Project based Learning and Local Wisdom in the Multikultural
Society in Indonesia
Pipiet Alifah
Magister Program of Primary Education, State University of Jakarta
Keywords: Education, Project based Learning, Local Wisdom, Multicultural.
Abstract: The study determine the effect of the implementation of project based local wisdom learning in order to
meet the era of disruption by involving students in the assignment through exploration of regional potential
so that students have a sense of pride in Indonesia. This research uses meta-analysis technique, which is the
technique of selecting deliberate scientific documents such as journal articles and research reports. The
results of data analysis are presented in the form of percentages and descriptions as a result of the research
encountered. The results of the study show that project based local wisdom learning can support the
strengthening of character education programs in the 2013 curriculum.
Indonesia was struggling to harmonize globalization,
the impact of increasingly sophisticate children
using digital technology recorded by KPAI for
digital crime and pornography cases as much as
7.87% of cases that need guidance and direction
from three education centres in Indonesia (teachers,
parents, and the community) for minimize this.
According to the Government Regulation of the
Republic of Indonesia Number 40 of 2011
concerning coaching, assistance, and recovery of
children who are victims or perpetrators of
pornography. In Chapter III Article 18 regarding
assistance that reads "Governments and regional
governments in accordance with their authority,
social institutions, educational institutions, religious
institutions, families, fund know that the community
must carry out assistance to children who are victims
or perpetrators of pornography.
The description refers to the role of third
centered education that jointly anticipate and carry
out joint rehabilitation of children of perpetrators or
victims of pornography in Indonesia. Such
assistance can be carried out by conducting intensive
supervision and fostering a sense of ownership of
the child so that his existence can be recognized and
desired by the community. In educational
institutions that are now using the 2013 curriculum
which leads to the planting of characters from an
early age starting from elementary school can
support preventive pornography actions among
school children through learning in school.
School learning culture that is realized through
the application of local wisdom-based learning
supported by project assignments in diverse
communities in Indonesia is expected to help
students recognize the local culture and potential of
each region in order to grow into a unique
generation with cultural characteristics from each
Through the introduction of local culture towards
students in Indonesia, it is expected to be able to
help government “Nawa Cita programs data from
(Pusbindiklatren Bappenas, 2017) that are relevant
to education in Indonesia, namely building Indonesia
from the periphery by strengthening regional and
rural areas within the framework of a unitary state
and revolutionizing the nation's character through a
policy of restructuring the national education
curriculum. by prioritizing the aspect of citizenship
education which places proportionally aspects of
education such as the teaching of the history of
national formation, the values of patriotism and love
of the homeland, the spirit of defending the country
and character in the Indonesian education
Indonesian people with diverse ethnic
backgrounds make Indonesia rich in ethnicity,
culture, language, religion and need character
planting that is adapted to the local wisdom of local
culture. Separate islands in Indonesia are united by
Alifah, P.
Project based Learning and Local Wisdom in the Multicultural Society in Indonesia.
DOI: 10.5220/0008902001030105
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning (ICTL 2018), pages 103-105
ISBN: 978-989-758-439-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
vast stretches of ocean. Therefore, learning in
schools needs to be designed in accordance with
local strengths and the provision of projects based
on local wisdom in Indonesia so that students find
their own character based on the characteristics of
each tribe in each region in Indonesia.
This is supported by the change in the curriculum
in Indonesia which originally used the education unit
level curriculum to be the 2013 curriculum which
prioritizes learning designed using core
competencies which consist of four achievement
competencies namely KI 1 emphasizing on religious
aspects, KI 2 related to social aspects, KI 3 related to
knowledge, and KI 4 is an aspect of skill.
This study uses a meta-analysis. Meta-analysis is an
integrative study in analyzing several literature
sources to be reviewed in the same scope of the
problem. Researchers used statistical analysis to
determine the effect size. Effect size is the strength
of the relationship between variables and to find out
the differences between variables. Data analysis
used in this study is quantitative analysis in the form
of percentages based on the effect size findings.
The sample of the present study was collected from
18 (eighteen) research articles in which it is aimed to
figure out the influence of mathematics video
learning toward cognitive and affective aspects of
the students.
Table 1: Research Population / Sample.
Research Population/ sample
Elementary School
Junior High School
Senior High School
Previous research in this research sample aims to
implement project-based learning strategies and
local wisdom in multicultural communities in
Indonesia. Based on the analysis of 14 studies, it was
found that the purpose of using learning strategies
based on local wisdom and project-based as follows
Table 2: The Analysis Indicates through Project-Based
Learning Models and Local Wisdom.
Level of
of strategy
Based on the analysis of 14 previous research
articles, mentioning that students with a
multicultural background in Indonesia can
understand learning that combines local learning
with project-based learning. Through learning local
wisdom in general, it can increase sensitivity to local
culture. In project-based learning students are more
creative in honing the task of completing tasks. And
in general the level of effectiveness of the learning
model to be implemented in learning is quite high.
In table 2 above, the findings of data analysis
indicate that students' sensitivity abilities can be
raised through project-based learning models and
local wisdom with a percentage of 19.23%. In the
aspect of creativity shows the percentage of 26, 92%
which means higher value than the character aspect
formed. In accordance with the purpose of the study
to determine the effectiveness of both learning
models, this can be proven through the deepening of
material for students as well as the direction of
growing early characters that are built through local
wisdom. Thus, being able to make the collaboration
of project-based learning models and local wisdom
reach a high effectiveness level of 53.85%.
The conclusions that can be obtained based on
simple percentage analysis and discussion on 14
previous research articles are project-based learning
models and local wisdom can be recommended to be
applied to classroom learning for multicultural
Indonesians. The collaboration of these models has
an impact on increasing sensitivity (empathy) and
encouraging students to creatively solve problems in
project assignments.
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Project based Learning and Local Wisdom in the Multicultural Society in Indonesia