The Profile of Basic Computer Skills of Elementery School Teacher’s
in Ternate City
Ade Haerullah
and Pamuti
Biology Education Study Program, Khairun University, Kota Ternate, Maluku Utara-Indonesia
Primary School Teacher Education Study Program, Khairun University, Kota Ternate, Maluku Utara-Indonesia
Keywords: ICT Literacy, Industrial revolution, Primary school teacher.
Abstract: Knowledge of technological developments and understanding and application of technology are very
important in this era. Teachers as the main actors in the process of education in schools need to get more
attention through systematic training and education activities in the mastery of Information Technology and
Computers (ICT). This study aims to get preliminary information about IT Literacy perceptions and
knowledge of elementary school teachers throughout Ternate City, as well as obtain elementary knowledge
profiles of elementary teachers regarding IT literacy. This study uses survey research methods with a
quantitative approach. Data collection techniques used are by distributing questionnaires and conducting
interviews on predetermined samples in 25 schools with teacher samples at each school determined
randomly. Data analysis is calculated based on the number of checklists filled in by the respondent, then
percentage to determine the level of perception of each teacher. The results showed that the highest ability
of teachers in operating Microsoft Office was in primary schools in the central and northern areas of Ternate
City, namely 58% and 50% respectively. While the average IT ability of supporting elementary school
teachers has not met the standard, which is <50%. The basic IT literacy skills of teachers are also still low,
at 56%. Researcher's recommendation is the need for IT training for elementary school teachers in the 4
districts of Ternate city, and ongoing mentoring so that the learning process becomes quality and student
learning outcomes increase.
The industrial revolution has brought many changes
in the lives of mankind. This is marked by changes
in the way of work that begins with changes in
mindset and changes in human skills as the driving
force of the industrial revolution. Changes in
perspective and ways of working are changing
gradually from the first industrial revolution until
the industrial revolution stage 4 or 4.0.
In the world of education, the era of industrial
revolution 4.0 will change many things, changes in
curriculum and implementation of the curriculum at
the education unit level, namely the teachers as the
spearhead of the success of the curriculum. Teachers
are required to have basic skills related to the era of
industrial revolution 4.0. These skills are not only
about basic literacy in writing, reading and counting,
but important literacy that teachers must also have is
information and communication technology literacy.
Based on Dapodik data in 2018, the total number
of teachers in Ternate City is 2,814. The number of
elementary school teachers in Ternate City is
approximately 1,166 (more than 50% of the total
number of teachers) and the number of elementary
school students in Ternate City is 20,704 students
(dapodik data accessed in
April 2018). Teachers who are in the four main sub-
districts of Ternate City are as many as 1058 people,
the rest are scattered in other districts, outside
Ternate Island.
The quantity of teachers is ideally in line with
the quality of the teacher in terms of managing
learning, so that student achievement and learning
outcomes become more improved. Nonetheless,
there are several factors that influence the
professional quality of teachers and one of them is
the ICT skills of teachers who are now no longer just
supporting skills, but have become a necessity in the
current Industrial Revolution 4.0 era.
Haerullah, A. and , P.
The Profile of Basic Computer Skills of Elementery School Teacherâ
Zs in Ternate City.
DOI: 10.5220/0008900802740277
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning (ICTL 2018), pages 274-277
ISBN: 978-989-758-439-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
It is not yet clear (in terms of numbers and
authentic data) how and how the ICT skills of
elementary school teachers in Ternate City. From
the experience of managing Teacher Professional
Education and Training (PLPG) activities in offices,
there are still many elementary school teachers and
others who have not mastered well, the basics of
computer operation. When carrying out computer-
based exams (CBT), many teachers find it difficult
to work on problems whose entire system uses
access through a server.
In addition, teachers at the education unit level
are often seen using personal cellphones in the form
of smartphones and tablets, which are limited to
social media. In fact, with the presence of
technology and applications today, it makes it easy
for teachers to manage learning until the
implementation of learning evaluation.
This study uses survey research methods with a
quantitative approach. Data collection was carried
out through surveys in all elementary schools in
Ternate City. Samples that can represent the
population are taken using a multistage random
sampling technique. Determination of the sample
size of the population, determined by using a
formula from Slovin (Fatimah Saleh & Lim, 2010)
as follows:
N= N/1+Ne
The data collection technique used is by
distributing questionnaires and conducting
interviews on a sample that has been determined in
10 schools with a sample of teachers in each school
determined randomly. The instruments used were
questionnaires about the use of IT and IT knowledge
related to the Industrial Revolution 4.0.
Data analysis was calculated based on the
number of checklists filled out by the respondents,
then it was challenged to determine the level of
perception of each teacher. Interviews were
conducted at respondents randomly to find out
information that supports questionnaire contents.
1. The category of each indicator is transferred
to an absolute number as follows:
Table 1: Indicator Category.
