Basic Competency of Chemical Practicum: Development and
Validation of Assessment Instruments
Khusna Arif Rakhman, A. Rasid Saraha, and Nurfatimah Sugrah
Chemistry Education Study Program, Universitas Khairun, Ternate, Indonesia
Keywords: 4D Method, Development of assessment instruments, R & D.
Abstract: Research has been carried out on the development and validation of instrumental assessments of laboratory
basic competencies in chemical practicum. The purpose of this study was to produce a valid instrument for
the basic computation of chemical practicum. In this study, the assessment instruments developed cover 3
aspects, namely the cognitive aspects with test instruments, the effective and psychomotor aspects with
observation instruments in practical activities. The method used in the development of this assessment
instrument is the 4D method which includes defining, designing and disseminating stages. Based on the
results of the development, there were 3 assessment instruments in the form of 4 pages of cognitive aspect
measurement test instruments and 1 sheet of observation instruments for affective and psychomotor aspects.
Each instrument has also been tested for validity with content validation methods by 2 experts which
produce validity in very valid criteria with an average value of 3.83 (cognitive), 3.83 (affective) and 3.67
Chemical practicum for prospective chemists is
needed to provide practical experience besides
theoretical in the classroom (Rakhman, 2017).
Practical experience is the most valuable aspect of
teacher education programs, but the question is how
to approach conventional practices and alternative
models prepared by the teacher? The technical focus
of the model on developing skills is more mastering
lesson plans, and classroom management as an
important component, but that is not enough
preparation for pre-service teachers. Practicums
must require time for growth and learning, where the
teacher preservice to understand the broader
implications of being a teacher and to appreciate the
ultimate goal of teaching in helping learners
(Belliveau, 2007). Practicum is one of the student-
centered teachings that describes teaching strategies
where the teacher is more facilitating than direct
teaching, in a student-centered teaching strategy, the
teacher consciously places more attention on
involvement, initiative, and social interaction
students (Kurniawati, 2015). Practical learning
models have advantages, including making students
believe more in the truth based on their own
experiments, developing attitudes to conducting
exploratory studies of science and technology, an
attitude from a scientist, supported by modern
didactic principles, namely students learning by
experiencing or observing themselves process or
event, students are spared from verbalism, enriching
experiences with things that are objective and
realistic, developing attitudes of scientific thinking,
and learning outcomes will be long-lasting and
internalization (Pamungkas, 2017).
The problem is that the measurement of the
practicum is based on the assessment of cognitive
aspects only, which should be in this learning
method can integrate three aspects of assessment at
once. Practicum activities which are observation-
based learning activities and testing in this
laboratory should be more measurable on the
psychomotor and affective aspects. In this article, it
is reported that the validation of basic practicum
assessment instruments for chemical practicum has
been developed.
This research was a development research (R & D)
instrument of basic practicum chemistry competency
assessment for students of chemical education. The
Rakhman, K., Saraha, A. and Sugrah, N.
Basic Competency of Chemical Practicum: Development and Validation of Assessment Instruments.
DOI: 10.5220/0008901403070313
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning (ICTL 2018), pages 307-313
ISBN: 978-989-758-439-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
assessment instruments that were developed related
to aspects of basic laboratory skills (psychomotor),
attitude (affective) in the practicum that are directly
related to workplace security and safety in the
laboratory, and knowledge (cognitive) about the
material in practicum learning measured from the
achievement of learning competencies. Development
of assessment instruments was done using the 4D
method (define, design, develop, and disseminate).
