Development of Characterized Debate Learning Model to Enrich
Students Pedagogic Competencies of Faculty of Teachers Training
and Education
Sumarni Sahjat
and Ariyanti Jalal
Physics Education Study Program, Khairun University, Ternate Indonesia
Mathematics Education Study Program, Khairun University, Ternate Indonesia
Keywords: Model debate-K, Pedagogic competence.
Abstract: Learning so far has not touched the realm of character. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a learning
model that is able to foster student character. One learning model that is believed to be able to change the
paradigm is a character learning Debate model.The objectives of this research were: 1) To develop a
character learning Debate model, and 2) To increase student interest and learning outcomes. Research is
development research. Data collection in this study used questionnaire validation, interest, response and test
questions on learning by implementing the Debate-K model.The results of the analysis of the four data
obtained are 1) the quality of RPS and RPP is good and very good which shows that the quality of the
Debate-K learning model is practical and worthy of use, 2) percentage of interest per item obtained 11 items
with very high criteria and 9 items with high criteria . While the percentage of interest for each individual
was obtained by 30 students with very high criteria and 26 students with high criteria. 3) the results obtained
for the student's positive response to learning with the Debate-K model which is 18 students respond very
high, 36 students respond high and 2 students respond moderately. 4) Student learning outcomes were
analyzed using the SPSS 20 program with the acquisition of an average value of 82.16 and a significance
value of 0.004 <0.05, indicating an increase in learning outcomes after learning with the Debate-K model
was applied.
The character education has become an interesting
topic lately. The current events such as narcotics and
drug use, student brawls, pornography, rape,
destruction of other people's property, seizure, theft,
abortion, abuse, student brawls, corruption, and
other similar events, have become public diseases
which is very worrying. This can be seen to the
students of Faculty of Teachers Training and
Education, who lately often held brawls when
choosing the heads of BEM and HIMAPRO
carrying out demonstrations, destroying campus
Distorted events show that the character of
Indonesia's young generation is at an alarming point.
Some of the factors that cause low character
education are: first, the education system that
emphasizes character formation, but emphasizes
intellectual development, the second isthe
environmental conditions that do not support the
formation of good character.
Good character formation starts from the
family, relatives, school and community
environment. The home and family environment as
the first and foremost character formation and
education environment must be more empowered
and this is the duty of parents as the first planters of
their child's character. The school environment can
be a good place for education for student character
growth. The educational institutions directly, can
create a character education approach through
curriculum, discipline enforcement, classroom
management, or through educational programs that
they design, such as learning tools, methods, media
and learning models (Suyanto, 2010).
The current learning model has changed from
being teacher-centered to student-centered learning.
It must be addressed by Faculty of Teachers
Training and Education Khairun University, one of
Sahjat, S. and Jalal, A.
Development of Characterized Debate Learning Model to Enrich Students Pedagogic Competencies of Faculty of Teachers Training and Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0008900902780283
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning (ICTL 2018), pages 278-283
ISBN: 978-989-758-439-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the universities in North Maluku as a printer for
prospective teachers, so that students understand
various new learning models that can be applied in
schools. Student-centered learning developed today
has not touched the realm of character. Therefore, it
is necessary to develop a learning model that is able
to foster student character. One of the learning
model that is believed to be able to change the
paradigm is the Debate learning model with
character (Muslim, 2005).
According to Aries Mintaraga (2002), the Debate
learning model begins with the formation of two
groups, one group that is pro (agrees) and one group
is contra (disagree). The development of this Debate
learning model lies in adding character loads during
learning. The Debate learning model consists of 6
steps / syntax, namely: 1) The teacher divides
students into two debate groups, one pro and the
other contra. 2) The teacher gives the task to read the
material to be debated. 3) After finishing reading,
the teacher appoints one member of the pro group to
speak to deliver the opinion, and then it will be
responded to the counter group. 4) When students
convey their ideas or opinions, the students write the
core / ideas of each opinion until they get a number
of ideas that are expected. 5) The teacher adds
concepts / ideas that have not been revealed. 6)
From the ideas that have been conveyed, the teacher
invites students to make conclusions/ summaries that
refer to the desired topic.
Integrating character into learning is carried out
in the second step. This activity is carried out by
displaying videos related to the content / value
character, conveying moral messages according to
the material and learning objectives to be achieved.
