Effect of Giving Several Formulations of Biological Fertilizers based
on Organic Liquid Waste on Growth and Production of Soybean
(Glycine max (L.) Merill) on Peat Soil Medium
Hapsoh, Isna Rahma Dini, Wawan and Zulfirman Andry
Universitas Riau,Kampus Bina Widya Km 12,5 Simpang Baru Pekanbaru 28293 Indonesia
Keywords: Soybean, Peatland, Biological fertilizers.
Abstract: Soybean production in Riau Provinceis still not able to fulfill community requirment compared to overseas
production. One of efforts to increase production isusing peatlands. Utilizations of peatlandsbecoming
agriculture landface are of several things such as low pH and low nutrition. Effortto overcome peatland
condition isusing local biofertilizers that containBacillus cereus combined with various types of liquid
organic litter. This research was conducted by organicmaterial from soybean plants in peat soil media. This
study used completely randomized design with 6 treatments. Treatmentsinclude 6 levels such as P0 (air) P1
(B. cereus without formulation) P2 (B.cereus + air rice washing) P3 (B.cereus + coconut water) P4
(B.cereus + tofu water) P5 and (B.cereus + waste water palm oil (LCPKS). Theresults of the study showed
that the application of biological fertilizers based on organic litter affects the amount of chlorophyll,
percentage of root nodules, seed weight of each plant and weight of one hundred seeds. Biofertilizer based
on organic litter coconut water is the best treatment for parameters of percentage of root nodules, weight of
seed ofeach plant and weight of one hundred seeds.
Soybeans are vegetable ingredients that contain a lot
of proteins very important for human body. Soybean
production in Riau Province reached 2,145 tons of
dry beans (Statistics Indonesia Riau, 2016). This
amount is not able to meet the needs of the
community so that soybeans are imported from
abroad. One effort to increase soybean production is
extensification by utilization peatland.
Peatland is a soil that is formed to an imbalance
of the rate of accumulation of organic material
which is higher than the decomposition of organic
matter due to flooding. According to Directorate of
Forest Area Planning (Directorate of Forest Area
Planning,2013), Riau Province has an area of
peatland amount 3.9 million hectares. Peatland is
naturally in waterlogged conditions difficult to be
cultivated such as plantations. This can be overcome
by drainage and adjusting the groundwater level.
Peatlandgroundwater level based on Government
Regulation No. 71 Article 23 Paragraph 3 of 2014
may not be more than 40 cm, so that the land is not
categorized damaged. This regulation supports the
developmentof food crops such as soybean plants
which have shallower roots than plantation crops.
Soybean cultivation on peatlands has several
obstacles such as acidic pH and low nutrient
availability (Najiyati et al., 2005), and to overcome
this obstacles, one of the efforts that can be done is
by utilizing biofertilizers made from local microbes
namelyBacillus cereuscombined with organic litter
and expected to increase soybean growth and
production. Bacillus cereusis obtained from the
isolation of rice straw on peatlands (Hapsoh et al.,
Bacillus cereus is a gram-positive bacteria that
can be found in dead plant litter and soil (Huang et
al., 2005). These bacterias are able to produce IAA
hormones, mineralization of organic matter (Ida et
al., 2014), antifungi (Montealegre et al., 2003) and
antibacterials (Makovitzki et al., 2007). The results
of the study by Sri et al., (Sri et al.,2015) showed
that the administration of consortium biological
fertilizer Bacillus cereus, B. thuringiensis, B.
megaterium, B. pantothenticus significantly affected
pod weight / plot (1240 g) of seed weight/plot (740
Hapsoh, ., Dini, I., Wawan, . and Andry, Z.
Effect of Giving Several Formulations of Biological Fertilizers based on Organic Liquid Waste on Growth and Production of Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merill) on Peat Soil Medium.
DOI: 10.5220/0008883401490158
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (ICMR 2018) - , pages 149-158
ISBN: 978-989-758-437-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All r ights reserved
g) weight of skin/plot (500 g) weight of stover/plot
(4 kg) of soybean plants.
