Adversity Intelligence (AI) and Level of Stress among Young
Doctors (Co-Assistants) in Pirngadi General Hospital Medan
Bania Maulina
, Saiful Batubara
and Gita Kurnia Sari
Psychology (Departement of Behavioral Science),Faculty of Medicine, UISU, Medan
Department of medical education, Faculty of Medicine, UISU, Medan
Keywords: Adversity Intelligence (AI), Level of Stress, Medical Student, Co-Assistants
Abstract: The role of AI as intelligence is related to coping, after turning out, not only appearance in business/
organization, but also in educational institutions (Stoltz, 2004, Alka, 2012). In education, AI plays
significant role when individuals are faced with various challenges, such as learning process (Matore, 2015).
The various studies have shown that medical students experienced stress higher than those of non-medical
students. Furthermore, the previous research showed that stress level of co-assistants were higher than that
of preclinical student. The stressful events were also related to individual responses to adversity
encountered. Some individuals became discouraged, but others felt excited and assumed the event as a
challenge. Stoltz (2004) states that each individual has a different response when faced with hardship.
Basically, it was closely related to AI’s concept. This study involved thirty co-assistants, conducted to find
out the relationship between AI and stress level. The AI-scale adopted from Arisandi (2011) and Depression
Anxiety Stress Scale 42 (DAS-42) were used to collect relevant data. Data were analyzed by using Pearson
Product Moment correlation test. The results showed that there was significant negative correlation between
AIand stress level with p value of 0.002 (p <0.05) and r value of -0.543.
Medical education consists of two stages, namely
academic stage (preclinic) and profession stage (co-
assistant), meaning that at the first stage, medical
students must lead a preclinical study in the
university before becoming co-assistants in the
hospital. Preclinical studies are relatively more
stagnant in the hospitals asthey will be taken for
approximately seven semesters. After that, the
students will enter co-assistant stage. In this stage,
the students will be directly faced with patients and
have an opportunity to take medical action, to apply
their knowledge during study as preclinical students.
Co-assistant stage will be taken for four semesters
and Pirngadi General Hospital Medan is one of the
educational hospitals in North Sumatera, Medan
(Anonymous, 2013).
Furthermore, medical education processes often
cause students lost a lot of time. This makes them
difficult to manage their time. Moreover, they are
also required to have strong biomedical science,
clinical science and ability to deal with patients
directly. All of these cause medical students to
experience stress (Suhoyo, 2006; Putri, 2015). In
Hochiminch City, Vietnam, the research on 315
medical students showed that 39.6 percent of
students were depressed. The intrapersonal,
academic and environmental problems were viewed
as stressors (Putri, 2015).
Many researches about level of stress had also
been done. Abdulghani (2008) studied medical
students in Saudi Arabia and found that 21.5 percent
of students had mild stress, 15.8 percent had
moderate stress and 19.16 percent had high stress.
Furthermore, Widosari (2010) also conducted
research on preclinical students and co-assistants in
faculty of medicine at SebelasMaret University. She
found that level of stress among co-assistants was
higher than that of preclinical students. Co-assistants
experience more anxious and depressed situations
than preclinical students.
The recent phenomenon also showed that many
students had low fighting power, especially when
they had academic difficulties. Many of them felt
desperate instantly, and would not fight anymore
and some of them felt great suffering and tended to
compensate for feelings of depression with ending
Maulina, B., Batubara, S. and Sari, G.
Adversity Intelligence (AI) and Level of Stress among Young Doctors (Co-Assistants) in Pirngadi General Hospital Medan.
DOI: 10.5220/0008882801180122
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (ICMR 2018) - , pages 118-122
ISBN: 978-989-758-437-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
up their living (Sukojo and Yuniati, 2016).
Similarly, the previous studies conducted on medical
students of the United States and Europe showed
that one third of students had poor mental health and
the prevalence increased in students of advanced
stage, which was 25 to 52 percent.
Based on the previous data, wecould conclude
that co-assistants’ activities were viewed difficult,
ultimately affecting the emergence of behaviors
related to stress. Stressful events with varying
degrees are also related to the individual’s responses
with hardship encountered. Some people become
discouraged, but others feel excited by the
As said by Stoltz (2004) that basically, everyone
has a different response when faced with hardship.
