The Application of Small Group Discussion Method in Dokkai Class
by Using Nama Kyouzai as the Learning Media
Dini Maulia
Japanese Language Departement, Universitas Andalas, Padang, Indonesia
Keywords: Dokkai, Small Group Discussion, Nama Kyouzai.
Abstract: Dokkai is a course that is given to a 6th semester university student of the Japanese department at Andalas
University. The literal definition of Dokkai is “to read”; but in practice, the subject is designed to improve
student’s reading capability in understanding texts which are written in Japanese. Even though the main
purpose of the subject to improve the Japanese reading skill, it also includes kanji mastery, Japanese sentences
patterns, as well as general oral and written Japanese competency. In the previous semesters the learning
process is teacher centered. However, this method is inappropriate for the educational aims of Dokkai. This
essay proposes a Student Centered Learning (SCL) approach in the form of small group discussions by making
use of available electronic and conventionally published Nama Kyozai (learning materials).This method
succeeded in improving student’s reading capability as the students became more active within the classes.
As the result, students improved their Japanese language skills and examination mark.
Dokkai (SJP 332) is given to Japanese department
students in Andalas Universtity in their 6
the course is worth 2 credits. Dokkai literally means
“to read” and the course is proposed to improve the
reading ability of students. As the students improve
their reading skill they will also be able to improve
other language skills including:
a. The ability to understand kanji, words, the
structure of Japanese sentences.
b. The capacity to interpret Japanese text
c. The ability to discuss texts that are written in
d. Skills to convey and to deliver the content of
the text in Japanese
Dokkai is given to the students to complement
Chuukyuu Nihongo course (intermediate to Japanese
language structure), Chuukyuu Sakubun
(intermediate to Japanese composition), Chuukyuu
Kaiwa (intermediate to Japanese speaking), and
Hyouki II (understanding Japanese kanji). In other
words, Dokkai is given to the student to improve their
language ability in term of understanding kanji,
words, and sentences structure. The aims of the
courses are described as follow:
a. Students can understand kanji, words, and
intermediate Japanese language structure
b. Students may give an argument about the theme
of the Japanese texts and then discuss it in front
of the class
c. Students escalate their Japanese language skill
in both speaking and writing
d. Students are purposely designed to improve
their soft skill in both intrapersonal
(independency, critical and analytical thinking)
and interpersonal skill (tea works and oral
communication), as well as basic values
including integrity, discipline, hard work,
politeness, and confidence)
The Japanese department of Andalas University
uses the KKNI curriculum that prepares students for
the N3 level in Nouryoku Shiken (Japanese Language
Proficiency Test) which has a range of levels from N1
(highest) to N5 (lowest). Nouryoku Shiken (Japanese
Language Proficiency Test) is a Japanese government
exam and it is conducted at the same time around the
world. One of the main aspects that are examined at
every level of the Japanese Language Proficiency test
is Dokkai. This reflects the fact that Dokkai plays a
primary role in Japanese language curriculum system,
even though it is an elective course. Encouraging
students to take a Dokkai course will eventually help
Maulia, D.
The Application of Small Group Discussion Method in Dokkai Class by Using Nama Kyouzai as the Learning Media.
DOI: 10.5220/0008678600160021
In Improving Educational Quality Toward International Standard (ICED-QA 2018), pages 16-21
ISBN: 978-989-758-392-6
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
them to improve their ability in understanding
Japanese text. As students become familiar with text
in Japanese language, they will undoubtedly perform
better in the Japanese Language Proficiency Test. If
students can pass the Japanese Language Proficiency
Test then the Japanese Language Department will
also have fulfilled the KKNI curriculum standard.
The Dokkai course was previously conducted
using Teacher Centered Learning (TCL). The
lecturer prepared the course materials such as books
written in Japanese language which were then
discussed during each meeting by the entire class. The
types of texts that are given to the students included
narrative texts, folklore texts, and any other type of
books that are available for Dokkai course. The books
that have been given to the Japanese Language
Department Students of Andalas University so far
are: Minna no Nihongo Chukyu 1 - 6, Dokusho no
Jikan, The Nihongo Journal, “Naze Nihonjin wa
Kinben, Kiyou, Yuufuku nano?”, as well as texts
from the Japanese Language Proficiency
examination. Texts from Nouryoku Shiken are given
so the students can be familiar with the Dokkai
section of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test.