Improving the quality of biological fertilizers can
be done by adding organic matter, one of them is
organic litter. This study is concerned with utilizing
organic litter such as tofu liquid waste, palm oil
liquid waste, rice washing water and coconut water
as organic matter. This liquid waste contains
compounds or elements that can be used as a source
of nutrition for microbes. This organic litter can also
be used as organic fertilizer which can improve soil
fertility and increase plant growth and production.
The provision of biological fertilizer formulations
based on tofu liquid waste and palm oil mill effluent
was able to increase seed height, root volume, root
canopy ratio and dry weight in oil palm seedlings
(Yulia, 2016).
This research was held at the Faculty of Agriculture
Experimental Garden, Univertas Riau, for 3 months
namely May 2018 to July 2018.
The materials used in this study were Bacillus
cereus isolates obtained from the research of Hapsoh
et al., (Hapsoh et al., 2016), soybean varieties Dega
1 (Attachment 2) baby polybag, polybag size 35 cm
x 40 cm, liquid waste of rice washing water, waste
liquid tofu, palm oil mill effluent, coconut liquid
waste, 70% alcohol, aquades, agar nutrients, nutrient
bolt, dolomite, double sugar, chitin, molasses, water,
NPK fertilizer, fungicide, ragent, and decis.
Tools used in this study were gembor, buckets,
analytic scales, petri dishes, test tubes, stirring rods,
erlenmeyer, drop pipettes, needle oases, bunsen, hot
plates, autoclaves, shakers, rice envelopes, laminar
or enkas, calipers, knife, sieve, paper label, hoe,
meter, polynet, stationery and other supporting tools.
This research was carried out experimentally
using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD)
consisting of 6 (five) treatments with 4 (four)
replications so that there were 24 experimental units.
Each unit consists of 4 plants. The overall total is 6 x
4 x 4 = 96 plants which are used as samples.
This study consisted of 6 treatments consisting of
6 levels namely P0 (water) P1 (B cereus without
formulation) P2 (B cereus + rice washing water) P3
(B cereus + coconut water) P4 (B cereus + water
know) P5 (B cereus + water LCPKS). or analyzed
statistically using variance with DNMRT further test
at 5% level.
The things that was carried out in the study was
the preparation of the place, the manufacture of
biofertilizer formulations, preparation of peat soil
planting medium taken from the village of
KualuNenas, Kampar Regency, Riau Province,
Rhizobium inoculation, planting, two times
treatment, maintenance and harvesting.
Parameters of observation carried out consisted
of three components namely physiological
observation, growth observation and observation of
results. Physiological observations consist of
photosynthesisrate, stomatal conductivity, CO
concentration, transpiration rate and amount of
chlorophyll. Growth observation consisted of the
percentage of effective root nodules, number of
branches and plant height. The results of the
observation consisted of age of flowering, age of
harvest, number of pods per plant, number of seeds
per plant, number of seeds per plant, seed weight per
plant and weight of one hundred seeds.
3.1 Physiological Response
The results of variance analysis showed that the
administration of several biological fertilizer
formulations based on liquid organic waste on peat
soil significantly affected the amount of chlorophyll
but did not affect the photosynthesis rate,
stomataconductivity, CO
transpiration rate. Physiological response test results
with Duncan's new multiple distance test at 5% level
can be seen in Table 1.
ICMR 2018 - International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research
Table1: Physiological response of soybean plants by giving some formulations of biofertilizers based on liquid organic
waste on peat soil.
