Does Green Curriculum Have an Impact on Pro-environmental
Behavior?: A Comparative Study with Middle Schools
Hanna Raisya
and Ratna Djuwita
Department of Psychology, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia
Keywords: Environmental Education, Nature-based school curriculum, Pro-Environmental Behavior, School.
Abstract: Pro-environmental Behavior is a factor that is most important in explaining humans’ initiative to conserve
nature. One of the most effective and wildly used ways to ensure that individuals develop pro-
environmental behaviour is to implement environmental knowledge through education. However, in
Indonesia, it has never been researched whether or not such specific nature-based curriculum schools really
do implement environmental education better than the general-based curriculum counterpart. This research
will focus on measuring how effective each school’s curriculum in implementing their environmental
education by comparing the mean score between the two groups. Theories related to pro-environmental
behaviour such as the VBN model and nature relatedness are used as the main reference to compare how
effective schools implement their environmental education to their students. This is a quantitative research
that compares between the two groups using the independent sample t-test method. This research has
discovered that the overall mean score of the participants are good. From these findings, it was discovered
that from all the variables that are examined there are three distinct variables, which differ significantly
from each group, that is variables ascription of responsibilities, personal norms and pro-environmental
behaviour. It is found that pupils who attend a general-based school curriculum have a significantly higher
score in ascription of responsibilities and personal norms compared to pupils who attend a nature-based
school curriculum. In addition to that, pupils who attend a nature-based school curriculum are proven to
have a significantly higher score in Pro-Environmental Behavior compared to pupils who attend a normal-
based school curriculum. This research has found that students who attend nature-based curriculums do
significantly behave more pro-environmentally compared to their general-besed curriculum counter-part.
But, not thet do not excel in every variable which corresponds to pro-environmental behaviour.
Human beings and their environment are two
inseparable elements (Leopold, 1949). There exists
interrelation between human and their surroundings
including all the living things since the birth of
humankind. The interrelation is materialised in both
physical and material dependence, and dependence
in other aspects, such as esthetics, intelligence,
cognitive, spirits, and satisfaction. This type of
interrelationship is known as biophillia hypothesis.
Biophillia hypothesis, introduced by Kellertand
Wilson (1993),suggested that the interrelationship
between human and the environment is beyond the
exploitation of the environment for the benefits of
the mankind. The interrelation exists to establish
connections and existence with their environment.
As a matter of fact, the nature has provided priceless
contribution to the existence of the human being,
particularly in the long taking human evolution
process so that, substantially, the human will always
be dependent to the nature considering their
characteristics developed since their birth. However,
along with the technological development, the form
of dependence has shifted from natural dependence
to indirect one, which materialised through
technology.The deterioration of natural dependence
will provide adversely impact to the quality of
interrelation of the human and the nature that was
previously achieved in many aspects such as
materials, affection, cognition, and evaluations
(Kellert& Wilson, 1993). Therefore, in order to
maintain the existence of the human being, it is very
important to create strategic and long-term
initiatives aiming at reviving harmonic relation
between the human and the nature.
Raisya, H. and Djuwita, R.
Does Green Curriculum Have an Impact on Pro-environmental Behavior?: A Comparative Study with Middle Schools.
DOI: 10.5220/0008590504310440
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Psychology in Health, Educational, Social, and Organizational Settings (ICP-HESOS 2018) - Improving Mental Health and Harmony in
Global Community, pages 431-440
ISBN: 978-989-758-435-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The development in technology and civilization
has brought a progressive urbanization so that
quality of interaction between human and their
nature has been decreasing significantly (Baiquni,
2015). Demographically, the urbanization indicates
the shifting of the living mechanism in the society.
In the early period of civilization, the society was
heavily depending upon the agriculture sector and
the interaction with the nature was very intense.
Currently, people at majority make a living on
industrial activities, which are based on
manufacturing technology. The urbanization has
decreased green area in the urban areas and the
living style has adversely impacted to the
exploitation of the nature, which result in higher
pollution and natural destruction (Baiquni, 2009).
Subsequently, the people have lower awareness to
the nature and tend to commit environmently
unfriendly activities such as littering and using
environmently unfriendly transportation modes, and
etc. (Baiquni, 2015). Therefore, it can be inferred
that the gap between the human and the environment
could potentially develop adverse behaviors that
disbenefit the human.
