Analysis of Factors Affecting Indonesia’ External Debt
Selvia Inca Devi
, Fitrawaty
and Eko Wahyu Nugrahadi
Post Graduate of Economics, Uniersitas Negeri Medan, Medan, Indonesia
Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: External debt, GDP, Budget Deficit, Exchange Rate, Inflation, Interest Rates, ECM
Abstract: Indonesia's external debt increases in the year 1998-2017 has been a huge debt burden for the country of
Indonesia. This aims of this study is to analyze the influence of gross domestic product (GDP), the budget
deficit, exchange rate, inflation and interest rates on Indonesia’a external debt. Analysis of the data in this
study was using an error correction model (ECM). The results showed that in the short-term GDP, inflation,
and interest rates have a positive influence on Indonesia's external debt. While the budget deficit ofand the
exchange rate had a negative effect on Indonesia's external debt. In the long-term GDP, inflation have a
positive influence on Indonesia's external debt. While budget deficits, exchange rates and interest rates have
a negative effect on Indonesia's external debt. The coefficient of determination of 94.4 percent indicated that
the GDP, budget deficit, exchange rate, inflation and interest rates have a very big influence on Indonesia’
external debts.
In general, the developing countries needs the debt
that sourced from overseas to cover the gap between
domestic savings and investment requirements. The
need for investment funds should be financed by
funds from domestic sources. But because of limited
funds from the domestic sources, so the external
debt to be an alternative of government to cover the
shortage of domestic savings.
The Increase of Indonesia's external debt
indicating that Indonesia has a dependency in terms
of funding sources from abroad. When the position
of dependence on foreign capital grew, the greater
risks will be faced by the global economy system. In
addition, there draining of State Budget Revenue
and Expenditure for the payment of principal and
interest debt installments that would directly impact
on reduced of budget portion to finance the other
important sectors.
The international dependency model
(dependency theory) views developing countries as
victims of the rigidity of institutions, politics, and
economics both domestically and internationally and
trapped in a set of dependencies and domination by
rich countries (Todaro, 2011). The theory postulates
that the best way chosen by the developing countries
are as slight as possible to depend on the developed
countries in terms of external debt. We recommend
to implementing development policy funding
sources of domestic.
In the three-gap model theory, external debt is
used by a country to finance the current account
deficit, budget deficit, the gap of savings and
investment, debt payments, reserves the monetary
authorities and capital requirements and also the
short-term capital flow movements such as capital
flight (Basri, 2002).
Figure 1: Development of Indonesia’ External debt.
Devi, S., Fitrawaty, . and Nugrahadi, E.
Analysis of Factors Affecting Indonesia’ External Debt.
DOI: 10.5220/0009505905450553
In Proceedings of the 1st Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science (UNICEES 2018), pages 545-553
ISBN: 978-989-758-432-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Table 1: External debt, GDP, Budget Deficit,
Exchange Rate, Inflation, Interest Rates in 2008-
Source: Badan Pusat Statistik and Bank Indonesia
Indonesia's external debt total from the year 2008 in
the amount of USD 155.0806 billion continue to rise
until 2017 reached USD 325 250 billion. This is due
to the state budget condition, which continues to
widening deficits, inflation and rupiah continues to
depreciate. Another factors were low exports and the
reduced of tax revenues or domestic income, so the
government covers the deficit with external debt.
Without it, the budget will not be sufficient for
development financing that has been prepared in
State Budget Revenue and Expenditure.
There were several factors that cause increased
external debt, including national income, budget
deficits, exchange rates, inflation, and interest rates.
According to the table 1, GDP in Indonesia has
fluctuated and in several years, the increase of GDP
followed by the increase of external debt. This is
suitable with the research that has been conducted
by (Alin, 2015) that an increase in GDP will
increase the portion of external debt in the European
Union and Romania. But it is not suitable with the
monetarist theory which states that the GDP had a
negative effect on the external debt.
In 2008-2017 Indonesia tend to widening deficit
and this is also followed by an increase in external
debt. Meanwhile, according to the theory of three-
gap model of thatexternal debt required by a country
to finance the government budget deficit. The results
of research which had been conducted by
(Abdullahi, Bakar, & Hassan, 2015) found that the
budget deficit has a negative and significant effect in
the short and long- term on Nigeria’ external debts.
