Diversification of Da’wah Media in the Digital Era on Al Bahjah TV
Live Streaming
Siti Aisyah
, Umaimah Wahid
, Indah Suryawati
and Darmawan Napitupulu
Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Budi Luhur, Petukangan, Jakarta, Indonesia
Fakultas Teknologi Informasi, Univesitas Budi Luhur, Petukangan, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Diversification, Da’wah, Media, Digital, TV Streaming
Abstract: Al Bahjah TV's establishment of various diversifications and various policies that have been carried out
through new media so that the TV continues to run and can be enjoyed by society. The packaging displayed
by Al Bahjah's live streaming media is packaged so that it highlights the Islamic element which only contains
learning material originating from the Qur'an and Sunnah, but whether the packaging displayed with visuals
that are so simple and seemingly rigid can easily channel and delivered da'wah material or only made the
audience saturated and left the Al Bahjah TV media. The purpose of this research is to analyse how the
paradigm changes and diversification of the da'wah media industry in the digital era with the Al Bahjah TV
live streaming TV case study. Research findings are expected to be an alternative understanding of da'wah in
the digital era, especially using TV steaming.
Da'wah is a call, an invitation, and an exclamation.
Da'wah should be carried out consciously with the
aim of forming happy individuals and families (khayr
al-usrah) and the best community or people (khay ul-
ummah) by obeying the teachings of Islam which can
be done through spoken, written or deeds /
exemplary. Da'wah must continue to be carried out
according to technological developments that
continue to develop in this era, encouraging the
electronic media industry to develop and also turn
into live streaming media so that it can be enjoyed by
various audiences whenever and wherever. People
can access this Live TV streaming just by connecting
a personal computer or mobile phone with an internet
connection that can be accessed anywhere for 24
hours. In this context there has been media
diversification which has resulted in a paradigm shift
where initially the preaching media previously had an
analogous broadcast schedule only can only be
enjoyed via analog or digital radio and television with
frequency, signals and channels limited by regions
and regions, but now can be enjoyed with internet
connection via computer or mobile media anywhere
and anytime. Diversification is "The process of
overcoming the constraints of space and time in social
life". Meanwhile, a French sociologist, Henri
Levebfre argues that diversification is the
"institutional extension of corporate power in the
communication industry". That is, diversification is a
process of institutional media extension through the
form of corporations and the size of media business
entities. Technological advances must be utilized by
Muslims to spread the teachings of Islam in order to
be at the forefront, one of the live streaming TV
dakwah that has only been running for a year, Al
Bahjah TV.
Al-Bahjah TV is an online television which is
presented as one of the da'wah programs that are
under the auspices of the Cirebon Al-Bahwah Da'wah
Development Institute since Sunday 3 Rabiul Early
1435/4 January 2014. Al-Bahjah TV focuses on
Islamic programs or shows in the shade noble teacher
Buya Yahya whose broadcast programs are intended
for all ages. Al-Bahjah TV is part of the efforts of the
Al-Bahjah Da'wah Development Institute in realizing
its vision to "Create a noble society based on the
Quran and Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad."
Looking at the various journey of Al Bahjah TV's
establishment of various diversifications and various
policies that have been carried out through new media
so that the TV continues to run and can be enjoyed by
society. Diversification is done because of the
available space and time as an opportunity to expand
Aisyah, S., Wahid, U., Suryawati, I. and Napitupulu, D.
Diversification of Da’wah Media in the Digital Era on Al Bahjah TV Live Streaming.
DOI: 10.5220/0009491700290034
In Proceedings of the 1st Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science (UNICEES 2018), pages 29-34
ISBN: 978-989-758-432-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the business. The development of Al Bahjah TV can
be seen from various segmentations, frequencies and
services and programs available on this TV station.
With so many developments from Al Bahjah TV,
there are various developments in the media industry
that are seen and need to be scrutinized with new
paradigm changes based on various theories that exist
in the science of communication to analyse broadcast
media in overcoming problems regarding other
production and operational costs.