Physiological response
sis rate
(μmol CO
y of stomata
(mol H
(μmol CO
(mmol H
Amount of
(μmol m
15.58 a 0.14 a 158.84 a 2.69 a 39.10 b
14.94 a 0.17 a 239.18 a 3.29 a 37.32 b
Bacillus cereus + rice
15.92 a 0.13 a 174.38 a 2.86 a 45.62 a
Bacillus cereus + coconut
15.53 a 0.15 a 210.72 a 3.07 a 36.55 b
Bacillus cereus + Tofu
13.78 a 0.18 a 237.83 a 3.46 a 41.75 ab
Bacillus cereus + LCPKS
16.21 a 0.15 a 191.45 a 2.94 a 36.77 b
F test
Description: The numbers followed by the same lowercase letters show no significant difference according to Duncan's
multiple range test at the 5% level. ns: non significant, *: significant
3.1.1 Photosynthesis Rate
Data in Table 1 shows that photosynthesis rate by
applying biofertilizer based on liquid organic waste
was not significantly different in all treatments
tested. It is suspected that Bacillus cereus bacteria
contained in biofertilizers based on liquid organic
waste can grow but cannot move properly on peat
soil which has a acidic pH. This is in accordance
with Darmawijaya (Darmawijaya, 1990), which
states that generally the pH of peat soil in Indonesia
ranges from 3-5. Acid soils can inhibit the
metabolism of Bacillus cereus so it affects its
activity to produce secondary metabolites such as
IAA hormones.
According to Surono (Surono, 2004), bacteria
need a certain pH for their growth. But in general,
bacterias have a narrow pH range which is around
6.5 - 7.5 or at neutral pH.Bacillus cereus used in this
study is a bacteria that can live at acidic pH because
this bacteria comes from rice straw on peat soil
(Hapsoh et al., 2016). According to Irma (Irma,
2016), some bacterias can survive below pH 4, but
there are also bacterias that can live and the body at
alkaline pH. But to produce secondary metabolites
bacteria have optimum pH.Crueger and Crueger
(Crueger and Crueger, 1984) added that the
production of secondary microorganism metabolites
is generally produced in an optimal pH state for
Bacillus cereus found in the formulation tested
has the same function to colonize the rooting areas
of soybean plants and produce plant growth
hormones, such as auxins, cytokines and IAA. These
hormones can stimulate cell division, regulate cell
enlargement and increase metabolism in plant
tissues. This affects the leaf growth so that it can
affect the photosynthetic rate of soybean plants.
3.1.2 Power of Hantar Stomata
The data in Table 1 shows that the stomata
conductivity by applying biofertilizer based on
liquid organic waste was not significantly different
for all treatments tested. It is suspected that Bacillus
cereus bacteria contained in biofertilizers based on
liquid organic waste can grow but cannot move
properly on peat soil which has a acidic pH so that it
affects its activity to produce secondary metabolites
such as IAA hormones.
The inhibition of Bacillus cereus activity results
in the formation of phytohormones such as auxin,
cytokines and IAA where the function of these
hormones can stimulate cell division, regulate cell
enlargement and will stimulate root growth and
stimulate water absorption and nutrients that affect
leaf growth. The results of the study Ajenget al.,
(2017) showed that the administration of natural
phytohormones affects plant height, leaf width,
number of leaves and color of cayenne pepper
leaves. Leaves greatly affect the number and size of
plant stomata. The conductivity of stomata is
strongly influenced by the size and number of
stomata in the leaves. The thicker and wider the leaf,
Effect of Giving Several Formulations of Biological Fertilizers based on Organic Liquid Waste on Growth and Production of Soybean
(Glycine max (L.) Merill) on Peat Soil Medium
the greater the number of stomata that affect its
3.1.3 CO
Data in Table 4 shows that CO
concentrations with
biofertilizers based on liquid organic waste were not
significantly different in all treatments tested. It is
suspected that Bacillus cereus bacteria contained in
biofertilizers based on liquid organic waste can grow
but cannot move properly on peat soil which has a
acidic pH so that it affects its activity to produce
secondary metabolites such as IAA hormones.
