The Influence of Learning Method Make a Match on the Mastery of
Chinese Language Vocabulary of the Pupils at Dr. Wahidin
Sudirohusodo Primary School
Eddy Harianto
and Jimmy Thomas
Educational Technology Graduate Program, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan, Indonesia
Chinese Literature Study Program, STBA-PIA, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Make a Match, Mastery of Vocabulary, Chinese Language.
Abstract: This study aims to know how much the influence of cooperative learning method “Make a Matchon the
mastery of Chinese language vocabulary of the pupils at Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo primary school. This
study uses quantitative research method, a type of quasi experimental design, with pretest and posttest. The
research sample consisted of 40 pupils for the experimental class and another 40 pupils for the control class.
The hypothesis proposed of this study is that there is a significant influence on the mastery of Chinese
language vocabulary. The data is collected through pretest, posttest, and learning outcomes test instrument
from the book of Chinese language “lai xue xi hua wen”. The result of the uncorrelated sample t-test
showed that the cooperative learning method “Make a match” had a significant influence on the mastery of
Chinese language vocabulary. Data analysis using t-test shows the result of the experimental class posttest
learning is 89,00 while the control class is 64,75. Thus the cooperative learning method “Make a Match
has a significant influence on the mastery of Chinese language vocabulary of the pupils at Dr. Wahidin
Sudirohusodo primary school.
Learning is a process of interaction between teachers
and learners with learning resources in a learning
environment that includes teachers and pupils
exchange information. Learning is an effort or
activity that is done so knowingly know or can find
out something (Kurniasih, 2015). The results of
learning activities is self-change, from a state of not
knowing becomes know, from not doing anything
into doing something.
Learning method is the way that teachers used to
convey lessons to the learners (Hamdayama, 2016).
Learning method is the way that teachers used in
making interaction with the learners at the time of
teaching (Sudjana, 2005). There are several learning
methods teacher used that can be divided into direct-
based learning methods, cooperative learning
methods, problem-based learning methods, and
contextual learning methods (Suprijono, 2010).
One of the methods that is commonly used is
cooperative learning methods. Cooperative learning
is a type of learning methods where the pupils learn
and do activities in collaborative in small groups of
four to six members with the structure of the group
is heterogeneous (Rusman, 2012). Cooperative
learning is learning strategies which include the
participation of the pupils in a small group for
interacting (Nurulhayati, 2005). Thus the
cooperative learning is a method of learning in
which pupils are invited to participate or cooperate
in small group of learning situation.
In learning activities, a teacher should
understand the learning method they used and
customize it in teaching of a class. However most
teachers at Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Primary
School still use lectures method in teaching language
class. That makes the pupils become bored during
the class and the results of the learning are not good.
From 125 pupils in grade 4 who taking part on
monthly assessment, there are only 10 pupils got 100
marks and 27 pupils got the lowest mark of 20.
Pupils only recite the subject matter without
understanding them.
In this study we use the cooperative learning
methods where pupils are suggested to interact with
Harianto, E. and Thomas, J.
The Influence of Learning Method Make a Match on the Mastery of Chinese Language Vocabulary of the Pupils at Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Primary School.
DOI: 10.5220/0009493702950299
In Proceedings of the 1st Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science (UNICEES 2018), pages 295-299
ISBN: 978-989-758-432-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
their classmates in learning Chinese language
vocabulary. One of the cooperative learning methods
used in this study is Make a Match learning method
that uses cards as learning media to seek mates and a
method which allows learners to be able to discuss
and work together.
This learning method Make a Match is expected
to get the attention of the pupils so that they become
interested and enthusiastic in learning so as to
increase the confidence and good learning results.
2.1 Learning
Learning can be defined as systematic and deliberate
efforts to create educational interaction activities
between pupils (learners) and teachers (learning
resources) in a learning environment (Sudjana,
2005). Learning is aspects of a complex human
activity, that can not be explained (Trianto, 2009).
Learning is simply defined as the product of
interaction between sustainable development and life
experience. Learning in the meaning of the complex
is a conscious effort of a teacher to get the pupils
learn in order to achieve the learning goals. Based
on the definitions above, learning can be defined as
the process of learning and teaching in which the
teacher provides an effective study program to make
the pupils get learning experience in achieving the
2.2 Make a Match Learning Method
The cooperative learning method is a learning model
that is widely used and is of concern as well as
recommended by experts of educators (Rusman,
2012). This is in accordance with the results of the
research conducted by Slavin (1995) that the use of
cooperative learning method can improve the pupils
learning and achievement while enhancing social
relationships, fostering attitudes of tolerance, and
respect for the opinions of others.
