Sustainability Analysis of Coastal Eco-tourism Management of
Bawean Island, East Java
Haryo Dwito Armono
, Zainul Hidayah
and Nike Ika Nuzula
Department of Marine Engineering, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Surabaya, Indonesia
Department of Marine Science and Fisheries, Trunojoyo University of Madura, Bangkalan, Indonesia
Keywords: The Sustainability, Coastal, Eco-tourism Management.
Abstract: Bawean island is a small island located around 80 miles north of Gresik, East Java Province. In recent years,
the island is famous as a new destination of marine and coastal eco-tourism. Sustainable eco-tourism
management in a small island is a very important concept not only for increasing income of local people but
also protecting the island itself from environmental degradation due to natural and anthropogenic factors. This
research is intended to study the marine environment of Bawean Island; secondly, to analyze the suitability
of the island and finally to formulate strategies towards sustainable management of Bawean Island as a coastal
eco-tourism destination. Based on the evaluation, Bawean Island is highly recommended for coastal eco-
tourism development. However, limitation on the number of visitors should be taken into account to prevent
ecological disturbances. Three main approaches namely ecological, economic and social-cultural aspects
should be taken into account to ensure the sustainability of coastal ecotourism in Bawean Island.
Your Marine-based tourism/marine-ecotourism is
defined as travel to relatively undisturbed marine and
coastal areas with the specific objective of admiring,
studying and enjoying the scenery. Other common
activities that can be done in relation to marine-
ecotourism including marine-based activities such as
diving, snorkelling, fishing and many others (Farrel
and Marion, 2001). The common landscapes offered
by marine eco-tourism destination are sandy beaches,
pristine coral reef ecosystem or unique marine species
(Romadhon,, 2014; Pamungkas,, 2014).
Marine-ecotourism may provide specific
opportunities for learning and discovery, and in some
definitions, includes social and environmental ethics.
Furthermore, well-managed ecotourism provides
revenue for coastal communities and jobs for local
residents. The government of Indonesia has
prioritized marine-based tourism as one of the leading
sectors in national maritime development. Therefore,
discovery and assessment of new and potential small
islands as a tourist destination are needed.
According to the Ministry of Marine and Fisheries
(2014), the small island is an island with an area
smaller or equal to 2,000 km2 along with the unity of
its ecosystem. On a small island with its limited
resources, social and economic activities tend to be
concentrated on the coastal zone (Twining-Ward and
Butler, 2002). Furthermore, interconnectivity
between economic, environmental, social and
cultural is strong and extensive When uncontrolled
tourism development occurs in small island
destinations with limited environmental carrying
capacity, environmental degradation is most likely to
happen (Charlie, 2014). Thereby reducing destination
attractiveness (Weaver, 2005; Williams and
Ponsford, 2015). This pattern is particularly prevalent
in small island destinations in developing countries,
where local government capacity is often lacking,
resident populations have limited education and
environmental awareness is poor (Apostolopoulos
and Gayle, 2001). In such conditions, effective
environmental conservation and sustainable
management strategies are likely to be initiated and it
requires collaboration between relevant stakeholders.
Sustainable island management is a very
important approach not only for increasing income
from tourism but also protecting the island itself from
environmental degradation due to natural and
anthropogenic factors (Hidayah,, 2016). Eco-
tourism is related to small-scale tourism where the
number of tourist and type of activities is limited. On
Armono, H., Hidayah, Z. and Nuzula, N.
Sustainability Analysis of Coastal Eco-tourism Management of Bawean Island, East Java.
DOI: 10.5220/0008653801760183
In Proceedings of the 6th International Seminar on Ocean and Coastal Engineering, Environmental and Natural Disaster Management (ISOCEEN 2018), pages 176-183
ISBN: 978-989-758-455-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the contrary, mass tourism development in the small
island has been avoided in many counties. There a are
a lot of evidence show that the practice of mass
tourism development in small islands has sacrificed
environmental stability and disrupted the natural pace
of island life (Briguglio, 2003). The placement of
large-scale beach resorts, marinas, and infrastructure
along delicate coastlines has altered shorelines and
depleted endemic species and archeological artefacts.
Moreover, sand mining dredging and cruise ship and
yacht anchoring can damage coral reefs ecosystems.
Therefore, in order to develop marine tourism in a
small island, it is imperative not only to study the
potential natural attraction but also the island’s
carrying capacity and sustainability.
