Development of Learning Methods on Elementery Statistics Course
Through Participatory Online Methods
Ferra Yanuar, Hazmira Yozza, Izzati Rahmi Hg and Radiathul Husna
Department of Mathematics, Universitas Andalas, Padang, Indonesia
Keywords: Elementary Statistics, Participatory Online Method, Learning Achievement.
Abstract: The Elementary Statistics is one of the compulsory courses in the 1st term in the Department of Mathematics,
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science at Andalas University. The main problem faced in this course is
the lack of activity of students that affect their academic achievement. This research concerns the impact of
the new learning method that is a participatory online method on the learning achievement of undergraduate
students who took this course in the academic year 2017 2018. The research was conducted by making
WhatsApp group, whose members were all students who took the course and class assistants. By comparing
the final grade in the academic year 2016 2017 and 2017 2018, it is found that this learning approach
worked successfully to increase student’ involvement, enhance student’ learning achievement, and
independence in learning process and teamwork.
At present, learning that makes lecturers as centers of
knowledge transfer is still a hallmark of learning in
universities. With this approach, lecturers will
become central figures in the transfer of knowledge
and on the other hand, students passively listen only
to lecturer lectures. As a result, students become less
concerned with the learning process they are going
through. On the other hand, the world of work needs
college graduates who not only have good skills but
are also able to think logically and analytically,
critically and creatively, able to work in a team, have
good communication skills and other soft skills. As a
result, there will be an imbalance between the
competencies possessed by universities and the
expected competencies in the world of work.
For this reason, a paradigm shift is needed in the
learning process from traditional learning to a
learning approach that can make students the center
of the learning process. Student-centered instruction
[SCI] is an instructional approach in which students
influence the content, activities, materials, and pace
of learning. This learning model places the student
(learner) in the center of the learning process. The
instructor provides students with opportunities to
learn independently and from one another and
coaches them in the skills they need to do so
effectively. The SCI approach includes such
techniques as substituting active learning experiences
for lectures, assigning open-ended problems and
problems requiring critical or creative thinking that
cannot be solved by following text examples,
involving students in simulations and role plays, and
using self-paced and/or cooperative (team-based)
learning. Properly implemented SCI can lead to
increased motivation to learn, greater retention of
knowledge, deeper understanding, and more positive
attitudes towards the subject being taught (Collins &
O'Brien, 2003).
Elementary Statistics courses are compulsory
subjects in the Mathematics study program. This
subject becomes the basic subject in the Lab Statistics
course and the Opportunity Theory offered to the
second-semester students of the Mathematics Study
Program with a load of 4 credits. This course is
offered to provide knowledge and experience to
students in analysing data. This course will discuss
various statistical methods used to describe and
analyse data. The materials discussed in this course
are useful for students when they have to provide
information about a data and draw conclusions about
the population of the data and provide an appropriate
recommendation related to the analysis carried out.
For students of the Mathematics Study Program, this
Elementary Statistics course is the basis for studying
further statistics courses, such as Regression
Yanuar, F., Yozza, H., Rahmi Hg, I. and Husna, R.
Development of Learning Methods on Elementery Statistics Course Through Participatory Online Methods.
DOI: 10.5220/0008682401680172
In Improving Educational Quality Toward International Standard (ICED-QA 2018), pages 168-172
ISBN: 978-989-758-392-6
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Analysis, Experiment Design, Non-Parametric
Statistics, Multivariate Analysis, Time Series
Analysis and others. This research aims to evaluate
the impact of a student-centered learning approach
through the online participative method on students’
learning achievement on Elementary Statistics
The learning method that will be developed in this
research is by utilizing the WhatsApp (WA)
application. WA group will be made which consists
of all students who take this Elementary Statistics
course and assistant courses. The lecturers
periodically (once a week) upload the lecture material
along with the problems to then be asked by the
students to respond and give answers to the problems
given. The response is addressed to individual subject
assistants (private network). The assistant is tasked
with identifying students who respond and who do
not, giving an assessment (in coordination with the
lecturer) to then recap and report to the lecturer.