The existence of this IAA hormone greatly
affects metabolic processes such as cell division and
enlargement. According to Harahap (Harahap, 2012)
IAA hormones can move a metabolic changes which
then leads to a physiological response to one of the
plant organs which is very important in the
metabolic process, namely the leaves of the plant
where photosynthesis occurs. In the photosynthesis
process, stomata, sunlight, water and carbon are
needed to produce photosynthates which are used for
plant growth. In the stomata there is an entry and
exit process for air as CO
is used as a substrate for
photosynthesis. Most of the factors that influence the
amount of CO
present in leaves are the density of
stomata in the leaves. The more tightly stomata, the
less CO
will be absorbed so that the concentration
of CO
in the leaves will also be small. This is in
accordance with Yasminatul (Yasminatul, 2014)
stating that the structure of stomata affects the way
of work or the effectiveness of stomata during
photosynthesis and when the stomata is more tightly
closed, the stomatal opening and cosing process is
increasingly hampered so that it affects the amount
of CO
fixed by plants.
3.1.4 Transpiration Rate
The data in Table 5 shows that the transpiration rate
by applying biofertilizer based on liquid organic
waste was not significantly different in all treatments
tested. This is presumably owing to the low pH of
peat soil which inhibits the growth and activity of
Bacillus cereus so as to give the same effect on all
treatments. The acidity of this peat soil results in
Bacillus cereus being unable to produce IAA
hormone which functions for leaf development. This
is in accordance with Harahap (Harahap, 2012)
stating that Indol Acetic Acid (IAA) has an effect on
phototropic response through cell extension
stimulation, stimulation of secondary growth and
leaf development.
Indol Acetic Acid (IAA) is one of the growing
hormones that play a role in spurring growth along
the longitudinal axis. The specific thing that looks
like is an increase in cell enlargement that takes
place in all directions is isiamiametrik. Indol Acetic
Acid (IAA) also plays a role in cell division and
division (Gunawan et al., 1992). Cell division and
division will affect the growth of tissue that forms
organs such as leaves. The results of Wijayati et al.
(Wijayati et al., 2005) study of 200 ppm IAA
concentration significantly affected the growth of
turmeric in leaf area parameters. The size of plant
leaves greatly affects the number of constituent cells
such as stomata. According to Sumardi et al.,
(Sumardi et al.,2010) stomata are useful for the
exchange of O
, CO
, and transpiration gas from
leaves to the surrounding environment. Nurmaya et
al., (Nurmaya et al.,2014) also added that stomata
are strongly related to the speed and intensity of the
transpiration rate in leaves.
3.1.5 Amount of Chlorophyll
The data in Table 6 shows that the amount of
chlorophyll by giving Bacillus cereus + rice
fertilizer and Bacillus cereus + water biofertilizer
known significantly different from the provision of
water, Bacillus cereus biological fertilizer without
formulation, Bacillus cereus + coconut fertilizer and
Bacillus cereus biological fertilizer + LCPKS. The
administration of Bacillus cereus + rice washing
water tends to give a higher amount of chlorophyll,
which is 45.62 μmol m-2. It is suspected that
biological fertilizers based on liquid organic waste
rice washing water contains nutrients such as
magnesium which play a role in the formation of
chlorophyll. This is in line with the results of
research by Citra et al., (Citra et al.,2012) addressing
that the element of magnesium in washing white rice
water was 13.286%.
Magnesium is one of the macro nutrients needed
by plants. One function of this element is in the
photosynthesis process. Plants need magnesium in
the photosynthesis process because magnesium is an
important component of chlorophyll. This is
consistent with Nio and Yunia (Nio and Yunia,
2011), stating that magnesium and nitrogen are the
most important elements in chlorophyll synthesis. So
that the amount of chlorophyll in the leaves of
soybean plants is strongly influenced by magnesium
in biofertilizers based on liquid organic waste rice
washing water.
ICMR 2018 - International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research
3.2 Growth Response
The results of variance analysis showed that the
administration of several biological fertilizer
formulations based on liquid organic waste on peat
soil significantly affected the percentage of effective
root nodules but did not affect the number of
branches, plant height, flowering age and harvest
age. The results of further test of growth response
with Duncan's multiple range test at the level of 5%
can be seen in Table 2.
Table 2: Growth response of soybean plants by giving some formulations of biofertilizers based on liquid organic waste on
peat soil.
