The Literacy-based Learning in the Context of 2013 Curriculum at
SMP Negeri 1 Kota Ternate
Silvani Umar Ali, Sy Kurniaty, and Sasmayunita
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Khairun, Ternate, North Maluku, Indonesia
Keywords: Literacy, Learning outcomes, Obstacles, Solution.
Abstract: The objectives of this research were to describe the implementation of English literacy based learning in the
context of 2013 curriculum, the outcomes, obstacles and solution found in its implementation. The method
used was qualitative descriptive and involved 21 third grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Kota Ternate. The
technique of data collection was conducted through observation, interview, and document analysis. The data
was analised by interactive analysis model. The result showed that the (1) activity of English literacy-based
leraning was divied into three stages namely opening, main, and closing stages. During the learning process
eight literacy strategies were implemented. (2) the learning outcomes indicated that most of the students
achieved the standard of minimum score . (3) the obstacles faced in literacy-based learning were students’
low reading interest, teacher’s problems in developing the activities, lack support of school literacy
movement program, and unavailable literacy learning facilities. The solution to overcome those problems
are raising reading habit by participating the school literacy movement, creating literacy nuance at school
environment, varying the the literacy learning strategy, indentifying the students’ difficulties, and providing
adequate school facilities.
The government has revised the 2013 curriculum by
promoting the school literacy movement program
which consists of three stages. One of the stages is
literacy-based learning which aims to develop the
students’ability to understand the text , associate it
with personal experience, think critically, and
process the communication skills creatively
through activities to respond to the textbook and
other reading books (Kemendikbud, 2016). The idea
of apllying literacy-based learning is based on the
low literacy culture of Indonesian students proven
by the students’ reading score in assessmnent
conducted by Program for International Student
Assessment (PISA). The results shows that
Indonesian students have the lowest score compared
to other countries ( Kusmana: 2017). Nurdiyanti and
Suryanto (2010) also confirm that the literacy of
reading and writing skill of Indonesian students are
still in low level. One of the factors caused this
problem is an adequate time of literacy learning in
every subject. Santosa et al (in Nurdiyanti and
Suryanto: 2010) mentioned the students’ low
literacy is caused by unavailable literacy learning
included in national curriculum and the lack of
guidance from parents and the community on
improving children literacy, even though they are in
a good literacy environment.
The condition above is clearly alarming because
literacy is the basic of acquaring knowledge, skills,
and formation of student attitudes. This means that
learning related to the ability to read and write needs
to be improved. For this reason a ccurriculum that
can improve students’ literacy skills needs to be
continuously developed, because most of learning
processes depends on literacy skills and awareness.
A good literacy will influence a person's success in
completing education and achieving success in life
(Kemdikbud, 2015: 1). Therefore, it is reasonable if
literacy is used as the basis for developing learning
activities in schools.
SMPN 1 Kota ternate is one of the favorite
schools that applies 2013 curriculum and literacy-
based learning. Therefore, the learning activity in
this school was interesting to observe. The type of
literacy that is emphasized in junior high schoool
level is the literacy to read and write. This study
focused on the implementation and result of
literacy-based learning. It also discusses obtacles
Ali, S., Kurniati, S. and Sasmayunita, .
The Literacy-based Learning in the Context of 2013 Curriculum at SMP Negeri 1 Kota Ternate.
DOI: 10.5220/0008898401360141
In Proceedings of the 1st Inter national Conference on Teaching and Learning (ICTL 2018), pages 136-141
ISBN: 978-989-758-439-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
found during its implemetation then solutions are
offered to overcome the problems.
The implementation of literacy-based learning
has been done some years ago when school-based
curriculum was used as national curriculum.
However, its was not maximally applied because of
some problems. Then, it has been developed after
changing to latest curriculum. In the context of 2013
curriculum the purpose of promoting the literacy-
based learning is to build students’ understanding on
reading text in all subject , improving writing skills,
and communication skill as well. These three things
will lead to character development and critical
thingking (Robb dalam Kemendikbud: 2018).