Based on the long-term trend that Indonesia's
exchange rate tends to increase (depreciation). But if
seen in the short-term trend is the increase in the
exchange rate has not been followed by an increase
in external debt. According to the Keynesian theory
that when a country's currency has increased
(depreciation) it will reduce external debt. It is not
appropriate to the research conducted by
(Tambunan, 2008) that the exchange rates affect
positively on external debt.
Inflation in Indonesia tend to fluctuate every
year. In several years, the inflation and external debt
shows the trade-offs. This is not in appropriate with
the Keynesian theory that when inflation rises, the
government will adopt the policies to increase the
funds sourced from abroad as a result of an increase
in imports. Research conducted by (Zakaria, 2012)
found a relationship between inflation and external
debt is positive.
The decline in interest rates seen in the years
2008-2017 with long-term trends but tend to
fluctuate. There were a few years when interest rates
increase followed by an increase in external debt.
This is not in accordance with the opinion of Keynes
that relations with the interest rate of external debt
reverse. (Rosalina, 2018) also found that the interest
rate has a negative effect on external debts.
Based on the difference the results of previous
studies and existing theories, this study examines
how much the influence of the independent variable
on the dependent variable in the short and long-term.
This study aimed to analyze the effect of the Gross
Domestic Product (GDP), the budget deficit (BD),
the exchange rate (ER), inflation (INF), and interest
rates (IR) of the external debt (ED) in Indonesia in
the short and long-term.
2.1 External Debt
External debt is foreign aid given by governments of
developing countries or international agencies
specifically set up to provide loans to the obligation
to repay the loan and pay interest (Zulkarnain,
World Bank formulates that the debt conditions
to GDP safe ratio is 21 percent - 49 percent, while
the IMF set a safe limit of debt between 26 percent -
58 percent. Refers to the ratio of debt to GDP, the
debt to GDP ratio is said tobe safe if it is under 60
percent (as stipulated in article 12 paragraph 3 of
Law No. 17/2003). Based on data obtained from the
Central Bureau of Statistics that the ratio of external
debt to GDP of Indonesia in 2017 is still safe at
34.68 percent.
There are several theories that explain the
external debt of which three gap model of theory,
macroeconomic theory - the conventional approach,
the theory of dependency. Harrod Domar theory, the
Debt Laffer Curve Theory, the monetarist theory and
Keynesian theory.
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
2.2 Gross Domestic Product
National income of a country can be measured by
the cumulative growth rate of Gross Domestic
Product (GDP). According to Central Bureau of
Statistics, GDP is the sum of the value added
generated by all business units within a country.
According to the Monetarists theory that the
increased of GDP will encourage increased exports,
this will lead to a surplus in the current account so
that the government will adopt policies to reduce the
external debt of Indonesia (Anisa, 2017) . So that the
relationship between GDP and external debt is
2.3 Budget Deficit
The budget deficit is the difference between state
income and expenditure in the same fiscal year.
According to the three gap model theory obtained
from the national income identity equation in terms
of expenditure and income states that in addition to
financing the current account deficit, a country's
external debt is also needed to finance the
government's budget deficit.
According (Harahap, 2007) that if a country's
budget deficit gets bigger, the government will
implement a policy to increase the amount of
external debt to finance investment needs. So that
the budget deficit had a positive influence on the
external debt.
2.4 Exchange Rate
The exchange rate is the exchange of two different
currencies, which is a comparison of the price or
value of the two currencies (Triyono, 2008).
Keynesian theory states that when a country's
currency has increased (depreciation) against other
currencies, so that the goods produced by that
country in abroad becomes cheaper and conversely
the foreign goods in that country is becoming more
expensive. It will lead to an increase in exports
resulting in a surplus in the current account.
Therefore external debt to be reduced. So that the
exchange rate had a negative effect on the external
2.5 Inflation
Inflation is the tendency of rising prices in general
and continuously (Boediono, 1985). In Keynesian
theory whereby when inflation increases, imports
will increase. This is because the domestic
consumers would buy a lot of goods from abroad as
a result of high domestic prices due to inflation.