The packaging displayed by Al Bahjah's live
streaming media is packaged so that it highlights the
Islamic element which only contains learning
material originating from the Qur'an and Sunnah, but
whether the packaging displayed with visuals that are
so simple and seemingly rigid can easily channel and
delivered da'wah material or only made the audience
saturated and left the Al Bahjah TV media. Based on
this background, the focus of the research problem
formulation is: "What is the paradigm change and
diversification of the da'wah media industry in the
digital era with the Al Live TV TV streaming TV case
study?". The purpose of this research is to analyse
how the paradigm changes and diversification of the
da'wah media industry in the digital era with the Al
Bahjah TV live streaming TV case study. Research
findings are expected to be an alternative
understanding of da'wah in the digital era, especially
using TV steaming.
This study uses a qualitative approach. The
qualitative approach aims to explain phenomena in
depth through in-depth data collection. This study
uses a qualitative approach because it views
everything constructed with social reality so that it is
very concerned about processes, events and
authenticity. The process of developing da'wah media
in the management of new media has involved
interaction with existing realities and changing the
paradigm that has existed so far.
This study uses a case study research method in
which the researcher attempts to find out and analyze
how the research development process. The case
study is an inquiry empirical who investigated this
phenomenon in the context of real life, where
boundaries and context idak aantara phenomenon
appears expressly or clearly and use a variety of
sources or multisumber evidence. The subject of
research in the study titled Paradigm Shift And
Diversified Industries Media Dakwah In the Digital
Era TV Case Study Live streaming Al Bahjah TV is
a team from the editorial section of Al Bahjah TV
namely CEO & Founder, Kyai Yahya Zainul Ma'Arif,
Head of Da'wah and Media: Muhammad Ramli
Jamali and Banin Division namely Poppy. While the
object of research in research Changes in Paradigm
and Diversification of the Da'wah Media TV Industry
in the Digital Age Case Study Live streaming of Al
Bahjah TV is Al Bahjah TV's Change in Media
Paradigm and Diversification.
Data analysis techniques in this study are using
the analytical procedures proposed by Strauss and
Corbin with three main types of coding, namely: 1)
Open coding (Open Coding), (2) Spanning coding
(Axial Coding), and (3) Selected coding ( Selective
Coding). The research was conducted at the Al
Bahjah TV steaming television office on Jl. Prince
Cakrabuana No. 179 Blocks. Water Warehouse Ex.
Sendang Kec. Sumber - Cirebon 45611 West Java -
Indonesia. This research was conducted in a period of
three months starting from October 2017 until June
2018. And to produce valid conclusions, the concept
is very important and useful in all forms of research
methodology. Whether or not the data valid is very
important to determine the quality or not of the data.
The study uses data validity, which is source
triangulation and theory. Triangulation theory: used
to test the credibility of the object and the subject of
research on existing theories. Whereas source
triangulation: is used to test the credibility of the data
in the case study determined by the author, namely
information and data obtained from one source are
reviewed again through several other sources.
3.1 Change of Paradigm in Da'wah
Understanding of the changing paradigm of da'wah in
the digital era through new media with the Al Bahjah
TV case study as an understanding that is
significantly related to the condition of the
community so that it needs to be considered and
considered by the propagator of Al Bahjah TV. In this
condition different methods of da'wah are needed in
the current information era so that da'wah activities
can be carried out continuously at all times and in all
places. Research on the changing paradigm of da'wah
with the concept of Thomas Kuhn has four stages
using New Media theory, two views are examined,
namely social interaction and social integration in Al
Bahjah TV live streaming media can be concluded
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
1. In terms of social interaction, changes in the
paradigm of the concept of Thomas Kuhn.
