Bioinformatics Supplement Material Lecture based on Research
Diversity of Local Durian (Durio Spp) in Jailolo using DNA Barcode
Matk Gen
Abdulrasyid Tolangara
, Joko Suratno
, Nuraini Sirajudin
, Sundari
Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Khairun University, Ternate, Indonesia
Mathematics Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Khairun University, Ternate,
Keywords: Supplement, Bioinformatics, Molecular Markers, MatK
Abstract: Research is based on development research diversity of local durian in Jailolo as a local resource for Durio
Spp. which grows on the West Halmahera Island (Jailolo). This study aims to build a breeding model of
local tropical fruit resources in North Maluku through superior genetic data-based selection and
development of material suplement Bioinformatic course. The matK DNA barcode application in this study
can be used as a study guide for local durian genetic diversity. The results of this study indicate that the
analysis of genetic diversity and relationship of local durian in Jailolo using matK molecular markers can be
used as a supplement to Bioinformatics course material for introduction of nucleotide databases and
phylogenetic tree construction. The results of expert validation showed that the supplement of
Bioinformatics-based lecture material on the research on local durian genetic diversity in Jailolo was
suitable for use with a validation value of 83.75%.
Bioinformatics is conceptualising biology in terms
of molecules (in the sense of physical chemistry)
and applying "informatics techniques" (derived from
disciplines such as applied maths, computer science
and statistics) to understand and organise the
information associated with these molecules, on a
large scale. In short, bioinformatics is a
management information system for molecular
biology and has many practical applications
(Aprijani, et al, 2004).
This new study of Bioinformatics is inseparable
from the development of modern molecular biology
characterized by human ability to understand the
genome, namely the blueprint of genetic information
that determines the nature of every living thing
encoded in the form of a ribbon of DNA molecules
(deoxyribonucleic acid). The ability to understand
and manipulate the genetic code of DNA is strongly
supported by IT through hardware and software.
Bioinformatics, presenting data generated from the
genome project can be stored regularly in a short
time with a high degree of accuracy as well as
analyzed with programs made for specific purposes
(Witarto, 2003).
Bioinformatics is one of the elective courses that
supports cell and molecular biology courses.
Bioinformatics is a study of the techniques of
analyzing molecular data and predictions of the
potential of bioactive compounds in biological
research. So far there has been no minimalist model
of teaching materials and standard teaching
materials. The main applications of bioinformatics:
1) The database is a collection of information stored
on a computer systematically so that it can be
checked using a computer program to obtain
information from the database; 2) Sequence
alignment (sequence alignment) is the process of
arranging / arranging two or more sequences so that
the equations of these sequences appear real; 3)
Prediction of protein structure seeks to predict the
three-dimensional structure of proteins based on
their amino acid sequences (in other words, predict
tertiary structures and secondary structures based on
the primary structure of proteins).
In general, current prediction methods for protein
structure can be categorized into two groups, namely
comparative protein modeling methods and de novo
Tolangara, A., Suratno, J., Sirajudin, N. and Sundari, .
Bioinformatics Supplement Material Lecture based on Research Diversity of Local Durian (Durio Spp) in Jailolo using DNA Barcode Matk Gen.
DOI: 10.5220/0008899802280231
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning (ICTL 2018), pages 228-231
ISBN: 978-989-758-439-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
modeling methods; 4) Expression of genes is a
process of translating genetic information (in the
form of alkaline sequences into DNA or RNA) into
proteins, and further phenotypes; 5) Phylogenetic is
a study that discusses kinship relationships between
various types of organisms through molecular and
morphological analysis (Hidayat & Pancoro, 2008;
Rahayu, 2007).
This study aims to develop supplementary lecture
material Bioinformatics in Biology education study
program based on research results of durian spp in
Jailolo using barcode and gene genes.
This study is a development study of teaching
material supplements that uses the 4D model
proposed by Thiagarajan, et al. (1974) consisting of
define, design, develop, and disseminate. research
and development is carried out until the develop
stage, and the trial process for students is done
formatively because of the consideration of the time
and implementation of Bioiformatics courses in the
Biology study program FKIP Khairun University.