Furthermore, when the value of imports is higher, it
will cause the current account deficit so that the
government will increase funds sourced from
overseas. So that the relationship between inflation
and external debt is positive.
2.6 Interest Rate
The interest rate is the cost to be paid by the
borrower on the loan capital or use of some of
money to the lender of capital (Mankiw, 2006).
Interest rates in relation to the external debt
according to Keynesian explain that when interest
rates increase, it will encourage a decline in
investment in the country so that it can affect the
decline in aggregate income. This will lead to a
decrease in import capabilities. If the import value is
lower than the export value, it will cause a surplus in
the current account so that it will reduce external
debt. It is accordance with the Keynesian theory
that interest rates have a negative influence on
external debt.
Based on theory and previous research that has
been described above, then the hypothesis in this
study is the GDP, exchange rates and interest rates
in the short and long-term have a positive influence
on external debt, while the budget deficit, and
inflation in the short and long-term have the positive
influence on external debt.
Data used in this research is secondary data time
series in 1998-2017. The data collection was done
by using the documentation technique. In this
research the collected data is external debt, GDP, the
budget deficit, exchange rate, inflation, and interest
rates published by the Badan Pusat Statistik and
Bank Indonesia.
Estimates Model used in this study is a model
equation Error Correction Model (ECM) to estimate
the relationship of short-term and long-term the
variables of GDP, the budget deficit, exchange rate,
inflation and interest rates on Indonesia’s external.
Before estimating the model, first perform data
analysis such as testing unit root tests Augmented
Dickey Fuller (ADF), test the degree of integration,
the determination of lag length optimal, using the
Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), Schwarz
Information Criterion (SIC), and likelihood Ratio
(LR), Engle Granger cointegration test. Further done
Analysis of Factors Affecting Indonesia’ External Debt
the testing of the econometric assumptions such as k
normality, multicollinearity and autocorrelation.
This study uses Eviews 9 software to analyse the
4.1 Test of Stationarity
Stationary test was used to observe whether a
particular coefficient of autoregressive models was
estimated to have a value of one or not. A variable is
said to be stationary if the average value, variance
and covariance always constant at any point of time.
If the results of the test roots of a data unit obtained
some or all of the data is not stationary at the current
level, it is necessary to test the degree of integration
in the first difference and the second difference.
Based on table 2, the unit root test level test has
four variables that are not stationary so that the unit
root test first level carried out and there is one
variable is not stationary namely external debt.
Furthermore, conducted the test of unit root test
second difference, it was found that all research
variables had the same stationary level with the ADF
value greater than the critical value at α = 5%.
4.2 Test Long-Legth Optimal Lag
Long Lag Test (Determination of Optimal Lag) is
the amount of lag which is gives the significant
effect or response. From the test results obtained the
highest number of stars that are in the lag 1. Hence
lag (inaction) which is used to test the Engle-
Granger cointegration done by using a long lag = 1.
Table 2: Results of Unit Root Test Augmented
Dickey Fuller
Source: Eviews 9 (processed)
Table 3: Results-Length Determination of Optimal
Source: Eviews 9 (processed)
Table 4: Results of Engle-Granger Cointegration
Source: Eviews 9 (processed)
4.3 Cointegration Test
Cointegration test is a test that is performed to
determine whether there is a balance in the long term
on the model chosen and established. In this study
the cointegration test was done by using method of
Engle Granger (EG). ADF statistic value of -
2.218387 > -1.960171 and probability value of
0.0290 < 0.05. So that there was cointegration
between regression results variables between the
gross domestic product, budget deficits, exchange
rates, inflation and interest rates on external debts.
This indicates that the variable is said to be long-run
equilibrium condition, so that the regression results
are cointegrated regression.
4.4 Assumptions Econometrics Testing
A research theoretically produce the exact value of
estimators parameter when it meets the assumptions
detection of econometrics, they are normality test,
multicollinearity and autocorrelation.
