The Relationship between Money Laundering Law and Criminal Act
of Corruption
Budi Bahreisy, Bismar Nasution and Ediwarman
Doctoral Program Faculty of Law, University of North Sumatera, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Money Laundering Crime, Corruption Crime, State Finance.
Abstract: Lately, corruption has become hot topic, both in printed media, electronic and in seminars, workshops,
discussions, and so on. The assets acquired from corruption crimes are usually not directly applicable due to
fear or indication of money laundering activities. For that usually the perpetrators attempt to hide the origin
of these assets by putting them into the banking system (financial system). The issues raised in this research
are the relationship between corruption crime and money laundering and how the implementation of money
laundering law influences the state losses from corruption in Supreme Court decision. 1605K / Pid.Sus /
2014. The results show that Corruption Crime with Money Laundering Act has a very close relationship.
This can be clearly seen in Article 2 paragraph (1) of Law no. 8 of 2010. Money laundering law in
eradicating corruption in Supreme Court Decision No: 1605 K / Pid.Sus / 2014 District Court judges is
applied in Law no. 8 year 2010 to the corruption case, namely by imposing a sentence of 5 years in prison, a
fine, paying a replacement money, and seizing assets owned by the defendant from the proceeds of a crime.
Corruption has become a crime in society and state.
State losses caused by corruption have been
categorized as "harmful". Corruption in Indonesia is
an emergency eating up the nation of Indonesia from
time to time in a relatively long time span so that a
special court of corruption is expected to help
resolving a number of past corruption crimes in
order to recover state's lost property (Kholis, 2010).
Corruption at the present timebecomes the
headline, both in printed media, electronic and in
seminars, workshops, discussions, and so on.
Corruption has become a serious problem for the
nation of Indonesia, because it has systematically
penetrated the whole line of community life,
creating a negative stigma for the country and the
nation of Indonesia in the international community.
Various ways have been taken to eradicate
corruption along with the increasingly sophisticated
(Sophisticated) operandi mode of criminal
corruption (Chaerudin, 2008).
Basically the practice of corruption takes place
with the cooperation between two parties, namely
the party who takesand the party who receives.
Corruption, cannot happen if there is no party
actively becoming a giver, for example in the case of
someone taking the state’s money using his
authority; if the person concerned takes the money
for his own sake it is an act of corruption similar to
ordinary theft; the difference is only in the operandi
mode. However, if the corruption is committed by
the abuse of authority of a person accepting bribes
from other person/s related to his position, then there
are two parties committing corruption, the party who
accepts the bribe and the party who gives the bribe.
(Djiwandonc, 2001).
The effort to eradicate corruption is inseparable
from the predicate of Indonesia, such as the
publication containing corruption state ratings issued
by Indonesian International Transparency (TII) re-
launching the results of corruption perception index
(IPK). In 2009 the survey covered 180 countries,
Indonesia ranked 145th from 180 countries with an
index value of 2.3. In 2010 the survey covered 178
countries. Indonesia was ranked 110 with an index
value of 2.8, and in 2011 rose to rank 100 of 182
countries with index value 3.0. For 2012 Indonesia's
rank fell to the order of 118 out of 176 countries
measured. This is in line with 2013 International
Transparency report putting Indonesia as one of the
most corruptive countries. Indonesia was ranked 118
out of 175 countries with a score of 2.3 of the total
Bahreisy, B., Nasution, B. and Ediwarman, .
The Relationship between Money Laundering Law and Criminal Act of Corruption.
