Social Inclusion in Village Financial Management in Deli Serdang
Deliana Deliana
and Dina Arfianti Siregar
Accounting Major, Politeknik Negeri Medan, Medan - Indonesia
Keywords: Social Inclusion, Village Financial Management, Planning, Budgeting, Implementation, Reporting,
Abstract: This study aims to determine the role of village and youth organizations in village financial management in
villages in Deli Serdang District. the villages that were observed were Palumanan village, Kota Datar
village, Lama village in Hamparan Perak sub-district and Sidodadi village, Kuala Namu village, Beringin
village in Beringin sub-district. Data collection techniques used in this study were interviews,
documentation, and questionnaires. The informants in this study were 36 people consisting of the village
head, the chairman of the Village Consultative Body (BPD), the village secretary, the finance chief /
treasurer, the planning director, and the LKMD. This study used a qualitative method with an interactive
data analysis model. The results of this study indicate that village financial management in HamparanPerak
sub-district and Beringin sub-district have fulfilled the principle of village financial management. The
involvement of village communities in managing village finance is very high, where the community
involved from planning, implementation until accountability.
Good village financial management is needed by the
resource that understands and is able to do
technically and financial management rules. In fact
there are still many village apparatus that do not
have sufficient competence in village financial
management so that activities often occur that are
not in accordance with the stipulated budget.
According to Indonesia Corruption Watch, a form of
corruption by the village government, namely
embezzlement, misuse of the budget, abuse of
authority, illegal levies, budget mark-ups, fictitious
reports, budget cuts, and bribery. From a number of
forms of corruption, there are 5 points prone to
corruption in the process of managing village funds,
namely from the planning process, the accountability
process, monitoring and evaluation, implementation,
and procurement of goods and services in terms of
distribution and management of village funds. The
mode of corruption monitored by ICW, among
others, drafted a budget above the market price, was
responsible for financing physical buildings with
village funds even though the project was sourced
from other sources. Other methods temporarily
borrowed village funds for personal use but were not
returned, then collecting or deducting funds village
by individual sub-district or district officials. There
were 110 cases of misappropriation of village funds
and village fund allocations throughout 2016-10
August 2017, of the 110 cases, the perpetrators were
mostly carried out by the village head, and of 139
actors, 107 of them were village heads, besides,
other corruptors were 30 village officials and the
wife of the village head were 2 people, of the 110
cases, the total loss of the country reached Rp 30
billion.(ICW, 2017)
The large number of Village Heads who became
suspects indicated that many village heads did not
carry out the duties of village heads as stipulated in
the Village Law. Article 26 paragraph (4) of the Law
states that the Village Head is obliged to implement
Deliana, . and Siregar, D.
Social Inclusion in Village Financial Management in Deli Serdang District.
DOI: 10.5220/0009499309780985
In Proceedings of the 1st Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science (UNICEES 2018), pages 978-985
ISBN: 978-989-758-432-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the principles of village governance that are
accountable, transparent, professional, effective and
efficient, clean, free from collusion, corruption and
nepotism and must comply with the principles of
village financial management namely transparency,
accountable, participatory, orderly and budgetary
discipline. (Mendagri, 2014)
Many factors cause corruption in village funds,
including the lack of involvement of the community
in planning and supervision of village funds.
Community access to information on village fund
management and active involvement in planning and
management is practically limited. This community
involvement is the most basic factor because
villagers who know the needs of the village and
directly witness how development is in the village,
another factor is the limited competence of village
heads and village officials. This limitation is
particularly concerning the technical management of
village funds, the procurement of goods and
services, and the preparation of village financial
accountability. Non optimal village institutions that
directly or indirectly play an important role in
community empowerment and village-level
democracy, such as the Village Consultative Body
(BPD) and others are also factors that cause
misappropriation of village funds. Besides, it is
equally important to note that political costs are high
due to the competitive area of village head elections.
Increased village budgets are accompanied by
increasing interest in many parties to advance in
village head elections without the agenda and
commitment to build villages. Community
participation to participate starts from budget
planning, by providing inputs and guarding village
funds by providing oversight of the implementation
of development activities in the village very needed.
Based on this description the researcher feels the
need to know how social inclusion is in the
management of village assets in Deli Serdang
District, North Sumatra Province.
