The Effect of Positive Affirmation Technique on Self-confidence at
PGPAUD FKIP Students of Khairun University
, Dewi Mufidatul Ummah
, Andi Agustan Arifin
PGSD, FKIP Khairun University, Ternate, Indonesia
PGPAUD, FKIP Khairun University, Ternate, Indonesia
Keywords: Positive affirmation, Self-confidence.
Abstract: This study examines the effect of positive affirmation techniques on self-confidence at PAUD FKIP
students of UNKHAIR. The purpose of this study is to know the effect of positive affirmation techniques on
self-confidence at PAUD FKIP students of UNKHAIR. The research method used quantitative research
with the pre-experimental type design, one group pretest-posttest. Data processing was done by
statistics. The sample was 30 people taken by using simple random sampling. Data
collection techniques used questionnaires and observation. Technique of analyzing data used descriptive
analysis and inferential statistic analysis, namely t-test. The results of the study showed that: (1) Positive
affirmation technique could be conducted by using affirmation sentences, such as messages or the power of
suggestions which were internalized into oneself and carried out repeatedly to create new values. (2) The
level of self-confidence of the PG PAUD students of UNKHAIR before being given a positive affirmation
technique showed it was in the low category and after being given a positive affirmation technique based on
the posttest results, it was in the high category. It means that there was an effect
of applying positive affirmation techniques to increase students’ self-confidence
In human life, everything cannot be separated
from education process, both formal and non-
formal has the same goal, namely to educate humans
become useful creatures and beneficial in their
lives. But, in the way of life often involves many
obstacles and problems that obstruct the
process someone's education.
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education as
one of the institutions, which produce prospective
teachers, must provide reinforcement to students in
personality construction. Courage as a manifestation
of confidence in students can not automatically grow
by themselves without trained it continuously.
Therefore, students must have a good foundation on
self-confidence to be able to construct the character
education in herself. In university environment, PG
PAUD students are one of the intellectual figures
who can become a professional educator, so students
whose have good confidence will express all their
potential optimistically and easily without
hesitation. Confidence is a mental condition
or psychological of a person who gives a strong
belief in himself to do or do something (Thantaway,
Getting self-confidence is not easy, probably
because someone has done a failure that made him
traumatized. So there was a crisis of confidence
because the failure would be left in his mind and
made him anxious to repeat the mistake. The reality
happened to students in PG PAUD based on
the result of preliminary with the Lead of PG PAUD
Study Program, there are a number of students (40%
-50%) who had low confidence that is generally
characterized by unsure of their abilities, so they are
afraid to take risks, afraid to make a reasonable
calculation, be pessimist,
shy, anxious, negative thinking and
introvert, so decrease
the student participation in learning activities in the
One way used to increase self-confidence is
to think positively. Positive thinking is thinking
Darmawati, ., Ummah, D. and Arifin, A.
The Effect of Positive Affirmation Technique on Self-confidence at PG PAUD FKIP Students of Khairun University.
DOI: 10.5220/0008896900300033
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning (ICTL 2018), pages 30-33
ISBN: 978-989-758-439-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
activity that aim to build up and evoke positive
aspects of ourselves potential, enthusiasm and
confidence. Positive affirmation is a technique of
positive thinking about oneself, namely
focusing attention to the power of self, notices
yourself positively. Individuals who think positive
will see himself valuable, have talent and strength
in certain fields, so he will love himself and have
high self confidence. Affirmation can be arranged
according to your needs or each other's wishes. This
can be aimed at changing attitude and someone's
Affirmation technique can be defined as a
technique that is done consciously by the individual
to change his behavior by stating positive words
repeatedly as an instruction to the subconscious
mind to do positive behavior to replace
or alter negative behavior (Pija saksono, 2001).