The initial stage of this development began with
defining the achievement of chemistry practicum
learning. The design stage was carried out in the
second step which includes; limitation of learning
achievement in chemistry practicum, designing a
lattice instrument for chemical practicum assessment
which includes psychomotor, affective and cognitive
aspects. At the development stage, a draft
observation instrument for psychomotor and
affective was done, test questions, answers and
scoring rubrics, allocation of working time, and
design of layout assessment instruments. In the
development phase, instrument validation and
limited trials were conducted for first semester
students of the 2018/2019 academic year, Chemistry
Education Study Program, FKIP, Khairun
University, Ternate. Instrument validation was
carried out with the belief data validation technique
involving 3 experts in the field of educational
evaluation. The validity of the observation
instrument psychomotor and affective aspects of
chemistry practicum was measured from Suitability
with learning outcomes, steps in chemistry
practicum, layout, and scoring. Whereas the validity
of the test instrument in the form of questions was
assessed from compatibility with learning outcomes,
clarity of language (sentence questions and
statements) in the questions, clarity of pictures and
illustrations of questions, suitability of time
allocation and scoring, and design and layout of
questions. While the dissemination phase by
publishing a competency assessment instrument that
has been declared valid and tested in this article.
3.1 Determination and Definition of
Learning Outcomes in Basic
Chemical Practicum
Chemical practicum for chemistry teacher
candidates at Khairun University was designed in 3
years of learning divided into 3 learning outcomes
each year. In the first year, the targeted learning
outcomes were to know and be able to operate the
glassware in the chemical laboratory properly and
safely, the learning outcomes in the second year
were to do chemical preparation and separation.
While learning achievement in the third year was
able to conduct analysis and synthesis of chemicals
(Rakhman, 2017). The research reported in this
article was more focused on developing the basic
laboratory chemistry competency assessment
instrument which was the learning achievement in
the first year of basic chemistry practicum learning
in the first year for chemistry education prospective
students. The achievement of basic learning in the
chemistry lab in the first year was to know and be
able to operate glassware in the chemical laboratory
properly and safely, described in 3 aspects of
assessment, assessment of cognitive, affective and
psychomotor aspects. In detail, the process of
describing learning outcomes in the assessment
aspect was presented in Figure 1. Flowchart of
assessment aspects of laboratory basic competencies
in chemistry practicum.
Basic competencies in chemical practicum for
chemistry teacher candidate students were translated
into 3 measurements, namely measurement of
cognitive aspects which includes measurement of
ability to recognize and understand symbols,
equipment and characteristics of chemicals in
practicum. The description of the cognitive aspects
was then derived in 4 measurement indicators
including; recognize and understand the symbol of
work safety and safety in the laboratory. This
indicator aims to measure the ability of students in
identifying potential risks of workplace accidents
that originate from the workplace environment and
knowledge in taking preventive actions against
potential risks. The second indicator was knowing
and understanding symbols that show the
characteristics of chemicals in the laboratory. This
indicator aims to measure the level of understanding
of students in recognizing the potential risks of
chemicals used in practicum. Both indicators related
to student recognition and understanding of the
symbols in the laboratory are a description of the
knowledge of workplace safety in the laboratory
(Ismail, 2016). While the third indicator of the
cognitive aspects, namely, the use of glassware in
the laboratory was intended to measure students'
knowledge of the types of glassware in the
laboratory that was used in chemical practicum. And
the fourth cognitive aspect indicator that was related
to students' understanding of preparation using
glassware in a chemistry lab in a laboratory is based
more on measuring student knowledge in organizing
glassware for practicum. What was meant by the
knowledge of organizing glassware for practicum is
the knowledge of students in using several glass
ICTL 2018 - The 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning
tools such as in the process of dissolving solids or
dilution of solutions that require knowledge to
choose, collect and use glassware in an organized
manner (Hamidu, 2014). The measurement of
cognitive aspects is carried out using test techniques
using the stuffing instrument. This technique was
chosen with consideration of the speed of time
needed, the scope of the questions that were
structured and measured, and the ease in applying in
measurements (Lestari, 2016).
Figure 1: A Description of the Basic Competence of
Chemical Practicum.
Affective or attitude aspects in the basic
practicum of chemistry practicum are described as
attitudes and behaviors that underlie the safety and
success of practicum activities in the laboratory. The
attitude in question was respect, obedience, and
caution in doing work in the laboratory. An attitude
of respect was explained in the form of a
measurement of student courtesy when it starts
entering the laboratory until it exits the laboratory.
