The Development of the Digital Economy in Micro, Small and
Medium Enterprises Business in the Regional Economy
Imam Mukhlis
, Sugeng Hadi Utomo, Ermita Yusida, Mutiara Sani
Faculty of Economics, State University of Malang
Keywords : Digital Economy, Micro Small, and Medium Enterprises, Regional Economy, Information Technology
Abstract : This study aims to describe the development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) business
based on the digital economy in the regional economy. The object of this study is the business sector of
MSMEs. Meanwhile, the research location includes; Kediri City, Ponorogo Regency, Malang City, and
Batu City East Java Province, Indonesia. The research sample was taken in March-July 2018. The sampling
method was carried out by using a purposive random sampling method. The analytical method used is
descriptive. The results of the study conclude that the media used in the utilization of information
technology are: SMS, WA, Facebook, Internet, Twitter, and Instagram. The type of business carried out
includes fields; fashion, food, beverages, crafts, agribusiness, cosmetics, health and beauty equipment,
online motorcycle taxi, tour and travel, electronic repair, and electronic equipment. Digital economy-based
MSME businesses have been able to create new types of businesses that are able to encourage the
development of regional economic activities more dynamically. In relation to the development of MSME
business based on digital economy in the region, a policy is needed in strengthening business
competitiveness, providing infrastructure, business capital assistance and improving the quality of human
The growing development of the digital economy
can encourage the efficiency and productivity of
economic activities. This certainly can encourage the
expansion of economic activities and economic
performance in the aggregate. The advancement of
internet-based digital technology can be applied
more broadly to economic activities. The application
can occur in economic transactions through the
payment system, ordering, and shipping of goods.
Digital economic activity extends from the concept
of business-to-business (B2B) to business-to-
consumer (B2C). Digital economic instruments in
national payment systems can be in the form of e-
money and e-commerce. Based on the available data,
there are significant developments in the use of e-
money and e-commerce in community economic
In the context of regional economic development,
developments in the digital economy can provide
acceleration in achieving regional economic
performance. The era of implementing the Law on
Regional Autonomy since 2000 has implications for
regional independence in carrying out various
breakthroughs in improving regional economic
performance. However, because it is faced with the
external conditions of the global economy that are
increasingly transparent and limited regional
financial capacity, not all development programs can
be implemented properly. In this case, the regional
government is required to be able to develop its local
economic potential in improving its economic
performance. In relation to the use of IT in economic
activities, the regional government together with
economic actors can work together in their activities.
The existence of a digital economy can provide a
multiplier effect and also a spillover effect in
regional economic development.
The development of human civilization is
marked by the use of technology in meeting the
needs of the community. Globalization becomes a
new civilization that demands adjustments in the
system of public relations both individually and
Mukhlis, I., Utomo, S., Yusida, E. and Sani, M.
The Development of the Digital Economy in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Business in the Regional Economy.
DOI: 10.5220/0008785001650171
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Research Conference on Economics and Business (IRCEB 2018), pages 165-171
ISBN: 978-989-758-428-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
nationally and stately. The community produced
from the globalization era is a society with a rational
consumptive type.
In the development of the national economy,
there has been a significant development in
anticipating global developments. In this case, the
growing business sector shifts to a type of creative
economic business based on the use of information
technology. The digital economy phenomenon has
been well implemented in the creative industry,
which can be seen from the number of entrepreneurs
who have used computers and the internet. Based on
the available data, it shows that in 2015 in Indonesia,
the Creative Economy business (Ekraf) which uses
computers (devices) was 64.24%. The Ekraf
business that owns (website) 30.39% and Ekraf
Enterprises that use the internet (network) 68.83%
East Java Province of Indonesia, is one of the
provinces with increasingly dynamic economic
activities. Regional economic development in East
Java Province is driven by the manufacturing sector,
trade, services, construction, transportation, and the
agricultural sector. The economy of East Java based
on the amount of Gross Regional Domestic Product
(GDP) at current prices in 2017 reached Rp 2,019.2
trillion and on the basis of constant 2010 prices
reached Rp 1,482.15 trillion. The economic structure
of East Java, according to the business field in 2017,
is dominated by three main business fields that are
the processing industry with a contribution of 29.03
percent followed by the agriculture, forestry and
fisheries sector at 12.80 percent and wholesale-retail
and car-motorcycle repair 18.18 percent.