DOI: 10.5220/0008884303040309
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (ICMR 2018) - , pages 304-309
ISBN: 978-989-758-437-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
score of 10 (0-10 index range with 0 perceived most
corruption and 10 very clean)
The regulation on money laundering in Indonesia
was originally stipulated in Law No. 15 of 2002
concerning Money Laundering Act but this Act
specifically regulating the crime of money
laundering was not able to combat this crime. This
law is subsequently amended by the issuance of Law
Number 25 Year 2003 regarding Amendment to
Law Number 15 of 2002 concerning Money
Laundering Crime. Over time, the government and
the legislature consider that eradication efforts alone
are not sufficient to deal with these crime issues,
therefore a preventative action is needed to prevent
this crime from continuously happening. Law No. 8
of 2010 on Prevention and Eradication of Money
Laundering Crime was issued from this thinking.
The crime of money laundering has increasingly
received special attention from various circles. The
handling efforts are done nationally, regionally and
globally through inter-state cooperation. This
movement is caused by the rampant money
laundering, but not many countries make up the
legal system to fight money laundring as a crime.
Money laundering is basically an attempt to process
the proceeds of crime with a legitimate business so
that the money is clean or appears as halal money.
Thus the origin of the money is covered (Darwin,
2012: 9).
Many parties agree that the Money Laundering
Act (shortened as TPPU Law) is more effective for
restoring state finances in terms of Asset Recovery
when compared to the Corruption Act (shortened as
TICKS). The reason is because the TPPU Law uses a
new paradigm in the handling of criminal acts, that
is by following the money approach to detect TPPU
and other crimes (Nasution 2011: 4). Merging
corruption cases with TPPU can be seen as having
its own advantages in handling corruption cases.
First, more actors are entangled including
corporation; second, the maximum penalty; third,
streamline of the return of state assets and fourth,
impoverishment of the corruptors
It should be noted that the crime results are "life
blood of the crime" meaning the results of the crime
are the "blood stream" that feeds the crime itself,
which is also the weakest point of the crime chain so
it is easily detected. Attempting to bypass this
criminal chain by seizing and confiscating the
proceeds of the crime, as well as being relatively
easy to do will also remove the motivation of the
perpetrator to recover the crime because the
criminals' intention to enjoy the proceeds of his
crime will be hindered or difficult to do ( Husein,
2007: 289).
The article discusses a case of corruption that
was decided by applying the money laundering law
in Medan which was decided by the Supreme Court
by the case Number 1605 K / Pid.Sus / 2014.
Chronology of the case at the end of 2012 in the city
of Medan. The Special Criminal Investigation
Director of North Sumatra Police conducted a search
and seizure of documents either in KOPKAR office
or at Tirtanadi PDAM including the workspace of
Dirut Ir. Azzam Rizal, M.Eng. and also the
residence of the Chairman ofKOPKAR Br. H. Subdir
Siregar. From Audit Result report in order to
Calculate State Financial Losses on Alleged
Criminal Acts of Corruption in Billing Activity of
PDAM Tirtanadi Water Company of North Sumatera
Province Year 2012 with number SR-77 / PW02 /
5/2013 by Head of Representative of Provincial
Finance and Development Supervisory Board
(BPKP) North Sumatra, showed the existence of
irregularities causing the financial loss, up to Rp
5.277.714.368, - (five billion two hundred seventy
seven million seven hundred fourteen thousand three
hundred and sixty eight rupiahs)
Because of the crime in case Number 1605 K /
Pid.Sus / 2014 involved a very large amount of
money that can harm the state and affect the national
economy and also to various aspects of community
life, the crime was classified as extraordinary crime
that needed to be prevented and eradicated.
Based on the things that have been described in
the background, then some of the main issues related
to the above problems are as follows:
1. What is the relationship between corruption
and money laundering?
How is the implementation of money
laundering law towards state losses from
corruption (Study of Supreme Court Decision
Number: 1605 K / Pid.Sus / 2014)?
The method used in this research is the legal
juridical normative research method. Normative
legal research is an approach based on major legal
material by examining theories, concepts of legal
principles, norms, rules of legislation, court
decisions, agreements and doctrines (Achmad,
2010). This kind of research is also called the
doctrinal research term, i.e.a research that analyzes
The Relationship between Money Laundering Law and Criminal Act of Corruption
the law, as it is written in the book. In this research
the literature materials and document studies serve
as the main material while the field data obtained
will be used as supporting or complementary data.
