture in not supporting the
achievement of organizational goals, can be seen
from the reluctance of employees to conduct
analysis in carrying out their work. The employees
also proved reluctant to cooperate in completing the
work provided by the company. Employees tend to
work individually compared to the team.
Unattainable work targets are also a factor in the
weakness of compnay's organizational culture.
Based on the results of in-depth interviews
regarding performance variables, information was
obtained that the low performance of employees was
caused by the number of employees who failed to
achieve the target of work given or their
responsibilities, employees did not come to the
office or their arrival was not on time, so poor
coordination was not awake well.
Multiple Regression Test
Table 3: Multiple Regression Test
Based on table 3, the organizational change variable
has a tcount of 4.449. The tcount is then compared
with the t table value searched at α = 5%: 2 = 2.5%
(2-sided test) with degrees of freedom (df) nk-1 or
129-2-1 = 126, where n is the number of samples
and k is the number of independent variables. Based
on these calculations, obtained ttable of 1.979 thus t
count> t table and the significance value of the
organizational change variable of 0.000, thus 0,000
<0.05. It can be concluded that H0 is rejected and
Ha is accepted. This means that organizational
changes have a positive and significant influence on
employee performance.
nal Change
nal Culture
a. Dependent Variabel: Employees’ Performance
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
As what was said by Utami et al. (2017) that
organizational change is an act of switching an
organization from the current conditions to future
conditions to improve the effectiveness of
organizational performance. These results are in
accordance with the research conducted by Ferlan
(2016), Simbolon (2013), Sunaryo (2017) which
states that organizational change has a significant
effect on employee performance.
From table 3 also shows the t-count for the
organizational culture variable of 5.474, and a
significance value of 0.000. The tcount is then
compared with the t table value searched at α = 5%:
2 = 2.5% (2-sided test) with degrees of freedom (df)
nk-1 or 129-2-1 = 126, where n is the number of
samples and k is the number of independent
variables. Based on these calculations, obtained t
table of 1.979. This shows that tcount> t table and
significance value 0,000 <0.05. That is, H0 is
rejected and Ha is accepted. That is, there is a
positive and significant influence between
organizational culture on employee performance.
As what was conveyed by Trang (2013) which
states that organizational culture is able to move
conscience and mind to do things better, so that the
culture is able to become a motivator in employees
to improve their performance. This result is
consistent with the research conducted by Gultom
(2014), Hatta and Rachbini (2015), Sunaryo (2017).
Table 4: Goodness of Fit Model
In table 4, the calculated F is 55,264. The calculated
F value is then compared with the Ftable value,
which is sought with a 95% confidence level, engan
with df 1 (number of variables-1) or 3-1 = 2, and df
2 (n-k-1) or 129-2-1 = 126. Based on these
calculations, obtained Ftable is 3.07, thus Fcount>
Ftable. The significance of the model feasibility test
is 0,000, thus 0,000 <0.05. It can be concluded that
the research model of organizational change and
organizational culture can predict the performance
variable of PT X employees
After analyzing the research data on "The influence
of organizational change and organizational culture
on the employees’ performance, then conclusions
can be taken as follows:
1. Description of organizational change,
organizational culture and the employees’
performance are:
a. Organizational changes are classified as
ineffective in achieving organizational goals.
Employees do not need new skills in carrying out
their tasks. Employees feel enough with the skills
they have now. New methods have proven unable to
make employees easier to carry out their work. The
coordination mechanism in the company runs poorly
so that the flow of coordination between employees
is not good.
b. Organizational culture is classified as not
supporting the achievement of organizational goals.
Employees are reluctant to carry out analysis in
carrying out their work. Employees also proved
reluctant to cooperate in completing the work
provided by the company. Employees tend to work
individually compared to the team. Unattainable
work targets are also a factor in the weakness of
companys organizational culture.
c. Employee performance is relatively low,
because the average employee rating of a total of
129 employees is in the number 5.994 which means
that it is in the poor performance rating category
(below 6). This is caused by poor collaboration
between employees, failure of the employee to
achieve work targets that have become his
responsibility, the presence of employees who are
undisciplined and often not on time.
2. Organizational change has an influence on the
performance of employees. Where the influence is
positive and significant, meaning that the more
effective organizational changes carried out by the
company the higher the performance of its
3. Organizational culture has an influence on the
employees’ performance. Where the influence is
positive and significant, meaning that the more
organizational culture is able to support the
achievement of organizational goals, the
performance of employees will be higher.
Sum of
a. Dependent Variabel: Employees’ Performance
b. Predictors: (Constant), Organizational Culture,
Organizational Change
How the Organizational Change and Organizational Culture Effected to the Employees’ Performance?
4. The research model of organizational change and
organizational culture can predict the the employees’
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UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science