Contextual-based Educational Game Tools for Early Childhood
Language Learning in Kindergarten
Nurhamsa Mahmud and Farida Samad
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Khairun University, Ternate-Indonesia
Keywords: Educational game tools, Language learning.
Abstract: The research aims at utilizing contextual-based educational game tools (APE) for early childhood language
learning in kindergarten at Ternate City and some obstacles faced in early childhood language learning. The
subjects were teachers and students at Alkhairat Skep Kindergarten and Immanuel Kindergarten in Ternate.
Instruments of collecting data were observation, interview and documentary methods. Furthermore, data
was analyzed qualitatively using the Miles and Huberman Interaction Model. The result showed that
educational game tools available in lkhairat Skep kindergarten and Immanuel kindergarten in Ternate in
relation to language learning are quite good and in general are adequate in accordance with the Norms of
Standard Procedures and Criteria (NSPK) both indoor and outdoor. Teachers in both groups A and B use
educational game tools and APE mixed materials available in schools to develop students’ competence.
Some various educational game tools used are picture books, flannel words and letters, word cards, drawing
cards, puzzles, finger puppets, interactive CDs that support children's language development. Besides,
teachers have followed appropriate procedures including stages of planning, implementation and evaluation
as stated in daily lesson plan (RPPH). On the other hand, several obstacles encountered, among others,
teachers have not been able to develop homemade/APE natural resources that are adjusted to children
development stage or class level and teachers are only focused on one aspect of the development.
Language is a verbal tool used to communicate,
while language is the process of delivering
information in communication. Learning language is
very crucial in children before 6 years. With
language they have, the vocabulary development
will grow rapidly as suggested by Sroufe (1996)
"Children vocabularies grew quite quickly after they
begin to speak". Susanto quoted from Ganeshi in
Eliason (1994), revealing that children's language
does not start from words to letters and experiences,
but it is from actions or experiences to letters and
then to words. Ganeshi explained that "children who
are successful in school have written language as a
dominant part of their daily activities" (Susanto,
2011: 74). Thus, a child who succeeds in reading in
school has written language as a dominant part of
their daily lives. Therefore, a supportive
environment will help in developing children's
The development of basic language skills in
kindergartens emphasizes the ability to listen, speak,
and early reading. Early reading ability is
determined by children's language development.
Children who have good language development
generally have the ability to express thoughts,
feelings and interactive actions with their
environment. The development of basic language
skills in kindergartens emphasizes the ability to
listen, speak, and early reading. Reading ability is
determined by children's language development.
Children who have good language development
generally have the ability to express thoughts,
feelings and interactive actions with their
One way to develop all aspects in early
childhood especially language development can be
done in various ways, one way is known as
educational games tool (APE). Depdiknas (2003)
defines APE as everything that can be used as a
means or equipment to play that contains
educational values and can develop all abilities of
children. Of course this must be in line with the
concept of early childhood learning is ‘learning
through playing’ or ‘playing through learning’.
Mahmud, N. and Samad, F.
Contextual-based Educational Game Tools for Early Childhood Language Learning in Kindergarten.
DOI: 10.5220/0008901800930096
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning (ICTL 2018), pages 93-96
ISBN: 978-989-758-439-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Children are given freedom to play, exploring what
is played especially in language.
Based on observation conducted in several
kindergartens in Ternate shown that various types of
educational games (APE) are available but they had
not been fully utilized, even though they were still
neatly stored on the classroom shelves. APE is rarely
used maximally to support children's language
development. In addition, teachers still use a
classical method (teacher centred), in which the
teacher still dominates learning so that children's
opportunities in language are also lacking. Another
thing occurs is that teachers’ creativity in creating
and utilizing APE is less skilled and they tend to use
student worksheets.
This is also supported by data taken from
kindergarten teachers that not all available games
equipments are educative, especially to optimize the
development of early childhood language. It is
assumed that good game equipments are expensive.
Sometimes the tools are materially dangerous. This
is certainly very worrying because almost all
kindergartens have limited facilities and
infrastructure and generally do not meet the
standards and requirements. In general, kindergarten
in Ternate does not have educational game tools that
supports children's play activities, so that the daily
activities are mostly still in the form of learning.
This research used a qualitative approach with
descriptive design. It intends to describe the use of
educational-based educational tools (APE) in early
childhood language learning in kindergartens in
Ternate and some obstacles encountered in early
childhood language learning. The data collections of
this research were deep interview, observation and
documentary method. After the data collected, it is
analyzed qualitatively using the Interaction Model of
Miles and Huberman (in Moleong, 2006). The steps
were data reduction, data display, and conclusion or
verification. Then to guarantee the data validity, the
techniques used peer briefing and triangulation,
namely sources triangulation and data triangulation.
In general, game equipment as a source of learning
for early childhood in Alkhairat Skeep kindergarten
and Immanuel kindergarten in Ternate is able to
support learning and it has been used optimally by
teachers and students in facilitating language
learning in school. In addition, there are various
types of game tools that vary in shape and it makes
children become interested in playing it.
