Problem based Learning Module’s on Tax Education
Roza Thohiri
and Revita Yuni
Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan -Indonesia
Keywords: Problem Based Learning, Module, Tax Education, 4-D Model
Abstract: Economic education students as prospective teachers and the academic community are expected to help the
government educate taxation to the community. But so far there are still many students who complain that
taxation is a difficult subject. Because of the many types of taxes and calculation methods. This study will
test problem based learning based learning modules in taxation courses. This research was conducted to
disseminate problem based learning based modules from previous studies that can be used by students
studying independently. Students understand various types of taxes and how to calculate the amount of tax
imposed on individuals and entities, so they can provide education back to the community. This study uses
the 4D (four-D models) model. Four-D model development consists of 4 main stages, namely: 1) define
(determine material), 2) design (design), 3) develop (development), and 4) dessiminate (dissemination), 3
stages have been carried out in previous research so has produced a valid module and can be used for the
final stage of deployment. The dissemination of taxation modules based on problem based learning tests the
practicality and effectiveness of modules. From the results of this research, a problem based learning
module is generated in the course of taxation which is quite valid, practical and effective. The practicality
value of the module by students is 81.11% and the module can be categorized as practical in the learning
process. The activity value of students from five categories observed in the learning process is 80.97% and
the module can be categorized as effective. Students as prospective teachers and the academic community
are expected to assist the Director General of Taxes in educating taxation to the public in order to increase
public awareness and help the public to do tax calculations and reporting which will increase the tax payer
ratio and increase tax revenue for the state in order to support development.
Tax based on legal views is an agreement that arises
because of the law which causes the obligation of
citizens to deposit a certain amount of income to the
state. Tax is an obligation for every citizen who has
been regulated by the Law, because almost 80% of
the state income sources come from taxes, thus
making the government through the Directorate
General of Taxes persistent to collect taxes from the
Education about the importance of taxes needs to
be done, in order to increase public awareness and
compliance in paying taxes and can reduce tax
avoidance practices (tax avoidance) and tax evasion.
Higher education has a strategic role in improving
human resources. Many students think that taxation
is a difficult subject, this can be seen from the low
understanding of the material obtained by students
based on formative values. Factors that influence
material understanding are learning intensity and
learning facilities. Good understanding and learning
facilities are needed in mastering the material.
Learning facilities are complete learning tools both
at home and on campus. One facility that supports
learning intensity is teaching materials in the form of
interactive lecture modules / books.
Based on observations of researchers in the field,
the presentation of modules used by students in the
form of material that is monotonous. So that students
feel bored and less motivated to learn. Departing
from this problem the use of problem based learning
based learning modules is one alternative in
overcoming these problems. The use of Problem
based learning based learning modules aims to
increase student involvement actively in the learning
process. The use of this learning module is expected
to increase student competence in understanding
Yuni, R.
Problem based Learning Module’s on Tax Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0009496301130119
In Proceedings of the 1st Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science (UNICEES 2018), pages 113-119
ISBN: 978-989-758-432-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
material and learning independently without the help
of a facilitator.
Preparation of problem based learning based
learning modules has begun with previous research.
From the results of previous studies it has been
produced problem based learning modules with
content material, language and design that are valid
for use by students in taxation subjects. By
presenting the problem based learning module,
students are expected to be able to solve whatever
problems they face.
a. Learning Module
Modules are a set of teaching materials that are
presented systematically so that users can learn
independently or without a facilitator / teacher.
Thus, a module can be used as teaching material
instead of the teacher's function. The teacher has the
function of explaining material with sound. A
module must be able to explain material with
communicative language for students according to
their level of knowledge and age. Modules are a way
of organizing subject matter that takes into account
the function of education. The strategy of organizing
learning material contains squencing which refers to
the making of the sequence of presentation of
subject matter, and synthesizing which refers to
efforts to show students the relationship between
facts, concepts, procedures and principles contained
in the learning material. To design learning material
capability categories that can be learned by students,
namely verbal information, intellectual skills,
cognitive strategies, attitudes, and motor skills. The
strategy of organizing learning material consists of
three stages of the thinking process, namely the
formation of concepts, interpretation of concepts,
and application of principles (Santyasa: 2009).
According to Sanjaya (2010: 332-333), the
purpose of using modules in the learning process is
as follows; (a) Increasing the effectiveness and
efficiency of achieving educational and teaching
goals, (b) Encouraging students to be more active in
independent learning, (c) So that the learning
process does not rely too much on the teacher,
meaning that there are or not teachers ) Learners can
find out the results of self-learning in an advanced
manner, (e) Learners can know the results of their
own learning on an ongoing basis, and will know
where their own weaknesses are.
