Causality Relationship between Foreign Direct Investment, Trade and
Economic Growth in Indonesia
Muhammad Alhasymi Matondang
Student of Post Graduated Program, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan -Indonesia
Keywords: Foreign Direct Investment, Economic Growth, Trade
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to analyse the relation between foreign investment, economic growth, and trade in
Indonesia. using secondary data in the form of time series data from 1981 to 2017. Data is obtained from the
World Bank website. For data analysis using vector autoregression (VAR) method. Stationary data at first
difference and cointegrated. Thus, the vector error correction (VECM) model is used to analyze the short
and long-term relationships of each variable. The results obtained are that there are no significant variables
in the short term and obtained significant long-term effects of FDI, export and import variables on GDP in
Indonesia. After a causality test, the conclusion is that the FDI variable has a one-way causality relationship
to the variables GDP, exports and imports. The import variable has a one-way causality relationship to GDP
and exports. Meanwhile, the import variable has a one-way causality relationship with exports.
Indonesia is located in the Southeast Asia region. It
is an archipelago with abundant natural resources
and beautiful landscapes. Based on these
explanations, Indonesia has a very large possibility
for investment activities, especially foreign
investment (FDI) because there are many available
raw materials from various sectors such as
agriculture, plantations, mining. also the potential of
nature that can be used as a tourist area. If this
potential can be utilized optimally, it will improve
the economy in Indonesia.
Apart from foreign investment, trade can also
boost a country's economic growth. One of the
objectives of international trade is to increase GDP
(Gross Domestic Product) or the total value of
production of goods and services in a country for
one year. The impact of international trade can be
felt in terms of social, political and economic
interests to help drive the progress of
industrialization, transportation, globalization and
the presence of multinational companies.
Based on the description above, this study was
made to analyze the relationship between foreign
investment, trade and GDP growth in Indonesia.
This paper is divided into five parts. The first part is
the introduction. The second part is aimed at the
theoretical framework. The third part contains the
research methods used. The fourth part contains the
results and research discussions. And the last part
includes the conclusions obtained.
2.1 Economic Growth
Prof. Simon Kuznets, defined economic growth as
"a long-term increase in the ability of a country to
provide more and more types of economic goods to
its population. This ability grows according to
technological progress, and institutional and
idiological adjustments that are needed ".
Economic growth is one of the most important
indicators in carrying out an analysis of economic
development that occurs in a country. Where this
economic growth shows the extent to which
economic activity will generate additional income
for the community in a certain period. Economic
growth is closely related to the amount of GDP. If
the amount of GDP in a region is high, it can be
concluded that economic growth is high. GDP is
Matondang, M.
Causality Relationship between Foreign Direct Investment, Trade and Economic Growth in Indonesia.
DOI: 10.5220/0009503004850491
In Proceedings of the 1st Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science (UNICEES 2018), pages 485-491
ISBN: 978-989-758-432-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
used for various purposes, but the most important is
to measure economic performance.
In Indonesia, GDP growth from 2010 to 2017 is
in the range of 4-5 percent. The highest growth
recorded in 2010 was 6.2 percent, with GDP at a
constant price of US $ 755.09 billion. In 2015 the
GDP value of US $ 988.13 billion with economic
growth at that time amounted to 4.9 percent. in
general, total GDP growth in Indonesia has
increased every year.
2.2 Foreign Direct Investment
Foreign direct investment is carried out by foreign
parties or it can also be said as a full-fledged
company investment, where management of both
management and part of the workforce is determined
by foreign parties. Direct investment includes capital
transfers or the establishment of factories and
usually uses production techniques of the country of
origin of investors, managerial services, marketing
and advertising determined by the foreign investor.
Based on data obtained from the World Bank,
the value of foreign investment entering Indonesia
each year continues to fluctuate. In 2010, foreign
capital was recorded at US $ 15.29 billion, and in
2017 amounted to US $ 21.46 billion. Although it
had dropped in 2016 amounting to US $ 4.54 billion.
This indicates that the investment climate in
Indonesia is quite good, so that foreign investors do
not hesitate to invest their funds.