Furthermore, each respondent scores summed
with other respondents and averages so that the
overall score of respondents' perceptions is obtained
as follows:
Average Score= Score of all Respondents / Total
For frequency data and school facilities support,
the same thing is also done, namely:
Table 2: Frequency of School Facility Support.
Often (more than twice)
Rarely (more than once)
Ever (once time)
Data processing and analysis is carried out
through several steps, namely data editing, coding,
tabulation, and data validation. Furthermore, the
analysis is carried out using descriptive statistical
techniques and associations for correlational data.
The target school that became the sampling in this
activity was representative of 4 sub-districts of
Ternate City, namely Ternate Island sub-district,
South Ternate sub-district, Central Ternate sub-
district, and North Ternate sub-district. The number
of elementary schools that were sampled was 25
schools / madrasas. Of the 25 schools that took data
using questionnaire and interview instruments, they
were presented in the form of teacher ability profiles
with 4 indicators, namely (1) whether or not they
had participated in training activities, (2) the ability
to operate Microsoft office, (3) IT support
capabilities, and ( 4) basic IT literacy skills.
The data needed to measure indicators of the
ability to operate Microsoft Office for teachers is
with a number of questions to measure teacher
knowledge related to their ability in office
operations and general problems that exist in office
The data needed to measure the indicators of IT
supporters' abilities are a number of questions in the
questionnaire to gather information related to the
teacher's knowledge of other IT supporting software
such as photoshop, corel draw, spss, and windows
movie maker. Some of the software is a support for
teachers in making learning media or supporting
media so that the presentation looks interesting.
The Profile of Basic Computer Skills of Elementery School Teacherâ
Zs in Ternate City
IT basic literacy ability is one of the teacher's
soft skills related to its relationship with the internet,
and its problems and ability to operate learning
online. Some indicators of elementary school
teachers' IT skills are obtained through
questionnaires with closed or open answers. The
data that has been analyzed is shown in the
following figure.
Figure 1: The State of Elementary School Teachers
Related to Whether or not Attended IT Training.
Based on the graph, we can see that the
distribution of teachers participating in IT training is
still very small in 2 sub-districts within Ternate City,
namely schools in Ternate Island and Ternate
Tengah Districts (more than 70% of teachers have
never participated in IT training activities) .
Teachers who were in schools in the areas of Central
and North Ternate, were counted as having
participated in training activities, namely> 50%.
However, this figure is still not ideal. In
understanding and obtaining basic and advanced IT
skills, continuous training is needed and intensive
mentoring is needed. Not limited to fulfilling
program implementation and purely project
The ability of teachers to cultivate IT literacy in
the form of searching and browsing the internet, and
making learning online is still very low. There are
still many teachers who do not have a
correspondence address (personal email), and are
actively used. Of the 4 sub-districts that were
sampled, only schools in Ternate Tengah sub-district
were on average familiar with internet terms, and
were able to answer questionnaire questions well,
especially those related to the internet. The ability of
teachers in sampling schools in 3 other sub-districts
is still below 50%. This shows that there are still
many teachers whose learning is conventionally
based. More than 60% of teachers concluded that
they did not have good IT (internet) literacy skills.
However, this figure is still not ideal. IT training is
needed immediately for teachers to support their soft
skills, so that learning becomes meaningful, more
interesting and fun for students.
Based on the analysis of the data displayed in the
zoning distribution system based on the ability of IT
teachers in the four sub-districts of Ternate City, it is
described as follows; (1) Pulau Ternate sub-district
is categorized as red zoning, because there are still
many teachers in the region (73%) do not yet have
qualified IT skills. This needs serious attention from
the regional government (Ternate City National
Education Office) or who are competent to carry out
routine and ongoing activities related to improving
the quality of IT teacher training in the region.
Teachers need to be fostered and accompanied,
trained and given motivation to learn IT so that the
learning process can take place calmly, and the
quality of education can be improved, (2) for the
districts of North Ternate and Middle Ternate,
categorized as potentially warning, if training
programs increase teacher IT quality is not
implemented, (3) for the regions of South Ternate
sub-district, teachers are categorized as having many
IT skills. However, the figures shown are still below
80%, so training needs to be carried out routinely
and ongoing assistance.
Figure 2: The Distribution of IT Capabilities of
Elementary School Teachers in Ternate City.
There are still many teachers in the Ternate sub-
district area who do not yet have qualified IT skills.
This needs serious attention from the regional
government (Ternate City National Education
Office) or who is competent to carry out routine and
ongoing activities related to teacher quality
improvement training.
ICTL 2018 - The 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning
There are still many teachers whose learning is
conventionally based. More than 60% of teachers
concluded that they did not have good IT (internet)
literacy skills. IT training is needed immediately for
teachers to support their soft skills, so that learning
becomes meaningful, more interesting and fun for
Thank you, the researchers conveyed to the Head of
the LPPM Khairun University for his support in
funding this research. We would like to thank you
and appreciation to the teachers’s in the sample
schools who helped fill out our research
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The Profile of Basic Computer Skills of Elementery School Teacherâ
Zs in Ternate City