3.1 The Relationship between
Corruption and Money Laundering
Money laundering crime and the Criminal Act of
Corruption has a very close relationship. This can be
clearly seen in Article 2 paragraph (1) of Law no. 8 of
2010 on Prevention and Eradication of Money
Laundering Crime. Offense in the Law ofTPPU and
the provision of criminal offense formulation is
provided for in Article 3, Article 4, and Article 5;
whereas from the formulation of the aforementioned
articles, it is seen that the crime of money laundering
has special characteristics which are different from
other criminal acts by the fact that money laundering
act is a follow up crime, while the proceeds of money
laundering crime are referred to as core crimes or
predicate crime. So when viewed from the chronology
of deeds it is not possible to launder money without
producing crime (no money laundering without core
crimes) first (Ginarsih, 2013: 6).
Predicate crime is a crime processed in money
laundering, which in the Law of TPPU regulated in
Article 2 consisting of 26 types of crime plus all
crimes with 4 years and above criminal threats. In
addition, it should also be understood that money
laundering is a follow-up crime which occurs
dependently on the existence of a crime of origin,
although each of them is qualified as a separate
crime so that it should be concurrently examined and
made in a single file with a cumulative arrangement.
This understanding will have direct implications on
the evidence that both predicate and follow-up crime
must be proven because it refers to the necessity of
the cumulative indictment that must be combined in
concourses realist approach. The necessity of
combining the indictment also appears in the
provisions of Article 74 and Article 75 of the TPPU
From the provisions of the aforementioned
article, the criminal act of corruption is one of the
types of criminal acts originally related to the crime
of money laundering. Crime origin (predicate crime)
is a crime that triggers (source) the occurrence of
money laundering crime (Yusuf, 2011).
3.2 Implementation of the Law on
Money Laundering towards State
Losses from Corruption Crime
(Study of Supreme Court Decision
Number: 1605 K / Pid.Sus / 2014)
The TIRTANADI PDAM of North Sumatera
Provincein 2002 has come into Collaboration
Agreement on the Billing of Water Accounts
between TIRTANADI PDAM of North Sumatra
Province with KopkarTirtanadiCooperation of North
Sumatra Province as set forth in the Number 1: 06 /
SPJN / KEU / 2002 Agreement, Party Number II: 37
/ SPJN / KKT / 2002, dated September 27, 2002
then under that contract the Cooperation (Kopkar)
Tirtanadi collects the customers’ bill of PDAM
Tirtanadi, North Sumatera Province. The defendant,
Ir. Azzam Rizal, M. Eng, has enriched himself byRp
5.004.637.000, and from a number of state financial
losses of Rp. 5.277.714.368,00 as Audit Result
conducted by BPKP Representative of North
Sumatra Province in Medan with Report No. R-77 /
PW.02 / 5/2013 dated July 2, 2013 regarding Audit
Report Result in the Framework of State Financial
Losses on Alleged Corruption Crime in Water
Accounting Activity of PDAM Tirtanadi, North
Sumatera Province, Fiscal Year 2012.