This research is to improve learning methods,
therefore the method that is considered appropriate is
a classroom action research method, namely a
systematic study conducted in an effort to improve
educational practices by taking practical actions and
reflection of these actions (Sukidi, 2002; Kasbulloh,
1998; Wardani, & Wihardit, 2008; Wibawa, 2003).
The chosen research approach is a qualitative and
quantitative approach that is a research based on facts
and comparative analysis, aims to conduct empirical
generalizations, establish concepts to prove the theory
and develop and collect data and analyse the data
running at the same time.
The learning method that will be developed in this
research is by utilizing the WhatsApp (WA)
application. WA group will be made which consists
of all students who take this Elementary Statistics
course and assistant courses. The lecturers
periodically (once a week) upload the lecture material
along with the problems to then be asked by the
students to respond and give answers to the problems
given. The response is addressed to class assistants
(private network). The assistant is tasked with
identifying students who respond and who do not,
giving an assessment (in coordination with the
lecturer) to then recap and report to the lecturer.
Population in this study is all student that took
Elementary Statistics course in academic year
2017/2018. The students are grouped into three
classes A, B and C, consisting 33, 34 and 30 students
respectively. All population member are included as
participant in this study.
This classroom action research is carried out in the
even semester of the school year 2017/2018. This
classroom action research was done through two
cycles. Each cycle consists of four steps, planning,
imlementation, observations, and reflection.
In planning stage, a strategy is designed to achieve
the learning objectives, starting from identifying the
problems that arise in learning Elementary Statistics,
analysing the causes and then developing an action
plan through the development of the Semester
Learning Plan, student worksheets for lectures and
tutorials. In this activity, an indicator of the success
of the action was also determined and the instrument
used to measure the success rate of the action. This
step are conducted through week 1.
In the implementation stage, actions that have
been planned are implemented. The learning
approach used is participatory method. This strategy
is applied to any beginning topics, such as Statistic’s
are, Table data. This step is conducted through week
Then, observations of the events encountered in
the implementation of the action included obstacles
encountered and activities carried out by students
during the learning process. The observations were
done indirectly since the proposed method was
online. This activity was carried out in conjunction
with the implementation of the action.
The last stage of this class action research is an
evaluation of the results of actions taken based on
predetermined indicators.
Data were collected during the implementation
step. The measurement of student responses is done
by making an online questionnaire and asking all
students who take the Elementary Statistics course to
complete it. The response measured is the student's
perception of the effect of this participatory online
learning method on students' active involvement,
motivation to learn material independently, improve
teamwork. The questionnaire is using a Likert scale.
Data were analysed by descriptive statistics (central
tendency and variability measures) as well as
statistical table and graph.
Indicators used to assess the success of teaching
methods and assessments developed in this Class
Action Research activity, namely:
a. Learning Outcomes. Learning outcomes will
be measured from independent assignments
and written exams.
b. Value distribution. This activity is considered
successful if the percentage of students who
Development of Learning Methods on Elementery Statistics Course Through Participatory Online Methods
get a score below B is reduced from the
previous teaching year.
c. Student responses to the development of
learning methods and/or assessments applied.
This learning method is concluded
successfully if more than 60% of students give
a good perception of this learning method.
Here we will describe development of learning
method and assessment method as a solution of
problems faced in Elementary Statistics course. We
will also discuss the result of the action done.
3.1 Development of Learning Method
In the previous school years, learning Elementary
Statistics courses were carried out by combining the
TCL and SCL approaches with the Think Pair and
Share (TPS) method. From the evaluation, this
method was not effective enough to enable all
students. In addition, because large classes make it
difficult for lecturers to assess the activity of all
students. The tutorial activity also did not provide
enough opportunities for all students to be active in
learning activities. From the learning outcomes of
previous years, it was suspected that the learning
outcomes of students in this course were related to
their activeness in the learning process. Therefore, it
is necessary to improve the learning methods that are
carried out so that they can activate students and
further improve the quality of student learning
TCL and TPS methods will still be used to ensure
that all material can be completed within the allocated
time period of the meeting. In addition, quite a lot of
material is not right if presented in other ways. The
development of learning methods carried out is by
Participatory Online Learning methods. The material
chosen to be delivered with this strategy is the
material of the Scope of Statistics, Presentation of
Data with Tables, Presentation of Data with
Descriptive Images and Data Size.
