Online Shopping Behavior of 2017 Economics Education Students
after Learning Marketing Management
Selvi Esther Suwu
Economic Education, Universitas Pelita Harapan
Keywords: Online shopping, Marketing Management, 2017 Economic Education Students
Abstract: This research aims to identify the behavior of 2017 Economics education students at Pelita Harapan
University regarding online shopping after studying Marketing Management course. The online shopping
trend has become one of consumers’ choices to buy life necessities. It is called life necessities as online
shopping provides various products such as clothing, food, and housing products. As a matter of fact, some
products are only sold in online stores. Consumers shifting to online shopping shows changes in buying
behavior. One of the issue learned in Marketing Management is consumer behavior. Changes in
environment or technology will affect consumers’ buying behavior. Students of Economics education have
learned this issue, however does it influence their online shopping behavior? This condition has attracted
author to conduct this research. The research methodology used in this study is qualitative descriptive with
questionnaires as the instrument. The results obtained was students understand Marketing Management and
know that there is a connection between learning Marketing Management and their behavior when they
shop online, nevertheless they are not fond of or not interested in online shopping. The changes in
respondents behavior in online shopping is caused by technological advancement not because of learning
Marketing Management.
One of the changes in consumer behavior is in
shopping. Nowadays, preparing special time to shop
is not needed. In the past we used to look for
products in many shops which is tiring, spend cost
of going to the shop even dress neatly. Today, we
can shop from any places with good Wi-Fi
connection in our cell phone, computer or laptop.
This research focuses on adolescent’s behavior.
Shopping and adolescent have become trends as
shopping is a need to self-actualization that turns
into a life style. This can be seen from the amount of
malls or shopping centers. This existence of shops in
mall with famous brands from abroad, clothing
trends, mobile phones, shoes from Korea add
choices to look fashionable and ultimately increase
the frequency of purchases. All that is trending
abroad is easily obtained from social media and
various internet sites. For example, information
about the latest trends in clothing or shoes will be
recognized very quickly unlike 20 years ago
someone found out the latest trends of clothes or
shoes from television, magazines or mass media.
The existence of internet eliminates time and space
restrictions for various information.
Acquiring information shift from slow to fast
also affect trading. In the past, buying goods could
only be done from morning to afternoon or from
8am to 9pm (until the shop is closed), nowadays it is
all different. Not only the information but also items
in the form of clothing, shoes and others are easily
obtained through online shopping. Moreover,
manufacturers get new thing related to online
trading. In the past manufacturers must have a
physical store that is interesting and located in
strategic place so that consumers are interested in
entering the store.
Making a store is not easy since it is high in cost
and needs shelves to display the goods. Usually, a
manufacturer that has a store also has a warehouse.
The manufacturer must hire employees to take care
of the store as well as the warehouse. How much
money or capital that should be prepared for all of
these? Not only money but also time to search for
Suwu, S.
Online Shopping Behavior of 2017 Economics Education Students after Learning Marketing Management.
DOI: 10.5220/0009496501270131
In Proceedings of the 1st Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science (UNICEES 2018), pages 127-131
ISBN: 978-989-758-432-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
strategic store location and employees. Online
trading makes trading easy. Manufacturers do not
have to provide a store, warehouse or hire
employees. The trading places can be at home, the
product sold can be photographed and uploaded into
a shopping site or social media. This way, much
product is not needed to start which means a lot of
capital is not required. Affordable capital makes
people interested in trying because if it fails the
financial loss is low. This encourages people to trade
Online trading now includes many types of
products ranging from clothing: clothing, shoes,
cellphones, accessories; food: food catering (staple
food), snacks, food for events such as birthday
cakes, tumpeng (Indonesian specialties), packaged
drinks, coffee (in form of seeds or processed) and
many others; housing: household needs namely
kitchen utensils, furniture, bathroom fixtures, room
equipment, all house appliance can be purchased
online. Not only that, vehicle and electronic devices
can also be ordered online. Seeing varieties of
products are offered online by Indonesian
manufacturers or foreign manufacturers give
consumers many opportunities to buy easily. Other
parties who also impacted by the online shopping
are sales intermediaries, between manufacturers as
sellers and consumers as buyers that is distributors
or product senders. Manufacturers and consumers
demand the product sender to be trusted in term of
delivery time and the preservation of the product to
the consumers.