Thomas Kuhn through: The first stage is the
Old Paradigm Stage. In this case Al Bahjah TV
Media utilizes the existence of the internet as a
medium of da'wah, because the internet has
become a necessity and is a strategic way to
protect and educate young people to be ready
and mature in facing negative attacks from
internet media. This media is presented to
create a noble society based on the Qur'an and
the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad. The
second stage is Phase Anomaly. In this stage
Al Bahjah TV Media has a paradigm that the
teachings of Islamic da'wah are teachings
originating from the Qur'an and Sunnah, must
be believed and accepted as absolute truth that
cannot be contested because of this
understanding. comes from the text that is
written in the scriptures so that it emphasizes
the inner aspects and morality contained in the
teachings of religion, where every program
material that is broadcast has certain
limitations. Thus at this stage a spiritual
doctrine approach is developed in every
audience. The third stage is the Crisis Stage,
at this stage some audiences who have been
following the da'wah study feel imprisoned in
the religious doctrine and beliefs that are held
so that the public is locked in a static religious
life and thinks that Islamic da'wah has the old
tradition of doctrine and ties that must be done
deconstruction of understanding of the doctrine
that has existed so far. And the fourth stage is
the new Paradigm Phase, at this stage Al
Bahjah TV media is based on live streaming,
will present a paradigm shift in terms of
audiences, audiences who previously felt
confined to static doctrine and beliefs, with the
progress of the da'wah Al-Bahjah Live
streaming media, audiences or the community
is free to choose the material of da'wah that
they like, thus the coercion of the will can be
avoided. Technological advances and free
rights argue that every mission delivered when
the settlement
2. In terms of social integration, the first stage
is the old Paradigm Phase, where the media of
da'wah is interpreted as a tool that connects the
message of da'wah delivered by the preacher to
the ummah. Al Bahjah TV media is presented
as a media for propagating Islamic references,
besides using streaming media through the
official website of Al Bahjah TV and the
Playstore application, Al Bahjah TV also uses
social media to distribute the material delivered
in streaming media. The second stage is Stage
Anomaly, at this stage live streaming media has
the advantage of penetrating space and time,
this advantage is expected to be able to make
Al Bahjah TV rssmi media a reference source
but it is social media that has so far surpassed
audiences as the most users, then Al Bahjah TV
also broadcasts da'wah studies that are
displayed on the official website and the Al
Bahjah TV application to be broadcast
simultaneously on various social media or Al
Bahjah fanpages. The third stage is Critical
Stage, at this stage the audience is more likely
to like social media in surfing cyberspace
because of the ease of access in finding various
information including da'wah, Al Bahjah
streaming live media is considered as a da'wah
media with limited space, because it has
shortcomings in media applications The live
streaming, like the absence of a comment for
question and answer column, the public is more
likely to enjoy da'wah studies through social
media or Fanpage rather than streaming media
while the internet-active community will never
be satisfied with the development of
technology. The fourth stage is the New
Paradigm Stage, at this stage, the use of official
Al-Bahjah TV live streaming media has little
contribution in propagating da'wah because the
audience prefers to watch da'wah through
social media, so the impression is that there is
no more use value or not a reference source
main but only as an ordinary application
because it makes no difference with Al Bahjah
TV's fanpage social media.
3.2 Diversification of the Da'wah Media
Industry in the Digital Era Consequences
of the Technological Revolution: The
Creation of Audience Persuasion
The programs at Al Bahjah TV and RadioQu are
dominated by the study program of rutinan da'wah by
the owner of LDP Al Bahjah. the contents in the
program are also the same only differ in media usage.
There are several programs developed from RadioQu
media into Al Bahjah TV, such as the "Dua Sisi"
program where in the Al Bahjah TV program it
becomes "Buya Yahya Answering" and "Tausiyah
Pagi", the content of the program content between the
Diversification of Da’wah Media in the Digital Era on Al Bahjah TV Live Streaming
two media is the same, namely tausiyah joint study
Buya Yahya discusses the topics from two sharia
perspectives and professional disciplines. And the
program "Lembayung Sore" on RadioQu is
developed in Al Bahjah TV to be an "Islamic
Cartoon" program whose content is about inspiration,
insight including Islamic studies, stories of friends
and child world.