TCL requires the teacher to actively transfer their
knowledge to the students; students only passively
follow the teacher's instruction by translating the text
in small sections or word by word individually. After
the reading process, the students are required to
answer the questions regarding the texts that have
been read in group. However, this teaching method is
considered a less optimal way to achieve the
expected outcomes of the Dokkai Course that
correspond to the KKNI standard.
The TCL teaching method presently used in the
Dokkai course is only applicable to improve student
understanding of Kanji, Japanese words and language
structures along with an intermediate level of
interpretation and translation of Japanese texts.
However, it cannot fulfill two of the main aspects of
the Dokkai course: to improve student’s ability in
discussing a Japanese text producing a written text
and oral speech to convey the content of Japanese
text. This is because the students only work with the
exact content of the text during each meeting; they are
only encouraged to understand the text, but are not
trained to discuss the text orally or in written form. As
the result, the actual outcomes of Dokkai course may
be less suited to the current curriculum.
The aspects of Dokkai course that are not coverted
in the current TCL approach consist of making an
argument and using Japanese oral and written
language and intrapersonal and interpersonal soft
skill competencies. The cause of this shortcoming
comes from the fact that students are not required to
speak in Japanese during Dokkai course sessions.
Students work individually instead of in discussion
groups, so the student can not practice and improve
their interpersonal soft skills. It can be implied that
this TCL approach for the Dokkai course is not
suitable in fulfilling the purposed outcomes and a
different teaching approach is required to fit KKNI
A pass in a Dokkai course was easier when the
TCL appraoch was used as evidenced by the results
of the previous semester before the SCL approach
was trialed. The following record is taken from 46
students from Dokkai course of the previous
Table 1: Students grade in Dokkai Last Semester
Course Result
Number of
10.8 %
No students got an E grade, but 6 students got D and
the mode was C+. This result indicates that TCL does
not distributed the knowledge evenly which is
represented by the student’s record.
Bloom (quoted in Cotton: 2001) stated that critical
thinking has the following dimensions:
a. Knowledge (C1)
b. Understanding ( C2)
c. Application (C3)
d. Synthesis-analysis (C4)
e. Evaluation (C5)
f. Creativity (C6)
The TCL approach in the Dokkai course will only
address the learning outcomes up to C2, to know and
to understand. As the result, it might inhibit the ability
of the students to reach the KKNI standard.
This research proposes an alternative teaching
method to deliver the Dokkai course to students. This
is a SCL approach that uses small group discussion
and could be expected to better fulfil the aims and
outcomes of the Dokkai course.
The purpose of this research was to examine the
effectiveness of using small group discussion as a
teaching method for the Dokkai course. The merits of
The Application of Small Group Discussion Method in Dokkai Class by Using Nama Kyouzai as the Learning Media
this research lie in its ability as teaching method
reference for Dokkai as well as being a case study of
small group discussion methodology in classes.
The TCL approach used by the Japanese Department
of Andalas University is considered no longer
appropriate to the current situation (Brewer, 1997;
Cotton, 2001; Kenz and Greg, 2000). As the result,
this research focuses on an alternative Student
Centered Learning method adjusted to the needs of
the Dokkai course that was titled nama kyouzai. The
success of this approach was measured.
The research is conducted from February to June
2018 over 5 months. This research is classified as
classroom action research, as the lecturer was the
researcher who monitored the implementation of the
small group discussion approach. It should be noted
that the Dokkai course only took place within the
The implementation of the nama kyouzai Dookai
course was planned for during syllabus arrangement
and discussed in a team teaching discussion forum
before the actual implementation.
The small discussion approach was implemented
after the midterm examination. There were 6
meetings where the students were required to find
their own learning materials (nama kyouzai) from
various available sources.
At the first class meeting, the lecturer explained
the class syllabus and the class plan. From the 2
the 7
meeting, the TCL teaching approach was used
so students could understand the type of texts used
during the Dokkai course. This approach helped the
student to be able to find their own learning materials
for nama kyouzai to be presented in front of the class
later in the course. The materials given to the students
during the TCL teaching phase were taken from the
Japanese Language Proficiency Test to give the
students familiarity with the examination. By mid
semester, students were expected to be familiar with
the type of texts and questions that were usually
discussed during Dokkai course and the small group
discussion phase was implemented.
The midterm examination took place after the 8
meeting and was based on the texts and questions that
had been discussed in class. It was designed to
measure students’ understanding of this materials that
had been given by the lecturer. On the 9
meeting, the
lecturer explained the implementation of small group
discussions. The lecturer informed the students about
how to obtain their own reading materials, present
their findings and formulate their own questions
which would then be discussed within the classs.