The define procedure consists of a preliminary
analysis (analysis of RPS documents and problems
with Bioinformatics learning, task analysis and
concepts, character analysis of students, and
objective analysis; the design stage is the initial
format preparation stage for teaching materials
based on analysis at define; the develop stage is the
testing phase of teaching book supplements to three
expert validators and the trial stage to students of
biology education study programs who have taken
Bioinformatics and Biotechnology courses.
Expert assessment consists of assessment of
material validator, assessment of media validator,
and assessment of language validator. The product
trial consisted of individual tests by 5 students. The
research instruments used included the validation
sheet of teaching materials by expert validators. The
data obtained consisted of qualitative data (advice
and input data from validators and respondents) and
quantitative data (scores from questionnaires). Data
were analyzed using descriptive statistics and
converted in percentage form. The calculation
results are matched to the product feasibility criteria
table to determine the feasibility of the textbook and
test decisions.
3.1 Result
The results of research and development in the form
of qualitative data and quantitative data. Qualitative
data in the form of advice and input from validators
and respondents, while quantitative data in the form
of score data from expert and student validation
3.1.1 Data on Validation Results of
Bioinformatics Supplement of
Supplement Experts based on Durian
Spp in Jailolo using Barcode and Gene
The results of expert validation consist of three
people, namely two material experts, linguists and
one linguist can be seen in table 1 below:
Table 1: Results of Validation of supplement experts on
Bioinformatics teaching materials based on research on
durian spp in Jailolo using DNA barcode matk gen.
Validator Value %
Criteria of
ect 1 83,23 vali
ect 2 82,12 vali
3 Subject 3 84,33 vali
Based on Table 1 above, it can be seen that the
results of the validation of the development of
supplementary teaching materials for bioinformatics
subjects by three expert validators, are generally
valid based on the description of aspects of the
adequacy of supplementary, systematic and
language material. The average percentage of expert
validation on supplement Bioinformatics teaching
materials for material aspects and language is
3.1.2 Data of Expert Validator Comments
on Book Products
The data from the expert validator's comments on
supplementary bioinformatics teaching materials
based on research on local durian diversity in Jailolo
based on the sequence of DNA matK barcodes can
be seen in Table 2 below:
Bioinformatics Supplement Material Lecture based on Research Diversity of Local Durian (Durio Spp) in Jailolo using DNA Barcode Matk
Table 2: Comment of 3 expert validators regarding
product development.
No. Comment Information
V.P2 Adequate aspects of basic
database material are
sufficient, preferably a
project for students
V. P3 The basic writing
procedure should be
improved, the use of
letters should use the
times new Roman
V.P1 The display of material in
this supplement form
module is communicative
Source: primary data processed.
Based on Table 2, it is known that in general the
expert validator provides a proper assessment for
this development product. A bioinformatics teaching
material supplement based on the diversity of Jailolo
local durian based on the matK DNA barcode is the
first product to develop a supplement for
bioinformatics teaching materials in Biology
education study programs.
3.1.3 Data on Validation of Supplement
Products for Bioinformatics
Teaching Materials based on
Research on Durian Spp in Jailolo
using the Barcode MatK Gene
The results of product validation consist of five
students, namely one student taking the
Bioinformatics course and 4 students taking the
Biotechnology course can be seen in table 3 below:
Table 3: Validation of supplement products for
Bioinformatics teaching materials based on research on
Durian Spp in Jailolo using DNA Barcode Matk
No. Validator Value (%) Criteria
1. Bioinformatic 85,25
2. Biotechnology 85,10
3. Biotechnology 85,30
4. Biotechnology 82,28
5. Biotechnolo
86,80 vali
Based on Table 3 above, it can be seen that the
results of the validation of the development of
supplementary teaching materials for bioinformatics
subjects by five students as product validators are
generally valid based on the description of
communicative language aspects (ease of
understanding), systematics and scope of teaching
material. The average percentage of validation for
supplement Bioinformatics teaching materials is
3.1.4 Data of Expert Validator Comments
on Book Products
Data from product validator comments on research-
based supplementary bioinformatics teaching
material supplementary genetic diversity of Jailolo
durian based on DNA sequence matK barcodes can
be seen in table 4 below.