4.4.1 Normality Test
Data Normality Test is done to see whether the data
were normally distributed or not. In this study, the
test for normality using the Jarque-Bera test. Based
on estimates on Table 4, the data value JB statistical
probability of 0.423766 > α = 5% (0.05). Thus, it
can be concluded that the data used in the model
ECM is normal distribution.
4.4.2 Multicollinearity Test
Multikolonearitas test in this study was done by
looking at the value of tolerance and the value of
Variance Inflating Factor (VIF). Based on Table 5
the Value tolerance > 0.10 or VIF <10, it can be
concluded that the multikolinearitas is not happen.
4.4.3 Autocorrelation Test
The Autocorrelation testing by using LM methods
need to determine the lag. Based on Table 6 the
calculation results obtained value Obs * R-squared
of 8.273345 with probability 0.1060. From these
values illustrates that the probability value is greater
than α = 5%. It can be conclude that H
rejected and
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
accepted it is indicates that there is no
autocorrelation in the model.
-0.25 -0.20 -0.15 -0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15
Series: Residuals
Sample 1998 2017
Observations 20
Mean -6.25e-16
Median 0.016402
Maximum 0.145200
Minimum -0.230918
Std. Dev. 0.110942
Skewness -0.607330
Kurtosis 2.235031
Jarque-Bera 1.717148
Probability 0.423766
Source: Eviews 9 (processed)
Figure 2: Normality Test
Table 5: The Results of Multicollinearity Test
C 3.388294 4056.921 NA
LNGDP 0.002893 11.38971 3.352729
LNBD 0.000238 4.844887 1.716412
LNEF 0.040141 4080.061 1.524497
LNINF 0.007839 46.42314 4.097321
LNIR 0.014744 88.08453 1.447129
Source: Eviews 9 (processed)
Table 6: The Results of Autocorrelation Test
Obs * R-
Prob. F
2.586893 8.273345 0.1060 0.0407
Source: Eviews 9 (processed)
Table 7: Results of Estimation of ECM Engle
Variable Coefficient
C 1.877821
3.426659 0.0110
0.170868 0.8692
D (LNBD) - 0.004576
1.234070 0.2570
D (LNER) - 0.373992
3.563008 0.0092
D (LNINF) 0.013044
0.713105 0.4989
D (LNIN) 0.012629
0.263113 0.8000
LNGDP (-1) 0.074769
1.609382 0.1516
LNBD (-1) - 0.020668
5.215808 0.0012
LNER (-1) - 0.187067
3.539204 0.0095
LNINF (-1) 0.066913
2.287816 0.0560
LNIR (-1) - 0.191336
5.200300 0.0013
ECT (-1) - 0.176742
2.669528 0.0320
R-squared 0.944058
Adjusted R-squared 0.856150
F-statistic 10.739130
Prob (F-statistic) 0.002247
Source: Eviews 9 (processed)
4.5 ECM Estimation Model
Analysis of the data used in this study is a model
equation Error Correction Model (ECM) to estimate
the relationship of short-term and long-term between
the variables of GDP, the budget deficit, exchange
rate, inflation and interest rates on Indonesia’a
external debt.
ECM approach used in this study is the approach
of Error Correction Model of Engle Granger.
According to this approach, the ECM model is valid
if the sign coefficient of ECT is negative and
statistically significant.
Based on the results in table 7, Engle Granger
Error Correction Model obtained coefficient value is
negative and significant (probability value < the
absolute value of critical value for α = 0.05), which
is the value of the coefficient of ECT (Error
Correction Term) of -0.176742 and the probability
Analysis of Factors Affecting Indonesia’ External Debt
of 0.0320 < 0.05. So the value of ECT coefficient is
negative and statistically significant. It is indicates
that specification model ECM Engle-Granger used
in this study is valid (proper / appropriate).
ECM model equations Engle Granger short-term
and long-term as follows:
d (lnuln) = 1.877821 + 0.011038 d (lngdp) -
0.004576 d (lnbd) - 0.373992 d (lner) +
0.013044 d (lninf) - 0.012629 d (lnir) +
lngdp 0.074769 (-1) - 0.0206681lnbd (-
1) - 0.187067 lner (-1) + 0.066913 lninf
(-1) - 0.191336 lnir (-1)- 0.176742 ECT.
