Effect of Mesh Size on Ganoderma Boninense Composite against
Tensile Strength, Modulus of Elasticity, and Fractography
Muhammad Rafiq Yanhar, Ahmad Bakhori, Siti Rahmah Sibuea, Abdul Haris Nasution
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Mesh size, ganoderma boninense mushroom, tensile strength, modulus of elasticity.
Abstract: This study aims to determine the effect of mesh size of ganoderma boninense mushroom filler on tensile
strength and modulus of elasticity. The composite reinforcement particle mesh varies 20, 30, 40, and 50. The
mushroom is soaked with NaOH solution for 1 hour to remove dirt and sap that can reduce the bonds between
matrix and particles. Subsequently, the mushrooms are made into mesh 50-sized particles using a grinder with
a rotation of 28,000 rpm. From the test results, it can be seen that the highest tensile strength of 31.48 MPa is
in the composite with 40 mesh. While in 20 mesh and 30 mesh, the tensile strength slightly decreases to 21.16
MPa and 30.22 MPa. From the test results, it can be seen that the lowest modulus of elasticity is in the
composite with 20 mesh. Increasing to 30 and 40 mesh makes the modulus of elasticity rise to 193.6 MPa and
252 MPa. This shows that the more presence of ganoderma fungi in the composite causes the composite to
become more elastic, thereby it increases the modulus of elasticity, and decreases tensile strength.
The growth of palm oil is often constrained due to
ineffective management and other problems that can
affect palm oil production. One of the obstacles oil
palm plantations is stem rot caused by Ganoderma
boninense. Ganoderma boninense is known to attack
oil palm plants not only at the production stage but
also during the nursery stage. Typical symptoms
before the formation of the mushroom fruit body
marked by decay at the base of the stem causes dry
rot in the deep tissue.
Oil palm plantations on peatlands are even more
susceptible to ganoderma boninense attacks because
the oil palm stumps that are left in the soil are the
strongest source of infection in the rejuvenation
garden (former oil palm).
The results showed that the oil palm plantations
which experienced more often rejuvenation or in the
oil palm plantation area previously planted with
coffee, rubber or other crops, would cause a high
incidence of BPB disease. BPB disease can cause
direct loss of yield to palm oil and a decrease in the
weight of fresh fruit bunches. Damage caused can
reach 80% to 100%, or even it can cause death in
attacked plants.
In this study, ganoderma boninense mushroom
will be used as a composite filler to determine the
tensile strength, modulus of elasticity, and the spread
of the filler.
Other studies that use natural fibers as composite
materials include: teki grass (Yanhar, 2018), banana
peel (Pereira, 2013), wood (
Gallagher, 2012), (Atuanya,
2011), (Ndlovu, 2013),
(Nourbakhsh, 2008), leaf pandan
alas (Taufik, 2014), pineapple leaves (Sreenivasulu,
2014), bamboo fiber (Nwanonenyi, 2014), and rice
husk (
Fathanah, 2011) showed significant influences
on composite generated.
Tensile test specimens are made with ASTM D 638-
02a type I standard. This type is chosen because it has
a middle width of 13 mm so that it is not easily broken
when removed from the mold. It is different from type
IV which only has a middle width of 6 mm that many
specimens are broken or cracked when removed from
the mold (Yanhar, 2018). The matrix used in this
research is BQTN 157 EX Polyester Resin, while the
filler is taken from ganoderma boninense mushroom
powder, which is a fungus that can damage and even
Yanhar, M., Bakhori, A., Sibuea, S. and Nasution, A.
Effect of Mesh Size on Ganoderma Boninense Composite against Tensile Strength, Modulus of Elasticity, and Fractography.
DOI: 10.5220/0008886600620066
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (ICMR 2018) - , pages 62-66
ISBN: 978-989-758-437-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
kill the oil palm trees. The method for making
composite specimens can be seen below:
1. Ganoderma boninense mushroom is washed
thoroughly with water, then soaked in 5% NaOH
solution for 1 hour to remove sap and dirt that can
reduce the bond between matrix and filler.
Figure 1: 5% NaOH immersion.
2. After that the mushroom is dried by putting it in
the oven for 12 hours to remove the water content.
Figure 2: Oven.
3. After the mushroom is dried, then it is made into
particles with a grinder of 28.000 rpm, and the
volume is measured according to the desired for
use in making the specimen. While the matrix that
acts as an adhesive is BQTN 157 EX polyester
resin. This composite is made using mesh
variations from the particles such as 20, 30, 40,
and 50.
Figure 3: Grinder.
4. Mold made of metal is smeared with wax so that
after the specimen gets hard, it will be easily
removed from the mold, while the bottom of the
mold is coated with waxed wax.