Growth Response
of effective
root nodules
Number of
age (HST)
Harvest age
11.39 a 39.70 a 25.87 a 68.41 ab
98.53 ab
11.33 a 40.20 a 25.93 a 67.91 ab
Bacillus cereus + rice
98.04 ab
11.24 a 38.87 a 25.93 a 67.66b
Bacillus cereus +
coconut wate
99.16 a
11.66 a 41.25 a 25.56 a 68.75a
Bacillus cereus + Tofu
93.67 c
11.49 a 42.16 a 25.93 a 68.58ab
Bacillus cereus +
98.39 ab
11.33 a 39.91 a 25.81 a 68.16ab
F test
Descriptions: The numbers followed by the same lowercase letters show no significant difference according to Duncan's
multiple range test at the 5% level. ns: non significant, *: significant
3.2.1 Percentage of Effective Root Points
The data in Table 1 showed that the percentage of
effective root nodules by giving Bacillus cereus +
coconut water, Bacillus cereus without formulation,
Bacillus cereus + biofertilizer and Bacillus cereus +
biological fertilizer + rice washing water was
significantly different from water and Bacillus
cereus + Tofu liquid water Administration of
Bacillus cereus biofertilizer + coconut water tends to
give a higher effect on the percentage of effective
root nodules that is 99.16%. It is suspected that
biological fertilizers based on coconut liquid organic
waste contain growth hormones such as auxins and
cytokines. This growth hormone is a factor that
influences plant growth.
Coconut water is one of the natural sources of
hormones such as auxins and cytokines. This is in
accordance with Budiono (Budiono, 2004), stating
that in coconut water there is an endosperm liquid
containing hormones auxin and cytokines. These
hormones function as plant growth promoters such
as root nodule formation. According to Lakitan
(Lakitan, 2000), cytokines can increase cell division
in plants. Salisbury and Ross (Salisbury and Ross,
1995) also added that cytokines function to stimulate
cell division in tissues and stimulate shoot growth
while auxin functions in inducing cell elongation,
affecting apical and adventitious dominance and root
initiation. This causes the growth of soybean root
3.2.2 Number of Branches
The data in Table 2 shows that the number of
branches with biofertilizers based on liquid organic
waste was not significantly different in all treatments
tested. This is presumably the low pH of peat soil
which inhibits the growth and activity of Bacillus
cereus so as to give the same effect on all treatments
The provision of biological fertilizer treatment
based on liquid organic waste of coconut water (P3)
tends to be able to increase the number of branches
compared to other treatments. It is suspected that
this is caused by the presence of growth hormone in
coconut water. Based on the results of Savitri's
(Savitri, 2005) study in Djamhuri (Djamhuri, 2011),
coconut water contains zeatin 0.247 ppm zeatin
which belongs to the cytokinin group. Zeatin has an
important role in the process of division and
Effect of Giving Several Formulations of Biological Fertilizers based on Organic Liquid Waste on Growth and Production of Soybean
(Glycine max (L.) Merill) on Peat Soil Medium
extension of plant cells which will spur the growth
of shoots in plants and ultimately spur the growth of
branches in soybean plants.
Coconut water also contains containing auxin
and cytokines (Imelda, 2011). Based on hormone
analysis conducted by Savitri (Savitri, 2005) in
Djamhuri (Djamhuri, 2011) it turned out that in
young coconut water contains hormonsitokinin
(0.441 ppm kinetin, 0.247 ppm zeatin), and auxin
(0.237 ppm IAA). According to Tiwery (Tiwery,
2014), the content of auxin and cytokinin contained
in coconut water has an important role in the process
of cell division thus helping to form soybean
branches. Cytokines will stimulate cells to divide
rapidly, while auxin will spur cells to elongate. Cell
division is driven by cytokines and cell enlargement
is driven by auxin causes growth. The dividing cell
will experience an expansion which will then
experience differentiation. Widiastoety et al.,
(Widiastoety et al.,1997) also added that the
formation of buds and differentiation takes place
when there is an interaction between auxin and
cytokinin, namely the concentration of cytokines is
greater than auxin. The results of the research by
Darlina et al., (Darlina et al.,2016) shows that giving
coconut water affects the number of pepper leaves.
