Evaluation of the Implementation of Air Force Staffing Programme
at the Air Force Personnel Administration Service
, Mahmuddin Yasin
and Yetti Supriyati
Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Keywords: Evaluation, Implementation, Program, Provision, Air Force Officer
Abstract: This study aims to evaluate the process of implementing the TNI AAU recruitment program at Mabesau
Disminpersau Cilangkap Jakarta. The method used is the evaluation study method with the CIPP model.
The results of the study show; (1) technical guidelines which become the reference for implementation have
not been standardized, the objectives and targets of the program can be fulfilled in terms of quality and
quantity; (2) some committees lack integrity, are not transparent and collusion. In addition, the lack of a
CAT computer lab during the test, the unevenness of the facilities and infrastructure in the area and the
implementation of tests manually; (3) there are several causes for prospective cadets not to pass, among
others; administrative mismanagement, past the age limit, below average intelligence, low endurance, not
stress resistant, easily affected, lacking in terms of health checks, color blindness, lung disease, unable to
swim, having pierced ears, lacking loyalist towards Pancasila, NKRI, UUD 1945, radical, free sex, and
vigilante; (4) the achievement of graduates based on the final grade score (NA) of graduation and after
being appointed as cadets of the Indonesian Air Force can be placed in all TNI AU Corps. But in terms of
quality there are still a number of cadets who cannot fly the TNI AU aircraft so that they are placed in other
The Administrative Service of the Indonesian Air
Force personnel, abbreviated as Disminpersau, is the
central executing body at the Mabesau level which is
directly under the Kasau which is in charge of
fostering and controlling personnel administration
covering a part of the function of personnel
development consisting of recruitment /
procurement, education and preparation of the
distribution of Indonesian Air Force personnel as
well as fostering special administrative and service
professional fields.
There are several problems in the
implementation of the TNI AU cadet recruitment
program at Disminpersau Cilangkap Jakarta
including: (1) planning a recruitment program that is
less complete and focused, and implementation that
has not been fully consistent; (2) the preparation and
recruitment activities of the central and regional
committees are not optimal; (3) the function of
monitoring and evaluation is not optimal as a
component of quality control; (4) selection processes
such as psychological examinations, health
examinations, physical and postnatal health
examinations, screening for Pomau screening,
personnel research and academic selection are not
optimal; (5) the needs of the number of TNI AU
cadets that have not been fulfilled are needed to
guard the organization; and (6) there are still some
complaints from user agencies and guidance of
cadets on performance.
This is because there are graduates from Taruna /
Taruni candidates who have been selected, but when
they are at the central level selection, when they are
tested using the same test there are still candidates
for cadets who do not pass, even though the
graduates from the regional selection has been
declared passed by the regional committee. This
means that there are problems that occur in the
process of selection of cadets at the regional level.
Based on this background, it is necessary to have a
study evaluating the prospective recruitment
program for TNI AAU cadets at Mabesau
Disminpersau Cilangkap Jakarta.
Syamsunasir, ., Yasin, M. and Supriyati, Y.
Evaluation of the Implementation of Air Force Staffing Programme at the Air Force Personnel Administration Service.
DOI: 10.5220/0009506908050809
In Proceedings of the 1st Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science (UNICEES 2018), pages 805-809
ISBN: 978-989-758-432-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Concept of Program Evaluation
Program evaluation is the first step in supervision,
which is collecting the right data so that it can be
continued with the provision of appropriate
guidance. Program evaluation is very useful
especially for decision makers, because by inputting
the results of the program evaluation the decision
makers will determine the follow-up of the program
that is being or has been implemented. Carpenter et
al. (Carpenter, Corbin, & Luke, 2015) defines that
program evaluation is an effort to conduct analysis,
collect data in the field, and search for various
information in the field.
McDavid, Husse and Hawthorn (McDavid, Huse,
& Hawthorn, 2013) say that program evaluation is a
systematic process of assessing a program or policy
based on absolute criteria (merit-based) or relative
(worth-based). (Goodier, Field, & Goodman, 2018)
that program evaluation is done to see the level of
efficiency, implementation, results and costs of a
program. In line with this understanding, (Topper &
Lancaster, 2016) says that program evaluation is
needed to test the evaluation model or approach to
determine the most appropriate planning model to be
There are several definitions of recruitment
including; according to (Greenhaus & Callanan,
2006) that recruitment is usually defined as activities
in the field of organizations with the aim of
attracting potential. The same thing was expressed
by (Armstrong, 2010) that recruitment was related to
the addition of the number and type needed.
According to (Noe, 2010) that recruitment is the
process of finding potential jobs. Whereas according
to Noe & Weight (Baran, Filipkowski, & Stockwell,
2018) recruitment is any activity carried out by the
organization with the main goal of identifying and
attracting potential employees.