Social inclusion can be defined, then because not
only equal access to the overall social system, but
also the process of full participation in various social
domains, such as economics and culture. This
process involves securing income, assets, and
opportunities; use various social infrastructure;
enjoy a sense of solidarity and self esteem 'and
secure comprehensive and evenly distributed
resources (McVilly, 2013, Shetty, 2011). According
to Gannon and Nolan (2010), social inclusion is
about 1) equal opportunity, 2) empowerment and
active civil rights and requires these policies to
support their capacity building, so that people with
disabilities can fully participate and play a role in
activities politics, economy, culture and society.Kim
et al. (2017) identified four categories of social
inclusion: 1) excluded / separated, 2) present, 3)
participating, 4) actively participating.
According to Mendagri (2014), village financial
management is the whole of activities which include
planning, implementation, administration, reporting,
and accountability of village finance. The village
government prepares village development planning
in accordance with its authority by referring to
district and city development planning. The village
secretary and team drafted a Village Regulation on
APBDes based on RKPDes which came from the
inputs and aspirations of the community that had
been agreed. The Village Regulation draft was
submitted by the Village Head to the Badan
Permusyawaratan Desa for further discussion. The
agreed Village Budget was village head after being
evaluated by the Regent or Camat.
The implementation of village financial
management is carried out with a number of rules
that must be adhered to, including the village
government is prohibited from leviing as village
revenue other than those stipulated in village
regulations. Treasurers can save money in the
village cash in a certain amount according to the
operational needs of the village government with a
predetermined amount at a certain amount. Village
expenditures that result in a burden on the Village
Budget cannot be carried out before the Village
Regulation Draft on the Village Budget is
determined to be a Village Regulation. Procurement
of activities that propose funding to carry out
activities must be accompanied by documents
including the Budget Plan, where the Budget Plan is
verified by the Village Secretary and endorsed by
The Village Head. The executor of the activity is
responsible for expenditure actions that cause the
burden of the activity budget by using the cash
ledger activities as accountability for the
implementation of village activities. The executor
submits Surat Permintaan Pembayaran (SPP) to the
Head of the Village. before goods and or services
are received. Submission of SPP consists of Surat
Permintaan Pembayaran (SPP), Statement of
expenditure responsibility; and attachment of
evidence. Based on the SPP verified by the Village
Secretary, the Village Head agrees to the payment
request and the treasurer makes a payment. The
village treasurer as a mandatory levy on income tax
(PPh) and other taxes, must deposit all receipts and
taxes collected at the State treasury account in
accordance with legislation.
Social Inclusion in Village Financial Management in Deli Serdang District
Administration is a recording activity that is
specifically carried out by the village treasurer.
Accountability reports are submitted every month to
the Village Chief and no later than the 10th of the
following month. According to Mendagri (2014) the
accountability report that must be made by the
village treasurer is a general cash book and bank
According to Mendagri (2014) in carrying out
duties, authority, rights and obligations, the village
head is obliged to submit the realization report of the
APBDesa to the Regent / Mayor in the form of the
first semester report, the APBDes to the Regent /
Mayor in the form of the first semester report, the
APBDes realization report. submit a year-end
semester report no later than the end of January of
the following year. Submit a Laporan
Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan Desa (LPPD) at the
end of each fiscal year to the Regent / Mayor.
Submit a Laporan Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan
Desa at the end of the term to the Regent / Mayor
and submit a statement of government
administration village in writing to the BPD at the
end of the fiscal year.
According to Permendagri No. 113 of 2014 the
responsibility that must be taken by the village head
consists of the village head submitting the
accountability report for the realization of the
APBDes to the Regent / Mayor through the
subdistrict head at the end of the fiscal year. the
responsibility for implementing the APBDes as
referred to above is conveyed no later than 1 (one)
month after the end of the fiscal year. The village
head submits the accountability report for the
realization of the APBDes to the Regent / Mayor
through the camat at the end of the fiscal year.
shopping, and financing.
The principles of Laporan Penyelenggaraan
Pemerintahan Desa as stated in Permendagri
Number 113 of 2014 are transparent, accountable,
participatory and carried out in an orderly and
budgetary discipline. Transparent is a principle of
openness that allows the public to know and get
access to information as widely as possible about
village finance. A community that is open to the
right of the community to obtain correct, honest and
non-discriminatory information about the
administration of village governance while taking
into account legislative provisions .Accountable,
namely the realization of the obligation to account
for the management and control of resources and the
implementation of the entrusted policies in the
context of achieving the stated objectives.