According to the Ministry of National Education
(2008b: 3-4) a module can be said to be good and
interesting if there are characteristics as follows; (a)
Self Instructional, that is through the module,
someone or participant learns to be able to teach
themselves, not dependent on other parties, (b) Self
Contained, that is, all learning material from one
competency unit or sub-competency studied is
contained in one module as a whole The aim is to
provide the opportunity for learners to learn the
learning material that is complete, because the
material is packaged into one whole unit, (c) Stand
Alone (stand alone) ie the module developed is not
dependent on other media or does not have to be
used together with other learning media, (d)
Adaptive modules should have high adaptive power
to the development of science and technology, (e)
User Friendly; the module should be friendly with
the wearer. Information that appears is helpful and
friendly to the wearer, including the ease of the user
in responding, accessing as desired. The use of
language that is simple, easy to understand and uses
general terms.
b. Problem Based Learning
The problem based learning (PBL) learning model
known as the problem-based learning model is a
learning model that uses real problems encountered
in the environment as a basis for gaining knowledge
and concepts through critical thinking skills and
solving problems. The application of the PBL model
can help create learning conditions that originally
only transfer information from lecturers to students
to the learning process which emphasizes
constructing knowledge based on understanding and
experience gained both individually and in groups.
The problems raised in PBL are real problems in the
PBL is a learning method that uses problems as a
first step in collecting and integrating new
knowledge. According to Hmelo-Silver & Barrows
in Fakhriyah (2014) states that the problems raised
in PBL learning do not have a single answer,
meaning that students must be involved in
exploration with several solution paths.
Problem Based Learning learning model shapes
students' thinking abilities that are truly optimized
and developed to be able to solve real problems.
Based on Trianto's opinion (2010: 90) said that
"Problem based learning model is a learning model
that is based on the many problems that require
authentic investigation, namely investigation that
requires real solutions to real problems".
Problem Based Learning learning has a purpose
in its application in the learning process. As for
Suyanto and Jihad (2013:154) argues that: Problem-
based learning is designed to (a) help students
develop thinking skills and problem solving skills,
(b) learn the role of adults authentic, and (c)
becoming independent learners. The aim of using
this model is to provide students with the basic
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
abilities to be able to solve the problems they face.
With Problem Based Learning learning can direct
students to be able to solve problems scientifically
by using critical thinking patterns, reflective,
rational and innovative. So that it can be applied in
the process of solving problems related to everyday
c. Tax
Soemitro dalam Resmi (2013), said that: "Tax is a
people's contribution to the state treasury based on
the law (which can be forced) by not receiving
reciprocal services (contra) that can be directly
shown, and which are used to pay for public
expenses". Meanwhile, based on Law Number 16 of
2009 concerning General Provisions and Procedures
for Taxation in Article 1 point 1, it states that: "Tax
is a compulsory contribution to the State owed by an
individual or an entity that is compulsory under the
law by not receiving compensation directly and used
for the purposes of the State for the greatest
prosperity of the people ". Based on the tax
definition above, it can be concluded that the tax
must have 4 (four) elements, namely contributions
from the people to the state, based on the law, do not
get lead or counter-direct services and are used to
finance state households.
From the elements inherent in the definition of
tax, there are two functions of tax collection,
namely: 1. Budgetair function, where taxes are a
source of state income. 2. Regular function, where
tax as a source of income can also be used as a
regulator in various aspects, such as social,
economic, cultural and income distribution.
d. Learning achievement
Learning is a process of changing behavior as a
result of interaction with the environment.
According to Slameto (2013:2) "Learning is a
business process carried out by someone to obtain a
change in new behavior as a whole, as a result of his
own experience in interaction with his environment"
Sardirman (2011:19) says that "Learning is always a
change in behavior or appearance, with a series of
activities such as reading, observing, listening,
imitating and so forth".
Sagala (2012:50) says that "The essence of
learning seen from psychology is a change in
maturity for students as a result of learning while
viewed from the process is the interaction between
students and educators as a learning process". It can
be said that learning is a process of change in
behavior experienced by students and the results of
changes in behavior that can be said to be the result
of learning. In accordance with the opinion of
Purwanto (2011:24) who said "Learning is a change
in behavior so that learning outcomes are the result
of behavioral changes. Learning outcomes are
behavioral changes due to the educational process in
accordance with educational goals ". Sudjana
(2009:22) states "Learning outcomes are abilities
possessed by students after he receives his learning
experience". In addition, Suprijono (2010:5) says
"Learning outcomes are patterns of actions, values,
understandings, attitudes, appreciation and skills".
a. Research Approach
Based on the purpose of the research is to produce a
problem based learning based learning module that
is valid, practical, and effective, this research
approach is development research. According to
Putra (2012: 70) research and development is a
systematic study of scientific knowledge that is
complete or understanding of the subject under
study. The development model and development
procedures are as follows: Development Model, this
study uses a 4D model (four-D models). According
to Thiangarajan in Trianto (2011: 184) the
development of a four-D model consists of 4 main
stages, namely: 1) define (determine the material), 2)
design (design), 3) develop (development), and 4)
dessiminate (spread).