The objectives of this study are: 1) To find out
the development of the Debate-K learning model
that can be provided to prospective teacher. 2)
Knowing the validity of the Debate-K learning
model. 3) Knowing the effectiveness of the Debate-
K learning model to equip pedagogical
competencies and increase student interest in
learning as prospective teachers.
Aries Mintaraga (2002: 3) states that Debate is a
cross of opinions about certain themes to be
described in certain topics between supporters and
opponents through formal and organized dialogue.
The debating party seeks to convince the listener or
jury that the one party's proposal is better or more
acceptable than the other. Tarigan (2010: 86) states
that basically debate is an exercise or practice of
dispute or controversy. Debate is an argument to
determine whether or not a particular proposal is
supported by the supporting party or affirmative, and
is rejected, denied by another party called denial or
The development of the Debate-K learning
model is intended to maximize the teaching and
learning process, learning outcomes, student
character formation. The effort to establish character
in accordance with national culture is certainly not
solely carried out only in schools through a series of
teaching and learning activities outside of school,
but also through habituation in life, such as:
religious, honest, disciplined, tolerant, hard work,
peace, responsibility and so on. These values need to
be developed by students, which in the end will be a
reflection of the life of the Indonesian people.
Therefore, the school has a large role in the
development of character education because the role
of the school as a center of civilization through the
approach of developing school culture (school
culture). (Ministry of National Education, 2010). In
the Ministry of National Education's perception
there are 18 character values contained in the book
on the development of education and culture and
national character compiled by the national
education ministry through the curriculum research
and development center. 1) Religion, 2) Honest, 3)
Tolerance, 4) Discipline, 5) Creative, 6)
independent, 7) Democracy, 8) Curiosity, 9) the
spirit of Nationalism, 10) Nasionalism, 11) Respect
of achievement, 12) Communication, 13) Love of
peace, 14) Loving reading, 15) Caring for the
environment, 16) Caring for the social, 17)
Responsibility. (Marzuki M, 2011). Based on the 18
characters, only 8 characters (Religious, Honest,
Disciplined, Creative, Respect for Achievement,
Communication and Responsibility) are focused on
this study specifically for physics education study
program students in the class 2017, Faculty of
Teachers Training and Education. The development
of the Debate learning model lies in the addition of 8
character loads during learning. The step of
developing the model follows the mindset of Melvin
Silberman (2014: 141), as follows:
a. Prepare a statement that contains opinions on
controversial issues related to the course.
b. Grouping students into groups of pros and cons
with the same number.
c. Make two to four subgroups in each group of
pros and cons. In each sub group consisted of
students who have very good to poor
Development of Characterized Debate Learning Model to Enrich Students Pedagogic Competencies of Faculty of Teachers Training and
performance. In other words, the subgroup is
made heterogeneous.
d. Asks each sub group to compile a list of
arguments or opinions that will be delivered at
the time of the debate.
e. The debate begins by asking representatives of
each subgroup to convey the opening
f. Asking each subgroup to provide a counter
argument to the opposing group's arguments.
Achieving counterarguments is carried out in
turns according to the teacher's guidelines.
Students were asked to give applause to the
subgroups who had delivered rival arguments.
If enough, the debate can be stopped. Students
are asked to sit in a circle and sit side by side with
students from the opposing party. Students and
teachers discuss the debated issue again and ask
students to recognize the best arguments raised by
both parties.
The research used research and development design.
The development in question is the development of a
learning model that is a Character Debate learning
model (Debate-K). According to Sugiyono (2014:
297) development research often known as Research
and Development (R & D) is a research method used
to produce certain products, and test the
effectiveness of these products. The design of the
trial model is as follows.
This research was carried out for six months on
physics education study program students in the
class 2017, Faculty of Teachers Training and
Education. The data collecting and instruments used
several ways, namely validation sheets,
questionnaire methods which is consisting of interest
questionnaires and responses, and learning outcomes
tests. The data analysis in this study consisted of:
1. Data analysis for the validity of learning devices.
The data obtained is the result of a study of the
learning model and its devices (RPS and RPP)
conducted by the validator team. To assess the
validity of learning devices determined by looking
at the average value of the assessment and
agreement of experts (validator team).
2. Analysis of data for student questionnaires of
interest and response.
Interest questionnaires are used to determine
student interest in the learning model and
whether the model is fun for students. While the
student response questionnaire was used to
determine student responses about the ease and
practicality of the learning model developed.
3. Data Analysis for Student Learning Outcomes
The improvement of student learning outcomes
was analyzed using the t-test, namely one-
samples with the help of the SPSS 20 program.