Axford (2009: 9) says that one of the goals of
literacy learning is to help students to find strategies
that are effective in terms of reading and writing
skills, including the ability to interpret the complex
meaning of texts. In relation to reading ability,
students must be able to understand and recognize
the structure and content of the text. In writing
ability, students must be able to reveal information
obtained in a variety of existing texts. Furthermore,
the information obtained can also be delivered
verbally which means that students are required to
speak. In speaking ability, the other abilities
demanded by students are their ability to respond. It
can be concluded that the four language skills can be
improved through literacy learning that focuses on
reading and writing activities.
The activities of literacy-based learning as
explained in 2013 curriculum are observing,
discussing, and presenting (Suyanto: 2017). This is
in line with Djibran (2008: 28) who explains that the
angle of literacy is not only reading comprehension,
but also critical reading. Reading activities consist of
understanding, interpreting, and interacting with
reading text. Furthermore, Alwasilah (2008) who
mentioned four stages that can be followed by
teachers and students in literacy learning. Those
stages are building knowledge of fields, modeling
the text, doing join text construction, and
encouraging independent text construction.
This research used descriptive qualitative design and
was conducted at SMPN 1 Kota Ternate. The
participants were the students of third grade,
teachers, headmaster, and head of library. Data
sources from were documents covering syllabus,
lesson plans, learning outcomes, portfolios,
textbooks, and notes related to the implementation
of literacy learning. The sampling used was
purposive sampling technique. The technique of
collecting data was through observation, and
interview. The research involved one student at final
semester to help collecting and analising the data.
The purpuse was to provide the students experience
about how to conduct a research. The data then
analised using interactive model analysis explained
by Milles & Huberman (1992: 20). It consists of
data collection, reduction, presentation, and
4.1 Findings
4.1.1 The Implementation of Literacy-based
Literacy activities at SMP Negeri 1 Ternate have
been carried out since the academic year 2016/2017
where the students do 15 minutes reading activities
before learning begins. The reading material used is
in the form of non-lessons without any academic
bills. This activity aims to support students'
knowledge and familiarize students to love reading.
However, this program did not run smoothly
because there were still many students who were not
interested in reading so they did not get information
from the books they read. Therefore the program of
15 minutes reading before learning is then developed
in the learning process activities. Here are the steps
of literacy based learning which can be seen in the
table below:
The Literacy-based Learning in the Context of 2013 Curriculum at SMP Negeri 1 Kota Ternate
Table 1: Observation result of literacy –based learning.
No Stage Activities Strategy of
1. Opening
The teacher asked questions related to the topic in order to
explore students'
rior experiences and knowled
Teachers gave students opportunity to asked questions related to
the topic
Teacher showed pictures or video related to the topic
The teacher explained briefly about materials related to topic and
with school environmen
uessed and concluded the topic to be studie
2. Main
limpsed some questions related to the tex
students read the text silentl
with a set amount of time
while readin
, students are asked to mark difficult vocabular
students discuss the meanin
of words found Relatin
Students record various important information contained in the
texts read
Students presen
ed the results or answers Confirmin
Other students gave comments on their friends' answers Revising /
Students made summa
The teacher provides feedbac
Students individually revised their writing based on input from
the teache
3. Closing
Students and teacher concluded the learning material Evaluating
Teachers and students reflected on the learnin
Based on the table above, it can be explained that
during the implementation of literacy-based learning
there are eight types of literacy strategies carried out
by teachers and students. Those literacy strategies
are predicting, identifying, conneting, recording
information, confirming, revising / rejecting
predictions, and evaluating.
In Prediction strategies the activities are asking
question to explore students’ prior knowledge,
giving students oportunity to ask question, showing
shows pictures or films, explaining briefly a learning
material, guesseing and concluding the topic to be
studied. The activities of identification strategy are
glimpisng some questions related to the text, reading
the text silently with a set amount of time, and
marking difficult vocabularies. Idenfiying then the
students do the next strategy called making relation
where the students discuss the meaning of words
found in text.