Bawean Island is located approximately 80
nautical miles north from the city of Gresik, East Java
province. The total area of the island is around 196,27
km2 with a population according to the 2015 census
was approximately 70.000 people. Compare to the
mainland of East Java, this island is relatively
unknown for its ecology and economic potential.
Objectives of this research are firstly, to study the
marine environment of Bawean Island; secondly, to
analyze the suitability of the island and finally to
formulate strategies towards sustainable management
of Bawean Island as a coastal eco-tourism
This research was conducted in Bawean Island from
June to August 2018. A combination of spatial data
analysis using remote sensing, Geographic
Information Systems (GIS) and an extensive field
survey was applied in this study. A moderate
resolution satellite image ALOS-AVNIR was used to
map land cover and characteristic of the bottom
substrate of the island. Moreover, field data collection
was conducted using the standard method of
ecological survey, such as coastal vegetation
identification by quadratic transects, coral reefs and
benthic organism observation by LIT (Line Intercept
Transect), coral fish census, types of bottom
substrates, depth and other important data.
Radiometric and atmospheric corrections were
done to eliminate optical distortions due to
atmospheric factors, sensor damage, direction and
intensity of sunlight. Radiometric correction is done
to enhance visual quality and remove pixel values that
are not in accordance with the reflection value or
spectral emission of the actual object (Hidayah and
Wiyanto, 2017). Furthermore, the geometric
correction was done to transform remote sensing
image, hence the image has the properties of maps in
shape, scale, and projection. The most basic
geometric transformation is the re-positioning of the
pixel in such a way that the transformed digital image
can have a similar position to recorded objects on the
surface of the earth.
A standard supervised classification method using
maximum likelihood algorithm was applied to group
pixels with similar value into several classes. Satellite
image classification plays a major role in extracting
and interpretation of valuable information from
satellite images (Abburu and Golla, 2015). Bands
(wavelength channel) used in this study were band 1
and band 2 of ALOS-AVNIR image, which are in the
blue wavelength range (0.45 to 0.52 m) and the green
wavelength (0.52 to 0.60 m). These spectrums were
used due to their ability to penetrate the water column
to a depth of 20 meters in clear shallow water. To
determine the type of substrate, Lyzenga algorithm
was applied. The basic equation of this algorithm is
as follow:
𝑥ln𝐿𝑗 (1)
1 (2)
Li : reflectance value band 1 (blue)
σ ii : variance band 1
Lj : reflectance value band 2 (green)
σ ii : variance band 2
ki/kj : attenuation ratio band 1 and 2
σ ij : covariance band 1 and 2
Satellite image analysis can only measure the area
of bottom substrates, therefore an underwater field
survey is needed to be done to obtain more
information regarding the coverage of each substrate
types. Line-intercept transect (LIT) is one of the most
common transect method, which measures the length
of corals which intercept a transect line and assess the
percent cover of the corals by their relative lengths
(Nakajima,, 2010). Results of the observation
can be classified as follows (Hidayah, 2013): poor
condition (living coral cover 0 to 24,9%), moderate
(25-49,9%), good condition (50-74,9%) and excellent
condition (75-100%).
To quantify the potential of Bawean Island as a
coastal eco-tourism destination, suitability analysis
was performed using a coastal tourism suitability
matrix (Yulianda, 2007). This matrix consists of
several parameters with certain scores and weighting.
Sustainability Analysis of Coastal Eco-tourism Management of Bawean Island, East Java
The results of the field survey were then compared
with the values in the matrix to obtain the status of
Table 1: Suitability Matrix for Beach Recreation
(Maximum Score x Weighting =54).
Parameters Weighting
(score = 3)
(score = 2)
(score = 1)
(score = 0)
depth (m)
3 0-3 >3-6 >6-10 >10
Beach type 3
White sand
with rubble
Black sand
with rubble
widht (m)
3 > 15 10-15 3-<10 < 3
2 Sand
Coral with
2 0-0.17 >0.17-0.34 >0.34-0.51 >0.51
slope (o)
2 <10 >25-100 >25-45 >45
1 >100 >85-100 50-85 <50
Beach land
Low shrub High shrub
1 None Sea urchin
Sea urchin,
Sea urchin,
1 <0.5 0.5-1 >1-2 >2
Table 2: Suitability Matrix for Snorkeling (Maximum Score
x Weighting = 36).