Some of them seem to be able to get out of the
adversity, while the others feel embarrassed, inferior
until psychological trauma. Basically, this
phenomenon cannot be separated from the concept
of AI. The medical students must have AI to become
intellectual candidates who can survive when faced
with problems or pressure. Strength or power is
needed to solve it (Laura and Sunjoyo, 2009). When
individuals are able to survive and overcome
difficulties, they will achieve success in life.
Achieving success in life is determined by level of
First, AI was developed by Paul G. Stoltz. Stoltz
(2004) stating that AI is also an individual's ability
to move life’s goal in the future, and also as a
measurement of how to respond to difficulties. He
divided the dimensions of AI into four parts, namely
RE. The CO
RE dimensions will determine
level of individual’s AI usually expressed in the
form of adversity quotient, that is a coefficient
which explains individual's ability to respond
The role of AI as intelligence is related to coping
ability after turning out, not only appearance in the
business or organization, but also in educational
institutions (Stoltz, 2004, Alka, 2012). In education,
the concept of AI plays a significant role when
individual are faced with various challenges, such as
learning process (Matore, 2015). In addition,
research related to AI and stress levels, particularly
among co-assistants has never been done. Therefore,
the reseachers would like to see the correlation
between AI and level of stress among co-assistants
in Pirngadi General Hospital Medan.
The data obtained from this research, will also be
used as basis for planning the right method to
develop the psychological readiness of co-assistants.
So, they can exhibit maximum performance and
make them have good preparation and confidence
when undergoing the profession on the actual
conditions later.
2.1 Research Design
This study used quantitative research in which the
correlation approach was selected to determine
relationship between AI and level of stress among
co-assistants in Pirngadi General Hospital Medan.
The data were analyzed statistically by using
computer program.
2.2 Variables
There are two variables, namely (1) AI, which is
defined as the total score obtained from the sum of
four dimensions (CO
RE) score, measured by AI
scale, adopted from Ariasandi (2011). AI is
described as the ability of the individual to survive
and overcome all the hardship, with tough and
diligent manners to achieve goals and; (2) the level
of stress is a feeling of tension experienced by the
individual due to internal or external pressure,
characterized by psychological reactions, as
measured through Depression Anxiety Stress Scale
42 (DAS-42).
2.3 Sample
This research involved thirty co-assistants which
were selected through purposive sampling
technique. They were taking part in professional
education at Pirngadi General Hospital Medan,
starting from May 2016 until February 2017. The
study was conducted at the hospital located at Jalan
prof. H.M. Yamin, SH No. 47, Medan.
2.4 Instrument
The researcher used psychological scale to collect
relevant data. First, the AI scale, adopted from
Ariasandi (2011), consisting of sixteen statements
and was arranged by the dimensions of CO
including control, origin-ownership, reach and
endurance. This scale had tested the reliability by
using cronbach alpha and obtained reliability index
of 0.902. Test validity with 5 percent significance
level has also been done and obtained coefficients
ranged from 0.398-0.798. Thus, it can be said that
Adversity Intelligence (AI) and Level of Stress among Young Doctors (Co-Assistants) in Pirngadi General Hospital Medan
the scale was valid and reliable to measure co-
assistants’ level of AI.
Second, DAS-42 was developed byLovibond and
Lovibond, consisting of forty two items. The scale
has also been internationally validated with validity
and reliability value of 0.91, by using Cronbach's
Alpha (Lovibond, 1995).
This is to determine correlation between AI and
level of stress among co-assistants in Pirngadi
General Hospital Medan. The correlation test results
can be seen in the table below:
Table 1: AI and Level of Stress among Young Doctors
(Co-Assistants) in Pirngadi General Hospital, Medan.
AI 30,77 5,35
0.002 -0.543
Stress Level 16,63 7,17
*Pearson Product Moment correlation Test(p<0,05)
This table showed that p value was 0.002 (p
<0.05) and r value was -0.543. It meant that there
was significant negative relationship between AI
and level of stress among co-assistants in Pirngadi
General Hospital Medan. In other words, it can be
said that height of AI tended to lead to normal stress
But, in this study, the most of AI’s co-assistants
were in the moderate category with normal stress
level. It was related to many factors that affected
individual’s AI level. As said by Stoltz (2004) many
factors could influence AI’s level. First, internal
factors, e.i genetics, belief, talent, desire, character,
performance, health and intelligence.Second,
external factors, e.i education and environment.