Accountable determines that each activity and final
outcome of the activities of the village
administration must be accountable to the village
community in accordance with statutory provisions
Participatory, namely the administration of village
government that includes village institutions and
elements of the village community. Security and
budgetary discipline, namely village financial
management must refer to the underlying rules or
Researches related to the management of village
finance have been carried out by Lestari et al. (2014)
with the title Dissecting Accountability in the
Practice of Financial Management in Pakraman
Kubutambahan Village, Kubutambahan District,
Buleleng Regency, Bali Province. The results of this
study indicate that the process of managing and
financial accountability in Desa Pakraman
Kubutambahan does not involve the entire Desa
Krama Pakraman but only through representatives,
financial management accountability takes place
consistently every month using a simple accounting
system. Furthermore, MADEA et al. (2017)
conducted a study entitled The Role of Village
Heads in the Management of Village Funds in
Essang Selatan Subdistrict, Talaud Islands Regency.
The results showed that planning in village finance
had not implemented the concept of village
development involving participation,
responsiveness, transparency
Research was also conducted by Adi (2013) with
the title Implementasi Pengelolaan Dan
Penatausahaan Keuangan Desa Berdasarkan Perda
No 16 Tahun 2007 Tentang Keuangan Desa Di desa
Mulawarman Kecamatan Tenggarong Seberang
Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara. The results showed
that the management and administration of village
finance in Desa Mulawarman was in accordance
with regulations applicable. Similar research was
also conducted by Indrianasari (2017) with the title
Role of Village Devices in Village Financial
Management Accountability (Study in Karangsari
Village, Sukodono District). The results of the study
show that village officials have a significant role in
managing village finance in accordance with
Permendagri No. 113 of 2014. The problem of this
research is how is social inclusion in village
financial management in Deli Serdang Regency.
This research is a qualitative descriptive study
through a phenomenological approach.
Phenomenology studies are studies that specialize in
phenomena and realities that appear to examine the
explanations therein. Research is carried out in
villages in Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra
Province. There are 6 villages chosen as data
collection, namely Desa Palumanan, Desa Lama,
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
Desa Kota Datar located in Hamparan Perak Sub-
district, and Desa Beringin, Desa Kualanamau, Desa
Sidodadi located in Beringin Sub-district
Data was collected by conducting in-depth
interviews and observations. Informants in this study
were the village head, village secretary, head of
financial affairs / treasurer, head of planning affairs,
LKMD, and Badan Permusyawaratan Desa (BPD).
The variables used in this study were village
financial management and social inclusion.
Variables of village financial management were
measured using the principle of village management
based on Permendagri No. 113 which consists of
transparency, accountability, participation, order and
budget discipline. Social inclusion variables are
measured by 1) equal opportunity, 2) empowerment
and active civil rights. (Gannon and Nolan, 2010)
This research is about social inclusion in village
financial management. Village financial
management starts from planning, budgeting,
administration, reporting and accountability.
Discussion is based on the principle of village
financial management which consists of
participation, transparency, accountability and
budget discipline. The results of interviews
conducted with village heads and village officials as
well as Badan Permusyawaratan Desa are as
Since the inauguration of the village head is required
to make RPJMDes that is in line with the vision of
the village head and does not conflict with the
Regional RPJM. The village head who became the
informant in this study in Hamparan Perak Sub-
district was the head of Desa Palumanan, Desa Lama
and Desa Kota Datar, while the Beringin Sub-district
is the head of Desa Beringin, Sidodadi and Kuala
Namu. The village head of Palumanan served as
village head for the third period, Desa lama head
held office for the second periode, with the vision of
establishing a religious village togetherness, the
head of the Desa Palumanan and Desa Lama head
long inaugurated in May 2016. Desa Kota Datar
heads served a term in the first period, was installed
in August 2017, while the head of the Desa Beringin
was appointed in May 2016 for the 1st period with a
vision to advance the development of rural
communities to fulfill the economy of the village
Village development planning during the tenure
of the village head, which is for 6 (six) years, is
outlined in Rencana Pembangunan Jangka
Menengah Desa (RPJMDes). RPJMDes is prepared
by first exploring the village's potential. Village
potential is carried out by data collection in each
hamlet, the hamlet head conducts community
meetings on what is the priority scale of the hamlet
which is a necessity of the village community, who
will later be taken to village meetings in determining
In Desa Palumanan, one of the potential villages
that they explore is the number of teenagers who
love playing soccer. The number of teenagers in the
village must be given positive activities so that
teenagers do not do things that can damage the
younger generation. Responding to this the
community feels the need to create a soccer field.