Parameters Weighting
(score = 3)
(score = 2)
(score = 1)
(score = 0)
coverage (%)
3 >75 >50-75 25-50 <25
Number of
coral lifeform
2 >12 >7-12 4-7 <4
Number of
coral fish
2 >50 30-50 10-<30 <10
2 > 80 50-80 < 50 < 30
Current speed
2 0-15 >15-30 >30-50 >50
Coral reefs
depht (m)
1 1-3 >3-6 >6-10 >10
Table 3: Suitability Matrix for Diving (Maximum Score x
Weighting = 39).
Parameters Weighting
(score = 3)
(score = 2)
(score = 1)
(score = 0)
3 >80 60-80 30-60 <30
3 >75 50-75 25-50 <25
Number of
2 >12 7-12 4-7 <4
Number of
coral fish
2 >100 50-100 20-<50 <20
speed (m/s)
2 0-15 >15-30 >30-50 <50
Coral reefs
depht (m)
1 6-15 3-6 >20-30 >30
Suitability Index (SI) level of each coastal eco-
tourism activities are divided into 4 different classes,
namely very suitable (S1), moderately suitable (S2),
less suitable (S3) and not suitable (S4). Suitability
values for each category are obtained by multiplying
score and weighting then divided with maximum
value, the equation as follow :
𝑥 100% (4)
Ni: Value of each parameter (score x weighting)
Nmax: the maximum value of each category
Table 4: Category of Suitability Index (SI) for Coastal Eco-
Tourism Activities (Yulianda, 2007).
o Classification SI Value (%)
suitable 80-100
2 Moderately suitable 50-<80
3 Less suitable 17-<50
ot suitable <17
Finally, to formulate strategies towards
sustainable management strategies for coastal eco-
tourism in Bawean Island AHP methods was applied.
Problems that can be approached using AHP methods
include those relating to planning, prioritizing and
alternative policies, resource allocation and solving
conflict problems. The priority is obtained based on
pairs of assessments using valuation or measurement
ratios using certain scales. Furthermore, ratio scales
which are then synthesized through their structure are
ISOCEEN 2018 - 6th International Seminar on Ocean and Coastal Engineering, Environmental and Natural Disaster Management
used to choose the best alternative. The advantage of
the AHP method in decision making is its ability to
solve complex and unstructured problems. The
proposed sustainable strategy for coastal eco-tourism
management of Bawean Island was analyzed through
5 levels of hierarchy, namely the main goal of
optimization (level I), optimization component (level
II), optimization component criteria (level III), and
management priority (level IV).
Figure 1: AHP Structure to Formulate Sustainable
Management Strategies of Coastal Eco-Tourism of Bawean
3.1 Biophysical Condition of Bawean
The climate of the island is tropical, rainy season
mostly begins from October to April while dry season
starts from May to September. The average
temperature of the island was 27-29oC, humidity was
quite high around 70-75% and wind speed fluctuated
depends on the season with a monthly average
approximately 26-28 knot. Oceanographic data
collection showed that the island has a diurnal tide
type. Monthly average wave height was 0.5-1.5
meters depends on the season as well as current speed
and direction. Measurements of bathymetry or depth
profile of the island were carried out using Furuno
echo-sounder equipped with GPS. The results
indicated that the depth profile of Bawean Island
tends to be shallow waters with a sandy substrate. The
depth of shallow water ranges from 0.7 - 3.5 meters,
with a slope of more than 10 meters in depth.
The extensive terrestrial and underwater survey
supported by satellite image analysis was conducted
to obtain complete information regarding coastal
environment condition of the island. According to the
survey, Bawean island has all three important
ecosystems in the coastal region, namely: mangroves,
coral reefs, and seagrass. The area of those
ecosystems was mapped and measured using satellite
image analysis, the results are presented in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Results of ALOS-AVNIR Satellite Image
The map showed that Bawean Island was
surrounded by shallow water dominated by sandy
substrates, followed by coral reefs and significant
area of seagrass on the west side of the island. Further
calculation explained that the total area of sandy
substrates was around 2791,70 km2, while the
calculated coral reefs area was 48,89 km2 and 3,51
km2 area of seagrass. Furthermore, satellite image
analysis for the terrestrial area was successfully
identified mangroves ecosystems which mostly
located on the south side of the island. The total area
of mangroves on the island was 17.82 km
, dominated
by Rhizophora and Sonneratia species.
Table 5: Location and Results of Underwater Survey.