In this study only carried out until the develop
stage, the desseminate stage was not carried out.
Development Procedure, this module was developed
using the four D (4-D) model, namely defining,
designing, developing and disseminating stages.
The module design steps can be specified as
follows: develop. This stage aims to produce a
practical and effective problem based learning based
learning module. The development phase includes:
1. Practicality. After the test phase the validity is
revised and then tested to find out the
practicality. Practicality is the practicality of the
module when used in the learning process. This
activity aims to determine the extent of ease of
use, benefits and efficiency of learning time
using problem based learning based modules.
The practicality of the module is assessed by
lecturers (colleagues). The lecturer gives an
assessment of the problem-based learning
module that is easy to use in the learning
process and can help lecturers in the learning
process. Practicality by students to see
convenience for students in the learning process
by using problem based learning based
Problem based Learning Module’s on Tax Education
2. Effectiveness. The assessment of the
effectiveness aspects of the taxation module
based on problem based learning is the result of
cognitive evaluation, namely the results of
student learning tests and student activities
during the learning process.
b. Location and Research Subjects
This research was conducted at the Faculty of
Economics, Medan State University. The research
subject of developing a problem based learning
based learning module that is valid in taxation
courses is the students studying Economics
Education, Faculty of Economics, Medan State
University. The criteria used as location selection
and research class are the conditions of students who
are in accordance with the needs of researchers
where the class has never used problem based
learning based learning modules.
c. Technique and Data Collection Tool
Tools or instruments are one of the tools for data
collection. The means of collecting data in this
development research is a questionnaire.
Questionnaires are used to obtain practicality data
and learning evaluation results to see effectiveness
data. The research instruments developed for data
collection in research are instruments of practicality
and effectiveness.
The type of instrument that will be developed to
assess the modules that have been compiled is to use
practical sheets. Practical sheets contain aspects of
assessment which include ease of use
(learnability),effectiveness,effectiveness of time.
This effectiveness instrument is used to collect data
to see the effectiveness of the module in the learning
process. Effectiveness instrument consisting of:
Student Activity Observation Sheet
The observation sheet of student activities is
used to obtain data about student learning activities
during the learning process. Observations were made
by 1 observer. Recording of observations is carried
out in accordance with predetermined indicators.
The categories of student activities by observers
are as follows:
a) Read the module and do problem orientation
b) Students ask questions while taking lessons
c) Answering questions from lecturers and from
other students
d) Summarizing learning outcomes
e) Answering exercises and understanding tests
f) (modified from Trianto, 2012: 368-369)
d. Learning outcomes
Evaluation of student learning outcomes is done
by means of a final test, to see students'
understanding of problem based learning based
e. Data Analysis Technique
Practical Data Analysis
To analyze the practicality of the module is based on
questionnaires given to lecturers (colleagues) and
students. Questionnaires are arranged on a Likert
scale with a positive category. Positive statements
get high weight with details as follows:
a. a.very good (SB) with weight 5
b. b.good (B) with weight 4
c. c.enough (C) with weight 3
d. d.less (K) with weight 2
e. bad (J) with weight 1
By using a modified formula from (Lubis,
The level of achievement of the module practicality
category uses the classification in the table below.
Table 1: Module Practical Level Table
o Performance
Achievement (%)
1 90-100 very practical
3 65-79 quite practical
4 55-64 less practical
5 0-54 very less practical
The module is said to be practical if it has reached a
level of practicality above 80%. (Lubis, 2009: 87)
Effectiveness Test Data Analysis
Effectiveness observed from the analysis of student
learning outcomes is the cognitive learning
outcomes. Determining student completeness
(individuals) can be calculated using the following
KB = Mastery Learning
T = Number Of Score
Tt = Total Score
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
P = Percentage of student activities
F = Frequency of active student
N = Total of student
Data on the percentage of student activities obtained
grouped according to the following criteria:
81% - 100% = very active
61% - 80% = active
41% - 60% = quite active
21% - 40% = less active
0% - 20% = very less active
Modules are said to be effective if students meet the
criteria of 41% -100%.
Use Module
The problem based learning module limited trial is
conducted on Regular B class students in Economic
Education Study Program, Faculty of Economics,
Medan State University. The test serves to assess the
practicality of the module by students as module
users. The effectiveness of the module can be seen
as activity or student activities during the learning
process using modules. In addition, it is also an
evaluation to see student learning outcomes.