Both of these media must have creative personnel
in order to create Islamic program programs with
quality content. the higher the ability to create
programs to satisfy the needs of the audience, but
creative ideas should not violate the rules of sharia
because not all creative ideas can become a media
program. like the theory expressed by Shoemaker and
Reese (2000) that there are five major factors that
influence media content, namely individual levels,
media routines, media organizations, institutions
outside the media and ideology.
As an organization, there are divisions that are
interrelated with each other, each division has a
specific target. therefore good communication is
needed between divisions so that the target can also
be supported by other divisions. this form of
communication is manifested in the form of
deliberations both for the head of the media division,
the editing department and the library division. as
well as the final production results such as how to
pack a display program must support each other. the
continuity of a media is not only determined by the
solid internal relationships that are intertwined in
achieving the target. The media brings together the
interests of several groups, including parties that are
outside the scope of the media itself.
There are also external factors that can influence
the program strategy taken by a media organization,
• Advertiser (Sponsor)
Media is a bridge that brings together the interests
of advertisers and audiences, audiences need
programs from the media to meet entertainment and
information needs. and the media also needs funds
to continue producing. The media provides
programs for audiences and some time for
advertisers to attract audiences. In this case Al
Bahjah TV has no ad spots to date but RadioQu
media has several ad spots, and from the ad spots on
RadioQu, the funds are allocated for production on
Al Bahjah TV media. The advantage of streaming
TV based media is the cost requirement that is not
as large as commercial TV media.
• Government
In Indonesia, the government organization tasked
with monitoring broadcasting program programs is
the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI).
KPI has the authority to freeze a program that if the
program violates the rules and makes people
uneasy. In this case, both RadioQu and Al Bahjah
TV have never received reprimands for programs
that aired because the programs and content made
were aimed at propagating the media to make the
community have a noble character. At the
ideological level, RadioQu and AL Bahjah TV have
a mission to become da'wah media as a reference
media for the people to benefit the world and the
hereafter. then both of these media always provide
da'wah programs to educate to be a reference for
every life problem in sharia based on the Qur'an and
As Sunnah.
3.3 Consequences of Owner Interest: Al
Bahjah TV Media Structure in Critical
Prespective of Media Political Economy
The research findings of Al Bahjah TV Media
Structure in this media media perspective both from
the data obtained by researchers and from interviews
and observations, the power of Al Bahjah TV's capital
owners saw the gaps and spaces in each broadcast for
da'wah material. Where every material delivered is
not only about religious issues that have existed for a
long time but also phenomenal problems that are
actually happening. The material content in
delivering actual da'wah encourages audiences to
witness the material preached from Buya Yahya's
point of view because the society is currently so
selective in choosing da'wah speakers, this
encourages Al Bahjah media to spread da'wah
globally through streaming media, for RadioQu,
broadcasting the establishment of a radio media that
originated in the Cirebon region where the
headquarters of RadioQu was established is now
developing into several regions in Indonesia due to
the needs of the Muslim community for religious
The politics of the propaganda media of Al Bahjah
TV is also seen in how a media organizes and
arranges the management of a da'wah program
including in selecting and inviting preachers in
collaborating to provide material, one of the tangible
evidences seen in the collaboration between Buya
Yahya and the habaib invites the audience to increase
because the habaib have their own santri and
followers, this added value is what makes the Al
Bahjah TV program have additional spectators and
other examples of cases is when Buya Yahya side by
side with Ustad Abdul Shomad who is known is a
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
preacher who has high flying hours with public
enthusiasm tall one. the selection of the collaboration
of the da'wah speaker which was carried out and
arranged in such a way by the Al Bahjah TV media
had an impact on the increase in the audience in
watching Al Bahjah TV program.