The teenagers that are the focus of this study are
students of Economics education cohort 2017 Pelita
Harapan University. Changes of consumers’
behavior in above explanation and knowledge of
Marketing Management that they have gained may
influence them in preferring online shopping or even
change their behavior. Due to this issue, the author is
interested in examining their behavior.
Research objective: to identify the behavior of
2017 Economics education students at Pelita
Harapan University regarding online shopping after
studying Marketing Management course.
Literature review in this study consists of several
theories, consumer behavior, technology, about
online shopping.
The theory of consumer behavior from
(Sangadji & Sopiah, 2013) says Science discipline
that studies the behavior of individuals, groups or
consumer organizations to detect intelligence and
needs and then strives to fulfill them through the
process of deciding to use these products, services,
experiences (ideas). As a follow-up, consumers will
feel satisfied or not.
Three consumer behavior theory have been
explained above and in this research the first theory
is the focus which is the study of human behavior in
consuming goods but also related to the services and
experiences gained by consumers. The focus of
service and experience is in online shopping,
consumers are not only consuming the product but
the service they got from the online shop (supplying
products to consumers) give experience to
The consumer behavior theory above has three
numbers which in this study are more precisely
number one, namely the study of human behavior in
consuming goods but also related to the services and
experiences gained by consumers. The focus of
service and experience is on online shopping,
consumers not only consume products and finish but
services from online shop (supplying products to
consumers) provide experience for consumers.
Factors that can influence consumer behavior
include several things according to (Sangadji &
Sopiah, 2013) : Economic, political / legal, cultural
and technological conditions, consumer behavior in
this study looked at the influence of technology.
Technology is an important part in the discussion
of this research, the internet advancement is not only
for communicating but also for trading. Online
shopping with all the views in the internet attracts
consumers to see, consider and finally decide to buy.
Consumer’s behavior in choosing to buy through an
online shop shows consumers’ behavior change in
Changes in consumer behavior in purchases from
shopping in shopping centers to online shopping are
part of technological change. Online shop according
to (Pratiwi, 2013) Online shop / e-shop is showing
merchandise using internet access.
The methodology in this research is qualitatively
descriptive. Data obtained through questionnaires.
Questionnaires are written with open and closed
Descriptive research according to (Iskandar,
2013) is research by describing research content
without connecting or comparing between variables
with each other.
A research requires a sample of respondents to
be examined. In this study the authors used
purposive samples.
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
Purposive samples used in theory are taken from
the book (Iskandar, 2013) which says that the
sample is determined in a way that is appropriate for
the purpose based on the subjective assessment of
the author. Teenagers are the focus of this research,
precisely the 2017 Economic Education students.
Respondents: 34 students of Pelita Harapan
University Economic Education.
The research place is the Faculty of Education,
Pelita Harapan University.
Time: October 2018
Validation by language and content experts..
The author takes data from respondents in the form
of a questionnaire. The questionnaire consists of 11
questions. After collecting the data is processed and
then presented in table form. Data processing
consists of several stages, namely the initial stage of
the answers to the grouped questionnaires and then
calculated, after being calculated into the table, the
next stage is calculated the percentage and the final
stage of the percentage results are analyzed.
Table 1: Respondents' opinions about the meaning of
online shopping in Marketing Management
ot Understan
34 -
Table 1 shows that all respondents (100%)
understood about online shopping in learning
Marketing Management.
Table 2: Respondents' opinions when shopping
online get products / services at low prices
etral Disa
19 15 0
Respondents as much as 19 / 34X100% = 56%
agreed that when shopping online get a cheap price.
Cheap can be interpreted cheaper than in a shopping
center. 15 / 34X100% = 44% said when shopping
online get the normal price or the same as being sold
in a shopping center.
Table 3: Respondents' opinions about online
Like i
netral Do not
12 7 15
Respondents' opinions about feelings, namely liking
online shopping at 12 / 34X100% = 35% said like, 7
/ 34X100% = 21% said they felt netral and 15 /
34X100% = 44% said they did not like shopping
Table 4: Frequency of respondents online shopping
Every 2
Once a
10 2 31
The frequency of respondents' online shopping can
be seen from the table above, namely 1 / 34X100%
= 2% of spending once every three months, while
those who have not spent every 2 months and for
uncertain 91% = 31 / 34X100% online shopping is
uncertain time.
