The Influence of Green Learning Method of Scientific Process Skill in
Biology Studies Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP)
UISU Medan
Nurhasnah Manurung, Masnadi M, Pandu Prabowo Warsodirejo and Army Meidytyarni Siallagan
Education Faculty, Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Green Learning, Science Skill Process, Influence.
Abstract: This study aims to determine the effect of Green Learning method on the level of scientificskillprocess of
Biology Students at FKIP UISU Medan. The research uses quasy experiment methodwith research
population of all students of Biology Studies of FKIP UISU amounted to 103 students from Semester
2,4,6,8 which then used as samples as many as 21 students from semester 2 by way of purposive sampling.
Instrument in this research is test of scientific skill process in the forms of pre test and post test, observation
sheet, and also questionnaire. The result of scientific skill test before using Green Learning method is good
enough at the level of mastery in accordance with the classification of the percentage index of the scientific
skill process, that is 0 student (0%) and the mastery level for 21 students is (100%) with average score
23,19% and standard deviation 9,80, while scientific skill test by the method of Green Learning is good at
mastery level according to classification of index of percentage of skill of scientific process, that is 2
students (9,5%) out of 16 students (76,1%) and less than 3 students (14,2%) with average score 27,50 and
standard deviation 63,47.
Learning requires innovations that are compatible
with the progress of science and technology without
neglecting the value of humanity and the nature of
education (Ardi, 2017). Biology learning is learning
that emphasizes the provision of experience directly.
Therefore, students need to be helped to develop
a number of skillprocess so they can explore and
understand the natural world (Sundari, 2012). Based
on the results of observations made on biology
students ofFKIP UISU Medan, the real condition of
biology learning in Biology Study Program FKIP
UISU Medan has reflected a scientific learning as
the essence of learning that not only prioritizing the
product but also the process and scientific attitude,
but in the learning process the source of learning
from the environment or the natural environment has
not been explored. The learning process of Biology
course requires relevant sources /learning media.
Nature as a place or home of living things will
automatically become the object of study of Biology
students. Learning in nature is a contextual learning
to give a real picture of the object of study to be
studied. In addition, natural resources based on
learning give a positive nuance to change the
learning paradigm from textual to contextual.
Learning is not only in the classroom by using print
and electronic media, but also can be done by
nature-based observational learning approach.
This approach encourages students to better
interpret scientific methods and scientific attitudes
(Ardi, 2017). Green learning is a method of learning
development by teaching about the nature of the
environment to the students. The concept of green
learning is inspired by stagnation in developing a
positive attitude towards the environment, lack of
participation and role in environmental activities.
Environment and ecology include the protectionof
the environment, love for environment, and the
adverse effects of environmental degradation and
global warming. Different environmental
characteristics provide a different learning
experience for students. Forests that are a source of
real environmental learning provide an enchanting
experience for students to learn and explore forests
as a place to learn independently (Ardi, 2017).
Learning by the method of Green Learning should
Manurung, N., M, M., Warsodirejo, P. and Siallagan, A.
The Influence of Green Learning Method of Scientific Process Skill in Biology Studies Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) UISU Medan.
DOI: 10.5220/0008890205430548
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (ICMR 2018) - , pages 543-548
ISBN: 978-989-758-437-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
provide an opportunity for students to be actively
involved in the learning process.This means that
students must be directed to be able to interact with
the learning environment. Students can feel the
meaning of the lessons they have learned. In
accordance with Jhonson's (Jhonson,2002) in
Gultom states that good learning is a learning that
engages learners in learning activities and helps to
associate academic lessons with the real-life context
they face. Lessons will be easy to understand if they
can feel the meaning of the subject matter. This
learning process is expected to enable students to
learn by means of Teacher Centered-learningas well
as Student Centered-learning.The skill process
approach is a learning approach that gives students
the opportunity to participate in the process of
discovery or the preparation of a concept as a
scientific skillprocess. In relation to skillprocess in
learning, teachers create varied forms of teaching
activities, so that students are engaged in various
experiences. Because of the advantages of the
skillprocess students become creative, active, skilled
in thinking and skilled in acquiring knowledge. The
skills of the students can uplift his thinking patterns
so as to improve the quality of learning (Rosiani,
2011). Eden Garden 100at Lumban Julu Toba
samosir district, North Sumatra, is one of the forests
that has good biodiversity.