Cumulatively in 2017, East Java's economy grew by
5.45 percent higher than the national growth of 5.07
percent. Positive growth occurs in all business fields
Regional economic development in the province
of East Java cannot be separated from the role of the
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Sector
(MSMEs). This sector is able to provide
employment and new types of businesses that are
developing in various regions. Quantitatively, the
contribution of MSMEs to the economy of East Java
has increased. As stated by the Governor of East
Java Province, in 2012 MSMEs contributed to the
Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) of
54.98%. With the assumption of ceteris paribus, the
contribution of MSMEs to East Java GRDP in 2016
rose to 57.52% (
The development of the digital economy in
relation to MSME business in various regions in
East Java Province has considerable potential. This
is because regions that have prominent economic
potential such as Malang City, Batu City, Kediri
City, and Ponorogo Regency. Economic potential in
these areas such as agriculture, tourism, marine,
manufacturing industries and service industries that
can play a role in supporting regional economies in
the ongoing construction process. The development
of the regional economic potential provides
considerable opportunities in the development of
MSME business based on the digital economy.
Based on this background, this study aims to
describe digital economic development in supporting
regional development.
Development is basically a multidimensional
process that includes various policies both economic
policies and non-economic policies. In this case,
economic policy has a very broad space in relation
to the achievement of a country's development goals.
According to Todaro and Smith (2009:28)
development targets basically include: increased
availability and expansion of the distribution of
various basic necessities of life - such as food,
clothing, shelter, health, security protection;
improvement of living standards not only in the
form of increasing income, but also includes
increasing employment, improving the quality of
education, and increasing attention to cultural and
humanitarian values, all of which are only to
improve material welfare, but also to foster self-
esteem and the nation concerned; the expansion of
economic and social choices for each individual and
nation as a whole, namely by freeing them from
entanglement of servitude and dependence not only
on people or other nation-states, but also on every
force that has the potential to humble their human
In relation to improving living standards and
expanding economic/social choices, the existence of
a digital economy is the answer to the dynamics that
occur in the development process. In this case,
according to Goldfarb and Tucker (2017), the digital
economy can develop massively because it is
supported by the presence of digital technology.
Therefore, digital technology represents the
information in bits. According to him, understanding
the effects of digital technology does not require a
fundamentally new economic theory. Nevertheless,
it still requires different emphases. Studying the
digital economy starts with what questions are
different? Which one is easier to do when
information is represented in the form of bits or
atoms? Digital technology is related to costs that
limit economic activity. Therefore, basically, the
digital economy explores how the standard
economic model changes the economic costs can be
substantially decreased and even close to zero.
Relevant economic costs are; search costs,
replication costs, transportation costs, tracking costs,
and verification costs. Thus, according to Kray
(2002); MacKie-Mason and Varian (1994); Mukhlis
(2015) the development of globalization has led to
fundamental changes in the development process of
the State.
Another view is expressed by Sharma (2005)
mentioned that digital economics is a process of
convergence of communication, computerization,
and information. Then, the new economy is basically
coordination, innovation, selection and learning
(Gärdin, 2002). In this case, a combination of
computer networks and new business models creates
new markets, industries, businesses, and work
practices today into a form of digital economy.
According to Rogers (1995), the existence of
Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) can explain the role
of technological progress in encouraging the
expansion of economic activities. Through his
theory, Rogers emphasized that technology diffusion
can facilitate public access in utilizing existing IT
developments. While Brynjolfsson and McAfee
(2011) explicitly underlined that the digital economy
with various IT uses in economic activities will be
able to boost the economic performance of a country.
Furthermore, according to Gardin (2002), there
are essential elements in the digital economy that is;
a. digitalization and intensive use of information
and communication technologies (ICT);
b. codification of knowledge;
c. transformation of information into commodities;
d. new ways of organizing work and production.