Based on the case, the indictment of the public
prosecutor (JPU) is as follows:
Primer: That the Defendant's conduct has
violated the stipulated and criminalized
provisions in Article 2 paragraph (1) of
Article 18 of Law Number 31 Year
1999 concerning the Eradication of
Corruption which has been amended
into Law Number 20 Year 2001
concerning the Eradication of Jo
Corruption Article 65 paragraph (1) of
Jo Criminal Code. Article 55 paragraph
(1) of the Criminal Code
Subsidiary: Whereas the actions of the Defendant
have violated the stipulated and
criminalized provisions in Article 3 Jo
Article 18 of Law Number 31 Year
1999 concerning the Eradication of
Corruption which has been amended
into Law Number 20 Year 2001
concerning the Eradication of
Corruption Jo Article 65 paragraph (1)
Jo Criminal Code. Article 55 paragraph
(1) of the Criminal Code
ICMR 2018 - International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research
Primer: That the Defendant's conduct has
violated the stipulated and criminal
provisions in Article 3 Jo. Article 2
paragraph (1) Sub-Paragraph a of Law
Number 8 Year 2010 concerning the
Prevention and Eradication of Money
Laundering Jo Article 65 paragraph (1)
of Jo Criminal Code. Article 55
paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code
Subsidiary: Whereas the Defendant's conduct has
violated the stipulated and criminal
provisions in Article 4 Jo. Article 2
paragraph (1) Sub-Paragraph a of Law
Number 8 Year 2010 concerning the
Prevention and Eradication of Money
Laundering Jo Article 65 paragraph (1)
of Jo Criminal Code. Article 55
paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code
So the case, the demands of the public
prosecutor (JPU) are as follows: the Defendant Ir.
Azzam Rizal, M. Eng, is proven guilty and
convincingly guilty of "jointly committing the act of
enriching themselves or others or a corporation that
could harm the state finances or the economies of
the state of deeds which are mutually related to each
other" in Jo Article 2 paragraph (1). Article 18 of RI
Law. 31 of 1999 on the Eradication of Corruption as
amended by RI Law no. 20 of 2001 on Amendment
to Jo Law Number 31 Year 1999 concerning the
Eradication of Corruption. Article 65 paragraph (1)
of the Jo Criminal Code. Article 55 Paragraph (1) of
the Criminal Code as in the First Indictment of
Primair AND "jointly committing the crime of
laundering which one act mutually related to each
other" in Jo Article 3. Article 2 paragraph (1) sub-
paragraph a of Jo Law no. 8 Year 2010 on the
Prevention and Eradication of Money Laundering.
Article 65 paragraph (1) of the Jo Criminal Code.
Article 55 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.
Imposing a penalty on the defendant with
imprisonment for 8 (eight) years and 6 (six) months
minus as long as the defendant is in custody and
pays a fine of Rp.200,000,000, - subsidiary 6 (six)
months. Paying substitute money to the state through
PDAM Tirtanadi, North Sumatra Province of Rp.
3.698.726.722, - if the defendant is unable to pay the
replacement money within a period of 1 (one) month
after the court's decision that has obtained permanent
legal force, his or her possessions may be seized by
the prosecutor and auctioned off to cover the
replacement money, in case the defendant does not
have sufficient property to pay replacement money,
the defendant shall be subjected to imprisonment for
4 (four) years.
Evidence of 1 unit of Mitsubishi Pajero Sport 2.5
D Exceed BK 111 IU in 2011 under the name of Ir.
Azzam Rizal. M.Eng, 1 unit of Toyota Camry Car,
black color, BK 176 R, under the name of Siti
Solehati Dalimunthe, 1 (one) exemplaar of rights
certificate Number 673 on a plot of land with an area
of 423 M2 under the name of Amransyah
Marpaung, 1 ) receipt sheet signed by Frengky
Manurung in December 2011 for the payment of a
vacant plot of Marelan, Desa Terjun no. 673 is
placed in Medan Sub-district Marelan Kel.
Waterfall, the area of 423 M2 of money amounting
to Rp.185,000,000, - received from Dongang Indar
Muda and was seized for the state and the proceeds
were returned to the cash of PDAM Tirtanadi, North
Sumatra Province.
From that case, the District Court Judge declared
the defendant Ir. Azzam Rizal, M.Eng. mentioned
above has been proven legally and convincingly
guilty of committing "joint corruption" and "Crime
of Money Laundering":
1. Imposing the defendant with imprisonment for 5
(five) years and a fine of Rp. 200.000.000, -
provided that the unpaid penalty must be
replaced with imprisonment for 2 (two) months.