Table 4: Comments on product validators.
No. Comments Notes
1 No comment -
2 Good material and eas
to know acce
3 Material is s
stematic acce
4 No comment -
5 No commet -
Source: 2018 primary data processed.
3.2 Discussion
Based on the results of data analysis, it can be seen
that the results of validation of both validation from
expert validators and product validators are known
that all validators provide feasibility assessment or
validation of book supplement products in the valid
category and are suitable for use as Bioinformatics
teaching materials. There are three principles needed
in developing teaching materials. The three
principles are relevance, consistency and
sufficiency. The principle of relevance means
linkages or close relationships. The principle of
consistency means ‘keataatazasan’ or the
consistency between teaching materials with basic
competencies that must be mastered by students.
The principle of sufficiency means that the material
taught should be sufficient enough to help students
master the basic competencies taught (Muclish,
2010). Textbooks can function as learning resources
for students and provisions for lecturers to prepare
learning. Based on the needs analysis, students
lacked bioinformatics' learning resources as new
All references are written in the reference list at
the end of the chapter with the aim, students are able
to access the references used in the development of
ICTL 2018 - The 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning
textbooks. In line with the opinion of Adalikwu, et
al. (2013) which states that teaching material acts as
a facilitator between educators and students and
develops students' motivation during learning
activities. Teaching materials are able to become
material to carry out learning for new educators.
Teaching materials can also be used to find out the
material to be taught and as a source of knowledge
that can be used for educators as a provision for
planning learning.
According to MacKay (1999), the format of
teaching materials equipped with images can support
process-oriented learning. Process-oriented learning
stimulates students to analyze and process
information. MacKay (1999) and Rotter (2006)
reveal that the images in teaching materials have a
positive effect on learning outcomes; and make it
easier for students to read and improve
understanding. Rotter (2006) describes four aspects
that must be considered to design an interesting
teaching material, namely contrast, layout, letter
arrangement, and image design. The four aspects
will determine the process of delivering messages in
teaching materials to students.
Development products in the form of supplementary
teaching materials for Bioinformatics courses based
on the results of validation have met the eligible
requirements for use in learning according to experts
and respondents (students). Suggestions needed
include utilization, further product development, and
product dissemination. Supplementary books on
teaching materials on Bioinformatics courses can be
used as a companion learning resource in addition to
the main sources used during the course of
Bioinformatics. To support laboratory activities,
further teaching materials for Cell Biology products
can be equipped with simple practical guidance
components. The materials for teaching
Bioinformatics subjects developed are tested only at
small scale formative test stages. To find out the
effectiveness of the product, a summative evaluation
in the real class is needed, through a quasi-
experimental or PTK method.
Adalikwu, S. A., and Iorkpilgh, I. T. 2013. The Influence
of Instructional Materials on Academic Performance
of Senior Secondary School Students in
Chemistry in Cross River State. Global Journal of
Educational Research 20 (1): 39-45.
Aprijani, D. A., and Elfaizi, M. A. 2004. Bioinformatics:
Development, Discipline and Application in
Hidayat, T., and Pancoro, A., 2008. Study of Molecular
Phylogenetics and Its Role in Providing Basic
Information for Improving the Quality of Genetic
Source of Orchids. Journal of AgroBiogen 4 (1): 35-40
McKay and Elspeth. 1999. An Investigation of Text-Based
Instructional Materials Enhanced with Graphics.
Educational Psychology. 19 (3): 323-335.
Muslich and Masnur. 2010. Text Book Writing: Basics of
Understanding, Writing, and Using Textbooks.
Jogjakarta: Ar-Ruzz Media.
Rahayu, T., 2007. The role of information technology in
bioinformatics. Bina Widya 18 (2).
Rotter and Kathleen. 2006. Creating Instructional
Materials for All Pupils: Try COLA. Intervention in
School and Clinic. 41 (5): 273-282.
Witarto A. B. 2003. Bioinformatics: Marrying Information
Technology with Biotechnology. Protein Engineering
Laboratory, Biotechnology Research Center-
Bioinformatics Supplement Material Lecture based on Research Diversity of Local Durian (Durio Spp) in Jailolo using DNA Barcode Matk