Table 5: Respondents' opinions regarding the
convenience of online shopping
Easy Moderate Difficul
25 9 0
Online shopping according to 25 / 34X100% = 74%
of respondents is easy, respondents say moderate as
much as 9 / 34X100% = 26% and respondents no
respondents said online shopping is difficult.
Table 6: Respondents' opinions about trust in online
shopping sites
16 6 12
Regarding the level of respondents' trust in online
shopping sites, it can be seen from the data in the
table above. Respondents as many as 16 / 34X100%
= 47% believe in online shopping sites on the
internet, 6 / 34X100% = 18% have normal opinions
on these sites and 12 / 34X100% = 35% do not trust
in shopping sites on Internet.
Table 7: Respondents' opinions about the way to pay
for online shopping
Moderate Difficul
28 6 0
Online shopping payment methods are also
measured, namely 28 / 34X100% = 82% of
respondents said the method of payment for online
shopping was easy, as much as 6 / 34X100% = 18%
of respondents said it was moderate way to pay
online shopping.
Table 8: Respondents' opinions regarding the
accuracy of online shopping products
Same Slightly
in for
725 2
Data of respondents' opinions regarding the accuracy
of the product when it arrives to the consumer is 7 /
Online Shopping Behavior of 2017 Economics Education Students after Learning Marketing Management
34X100% = 21% said the product is exactly the
same as the one pictured with reality, 25 / 34X100%
= 74% of respondents stated slightly different
products up and respondents who said differently in
form is 2 / 34X100% = 5%.
The form of the next question is open question:
1. What products have you bought online?
Table 9: Products purchased at the online shop
Clothing, equipment for hair (tools to form
hair), bags, shoes, cellphone chasing, hats,
tambourine musical instruments, guitar
strings, guitars, guitar musical instruments,
tumbler lights, watches, glasses, fans,
headsets, bottles drink, wallet, makeup tools,
pots, slippers, neck pillows, scarves, novel
books, mobile phones, HP accessories,
The type of product that many respondents bought if
grouped as follows:
a. Daily necessities, namely clothes, shoes, sandals,
glasses, watches and bags.
b. Musical instruments: tambourine equipment,
guitars and guitar equipment.
c. Home appliances: drinking bottles, pots, tumbler
lamps, neck pillows, fans.
d. Others: makeup tools, skincare, novel books
2. Why did you buy the product online?
Table 10: Reasons for respondents to shop in an
online shop
Low prices, good product quality, easy to
obtain, practical, time efficient, only available
in online shop, there are discounted prices
(sales), products as desired, trusted sites,
diverse types of products, display pictures on
attractive shoppin
sites, want to tr
The reason respondents bought the above products
through online shopping is that most of them say
that prices are cheap, practical, good product quality
and time efficiency.
3. After learning Marketing management, do you
prefer online shopping or nothing to do between
online shopping and Marketing Management?
The majority of respondents said there was a
connection between after learning Marketing
Management with online shopping preferences, only
a few people said there was no connection between
learning Marketing Management and online
Like or not shopping online according to them
learning Marketing Management makes them
understand more about online shop. Respondents
also stated that after learning Marketing
Management made them aware of positive and
negative attitudes towards online shopping
preferences, they became more self-controlled and
understood about products. There were also
respondents who said that after learning, they
became more interested in shopping online, but there
were also those who did not like shopping online.
Data from the questionnaire above in the form of
data tables will be analyzed as follows:
The focus of the research are 34 respondents,
they are UPH Economic Education students, from
table 1 it can be said that all respondents understand
online shop in Marketing Management lessons. This
is understandable from the beginning of the course
in Marketing Management, as in the (Kotler &
Amstrong, 2008) on the topic of the marketing
process :
creating value for customers and building
customer relationships, the explanation is that the
market understands the desires and needs of
consumers by offering products by making
marketing strategies this is expected to build
relationships with consumers, eventually producers
get value from consumers.