2. To charge the defendant to pay the replacement
of Rp. 2,574,602,354, - and if the defendant fails
to pay the replacement money for 1 (one) month
after the court decision that has permanent legal
force, then his or her possessions may be seized
and auctioned off to cover the replacement
money, and in the event the defendant has no
property sufficient to pay the replacement
money, then it will be replaced with additional
imprisonment for 1 (one) year.
3. Evidence of 1 unit of Mitsubishi Pajero Sport 2.5
D Exceed BK 111 IU in 2011 under the name of
Ir. Azzam Rizal. M.Eng, 1 unit of Toyota Camry
Car, black color, BK 176 R, under the name of
Siti Solehati Dalimunthe, 1 (one) exemplar of
rights certificate Number 673 on a plot of land
with an area of 423 M2 on behalf of Amransyah
Marpaung, 1 ) receipt sheet signed by Frengky
Manurung in December 2011 for the payment of
a vacant plot of Marelan, Desa Terjun no. 673
placed in Medan Sub-district Marelan Kel.
Waterfall Land area 423M2 money Rp.
185.000.000 received from Indar Muda
Dongoran was seized for the state and the results
of the auction were returned to the cash of
Tirtanadi PDAM of North Sumatra Province.
At the High Court level, the Court of Appeal
corrects the decision of the Corruption Crime Court
at the Medan District Court of 18 February 2014
The Relationship between Money Laundering Law and Criminal Act of Corruption
Number. 92 / Pidsus.K / 2013 / PN-Mdn requested
appeal as long as the duration of imprisonment is
imposed, so the contents of the verdicts are as
1. Imposing the defendant with imprisonment for 6
(six) years and a fine of Rp. 200.000.000, -
provided that the unpaid penalty must be
replaced with imprisonment for 2 (two) months.
2. To charge the defendant to pay the replacement
of Rp. 2,574,602,354, - and if the defendant fails
to pay the replacement money for 1 (one) month
after the court decision has permanent legal
force, then his or her possessions may be seized
and auctioned off to cover the replacement
money, and in the event the defendant has no
property sufficient to pay the replacement
money, then it will be replaced with additional
imprisonment for 1 (one) year.
3. Evidence of 1 unit of Mitsubishi Pajero Sport 2.5
D Exceed BK 111 IU in 2011 under the name of
Ir. Azzam Rizal. M.Eng, 1 unit of Toyota Camry
Car, black color, BK 176 R, under the name of
Siti Solehati Dalimunthe, 1 (one) exemplaar of
rights certificate Number 673 on a plot of land
with an area of 423 M2 under the name of
Amransyah Marpaung, 1 ) receipt sheet signed
by Frengky Manurung in December 2011 for the
payment of a vacant plot of Marelan, Desa
Terjun no. 673 placed in Medan Sub-district
Marelan Kel. Waterfall Land area 423M2,
money Rp. 185.000.000 received from Indar
Muda Dongoran was seized for the state and the
results of the auction were returned to the cash of
Tirtanadi PDAM of North Sumatra Province.
From the Supreme Court level, the Supreme Court
rejected the appeal from the appeal of II / Defendant
Ir. Azzam Rizal, M.Eng. Rejected appeal from the
appeal of the cassation I: The Public Prosecutor at
the Medan District Attorney, that is by improving
the decision of the Medan High Court. 18 /
Pid.Sus.K / 2014 / PT-Mdn. On 14 May 2014 that
upheld the verdict on the decision of the Corruption
Crime Court at the Medan District Court. 92 / Pid.