4.6 Hypothesis Testing Results
4.6.1 The Results of t-test
Partial test results are shown in table 7. Through t-
test with a significant level of alpha 5 percent. In the
short term the value of t-statistic and probability of
each variable is the variable GDP by t-statistic =
0.170868 (prob = 0.8692) and no significant positive
effect on Indonesia’a external debt, the budget
deficit with a t-statistic = -1.234070 (prob = 0.2570)
have negative effect and no significant on
Indonesia’a external debt, the exchange rate with the
t-statistic = -3.563008 (prob = 0.0092) negatively
affect and significant on Indonesia’a external debt.
Inflation with t-statistic = 0.713105 (prob = 0.4989)
positively affect and no significant on Indonesia’a
external debt, and the interest rate with the t-statistic
0.263113 (prob = 0.8000) positively affect and no
significant on Indonesia’a external debt.
In the long term value of t-statistic and
probability of each variable is the variable GDP by t-
statistic = 1.609382 (prob = 0.1516) positively affect
and not significant on Indonesia’a external debt, the
budget deficit with a t-statistic = -5.215808 (prob =
0.0012) negatively affect and significant on
Indonesia’a external debt, the exchange rate with the
t-statistic =-3.539204 (prob. 0.0095) negatively
affect and significant on Indonesia’a external debt,
inflation with t-statistic =2.287816 (Prob = 0.0560)
negatively affect and significant on Indonesia’a
external debt, and the interest rate with the t-statistic
-5.200300 (prob =0.0013) negatively affect and
significant on Indonesia’a external debt.
4.6.2 F Test Results
Based on estimates in table 7, that in short-term and
long-term estimation results can be seen that the
value of the F-statistic of 10.73913 with a statistical
probability of 0.002247 smaller than α = 0.05
indicates that together (simultaneous test) all the
independent variables namely the gross domestic
product, the budget deficit, the value of exchange
rates, inflation and interest rates have an impact on
Indonesia’a external debt.
4.6.3 R
Test Results
The coefficient of determination (Rsquare) in the
short term and long term that is 0.944058, or 94.4
percent, so that variations of the gross domestic
product, budget deficits, exchange rates, inflation
and interest rates in the short term and long term is
94.4 percent affect to Indonesia’a external debt.
While the remaining 5.6 percent is explained by
variables outside the model (not examined).
4.7 Discussion
4.7.1 The Effect of GDP on External Debt
From the estimation is known that the gross
domestic product in the short term and the long term
have a positive effect and no significant at α = 0.05
with respective probabilities of 0.8692 and 0.1516.
This means that in the short term and the long-term
gross domestic product was not able to influence the
Indonesia’a external debt, which is indicated by the
insignificant variables GDP (lngdp) on Indonesia’a
external debt.
The effect which are not significant because in
short-term and long-term, the improvement of
Indonesia's gross domestic product has not been
significant enough to encourage a decrease in
external debt. National income in Indonesia is still
low, so it has not been able to reduce external debt.
The policy of increasing external debt by the
government is channeling these funds to the
construction of infrastructure facilities and
stabilizing the economy in Indonesia which is
classified as a developing country. Indonesia still
has a dependency to other countries and because of
the large external debt, Indonesia not only pays the
principal debt repayments but also pay interest on
the debt is so large.
The results are consistent with research
conducted by (Wibowo, 2012) that the GDP had a
positive effect and no significant effect on
Indonesia’a external debt.
4.7.2 The Effect of Budget Deficit on External
Based on the estimates found that the budget deficit
variable in the short-term has a negative effect and
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
no significant at α = 0.05 with a probability of
0.2570. It means that the budget deficit in the short-
term have a negative influence but does not have a
significant impact on Indonesia’a external debt.
The budget deficit variable shows a negative but
not significant relationship. It is indicate that the
budget deficit of a country means there is a
reduction in the budget to finance the and the
Indonesian economy so that additional funds is
needed. External debt is one that is used as an
alternative source of financing development funding
by the government. But in the short-term, when the
budget is deficit, the government needs funds
relatively quickly so that the required funds are not
necessarily derived from external debt, but can also
be sourced from domestic funding as by issuing
State Debt Securities (obligation).
