Integration of Life Skill in Human Resource Management Course
through Video as Learning Media
Hilma Harmen
, Fauzia Agustini
, Aprinawati
and Dita Amanah
Department of Management, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan -Indonesia
Keywords: : Life Skill, HR Management, Video, Learning Media
Abstract: This study aims to integrate life skills in human resource management courses through video as a learning
medium. The methods in this study are interviews, questionnaires, observations, and literature studies.
Researchers have conducted an interview using a list of questions related to the tasks of the HR department
in the three companies. The video camera is used to take video shows when the company explains the tasks
of the HR department so that each company clearly shows the tasks for the HR department. HR
management courses need to integrate life skills so that students have the skills or ability to overcome
problems in the field of HR management in the company. Through video shows that have been made by
researchers about the tasks of the HR department in the company, students are expected to be able to apply
theory in HR management courses in accordance with the real conditions needed in the company.
A. Research Background
Higher education is a forum for the formation of
graduates who are expected to have quality
characters and are ready to use in the world of work.
Thus the direction of learning must be adjusted to
the demands of the work world. Graduates must also
have life skills so that they can compete in the era of
globalization where job opportunities are
increasingly tight for graduates. Universities as
formal education institutions are required to always
improve the quality of learning in accordance with
the applicable curriculum.
The Human Resource Management (HRM)
course examines the functions or tasks of the HR
department in the company starting from analyzing
positions to termination of the human resources in
the company. The introduction of this HRM course
is essentially aimed not only at understanding, but
also that students are expected to be able to associate
HR lecture material with real conditions in the
Life skills education reflects real life in the
learning process so that students gain life skills and
they are ready to live in the midst of society.
According to (Mujakir, 2012) what is learned in
each subject is expected to form the life skills that
will be needed when facing real life in society.
Anwar (2006) argues that the general purpose of
life skills education is to improve the skills,
knowledge and attitudes of learning citizens in
certain fields of work or business according to their
talents and interests so that they have the ability to
work or work independently that can improve their
quality of life . While the specific objective is to
provide life skills education services to learning
citizens in order to have the skills, knowledge and
attitudes needed to get into the workforce.
Meanwhile, according to (Subijanto, 2007) one
of the goals of life skill education is to provide basic
provisions and exercises that are carried out
correctly regarding the value of daily life that can
provide students with the ability to function in the
face of future competitive life and at the same time
Life skills can help a lecturer to deliver material
content in more depth and comprehensively so that
students can more easily understand the material. In
this study the lecturers of Human Resource
Management courses will conduct observations and
interviews in depth in several companies to get clear
information about the tasks or functions of the HR
department in the company. In line with (Slamet,
2002) states that one of the goals of life skills
Harmen, H., Agustini, F., Aprinawati, . and Amanah, D.
Integration of Life Skill in Human Resource Management Course through Video as Learning Media.
DOI: 10.5220/0009498302170221
In Proceedings of the 1st Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science (UNICEES 2018), pages 217-221
ISBN: 978-989-758-432-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
education is to optimize the participation of
This is also related to one of the benefits of life
skills education that students have broad insight into
career development in a changing workplace that is
capable of choosing, entering, competing and
advancing in careers (Marwiyah, 2012).
The success of the learning process cannot be
separated from the choice of learning methods and
media. This is in accordance with (Arsyad, 2013)
that in a learning process, there are two very
important elements are teaching methods and
learning media. In this study the researcher will
make a video as a learning medium for the course of
Human Resource Management. According to
(Riyana, 2007) learning videos are media that
present audio and visuals containing good learning
messages that contain concepts, principles,
procedures, knowledge application theories to help
understanding an instructional material.
Researchers make videos as learning media
intended to clarify and facilitate the delivery of
messages so that they are not too verbalistic (Riyana,
2007). Thus the lecturer will be easier to deliver
learning material in the course of Human Resource
Management which is related to the tasks or
functions of the HR department in the company.
Students are expected to have life skills in this
course by comparing learning materials and real
conditions in the company. The role of stakeholders
in shaping life skills for students in the course of
Human Resource Management is very important.
Thus the researcher needs to involve stakeholders to
be able to achieve the goal of life skill education,
that is designing education so that it is functional for
the lives of students in facing life in the future
(Singh, 2015).
Therefore the importance of life skills in HR
Management courses, researchers are interested in
conducting research with the title "Analysis of video
making as a learning media by involving
stakeholders and their relationship to life skills
education in human resource management courses."