In this case according to Mossberger, et al.,
(2008); Weill and Woerner, (2013) the
transformation of business activities, government
services, and mass communication in the global
economy. Digital economy data contributes to
economic growth (Brynjolfsson and McAfee, 2011).
While Anvari and Norouzi (2016) in their research
concluded that the use of e-commerce and Research
and Development activities (R and D) had a positive
effect on GDP per capita and at the same time could
encourage the development of economic activities.
The results of research by Sharma (2005) also yield
the conclusion that transactions through e-commerce
can increase wider opportunities in business
activities and ultimately can affect the social
conditions and economic growth of a nation.
In accordance with the scope of the study, this type
of research is quantitative. The purpose of
quantitative research is to develop and use
mathematical models, theories and/or hypotheses
relating to various phenomena (Goertzen, 2017).
While the approach taken is explorative. This
approach is carried out in order to obtain as much
information as possible on objects that are unique
and not yet much information about the developing
phenomenon. The research location includes the area
of Malang City, Batu City, Kediri City, and
Ponorogo Regency East Java Province. The location
selection was based on consideration of the diversity
of economic activities and regional representation in
the southern part of East Java Propinsi. Research
activities will be carried out in the period March-
June 2018. While the objects in this study are
business actors engaged in the digital economy.
The population used in this study are economic
actors in 4 districts/cities in East Java Province and
samples taken using purposive random sampling
technique. This technique is done by identifying
samples based on certain criteria set by the
researchers. These criteria are like; type of business,
business turnover, business form, and business
location. In relation to this research, relevant area-
based sampling techniques for use in sampling. This
is because the object to be studied is very broad
which involves the population of a district. To
determine which population will be used as a data
source, the sampling is based on the predetermined
population area. Data obtained through;
questionnaire distribution, Focus Group Discussion
(FGD), observation, survey, independent interview
and document analysis. While the data analysis
method used in this research is descriptive. This
method is carried out by presenting data and facts
based on certain characters. The data presented is
then illustrated and developed in more detail in order
to obtain more valid information regarding digital
economic conditions and regional economic
The Development of the Digital Economy in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Business in the Regional Economy
MSME business development based on digital
economy in various regions shows the
diversification of the types of products produced. In
addition, it also shows the use of information and
communication technology media in various forms.
Various businesses are developed using the existing
main platform, such as; e-commerce, m-commerce,
and social commerce. The three main platforms play
an important role in the communication carried out
among economic actors. The complete picture of the
type of MSME business based on digital economy in
various districts/cities in East Java Province is as
follows on the table 1.
Table 1: Types of MSME Businesses Based on Digital
Economy in Regions
Business Type
tion Media
Health and
Kediri City
(prayer), hijab,
contact lenses,
party planner,
food, and
taxi, mobile
repair, internet
fashion, bags,
shoes, sandals,
travel, tours
and travel,
food, and
Batu City
Cosmetics, Cut
Flowers, Plant
Bag Wallets,
Crafts, Cactus
Plants, Food
and Drink,
Tour and
Source: Observation of MSME Business Actors, July 2018
The results showed that the four regions in East
Java which were the research locations that are
Ponorogo Regency, Kediri City, Malang City, and
Batu City had several differences related to digital
economic forms which included the potential of IT-
based businesses in their respective regions. The
following is a description of the business conditio ns
of MSMEs based on digital economy in various
4.1 Ponorogo Regency
The digital economy brings fresh air to the regional
economy. Through IT-based businesses, the digital
economy is expected to continue to grow. First is the
location of the business. The majority of IT-based
businesses in Ponorogo Regency choose business
locations in their own homes. However, business
turnover has increased by 30% from the previous
one that did not utilize IT. This happened because of
the increasing number of media used to market their
products through the web, facebook, WA, twitter,
Instagram, and in reality they were seen opening a
business at home. Whereas if we examine from
some respondents their business age is still relatively
early, namely 1-3 years, but the digital economy can
be explored well so that their business can grow
faster. The most widely traded product type is about
fashion. These entrepreneurs use more IT to market
their products and by using IT management their
business management is more efficient. One of the
main goals of using IT is to get more consumers
because they can make transactions easier. Some of
the obstacles faced by one of the most prominent are
consumers who still have difficulty using IT and
lack of trust in the goods or services sold.