The procedure performed is as described
previously. First the making of WA group by subject
lecturers. All members are made group admins so
they can include other course participants who have
not been documented as admin by the lecturer. This
WA group consists of three groups, based on the
division of the subject class, WA Class A group, WA
Class B group and WA Class C. group The following
is the look of the WA group.
The teaching and learning process with this
participatory online method is as follows. The
lecturer periodically (once a week) uploads the
lecture material along with the problems
(assignments) to then be asked by the student to
respond and give answers to the problems given. The
response or answer to the problem given is addressed
or sent to the individual assistant courses (Capri) via
WA as well. The assistant is tasked with identifying
students who respond and who do not, giving an
assessment (in coordination with the lecturer) to then
recap and report to the lecturer. Five students who
give the earliest response will be given a bonus value.
3.2 Development of Student
Assessment Strategies
Process assessment is measured through structured
assignments and tasks with participatory online
methods, namely by filling out the online
questionnaire is and tutorial.
From the tasks collected by students, the ability to
think logically and analytically (judged by the
accuracy of results) and team collaboration (judging
from the level of similarity of results of each student
in the same team) will be assessed. Process evaluation
was also carried out during the tutorial. Tutorials are
carried out with a small group discussion approach of
2-3 students). The assessment conducted in this
tutorial activity was active and critical thinking,
analytical and creative, team work, team
independence and time management. Assessment of
student learning outcomes is carried out through
written tests.
3.3 Student Assessment of
Participatory Online Methods
The assessment or response of students to this
participatory online method is obtained by making an
online questionnaire, which is accessed on the It is expected that all
students can access this online questionnaire and fill
out the questionnaire.
Of the three parallel classes involved in this class
action research, there were 79 students who
completed the questionnaire. The following figure
presents information on the percentage of students
who fill in for the three Assessment of
Participatory Online Methods.
ICED-QA 2018 - International Conference On Education Development And Quality Assurance
Figure 1: Student responses to the questionnaire.
Of all the images above it is known that the
dominant student gave an Agree with response to the
statement given (ie more than 60%). Related to the
statement whether the use of participatory online
methods through WAG media made students more
motivated in learning Elementary Statistics, 73.4% of
them responded in agreement. Likewise, with a
statement stating whether this participatory online
method is interesting and fun, more than 70% of
students answered Agree. Based on the percentage of
student answers it can be seen that the proposed
method is acceptable to students. More students were
motivated to learn Elementary Statistics course.
Development of Learning Methods on Elementery Statistics Course Through Participatory Online Methods
Figure 2: Comparisons The Grade Between Academic Year
2016/2017 and 2017/2018.
In this study, classroom action research was
conducted to determine the effect of the application
of participatory online methods on student learning
outcomes in Elementary Statistics courses. From the
results of this study concluded that this method is
effective enough to improve student learning
outcomes with the decreasing number of students
who fail in this course. In addition, students also
considered that this approach provided another
atmosphere in the process of learning distribution. In
the opinion of students, this method is quite fun, able
to increase student involvement, improve student
understanding, be able to improve teamwork and
motivate students to be more diligent in studying
lecture material.
Collins, J. W., & O’Brien, N. P. (Eds.). (2003). Greenwood
Dictionary of Education. Westport, CT: Greenwood.
Kasbolah, Kasihani.(1998). Penelitian Tindakan Kelas :
Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Direktoral
Jendral Pendidikan Tinggi.
Sukidin. (2002). Manajemen Penelitian Tindakan Kelas.
Bandung : Insan Cendikia.
Wardani, I, Wihardit K.(2008). Penelitian Tindakan Kelas.
Jakarta : Universitas Terbuka.
Wibawa, Basuki. (2003) Penilaian Tindakan Kelas.
Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan
ICED-QA 2018 - International Conference On Education Development And Quality Assurance