The government also each year continues to
increase state revenue through increased tax
revenues and make savings on the expenditure side
as subsidy spending and reducing program spending
unproductive and inefficient that do not support the
growth of the real sector. Thus, in the short-term
budget deficits increased no significantly affect the
external debt. The results are consistent with
research conducted by (Saputro & Soelistyo, 2017),
where the budget deficit does no significantly
influence Indonesia’a external debt.
Furthermore, based on the results of the
estimation is known that variable budget deficit in
the long term have a negative and significant impact
at α = 0.05 with a probability of 0.0012. This means
that in the long-term budget deficits have a negative
influence and significant influence on Indonesia's
external debt. The decline in the budget deficit is not
accompanied by a reduction in Indonesia’a external
debt. Just when the budget deficit has decreased but
the external debt has increased. This is because in
the long-term internal funding sources Indonesia still
not sufficient to meet the investment needs in
Indonesia so that Indonesia still has a dependence on
external debt.
Research conducted by (Abdullahi et al., 2015)
found that the budget deficit had a negative effect in
the long term on external debts in Nigeria.
4.7.3 The Effect of Exchange Rates on External
Based on estimates found that the variable exchange
rate in the short term and the long term have a
negative and significant impact at α = 0.05 with their
respective probabilities of 0.0092 and 0.0095. This
means that in the short term and the long term affect
the exchange rate of Indonesia’a external debt as
indicated by significant exchange rate variable
(lnkurs) on Indonesia’a external debt.
According to Keynesian theory, when a country's
currency has increased (depreciation) against other
currencies, the goods produced by the country
abroad becomes cheaper and goods abroad in the
country is becoming more expensive (assuming
domestic prices constant in both countries). This will
lead to an increase in exports resulting in a surplus
in the current account. Therefore external debt to be
reduced. If the exchange rate to depreciate the
government would take a policy to reduce external
debt in the long term or the next year because it has
more funds for developing, investing able to finance
other government spending.
Likewise, when a country's currency has
decreased (appreciation) against other currencies,
the goods produced by the country abroad become
more expensive and goods abroad becomes cheaper
(assuming domestic prices constant in both
countries). This will lead to a reduction in exports
and increased imports. Increased imports will lead to
a reduction in the current account deficit so.
Therefore external debt will increase.
Thus the exchange rate had a negative effect on
Indonesia's external debt. According (Manuhutu,
2010), due to the depreciation of the domestic
exchange rate against foreign currencies will
increase the burden of foreign loans so that more and
more depressed domestic exchange rate, the number
of foreign loans is high. Results of the study
according to the study carried out by (Setiawan,
Indira & Paundralingga, 2007) that the exchange
rate had a negative effect and signifikan on external
debts in the long term
Other studies support that (Cain, Thaxter,
Thomas, Thomas, & Walker, 2013), in which the
long-term role in the exchange rate is inversely
related to the external debt. Changes in a country's
exchange rate affects the size of the external debt.
4.7.4 The Effect of Inflation on External Debt
Based on the estimates found that the variable
inflation in the short term has a positive effect and
no significant at α = 0.05 with a probability of
0.4989. This means that in the short term the
variable inflation have a positive influence but does
not have a significant impact on Indonesia’a external
debt. The results of this study are consistent with the
research conducted by (Ningrum, 2018), which
found that inflation has a positive and not significant
influence on Indonesia’a external debt.
Analysis of Factors Affecting Indonesia’ External Debt
The insignificant effect of inflation on external
debt due to rising/falling inflation cannot
significantly affect Indonesia's external debt.
Because if there is inflation, the government does
not directly take the policy of raising external debt,
and conversely when there is deflation, the
government does not directly reduce external debt.
But when inflation occurs, the government carries
out other policies such as conducting monetary
policy by means of Bank Indonesia to reduce the
money supply by raising interest rates.
Furthermore, based on the estimation results it is
known that variable inflation in the long term has a
effect positive and significant at α = 0.05 with a
probability of 0.0560. This means that in the long
term the variable inflation can influence Indonesia’a
external debt as indicated by the significant variable
inflation (lninf) on Indonesia’a external debt.