Unfortunately, the development of the digital
economy era in Ponorogo Regency is not balanced
with the support of several related parties, namely
the regional government and banks, so that the
development is not sufficiently capable. But on the
other hand, this certainly has a positive impact,
consumers feel they can ease their work when doing
transactions and get the ease of service with the
presence of IT in the digital economy era.
4.2 Kediri City
The same thing happens with Ponorogo Regency, in
Kediri City, the majority of business people choose
business locations such as their own homes. While
for business turnover, there is still a 20% increase
from before using IT even though their business age
is still young. The media used to market their
products are web and Instagram. The reason for
using IT in addition to marketing is to build a
business network and also facilitate business
management. One of the benefits obtained by
business people is that they do not need an offline
store because they have enough time to scroll the
handphone. All transaction activities can run
smoothly. In addition to the benefits, there are
several obstacles faced by IT-based businesses in the
city of Kediri because more and more are using IT,
competitors are also increasing, and tend to be prone
to fake accounts. So far, these constraints are still
able to be overcome independently by these business
actors because until now the support from the local
government, as well as material moral assistance
they have not received. At least between sellers and
buyers, a harmonious relationship is established
because with this transaction using IT, time
efficiency can be obtained both sellers and buyers
and prices tend to be cheaper if sold through an
online shop.
4.3 Malang City
On average, IT-based businesses in Malang are
migrants, so the business locations they choose are
boarding houses or rented houses. The use of IT
makes their turnover increase by 50%. Most
consumers are students along with the many
migrants to study in Malang City. Even though they
are boarding or rented, they do not have offline
stores because all of their business management
through IT, marketing is also the same, through WA,
Instagram, FB, web. Products sold are very diverse
and all sectors exist so that the profits obtained are
very large and evenly distributed. Most of these
businesses use IT as a promotional medium. IT
makes them able to minimize rental costs for offline
stores, even promotions can be right on target. Some
of the obstacles faced by businesses in Malang City
are frequent hit and run cases by customers, this can
increase losses for businesses. Sometimes
consumers also don't explore social media and
ultimately the products they want to introduce are
not delivered. In Malang City, support for
developing the potential of the existing digital
economy such as training or ease of credit assistance
from the Bank. Yet, this training tends to be still
basic only in relation to What and hasn't led to
How. Therefore, it must be further improved, and
if necessary bring in more competent speakers
regarding IT from all fields because this digital
economy gets a very good response from the
community, it's good to continue to be developed.
4.4 Batu City
Batu City that is known as tourism city has an
important contribution to the development of the
digital economy. Among the four locations in this
study, Batu tends to be more potential to be
developed. The reason is, Batu has guaranteed
access that is very easy especially if it is reviewed
more deeply the perpetrators of economic activities
not only in the city, and even penetrated abroad.
Indeed, the type of business pursued in Batu City is
not as diverse as in Malang City, from manual
systems to using IT still survive on gifts and plants,
there are also travel, but only still in a pioneering
stage. Research shows that businesses in Batu City
choose business locations at home because they are
fixated on the products produced by them. These
products are better processed at home and to get
consumers is very easy with IT. They simply operate
IT from home while taking care of business.
Arguably, the products are less diverse but the
turnover obtained is far greater than the three areas
discussed earlier. It can even reach 300% of those
who previously did not use IT. Consumers come
from the general population ranging from young to
elderly. Most marketings are done through FB and
Instagram. They use IT as a promotional medium
and build networks. In addition, the reason they use
IT is to expand the market, simplify business
management, and keep up with the increasingly
advanced times with IT so they can continue to
compete while increasing profits. While there is no
support from the regional government in terms of
materiality, but for SME counseling and training on
existing crops, although still minimal. A digital
economy with the development of IT-based
businesses provides benefits for consumers who are
always facilitated in the matter of buying and selling
goods or services anytime and anywhere.