The next steps students record various important
information contained in the texts read, present the
results or answers, give comments on their friends'
answers , make summary, provide feedback , revise
writing based on input from the teacher, conclude
learning material, and reflect the learning process.
From the all stages of the activities during the
literacy learning it can be seen that the learning
methods and activities carried out by students
especially in reading literacy learning are quite
varied. The methods used by the teacher are
lecturing, asking question and answer, demontrating,
giving assignment, and doing discussion. However
in session of learning writing the methods and
activities are still monotonous. The students are
only given the task of making summaries about the
text they have read. Then, the teacher gives
feedback on the results of student writing.
To improve literacy-based learning, teacher uses
various media, such as: LCD projectors and tape
recorders. In addition, the teacher provides other
learning media related to the topic.
The form of assessment of literacy based
learning is done through written, and oral, tests. The
instrument of written test is in the form of objective
questions (multiple choice, filling, matching) and
subjective questions (description / essay). It can be
seen that the type of assessment carried out by the
teacher has varied and covers the all material.
ICTL 2018 - The 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning
4.1.2 The Literacy Learning Outcomes
Learning outcomes based on literacy in reading and
writing on students of SMP 1 Ternate city can be
seen in the following table
Table 2: Student Score in Literacy of Reading and
Interval Reading
F % F %
85-100 2 9.5 0 0 Very goo
75-84 9 42.8 2 9.5 Goo
60-74 2 9.5 5 23.8 Fairl
40-59 8 38 14 66.6 Poo
0-39 0 0 0 0 Very poo
Total 21 100 21 100
average 75.9= goo
The table above indicates students' understanding
of reading material is quite good. This can be seen in
the average score obtained by the students reaching
75.9 and categorized as good level of ability. But not
all students reach the expected category. From 21
students, 8 students are in the range of 40-59.
The results of writing literacy show that most
students get difficulties. The average score is only
59.4 From 21 students, 2 students are in range 75-
84, 5 got 60-74 and 14 reach 40-59. It can be
concluded that students' writing ability is still
relatively low.
4.1.3 Obstacles in implementing literacy-
based learning
There are some some obstacles found in the
implementation literacy-based learning. The low
interest of students’ reading becomes the main
obstacle to implement the program. This can be seen
in 15 minutes of reading activities in the class before
starting learning. Although this activity is a school
literacy movement program, there are many students
who are not serious in reading. It is seen that only a
few students are serious and other students open the
books but they were not focused on reading it. The
low interest in reading students influences the
implementation and results of literacy-based
learning applied by the teacher during the learning
process. The second obstacle is that the teacher is
not able to develop literacy learning activities. This
is because of the limited allocation of time. During
the learning process the time allocation for learning
readingis longer than learning writing. Every
meeting the teacher uses an integrative approach
where learning to read is inseparable from learning
writing learning. The next obstacle is that the school
does not support the school literacy movement.
Everyday the program dos not run well where not all
the community do the 15 minutes reading activity.
This influences the implementation of literacy-based
learning in the classroom because th students are not
accustumed in reading. Then the last obstacle is the
lack of facilities and infrastructure that support
literacy learning. This can be seen from the library
space which is not ideal, the unvaried reading books,
unaivalaible literate environment in school.
4.1.4 Solutions
To overcome the low reading interest of students,
teachers should gain the students’ reading habit by
improving quantity of visits to the library. Moreover
the collaboration of all educational stake holder is
needed. In addition, parental support is also needed
where parents can direct their children to like
reading. The involvement of the classroom, school
and family environment has a major influence on
literacy learning.
Next to overcome the difficulties of students in
writing teachers can develop more interesting
learning activities using a variety of cooperative
learning models such as Jigsaw models, writing spin
(Write Around), TPS learning model (Think Pairs
Share). In addition the teacher can give the teacher a
lot of practice in writing assignments both in the
classroom and at home. The work results of students
must then be checked for developing their writing.
The teacher also should create a pleasant atmosphere
in the classroom so students don't feel bored and the
teacher always motivates students.