2.3 International Trade
International trade is an interaction between
countries in the form of buying and selling goods
and services on the basis of mutual agreement.
International cooperation in the field of trade is not
something that has just begun, but has been around
since the Middle Ages.
International trade is an "engine of growth".
Exports and imports are important factors in
stimulating a country's economic growth. Where,
exports and imports will enlarge the consumption
capacity of a country, increase output and provide
access to scarce resources and potential international
markets for various export products which without
these product products, poor countries will not be
able to develop activities and life of the national
economy (Todaro, 1993).
Based on data obtained from the World Bank.
The value of Indonesian exports and imports from
2010 to 2017 has fluctuated. In 2010 the value of
Indonesian exports amounted to US $ 166.64 billion
and imports amounted to US $ 145.42 billion,
resulting in a surplus of US $ 21.21 billion. In 2012
the value of Indonesian exports increased to US $
211 billion, followed by imports which also
increased by US $ 212.89 billion, resulting in a
deficit of US $ 1.88 billion. The trade deficit
continued until the next two years. In 2017 the value
of Indonesian exports was US $ 193.55 billion and
imports amounted to US $ 182.53 billion, a surplus
of US $ 11.03 billion.
2.4 Literatur Review
Based on the research of Zuzana Szkorupova (2014),
there was a long-term causal relationship between
the variables studied. This paper also discovers the
positive impact of foreign direct investment and the
positive impact of exports on gross domestic product
in Slovakia. Seng Shotan (2017), found strong
evidence about the causal impact of FDI on
Cambodia's economic growth (GDP). Afaf Abdull J,
Saaed and Majeed Ali Hussain (2015), show that
there is unidirectional causality between exports and
imports and between exports and economic growth
in Tunisia. Muhammad Shaikh and Hussain Shar
(2010), show that there is a causal relationship
between economic growth, exports and foreign
inventories (FDI). And concluded that investment
(FDI) in Pakistan has attracted economic growth and
exports. Rehmat Ullah, Khalid Javed and Falak Sher
(2012), showed that economic growth was also
positively influenced by investment. But the
Causality test does not support the causality of trade
openness to GDP. And José Luis, Carlos Rivera and
Priscilla Castro (2009), entitled Economic growth,
foreign direct investment and international trade:
evidence on causality in the Mexican economy,
shows the bidirectional causal relationship of FDI
and GDP in Mexico.
This study uses the VAR and VECM methods to
analyze the relationships between variables. Data
used in the form of secondary data in the form of
time series from 1981 - 2017 in Indonesia. All data
is sourced from the World Bank website. Data is
processed using the program Eviews 10. The
variables examined are in the form of constant total
GDP in 2010, the foreign direct investment net
inflows variable, the variables of export and import
Before deciding to use the right model for the
data in this study. There are several steps that must
be passed first, such as:
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
3.1 Data Stationarity Test
Time series economic data are generally stochastic
(having a trend that is not stationary / data has unit
roots). If the data has a unit root, the value will tend
to fluctuate not around the average value, making it
difficult to estimate a model. (Rusydiana, 2009).
Unit Root Test is one of the concepts that lately is
increasingly popular to be used to test the stationary
time series data. This test was developed by Dickey
and Fuller, using the Augmented Dickey Fuller Test
(ADF). The stationarity test that will be used is the
ADF (Augmented Dickey Fuller) test using the 5
percent real level.
3.2 Optimum Lag Length Test
VAR estimation is very sensitive to the lag length
used. Determination of the number of lags (orders)
to be used in the VAR model can be determined
based on Akaike Information Criterion (AIC)
criteria, Schwarz Information Criterion (SC) or
Hannan Quinnon (HQ). Besides testing the optimal
lag length is very useful to eliminate the problem of
autocorrelation in the VAR system, so that the use of
optimal lags is expected to no longer appear the
problem of autocorrelation. (Nugroho, 2009).