Affirmation is an acceptance statement that is used
by ourselves with abundant freedom, prosperity and
peace. Affirmation can also be positive sentences or
a group of sentences arranged into one. Affirmation
used correctly is very strong psychological tools to
grow up (Abdurrahman, 2012). Through the
technique of self affirmation, illogical or irrational
mindset changed through positive statements or
affirmation made and stated repeatedly to
ourselves. Positive affirmation and feeling will
increase energy and bring positive things in
life. Whereas negative affirmation and feeling tend
to be tiring and potentially cause failure. In addition,
it also makes someone older faster and uninteresting
(Ola, 2008).
This study is a quantitative research with a type
of pre- experiment. The design used is "One Group
Pretest-Posttest Design ". (Gay, 2006). Processing
the data is done by statistical methods. The subject is
30 students taken by using simple random
sampling. Data collection techniques used
questionnaires and observations.
The variables in this study are positive
affirmation techniques as independent variables (X)
and student self-confidence as dependent variable
(Y). Positive affirmation techniques are methods of
self-affirmation using positive sentences that are
repeated over and over which are transmitted into
the conscious mind to get new behavioral
changes. Confidence is a belief in the ability of
students which are characterized by believe and sure
of their own capabilities in dealing with problems as
expected, act / think positively, have responsibility,
optimistic, believe in own ability.
The data analysis technique used in this study
is descriptive analysis and statistical analysis t-test.
The results of the study carried out on students of
PG PAUD FKIP UNKHAIR are to determine the
level of confidence through the experimental
approach by giving treatment in positive affirmation
techniques. The results of these studies are presented
in descriptive and
inferential statistical analyzes and t-tests for
hypothesis testing.
Descriptive statistics analysis are intended to
obtain an overview of the level of students
confidence before (pretest) and after (posttest) being
given positive affirmation techniques. It will
be presented in a frequency distribution table of
the level of student confidence.
Table 1: The Results of the Frequency Distribution
Analysis of Students' Self-confidence before (pre-test) and
after (post-test) Affirmation Technique.
Table 1 shows that, before being given affirmation
technique, level confidence of PG PAUD FKIP
students OF UNKHAIR is in very low category
contain of 4 respondents (13.33%), low category are
21 respondents (70%), then medium category are 5
respondents (16.66%), while no respondents are in
high and very high category. Furthermore, according
to the average value obtained are 70.6, where the
average value is at intervals of 56-80 namely low. It
means that the level of confidence in PG PAUD
FKIP students of UNKHAIR is in the low category.
After being given the treatment in three
session affirmation technique, the level of
confidence PG PAUD FKIP students of UNKHAIR
is increased. It can be seen from most of
the students' level of confidence is in very high
Interval Category Pretes
131 -155
0 0% 11 36.67%
106 -130
High 0 0% 14 46.67%
Medium 5 16.66% 5 16.66%
56 - 80
Low 21 70% 0 0%
31 - 55
Very low 4 13.34% 0 0%
Total 30 100% 30 100%
The Effect of Positive Affirmation Technique on Self-confidence at PG PAUD FKIP Students of Khairun University
category contain of 11 respondents (36.66%), high
category are 14 respondents and medium category
are 5 respondents (16.66%), whereas no respondents
who are in low and very low category. Furthermore,
according to the average value obtained are 123.43,
where the average value is in the interval 106-130
namely high. It means that the level of students’
confidence is in high category.
Thus, it is implicit that the confidence
of students during pretest administration is in low
category, while at posttest is in high category. So,
students’ confidence before and after
treatment affirmation technique showed significant
The results of the average value distribution
analysis in the experimental group at the pretest and
posttest with the application of affirmation
techniques to the PG PAUD FKIP students of
UNKHAIR as follows:
Table 2: Analysis of the Distribution of the Average Value
of the Pre-test-Post-test.
Group Mean Interval Classi -
Pretest Experi-
56 - 80
Posttest Experi-
106 -
From table 2, it can be seen that the average pretest
score on the variable level of self-confidence of
FKIP UNKHAIR PG PAUD students in the
experimental group is 70.6, in the low category. This
is much influenced by the psychological condition
of students which is generally known as negative
self-concept which still dominates students in
general. After giving treatment as affirmative
technical training, then the researcher measure the
level of student confidence and the results of
analysis can be seen that the average students’
confidence is 123 which is increase or belong to the
high category.