The positive relationship of inflation to external
debt in accordance with domestic theory and
imported inflation states that when a country
experiences inflation it will cause the price of
domestic goods to be relatively more expensive than
the price of imported goods. Domestic products are
difficult to compete with imported products. This
will cause the export value to be smaller than
imports, resulting in a deficit in the current account
which will further increase external debt. So that
inflation has a positive influence on external debt.
The same theory is also explained in Keynesian
theory where when inflation increases, imports will
increase. This is because domestic consumers will
buy a lot of goods from abroad as a result of high
domestic prices due to inflation. Furthermore, when
the import value is higher, it will cause the current
account deficit to add funds sourced from abroad.
The results of this study are consistent with the
research conducted by (Zakaria, 2012), and (Kwon,
Mcfarlane, & Robinson, 2009), where the
relationship between inflation and external debt is
4.7.5 The Effect of Interest Rates on External
Based on estimates found that the variable interest
rate in the short term has a positive effect and no
significantat α = 0.05 with a probability of 0.8000.
This means that interest rate have a positive
influence but does not have a significant impact on
the Indonesia’a external debt.
No significant influence of interest rates on
external debts because interest rates can not affect
Indonesia's external debt significantly. The
Government will continue to raise external debt
despite its benchmark interest rate in Indonesia has
increased/decreased. Due to the short-term external
debt used by the government for spending on
structural and sectoral fields such as health,
education and infrastructure. The results are
consistent with research conducted by (Wibowo,
2012) that the GDP had a positive effect and no
significant effect on Indonesia’a external debt.
Furthermore, based on the estimation results
found that the variable interest rate in the long run
have a negative effect dansignifikan at α = 0.05 with
a probability of 0.0013. This means that in the long-
term interest rates affect Indonesia's external debt as
indicated by significant variable interest rate (lnsb)
on Indonesia’a external debt.
This result is consistent with that proposed by
Sukirno (2002), that the investment will be made by
investors in accordance and in line with theories that
there is such a classical theory and keynes that the
theory is that if the interest rate is greater than the
rate of return on capital, the planned investment is
not profitable, so the investment will not be made by
the investor.
Keynesian theory explains that when interest
rates rise, then to a decrease in investment in the
country so as to affect the decline in aggregate
opinion. This will lead to a decrease in import
capabilities. If the import value is lower than the
value of exports will lead to a surplus in the current
account that will reduce external debt. Therefore,
according to the Keynesian theory that interest rates
have a negative influence on external debt.
The results are consistent with research
conducted by Rosalina (2018), where variable
interest rates have a negative effect on the external
In the short-term there is 1 (one) a significant
variable that is the exchange rate, while in the long -
term there are four (4) significant variables that
budget deficits, exchange rates, inflation and interest
rates. Other independent variables in the short term
variables such as GDP, inflation and interest rates
have a positive impact and no significant effect on
Indonesia's external debt and budget deficit variables
have a negative impact and no significant effect on
Indonesia’a external debt. While in the long term
variable GDP had a positive effect and no significant
effect on Indonesia’a external debt.
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
The coefficient of determination (R
) on the
results of model estimation Engle Granger Error
Correction Model can be explained that the variation
of the external debt variable (Y) in the short term
and long term able to be explained by variables that
is equal to 0.944058, or by 94.4 percent, thus in the
short term and long term variations that amounted to
94.4 percent of gross domestic product, budget
deficits, exchange rates, inflation and interest rates.
While the remaining 5.6 percent is explained by
variables outside the model (not examined).
There are some suggestions that can be used as a
recommendation, including for Bank Indonesia and
the Government to adopt policies to maintain
inflation stability, interest rates and the rupiah
exchange rate so as to encourage an increase in
national income and reduce external debt. Further
restricting the import of goods from other countries
and maximize the results from the source country of
Indonesia. This will increase exports so that there is
a surplus in the current account. Then reduce
dependence on external debt by means of further
enhancing the country's national income from taxes
and natural resources and human resources of
Indonesia. And to further research needs to examine
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Analysis of Factors Affecting Indonesia’ External Debt