3.3 Stability Test of the VAR Model
VAR stability needs to be tested before doing further
analysis, because if the VAR estimation results will
be combined with the unstable error correction
model, then Impulse Response Function and
Variance Decomposition become invalid (Setiawan,
2007 in Rusydiana, 2009).
3.4 Granger Causality Analysis
Causality tests are conducted to determine whether
an endogenous variable can be treated as an
exogenous variable. This starts from ignorance of
influence between variables. If there are two
variables y and z, then y causes z or z to cause y or
applies both or there is no relationship between the
two. The y variable causes the variable z to mean
how many z values in the current period can be
explained by the z value in the previous period and
the y value in the previous period.
3.5 Cointegration Test
As with the Engle-Granger statement, the existence
of non-stationary variables causes the possibility of a
long-term relationship between variables in the
system. Cointegration tests are carried out to
determine the existence of relationships between
variables, especially in the long term. If there is
cointegration on the variables used in the model, it
can be ascertained that there is a long-term
relationship between the variables. The method that
can be used in testing the existence of this
cointegration is the Johansen Cointegration method.
3.6 Empirical Model of VAR / VECM
After cointegration is known, the next test process is
carried out using the error correction method. If
there are differences in the degree of integration
between test variables, the test is carried out
simultaneously (jointly) between the long-term
equation with the error correction equation, after it is
known that in the variable there is cointegration. The
difference in degrees of integration for cointegrated
variables is called Lee and Granger (Hasanah, 2007
in Rusydiana, 2009) as multicointegration. But if
there is no cointegration phenomenon, then the test
is continued by using the first difference variable.
(Rusydiana, 2009).
VECM is the form of VAR that is estimated
because of the existence of data forms that are not
stationary but are cointegrated. VECM is often
referred to as the VAR design for non-stationary
series that has a cointegration relationship. The
VECM specification restricts the long-term
relationship of endogenous variables to converge
into their cointegrated relationship, but still allows
the existence of short-term dynamics.
4.1 Stationary Test
The test method used to test the data stationarity is
the ADF (Augmenteed Dick Fuller) test using a real
level of five percent. If the t-ADF value is smaller
than the critical value of MacKinnon, it can be
concluded that the data used is stationary (does not
contain unit roots). Testing the roots of this unit is
carried out at the level up to the first difference.
The results of the ADF test can be seen in the
table below:
Table 1: ADF Unit root test
Null hypothesis : lnGDPC, lnFDI, lnEX, lnIM
ADF Test statistic (p value)
Level 1st difference
lnGDPC -2.29 (0.42) -4.37 (0.00)
lnFDI -3.89 (0.02)
-6.49 (0.00)
lnEX -2.91 (0.17) -5.28 (0.00)
lnIM -2.48 (0.33) -4.91 (0.00)
Causality Relationship between Foreign Direct Investment, Trade and Economic Growth in Indonesia
Note: (1) Test critical values at 1%, 5% and 10%
level are -3.53, -2.91 and -2.59,
(2) ***, ** and * denote rejection of null
hypothesis at 1%, 5% and 10% level of
significance, respectively.
From the table above it can be seen that the data
is stationary at the 1st difference because the
probability value is smaller than α = 5 percent.
4.2 Optimal Lag Test
The next step to estimate the VAR model, must first
determine the optimal lag that will be used in the
VAR estimation. Determination of optimal lag is
important because in the VAR method, the optimal
lag of endogenous variables is the independent
variable used in the model. Testing the optimal lag
length is very useful to eliminate the problem of
autocorrelation in the VAR system which is used as
a VAR stability analysis. So that with the use of the
optimal lag it is expected that the autocorrelation
problem will not appear again. The optimal lag
length will be searched using the available
information criteria. The selected lag candidates are
length lag according to criteria such as Likehood
Ratio (LR), Final Prediction Error (FPE), Akaike
Information Crition (AIC), Schwarz Information
Crition (SC), and Hannan-Quin Crition (HQ).