Selection is an important function because the
various skills needed by the organization to achieve
its objectives are obtained through selection.
According to Goldstein (Goldstein, Pulakos,
Passmore, & Semedo, 2017) that selection is the
process of choosing which new members together
achieve organizational goals. According to (Colquitt,
LePine, & Wesson, 2015) that the employee
selection process is one of the most important parts
of a human resource management process. The
selection process starts from accepting the
application and ends with a decision on the
application. According to (Robbins & Coulter, 2016)
that there are steps between processes starting with
the ending process is an effort to link the interests of
prospective employees with organizational interests.
According to (Cheaitou, Larbi, & Al Housani, 2018)
that selection criteria can include: past performance,
and past experience. Likewise according to Russell
and Brannan (Russell & Brannan, 2016) that
selection is related to prospective human resources
selected based on the ability to show behaviors and
attitudes that coincide with value-based
Human Resources
The existence of qualified and competent human
resources (HR) is absolutely necessary because in
turn it will have implications for improving the Air
Force's defense. Therefore, strategic steps are
needed to be taken immediately to overcome the
problem of recruiting the Indonesian Air Force in
Indonesia. So in this knowledge-based era what
happens is competition between the level of
knowledge and the level of knowledge possessed by
human resources from each country. According to
(Boxall, Purcell, & Wright, 2007) say that; there are
several parts of human resources including;
organizational culture, management style,
involvement / influence, remuneration, training /
development, recruitment / selection and job
security. With the availability of quality human
resources by mastering science and technology this
greatly determines the ability of the nation to enter
global competition that demands high
In line with the statement, (Brewer & Brewer,
2010) said that one form of human resource
planning is to recruit, and choose activities that
involve orientation, socialization, training, and
development, as well as performance appraisals that
lead to increased knowledge of members.
The Concept of Provision of Cadets of the
Indonesian Air Force
Based on the Renlakgiat Provision of Air Force
Officers Number B / 401 1-08 / 02/19 /
Disminpersau that the provision of officers is part of
fostering TNI personnel, especially the Air Force,
which in essence is an activity to get prospective
officers in line with the quality and quantity needed
to meet the needs of the organization in order to
carry out the basic tasks of the Indonesian Air Force.
One of the activities to receive candidates for the
TNI AU is through the provision of cadets.
The Indonesian National Army Air Force (TNI
AU) as an integral part of the TNI is a state defense
tool in the air, in carrying out its functions is
strongly influenced by the types of defense
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
equipment and humans who guard it. In order to
guard the organization, it is necessary to foster
human resources as a very important effort in
fostering the Indonesian Air Force officers as a
whole, one of which is the provision of officers.
Likewise, according to the Plan of
Implementation of Provision of Cadets and Students
of the Air Force Academy it is said that the
provision of officers as part of a system of personnel
development in addition to education, use, care, and
separation of personnel is essentially an effort,
activity and work to get an Air Force officer with
quality and quantity that has been determined to
meet the organization's escort needs. Activities in
the provision of officers will be achieved according
to needs.
The method chosen in this study was a program /
policy evaluation research method. The components
evaluated by the CIPP model approach began to be
developed in the late 1960s by (Stufflebeam &
Coryn, 2004). CIPP is based on four stages
including context evaluation (context), input (input),
process (process), and evaluation of results
(product). The main data sources (key informants) in
this study were Assistant Kasau Personnel, Air
Force Academy Governor, Head of the Indonesian
Air Force Administration Agency, Recruitment
Committee, and Indonesian Air Force Cadets. From
this information source, there will be several
methods of data collection such as interviews,
documentation and observations to get as much
information as possible about the recruitment of
Indonesian Air Force cadets at Mabesau
Disminpersau Cilangkap.
Context Evaluation (context)
The implementation of the Disminpersau Mabesau
TNI AU cadet provision program has been in
accordance with the legal basis and made technical
guidelines as a reference in the implementation.
Although the technical guidelines used are not
standardized. Furthermore, the aim of the program is
to fulfill the program objectives in guarding and
enhancing the capabilities of the Indonesian Air
Force. Furthermore, the program target has been
fulfilled in terms of the quantity already in
accordance with the acceptance quota, which is 100
cadets consisting of 90 cadets and 10 Taruni while
the quality aspect is capable of being a pilot,
although there are some cadets who cannot become
pilots. However, it can be directed to other
specialties according to their interests and talents to
continue to jointly support the main tasks of the
One of the objectives of organizing cadets /
cadets in the Indonesian Air Force is to produce
graduates who have competent and quality human
resources. This is in line with the opinion of (Baran
et al., 2018) that human resources (HR) function and
play an important role in changing an organization.