Obedience was explained in the measurement of
seriousness in work, compliance, and adherence to
the rules and practical work instructions when
working in the laboratory. While carefully measured
in the accuracy of students at work during laboratory
work (Koseoglu, 2010). While the measurement
technique on the affective aspects was used
observation techniques. Psychomotor aspects of the
basic chemical practicum were described as students'
skills in using tools and chemicals correctly and
safely. The skills of students in working using tools
and chemicals in the laboratory are very important
because it involves safety and works safety in the
laboratory. The potential risk of workplace accidents
In the laboratory was caused by a lack of skills in
using tools and chemicals in the laboratory (Hamid,
2012). In measuring skills aspects, the indicators
developed include: using chemicals as needed, this
indicator ensures that students use chemicals wisely
in accordance with the instructions. The second
indicator, use the glass tool carefully and according
to instructions. Indicators of the use of glassware
were intended to ensure the competence of students
in working carefully and safely. The third indicator
was to place/treat equipment and chemicals safely
and neatly. This indicator was intended to measure
the skills of students who were careful in using tools
and chemicals. While the fourth indicator was
related to the use of personal protective equipment
during the practicum. This indicator was used in
measuring student awareness of occupational safety
risks in the laboratory (Somez, 2017).
Table 1: Design Indicators and Sub Indicators of
Cognitive Aspects
Assessment (sub-
and understanding
security and
safety in the
1. Knowing the symbols
of security and safety
in the laboratory.
2. Knowing the potential
accidents risk in the
3. Knowing the sources
of accidents risk in the
Able to
recognize and
understand the
characteristics and
handling of
chemicals in the
1. Knowing the
characteristics of
chemical symbols.
2. Knowing chemical
handling pre and post
Able to
recognize and
understand the
use of glassware
in the laboratory.
1. Able to recognize
several pictures of
chemical glassware
2. Knowing the function
of several chemical
Able to
recognize and
understand the
use of glassware
for simple
preparation in the
1. Mentioning some
glassware for
practicum preparation
3.2 Designing Instruments for Assessing
Basic Competency in Chemical
In this stage, an assessment design is carried out in
the form of a worksheet for test instruments and
Basic Competency of Chemical Practicum: Development and Validation of Assessment Instruments
observation statements for observation instruments.
The question instrument for the measurement of
basic knowledge was elaborated from an indicator of
cognitive aspects to recognize and understand the
symbols, equipment, and characteristics of
chemicals. The design of indicators and sub-
indicators of assessment instruments to measure
basic knowledge of chemical practicum is shown in
table 1.
The design of evaluation instruments for
affective aspects in the form of observation
instruments is carried out by compiling
measurement statements in observations during the
practicum derived from assessment indicators. The
design of the affective aspect assessment is
presented in table 2. There are at least 13
measurement statements that are considered to
represent indicators of competency attainment in the
aspect of attitude during the practicum in the
laboratory. Measurement of this attitude aspect is
based on efforts to cultivate behavior for work safety
and safety in the laboratory.
Table 2: Design of Affective Aspect Observation
Indicator Assessment
1. Stay calm, and not making
2. Speak politely
3. Looking neat
4. Be respectful
1. Have a work plan in the
2. Focus on practicum and
3. Speak as neede
Obey the
1. Using work safety equipment.
2. Maintain security and safety
3. Work accordin
Good work
1. Preparing practical equipment
precise and accurate.
2. Organizing the tools well and
3. Getting practicum data
The design of the method of assessment of the
observation instrument of psychomotor aspects was
based on four indicators which became the core
activities in the basic chemistry practicum at the first
meeting. In the basic chemical practicum activities
at the first meeting, learning outcomes were focused
on the activities of the use and management of
chemicals and glassware in accordance with the
instructions in the practicum guidelines, to the
proper use of personal protective equipment as
standard security and safety procedures in the
laboratory. Psychomotor aspect observation
instruments are designed by compiling measurement
instruments derived from indicators of learning
achievement of psychomotor aspects of basic
chemistry practicum learning. Detailed design of
psychomotor observation instruments is presented in
table 3.