Determination of optimal lag in this study was based
on sequential modified LR statistical test (LR)
Table 2: Optimal Lag Test
VAR Lag Order Selection
-7.22 NA 2.27e-05 0.660 0.839 0.722
110.68 201.14* 5.72e-08* -5.334* -4.436* -5.028*
122.93 18.01 7.44e-08 -5.113 -3.497 -4.562
140.62 21.85 7.54e-08 -5.213 -2.878 -4.417
* indicates lag order selected by the criterion
LR: sequential modified LR test statistic (each test at 5%
FPE: Final prediction error
AIC: Akaike information criterion
SC: Schwarz information criterion
HQ: Hannan-Quinn information criterion
Based on table 2 above, the selected lag is lag 1.
4.3 Stability Test of the VAR Model
Before entering into a further stage of analysis, the
estimated estimation of the VAR system system
must be tested for stability through VAR stability
condition check in the form of roots of characteristic
polynomial for all variables used multiplied by the
number of lags of each VAR. VAR stability needs to
be tested because if the estimated VAR stability is
unstable, the IRF and FEVD analysis becomes
invalid. Based on the results of these tests, a VAR
system is said to be stable if all roots or roots have
modulus smaller than one. In this study, based on the
VAR stability test shown in the Table it can be
concluded that the estimation of VAR stability to be
used for IRF and FEVD analysis has been stable
because of the modulus range <1.
Table 3: VAR Stability Test
Roots of Characteristic Pol
enous variables: D (lnGDPC) D (lnFDI)
D (lnEX) D (lnIM)
enous variables: C
specification: 1 2
0.991023 0.991023
0.233548 - 0.600717i 0.644520
0.233548 + 0.600717i 0.644520
0.516572 - 0.293687i 0.594221
0.516572 + 0.293687i 0.594221
0.538923 0.538923
-0.118734 0.118734
-0.035249 0.035249
4.4 Cointegration Test
The purpose of the cointegration test in this study is
to determine whether a group of variables that are
not stationary at that level meets the requirements of
the integration process, namely where all variables
are stationary at the same degree, namely degrees 1
or I (1). Based on the results seen in the Table,
cointegration testing in this study uses the Johansen
Trace Statistic test cointegration test method.
Long-term information is obtained by first
determining the cointegration rank to find out what
the system of equations can explain from the whole
system. Cointegration testing criteria in this study
are based on trace statistics. If the trace statistic
value is greater than the critical value of 5 percent,
the alternative hypothesis that states the number of
cointegration is accepted so that it can be known
how many equations are cointegrated in the system.
This test aims to determine whether there is a
long-term effect on the variables that we will
examine. If there is proven cointegration, the VECM
stage can be continued. But if it is not proven, then
VECM cannot continue.
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
Table 4: Johansen Cointegration Test
: 1983 2017
Included observations: 35 after adjustments
Trend assum
tion: Linear deterministic trend
Lags interval (in first differences): 1 to 1
Unrestricted Cointe
ration Rank Test
en- Trace 0.05
No. of CE(s) value Statistic Critical
None * 0.6307 73.801 63.87610 0.0058
At most 1 0.5322 38.934 42.91525 0.1183
At most 2 0.2001 12.346 25.87211 0.7875
At most 3 0.1214 4.5319 12.51798 0.6644
Trace test indicates 1 cointegrating eqn(s) at the 0.05
* denotes rejection of the hypothesis at the 0.05 level
Unrestricted Cointegration Rank Test (Maximum
Eigen 0.05
No. of CE(s) value Statistic Critical
None * 0.6307 34.867 32.118 0.0225
At most 1 * 0.5322 26.587 25.823 0.0396
At most 2 0.2001 7.8146 19.387 0.8377
At most 3 0.1214 4.5319 12.518 0.6644
Max-eigenvalue test indicates 2 cointegrating eqn(s) at
the 0.05 level
* denotes re
ection of the h
othesis at the 0.05 level
**MacKinnon-Haug-Michelis (1999) p-values
Based on the table above, it can be seen that the
trace statistic value and maximum eigenvalue at r =
0 are greater than the critical value with a
significance level of 5 percent. This means that the
null hypothesis which states that no cointegration is
rejected and the alternative hypothesis which states
that there is cointegration is accepted. Based on the
analysis from the table above, it can be seen that
among the four variables in this study, there is
cointegration at the 5 percent significance level.