5. Filler and polyester BQTN 157 EX Resin which
has been mixed with a hardener with a ratio of
100: 1, stirred evenly and then poured into the
Figure 4: Polyester resin and hardener.
6. After the resin and filler mixture begins to thick,
the glass is placed on the top of the mold and
pressed with a ballast to remove trapped void (air
bubbles) as well as to level the specimen surface.
7. Let the specimen harden for 12 hours, after which
the mold is opened and the specimen has formed.
Figure 5: Tensile test specimen.
8. In this study, tensile testing was carried out with
the machine servopulser in the laboratory of the
USU Mechanical Engineering Department, with a
pull force of 5000 kg and a speed of 1 mm/min.
Figure 6: Tensile Test Machine.
Effect of Mesh Size on Ganoderma Boninense Composite against Tensile Strength, Modulus of Elasticity, and Fractography
Tensile test results can be seen as follows:
Table 1: Tensile strength.
Specimen 1
Specimen 2
Specimen 3
Specimen 1
Specimen 2
Specimen 3
Specimen 1
Specimen 2
Specimen 3
Specimen 1
Specimen 2
Specimen 3
Figure 7: Tensile strength graph.
From the test results, it can be seen that the highest
tensile strength of 23.21 MPa is in the composite with
a filler volume of 5%. The addition of particle volume
to 10% makes the tensile strength slightly decrease to
21.04 MPa. The addition of filler volume to 15% and
20% causes the tensile strength to decrease to 20.55
MPa and 19.68 MPa.
This shows that the increasing presence of
ganoderma fungi in the composite causes an
improvement in the stiffness properties of the
composite that reduces its tensile strength. When
observed, the percentage decrease in composite
tensile strength from the filler volume is relatively
small. From the filler 5% (23.21 MPa) to 10% (21.04
MPa), the decrease in tensile strength was 10.31%.
From 10% (21.04 MPa) to 15% (20.55 MPa), it is
2.38%, and from 15% (20.55 MPa) to 20% (19.68
MPa), it is 4.42%. But if we observe the filler volume
from 5% - 20%, the tensile strength is down from
23.21 MPa to 19.68 MPa or 17.93%. This number is
quite significant and interesting to investigate further,
especially in terms of how much is the decrease in
tensile strength, if the filler volume continues to
increase, for example up to 50%.
Table 2: Elasticity Modulus.
Specimen 1
Specimen 2
Specimen 3
Specimen 1
Specimen 2
Specimen 3
Specimen 1
Specimen 2
Specimen 3
Specimen 1
Specimen 2
Specimen 3
Figure 8: Elasticity modulus graph.
From the test results, it can be seen that the lowest
modulus of elasticity is in the composite with 50
mesh. The addition of particle mesh to 20 makes the
modulus of elasticity rise to 116.25 MPa. The
addition of filler volume to 30 and 40 causes the
modulus of elasticity to increase to 193.6 MPa and
252 MPa. This shows that the more presence of
ganoderma fungi in the composite causes the
composite to become more elastic, thus increasing the
modulus of elasticity.
ICMR 2018 - International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research
Figure 9: SEM photo of mesh 20.
Figure 10: SEM photo of mesh 30.
Figure 11: SEM photo of mesh 40.
Figure 12: SEM photo of mesh 50.
Fractography test through SEM shows that bond
between matrix and filler is quite good because there
is no cavity between matrix and filler. However, in
some specimens, bubbles are found quite many, even
though they are small with a radius less than 100 µm.
This bubbles can slightly reduce the composite tensile
1. The highest tensile strength of 23.21 MPa is in the
composite with a filler volume of 5%. The
addition of particle volume to 10% makes the
tensile strength slightly decrease to 21.04 MPa.
The addition of filler volume to 15% and 20%
causes the tensile strength to decrease to 20.55
MPa and 19.68 MPa.
2. The lowest modulus of elasticity is in the
composite with a filler volume of 5%. The
addition of particle volume to 10% makes the
modulus of elasticity rise to 83.15 MPa. The
addition of filler volume to 15% and 20% causes
the modulus of elasticity to increase to 126.77
MPa and 159.10 MPa.
3. The increasing presence of ganoderma fungi in the
composite causes the composite to become more
elastic, thus increasing the modulus of elasticity
and decreasing tensile strength.
4. The results of SEM photos shows the spread of
mushroom powder at a volume of 5%, 10%, and
15% less evenly distributed, while in the filler
20%, it shows the spread of powder quite evenly.
5. Fractography test through SEM shows there is no
cavity between matrix and filler, but bubbles are
found quite many.
The authors thank Ministry of Research, Technology,
and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia
for supporting this research through PDUPT
(Contract Number: 75/K1.1/LT.1/2018).
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ICMR 2018 - International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research