Coup D’Etat Consumers’ Right Through Standard
Form Clause in the Form of Notary Deed
Prisilia Anggraini Evelyn Terisno
, Andrian Julius
, & Yuliana Angela
Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya,Indonesia
Keywords: Act, Notary Deed, Standard Form, Consumers’ Right, Law of Consumer Protection.
Abstract: When ensuring the significance of business people, the rights and obligations of each party have to be
defined under an agreement. Due to the complex process of making a complete and comprehensive contract,
for time efficiency, business people generally have formulated the agreed terms and conditions prior to
making the contract. In Indonesia, an agreement as mentioned above is called a standard form contract or
“Standard Clause Contract” based on Law Number 8 Year 1999 regarding Consumer Protection. According
to article 18, the Law of Consumer Protection states that the application of a standard clause requires
heeding some of the restrictions that are listed under the Law in relation to the objective of preventing
consumers who are not familiar with the law to incur losses. In Indonesia, for the agreement to have an ideal
value of verification based on Burgerlijk Wetboek article 1870, business people in general will ask for the
agreement to be taken to a notary to change its status to that of an authentic deed. Issues will arise if the
standard form contract between the business people and their consumers is initiated without the authentic
deed status. Therefore, the restriction in the Law of Consumer Protection article 18 could be applied.
However, when the standard form contract status has been changed into an authentic deed, the condition of
the Law of Consumer Protection article 18 can no longer be applicable. This issue arises based on normative
jurisdiction reviews whereby the terms and conditions of the standard form contract have to be concluded
by business people before the consumers agree to the contract. Nevertheless, authentic deeds, especially
notary deeds, often states, either implicitly or explicitly, that the whole contract formation is initiated in the
presence of the notary, and not made prior by business people. This fact is justified by the characteristic of
an authentic deed that has an ideal strength of verification in the justification by a notary as the general
officials if some events have actually taken place
Under the provisions of Article 1233 of Burgerlijk
Wetboek, it states that alliances are born from
agreements and laws. In his book, Subekti states that
"The alliance born out of the agreement, is required
by two person or parties making an agreement,
whereas the legal borne of the law is held by law
beyond the will of the parties concerned” (Subekti,
2001). Many foreign companies that come to
Indonesia bring in various types of agreements, one
of which is the standard agreement. In this regard,
the positive law in Indonesia states emphatically that
the application of the standard clause in a treaty is a
limited act, namely the act regulated in detail in the
prevailing laws and regulations - the Consumer
Protection Act. According to Achmad Busro, the
reason is "based on the goals to be achieved by the
parties, as well as the need for the existence of rules
that can accommodate the interests and provide legal
protection for economic actors (the parties), then in
the development of the law of agreement, the
development of the treaty law requires effective,
simple, practical, and does not require long process
and time is possible in the principle of freedom of
contract”. One of the reasons for the enforcement of
this regulation is to protect the interests of
Terisno, P., Julius, A. and Angela, Y.
Coup D’Etat Consumers’ Right Through Standard Form Clause in the Form of Notary Deed.
DOI: 10.5220/0008820402810283
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Contemporary Social and Political Affairs (ICoCSPA 2018), pages 281-283
ISBN: 978-989-758-393-3
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
consumers whose positions do not often benefit from
the existence of the standard class.
The standard clause is a breakthrough of the
parties to accommodate the need for rapid and
appropriate legal protection. However, the use of
standard clauses in an agreement is detrimental to
the customer, because the position between the
parties to the agreement is unequal to the other
party, therefore the Consumer Protection Act have
formulated articles that prohibit the application of
standard clauses. One of the characteristics of the
standard clause is that the clause must “first be made
by the business actor”, therefore to deceive the law,
the business actors make agreements with the
standard clause using notary deeds where the
character of the agreement is “made and settled
before me, the Notary”, because the character of the
notarial deed and the agreement itself cannot be
categorised as a standard agreement.
2.1 Page Setup
The approach used in this journal is the statute
approach (approach using related legislation) and the
conceptual approach (approach using related legal
concepts)2. The statute approach is undertaken by
reviewing all of the laws and regulations relating to
the issue of the law being handled. Other than that,
this study also applies the conceptual approach,
which is an approach from the views and doctrines
that develop in the science of law. This approach is
important because an understanding of the evolving
views / doctrines in law science can be a foothold
for building legal arguments while resolving the
legal issues faced. The view / doctrine will clarify
any ideas by providing legal concepts relevant to the
2.2 Type of Research and Legal
In writing this journal, the researcher used the
normative juridical research type. This means that
this research was conducted based on a literature
study to get the legal materials. To complement this
research, we used legal materials in the form of:
Primary Legal Material; in this case, Law
Number 8 Year on Consumer Protection Act
and Burgerlijk Wetboek.
Secondary law materials are legal materials
that provide an explanation of the primary
data; in this case, the authors obtained the data
from legal books, the scientific work of
scholars, newspapers, and internet sites.
Tertiary Law Material is legal material that
supports both the primary law material and
secondary law material, including dictionarie,
The terms of the agreement are a translation of the
Dutch language word overeenkomst. The word
overeenkomst comes from the word overeenkomen,
which means ‘agree’. So, the term agreement
contains an agreement in accordance with the
principle of consensualism. According to Subekti, an
"agreement is an event in which a person promises
to another or where the parties promise to do
something"3, (Subekti, 2001) Wirjono Prodjodikoro,
in more detail, gave the meaning of an agreement as
being “a legal relationship relating to property
between two parties, in which one party promises or
is considered promised to do something or to do
nothing, while the other party has the right to
demand the execution of the agreement”
(Prodjodikoro, 1986). In an agreement, there are
clauses governing the legal relationship including
the rights and obligations of the parties. One of the
most common types of clause is the standard clause.
The meaning of the standard clause can be seen in
the Consumer Protection Act. Standard clause are
any rules, terms and conditions that have been
prepared and determined first unilaterally by the
business actors as outlined in a document that are
agreement binding that must be fulfilled by the
In the Indonesian Big Dictionary, the word
standard means a certain measure that is used as a
benchmark, while the standard word means a
benchmark that is applicable to the quantity or
quality specified5. Abdulkadir Muhamad states that
"standard or standard word means the benchmark
used as a benchmark or guideline for every
consumer who has a legal relationship with the
entrepreneur, which is standardised in the standard
agreement covering the model, formulation, and
size” (Abdulkadir, 2006). The standard clause is the
content or part of an agreement whereas the
agreement using the standard clause is called the
standard agreement. The standard agreement is an
agreement in which there are certain conditions
made by the creditor, generally referred to as the
adhesive agreement or the standard agreement. The
other party, the customer, is generally called the
ICoCSPA 2018 - International Conference on Contemporary Social and Political Affairs
"Adherent". He does not participate in contracting,
and he has no choice. In that case, the seller has a
monopoly position. If seen in the development of the
use of standard clauses, this is due to business
activities that require everything to be done quickly
and efficiently.
The standard clause is one of the outcomes of
article 1338 on the freedom of contract, which gives
freedom for the parties to determine its contents,
including if the content is a standard clause. But the
use of the standard clause has been banned in the
consumer protection law. To avoid the restrictions
set forth in consumer protection laws, the business
actors make agreements with the standard clause
using a notary deed where the character of the
agreement is “made and settled before me, the
According to law number 2 of 2014 on the
amendment to Law number 30 of 2004 concerning
the position of a notary public, article 1 point 1
regulates who is a notary. A notary is a public
official authorised to make the deed authentic and
who has the authority as referred to in the Act. One
of the duties of a notary is to create an authentic
deed where the notary pours the will of the parties
into a deed made by the parties before the notary.
The notary in this case acts only as a recorder and
not as a party to the agreement.
By using a notarial deed wherein the agreement
is made and settled before the notary by the parties,
it does not meet the definition of a standard clause
which requires that the agreement be made by one of
the parties. This legal loophole makes the provision
of a prohibition in consumer protection law difficult
to implement, therefore it is better to exclude the
definition of "standard clauses"/"non-standard
clauses” and to promote a generalisation of the
definition between both standard clauses and non-
standard clauses. It is very difficult, and even
impossible, to prove that a clause has been "made
first" or made on the spot.
There is a legal loophole in the application of a
ban as part of the standard clause to protect
consumers in the Indonesian legal system. Thus,
business actors can still violate any provisions of the
standard clause by bringing it to the notary and
creating an authentic deed. The legal loophole
means that the restrictions on the contents of the
standard clauses stipulated in the Consumer
Protection Act are not applicable because they do
not meet the "made first" element but are "made
together before the notary".
Suggestions to be given in order to tackle this
legal loophole are to revise the Consumer Protection
Act, and to remove the definition of the standard
clause and prohibition using a standard clause for
any agreement made with either party, in addition to
the consumer.
We would like to thank to Jesus and to everyone
who has provided support and assist us in
completing this scientific journal on time. We
realizes that there are still many shortcomings in this
journal, although it has been done as best as
possible. We hope this journal can be useful.
Burgerlijk Wetboek;
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Berkontrak” Muhamad Hasan Muaziz1, Achmad
Busro2 Law Study Program of Law Faculty of
Diponegoro University
Law Number 8 Year 1999 regarding Consumer Protection
Law number 2 of 2014 on the amendment to Law number
30 of 2004 concerning the position of a notary public
Mahmud, Peter Marzuki, 2006, Penelitian Hukum,
Jakarta, Kencana Prenada Media Group
Muhammad, Abdulkadir, 2006, Hukum Perikatan, PT.
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Coup D’Etat Consumers’ Right Through Standard Form Clause in the Form of Notary Deed