The Strategy of Using Dictogloss Methods to Improve Listening
Capabilities for Japanese Beginner Learners
Lady Diana Yusri
, Idrus
, and Imelda Indah Lestari
Japanese Department, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Andalas, Padang, Indonesia
Keywords: Dictogloss Method, Listening, Japanese.
Abstract: This article describes the strategy of using dictogloss methods for Japanese beginner learners. The subject of
this research is 40 students who have studied Japanese for one semester. The application of the dictogloss
method was made in four stages. The first stage was preparation. The lecturer prepared learning materials
with images and some questions related to the topic and also provided vocabulary questions related to the text
that would be heard. The second stage was the implementation of the dictogloss method. The lecturer will
played a CD related to the text being studied on medium speed and normal speed. Students noted down the
sentence that they heard. The third stage was the reconstruction. The process of reconstruction was done with
students discussing in small groups perceptions of what they had heard. The last stage was correction and
analysis. This stage was accomplished by the lecturer, by providing questions related to the text and providing
direction on the text that had been dictated. The student then fixed errors the text. Students had difficulties
such as listening to short words and writing sentences. The benefits perceived by students are an increase in
the ability to listen to vocabulary and sentence. Also, students could work in groups. So it can be concluded
that this method can be used for beginner learners.
Language is one of the essential things in our life
because we used it as a communication tool in
everyday life. Language is used by someone verbally
and in writing to convey thoughts, feelings or
information to others. It is a means of communication
between community members in the form of sound
symbols produced by human utterances.
Good communication requires good language
skills, such as listening, speaking, reading, and
writing skills. The higher a person's language skills,
the easier it is to express opinions, the feelings that
are strung together through a series of words. In
everyday life, the most widely used skill is the ability
to hear, which is more than 50% of all
communication. So it can be said that listening is the
most critical thing in communicating (Yakoyama,
We acquire good language skills from an
interesting learning process. Learning is a
combination of studying and teaching. Studying is a
process that is carried out by a person to obtain a new
behavior change as a whole, as a result of his own
experience in interacting with his environment.
Meanwhile, teaching relates to activities carried out
by teachers (Slameto, 2003). The process of learning
is that the teacher provides experiences that include
knowledge, skills, values, and norms that function as
controlling the attitudes and behavior of students
(Sugandi, 2000). So, in a learning process, there is an
interaction between the learner and the teacher.
Interactions that occur between learners and
teachers can be centered on one party. If it is the
lecturer is the center of the learning activities the
process can be called Teacher Centered Learning
(TCL). Teachers become a source of knowledge and
learners only accept everything they say. Whereas, if
learning is student-centered, it is called Student
Centered Learning (SCL). One form of learning
using this SCL approach is to involve students
actively in the learning process by providing
simulations. Simulations can be given in the form of
a game or through questions posed by the teacher. A
game or simulation is a simplified, operational model
that provides students with vicarious participation in
Yusri, L., Idrus, . and Lestari, I.
The Strategy of Using Dictogloss Methods to Improve Listening Capabilities for Japanese Beginner Learners.
DOI: 10.5220/0008679200480051
In Improving Educational Quality Toward International Standard (ICED-QA 2018), pages 48-51
ISBN: 978-989-758-392-6
๎€ 2019 by SCITEPRESS โ€“ Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
various roles and events (Gerlach, 1980). In
addition to stimulating learner, The teacher expects
that the learner can grow in willingness to delight in
learning to develop the educational values to be
achieved (Ali, 1979). Broadly defined education
means everything that concerns human development
and development processes (Rohani, 1995). In
education, there is a teaching process which is an
activity that includes what is needed to achieve
specific goals. The achievement of teaching
objectives is in the framework of achieving
educational goals (Wajnryb, 1990).
This article will explain one part of language
skills, namely listening. More precisely is a listening
learning strategy to improve the learner's ability to
learn Japanese for the basic level. The method used is
the dictogloss. The word dictogloss comes from
English and consists of two words, namely the word
dicto or dictate which means dictation or imla, and the
word gloss which means interpretation. The
dictogloss method is a well-known method in
teaching foreign languages (Tarigan, 2015). In this
method, the instructor will read or play a short
discourse recording to the learner at a normal speed.
Then learners are asked to write down as many
keywords as they can. Then they work together in
small groups to reconstruct discourse based on their
understanding of the recordings and keywords they
have written. In the final stage, the results of the
reconstruction will be analyzed and corrected by the
learners. By using the dictogloss method, learners are
trained to listen, understand, interpret, and respond to
the information they listen to.
This digtogloss technique is still classified as
communicative (Makino, 2003). In this
technique, the teacher reads a brief discourse to
students at normal speed and students are asked write
as many words as they can. They then cooperate in
small groups to reconstruct discourse by basing it on
the fragments they had written. This technique is
similar to dictation techniques.
Japanese listening learning for the basic level with
the digtogloss method in this paper is taken from
learning Choukai II courses in The Japanese
Department of Andalas University. The study was
conducted on 40 learners. This course is a compulsory
subject in the curriculum structure including and
associated with Japanese language listening skill.
Chokai II is studied by learners after they learn
Chokai I. Learning these subjects is very important
and influences the learning of other subjects,
especially subjects related to grammar. This is
because the focus of this learning is listening to
conversations with sentence patterns that have been
studied in Grammar courses. The following is an
explanation of listening strategies in Choukai II
The listening lessons studied were Choukai II courses
in the Japanese Department of Andalas University.
Learning Objectives of this course are learners are
able to understand the conversations contained in the
CD and answer the questions in the learner's
handbook. In addition, learners are expected to be
able to learn independently and work in a study
group, develop their ICT skills, both in finding
translations or operating computers that have
Japanese programs. This is done so that learners can
develop intrapersonal and interpersonal skills.