Table 3: Design of Psychomotor Observation Instruments.
Indicator Assessment
5. Stay calm, and not making
6. Speak politely
7. Looking neat
8. Be res
4. Have a work plan in the
5. Focus on practicum and
6. S
eak as neede
Obey the
4. Using work safety equipment.
5. Maintain security and safety
6. Work according to plan
Good work
4. Preparing practical equipment
precise and accurate.
5. Organizing the tools well and
6. Getting practicum data
3.3 Designing an Assessment of the
Learning Outcomes of Basic
Chemistry Practicum
The most important thing in evaluating learning is in
the assessment section. Each learning evaluation has
a variety of assessment techniques and methods
(Tibrani, 2017). In the evaluation instrument of basic
competency on chemical practicum, It's used several
assessment methods synchronized with the type of
evaluation developed. The assessment method used
for the type of question on cognitive measurement
instruments is the scoring method. This method is
used with consideration to facilitate assessing the
ability of students. Whereas for the observation
instrument of affective and psychomotor
measurement used a method of scaling four (liker).
Scale four was used in the assessment of observation
instruments with the aim of facilitating rapid
assessments when students are working in the
laboratory (Gobaw, 2016). The results of the
evaluation of the cognitive, affective and
psychomotor aspects produced will eventually be
converted in the form of value, while the conversion
ICTL 2018 - The 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning
value is then converted in the form of a description
of the level of competence.
3.4 Validation of Basic Competency on
Chemical Practicum Evaluation
Validation of evaluation instruments was done using
content validation methods. Content validation was
carried out by two experts who emphasized two
aspects, namely the suitability of the content and use
of language in the evaluation instruments developed
(Riyani, 2017). Each instrument is validated with a
different validation sheet according to the
assessment instrument based on aspects developed.
The results of content validation by experts on three
aspects of assessment are reported in Table 4.
Table 4: Content Validation Results.
Validation aspec
Cognitive Affective Psycomoto
Feasibility of content
with learning
4 4 4
and logical
4 - -
Conformity to
of the
4 - -
The efficiency
of observation
and assessment
- 3 4
Suitability of
statements with
- 4 3.5
e eli
with learning
3.5 4 4
and logical
4 - -
Conformity to
the orkmanship
of the
4 - -
- 3.5 3.5
- 4 3.5
Based on the validation results, the contents of
the content feasibility are very valid with an average
value of 4 for the instrument of cognitive aspects,
3.83 for psychomotor observation instruments, and
3.67 for affective aspect observation instruments. In
terms of the feasibility of the language used in the
evaluation, produced the validity of the evaluation
instrument with very valid criteria with the
measurement instrument of cognitive aspects of
3.83, psychomotor aspects of 3.67, and the affective
aspect of 3.83.
Question instruments for measuring cognitive
aspects that have been validated and validated are
then readability tests. In the readability test
instrument, the assessment of cognitive aspects of
the basic competencies of the chemical practicum
was carried out by testing the readability of the
instrument in 10 students who had passed the basic
chemistry practicum course and had the skills to
become basic chemistry practicum assistants and
conduct an assessment using this instrument later.
Readability test instrument for assessing cognitive
aspects of the basic competencies of the chemical
practicum is presented in Figure 2, the diagram of
readability test results.
