Management of Teacher Performance Development in Context of
Aceh Policy Act No 9 Year 2016 about Implementation of Education
, Faisal Anwar
, Khairil Ansari
, Biner Ambarita
aculty of Teacher
and Educa
ion, Se
ah University,
State University of Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Management of Teacher Performance Development, Aceh Policy Act no 9 Year 2016, Implementation of
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to describe the factors underline the development of teacher performance. This
research uses case study method and fenomenologi method. The subjects in research are House of
Representatives, Parliament, Legislative Assembly and the Education Office of Banda Aceh City, Bappeda,
Regional Secretariat, District Education Council, Sub-district and Community. The data in this study consist
of primary data and secondary data obtained by interview and direct observation. The result of the research
shows that First, the plan of quality development of junior high school teachers in Banda Aceh City cannot
be separated from strategic planning. Second, the development of the quality of junior high school teachers
has a positive impact. Third, the conceptual model of teacher quality development of SMP that can be
implemented in the framework of improving the quality of junior secondary education in Banda Aceh city by
weighing a number of assumptions. Fourth, there are two supervisory patterns implemented in the
development of the quality of junior high school teachers in Banda Aceh City, direct and indirect supervision.
The conclusion of this research is, the teacher quality improvement planning model should contribute to the
goals and objectives of education, comprehensive, and efficient. Comprehensive planning reflects a hierarchy
of activities during the planning process; every point of activity not only shows levels but also as a coordinated
In the civilization of any nation, including Indonesia,
the teaching profession means strategic because its
bearers have a genuine task for humanity, to
humanize, to educate, to civilize and to build
character. The strategic meaning of teachers at the
same time necessitates the recognition of teachers as
a profession. Bringing forth of act (UU) No. 14 Year
2005 on Teachers and Lecturers, is a tangible form
of recognition of the profession of teachers with all
Act number 44 years 1999 on Aceh privileges and
act number 11 years 2006 on Aceh government which
are based on act number 11 years 2006 on Aceh
government, the government of Aceh has authorities
to manage and handle government affairs in any
public sectors except central governance affairs that
includes government affairs in a national scale,
foreign policy and national fiscal and certain affairs
in religion. In a democratic system of government,
regional autonomy becomes mandatory that must be
run. For this reason, Article 18 Paragraph (2)
constitution 1945 of provincial, regency and
municipal governments are given the authorities to
regulate and manage their own government affairs. In
order to fill Aceh's regional autonomy in accordance
with the act in the year 2001, the Province of Aceh
established an education system in accordance with
the act intent and the socio-cultural distinctiveness of
the Acehnese people.
The educational system here is the Islamic
education system as has been formulated in the act no.
23 year 2002. This act is refined to the act of Aceh
number 5 years 2008. The function of Aceh's
education is as an effort to develop all aspects of
student's personality in order to actualize the civilized
and dignified Acehnese society. However, the
purpose of the implementation of education here is
explained explicitly to develop all the potential
learners to be human beings who believe and are
pious to Allah SWT, noble character, knowledgeable,
Musriadi, ., Anwar, F., Ansari, K. and Ambarita, B.
Management of Teacher Performance Development in Context of Aceh Policy Act No 9 Year 2016 about Implementation of Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0008889705050511
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (ICMR 2018) - , pages 505-511
ISBN: 978-989-758-437-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
intelligent, capable, creative, independent,
democratic and responsible. As the general purpose
of education, the education in Aceh is to accelerate
the achievement of the goals and targets of the
national policy on education for all.
The problems of education in Banda Aceh City is
in quality. These reflect at least two aspects of teacher
quality and school management. These two aspects
are important determinants of teaching and learning
at the school level. One of the relevant agendas is to
improve the performance of junior high school
teachers. The agenda is based on the mindset that the
quality of educational outcomes is determined by the
quality of the teaching and learning process. The
quality of teaching and learning process is only
possible to be conducted by high-quality teachers.
Therefore, the Banda Aceh City government declares
the direction of teacher performance development as
follows, (1) improving educator awards based on
professionalism and dedication; (2) improving
teacher welfares to meet the needs of the
professionals; (3) improving the arrangement of
educator career in coaching system; (4) equating
teacher distribution between schools and subjects.
Through the implementation of Aceh education act,
the development of teacher performance will lead
more initiatives to the abilities of educational
decision-takers in schools.