The expected learning achievement is that after
following this course the learner can understand the
lecture material around Choukai II learning themes.
Some of the desired themes and functions are that the
learner can ask permission to do something, prohibit
bad deeds, show the way, and show how to use tools
such as ATMs and ticket machines. Then the learner
can answer the questions provided in the handbook.
The contribution of this Choukai II course in the
Japanese Language curriculum is significant. It is
related to the learner's competence to listen to
Japanese that relates to the grammar learned in other
courses. Also, the competencies obtained in this
subject can be the basis for subsequent Japanese
language learning.
To support learning, the learning guide used is
Minna no Nihongo Shoukyu I Choukai Tasuku 25 [9].
The approach taken up until the present is Student-
Centered Learning (SCL), which focuses the learning
on the learners.
The use of the dictogloss method in the Choukai
II course can be explained briefly as follows: the
instructor reads or plays a short discourse recording
to the learner at normal speed. Then learners are
asked to write down as many keywords as they can.
Then they work together in small groups to
reconstruct discourse based on their understanding of
the recordings and keywords they have written. In the
final stage, the results of the reconstruction will be
analyzed and corrected by the learners. By using the
dictogloss method, it is expected that learners are
The Strategy of Using Dictogloss Methods to Improve Listening Capabilities for Japanese Beginner Learners
trained to listen, understand, interpret, and respond to
the information they listen to. So, this technique is a
combination of two techniques, namely dictation, and
interpretation. In this study the learning objectives
that use the dictogloss method are that learners can
listen to directions in a place, learners can listen to
and understand instructions on how to go somewhere
and how to use a tool in Japan such as a Japanese
ticket-buying machine. The following is an
explanation of the stages of learning with the
digtogloss method.
2.1 Preparation
This stage is carried out into 2 steps. First, the lecturer
will give questions or pictures related to the topic.
The aim is to provide simulations so that learners
become interested in attending lectures. The
questions asked are those related to their daily lives
which are linked to the theme. Questions are asked in
Indonesian because Japanese knowledge is still
limited. Second, Lecturers give instructions on
vocabulary related to the text that will be heard. The
technology used in this lecture is to laptops, speakers,
CDs and a PowerPoint used by the lecturer to support
learning. All of these tools are available in the
Japanese Language Department's Laboratory
Language Department.
2.2 Implementation of the Dictogloss
This is divided into 2 steps. First, the lecturer plays
the CD track that is connected with the text learned at
normal speed. At this time, learners are only asked to
listen without writing so they can gain an overview of
what they hear. The second step is a dictation, which
involves stopping the CD at the end of every
sentence. This is done twice so that learners can freely
listen to the pronunciation of the CD well. The
lecturer will dictate the text learned. The dictation is
carried out.
2.3 Reconstruction
This process is carried out with learners being asked
to discuss the listening text in groups. The goal is that
learners can equate what has been heard and correct
each other's results from the dictation they hear. The
object of this activity is that the original text that was
played can be reconstructed.
2.4 Correction and Analysis
This correction and analysis process is carried out by
the lecturer, namely by asking questions related to the
text and giving directions about the text that has been
dictated. Furthermore, the learner corrects the text if
there is an error.
This learning activity took a learning session to
find the answers from the listening text and also
reconstruct that text. When the learner tries to
interpret the conversation he hears the more
vocabulary and sentences are understood, the better
the understanding of the theme being studied. The
way the learner conveys his response and responds
during the discussion or in answering questions
provided references for the assessment component of
the learning process. The learner's final score is a
combination of attendance, attitude, response during
lectures, mid semester exam grades, and end of
semester exam scores. After using this dictoglass
method in class the results of this assessment ranged
from A to B. 7 students scored A, 5 A-, 19 B+ and 4
To find the learner's response to learning with this
method a questionnaire was distributed to find the
shortcomings and advantages of learning with the
dictogloss method. Learners were asked whether they
found it easier or harder to understand conversations
with this method. They were asked their opinion
about the text written with this method. And the most
importantly thing is the advantages and disadvantages
of this method in lectures according to the learner.
This is important for future lectures.
Learning by using the dictogloss method was
judged to be easier and more interesting by the learner
than learning by only listening to the CD and then
answering the questions which. They assume that
learners can recall the sentence structure that has been
learned when writing the dictated
The other advantages of dictogloss methods is
that learners could understand long sounds and short
sounds in vocabulary writing. Also, learners could
work in groups, and discuss the right answers. This
method was also enjoyable and not boring. Learners
could practice Japanese by answering Japanese
questions submitted by lecturers so learners were
more active in learning.
In addition to the advantages, some disadvantages
were expressed; the long time needed in learning
compared to conventional learning. Teachers needed
more time to prepare lectures preparing questions
related to the theme, also the teacher must allow time
for the learners to discuss the material with their
ICED-QA 2018 - International Conference On Education Development And Quality Assurance
classmates. This requires good time management.
Other things that needs to be checked before using
this listening activity is the condition of equipment
such as speakers and computer.
After the author analyzed the data based on the results
of the research in Choukai II class using the
dictogloss methods, it could be concluded that the use
of the dictogloss method in listening can improve
learners' listening skills. Therefore, the dictogloss
method can be used as an alternative language
teaching method that can be practiced by other
Based on the learning outcomes, overall the
learners gained adequate scores from the range A to
B. Besides analyzing the test results the researcher
has also conducted interviews with the learners which
indicated that the dictogloss method was found to
help the learner understand the conversation that was
heard through the CD. Vocabulary and understanding
of Japanese grammar was also increased. However,
this method requires equipment for listening that
igrammars in good condition.
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The Strategy of Using Dictogloss Methods to Improve Listening Capabilities for Japanese Beginner Learners