3.2.3 Plant Height
Data in Table 2 shows that plant height by applying
biological fertilizer based on liquid organic waste
was not significantly different in all treatments
tested. This is presumably owing to the low pH of
peat soil which inhibits the growth and activity of
Bacillus cereus so as to give the same effect on all
treatments tested.
The provision of biological fertilizers based on
liquid organic waste, tofu waste tends to be higher
than other treatments. It is suspected that the nutrient
content contained in liquid waste can increase the
growth of high soybean plants. The results of
research by Rinda et al. (Rinda et al.2014) showed
that tofu liquid waste formulated with Bacillus sp.
contains N (0.04%), and K (0.63%). In the
physiological process of plants N elements play a
role in cell division which can later increase plant
height growth. Lingga and Marsono (Lingga and
Marsono, 2003), suggest that the occurrence of high
growth of a plant is caused by the occurrence of cell
The element K contained in tofu liquid waste has
an important function in the physiological processes
of plants. According to Hakim et al. (Hakim et
al.1986), potassium plays a role in the metabolic
process and has a special influence on nutrient
adsorption, regulation of respiration, transpiration,
enzyme work and carbohydrate translocation so as to
increase plant growth. This causes a high growth of
soybean plants. The results of the study by Ahmad et
al., (Ahmad et al.,2017) showed that the
administration of several tofu wastewater
concentrations had a significant effect on the height
of the pakcoy plant.
3.2.4 Flowering Age
Data in Table 2 shows that the age of flowering with
biofertilizers based on liquid organic waste was not
significantly different in all treatments tested. This is
presumably owing to the low pH of peat soil which
inhibits the growth and activity of Bacillus cereus to
produce IAA hormone so that it gives the same
effect on all treatments tested.
Indole Asetic Acid (IAA) is one type of hormone
that has an important role that greatly affects plant
growth. According to Harahap (Harahap, 2012),
IAA hormones have a role in plant physiological
processes such as stimulating cell division,
regulating cell enlargement and will stimulate
absorption of water and nutrients. This will affect
the vegetative growth of soybean plants. If the
vegetative growth of plants grows faster and
increases, it will more quickly stimulate flowering of
soybean plants. According to Humphries and
Wheeler (Humphries and Wheeler, 1963) in
Gardner, et. al., (Gardner, et. al.,1985), this transfer
of vegetative to generative growth phase is
determined by factors such as genetic and
environmental. One environment that can affect is
the presence of plant growth hormones such as IAA.
3.2.5 Harvest Age
Data in Table 2 shows that harvesting age by
applying Bacillus cereus + rice washing water with
rice significantly different from Bacillus cereus +
coconut water, water but not significantly different
from other treatments. The provision of biofertilizer
Bacillus cereus + rice washing tends to accelerate
the harvesting age of 67.66 HST. It is suspected that
biological fertilizers based on liquid organic waste
from rice washing have sufficient P nutrients so as to
increase the life of soybean crop harvest. According
to Citra et al., (Citra et al.,2012) white rice washing
water contained phosphorus as much as 14.45%.
Element P has a very important role in the
physiological processes of plants such as in the
generative phase. According to Hardjowigeno
(Hardjowigeno, 1995) one function of phosphorus in
ICMR 2018 - International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research
plants is to increase cell division. Rahmawati
(Rahmawati, 2003) in Jansen et al., (Jansen et
al.,2014) also added that the element P plays a role
in the formation of ATP which functions as an
energy transfer. This causes an increase in
biochemical processes because ATP is produced in
plant tissues so as to accelerate the process of
cooking soybean pods.
3.3 Results Response
The results of variance analysis showed that the
administration of several biofertilizer formulations
based on liquid organic waste on peat soil
significantly affected seed weight per plant and 100
seeds weight. but it does not affect the total number
of pods per plant, the number of seeds per plant and
the number of seeds per plant. The results of further
test response results with Duncan's multiple distance
test at the 5% level can be seen in Table 3.