Previously a normality test was carried out
whether the data was normally distributed or not.
In this study the data is normally distributed,
then proceed with a one-sample t-test. The
learning model is said to be effective if there is a
significant increase in student learning outcomes
by looking at the sig value <0.05.
Development is said to be successful, if it meets
the success indicators as follows: 1) The validity of
the product can be seen from: the average score of
the validator on the learning device and the
agreement of the experts using the validity index
value. 2) The model is said to be effective if there is
an increase in interest, and learning outcomes. this
increase is characterized by the acquisition of
individual scores on interests and learning outcomes
with high or very high criteria. 3) The model is
stated to be practical, if the average student opinion
states that the model is easy and practical to use, and
learning is fun..
This research was conducted at Campus I Faculty of
Teachers Training and Education, Khairun
University on Physics Education Study Program
Students. The number of respondents in the study
was 56 people. Implementation of research in
September-Octob 2018.
The results of this study were obtained from
data on student interest and response to the
development of a Debate learning model
characterized to provide pedagogical competence. In
this study produce a product in the form of design
development of character debate learning model
(Debate-K) as outlined in the form of RPS and RPP.
RPS and RPP were reviewed by a team of 3 people
to determine the quality of practicality and the
feasibility of the learning model developed. The
results of the reviewer were revised by the research
team and then implemented in the learning activities.
The research was conducted using the research
and development (R & D) approach which refers to
the ADDIE development model which consists of
five stages, namely: analysis, design, development,
ICTL 2018 - The 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning
implementation and evaluation. These stages can be
described as follows:
1. Analysis
At this stage, the research team consulted to
formulate the problems that had been faced
while carrying out previous learning such as:
learning with discussion methods without using
a model so that there was saturation in students,
in discussions often occur uncontrolled
emotional differences of opinion, there was still
a lack of understanding of lecturers towards the
characteristics of students, and at the time of
discussion there were several students who
wanted to win themselves in expressing their
opinions, so that it needed the development of
models that could solve these problems.
The model developed by the research team
is the development of a character Debate
learning model where each step in the Debate
learning character indicator is inserted
consisting of 1) the preliminary activity contains
the Religious indicator. 2) Core activities
contain indicators of communication, creative,
responsible, respecting achievement, discipline
and honesty. 3) The closing activity contains
religious indicators.
In this stage an analysis of the material
taught is formulated, namely: the basic concepts
of the education profession, the nature of the
teacher as an educator and teacher and profile,
profession, professionalism of teachers and
professional development efforts of teachers as
2. Design
1. At the design stage, includes: preparation of
the design of the learning model Debate-K, RPS
and RPP.
3. Development
The Debate-K, RPS and RPP models that have
been designed are then validated by three experts.
The results of the validation analysis from 3
experts, namely by calculating the average value
and agreement from the three experts. The results
show that the average scores of the RPS and RPP
of the three experts are in the range of 3 - 4 which
is very good / appropriate. This shows that the
Debate-K learning model is very good /
appropriate, so it can be concluded that the
Debate-K learning model can / is worthy of use. In
addition, the results of expert agreement to see the
level of validity of RPS and RPP by calculating
the validity index obtained the index value in the
range 0.7 - 1 which has good and very good
criteria. This means that the quality of RPS and
RPP is good and very good which shows that the
quality of the Debate-K learning model is practical
and be able or is worthy of use.
4. Implementation
The implementation phase is carried out learning
by applying the Debate-K learning model to the
third semester students of physics education study
program in the class 2017, which is consists of 56
students. Learning begins with the initial activity
by conveying opening (religious) greetings,
conveying learning outcomes (CP) to be achieved,
explaining lecture material in general.
Furthermore, in the core activities the lecturer
applies the Debate-K learning model with the
following steps:
a. Provide topics of problems in the subject of the
education profession.
b. Heterogeneous grouping of students into pro
groups and large numbers of contracts.
c. Asking each group to work together
(communication) and think creatively in
compiling a list of arguments and or opinions
that will be conveyed during the debate.
d. The debate begins by asking the representatives
of each group to be responsible for delivering
the opening argument.
e. Ask each group to respect each other in
providing counterarguments to the opposing
group's arguments. Achieving
counterarguments is carried out in turns
according to the guidance of the lecturer.