Good biodiversity will support the biology
learning process. Research on the Effect of Green
Learning is a form of optimization of local potential
based on natural resources functioning not only as a
tourist object but also as a natural laboratory of
learning development. As natural resources, students
directly interact to observe and preserve so as to
enhance scientific thinking using scientific method.
This is called the science skill process. Based on the
description of the problem then the researchersare
interested in participating in Umbrella Research
Team of PDUPT Research entitled "The Effect of
Green Learning Method on the level of skill of
Scientific Process of Biology Students of FKIP
This research is conducted atTaman Eden 100at
Lumban Rang area, North Sionggang Village, Kec.
Lumban Julu, Kab. Toba Samosir, applied at the
Islamic University of North Sumatra on Jalan
Sisingamangaraja, Teladan, Medan City, on students
of 4th Semester T.A.2017 / 2018. This type of
research is a quasi-experimental research (Quasi
Eksperimen), a study intended to determine the
existence or effect of a subject imposed on the
The procedures of this study include the
following stages:
1. Stage of Preparation
Activities undertaken are:
a. Asking for permission to conduct research.
b. Conducting observation into the forest
wherethe research is.
c. Searching for relevant literature / literature
d. Consulting a thesis supervisor.
e. Preparing research proposal and taking the
seminar exam.
2. Implementation Phase
The implementation stages that have been
designed are as follows:
a. Selecting the member of the sample class to
be used.
b. Providing a pre-test before the students are
taken to study directly to the field.
c. At the appointed time the students are taken
to the forest of Eden Garden 100 Lumban
d. Students are taught material sources from
the forest.
e. Learning begins with students starting to
observe the plants in the forest, then
observing, identifying, interpreting,
forecasting, asking questions,
hypothesizing, planning experiments, using
tools and materials, applying concepts, and
f. Teachers give instructions to students for
things for students to do.
3. Settlement Phase
The activities undertaken at this stage
a. Performing data processing.
b. Performing process of data analysis.
c. Drawing a conclusion.
d. Preparing the Report by completing the
attachments related to the research)
2.1 Research Instrument and Data
Collection Techniques
Data in this research including quantitative are the
levels of skill of scientific process on plant ecology
material. The instruments used to collect data on
students' scientific skill level are pre and post tests,
observation sheets, and questionnaires.
ICMR 2018 - International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research
1. Scientific Skill Test
The research instrument to test students'
scientific skillprocess is to use essay problem
based on scientific skillprocess indicator. The
purpose of this test is to know the scientific
skillprocess of learners in Biology learning.
The materialsaretaken from the course subjects
of Plant Ecology. The topic taken is
Angiospermae Plant Vegetation. Preparation of
the problem begins with a grid of questions and
key answers of each item. The score of students
scientific skillprocess is obtained from the
scoring of the students' answers to each item.
2. Pre Test
The type of pre test is done at the beginning of
the learning of the material taught before the
learning process takes place that aims to
determine the basic ability of students with the
number of 10 valid items that are sourced from
the test instrument in the form of a description
3. Post Test
Post Type tests area conducted at the end of
learning about the materials that have been
studied that aims to determine the level of
skills of the cognitive domain of the scientific
process. The test in this study is a non-
objective description test with the total number
of questions of 10 (items) similar with those of
the pre test problems.
2.2 Data Analysis Technique
The data test results are collected after the
completion of the test given to the students then
scoring is done. The steps in data processing are:
1. Determining the average score of each group
by using the following formula:
X = (Σfixi) / (Σfi) (1)
X: Average
Xi: Total score
fi: Frequency
2. Calculating Standard Deviation,
S = (nΣfi xi ^ 2-(Σfixi)^ 2)/(n (n-1))
S: Standard Deviation
n: Number of Respondents
xi: Class Signs
fi: The frequency corresponding to the Class xi
3. Using Gain Formula
Information :
g = increase score
Spost = final test score
Spre = initial test score
Smax = maximum score
Gain Score Criteria
No Score Gain Categories
1. g <0.3 Low
2. 0.3 g 0.7 Medium
3. g> 0.7 Height
4. Normality Test
This test aims to see normal distributed
samples, using lilieforce test formula. The steps
used for the test of normality are as follows:
- Observations X1, X2, ...... .Xn are made
raw numbers Z1, Z2, ... ..Zn with the
Z_i = (X_i-X) / n
- Calculating the odds of F (Zi) = P (Z Zi)
- Calculating the proportions Z1, Z2, ...... Zn
the Zi, the proportion is expressed by S
(Zi), then S (Zi) = number of S = (Z1, Z2,
Z3, ... Zn) / S
- Calculatingthe difference F (Zi) - S (Zi)
then determining the absolute score.