Besides making the Desa Palumanan soccer field
also see the need to build a bridge from Desa
Palumanan to Desa Kota Rantang, where the
distance of the two villages is 10 Km, if a bridge is
built it can be traveled only 3 Km. building
infrastructure by building hamlet roads, besides
building hamlet roads, Desa Palumanan also builds
roads that connect between Desa Palumanan, Desa
Kota Rantang, Desa Telaga 7 and Desa Kota
Rantang, where to connect these villages to transport
crops using canoes as a tool transportation, with the
construction of connecting roads between villages
can be traveled more quickly and easily. Another
priority for Desa Palumanan is economic
development by empowering women by stimulating
small businesses. Desa Palumanan also plans to
build BUMDes.
In Desa Kota Datar the potential village that has
been agreed upon is to build infrastructure by
repairing damaged roads and building hamlet roads.
Building irrigation to advance agriculture. After
exploring the village's potential, the Desa Lama
made an agreement to build infrastructure with the
construction of hamlet roads, empowering the
community to develop the village economy, by
making BUMDes by trying to process garbage into
charcoal, storing agricultural products and providing
clean water. In Desa Beringin, the potential of the
village is UKM, more than 200 SMEs have been
established in Desa Beringin, besides the agricultural
sector is also a potential village, so it is necessary to
build irrigation.
After determining the village potential that will
become a priority, the next step is to develop the
RPJMDes. The preparation of RPJMDes was first
formed by a team consisting of village secretaries as
Social Inclusion in Village Financial Management in Deli Serdang District
heads, village officials, LKMD, BPD. The team will
later compile the RPJMDes from community input
through the hamlet head. After the RPJMDes was
completed, it was then discussed again by inviting
community leaders, BPD, PKK, youth organizations,
religious leaders, traditional leaders. Based on this
discussion, the RPJMDes agreed that it would be
implemented for 6 years and this RPJMDes was
stipulated by the Village Head's regulation. The
RPJMDes prepared is infrastructure development
such as the construction of hamlet roads, irrigation,
bridges, soccer fields, the establishment of
BUMDes, community empowerment etc.
Based on the RPJMDes set by the village head, a
Village Development work plan (RKPDes) is made
for each year based on the priority scale. The way to
implement the RKP is not much different from the
preparation of the RPJMDes. The village head
establishes communication with the hamlet head
who is dealing directly with the community to find
out what the community needs in the hamlet. The
priority scale is obtained from hamlet meetings
which are then taken to the village level. From the
results of the deliberations it was determined which
were the most priority because the funds were
limited. The preparation of the RKPDes was first
formed by 7 drafting teams. The RKPDes is chaired
by the village secretary and its members are
financial officers, planning staff, LKMD and the
community. After the RKPDes has been compiled, a
village meeting is held attended by community
leaders, based on RKPDes deliberation.
After RKPDes is established, the village income and
expenditure budget is prepared (APBDes). RKPDes
must already contain Rencana Anggaran Belanja
(RAB), where the RAB is prepared by the expert
Team considering that the competence of human
resources in the village apparatus is still low. Desa
Palumanan ,Desa Kota Datar, Desa Lama, Desa
Sidodadi, Desa Kualanamu and village have the
intention of compiling the APBDes in accordance
with the established RKPDes. RKPDes and the
APBDes have been informed to the village
community through the hamlet head, through
courtesy, and a written announcement is also made
using billboards installed at the village head's office.
All villages in Hamparan Perak Sub-district and
Beringin Sub-district have village cash stored at the
Sumut Bank. Every village expenditure is carried
out through the village treasurer approved by the
village head. Cash allowed in the village office cash
is not more than Rp. 5,000,000,
The recording of village financial receipts and
expenditures is carried out by financial means and
the treasurer coordinates with the village secretary.