Various types of digital economic businesses carried
out by MSME entrepreneurs in various regions in
East Java have their own uniqueness and strength.
The uniqueness and strength are generated from the
influence of culture, local wisdom, the structure of
economic activities, income levels and also local
The Development of the Digital Economy in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Business in the Regional Economy
government policies. The spread of economic
activities in regions with various types of products
produced shows that the potential for business
development of MSMEs based on the digital
economy is growing well. This is certainly a
business opportunity that can be developed in a
more systematic manner regarding the policy and the
provision of supporting infrastructure.
This is as stated by Mossberger, et al., (2008);
Weill and Woerner, (2013) transformation in
business activities, government services, and mass
communication needs to be done in the global
economy. This is necessary so that existing business
entities and businesses can find innovative ideas that
can encourage the diffusion of innovations to
various regions. According to Rogers (1995), the
process of diffusion of innovation that occurs must
be precisely commenced from time to time through
networks among members of existing social systems.
Because of the development of information and
communication technology, there needs to be full
support from stakeholders in the region. This is
important because according to Terzi (2011) the
existence of the internet and e-commerce can
encourage better efficiency, asset utilization, better
and faster in the market, reduction in total order
fulfillment times, and improved customer service.
East Java Province is known for all its economic
potential, both in a macro conducive manner in the
development of MSME business based on the digital
economy. The average level of economic growth
above national economic growth has become a
major force in the flow of digital economic
development in various districts/cities in East Java.
This is also supported by the existence of a very
large population and location of the area which is
supported by the existence of port facilities, airports,
terminals, and transportation systems that have been
integrated between regions and between modes of
transportation to support regional economic
development. In this case, the digital economy as a
new trend in regional development requires a lot of
infrastructures and large capital availability.
Integration of infrastructure and the development of
quality human resources is the key to success in the
development of MSME-based digital economy
businesses. In Sharma's view (2005) digital
economics is basically a process of convergence of
communication, computerization, and information.
In this case, the new economy created is the result of
coordination, innovation, selection and learning
(Gärdin, 2002). Economic actors carry out these
functions to find installed capacity and satisfaction
maximization combined with profit maximization in
economic interaction. In relation to the development
of digital economic enterprises in the region, a
combination of computer networks and new
business models is needed that can create new
markets, industries, businesses, types of businesses
and work practices based on the digital economy.
The regional economic development of East Java
which is supported by the processing industry sector
with a contribution of 29.03 percent of GRDP can
create even greater market share when supported by
the existence of MSMEs based on digital
The digital economy based MSME sector business
activities in Ponorogo Regency, Kediri City, Malang
City, and Batu City of East Java Province in
Indonesia consist of food, beverages, and fashion
business. The use of the internet is done through
Android phones, PC and laptop computers through
various applications such as WA, FB, Instagram,
Twitter, and the Web. Various existing social and
web media are used to facilitate business transaction
processes in e-commerce activities. MSME business
actors based on the digital economy are mostly done
by housewives and also teenagers (students and high
school age) with a different business turnover. The
market scope itself has reached local, regional and
national. Government support is still limited to
training and there is not enough capital support for
MSME business development. In developing its
business, business actors are faced with the
constraints of limited capital for business
development and internet network management both
for the supply of raw materials, market expansion,
and financial transactions.
Based on the results of this study, it is necessary
to have a sustainable policy design in various
regions so that the development of MSME business
based on the digital economy can be competitive in
the global era. This can be initiated by the
government by cooperating with third parties in the
formulation of the design of digital economic
development policies for MSME entrepreneurs in
the regions. Besides that, in order to overcome the
limitations of human resources in business
management, training and business assistance based
on the digital economy are needed. This can be done
by forming an MSME business forum based on
digital economy in various regions. The banking
sector also needs to provide support in financing the
MSME business based on the digital economy,
especially in terms of easier business loan
application requirements.
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The Development of the Digital Economy in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Business in the Regional Economy