No Coordinate
% Living
40,89 Moderate
55,42 Good
57,31 Good
52,21 Good
To obtain information about coral coverage, the
underwater survey was conducted at 5-meter depth in
four locations (Table 5). According to the results,
coral reef ecosystems of Bawean Island can be
categorized under moderate and good condition.
Living coral coverage was above 40% with mortality
Sustainability Analysis of Coastal Eco-tourism Management of Bawean Island, East Java
index was less than 20%. These findings mean that
the coral reef ecosystem in Bawean Island was
relatively undisturbed by natural causes but
threatened by destructive fishing operations. Based
on information from the local people, in the last 10
years, the frequencies of destructive fishing activities
such as blasting and using cyanide to capture
ornamental coral fish were decline significantly. It
was caused by intensive socialization from the
government on the importance of coral reefs
ecosystem to support fisheries production and a
strong effort of law enforcement for those who
violated the regulations.
3.2 Suitability Analysis for Coastal
The assessment of suitability for potential coastal
eco-tourism in Bawean Island was conducted by
considering the limiting environmental parameters
consisting of water brightness, living coral coverage,
lifeform type, coral fish species, current speed, water
depth, and several other parameters. All limiting
parameters were given weights and scores based on
the importance level for certain activities.
Table 6: Suitability Analysis for Beach Recreation.
Parameter Weighting Field Survey Score
Weight x
Water depth (m) 3 0-3 3 9
Beach type 3 White Sandy 3 9
Beach widht (m) 3 10-15 2 6
Bottom substrates 2 Sand 3 6
Current speed (cm/s) 2 0,2 3 6
Beach slope (o) 2 15 3 6
Water brightness (%) 1 80 2 2
Beach land cover 1
Open, coconut
3 3
Dangerous biota 1 None 3 3
Fresh water
availability (km)
1 0,5 3 3
Total Weight x Score : 52
Suitability values (%) : 96,29
Status : Very Suitable
Table 7: Suitability Analysis for Snorkeling.
Parameter Weighting
Survey Score
x Score
coverage (%)
3 51,45 3 9
Number of
coral lifeform
2 15 3 6
Number of
coral fish
2 51 2 4
2 > 80 3 6
Current speed
2 0,2 3 6
Coral reefs
depht (m)
1 5-15 2 2
Total Weight x Score : 33
Suitability values (%) : 91,67
Status : Very Suitable
Table 8: Suitability Analysis for Diving.
Parameter Weighting
Survey Score
Weight x
brightness (%)
3 > 80 3 9
Coral coverage
3 51,45 2 6
Number of coral
2 10 2 4
Number of coral
fish species
2 35 1 2
Current speed
2 0,2 3 6
Coral reefs
depht (m)
1 5-15 3 3
Total Weight x Score 30
Suitability values (%) 76,92
Status Moderately Suitable
Results of the analysis showed that Bawean Island
was suitable as a location for various marine-based
activities; for example beach recreation, diving, and
snorkeling. Comparison between the results of field
survey and satellite data analysis against the assigned
value showed that most of the parameters were under
high scores categories. Therefore the suitability
values were quite high around 76-96% for each
category. Based on the above’s evaluation, Bawean
Island is highly recommended for coastal eco-tourism
development. However, limitation on the number of
visitors should be taken into account to prevent
ecological disturbances. Development should be
ISOCEEN 2018 - 6th International Seminar on Ocean and Coastal Engineering, Environmental and Natural Disaster Management
conducted in an appropriate manner with respect to
minimizing development impact. Regarding the
recommendation, physical structures such as green
hotels, lodge, restaurants, and public convenience
facilities are needed to support ecotourism on the
island (Dwyer, 2018).
3.3 Formulating Sustainable
Eco-tourism Management
AHP analysis showed that the sustainable
management of eco-tourism in Bawean Island should
prioritize coastal environmental aspects through
conservation and rehabilitation. Management of eco-
tourism in a small island with priority in
environmental aspects is expected to create
improvement of the population’s economy (Miller,, 2017). Therefore, the second priority was
economic aspects by adding a number of jobs
provided for local people, increasing income for
households and creating locally owned small and
medium scale business through community
empowerment. The next priorities were social and
cultural aspects which support the development of
eco-tourism. Eco-tourism should be designed to
engage local tradition as one of the main attraction,
for that reason legal and capable social institution for
example NGO’s were also important as mutual
partners for the government to actively participate in
the development of eco-tourism.