Sus.k./2013/PN.Mdn. dated 18 February 2014 just
about subsidiary substitute fines and replacement
money so that the contents of the verdicts are as
1. Imposing the defendant with imprisonment for
6 (six) years and a fine of Rp. 200.000.000, -
provided that the unpaid penalty must be
replaced with imprisonment for 2 (two)
2. To charge the defendant to pay the replacement
of Rp. 2,574,602,354, - and if the defendant
fails to pay the replacement money for 1 (one)
month after the court decision has permanent
legal force, then his or her possessions may be
seized and auctioned off to cover the
replacement money, and in the event the
defendant has no property sufficient to pay the
replacement money, then it will be replaced
with additional imprisonment for 1 (one) year.
3. Evidence of 1 unit of Mitsubishi Pajero Sport
2.5 D Exceed BK 111 IU in 2011 under the
name of Ir. Azzam Rizal. M.Eng, 1 unit of
Toyota Camry Car, black color, BK 176 R,
under the name of Siti Solehati Dalimunthe, 1
(one) exemplar of rights certificate Number
673 on a plot of land with an area of 423 M2
under the name of Amransyah Marpaung, 1 )
receipt sheet signed by Frengky Manurung in
December 2011 for the payment of a vacant
plot of Marelan, Desa Terjun no. 673 placed in
Medan Sub-district Marelan Kel. Waterfall
Land area 423M2; money of Rp. 185.000.000
received from Indar Muda Dongoran was
seized for the state and the results of the
auction were returned to the cash of Tirtanadi
PDAM of North Sumatra Province.
Corruption with Money laundering has a very close
relationship. This can be clearly seen in Article 2
paragraph (1) of Law no. 8 of 2010 on Prevention
and Eradication of Money Laundering Crime. Origin
Crime (predicate crime) is a criminal act that
triggers (source) the occurrence of money
laundering crime, so the handling of money
laundering criminal cases have significance for the
return of state assets related to the eradication of
corruption. The formulation of offense in the Law on
TPPU and the proof of the origin crime is regulated
in Article 3, Article 4, and Article 5. From the
formulation of the Articles mentioned above it
appears that money laundering crimes have special
characteristics that are different from other
criminalacts as money laundering crime is ,a follow-
up crime, while the proceeds of money laundered
crime are referred to as core crimes or predicate
crime. When viewed from the deeds chronology
then it is not possible to launder money without
producing a crime first.
Implementation of money laundering law
towards state losses from corruption in the Supreme
Court decision No: 1605 K / Pid.Sus / 2014 the
District Court judges is applied in Act no. 8 year
ICMR 2018 - International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research
2010 to the corruption case, namely by imposing a
sentence of 5 years in prison, a fine, paying a
replacement money, and seizing assets owned by the
defendant from the proceeds of a crime. At the High
Court Level The judges only corrected the Medan
District Court's decision which only raises the prison
sentence to the defendant to 6 (six) years
imprisonment and on appeal the judge only changed
the imprisonment to 6 (six) months if the fine if was
not paid by the defendant replacing the
imprisonment for 2 (two) years if the defendant
cannot pay the replacement money. Based on the
result of case analysis on Supreme Court Decision
No: 1605 K / Pid.Sus / 2014 on judge judgment
element it is seen that the case can harm state
finance or state economy based on calculation done
by BPKP of North Sumatera Province and it can be
stated that court judge criminal corruption terrain
based on Law no. 17 of 2003 on State Finance, Law
no. 1 of 2004 on state treasury, and Law no. 15 of
2004 on the Audit of State Financial Management
and Accountability is clearly in line with the BPK in
determining the financial loss of the country / region
There is a need to improve the quality of human
resources involved in the prevention and eradication
of money laundering crime. This quality
improvement is very important, especially in
significant institutions such as Justice Court, Public
Prosecution Service, Police Department, PPATK,
and Financial Service Provider.
Socialization is needed to the public to raise
awareness of the dangers of money laundering. This
is due to the crime of money laundering that does
not harm a person directly, so that the danger is less
realized by the community.
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Maret, Solo Pada tanggal 8 s/d 10 September 2013,
The Relationship between Money Laundering Law and Criminal Act of Corruption