The hypothesis proposed in this study is "there is
a significant difference between student
confidence before (pretest) and
after (posttest) given positive affirmation technique
treatment". This hypothesis testing is done by t-
test using SPSS version 17.0. Based on this, the
results of calculations are as summarized in the
following table:
Table 3: The Results of t-test Analysis of the Difference
between Students’ Confidence at Pre-test and Post-test.
Paired Differences
Mean Std.
52.83 18.293 15.819
Based on Table 4 above, it can be seen that
the obtained value of t-test = 15.819 with df = 2 9.
Price t
at t
0, 05
= 2.0 5 with a significant value
(P) = 0.000 = 0.05. Probability number
Asmyp . Sig (2-tailed) the self-confidence of FKIP
UNKHAIR PG PAUD students in the experimental
group is 0.000, or the probability is lower than alpha
0.05 (0.000 <0.05). From these results, Ho is
rejected and H
1 is
accepted. Thus, the hypothesis
tested in this study is acceptable, namely "there is a
significant difference between students’ self
confidence in experimental
group pretest and posttest given positive
affirmation technique treatment".
Based on the posttest results, there was a change
in students' self-confidence which at the beginning
had low self-confidence. The change is
assumed because of the treatment given to students
with positive affirmation techniques. Individuals
(students) who have high positive emotion are able
to be seen and will regularly be seen as happy
individuals, enthusiastic, confident, and more
excited doing all activities. On the other hand,
individuals who have high negative emotion tend to
show nervous, full of guilt, fear and
shame (Supradewi, 2008).
Affirmation technique is a technique to
change illogical or irrational mindset altered through
positive statements or affirmation that are made and
expressed repeatedly to their own self. In other
words, students are independently able to positively
affirm themselves in overcoming the problems they
face. Making and restating a positive statement to
own self so that feelings and the actions taken can be
as expected. The increase of student self-confidence
is supported by the results
of previous studies conducted by Creswell et al.,
(2013) which showed that positive affirmation can
improve one's performance in solving problems
under psychological stress (under stressful
conditions). Similar in the Pinilih study, SS et al.
(2014) revealed that there was a
significant difference between the level of anxiety at
ICTL 2018 - The 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning
the time of measurement before being given positive
affirmation and the level of anxiety after being given
positive affirmation. So, it can be concluded that
using effective positive affirmation techniques can
change one's negative thoughts. Affirmation
manipulation has the potential to increase motivation
and better self-confidence and optimism.
In line with the results of the study, (Wuryanano,
2006) that the technique of self-affirmation has
proven its effectiveness to many people who have
problems with themselves. The technique of
repeated self-affirmation will greatly affect
the imagination in the subconscious mind. If the
subconscious mind is so strong about the impression
of repetition of the mind, the results obtained from
self-affirmation will be optimal.
Based on the results of study on the effect of
applying positive affirmation techniques to
improve the confidence of students of the PG PAUD
FKIP students of UNKHAIR, it can be
concluded that (1) the application of positive
affirmation techniques can be done by using
affirmation sentences, such as messages or powers
of suggestion internalized into themselves and
carried out repeatedly to create new beliefs. (2) The
level of self-confidence of the PG PAUD students of
UNKHAIR before being given a positive affirmation
technique showed it was in the low category and
after being given a positive affirmation technique
based on the posttest results, it was in the high
category. It shows that there is a significant effect
of the application of
positive affirmation techniques to the increase of
students’ confidence.
The Institute of Research and Community Service of
Khairun University of Ternate which has funded this
research through the University-level Competitive
Competitive Research (PKUPT), thanks to the PG
PAUD study program coordinator of FKIP
UNKHAIR who was pleased to provide support for
conducting this research, thanks to students who
have helped in conducting research. Thank you to
the team of reviewers who are willing to give advice
in writing research articles.
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The Effect of Positive Affirmation Technique on Self-confidence at PG PAUD FKIP Students of Khairun University