B. Research Purpose
The purpose of this study is to integrate life skills in
human resource management courses through video
as a learning medium.
C. Benefits of Research
The results of this study are useful as innovations in
learning to improve the relationship of the university
with stakeholders and also to improve life skills for
A. Learning Video Media Meaning of Learning
The development of science and technology,
requires the use of educational media that are
increasingly appropriate, such as videos that are
already an urgent requirement. This is due to the
complex nature of learning. There are various
learning objectives that are difficult to achieve by
relying solely on the lecture method. Therefore, in
order to achieve maximum learning results, it is
necessary to use media, one of which is video
(Miftakh & Samsi, 2015).
Video is a series of motion pictures accompanied
by a sound that forms a unity that is sequence into
grooves, with messages in it to achieve learning
goals that are stored with the storage process on the
tape or disk (Arsyad, 2013). Video is an audio visual
media that displays motion (Sadiman, 2008).
According to Heinich, Molenda, Russell, &
Smaldino (2002) videos can be interpreted as "the
appearance of various images on a television or
similar screen. So it can be concluded that the video
is a motion picture that consists of a series of
grooves and displays a message from the part of an
image to achieve the learning objectives.
Video learning is a media that is designed
systematically with reference to the applicable
curriculum and in its development applying the
principles of learning so that the program allows
students to look at the subject matter more easily and
interestingly. Physically learning videos are learning
programs that are packaged in videotapes and
presented using VTR or VCD player equipment and
monitor TVs (Rusman, 2011).
B. The Purpose and Benefits of Learning Video
According to (Riyana, 2007) learning videos as
teaching materials aim to:
a. Clarify and facilitate the delivery of messages
so that they are not too verbalistic.
b. Overcome the limitations of time, space and
sense of ability of students and instructors.
c. Can be used precisely and varied.
Other benefits of using videos according to
(Daryanto, 2010) include:
a. The size of the video display is very flexible
and can be adjusted as needed.
b. Video is a non-print teaching material that is
rich in information and straightforward because
it can reach students directly.
c. Video adds a new dimension to learning.
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
C. Life Skill Meaning of Life Skill
Life skills are the ability and courage to deal with
life's problems, then proactively and reactively seek
and find solutions to overcome them. People who
are studying also need life skills. Thus UNICEF
(2012) divided the life skills into five, that is:
a. Self-awareness skills which are also called
personal skills. This capability includes; (1)
self-esteem as a creature of God Almighty,
members of society and citizens, (2) realizing
and grateful for the strengths and weaknesses
that are owned while at the same time making
asset in improving themselves as an individual
who is beneficial to themselves and the
b. Rational thinking skills (thinking skills). This
skill includes; (1) the ability to explore and find
information, (2) the ability to process
information and make decisions, (3) creative
problem solving skills.
c. Social skills. This skill includes; (a)
communication skills with empathy, (b)
cooperation skills. Empathize, understanding
attitude and the art of two-way communication.
This needs to be emphasized because
communication is not just delivering messages,
but the content and reach of messages
accompanied by good messages will arise a
harmonious impression.
d. Academic skills. Often called the ability to think
scientifically (scientific method), including
identification of variables, formulating
hypotheses and carrying out research.
e. Vocational skills. Meaning that skills are
associated with certain occupational fields in the
D. Purpose and Benefits of Life Skill Learning
According to (Mansor, 2017) in general life skills
education intends to function education in
accordance with its nature, that is developing the
human potential of students to face their future roles.
In particular, education oriented to life skills aims to:
1. Actualize the potential of students so they can
be used to solve the problems.
2. Designing education so it is beneficial for the
lives of students in facing life in the future.
3. Providing opportunities for schools to develop
flexible learning in accordance with the
principles of broad-based education.
4. Optimizing the utilization of resources in the
school environment by providing opportunities
for the utilization of existing resources in the
community in accordance with the principles of
school-based management.
In general, the benefits of education oriented
towards life skills for students are as provisions in
dealing with and solving problems of life, both as an
independent person and as a citizen. If this can be
achieved, then the dependency on existing
employment can be reduced, which means that
national productivity will gradually increase.
E. Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management as the science and art
of managing relationships and the role of the
workforce in order to be effective and efficient to
help realize the goals of the company, employees
and the community ”
The main objectives of HR Management are:
improving the level of productivity, improving the
quality of work life, ensuring that the organization
meets legal aspects.