- Taking the absolute scoreof the greatest of
the difference is called Lo. Criteria testing
normal distribution data if the score: Lo
(count) <Lo (table) with a real level X =
0.05 then the normal distribution: Lo
(count)> Lo (table) with the real level X =
0.05 then not normally distributed
5. Hypotesis Test
Testing the accepted or rejected research
hypothesis is done by statistical testing with the
formula :
t = Md / ((ΣX ^ 2 d) / (N (N-1)))
With Md = (Σd) / N and ΣX ^ 2 d = Σd ^ 2 - ((Σ
d) ^ 2) / N
Md: Mean of pre test difference with post test
Σx2d: Number of Deviation Squares
N: Subject of sample
The Influence of Green Learning Method of Scientific Process Skill in Biology Studies Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP)
UISU Medan
3.1 Description of Research Data
Research data are obtained from the results of pre
test and post test and observation sheet on plant
ecology material. The data are calculated to
determine the effect of Green Learning method on
the students' scientific skillprocess level. The
assessment of students essay test is declared to have
succeeded if the level of mastery of scientific
skillprocess equal or higher than 76 - 85% in
accordance with scoring indicators. The student
observation sheet is considered successful if the
percentage of the average score is 80% NR <90%.
Table 1: Test Point Scoring.
fi Xi Xi2 Fi.xi Fi.xi2
1 47-53 3 50 2500 150 7500
2 54-60 3 57 3249 171 9747
3 61-67 7 64 4096 448 28672
4 68-74 4 71 5041 284 20164
5 75-81 3 78 6084 234 18252
6 82-88 1 85 7225 85 7225
Total 405 28195 1372 91560
The above table is to find the average value of
post-test by dividing the total number of students
with (fi.xi) 1372 with the frequency of the number
of students (fi) as many as 21 so that the average
score of pre-test (x
) 65,33 and standard deviation of
Figure 1: Graph Value Post test student FKIP Biology on
Species Interaction materials.
Table 2: The Calculated Value of “Gain”.
No Question Indicator Gain
1 Observing 0,40
2 Grouping/Classification 0,50
3 Interpreting/Interpretation 0,75
4 Forecast/Prediction 0,59
5 Asking Question 0,58
6 Hypotheses 0,40
7 Planning an Experiment 0,41
8 Using Tools/Materials 0,70
9 Implementing Concepts 0,29
10 Communicating 0,43
Learning model is needed by the lecturers and
educators, because the success or failure of students
in learning is dependent on precisely the model of
learning used in accordance with the material
learned so that the learning is designed to be more
varied. So in this study the material species
interaction method used is the method of Green
Learning. The application of Green Learning method
in this study aims to find out the data of scientific
skillprocesslevel of students taught by using Green
Learning method. The data obtained in this study are
pre test, post test, gain score, average score of
scientific skillprocessso that the influence of Green
Learning method used could be seen. The use of this
method of Green Learning demonstrates the
improvement of scientific skillprocessin the
cognitive domain of the test scores.
Data result of test score of students before using
learning method of Green Learning by doing initial
skill test is of average 23,18% and by seeing that
result the average score of pre test still in level of
mastery less matching with indicator score of
scientific skillprocess. This bias is caused by the
implementation of pre test as students are given the
problem without previously done by the application
of learning by using the method of Green. The result
of the test of the students after the use of Green
Learning method with the post test is 66.03%. From
the average score, it can be seen that there is an
increase of the student's test score because the
method of Green Learning has advantages in the
application of learning giving positive nuance, and
more real learning by means of natural resource
This method can encourage students to explore
directly the learning process and foster activity and
scientific attitude. The result of Gain calculation
obtained from the test is 0.4 and this is in average
category and the acquisition of the observation sheet
for the observed category (observation) is as much
as 95% because at the time of observation there is a
49.5 55.5 62.5 69.5 76.5 82.5
Interval Point
Post Test Point
ICMR 2018 - International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research
guidance from a teacher. The result score of
indicator of Grouping (Classification) is 0,50, which
is in medium category, while the score obtained
from observation sheet is 70%, the studentsshow
enough recognition on the plant based on the given
characteristics. The result of score on interpreting
indicator (Interpretation) is 0.75, in high category,
meanwhile the score obtained from the observation
sheet is 7.33%, and this shows that the students have
the ability to conclude the activities that have been
done then the students could organize, analyze, and
select the findings and connect thingsthat have been
known and interpret them so that the score on the
indicator interpretation is high.