Table3: Response of soybean crop yield by giving some formulations of biofertilizers based on liquid organic waste on peat
Total number
of pods per
The number of
pods is per plant
Number of
seeds per
plant (seeds)
Seed weight
per plant (g)
100 seeds
24.08a 22.74b 43.91b 8.79 c 20.58 ab
26.16 a 24.91 ab 49.25 ab 9.54bc 19.61 b
Bacillus cereus + rice
25.58a 23.41ab 45.58ab 8.86 c 18.92b
Bacillus cereus +
Coconut wate
27.66a 26.25a 52.00a 12.51a 23.17a
Bacillus cereus + Tofu
25.08a 23.75ab 46.66ab 10.04b 21.44ab
Bacillus cereus +
24.58a 23.41ab 47.25ab 10.09b 20.65ab
F test
Description: The numbers followed by the same lowercase letters show no significant difference according to Duncan's
multiple range test at the 5% level. ns: non significant, *: significant
3.3.1 Number of Total Pods per Plant
The data in Table 3 shows that the total number of
pods by applying biofertilizers based on liquid
organic waste was not significantly different in all
treatments tested. This is presumably owing to the
low pH of peat soil which inhibits the growth and
activity of Bacillus cereus so that it gives the same
effect on all treatments tested.
Biofertilizers based on liquid organic wastes of
coconut water which is 27.66 pods tend to be higher
than other treatments. Alleged nutrient content such
as K contained in coconut water can increase the
total number of pods of soybean plants. In the
physiological process of plant elements K has a role
as an enzyme activator and a linkage of energy
formation (Wallingford, 1980). Enzymes have an
important role in the process of accelerating
metabolism such as the formation of carbohydrates
produced from photosynthesis. The carbohydrate
produced acts as a raw material in the formation of
energy. This energy is used by plants for the
formation of soybean pods. The results of Hendrival
et al. (Hendrival et al.2014) showed that the
administration of potassium fertilizer significantly
affected the number of pods of soybean plants.
3.3.2 Number of Bernas Pods per Plant
The data in Table 3 shows that the number of
pungent pods is given Bacillus cereus biological
fertilizer without formulation, Bacillus cereus
biological fertilizer + rice washing water, Bacillus
cereus biological fertilizer + coconut water, Bacillus
cereus biological fertilizer + tofu water and different
Bacillus cereus + LCPKS biological fertilizer real by
giving water. The application of Bacillus cereus +
coconut fertilizer + coconut water tends to increase
the number of pods which is 26.25 pods. It is
Effect of Giving Several Formulations of Biological Fertilizers based on Organic Liquid Waste on Growth and Production of Soybean
(Glycine max (L.) Merill) on Peat Soil Medium
suspected that the Bacillus cereus + coconut
fertilizer has enough K nutrient to increase the age
of soybean crop harvest. In the results of research
analysis, Rinda et al., (Rinda et al.,2014) showed
that the liquid waste of coconut water combined
with Bacillus sp contained elements of K by 1.84%.
Element K is a macro nutrient that is needed by
plants to continue its life cycle. According to
Nyakpa et al., (Nyakpa et al.,1988) physiological
potassium function is as one of the ingredients used
for carbohydrate metabolism namely the formation,
breakdown, and translocation of starch in plant
tissues and nitrogen metabolism and protein
synthesis. Carbohydrates that are formed will be
translocated throughout the plant like into pods and
form seeds. According to Taufiq and Sundari
(Taufiq and Sundari, 2012) Potassium deficiency in
pod formation and seed filling phases can reduce the
number of pods and seeds per plant. The results of
research by Ratna and Robert (Ratna and Robert,
2015) showed that potassium fertilizer gave the
highest percentage compared to without giving
potassium to rice plants.