The 10
meeting was conducted differently from
the previous meetings; the students are required to
find their own nama kyouzai and given to their
lecturer one day before the presentation. Students
usually collected texts from the following sources
a. Japanese restaurant menus
b. Advertisements about tourist destinations in
c. Advertisements about amusement parks in
d. Advertisements about tour packages in Japan
e. Product Advertisements
f. Advertisements selling Japanese food
The materials could be chosen freely, as the students
could access them from the internet. The
advertisements that were collected by the students
were mostly downloadable leaflets. Before presenting
the advertisement, the entire small group were
required to discuss the selected materials.
The result of this discussion was then presented in
Japanese. The students were encouraged to deliver
the message of the text using simplify Japanese
language and formulate 3 to 5 questions to be
answered by other students during their presentation
to ensure that their presentations were understood by
the class members. These questions were written in
Japanese and had to relate to the text that was
presented by the group. The other groups answered
the questions through group discussion, the answers
were then given to the presentation group to be
cohered? and marked.
The final examination was conducted on the 16
meeting and was not conducted as a written text.
Instead, each student prepared their own presentation
video about a certain Japanese product before this
date. The presentation was conducted in Japanese to
allow the students to express their creativity. The
videos were collected on the day of the examination.
During the implementation of the small group
discussion approach on Dokkai course, the lecturer
focused on how the student presented their ideas in
front of the class. Observations were made regarding
the students' ability to use Japanese language, the
compatibility of the chosen nama kyouzai and their
understanding of the text as well as the format of the
questions given to the other class members.
Observation was required to measure students'
understanding of the nama kyouzai.
The lecturer also recorded observations during
question and answer sessions. The answers to the
ICED-QA 2018 - International Conference On Education Development And Quality Assurance
questions given by the presentation group were then
collected and marked. The lecturer observed the
suitability of the questions and their answers as a way
to judge the presentation group's ability to formulate
Evaluation was conducted in every meeting at the
end of the small group discussion. As the questions
from the presentation group were discussed and
answered in groups the lecturer was able to conduct
an evaluation to measure each group's understanding
of the presented materials (Sagala, 2007). Their
ability to answer correctly indicated their capacity to
read the Japanese text and listen to the presentation in
Japanese. The presentation group's ability in
formulating the questions and responding to the
answers which were given by other participants was
also evaluated.
The questions were used to measure the level of
understanding of the presented text, the answers were
marked based on the comprehension of the questions.
The responses to the answers were not to only be
about whether they were right or wrong but also to
indicate the cause of the misunderstanding and to give
a more appropriate answer. Their ability to look for
the cause of misinterpretation was part of the
evaluation criteria for the presentation group.
3.1 Learning Achievement
Based on the learning outcomes, it can be concluded
that the small group discussion approach using nama
kyouzai was successful in achieving all the learning
outcomes for the Dokkai course. Students took
responsibility for finding their own reading materials
and presenting them in front of the class as part of a
group project. During the presentation, each members
of the group presented their own parts in Japanese.
In presenting the text, the student needed to
understand the content of the text. In other words,
student should have achieved the required
intermediate level of kanji, vocabulary and Japanese
language structure. The nama kyouzai encouraged the
students to study in groups to interpret the text,
vocabulary and Japanese language structure.
As the student understood the content of the text,
they present them in front of the class using simplified
Japanese, that is using their own words and not those
from the nama kyouzai text; except when those words
were standard words which were irreplaceable. Each
group member presented their part in Japanese and
the ability to do this indicated a second level of
language achievement, as they demonstrated ability
to deliver their argument about certain texts in their
own words.
The third language level achievement was
fulfilled when the student could speak and write in
Japanese as the preparation and delivery of the
presentation improved their capacity in using
Japanese language. TCL was unable to fulfill this
aspect, but small group discussion can easily achieve
this level as the students were not only required to
present the text but also answer the questions given.
The student had to write down their answer on a piece
of paper by using appropriate Japanese language so
providing opportunity to improve their writing skills.
Development of student intrapersonal and
interpersonal soft skills can only be gained through
student centered learning method. Group discussion
allows each student to interact and to improve their
critical thinking and discussion ability. Their
capability to communicate and work in team is a
positive value that can only be gained through group
discussion. Group presentations require
responsibility, discipline and independency. Students
will realize that the negligence of one student will
negatively affect the entire group, so responsibility
was required during this Dokkai course.