Villages in Hamparan Perak Sub-district and
Beringin Sub-district have used the Sistem
Keuangan Desa (SIKEUDES), besides, they also
still use manual recording. From interviews with
financial statements and village secretaries, they are
still more comfortable using manual recording, this
is due to the use of SISKEUDES is the first in this
peride. Constraints faced are information generated
from the system is not synchronized with manual
recording, the application used is also always an
error, thus slowing down report generation. Another
obstacle faced is that human resources in the village
are still not very good at using a computerized
financial system. Human Resources related to the
recording of village finances expect training to use
the SISKEUDES application on a regular basis, so
that they can still follow every change.
The village head is obliged to report on his activities
by providing a report on the realization of the budget
and the village financial position report at each
stage, before disbursement and the next stage. The
obstacle that is often faced by villages is the
provision that funds can be disbursed for the next
stage if other villages have submitted their financial
statements. This will hamper the disbursement of
funds for villages that have submitted their financial
reports in a timely manner, as a result sometimes the
next stage of funds is disbursed late and ultimately
do not have enough time to work on planned
programs, especially for infrastructure development
work and consequently not absorbing all budget for
the year. Villages in Hamparan Perak Sub-district
and Beringin Sub-district always report financial
reports in a timely manner. The financial report must
be submitted no later than January 16 of the
following year.
Village financial management starting from
planning, budgeting, administration, reporting and
accountability is inseparable from the role of Badan
Permusyawaratan Desa (BPD). BPD has the role of
overseeing the initial planning, execution in the field
until the work is completed. The escorts carried out
by the BPD include looking at the level of
conformity between the funds allocated to what was
built in the activity.
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
This study discusses social inclusion in village
financial management. The discussion of social
inclusion is based on Gannon and Nolan (2010) and
the village financial management variable is based
on the principle of village finance according to
Permendagri No. 113 of 2104.
Village Financial Management Principles must
comply with Permendagri No. 113 of 2014.
Furthermore, discussions on village financial
management in Desa Palumanan, Desa Kota Datar,
Desa Lama in Hamparan Perak Sub-district and
Desa Sidodadi, Desa Kuala Namu, Desa Beringin in
Beringin Sub-district in this study refer to the
principle of village financial management.
1. Participatory
Organizing village government that includes village
institutions and elements of the village community.
In Desa Palumanan, Desa Kota Baru, Desa Lama
in Hamparan Perak Sub-district and Desa Sidodadi,
Desa Kuala Namu, Desa Beringin in the Beringin
Sub-district participates in village institutions and
community elements in managing village finances.
Community participation in village financial
management began with planning, where the
preparation of the RPJMDes was based on the
proposals of community money brought by hamlet
heads to the village level. At the hamlet level, the
hamlet head held a hamlet discussion to
accommodate the aspirations and ideas of the
community to propose a work program that would
be included in the RPJMDes. Determination of the
program that will be proposed to the village level is
first carried out an assessment of the potential in the
village. After the work program was agreed to be
proposed, it was taken to village level deliberations,
which were attended by village heads, village
officials, hamlet heads, BPD, LKMD, youth
organizations, PKK, community leaders, traditional
leaders. Based on village level deliberations, work
programs are determined to be included in the
RPJMDes for 6 years.
Likewise for the preparation of Rencana Kerja
Pembangunan Desa (RKPDes) for a period of 1
year. What hamlet level meetings are held to be the
priority scale needed by the community included in
the annual work program. Once agreed upon it will
be brought to the village level deliberations to
determine the priority scale that will be included in
the village work program in a year, this is done
based on an agreement taking into account the needs
and availability of the budget.
If seen from the mechanism carried out starting
from the preparation of RPJMDes and RKPDes, it
seems that the community is involved in determining
the work program of the village head. The ideas of
the community are accommodated, if they cannot
enter the work program this year, it will become a
priority next year. Sometimes the program proposals
that come from the community have not been
contained in the RPJMDes, to address this if the
proposed work program is urgent, then based on the
village head discussion, the RPJMDes changes and
prepares the official reports.
2. Transparent
Transparent is the principle of openness that allows
the public to know and get access to information as
widely as possible about village finance. A
community that opens itself to the right of the
community to obtain correct, honest and non-
discriminatory information about the administration
of village governance while taking into account
legislative provisions .