Figure 2: Diagram of test results (instrument cognitive)
readability Where: A. Clarity of introduction, B. Clarity of
instructions / instructions, C. Language clarity, D. Image
clarity, E. Clarity of working time, F. Clarity score per
question, and G. Suitability of questions with practicum
3.5 Design of the Instrument for
Evaluation of Basic Competencies in
Chemical Practicum
The design of basic practicum chemistry
competency evaluation instruments that have been
validated was reported in Figure 3, 4. Question
instruments (cognitive aspects), figure 5. Affective
observation instruments and psychomotor
observation. Figure 3 shows the problem instrument
for measuring the basic competencies of the
practicum on cognitive aspects on indicators of the
ability to recognize and understand work safety and
Basic Competency of Chemical Practicum: Development and Validation of Assessment Instruments
security, characteristics and handling of chemicals in
the laboratory. Assessment instrument of cognitive
aspects of basic competencies of the chemical
practicum is arranged in four pages. On the first
page, a measurement instrument is designed for one
indicator consisting of three sub-indicators as many
as three questions, a time allocation of fifteen
minutes and a total score of 12 with a score weight
of each question of 4. The first question is a question
of the definition of a symbol of security and works
safety in the laboratory with 4 questions in the form
of questions. The second question contains questions
to mention 4 potential risks of work accidents in the
laboratory. While the third question mentions 4
sources of risk of workplace accidents in the
Figure 3: Instrument Questions page 1-2 (Cognitive
On page two consists of two questions derived from
two measurement sub-indicators about the
characteristics and handling of chemicals in the
laboratory. The first question is a question to
describe 8 symbols of chemical characterization.
Whereas the second question consists
of 3 items to
explain the handling of chemicals according to the
symbol of the characteristics of the chemicals
presented. To be able to resolve the questions on
page 2 of the instrument, a total time allocation of 13
minutes is given with a total score of 14 points, with
each point in the number one and two questions at 8
and 6 points.
Figure 4: Instrument question page 3-4 (cognitive aspects).
Page three contains two questions about
knowledge to know and understand the use of
glassware in basic chemical practicum. The first
question has presented to give the name of the tool
on 12 pictures of chemical glassware that has been
provided on the worksheet. The allocation of time
provided to answer this question is 10 minutes with
a maximum score of 24 points. Whereas in the next
question, the question is directed to know the
knowledge of the use of glassware in the picture in
the chemical practicum in the laboratory. The total
score provided for this question is 6 points with
every one correct answer getting 2 points, with a
time allocation of 13 minutes to solve the problem
on page 3.
The measurement of knowledge and
understanding of the use of chemical glassware in
simple preparations in the laboratory was presented
in the instrument on page 4. In this worksheet, there
are four items related to the chemical preparation
such as the preparation of solutions and the retailing
of chemicals. The question was directed to mention
the name of the glassware used and the use of each
glass tool in each of the intended preparation
activities. Allocation of time to solve this problem
for 10 minutes with a total score prepared of 51
Observation instruments for the measurement of
affective and psychomotor aspects (Figures 5a and
b) are designed in 1 sheet of observation instruments
that are equipped with instrument identities,
instructions for filling, identities of the students
assessed. Assessment sheet and observer legality.
Each sheet of observation instruments on both
affective and psychomotor aspects, each contains
four measurement indicators.
Figure 5: a. Cognitive Aspects of Observation Instruments
and b. Psychomotor Aspects.
ICTL 2018 - The 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning
Both affective and psychomotor observation
instruments are based on indicators and
measurements as presented in tables 2 and 3. While
the score provided in each observation instrument is
a scale score of 4 where score enhancement is
described as increasingly appropriate attitudes and
skills (Fletcher, 1997). The results of the observation
of affective and psychomotor aspects are then
converted in the form of values which are then
integrated with cognitive values based on the test
The chemical practicum basic competency
assessment instrument has been successfully
developed in three domains of assessment namely
cognitive aspects with test instruments, affective and
psychomotor aspects with observation instruments
in practicum activities. The three instruments have
very valid validity with validation values of each
instrument 3.83 (cognitive), 3.83 (affective) and
3.67 (psychomotor).
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Basic Competency of Chemical Practicum: Development and Validation of Assessment Instruments