Cooperative learning is a learning activity that
uses the pattern of clusters of students learning to
establish cooperation and interdependence in the
structure of the task, purpose and rewards (Ibrahim,
2003). The students work together in cooperative
learning situations are encouraged to work together
on a shared task and they had to coordinate their
efforts to complete that task.
There are several types of cooperative learning
methods, although the basic principles of this
method does not change: Student Teams
Achievement Division (STAD), jigsaw, group
investigation, make a match, structural model, and
Teams Games Tournament (TGT).
Make a Match was first developed by Lorna
Curran in 1994 (Huda, 2014). The purpose of this
method is to study the material, excavation material,
and edutainment. Make a Match is one of
alternatives that can be applied to students, starting
from asking the students looking for a pair of cards
which is the answer or question before the time limit
and then students who obtain cards will be given
points. One of the advantages of this technique is the
student looking for a spouse while learning about a
concept or topic in a fun atmosphere of learning.
Make a Match is method of learning where
teachers prepare some cards that contain questions
or problems and prepare the answers then students
looking for the partner cards (Suyatno, 2009). Make
a Match can give the opportunity to students to
cooperate with others (Lie, 2008). Make a Match is
also a learning system that prioritizes the social
ability cultivation of the ability to work together,
especially the ability to interact and the ability to
have critical think through a game looking for
couples with assisted cards (Aziz, 2007).
2.3 Learning Step of Make a Match
Teachers must do some preparations before applying
Make a Match in a class, they are: (1) make some
questions related to the subject matter and then write
them on the question cards, (2) list the answer keys
from the questions before and write them on the
answer cards, (3) create rules that contain awards for
students who successfully answered and the
penalties for students who failed to answer, and (4)
provide a sheet to record pairs that successfully
while scoring the presentation (Huda, 2014).
The steps of learning Make a Match by (Huda,
2014) are: (1) teacher delivers the lessons or gives
assignment to students to study the lessons at home,
(2) students are divided into two group and asked to
face each other, (3) teacher distributes the question
cards to the first group and the answer cards for the
second group, (4) teacher instructs the students to
find the pair of the card they have with the card from
the other group in a time limit, (5) teacher asks the
students to find their own pair and report to the
teacher to be scored, (6) after the time limit, students
who have not find the pair must gather in a group,
(7) teacher asks a pair of students to present the
cards while the other students give response about
the pair of cards, (8) teacher lastly confirms the
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
answer about the presentation, and (9) let the next
pair of students to present their pair of cards and so
2.4 Words and Kinds of Words
Word is the smallest part of a language that has
meaning and can stand on its own (Suparto, 2003).
Words as an important element or basic of
structuring sentence have their respective functions
in that sentence. Words in Chinese language can be
classified into two parts, plus the word affixes like
prefixes and suffixes (Semita, 2013). The kinds of
words are: (1) concrete words such as nouns, verbs,
adjectives, pronouns, (2) particles such as adverbs,
prepositions, conjunctions, and (3) affixes such as
prefixes and suffixes.
3.1 Research Design
This research is a quantitative research using an
experimental approach with quasi experimental
design, where there are two groups, each of which is
chosen randomly. The first group was treated and the
other group did not. The treated group was called as
the experimental group while the group not treated
was called as the control group. After being treated,
the subject will be given a post-test. The post-test
given is to see the learning outcomes of the subject
after being treated and compared with the subject not
being treated. The difference in post-test results
between the experimental group and the control group
shows the results of the treatment given.
3.2 Population and Sample
The population of this research is students of grade 4
at Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Primary School in
total of 128 pupils which is divided into three
classes. Due to the large number of population in
this research, the simple random sampling is used by
choosing two classes in total of 80 pupils as the
sample of this research, consisted of 40 pupils for
the experimental class and another 40 pupils for the
control class.
3.3 Research Instrument
The instrument for this research is a test instrument.