Data table 1 if it is connected with the last
number data which is learning Marketing
Management, do you prefer online shopping or has
nothing to do between online shopping and
Marketing Management? The results show the three
most answers, there is a connected between learning
Marketing Management and online shopping so that
respondents like to shop online as much as 13 /
34X100% = 38%. Then respondents thought there
was a connection between understanding Marketing
Management with online shopping but their buying
behavior showed the opposite, they do not like
shopping online or netral, at 15 / 34X100% = 44%.
The last is as much as 6 / 34X100% = 18%
respondent states there is no connection between
Marketing Management lessons and online shopping
This data shows that more respondents said that
there was a connection between understanding
Marketing Management and online shopping, but
their buying behavior showed the opposite, namely
not like shopping online or netral. When linked to
one of the environmental factors that influence
consumer behavior such as the opinion of (Sangadji
& Sopiah, 2013) in they book that technology can
change consumer behavior in purchasing because it
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
better understands the quality and quantity of
products to meet the needs of life .Meaning that the
respondent understands technology but not too
affected so that it changes their behavior.
Respondent buying behavior tends not to change too
much, it seems only slightly proven because there
are 38% of other respondents who feel that buying
behavior changes due to technological advances.
Data from the following tables regarding the
features of online shopping such as low-priced
products, ease of online shopping, product accuracy,
the convinience payment methods, the result is 56%
agree that when shopping online get cheap prices
and 15 / 34X100% = 44% say when shopping online
get the normal price or the same as being sold in a
shopping center. 74% of respondents found it easy
for online shoping, meaning that online shopping is
easy by looking at sites or social media selling,
choosing products, then communicating with sellers
and making payment processes. In the payment
process, respondents said 82% of respondents said
that the method of paying for online shopping was
easy, 18% of respondents said it was normal and no
one thought the payment method was difficult. In
addition to technical matters in online shopping the
author also wants to know about the accuracy of the
product that reaches the respondent's hand, 74% of
respondents said a slightly different product arrived,
only 21% said the product was exactly the same as
the picture with reality. Product accuracy shows the
quality of the product. The experience of
respondents shows that products that are slightly
different from those in the picture / on the internet
means that the quality is not as good as the image
display on the internet.
Online shopping features that become a technical
factor in making purchases result in the level of trust
in online shopping sites, about the taste of online
shopping and the frequency of online shopping.
Obviously from the data above, 47% of respondents
trust online shopping sites on the internet, 18% had
normal opinions on these sites and 35% did not trust
to shopping sites on the internet. But the statements
of respondents like online shopping is 35%, 21%
feel normal and 44% don't like shopping online.
Large confidence level of 47% is not proven by
feeling like shopping online, because even though
they trust but they say they don't like shopping
online. Like it or not it can be proven from the
frequency of online shopping for respondents, 2% of
spending once every three months, 91% of online
shopping is uncertain.
Additional data collected from respondents is the
type of product they buy online and the reason they
buy the product online. The types of products that
are mostly purchased by respondents are products
for daily needs, household appliances, musical
instruments and other purposes such as makeup and
skin care. When the product purchased, it can be
said that there is no expensive item. If it is related to
the reason for buying the product online, then the
product is obtained at a cheaper price than in the
shopping center, practical and efficient in time.
Although there are respondents who have reason
want to try and be interested in picture of product,
then do online shopping
Respondents who said there was a connection
between understanding Marketing Management and
online shopping but their buying behavior showed
the opposite, not like shopping online or netral.
Respondents understand about technology but
have not been so affected that it changes their
behavior. Respondent buying behavior tends not to
change too much, it seems only slightly proven
because there are 38% of other respondents who feel
that buying behavior changes due to technological
Iskandar (2013), Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan dan
Sosial, Referensi, Ciputat Jakarta.
Kotler, p. & Amstrong, G (2008), Prinsip-Prinsip
Pemasaran, Edisi 12 Jilid 1 ed., Penerbit Erlangga,
Pratiwi, H. D (2013), Online Shop Sebagai Cara Belanja
Di Kalangan Mahasiswa UNNES, Thesis,
Semarang, UNNES. Viewed 15 Oktober 2018, .
Sangadji, E. M. & Sopiah (2013), Perilaku Konsumen:
Pendekatan Praktis, disertai: Jurnal Penelitian, Andi,
Online Shopping Behavior of 2017 Economics Education Students after Learning Marketing Management