Students are asked to give applause
(Appreciating Achievement) to the group that
has delivered a counter argument.
f. If there is enough debate (discipline) then the
debate activity can be stopped. Students are
asked to sit in a circle and sit side by side with
students from the opposing party. Students and
lecturers discuss the debated issue again and ask
students to honestly recognize the best
arguments raised by both parties.
Lecturer learning closing activities Provide several
questions for students to respond to, motivate and pray
(religious) before students leave the lecture hall.
The end of the lecture, the research team gave a
questionnaire of interest and response to learning by
applying the Debate-K model. This questionnaire is
used to determine student responses about the ease and
practicality of the learning model developed. The
results of the questionnaire analysis of student interest
in learning were obtained from the percentage of
questionnaire answers from 56 students viewed per
item from 20 questionnaire items answered. The results
Development of Characterized Debate Learning Model to Enrich Students Pedagogic Competencies of Faculty of Teachers Training and
obtained were the percentage of student answers per
item with very high criteria as many as 11 items, with a
high criteria of 9 items and none for the criteria of
medium, low, and very low. This means that students
provide high interest in learning with the Debate-K
model. Furthermore, for the percentage of answers to
each individual's interest, 30 students were very high
and 26 were high. This means that students show
interest (interested) in learning with the Debate-K
5. Evaluation
In this study only formative evaluation was carried
out, because this type of evaluation relates to the
stages of development research to improve the
development products produced. At this stage the
second evaluation is also carried out in the form of
responses and student learning outcomes towards
the implementation of the Debate-K model. The
results of the student response analysis obtained
the number of students who gave a positive
response to learning with the Debate-K model,
namely 18 students responded very high, 36
students responded highly and 2 students
responded moderately. This shows that student
responses to the Debate-K learning model are
positive, where the model is very practical to be
applied in learning. In addition, it is also supported
by the percentage of the average value of positive
answers for all students, namely 72.68, which is
Besides that, to see the effectiveness of the Debate-
K learning model, a learning outcome test was
conducted to students. The results of the test analysis
using SPSS 20 consisting of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov
Test normality test and test one samples t-test. The
results of the normality test obtained sig = 0.749> 0.05
which indicates that the data is normally distributed so
that it can be continued with a one-sample t-test. From
the results of the SPSS above for student learning
outcomes obtained an average value of 82.16 with a sig
value = 0.008 / 2 = 0.004 <0.05 indicating an increase
in student learning outcomes after applied learning with
the Debate-K model.
Integration of characters into the Debate model is
intended to equip students as prospective teachers so
that when implementing field experience practices
(PPL II) or later becoming teachers can apply what
they have learned, namely in the learning process can
integrate character values into the subject matter.
The Debate-K learning model developed has been
through validation, both expertly and empirically
through field trials. A development of learning models
is declared successful if it meets the criteria of validity,
effectiveness, and practicality. The validation results
show that the Debate-K learning model and its
supporting devices (RPS and RPP) are valid. Where the
three expert teams have assessed and stated that the
model and learning device are appropriate to use.
The effectiveness of the Debate-K learning model
is characterized by an increase in interest, response, and
student learning outcomes, where students have an
interest and provide a positive response to Debate-K
learning. Therefore, this model needs to continue to be
applied so that the habituation of students to cultivate
positive attitudes / characters can be achieved. The
effectiveness of the model can also be seen from the
significance of improving learning outcomes.
Improving student learning outcomes can be seen from
changes in student attention, responding to what is
delivered by the lecturer, also in asking questions and
answering lecturer questions. Increasing students'
interest in learning can be seen from changes in their
involvement in learning, having notes and trying to
understand learning material by asking friends or
reading reference books.
The practicality of the Debate-K model can be seen
from the recognition of students that the Debate-K
model can be applied easily, requiring only a little more
time when preparing it. Acceptance of the Debate-K
model for students can be seen from the results of
questionnaires given to students, and they feel happy
when attending classes / lectures.
Based on the research finding above, the conclusions
can be drawn as follows.
1. The Debate-K learning model developed is by
integrating character values into steps / syntax
of the Debate model.
2. This model is declared valid by the validator
(expert judgment) and is supported by the
results of empirical validation through field
trials. This model has also been tested for its
effectiveness in increasing interest, and student
cognitive learning outcomes. The practicality
of applying the Debate-K model has also been
tested through student acceptance responses to
the learning model applied by researchers. The
final results show that the Debate-K learning
model developed has met the criteria of
validity, effectiveness, and practicality.
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Development of Characterized Debate Learning Model to Enrich Students Pedagogic Competencies of Faculty of Teachers Training and