Human Resource Management in carrying out its
activities managing human resources in the
company, carrying out human resource management
functions starting from the function of analyzing
jobs and positions, planning human resources in the
company, recruiting workers, selecting prospective
workers, conducting work orientation and
placement, train employees, conduct employee
appraisals, carry out compensation policies, carry
out career development and planning activities, and
make employment termination policies.
A. Research Location
This research was carried out in 3 (three) companies
in Medan, namely PT. Bhanda Ghara Reksa,
Employment Social Security Organizing Agency,
PT. Pelindo I BICT.
B. Type of Research
This research is a qualitative research. The lecturers
of HR management courses make videos containing
the functions of HR management or the tasks of the
HR department in the company.
C. Data Collection Techniques
The data collection techniques in this study use:
1. Interview.
That is holding a question and answer to the
company about the functions of HR
2. List of questions.
Contains questions related to HR Management
functions within the company.
3. Observation
Integration of Life Skill in Human Resource Management Course through Video as Learning Media
That is in the form of direct observation to the
4. Literature Study
That is in the form of literature obtained from
books, journals and the internet related to this
HR management in a simple way is a management
science that is applied in human resource
management issues for the achievement of
organizational goals. The HR management course
contains material on HR management functions
consisting of job analysis, employee planning,
employee recruitment, employee selection, work
orientation and placement, job training, performance
appraisal, compensation, career planning and
development, termination of employment (Agustini
& Harmen, 2018). Diperlukan strategi perencanaan
SDM yang tepat untuk meraih keunggulan
kompetitif organisasi (Harahap & Amanah, 2018).
Life skills are educational orientations that
synergize subjects into life skills needed by someone
wherever they are. Academic skills are one of life
skills, that is the ability to think scientifically is
basically the development of rational thinking skills
that are still general, academic skills are more
directed towards activities that are academic or
scientific (Anwar, 2006). Therefore, HR
management courses need to integrate life skills so
that students have the skills or ability to overcome
problems in the field of HR management in the
company. Thus, the role of the company or
stakeholders has a big influence as an information
tool about the management of human resources that
actually occurs in the company environment.
The role of stakeholders in forming life skills for
students in the course of Human Resource
Management is very important. Thus the researcher
needs to involve stakeholders to be able to achieve
the goal of life skill education, which is designing
education that it is functional for the lives of
students in facing life in the future (Forneris,
Camiré, & Trudel, 2012).
The success of learning in each subject is
strongly supported by the selection of learning
media. Learning media is expected to lead to
interesting and fun learning activities but still have
an element of seriousness in learning so that they
can practice problem solving skills (Agustina &
Novita, 2012). Video is one of the learning media
that can attract learning interest for students. In
general (Ariani, 2010) suggested several benefits of
multimedia learning including: (1) More interesting,
(2) More interactive, (3) Learniing time can be
reduced, (4) The quality of student learning can be
more motivated, (5) Students' attitudes and learning
attention can be improved and focused, (6) Can turn
on the text by including sounds, images, music,
animation and video, (7) Can attract interest because
it is a combination of views, sounds and movements.
In this study, researchers made a video by
involving stakeholders as an effort to integrate life
skills in HR management courses. This research has
involved three state-owned companies in Medan,
namely PT. Bhanda Ghara Reksa, Employment
Social Security Organizing Agency, PT. Pelindo I
The researcher has conducted an interview using
a list of questions related to the tasks of the HR
department in those three companies. Researchers
use videos to record company explanations about the
tasks of the HR department so that the HR
department's tasks in each company are clearly
The results of this video recording will be used when
describing the lecture material of HR management in
the classroom. Researchers expect students to be
able to learn in real terms about HR management
functions or the tasks of the HR department in the
company. This is very important to know because
HR management courses are closely related to the
activities or activities of the HR department in the
company. Therefore, knowledge of HR management
courses should not only be based on theory but more
important is how to apply the theory to the actual
conditions that occur in the company. This is where
the role of life skills is very important to be
integrated in the HR management courses.
Empowering lecturers through the creativity of
learning methods and media is needed to create
quality learning in class and student achievement
(Agustini, Amanah, & Harahap, 2018).
HR management courses need to integrate life skills
so that students have the skills or ability to overcome
problems in the field of HR management in the
company. Through video shows that have been
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
made by researchers about the tasks of the HR
department in the company, students can apply the
theory in HR management courses according to real
conditions in the company.
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Integration of Life Skill in Human Resource Management Course through Video as Learning Media