Thus, the results of the cointegration test indicate
that between the movements of GDPC, FDI, EX and
IM have a relationship of stability / balance and
similarity of movements in the long run. or, in each
short-term period, all variables tend to adjust to each
other, to achieve long-run equilibrium.
4.5 Granger Causality Test
he Granger Causality Test aims to see whether two
variables have a reciprocal relationship or not. In
other words, does one variable have a significant
causal relationship with other variables, because
each variable in the study has the opportunity to
become an endogenous or exogenous variable. The
bivariate causality test in this study used the VAR
Pairwise Granger Causality Test and used a real
level of five percent. The following table presents
the results of the Bivariate Granger Causality test
Table 5: Results of Granger causality test
Pairwise Granger Causality Tests
le: 1981 2017
Lags: 1
Null Hypothesis: Obs
LNFDI does not Granger Cause LNGDPC
36 0.15 0.69
LNGDPC does not Granger Cause LNFDI 9.99 0.00
LNEX does not Granger Cause LNGDPC
36 0.08 0.78
LNGDPC does not Granger Cause LNEX
6.87 0.01
LNIM does not Granger Cause LNGDPC
36 0.16 0.69
LNGDPC does not Granger Cause LNIM
5.25 0.03
LNEX does not Granger Cause LNFDI
36 9.37 0.00
LNFDI does not Granger Cause LNEX
0.08 0.78
LNIM does not Granger Cause LNFDI
36 8.44 0.01
LNFDI does not Granger Cause LNIM
0.01 0.90
LNIM does not Granger Cause LNEX
36 2.36 0.13
LNEX does not Granger Cause LNIM
9.89 0.00
- H0 : LNFDI does not affect LNGDPC
H1 : LNFDI affect LNGDPC
The F-Statistic probability value is greater than α
= 5%, (0.69> 0.05), H1 is accepted (LNFDI
affects LNGDPC).
H0 : LNGDPC does not affect LNFDI
H1 : LNGDPC affect LNFDI
F-Statistic probability value is smaller than α =
5%, (0.00 <0.05), H0 is accepted (LNGDPC
does not affect LNFDI).
Thus, it was concluded that there was
unidirectional causality between the LNFDI and
LNGDPC variables.
- H0 : LNEX does not affect LNGDPC
H1 : LNEX affect LNGDPC
The F-Statistic probability value is greater than α
= 5%, (0.78> 0.05), H1 is accepted (LNEX
affects LNGDPC).
H0 : LNGDPC does not affect LNEX
H1 : LNGDPC affect LNEX
Causality Relationship between Foreign Direct Investment, Trade and Economic Growth in Indonesia
F-Statistic probability value is smaller than α =
5%, (0.01 <0.05), H0 is accepted (LNGDPC
does not affect LNEX).
Thus, it was concluded that there was
unidirectional causality between LNEX and
LNGDPC variables.
- H0 : LNIM does not affect LNGDPC
H1 : LNIM affect LNGDPC
The F-Statistic probability value is greater than α
= 5%, (0.69> 0.05), H1 is accepted (LNIM
affects LNGDPC).
H0 : LNGDPC does not affect LNIM
H1 : LNGDPC affect LNIM
F-Statistic probability value is smaller than α =
5%, (0.03 <0.05), H0 is accepted (LNGDPC
does not affect LNIM).
Thus, it was concluded that there was causality
in the direction of the variables LNIM and
- H0 : LNEX does not affect LNFDI
H1 : LNEX affect LNFDI
F-Statistic probability value is smaller than α =
5%, (0.00 <0.05), H0 is accepted (LNEX does
not affect LNFDI).
H0 : LNFDI does not affect LNEX
H1 : LNFDI affect LNEX
F-Statistic probability value is greater than α =
5%, (0.78> 0.05), H1 is accepted (LNFDI affects
Thus, it was concluded that there was
unidirectional causality between LNFDI and
LNEX variables.