Related to the issue of the lack of school
facilities and infrastructures, the government should
provide facilities that support literacy learning such
as arranging comfortable libraries, setting
classrooms as literacy classes by preparing a portion
of the area in the classroom to keep the readingb
books, and creating literacy nuances like making
posters and pamphlets about activities likes to read
and write.
4.2 Discussion
Literacy learning carried out by the teacher in this is
suitable to the semester program, syllabus, and RPP
that has been set by the school. The system for
preparing syllabus and lesson plans used by teachers
has met the standards. As explained by Mulyasa
(2007: 190) that the components contained in the
syllabus also show harmony, which must include
The Literacy-based Learning in the Context of 2013 Curriculum at SMP Negeri 1 Kota Ternate
competency standards, basic competencies,
indicators, material standards, process standards, and
assessment standards.
During the implementation of literacy-based
learning in the class, eight literacy strategies are
identified as indicators of the success of literacy
applied. The activities are divided into 3 stages,
namely the opning activities (before reading), the
main activities (during reading), and the closing
final activities (after reading). At opening stage,
students are asked to think the purpose of reading
and predict the contents of the text. This activity is a
series of activities intended to increase the
motivation to read and activate the readers'
schemata. Nurhadi (2016) explains that the activities
of pre-reading can be activating schemata including
the activities to arouse students' prior knowledge of
a particular concept, predict text, identify
information, answer questions, connect to previous
learning, and give short questions. Abidin (2015:
146) states that effective teachers should be able to
direct students to use students' prior abilities (all
information, knowledge, attitudes, and skills
students have before reading) to process ideas and
messages obtained from a text.
The result of literacy-based learning shows that
most of the students are good literacy to read. There
are still students who are not able to read because of
the low reading interest. In contrast, the the results
of learning writing indicate students are still poor in
writing. Therefore teachers need to stimulate their
reading interest and the quality of student writing by
applying creative and fun learning models. Rukmi
(2013) states that there are several learning models
that can be applied in literacy learning. They are
TAI (Team Assisted Individualization) learning
models, STAD (Student Teams Achievement
Division), Two Stay Two Stay, and STL (Student
Team Learning). Especially for writing learning, for
example, the Jigsaw model, writing spin (Write
Around), TPS learning model (Think Pairs Share).
Besides that the teacher can provide learning media
such as multimedia. Hartati (2016) revealed that the
use of audiovisual media can develop students'
literacy skills.
Related to the obstacles faced in the literacy-
based learning process, the problem that needs to be
considered is the existence of adequate student
literacy skills, but there is no awareness of students
to improve the culture of reading and writing.
Therefore, through the school literacy program
students begin to feel like reading and writing. To
support the program, good school facilities are
important to create a literate school environment.
Based on the findings and discussion, it can be
conluded as follows:
a) Implementation of literacy-based learning in
third grade students of SMPN 1 Ternate is
divided into three stages, namely opening
activity, main and closing activities. The
learning is directed to reading and writing skills
and it follows eight types of literacy strategies
during the learning prosess. The literacy
strategies are predicting, identifying, making
connections, recording information, confirming,
revising / rejecting predictions, and evaluating
b) Learning outcomes show that almost all
students are able to achieve the standar score
specified in the KKM which is 7.5. However,
writing literacy results shows that students get
difficulties in writing.
c) Obstacles found in literacy-based are students’
low reading interest, difficulties in developing
literacy learning activities and improving the
quality of student writing, inconsistencies to
support school literacy movements program and
the lack of school facilities and infrastructure.
d) The offering solutions to overcome the
obstacles are stimulating reading habits through
increasing the quantity of visits to the library,
committing to runn the school literacy
movement set by the government, developing
more interesting learning activities by using a
various cooperative learning models, and
providing facilities that support literacy learning
by arranging comfortable libraries, setting
literacy classrooms , and creating literacy
We thank to the anonymous reviewer of this article
for their useful suggestions
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The Literacy-based Learning in the Context of 2013 Curriculum at SMP Negeri 1 Kota Ternate