3.2 Final Mark Distribution
The number of students who took Dokkai course
during this semester was around 54 students, an
increase from the previous year where number of
students was 46 students. The implementation of the
small group discussion on Dokkai course resulted in
changes in the spread of the students’ final marks, as
it is showed in table 1.
3 students obtained an E result, not because of
their incompetence, but, due to a less than 50%
Table 2: Students Final Mark
Final Mark
Number of Student
The Application of Small Group Discussion Method in Dokkai Class by Using Nama Kyouzai as the Learning Media
3 students obtained a C because they did not come
during the presentation, only one of them who asked
for an opportunity to improve their grade with an
extra assignment . However, they did not do well in
this so the student only achieved a C+ for the course.
Generally, the implementation of small group
discussion on Dokkai course could be regarded as a
successful practice. The percentage of students who
got A grades for the course has increased by 7.7%,
and the percentage of students who got A- increased
by 33.9%. An improvement as also shown in the
percentage of students who got B+ which increased
by 21.28 %. In this semester, no student got B and B-
for their Dokkai course.
3.3 Students Respond toward the
Teaching Method Innovation
The application of small group discussion in the
Dokkai course had a positive response from the
students. The students were more active during the
classes and less dependent on their lecturer. The small
group discussions improved student confidence in
delivering their arguments as well as improving their
Japanese language capability.
The use of nama kyouzai also proved successful.
The students selected their own reading materials, so
they could choose the text based on their interests and
consequently fluently present the content of the text
in front of the class more easily. During Dokkai class
they not only learnt how to present their ideas for the
first time, but also discuss as they learnt to clarify
misunderstandings using the Japanese language. In
addition, students also learnt how to promote
products in Japanese language.
At first, the presentation only consisted of one
written text, but over the next few weeks the amount
of reading material was increased, and the level
became more complex.
IV Conclusion
Small group discussion is learning method that is
based on a Student Centered Learning approach.
During the process, one or more topics will be
discussed in group of 3 to 4 students. During the
discussion, each member will disscuss the topic. As
the method was applied in the Dokkai course, it
showed significant success in terms of students'
grades as well as students’ response.
Even though Dokkai is provided as an elective
course, it has a primary role in Japanese language
curriculum system. It is considered as a main aspect
of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test. As the
number of students with higher Japanese language
proficiency level increases, stakeholders demands for
competency in Japanese language graduates of
Andalas University will also increase. Dokkai has the
highest point in determining student level in Japanese
language, so the course should be prepared
The application of small group discussion
succeeded in fulfilling the entire course aims and
purposes. The course gave each student an
opportunity to look for their own Japanese language
reading materials (nama kyouzai) based on their
interests usually from the internet. Most commonly
they were
Japanese restaurant menus
Advertisements about tourist destinations in
Advertisements about amusement parks in
Advertisements about tour packages in Japan
Product Advertisements
Advertisements selling Japanese food
Small group discussion fulfils each level of language
learning aspects that have been designed including
understanding of Kanji, word, and Japanese language
structure. Nama kyouzai is presented in front of the
class by using their own words to make them easily
understood by other participants. As the result,
students can deliver their ideas in Japanese while
improving their language skill.
Each group is also required to formulate 3 to 5
questions that should be answered by other class
members. The answer should be written in Japanese
which is then collected and marked by the
presentation group. It fulfils the element of language
learning about improving the ability to write in
Students not only work in group but also
individually, as each member must present their own
part. It will fulfill the learning outcomes of improving
soft skill in both inter and intrapersonal, since each
student learns how to take responsibility of their own
The result shows an increasing percentage on
student who got A for 7,7%, 33,9% for student who
got A-, and 21,28% on student who get B+ which are
a lot better than the previous semester.
ICED-QA 2018 - International Conference On Education Development And Quality Assurance
Brewer, W. Ernest. 1997. Proven Ways to Get Your
Message Across: The Essential Reference for
Teachers, Trainers, Presenters, and
Speaker.California: A Sage Publication Company.
Cotton, K. 2001. Teaching Thinking Skills. Northwest
Regional Educational Laboratory.
Kenz, M. A. and Greg, J. B. 2000. Effective in Theory and
Practice. Massachusetts: A Person Education
Sagala, S. 2007. Konsep dan Makna Pembelajaran.
Bandung: Alpabet
The Application of Small Group Discussion Method in Dokkai Class by Using Nama Kyouzai as the Learning Media