Table 9: Management’s Priority for Sustainable Eco-
Tourism of Bawean Island.
Environment 0,6154 1
Economic 0,1925 2
Social 0,0921 3
Conservation 0,4763 1
Ecosystem rehabilitation 0,1391 2
Increasing local revenue 0,1023 1
Creating new jobs 0,0417 2
0,0485 3
Traditional culture
0,0715 1
Legal and capable social
0,0206 2
Stakeholders priority assessment greatly
determines the formulation of eco-tourism
management and policies. It is important to notice
that the lack of cooperation and awareness towards
important issues between key stakeholders could
create an unnecessary conflict of interest. The
government can also create a partnership with private
parties and international NGO’s. In this case,
partnership means to provide the government with
technical assistance and advice to formulate policies
on how to establish sustainable and locally based eco-
tourism. In addition, the role of private sectors and
NGO’s can also be concentrated to improve the
quality of human resources through adequate training
in the aspect of entrepreneurial for the development
of eco-tourism (Burgoyne,, 2017).
Priority of sustainable coastal eco-tourism
strategies in Bawean Island was also divided into
three aspects. The first recommended strategies in
environmental aspect were creating zonation of eco-
tourism area. Zonation is not only dividing areas
regarding its function but also an effort to plan and
control tourist activities in a certain area in order to
provide protection to the environment and
sustainability of the coastal and small island area.
Moreover, the development of the proper tourist area
should base on the suitability of the existing area.
Management of the area’s carrying capacity was the
next priority. Controlling a number of visitors in a
certain time was strongly advised to protect
vulnerable ecosystem such as coral reef from
damages caused by ignorant and less educated
visitors. It is important to notice that cautious
attention to the limited resources in a small island
combining with social responsibility towards the host
society and culture that are influenced by recreational
activities are among important factors in terms of
creating sustainable eco-tourism (Asadzadeh and
Mousavi, 2017). Waste management was also
important to address. Improving coastal communities
responsibility regarding waste handling and
management was important to reduce the impact of
tourism on the environment. Overall, when tourism
is managed in an appropriate way, the advantages of
economic and non-economic benefits, for instance,
the preservation of culture and the maintenance
environmental quality will be provided within
(Asadzadeh and Mousavi, 2017; Zahedi, 2009).
Furthermore, to gain better economic benefits
coastal eco-tourism in Bawean should be promoted in
many ways, particularly via online promotion. With
the rapid growth of social media users and the
availability of internet connection on the island, on-
line promotion should not be a major obstacle
Construction of infrastructure to support eco-tourism
was also an important strategy. It is important to note
Sustainability Analysis of Coastal Eco-tourism Management of Bawean Island, East Java
that all kind of infrastructure development on Bawean
Island should be studied carefully using principles of
environmental impact assessment to avoid
disturbance to the environment. In addition,
providing creative and resilient human resources was
also an important component to create sustainable and
beneficial eco-tourism in Bawean Island. A series of
intensive training or courses should be provided to
deliver ideas in creating products, attraction or
services for tourists who visit the island.
Conservation and environmental education are
strategies that can directly attract tourists and the
public to participate in protecting and maintaining the
sustainability of coastal resources. Education in
environmental conservation should be given as early
as possible, for example in elementary school. By
providing constant knowledge and examples of how
important conservation for the sustainability of
natural resources, people of Bawean Island could
have self-initiative and cooperate to protect the island
from damaging activities. Lastly, the development of
coastal eco-tourism in Bawen Island should consider
the existence of local traditions. Influence of non-
traditional habits that consider inappropriate by local
people should be avoided. Tourists who visit Bawean
Island should be given adequate information about
local customs and traditions, so they can make
necessary adjustments.
In conclusion, Bawean Island of East Java Province
is potential to be developed as a tourist destination
area. It was supported by the fine condition of coral
reefs and the white sandy beaches surrounding the
island. The results of the analysis for potential coastal
eco-tourism in Bawean Island showed that the island
has quite high suitability values (76-96%) for 3 eco-
tourism activities namely beach recreation, diving
and snorkeling. AHP analysis showed that the
sustainable management of eco-tourism in Bawean
Island can be managed through the protection of
coastal natural resources, providing economical-
based income and education on environmental
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Sustainability Analysis of Coastal Eco-tourism Management of Bawean Island, East Java