3.3.3 Number of Seeds per Plant
The data in Table 3 shows that the number of seeds
per plant by giving Bacillus cereus biological
fertilizer without formulation, Bacillus cereus
biological fertilizer + rice washing water, Bacillus
cereus biological fertilizer + coconut water, Bacillus
cereus biological fertilizer + tofu water and Bacillus
cereus + LCPKS biological fertilizer significantly
different from the provision of water. The
administration of Bacillus cereus biofertilizer +
coconut water tends to increase the number of pods
which is 52 seeds. It is suspected that biological
fertilizers based on liquid organic waste of coconut
water have sufficient K nutrients so as to increase
the number of seeds per soybean plant. The results
of research conducted by scientists at the National
Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
(BIOTECH) at UP Los Baños in Siti (2008) show
that coconut water is rich in potassium (17%).
Generative growth of plants is strongly
influenced by nutrients such as potassium. One
function of element K is as an assimilate
translocation of photosynthesis. According to
Wallingford (Wallingford, 1980) in the assimilation
process, CO2 is converted to sugar during
photosynthesis, the sugar is then transported to other
plant organs to grow or be stored. In the
transportation system, plants will use energy from
ATP which also requires K ions. The results of this
assimilation will be transported throughout the plant
such as into pods to form seeds.
3.3.4 Seed Weight per Plant
Data in Table 3 shows that seed weight per plant by
applying Bacillus cereus + coconut water with 12.51
grams of biological fertilizer is significantly
different from all other treatments. It is suspected
that the Bacillus cereus + coconut water biological
fertilizer has sufficient K and N nutrients so that it
can increase seed weight per soybean plant. The
results of the analysis of Kristina and Syahid's
(Kristina and Syahid, 2012) research showed that
coconut water contained potassium as much as 14.11
mg / 100 ml and nitrogen as much as 43.00 mg / 100
Potassium and nitrogen are elements that have a
very important role in the metabolism of plants.
Potassium element acts as an activator of various
enzymes in the plant physiology process. One
physiological process that requires enzymes is the
process of forming carbohydrates through
photosynthetic metabolism. In addition, element K
also plays a role in the transport of energy from
leaves throughout the plant (Wallingford, 1980).
One of the organs of a plant that obtains energy is
fruit or pod. If the faster or more energy is
transferred, the larger the pods or seeds will be
formed. This is consistent with De Datta (1981) in
Kasniari and Supadma (Kasniari and Supadma,
2007) stating that the element K plays an important
role in increasing the size and weight of seeds.
3.3.5 Weight of 100 Seeds per Plant
The data in Table 15 shows that the weight of 100
seeds by applying Bacillus cereus biofertilizer +
coconut water is significantly different from the
provision of water and biological fertilizer Bacillus
cereus + coconut water rice washing water but not
significantly different from other treatments. It is
suspected that biofertilizers based on liquid organic
waste coconut water has sufficient K and N nutrients
that can increase seed weight per soybean plant. The
results of the analysis of Kristina and Syahid's
(Kristina and Syahid, 2012) research showed that
coconut water contained potassium as much as 14.11
mg /100 ml and nitrogen as much as 43.00 mg /100
The element K is needed by plants for the
formation of sugar and starch and activates various
enzymes (Rochman and Sugiyanta, 2007). Enzymes
play an important role in the metabolism of plants
such as carbohydrate formation and ATP. Then
ICMR 2018 - International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research
translocating is throughout the plant tissue so as to
stimulate the filling of soybean seeds. Besides the
element K, coconut water also contains elements of
N which act as ingredients in metabolism in plants.
According to Meirina and Haryanti (Meirina and
Haryanti, 2007) the N elements contained in
fertilizers are compilers of organic material in seeds
such as amino acids, proteins, coenzymes,
chlorophyll and a number of other ingredients in the
seeds, so that giving fertilizer containing N in plants
will increase the dry weight of seeds.
The application of biofertilizers based on liquid
organic waste has an effect on the parameters of the
amount of chlorophyll, percentage of effective root
nodules, seed weight per plant and weight of 100
seeds but does not affect the other parameters.
Biofertilizer based on liquid organic waste coconut
water is the best treatment for the parameters of the
percentage of effective root nodules, the weight of
planting seeds and the weight of 100 seeds of
soybean plants.
Thank you Universitas Riau through professor's
grant with the contract number: 605/UN.
which has funded this research.
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