Module Practicality
Module practicality assessment is assessed by
students as module users. The problem based
learning module practicality is assessed by the
Regular B class students of the Economic Education
study program who are also the subject of module
trials. After the assessment of the module based on
problem-based learning practices by students, data
analysis was then carried out. The results of data
analysis can be seen in the table below.
Table 2: Practicality Results
Variable Achievemen
t rate (%)
1 Learnabilit 80,53 practical
2 Efficiency 80,18 practical
3 effectivene
ss of time
82,63 practical
Average 81,11 practical
The results of practical assessment data analysis by
Regular Class B students of Economic Education
Study Program and also as the subject of problem-
based module based testing consisting of three
variables, namely 1) Learnability with derjad
achieving 80.53% categorized as problem based
learning based modules practical for users, 2)
80,18% efficacy with alphabet is practically used in
the learning process, 3) effectiveness of time with
alphabetical achievement of 82,63% categorized as
practical problem-based learning modules can
streamline the time in the learning process. The
practical value of modules by students achieving
81.11% and modules can be categorized as practical.
Module Effectiveness
Assessment of effectiveness serves to observe the
effectiveness of the modules used in the learning
process. To get the results of the effective module
based on problem based learning, observations of
student activities were carried out during the
learning process and learning outcomes.
Student Activities
The problem based learning taxation module based
trial is conducted in four meetings where 2 observers
observe each meeting. The names of observers in
this study can be seen in the table below.
Table 3: Name Observer Student Activities
No Name Information
Revita Yuni,
S.Pd, M.Pd
Dosen Pendidikan
Ekonomi, Unimed
2 M. Aulia
Pendidikan Ekonomi
The categories of student activities by observers are
as follows:
1. Read the module and do the exercises
2. Students ask questions when following learning
3. Answering questions from lecturers and from
other students
4. Summarizing learning outcomes
5. Complete the task
The first activity is to read the module and do the
exercises. The percentage of student activities
reading modules and doing exercises from the first
meeting to the fourth meeting were 100%, 97.36%,
100%, 94.73%, and with an average of 98.09% in
the very active category. Students who are absent or
permits are categorized as not carrying out activities.
From the results of observations, students are very
active in reading modules and doing exercises.
Problem based Learning Module’s on Tax Education
The second activity is that students ask questions
while following the learning process. The percentage
of student activities from the first to the fourth
meeting were 78.94%, 65.78%, 67.10%, 73.68% and
with the average student activity 71.37% categorized
as active students. From the data above students are
asking questions at the second meeting and when
stable and increasing in the next meeting. In
addition, a variety of students also asked questions at
each meeting. It can be stated that learning using
modules can motivate students in the learning
The third activity is to answer questions from
lecturers and from other students. The percentage of
four meetings is 68%, 68.42%, 71.05%, 78.94% and
with an average student activity of 71.60% it can be
categorized as an active student. From the above
data it can be stated that students respond to
questions from lecturers and other students always
increasing at each meeting.
The fourth activity is to conclude the learning
outcomes. The percentage of four meetings is
63.15%, 59.21%, 69.73%, 78.94%, and with an
average student activity of 67.75% can be
categorized as active students.
The fifth activity is to complete the task. The
percentage of four meetings is 100%, 94.73%,
94.73%, 94.73%, and with the average student
activity 96.04% can be categorized as very active
students. Because the completion of assignments for
students at the end of each lesson is the
responsibility of each individual.
The average student activity of each category
from four meetings in general can be seen in the
table below.
Table 4. of Results of Achievement of Student
Category Of
% Criteria
Read the module
and do the exercises
Students ask
questions when
following learning
71,37 Active
questions from
lecturers and from
other students
71,60 Active
learning outcomes
67,75 Active
5 Complete the task 96,04
Average 80,97 Active
The results of the observation analysis, 5 categories
of student activities during the learning process with
the achievement of 80.97% were categorized as
active students. Students who are declared graduated
are as much as 70% of existing learning outcomes.
Learning Outcomes
Learning outcomes are based on the results of data
analysis, graduating students totaling 33 people and
students who were declared not to pass 5 people.
The percentage of students who graduated was
86.84% and 13.16% of students were declared not
graduated. From the results of the evaluation above,
based on the established theory the learning process
is effective because it is more than 85%.
The description of the data and the discussion above
can be summarized as follows:
1. A problem based learning module has been
produced in taxation courses that are quite valid,
practical and effective.
2. The practicality of modules by students is
81.11% and modules can be categorized as
practical in the learning process. The value of
student activities from the five categories
observed in the learning process, 80.97% can
categorize active students and modules are
categorized as effective.
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Problem based Learning Module’s on Tax Education