The structure of Al Bahjah's media in terms of the
selection of da'wah speakers is very encouraging on
the impact of determining the rating increase that is
currently felt by live streaming media is by choosing
how much the audience on the media and how
enthusiastic the public is in watching the da'wah. The
naming of Al Bahjah TV was taken from the name of
Al Bahjah LDP established by Buya Yahya himself
to remind that Al Bahjah TV is always under the
auspices of Al Bahjah LDP. With the scale of the
Cirebon region which is not so wide, RadioQu
Cirebon and Al Bahjah TV can be easily recognized
by the surrounding community.
The process of establishing Al Bahjah LDP which
has many students interested in learning religious
knowledge is used by capital owners to penetrate the
market to accelerate public acceptance. in the early
days of the emergence of RadioQU broadcasting only
reached the Al Bahjah LDP area. then due to the large
number of alumni from Al Bahjah LDP scattered in
all regions in Indonesia and also the owner of Al
Bahjah LDP namely Kyai Yahya Zainul Ma arif is a
preacher who has a big name in Indonesia, so
RadioQu da'wah media is spread slowly in several
regions in Indonesia but with the limitations of radio
da'wah media that is limited by the frequency and cost
range as well as the ease and advancement of
technology at a more affordable cost, it becomes an
extension and media development into streaming TV
with the aim that people both in Indonesia and abroad
can watch and get additional insights regarding
religious science and can answer all problems in
religious matters.
In terms of Al Bahjah TV's political economy
media perspective, changes and dialectics that occur
are related to the position and role of the
communication media. Al Bahjah TV is doing media
development from Radio media called RadioQu so
that it penetrates Streaming TV media, Al Bahjah TV.
This development is based on several things, namely
(1) Following the times and technology with easy
access to da'wah media, (2) Cost aspects, Streaming
TV is more affordable than radio media, and (3) TV
media is easier to digest by various parties due to
visual and audio.
Media Al Bahjah in the Media Structure invites
the public to the reality in the field recruiting
employees who work in running this media from the
scope of the santri by spreading a community called
friends community Al Bahjah, in the media political
economy, there are several points that can be used by
Al media Bahjah TV is based on live streaming by
recruiting media employees from a community of
friends who are students and Al Bahjah LDP students
who are pushing for efficient value in terms of
production costs and in paying employees. Because
the cost emphasis in a media is felt to be very
necessary to support the sustainability of a media.
Based on the results of research and analysis, the
research at Al Bahjah TV and RadioQu there are
several issues found in the research on the paradigm
change and the diversification of the da'wah media
industry on the live TV Al Bahjah TV. Diversification
industry Media Da'wah Live Streaming TV, in terms
of diversification of the da'wah media industry using
political economy media theory, many factors that
surround the public persuasion strategy, the power of
capital owners, the existence of new spaces of da'wah
as new markets. In the Persuasive Strategy factor of
the Audience, by having a target audience. both
media will be able to maximize the program
impressions presented. Al Bahjah TV and RadioQu
complement each other to develop. The program
aired by these two media is not head to head, because
each of these media does not have an audience over
each other. In the Strength of the capital owner's
factor, the media owner and the capital owner of Al
Bahjah TV's da'wah media with the power possessed
creates a media structure on how a media organizes
and arranges the management of a missionary event
including in selecting and inviting preachers in
collaborating to provide material, such as preachers
those who have a lot of santri or followers also
preachers who are being attracted by many audiences
will increase the number of viewers of an Al Bahjah
TV media. and in terms of media employees, the
structure of this media organization chose from Al
Bahjah LDP students as one of the strategies in
reducing efficient value. On the New Space Factor as
a New Market, the use of this new media has become
a new market in increasing the material purse of
media owners, because this media is used not only to
preach but also to promote the book by Buya Yahya
and the promotion of LDP Al Bahjah.
Diversification of Da’wah Media in the Digital Era on Al Bahjah TV Live Streaming
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