The number of test used is 20 questions that uses
matching test type where students will be given a
test containing questions and answers placed in two
ways: the left lane in the form of questions and right
lane in the form of answers. Matching test can make
it easier for students to answer the questions because
answers are already available, besides that it can
train students’ memory, easy assessment, objective
and can be trusted.
3.4 Data Collection Procedures
The data in this research is collected by doing
several steps: (1) pretest, (2) treatment, and (3)
posttest. The pretest is a given test to students before
getting treatment to find out the students’ intake.
The treatment here is a learning process to get the
learning outcomes to be achieved. In control class,
the lectures method is applied while in experimental
class, the Make a Match method is applied. After the
learning activities, a final test will be conducted to
measure the success of learning.
3.5 Validity Test
Validity is a measure that shows the level of validity
of an instrument (Kasmadi dan Sunariah, 2015). An
instrument is said to be valid if the instrument can be
used to measure what should be measured. There are
several types of validity, namely construct validity,
content validity, and external validity. In this
research, content validity is used to compare the
contents of the instrument with the subject matter
that has been taught. Technically, testing content
validity can be helped by using the instrument grid
or instrument development matrix.
3.6 Reliability Test
Reliability is a measure that shows a level of trust
instruments (Kasmadi dan Sunariah, 2015).
Reliability test is done for the accuracy of the results
obtained from a measurement. In this research, the
reliability test will use the formula of Kuder
Richardson that is known as K-R 20:
K-R 20 =
K-R 20 : the overall test reliability
p : the proportion of subject with correct
q : the proportion of subject with incorrect
answer (q = 1 p)
 : the product of p and q
n : number of items
: variance
The Influence of Learning Method Make a Match on the Mastery of Chinese Language Vocabulary of the Pupils at Dr. Wahidin
Sudirohusodo Primary School
If the calculation result of K-R 20 shows a value
above 0.80, then the instrument test results of the
study have a very strong correlation level. The score
is used to specify the reference coefficients of
correlation as shown as Table 1 below:
Table 1: The reference of correlation coefficient
Interval coefficients
Level of relationship
0.00 0.199
Very low/ no relationship
0.20 0.399
0.40 0.599
0.60 0.799
0.80 1.00
Very strong
Source: (Sugiyono, 2015).
3.7 Data Analysis
Technique of data analysis in quantitative research
using statistics (Sugiyono, 2014). This analysis is
usually divided into two groups, the descriptive
statistics and inferential statistics. The data analysis
techniques used in this research is descriptive
statistics using the mode, median, and mean. As for
analyzing the data is done with the T-test.
Based on the results of the study after learning
process using lectures methods, obtained the
following data where the highest mark is 95 and the
lowest mark is 50 with the mean of 64.75.
Table 2: Frequency distribution of learning outcomes of
control class.
50 58
59 66
67 74
75 82
83 90
91 98
The frequency distribution of learning outcomes
shows that most of the pupils who got post test result
between mark of 75 and 98 is 8 pupils, while there
are 32 pupils who got the post-test result between
mark of 50 and 74.
The results of the study after learning process
using Make a Match method, obtained the following
data where the highest mark is 100 and the lowest
mark is 70 with the mean of 89.00.
Table 3: Frequency distribution of learning outcomes of
experimental class.
Relative frequency
The frequency distribution of learning outcomes
of experimental class shows that there are 32 pupils
who got mark between 81 and 100. Then there are
only 8 pupils got mark between 70 and 80.
Based on the learning outcomes research data on
the experimental group that show 92.5% of the
pupils have got the mark above 75 which is
categorized as high and 20% got the mark between
50 and 75 which is categorized as average, it means
that the results of learning Chinese language on
subjects who were given treatment in the
experimental class is likely to be high.
The result of the uncorrelated sample t-test
proves that the cooperative learning method “Make a
match” had a significant influence on the mastery of
Chinese language vocabulary.
Based on the results of the research that have been
calculated, it can be drawn the conclusion that
cooperative learning method “Make a match” has a
significant influence on the mastery of Chinese
language vocabulary of the pupils at Dr. Wahidin
Sudirohusodo primary school. This is proved by the
significant difference between the post-test mean of
control group (64.75) with the post-test mean of
experimental group (89.00) on a 5% significance
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The Influence of Learning Method Make a Match on the Mastery of Chinese Language Vocabulary of the Pupils at Dr. Wahidin
Sudirohusodo Primary School