Furthermore, most of co-assistants were able to
manage stress appropriately and effectively or they
might not assume the professional education as a
stressful event. Garmezy and Michael (inTaylor,
1999) states that some people develope maladaptive
behavior as a reaction to survive and the others are
able to survive and develop by adaptive behavior.
They would also be better, when they get out of
trouble and live a healthy life. This means that they
use adaptive coping skills. In other words, it can be
said that individuals who develope adaptive coping
skills patterns tend to have resilience, when facing
Furthermore, the researchers also found an
overview of AI’s co-assistants outlined in the table
2. This table showed that most of co-assistants in
Pirngadi General Hospital, Medan had medium
category of AI.
Table 2: AI among Young Doctors (CoAssistants) in
Pirngadi General Hospital, Medan.
Interval Level
x > 50 High 0 0
30 x
Average 17 57
x < 30 Low 13 43
Zhou (2009) states that everyone is born with a
basic drive to move on, moving towards a life goal,
no matter what the purpose of life is. He terms life
like climbing a mountain. There are three individual
types, e.i quitter, camper, and climber.
Related to AI’s theory, it can be said that co-
assistants were included in campers category, a type
characterized by good ability to deal with hardships
or challenges, but unable to endure hardships or
challenges threatening. This type also has limited
ability to deal with change, especially big change
that requires a lot of adaptability. Individuals with
this type feel satisfied and sufficient with the result
already obtained, so that eventually they are less
motivated to develop potential possessed to the
fullest. Growing spirit will have an impact on the
level of AI. It means that co-assistants in Pirngadi
General Hospital Medan had adequate spirit and
confidence when faced the problems related to
academic activities in the hospital.
The study also found several co-assistants with
low level of AI. They were included in quitters, a
type characterized by low ability to deal with
adversity denying the opportunity to view obstacles
as a challenge.
However, this study could not find a co-
assistants’ high level of AI, also known as climbers.
People with this type have the ability to survive
when faced withcute hardships and makeit as an
opportunity to continue to grow. According to Stoltz
(2004), the support from people around, e.g
listening also could make them feel recognized,
strengthened and cared for. Storytelling could be a
ICMR 2018 - International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research
tool of expressing one's emotions and thoughts, so
that they feel more comfortable and ready to deal
with the problem. However, support from the others,
e.g solutions could make individual dependent on
theperson who provide the solution. It caused them
to become unfamiliar with their problem.
Overview of stress level among co-asisstants in
Pirngadi General Hospital, Medan was outlined in
the table below:
Table 3: Level of Stress among Young Doctors (Co-
Assistants) in Pirngadi General Hospital, Medan.
Interval Level
x 14 Normal 15 50
15 x
Mild 4 13
19 x
Moderate 6 20
26 x
Severe 5 17
x 34 Very Heavy 0 0
The table showed that most of co-assistants had
normal category of stress. Holroyd and Lazarus state
that cognitive point has a significant role to stress
reaction and it is usually conceptualized in two
interaction processes, namely appraisal and coping.
Appraisal determines whether situation is assumed
as stressful and cognitive appraisal would change
individual to reduce stress. So, if the individual feels
that a situation as something stressful, coping is
Otherwise, if someone thinks a situation is not
something stressful, coping is not needed. The
stressful situation can also be minimized through
effective coping skills (Lazarus and Folkman, 1984).
In relation to research findings, it can be argued
that most of co-assistants assumed professional
education was not a stressful situations or they
assumed that the situation was as stressful but they
minimized stressful situations by implementing
effective coping skills.
In addition, academic climate factors in Pirngadi
General Hospital Medan which has been well
planned also affected normal category of stress
among co-assistants. The climate includes a
harmonious relationship between senior-juniors,
supervisors and other academic staff. Through
decades Pirngadi General Hospital Medan has
become one of the educational hospitals helping
students to adjust and go through their academic
activities comfortably.
This study shows that there is a significant negative
relationship between AI and stress level among co-
assistants in Pirngadi General Hospital Medan.
Tracking of coping skills types is considered
effective to minimize stressful situations and can be
taken into consideration for further research.
The conclusion of this research shows that AI plays
an important role in one's stressful experience. But
cognitive process also has a significant role to
minimize or reduce the stress level. Practical coping
skills could help people but we do not know which
coping skills are effective. Hopefully, this research
gives contribution to other researchers, especially
those related to coping skills.
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ICMR 2018 - International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research