In Hamparan Perak Sub-district and Beringin
Sub-District, village financial management has met
the principle of transparency. The village head
provides sufficient information to the community
about the development work plan that will be carried
out. After the RKPDes and APBDes are determined
the village head informs the community about this as
well as the realization of the budget or budget
absorbed each year, information directly from the
village head or through the hamlet head. This
information is usually conveyed to journalists in the
hamlet or even to large courtesies, this can be done
because the majority of the population in these
villages is Muslim. Besides through circumcision,
information about the RKPDes, APBDes was also
carried out by installing billboards at the village
head's office.
Based on the information obtained from
interviews and observations that the researchers did,
the researcher argues that village financial
management in Hamparan Perak Sub-district and
Beringin sub-district is in accordance with the
principle of transparency.
3. Accountable.
The realization of the obligation to account for the
management and control of resources and the
implementation of the entrusted policies in the
context of achieving the stated objectives.
Accountable which determines that every activity
and final outcome of the activities of the village
administration must be accountable to the village
Social Inclusion in Village Financial Management in Deli Serdang District
community in accordance with the provisions of
Village heads in Hamparan Perak Sub-district
and Beringin Sub-district have been responsible for
managing village finances well. It can be seen how
the village head informs the public of the absorbed
budget each year transparently, this is a
manifestation of the village head's responsibility to
the community. The government is reflected in the
timely delivery of financial reports submitted to the
district government. The village financial reports
submitted are reports on the realization of the budget
and village wealth reports.
4. Budget Discipline
Village financial management must refer to the
underlying rules or guidelines. There are several
rules that must be followed in order to reduce the
budget, namely:
a. Income must be measured rationally,
b. Budgeted spending should not exceed the
highest expenditure,
c. Every expenditure must have certainty of the
availability of revenue. not justified in carrying out
activities that are not budgeted for in the Village
d. All regional revenues and expenditures in the
relevant fiscal year must be included in the Village
Budget and carried out through the village cash
In Desa Palumanan, Desa Kota Datar, Desa
Lama , Desa Sidodadi, Desa Kuala Namu and Desa
Beringin, they have implemented budgetary rules.
This can be seen when compiling the APBDes has
included all the elements of revenue obtained in that
year, both from village funds which are transfers
from the APBN, village fund allocation from the
district government, tax revenue and village
distribution and others all included into the Village
Budget. Determination of the amount of expenditure
has also been well observed so that it does not
exceed the highest expenditure limit, to prepare
Rencana Anggaran Belanja (RAB) made by the
technical team. The implementation of the activities
is also in accordance with the APBDes, meaning that
there are no budgeted activities. All villages in the
Hamparan Perak Sub-district and Beringin Sub-
district already have village cash accounts at Bank
Sumut, so that all receipts and expenditures are
through village cash accounts based on village head
authorization . Based on observations and interviews
that have been conducted, the researcher believes
that village financial management in Hamparan
Perak Sub-district and Beringin Sub-district has a
strong relationship with the principle of village
financial management.
Social Inclusion
Social inclusion in this study uses a measure used by
Gannon and Nolan (2010), namely 1) equal
opportunity, 2) empowerment and active civil rights.
Village financial management in the Hamparan
Perak Sub-district and Beringin Sub-district has
involved the community extensively starting from
planning, implementation to accountability. The
community is given the same opportunity to convey
aspirations in the form of ideas / proposals for work
programs starting from the hamlet level to
deliberations at the village level. The
implementation of the activity also continued to be
monitored whether the implementation was in
accordance with the plan, in this case the task of
escorting village financial management was the
Badan Permusyawaratan Desa (BPD), which was a
representative of the village community. All village
communities have the right to argue and also have
the right to obtain benefits of village financial
Based on the results of the research, the conclusion
of this study is that village financial management in
Hamparan Perak Sub-district and Beringin Sub-
District is in accordance with the principles of
village financial management, namely participatory,
transparent, accountable and budgetary discipline.
The involvement of village communities in
managing village finance is very high, where the
community involved from planning, implementation
to accountability, but Human Resources
competencies in the field of village financial
application by using SISKEUDES still need
guidance. For the next researchers it is
recommended to research in different locations and
more villages.
Adi, H. P. (2013). Implementasi Pengelolaan Dan
Penatausahaan Keuangan Desa Berdasarkan Perda
No 16 Tahun 2007 Tentang Keuangan Desa Di Desa
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Social Inclusion in Village Financial Management in Deli Serdang District