Mukhlisuddin Ilyas (Mukhlisuddin Ilyas, 2016)
stated that World Bank research results in 2013
mentioned that the development of Aceh's education
sector is still concerned with infrastructure
development, but left the development of the quality
of education. For this reason, the school facilities in
Aceh are sufficient, but the quality of educators is
lacking. It can be concluded that the existence of
educational facilities is not worried, while what need
to be arranged is in the quality development sector
that must be the priority. One factor is to develop a
new classroom, but it is more important to provide the
laboratory equipment, teacher certification, and
improving the quality of faculty and graduation of
students. Public Expenditure Analysis and Capacity
Strengthening Program research result through the
program of CPDA-World Bank by funding from
AusAid. It is also mentioned that the amount of
education spending and the availability of good
facilities, not in line with the achievement of the
quality of education in Aceh.
Based on the above problems, to improve the
management of teacher performance development in
the context of the Act of Aceh policy number 9, 2015
on the implementation of education (planning,
implementation and supervision of the development
of teachers' performance). It is needed to bring the
concept of appropriate strategies for teacher
performance development, including the factual
condition of education, city government policies in
quality improvement, and teacher performance
development programs, so that they can play the role
as expected.
2.1 Work Management Concept
The Increase quality of Human resources will
manifeste in the performance of human resources in
carrying out the duties and roles that carried on in
accordance with the organization, therefore efforts
to manage and develop the individuals performance
in the organization becomes very important in
society (Tanuwibowo and Sutanto, 2014).
Colquitt, Lepine (Colquitt, Lepine, 2011)
occupies an important position in an organization to
improve organizational performance that will be
crucial for the sustainability of the organization in
answering and anticipating changes that occur due to
globalization with a higher level of competition. He
suggests several strong factors that drive on the
importance of performance management. With such
conditions, the effort to keep developing
performance in an appropriate direction with
organizational goals and the demands of change is to
be a very strategic thing in an organization, especially
when considering that changes that occur in society is
very fast and require an adaptive and proactive
response (Ahdiyana, 2015). Therefore, work
management can be the appropriate and decisive
way to improve the ability and performance of the
organization from the strategic level of the
organization up to the level of the individual in
facing all demands due to the occurred changes.
2.2 Development of the Acer
In essence, the performance of teahcers is behaviors
that are acted by teachers in performing their duties
as educators and teachers to teach in front of the class,
in accordance with certain criterias (Mustika Indira,
2014). Teacher`s performance will be visible in daily
routine work. Performance can be seen in such
activities aspect and tasks in doing tasks and the way
how to do it. By understanding the performance
concepts mentioned above, it will be obviously seen
ICMR 2018 - International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research
what teacher performance is. (Asrar-ul-Haq and
Kuchinke, 2016).
Wardani, Herpratiwi and Sasmiati (Wardani,
Herpratiwi and Sasmiati, 2015) explained that the
innovative performance to improve the quality of
education and to depict the characteristics/ features or
performance activities must be done by teachers.
With such an understanding, the innovative
performance of teachers is a performance that applies
new things in the role and tasks assigned by the
teacher; therefore, the understanding of teachers'
innovative performance needs to be viewed in the
context of the implementation of tasks and
obligations that must be implemented by teachers as
educators at school (Ulfah, 2014).
2.3 Aceh Policy Act on Teacher
Performance Development
The main objective of education in Aceh is to
accelerate the achievement of national education
goals and targets for all (education for all), ie every
Acehnese is entitled to a quality and to an Islamic
education in line with the development of science and
technology (Suraiya, Pascasarjana and Banda,
2015). The mandated main content by Law
Number 11 Year 2006 regarding Aceh
Government (UUPA) was to ensure the
implementation of an Islamic values-based
education system and ensure that all high school
and college graduates can compete in the global,
regional and national labour market. They then
will become the ones who build better
socioeconomic, political, and community life of
Aceh (Pemerintah Republik Indonesia, 2014).
By establishing UUPA, the improvement of
quality of education becomes strategic. Moreover, by
addressing high attention to this sector as mandated
in UUPA, Aceh needs a long-term strategic direction
in the field of education. Similarly, Law No. 44 of
1999 on the Implementation of Special Feature of the
Special Province of Aceh, also emphasizes the need
for great attention to education. Based on UUPA, the
implementation of education is one of the obligatory
affairs which become the authority of Aceh
government in the Aceh scale to implement education
and the allocation of potential human resources (Aceh
act Number 5 Year 2008 on the Implementation of
The Government of Aceh and Regency/
Municipal Government in accordance with their
authority try to implement the Aceh privileges in the
field of quality education. In the implementation of
education in the field of policy as referred to Article
14 paragraph (1) and paragraph (3) letter a, states that
the Government of Aceh has authorities; to establish
the strategic plan of education for Aceh; to
implement coordination and synchronization of
education policies and programs between districts/
cities; to set Aceh's standard of education; to carry
out the socialization and education standard of Aceh;
to carry out facilitation to increase the competence of
educators and education personnel.