The result of score on predicted indicator is 0,59,
in medium category, meanwhile the score obtained
from observation sheet is 92,5%; studentsare able to
predict the condition from the observed object. The
result of score on the indicator of Asking Question is
0.58, in satisfactory category, meanwhile the score
from the observation sheet is 92,5%; the studentsare
able to answer and give explanation when applied to
a problem.
The results of the score on the hypothesized
indicator is 0.40, in the medium category, while the
score from the observation sheet is 65%; the
students are less able to connect the hypothesis with
the problem. The result of the scores on the indicator
Plotting the experiment is 0.4, in the moderate
category, while the acquisition score is 80% of the
observation sheet; the studentsare able to plan the
experiment and know step in doing observation and
experiment. The result of gain scores from indakator
Using Tools and materials is 0.70, medium
category, while the score for observation sheet is
80%; students have succeeded and no longer have
difficulty determining the tools and materials while
doing the observation.
The result of the score of the indicators of
Applying the Concept is 0.29, in low category, while
the score from the observation sheet is 80%.
Students are less able to accept the concept they
learn concerning problems they are facing. The
result of score from communicator indicator is 0.43
,in medium category, while the score of observation
sheet is 95%, Normality test results obtained by Lo
<Ltabel is 0.17 <0.190 stating the data of normal
distribution while the homogeneity test results
obtained by Fhitung<Ftabel = 1.83 <2.12 stating that
the data has the same variance or
homogeneous.Hypothesis test results using t test
obtained is t count>ttable or 25.50> 1.72 with the
level of trust 0.05 then Ha accepted and Ho rejected.
It can be concluded that there is a significant
influence of the use of Green Learning method to the
level of scientific skill process of students of
Biology at FKIP UISU MEDAN.The studentsare
able to explain the observation result and describe
the empirical data of the observation result.
3.2 Overall Calculated
Overall, the results show that the application of
Green Learning method significantly influences
students' skill in observing, classifying, interpreting,
predicting, asking questions, hypothesizing,
planning experiments, using tools and materials, as
well as communicating learning outcomes , and has
no significant effect on improving students'
conceptualising skills. From the result of acquisition
of percentage of score on observation sheet, in
accordance with indicator of scientific skillprocess,
it is found that for observer indicator obtained is
95%; this means that observation ability possessed
by students is very good.
Interpreting indicator is equal to 73,3%; this
means that the ability of students to interpret is
sufficient. Indicators Group is 70%; this means that
the ability of students in the groupingindicator is
quite good. Indicator Forecast is 92.5%; this means
the ability of students in the forecast is very good.
Communicating Indicator is of 95% this means very
good. The hypothetical indicator is 65%; this means
that the ability of students in the hypothesis is less.
Indicators planning the experiment is 80%; this
means that the level of ability of students is quite
good. Indicator Using tools and materials is 80%;
this means the ability of students is good. Indicators
applying the concept is 80%; this means student
ability is quite good. The indicator asking
questionsis 81.6%; this means the ability of students
in this case is quite good.
1. Based on the results of the analysis obtained
from the pre and post tests, the students of
biology study program of FKIPUISU have
obtained the final improvement score, that is
quite good, as well as associated with the
calculation of observation sheets that have been
assessed. Each indicator of the scientific
skillprocess shows a good gain. The interpreting
indicator (Interpretation), is 0.75, in high
category, while the score obtained from the
observation sheet is 7.33%.
The Influence of Green Learning Method of Scientific Process Skill in Biology Studies Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP)
UISU Medan
2. Based on the results of data analysis obtained
from the calculation of the observation sheet the
percentage score of the final score is high enough
that is equal to 95% on observing indicators
3. The results of the hypothesis test is tcount> ttable
or 25.50> 1.72 at the level of trust of 0.05 then
there is a significant influence of the use of
methods of Green Learning on the level of skills
of scientific process of studentsof biology study
program of FKIP UISU
4.1 Suggestion
Based on the above conclusions, the authors provide
some suggestions:
1. For teachers and prospective teachers, especially
those in the field of Biology study program, the
method of Green Learning can be used as one of
the learning models to improve the skills of the
scientific process.
2. For other researchers who want to study the
influence of learning method of Green Learning,
this method should be used on materials with
senses in the form of direct observation to the
field or green nature-based learning in order to
achieve better results and application of this
Green Learning method.
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