- H0 : LNIM does not affect LNFDI
H1 : LNIM affect LNFDI
F-Statistic probability value is smaller than α =
5%, (0.01 <0.05), H0 is accepted (LNIM does
not affect LNFDI).
H0 : LNFDI does not affect LNIM
H1 : LNFDI affect LNIM
The F-Statistic probability value is greater than α
= 5%, (0.90> 0.05), H1 is accepted (LNFDI
affects LNIM).
Thus, it was concluded that there was
unidirectional causality between LNFDI and
LNIM variables.
- H0 : LNIM does not affect LNEX
H1 : LNIM affect LNEX
F-Statistic probability value is greater than α =
5%, (0.13> 0.05), H1 is accepted (LNIM affects
H0 : LNEX does not affect LNIM
H1 : LNEX affect LNIM
F-Statistic probability value is smaller than α =
5%, (0.00 <0.05), H0 is accepted (LNEX does
not affect LNIM).
Thus, it can be concluded that there is a
unidirectional causality between the LNIM and
LNEX variables
4.6 VECM Model
The VECM estimation results will get a short-term
and long-term relationship between Total GDP,
Foreign Investment, Export and Import. In this
estimation, Total GDP is the dependent variable,
while the independent variable is Foreign
Investment, Export and Import.
Based on the estimation results of the VECM
model there are no significant influencing variables
in the short term because the t-statistic values
obtained by almost all variables are smaller than the
t-table value at α = 0.05.
However, for the long term there is a significant
influence between the variables of foreign
investment (lnFDI), exports (lnEX) and imports
(lnIM) on GDP (lnGDPC) in Indonesia.
Table 6: Long term influence
Variables Coefficient T-Stat
lnFDI (-1) 0.533134 4.71614
lnEX (-1) 3.659332 4.85363
lnIM (-1) 3.964144 4.65306
Source : Output eviews
Based on the table above. It can be concluded
that there is a positive and significant long-term
effect of foreign investment of 0.53 percent, exports
of 3.65 percent and imports of 3.9 percent of total
GDP in Indonesia at the level of confidence α =
The purpose of this study is to examine the
relationship between GDP, foreign investment and
trade (exports and imports) in Indonesia. This paper
presents some facts about patterns of FDI inflows,
international trade and GDP growth in Indonesia.
from the data obtained (1981-2017) it shows that
international trade (export-import) and GDP growth
increase over time. Although foreign investment into
Indonesia tends to fluctuate, the trend is positive. All
variables studied have a long-term relationship in I
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
(1). In the VECM model there are short-term effects
that are not significant for the FDI, import and
export variables on GDP. However, there is a long-
term relationship between the three dependent
variables on GDP in Indonesia. Based on the results
of the test granger causality, the results of the FDI
variable have a one-way causality relationship to the
variables GDP, exports and imports.
The import variable has a one-way causality
relationship to GDP and exports. While the import
variable has a one-way causality relationship with
exports. Thus it can be concluded that in this paper
the GDP variable is an endogenous variable whose
value is influenced by other variables (FDI, import
and export). The variable foreign investment (FDI)
is an exogenous variable that can affect other
variables (GDP, exports and imports). Meanwhile,
the export and import variables can be exogenous
and endogenous variables. Therefore, foreign
investment (FDI) in Indonesia must be continuously
improved because it can affect GDP and Indonesia's
Abdull, Afaf J. Saaed and Majeed Ali Hussain (2015)
‘Impact of Exports and Imports on Economic
Growth: Evidence from Tunisia’, Journal of
Emerging Trends in Economics and Management
Sciences (JETEMS), 6(1), pp. 13-21. Available at:
Szkorupova, Zuzana (2014) ‘A causal relationship
between foreign direct investment, economic growth
and export for Slovakia’, Procedia Economics and
Finance, pp. 123-128. doi:
Todaro, Michael P. (1998) Pembangunan Ekonomi Di
Dunia Ketiga, Edisi Keenam. Jakarta: Erlangga.
Causality Relationship between Foreign Direct Investment, Trade and Economic Growth in Indonesia