3.1 Research Approach
This research used qualitative approach. The
approach intends to support the achievement of the
research objective, which is to gain a deep
understanding of the quality of junior high school
teachers, including several aspects; (1) the
cornerstone of quality development of junior high
school teachers in research areas, factual condition of
junior high school; vision of teacher development
program; and the policy of Banda Aceh government
in improving the quality of education, (2) The efforts
of the Education and Culture Department of Banda
Aceh City in managing the development program
(planning, implementation, and evaluation), and
components of the management system (input,
process and output) competency of junior high school
3.2 Method and Research Procedure
In accordance with the intention to be obtained in this
study, then the methods used as follows:
a. Case study method.
b. Phenomenal Method.
3.3 Respondents
The subjects in this study are institutional analysis,
consisting of Banda Aceh Representative House,
Education and Culture Office of Banda Aceh City,
Bappeda, Regional Secretary, Regional Education
Assembly, District and Community. The amount of
data source can be increased according to the related
data at the time of data collection taken in the field
3.3.1 Analysis and Data Collection
Data in this research consist of primary data and
secondary data. Primary data were collected using
Management of Teacher Performance Development in Context of Aceh Policy Act No 9 Year 2016 about Implementation of Education
deeply interview and direct observation techniques.
The interview form used was semi-structured.
Observations are made directly and more closely to
all elements of the school committee.
Besides interviews and observations, data
collection is also conducted in seminars. The seminar
was conducted to deepen and to sharpen the data. This
was be done by inviting the representatives of parents,
principals and educators, surrounding communities
and related figures. While the secondary data were
obtained through the study of literature related to the
research problem, such as books, journals,
documentation and other relevant previous research
3.4 Processing and Data Analysis
The Process started from editing, coding to facilitate
sharpening and developing categorical and data
tabulation in more detail. Other data were analyzed in
detail by using content analysis) in qualitative
descriptive approach (Mukhtar, 2013). Data
reduction was done as an effort since the beginning of
the research was begun continuously to avoid the
accumulation of data over. Researchers also collect
the data continuously to deepen and to sharpen any
previous findings of each data that can remain
relevant to each other. Decision-making on various
factors studied is done through processing, analyzing,
and separating from various well-collected data,
phenomena, interviews from scattered into clear and
accurate concepts and meaningful.
4.1 Condition of Development
Program System
The implementation of quality improvement program
for junior high school teachers in Banda Aceh City
has potential to be developed all the time to avoid the
weaknesses occurred, to get the opportunities that can
be achieved, and to face the future challenges that
must be minimized. The power of Banda Aceh City
Government to realize the SMP quality teacher
development program are in: (1) junior high school
teachers are largely motivated enough to achieve the
ideal level of professionalism, (2) number, quality,
and capacity of the support resources of the teacher
quality improvement program are readily available,
(3) partnership relations of Banda Aceh city
government with various institutions and universities
is needed.
Nevertheless, there are several weaknesses found
in the aspects of: (1) mapping and needs analysis
which were not in line with the needs of junior
organizational development; (2) "sectorial ego" and
overlapping tendencies between the Education
Authorities and Personnel, Education and Training
Agency of Banda Aceh city; (3) performance and
work culture of program organizational authorities
are somehow rigid and bureaucratic.
In addition, there were also weaknesses in the
form of: (1) the attitude some of junior high school
teachers who feel satisfied with the work performance
and educational background they had; (2) the
recruitment practices and selection of prospective
development participants who are suspected to
prioritize teachers who have personal closeness with
policy makers.
4.2 Assumption Model of
Development Management
The implementation of teacher’s professional duties
should be adapted to the normative demands. In this
case, article number 20 of Law No. 14 of 2000 on
Teachers and Lecturers emphasizes teachers in
performing their professional duties. Based on the
mandate of the act, it is clear that the development of
teacher quality includes not only the aspect of his
capacity as teacher, but also the aspect of his positive
attitude toward the work situation. The understanding
of the values should be embraced by the educator, and
the effort to make himself as the role model for his
students. The policy of Education development in
Indonesia is summarized in three basic strategies,
they are: (1) expanding access and equity of
education; (2) improving quality, relevance, and
competitiveness; (3) strengthening governance,
accountability and public imaging (MoNE, 2005: 5).