Furthermore, the use of APE for children is adjusted
for their age and level of achievement. At the age of
5-7 years children need 30% sensorimotor APE,
20% symbolic APE, and 30% project APE.
Meanwhile, there are several types of APE that
have been designed and developed first by some
experts from developed countries such as Maria
Montessori, George Cuisenaire, Peabody and Frobel,
but there are also several types of APE designed and
created by teachers themselves based on the needs
and conditions of the local environment. Based on
interview data, observation data, and review of
documentation about the availability of APE based
contextual on the main activities provided by
teachers in Alkhairat Skep Kindergaten and
Immanuel Kindergarten in Ternate prove that there
are many APE that are available and in accordance
with the Standard Procedure and Criteria (NSPK) for
early childhood facilities both indoor and outdoor.
In provision of game tools of Alkhairat Skep
Kindergarten and Immanuel Kindergarten show that
all facilities and indoor game tools are meaningful
for children, because they are safe, clean, non-toxic,
pesticide-free and comfortable condition. In
addition, with these game tools, children get the ease
and opportunity to use them to play, explore, and
imagine in developing children’s language learning.
Besides, based on interviews with teachers in
Alkhairat Skep kindergarten and Immanuel
kindergarten, it was revealed that how teachers both
in groups A and B used artificial educational tools
and mixed materials available in language learning.
The teacher uses several educational tools such as
picture books, word flannel and letters, word cards,
picture cards, puzzles, finger puppets, interactive
CDs that support children's language development
so that learning objectives can be achieved. This is
also confirmed by documents review related to the
use of educational game tools in early childhood
language development learning that teachers have
followed various appropriate procedures including
the stages of planning, implementation and
evaluation as contained in their daily lesson plan
(RPPH). Furthermore, according to the observations,
it was also revealed that the use of educational game
tools in language learning has been used by teachers
in each learning group both groups A and B. The
teachers both in the groups have their own ways of
using educational games either artificial or
ICTL 2018 - The 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning
manufacturer and mixed materials used so that
children feel interested, not bored and curious about
it when the teacher wants to use it in classroom
learning activities. Through this educational game,
children can also explore and sharpen their language
skills because in their own use the child is more
active because he plays it. Regarding the children
response when the teacher uses educational games,
children feel happy and very excited because the
teacher invited them to use it together by doing a
very interesting game.
The various types of educational game tools
(APE) in Alkhairat Skep kindergarten and Immanuel
kindergarten Ternate, according to the interview
results, it is known that APE is often used are
alphabet letter puzzles, hand puppets, picture books,
alphabet boxes, interactive fonts, flashcards and CD
alphabet media, while for outdoor APE, almost all
types are often used by children when they are at
rest. The APE used as follows:
a. Hand puppet
b. Alphabet Letter Puzzle
c. Picture book
Alphabet box
e. Flannel form alphabet/letter
f. Flashcard
g. Interactive CD alphabet Media
Based on the Ministry of National Education
Regulation Number 1839/C.C2/ TU/2009, it was
explained that the principle of learning in
Kindergarten is 'playing through learning and
learning through playing'. Thus, playing activities is
one of the best ways to develop the students’
potential. Before children go to school, playing is a
natural way to find the environment, other people
and themselves.
As we know that childhood is always related to
playing activities so that the children’s world is the
world of play. Most of playing activities use media,
which are game tools contain educational values.
Contextual-based Educational Game Tools for Early Childhood Language Learning in Kindergarten
Zaman, et al. (2007: 63) explained that game
equipment can be categorized as an educational
game tool for young learners if it fulfills some
characteristics, including: intended for early-aged
children, to develop child development aspects, can
be used in various ways, forms and various purposes
of the multipurpose development, safe for children,
and to encourage learning activities. The use of
educational games is considered to be a support for
children's play activities. Active use of educational
games can be seen when children find, choose,
define, describe, use, and tidy up it after they have
finished playing.
Thus APE as a real object, children can explore
by playing concrete objects in learning activities.
Educational game tools can also develop motoric,
language, emotional social and especially aspects of
language. The development of early childhood starts
from concrete to abstract, so it requires concrete
objects as supporting media.
The results of the analysis show that the educational
game tools available in Alkhairat Skep Kindergarten
and Immanuel Kindergarten Ternate in terms of
language learning are quite good and in general are
adequate in accordance with the Standards of
Procedure and Criteria (NSPK) both indoor and
outdoor. Teachers in groups A and B used artificial
educational tools and mixed material game tools
available in schools in language learning. Moreover,
teacher uses several educational tools such as picture
books, word flannel and letters, word cards, picture
cards, puzzles, finger puppets, infective CDs that
can support children's language development.
Besides, they also have followed various appropriate
procedures including planning, implementation and
evaluation stages as contained in daily lesson plans
(RPPH). On the other hand, some obstacles
encountered, among others, the teacher has not been
able to develop homemade APE/natural material
APE that are adjusted to the stages of child
development or grade level, the teacher is only
focused on one aspect development.
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ICTL 2018 - The 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning