Relationship between Mother’s Knowledge and Attitude towards Formula
Milk Advertisement with Exclusive Breastfeeding
at Baitussalam Health Center, Aceh Besar
Liza Salawati
Emi Pus
ita Sari
Department of Nutrition,
aculty of Medicine, Syiah Kuala University,
ceh, Indonesia
Public Health Department, Faculty of Medicine, Syiah Kuala University, Aceh, Indonesia
Faculty of Medicine, Syiah Kuala University, Aceh, Indonesia
Keywords: Exclusive Breastfeeding, Knowledge, Attitude, Infant Formula Advertising Promotion
Abstract: Exclusive breastfeeding given as soon as possible after the babies birth, without any schedule and no
complementary food of breastfeeding until 6 months but the number of exclusive breastfeeding in Indonesia
is still low (54,3%). The purpose of this study was to find out the correlation between knowledge mother’s
attitude and infant formula advertising promotion to giving exclusive breastfeeding in Baitussalam Aceh
Besar primary health care. The methods of study used was analytical observational with cross sectional
design and samples were taken by accidental sampling from 16 February to 17 March 2015, and the
respondents are 31 mothers. Data were collected through questionnaire with interview techniques. The
result of this study indicated that mothers who gave exclusive breastfeeding is 51,6% and non exclusive
breastfeeding is 48,4%. The good knowledge is 48,4% and bad knowledge is 51,6%. The positive attitude is
74,2% and negative attitude is 25,8%. Infant formula advertising promotion is 42,5% and there isn’t infant
formula advertising promotion 54,8%. From Chi-Square, there was correlation between the mother’s
knowledge (p=0,019), mother’s attitude (p=0,015), and infant formula advertising promotion (p=0,020) with
exclusive breastfeeding. The conclusions were there is correlation between knowledge, mother’s attitude
and infant formula advertising promotion to giving exclusive breastfeeding.
Early breastfeeding has a positive impact on both the
mother and the baby. For babies, breastfeeding has an
important role to support the growth, health, and survival
of babies because breast milk is rich in nutrients and
antibodies. As for the mother, breastfeeding can reduce
morbidity and mortality due to breast feeding will
stimulate uterine contractions, so that reducing the
postpartum hemorrhage (postpartum) (Riskesdas,2018)
The low level of exclusive breastfeeding in Indonesia is
caused by two factors, namely internal factors including
the low knowledge and attitude of the mother. External
factors include a lack of support from the families,
communities, health workers and the government,
incessant promotion of formula milk in several media,
socio-cultural factors and the lack of availability of
maternal and child health care facilities (Prasetyono D
Data from the 2012 Center for Disease Control (CDC)
Survey, showed 14% of infants in the United States get
breast milk excretively for up to 6 months. Year 2013
exclusive breastfeeding until the age of 6 months reaches
16%. Exclusive breastfeeding until the age of 6 months on
2013 remain about 18% (Center for Disease Control
2014). The Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) in 2013,
In Indonesia the percentage of exclusive breastfeeding is
higher for infants 0-1 months (52,7%), ages 2-3 months
(46%), ages 4-5 years old (41,9%), and ages 6 months
(40,2%). Breastfeeding is less than an hour after
birth (44,5%). The highest is in West Nusa Tenggara
(52,9%) and the lowest in West Papua (21.7%). The
breastfeeding process 1-6 hours after the baby born is
(35,2%) but (13,7%) of the breastfeeding process
is carried out after 48 hours (Riset Kesehatan Dasar
(Center for Disease Control 2014).
The percentage of exclusive breastfeeding for infants
0-6 months in Indonesia in 2013 was (54,3%), a slight
increase compared to 2012 which was (48,6%). The
highest percentage of exclusive breastfeeding was in West
Nusa Tenggara at (79,74%), South Sumatra at (74,49%),
and East Nusa Tenggara at (74,37%).
The lowest percentage of exclusive breastfeeding is in
Maluku (25,21%), West Java (33,65%) and North
Sulawesi (34,67%). Data on the health profile of the
Province of Aceh in 2013 the coverage of exclusive
breastfeeding was only (48,76%) (Kementerian
Kesehatan Republik Indonesia 2014).
Based on the 2013
Statistics Agency (BPS), the average percentage of
children 2-4 months who were breastfeed and
supplemented with food was (15%) and the average
percentage of children 2-4 months who were breastfeed
Husnah, ., Salawati, L. and Sari, E.
Relationship between Mother’s Knowledge and Attitude towards Formula Milk Advertisement with Exclusive Breastfeeding at Baitussalam Health Center, Aceh Besar.
DOI: 10.5220/0008789401170120
In Proceedings of the 2nd Syiah Kuala International Conference on Medicine and Health Sciences (SKIC-MHS 2018), pages 117-120
ISBN: 978-989-758-438-1
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
without additional food was (4,86%) (Badan Pusat
Statistik 2013).
Knowledge has a relationship with the level of health.
The better the knowledge, the easier it is to accept the
concept of healthy living, including giving exclusive
breastfeeding to infants (Notoadmodjo S 2014).
is a reaction or closed response from someone to a
particular object. Attitudes obtained through experience
will have a direct influence on behaviour (Notoadmodjo S
2014) (Hidayanti L2011).
Promotion is a process that has
inputs and outputs. The increasing use of formula milk as
a substitute for breast milk is due to the incessant
marketing of formula (Notoadmodjo S 2014) (Hidayanti
Time and Place of Research
This research was held at the Baitussalam Aceh Besar
Health Center in February 2015.
Research Samples
Samples is a non-probability sampling, namely the
mothers who brought babies to the Baitussalam Aceh
Besar Health Center in 2015 were 31 people who were in
accordance with the inclusion criteria.
Research Procedure
a. PreparationThe researcher asked permission from the
head of the health center to carry out the research
and prepare the necessary tools.
b. Research flowProviding questionnaires to the mothers
who bring babies to obtain research data, data in 2013
at Baitussalam Health Center, the percentage
of exclusive breastfeeding was only (45.31%).
Measurement of mother knowledge, mother’s attitude, and
the promotion of infant formula advertising. Collect
questionnaires by the interviewing and analyzing data
using the Chi-Square test.
Table 1. Frequency Distribution of Breastfeeding,
Mother's Knowledge and Attitudes and Promotion of
Formula Milk Advertisements
Variable Frequency (n) Percentage (%)
- Exclusive
- Not Exclusive
- Good
- Bad
- Positive
- Negative
- There is
- There is not
17 54,8
Total 31 100
Based on table 1, it was found that infants who were given
exclusive breastfeeding had 16 infants (51.6%) and were
not given exclusive breastfeeding 15 infants (48.4%).
Mother's knowledge about breastfeeding is still lacking in
16 people (51,6 %), mothers that have a positive attitude
to giving exclusive breastfeeding to 23 infants (74,2%).
There was an advertisement promotion for formula milk
for 14 people (45,2%).
Table 2. Relationship between knowledge of mothers and
exclusive breastfeeding
Not Exclusive
% n
26,7 15
68.8 16 100
Table 3. Relationship between Attitudes of Mothers and
Exclusive Breastfeeding.
Exlusive No Exlusive Pval
n % n % n %
Positive 15 62.2 8 34.8 23 100
Negative 1 12.5 7 87.5 8 100
Table 4. Relationship between Promotion of Formula Milk
Ads and Exclusive Breastfeeding
Promotion of
Formula Milk
Exlusive No Exlusive Pval
n % n % n %
4 28.6 10 71.4 14 100
is not
12 70.6 5 29.4 17 100
SKIC-MHS 2018 - The 2nd Syiah Kuala International Conference on Medicine and Health Sciences
The results showed exclusive breastfeeding was (51,6%),
not (48,4%). This study is in line with the study of
Ramadani (2009) at the Air Tawar Health Center in West
Sumatra that breastfeeding is still lower than the national
target (80%), (55.4%) were exclusive breastfeeding.
Sarbini's research results (2008) in Surakarta Exclusive
Breastfeeding coverage was (40%). This is caused by the
milk that has not come out so that the food or drink is
given before the milk comes out and the colostrum is
removed because it is considered dirty. High levels of
community education contribute indirectly to
breastfeeding coverage rates. Because someone with a
higher level of education usually has better knowledge
(Ramadani2010) ( Sarbini D 2008).
The study showed that exclusive breastfeeding with
good maternal knowledge was (73,3%) while in
respondents with less knowledge only (31,3%). Based on
the results of statistical tests obtained p value 0,019 < 0,05
means that there is a relationship between knowledge and
exclusive breastfeeding.
The results of this study are in line with the research of
Mariane (2013) in Manado City Health Center which
shows a relationship between the knowledge of mothers
with Exclusive Breastfeeding (Mariena 2013). Juliastuti
Research (2015) in Beijing Village, Trowulan District,
Mojokerto Regency that there is a relationship between
maternal knowledge and breastfeeding Exclusive
Knowledge of a mother can affect the mother in giving
exclusive breastfeeding. The better the mother's
knowledge about the benefits of breast milk, then a mother
will give exclusive breastfeeding to her child. Conversely,
the lower the mother's knowledge about the benefits of
exclusive breastfeeding, the less chance the mother gives
exclusive breastfeeding (Mariena 2013) (Rulina 2016).
Maternal knowledge is increasingly high due to the
increasing progress in developing science and technology
(Widiyanto S 2012).
The mother is not only informed by
health workers in Health Center directly, but with the
presence of media such as television, radio and magazines
it can be a source of information about the importance of
breastfeeding for children (Yuliarti N 2010).
Knowledge also has a relationship with the level of
health. The better the knowledge, the easier it is to accept
the concept of healthy living independently, creative and
continuous. A person's educational background is related
to the level of the knowledge, if the level of maternal
nutrition is good, the nutritional status of the mother and
her child is also good (Kementerian Kesehatan Republik
Indonesia 2014) (Devina E 2012).
According to the researchers assumptions, mothers'
knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding is still lacking.
Mothers do not know the benefits of breastfeeding and the
risk of providing other foods other than breast milk in
infants under the age of 6 months. Then there needs to be
counseling conducted by health workers to mothers about
the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding. Mothers with
knowledge lacking 2.5 times the risk of not giving
exclusive breastfeeding than mothers with good
knowledge (Mariena 2013) (Widiyanto S 2012).
The results showed exclusive breastfeeding with a
positive mother attitude of (65,2%) while the negative
maternal attitude was (12,5%) accoriding to Fisher's Exact
Test obtained p value 0.015 means that there is a
relationship between the attitude of the mother with
exclusive breastfeeding. Thus showing the more positive
attitude of the mother, the higher the percentage of
exclusive breastfeeding. The results of this study are in
line with the research of Mariane (2013) in Manado City
Shoulder Health Center which shows the relationship
between maternal attitudes and exclusive breastfeeding.
Widiyanto (2012) and Yuliarti (2010) research shows the
relationship between maternal attitudes and exclusive
This is because the influence of the environment will
affect someone to make the best decision.
Some respondents stated that the attitude of providing
additional food before the baby is 6 months old due to the
advice of the immediate family who took care of the baby
and some birth attendants also gave formula milk as soon
as the baby was born on the grounds that breast milk had
not produced much.
Another factor that encourages mothers to give breast
milk is the attitude of society towards health, tradition and
public trust in health. The value system adopted by the
community, culture, education level, socio-economic
level, availability of facilities and health facilities
(Ramadani2010) (Juliastuti 2015).
According to the researchers assumptions, the attitude
of mothers who provide other foods other than breast milk
in infants under 6 months is due to the influence of the
closest family. One of the most common examples at the
time of the study “Crying babies are considering hungry
and breast milk is insufficient so that the mother gives
water or bananas”. The support of the closest husband,
family and relatives greatly affects the attitude of the
mother in giving exclusive breastfeeding. Negative
attitude mothers have 2,5 times the risk of not giving
exclusive breastfeeding to mothers who have a positive
The results showed that exclusive breastfeeding by
respondents with the promotion of formula milk
advertisement was (28,6%), respondents with no
promotion of (70,6%) formula milk advertising.
The Chi-Square test results obtained p value 0,02 <
0,05 means that there is a relationship between the
promotion of formula milk advertising with exclusive
breastfeeding. This result is in line with Devina’s (2012)
study at Seulimeum Health Center, where there was a
relationship between the advertising of formula milk and
exclusive breastfeeding. Researcher Saktila (2009) in
Tangkil Village, Sragen Subdistrict, there was a
relationship between promotion of formula milk and
exclusive breastfeeding (Devina E 2012) (Saktila 2009).
Many mothers give formula milk compared to
exclusive breastfeeding because mothers feel impatient
and provide food before 6 months old infants and
Relationship between Mother’s Knowledge and Attitude towards Formula Milk Advertisement with Exclusive Breastfeeding at Baitussalam
Health Center, Aceh Besar
increased promotion of formula milk. Promotion of
formula milk is very intense while promotion of Exclusive
Breastfeeding is very minimal. This causes mothers to
ignore the benefits of breast milk for the development of
their baby's life (Ramayah T. 2004) (WHO 2013).
Increasingly the promotion of formula milk and
complementary breastfeeding causes mothers to switch to
providing complementary breastfeeding food for infants
less than 6 months old on the grounds that breast milk is
not enough to fulfill infant nutrition (Saktila 2009) (WHO
Incessant promotion of formula milk among health
workers is also one of the factors that shape the attitude of
mothers in breastfeeding. In Malaysia, the baby food
market is said to be growing relatively fast. In 2000 the
overall growth rate of marketing for first and advanced
year formula milk was (2,5%) and (5,6%) (Ramayah T.
The WHO International Code of Marketing for Breast
Milk Substitutes Code recommends that there should be
no ads substitutes for mother's milk to the general public,
there should be no samples free or household appliances
for mothers, there must be no promotion of products to
health facilities and there should be no prizes for health
workers (WHO 2013).
According to the researcher’s assumptions the reason
mothers do not give breast milk to their children is
including busy work and fear of changes in body shape if
the breastfeed so that the mother does not give exclusive
breastfeeding to her child. Plus the incessant advertising of
formula milk and the crush of the family economy make
mothers to fulfill their daily needs. Mothers who received
milk ads promotion had a 2,4 times risk of not giving
exclusive breastfeeding than mothers who did not get
advertising promotion (Hidayanti L2011) (Riset
Kesehatan Dasar 2018).
There is a meaningful relationship between mothers
knowledge, mother’s attitude and promotion of
advertising formula milk with exclusive
breastfeeding at the Baitussalam Aceh Besar Health
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