The first priority of education development is to
direct to the equal distribution of basic education
opportunities through the development of facilities
and the provision of educational personnel.
Autonomous Management of Educational
Resources. Autonomy of education encourages the
creation of regional independence to improve
education services for the community in the region.
The change of authority structure brings forth to two
consequences to the region. First, who will be the
decision takers of various macro policies in the field
of education? How are the position and role of region
in the context of micro policy implemented?
Secondly, to what extent the region positions itself as
the decision taker, if something happens in the
provincial or central policy?
ICMR 2018 - International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research
From the perspective of educational management
resources, including the development of the quality of
teachers by the regional government, the autonomy
and change of authority structure requires: (1)
responsive vision to changes and challenges of the
future; (2) appropriate, anticipatory, and flexible
planning related to curriculum, readiness of
educational resources, and program development; (3)
adjusted steps and corrective measures.
4.3 Element Model Management
Based on the above assumptions, it can be further
constructed the management model of SMP teacher
performance development, which contains the
elements of vision, planning criteria, and
implementation aspects as seen in the following:
1. Vision
There are two important aspects to be
considered in the management of SMP teacher
performance development in Banda Aceh city.
First, the vision should reflect similarly of views
and mutual commitment that besides negating
the sectorial ego. Second, to designing the
program and process of quality development of
junior high school teachers by involving the
elements and institutions that are competent for
it, for example Higher Education, educational
advocacy institutions and professional
organizations of teachers.
2. Planning.
The development of the quality of junior high
school teachers in Banda Aceh is considered
good enough because it contains a
comprehensive diagnosis of development needs.
However, the plan does not meet the
contribution to educational goals and objectives,
the primary aspect of planning and education,
the absorptive power of educational planning,
and the plan efficiency.
3. Implementation
a. Recruitment and Selection Aspects
To overcome these weaknesses, it is necessary
to develop effective recruitment criteria,
through: (1) establishing guidelines; (2) sending
out brochures and announcements; (3) checking
the validity of compliance; (4) assessing the
recommendations of superiors and co-workers;
(5) assessing achievement; and (6) conducting
b. Aspects of Development Process
Teachers: (1) are sensitive and responsive to
new opportunities and challenges; (2) are not
fixed on routine activities related to bureaucratic
functions; (3) have a futuristic and systematic
insight; (4) have the ability to anticipate; (5) are
the observant of new sources and opportunities;
(6) have the ability to combine sources of
resource mix, and (7) have the ability to
optimize available resources.
c. Aspects of Post-Development Policy
Teacher quality improvement program means to
improve and deepen: (1) mastery of science (2)
application of science or problem solving; (3)
personal and social skills; (3) motivation and
The development of teacher quality is positioned as
the leading sector in the constellation, enhancement
and accessed quality to education. There are some
important managerial implications that should be paid
attention from the stakeholders of policy and
education in Banda Aceh City. The reorientation of
education accountability from accountability to
horizontal accountability has been applied. This is a
logical part of education management which has been
conducted in the region. Reorientation of education
accountability from vertical accountability is not only
for vertical institutions, but also for all education
stakeholders. The inevitability of horizontal
accountability relates to the paradigm of regional
autonomy that pinned on community empowerment.
In terms of education implementation, the public is
very concerned to figure out the direction of financing
education, the function of schools as learning service
centers, capacity building and education.
The teacher quality improvement-planning model
should contribute to educational goals,
comprehensive, and efficient. Comprehensive
planning reflects a hierarchy of activities during the
planning process. Every point of activity not only
shows the level but also the coordinated entity.
Appropriate planning will: (1) provide sensitivity and
direction; (2) focus efforts made by the organization;
(3) guide every activity of the organization; and (4)
assist in organizational progress assessment.
There are several criteria in the recruitment and
selection process of teacher that need to be
developed: (1) guidelines setting form the legal basis;
(2) sending out brochures and announcements; (3)
checking the validity of compliance with
requirements and morality; (4) assessing the
Management of Teacher Performance Development in Context of Aceh Policy Act No 9 Year 2016 about Implementation of Education
recommendations of superiors and co-workers; (5)
assessing achievement and work ability; and (6)
conducting selection on the basis of efficiency and
manpower. While the development program must
meet the criteria of efficiency, quality, and relevant.
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