In particular, the function of human resources has
the ability to implement specific practices that
increase commitment to change.
Based on the evaluation of aspects of context
evaluation, it can be explained that it is appropriate
and running well.
Input Evaluation (input)
Taruna has resources that suit the needs of the TNI
AU because they are very tightly selected such as
having above-average intelligence, strong immune
system, stress resistance, not easily affected, having
excellent health, loyalists towards Pancasila, NKRI,
1945 Constitution. regarding the committee's
resources, it can be concluded that not all
committees and selectors have integrity and
transparency and collusion. The scoring system
carried out is still manual so the value or score can
be changed. Of course it will be different if the test
uses a computerized system, so the causes of fraud
can be minimized.
On the aspect of the availability of facilities and
infrastructure the selection process still lacks the
unavailability of CAT computer labs and the lack of
facilities and infrastructure in remote areas so that
they must be able to cooperate with relevant
agencies and the uneven distribution of facilities and
infrastructure between regions. While the financing
aspect has not met the program needs in the
implementation of the provision of cadets of the
Indonesian Air Force. In general, the recruitment
process must be able to choose the best cadets. This
is in accordance with the opinion of (Bailey &
MacMahon, 2018) that in making decisions on the
recruitment process it is necessary to identify talents,
identify individual abilities, identify specific skills
for prospective members.
Based on the evaluation of the input evaluation
aspects, it can be explained that it has not gone well.
Evaluation of the Implementation of Air Force Staffing Programme at the Air Force Personnel Administration Service
Process Evaluation (process)
In the implementation of the administrative
examination is divided into two parts, namely the
central level tests and regional level tests. The
process of carrying out administrative checks still
causes several candidates for cadets who do not pass
due to age exceeding the provisions, there are still
errors in administrative completeness such as
improper filing, legalization of no number and date
of agenda, missing diploma files not accompanied
by a missing certificate from the police , using a
guardian even though his parents are still alive, the
letter is not collusion and parental consent is signed
by himself, and the application letter, mother's name
on the certificate, KK is not the same.
From several stages of psychological testing,
there are several causes of cadets not graduating due
to problems that occur in prospective cadets
including; below average intelligence, low
durability, stress resistance, slow work and easily
affected. In the aspect of health checks, prospective
cadets do not graduate because they have
deficiencies in terms of ENT, color blindness, and
have lung disease. While the aspects of physical
fitness and posture examination found several causes
not passed because prospective cadets cannot swim
and have extreme posture abnormalities.
Furthermore, regarding the reasons for not passing
the Pomau screening examination due to having
pierced in the ears, there were still differences in
diplomas between elementary, middle and high
school and had two families. While the cause of not
passing the personnel research test is because
prospective cadets are less loyalistic towards
Pancasila, NKRI, 1945 Constitution, Government,
radicals, free sex, and vigilante. According to
(Russell & Brannan, 2016) that the recruitment
process is related to prospective human resources
selected based on the ability to show behaviors and
attitudes that coincide with value-based
Based on the evaluation of aspects of process
evaluation, it can be explained that it is appropriate
and running well.
Results Evaluation (product)
From the aspect of program graduation achievement
there are differences in the results of regional level
graduation and central level tests even though the
tests used are the same. This is because there are
some individual committees who are collusion, not
transparent, have no integrity, there is no
independent supervision, facilities in the regions are
still manual while at the central level some have
been computerized, and there is no standard in
conducting selection. While on the quality aspect,
the quality of TNI cadets is in accordance with the
standards, namely responsive (able to think quickly
and precisely to provide solutions to problem
problems), responsiveness (good personality and
role model for members) and trengginas (having
good security to carry out every workload who was
held as cadets / TNI cadets). According to Blaga and
Jozsef (Aized, 2012) that work resources have
limited qualitative-quantitative potential. Quality is
unlimited potential.
Based on the evaluation of aspects of product
evaluation, it can be explained that it is appropriate
and running well.
Based on the research findings, it can be concluded
that the lack of CAT computer labs at the time of the
tests, the unevenness of the facilities and
infrastructure in the area and the manual
implementation of the tests affected the assessment
process for cadets. While on the quality aspect, the
quality of TNI cadets is in accordance with the
standards, namely responsive (able to think quickly
and precisely to provide solutions to problem
problems), responsiveness (good personality and
role model for members) and trengginas (having
good security to carry out every workload who was
held as cadets / TNI cadets). In general, the results
of the evaluation of TNI AU cadet recruitment have
gone well. Although it still requires some
improvements such as the completeness of facilities
and infrastructure.
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Evaluation of the Implementation of Air Force Staffing Programme at the Air Force Personnel Administration Service