Kurisu (2015) stated that the gap between human
and the environment would provide adverse impact
to the nature. For example, a lack of awareness of
the people to the environmental issues has
contributed to the global warming, climate change
and the extinction of certain species in many parts of
the world. Another closer example of environmental
destruction is the decrease of the tropical forest in
Indonesia. The destruction intensly happened in the
period of 1990 to 2003 where 16 million acres of
tropical forest has gone into extinction through
illegal logging. (“TahukahKamu”, 2017).
Most of the environmental problems immersed
because of irresponsible actions, which were not
anticipated by preventive actions (Soerjani,
YuwonodanFardiaz, 2007). The most contributing
factors to the environmental destruction globally are
addressed to irresponsible actions which are not only
polutive to the environment and its creatures, but
also hazardous to the human being.Henceforth, it is
important to identify the affecting factors to the
development of pro-environmetal behaviour.
A number of efforts have been initiated to certain
elements in the society to improve pro-
environmental behaviour. One of the approaches that
is considered effective in reshaping the attitude of
the people towards the environment is the
intervention into education system (Palmer & Neal,
2003). Induction of pro-environmetal values into
school education system is one of the modes
(Environmental Education). Environmental
education is an introduction process of values and
concepts to develop skill and preference, which
appreciate harmonious interrelation between human,
culture, and their biophysical environment. The
International Workshop on Environmental
Education (IIEP) has concluded that the
environmental education has three objectives:
promoting the awareness towards the state of
interrelationship among the economic, social,
political and ecological factors in urban and remote
areas; providing fair chance to everybody to absorb
knowledge, values, attitude, commitment, and skills
required in preserving the environment; and,
reshaping the ecological preference individually as
well as community based. The schools are delegated
to develop their system to develop their
implementation program.
Currently, the Indonesian education system run
their education program based on the principles of
2013 national education program which emphasis on
holistic approach. The holistic approach is a method
for education that does not separate the knowledge
into several sub programs.There are three elements
that the government wants to emphasize such as
standard-based education, competency-based
curriculum, and mastery learning.Assessment and
the education serve as the parameters in achieving
minimum standards. Henceforth, some education
methods were developed to facilitate education
process and gain the success in a more systematic
way (personal communication, March 25, 2018). In
Indonesia, there exist nature-based schools that
innovatively develop environmental based
education. Nature based school specifically design
the curriculum which allows the students to improve
their knowledge and to get direct interaction with the
nature whilst studying basic knowledge. The
students are taught basic knowledge in the nature so
that they can conduct environmentally friendly
activities and promote willingness of the student to
do their activities with the nature.
Teenagers are considered the most potential
assets in every country. In Indonesia, the teenagers
(with the age ranging from 10 to 15 years old)
acquires 32.2 percent of the total populations
(8.442.932 persons) in 2016 (Kementerian
Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2016) and it is
expected to increase until 2030 (BAPPENAS and
LembagaDemografi FEB UI, 2017). Taking the
intensity of current environmental problems, the
investment in the education system to improve the
awareness of pro-environmental behaviors in really
ICP-HESOS 2018 - International Conference on Psychology in Health, Educational, Social, and Organizational Settings
Well-designed pro-environment education
system is expected to produce new generation who
are environmently friendly as one of the distinctive
features and they have potential to develop their
countries and the world. However, no research has
been conducted to observe the behavioural dynamics
of the teenagers. This research is conducted to fill up
the knowledge. The adoption of values mostly takes
place during the teenage years (Kahn &Kellert,
2002). It is essential to identify the key success
factor in developing awareness for pro-environment
behaviour since the current teenagers will shortly
replace the position of current adults who make
strategic decisions. Through proper execution of
education program, it is expected that pro-
environment society would be able to bring down
the destruction rate to the minimum.
As it was mentioned earlier, during the teenage
period, every individual dynamically is in the search
period and it will be concluded by the internalising
period which leads to the final character determining
daily behaviour (Kohlberg, 1969
dalamPapalia&Martorell, 2015). The school system
may, in fact, serve as a center, which compile and
share experiences of teenage life since the schools
offer a fair chance to gain information and
vocational skills (Papalia&Martorell, 2015). School
serve as the first external circle after the core family
where the students spend considerable portion of
their time in life. The students learn and adopt new
academical and non-academical information and
skills from the school. That explains how the
information shared at school may significantly affect
the character and behaviour building of the students
(Nanne, et al., 2013). This research was conducted
to observe different characters were built due to
different education programs which one of those
emphasisesthe environmental aspect whilst the other
Theoretically, pro-environmental behaviour is
affected by a number of factors. Stern (2000) offered
a VBN (Value, Belief, and Norms) model that is
capable of explaining the building of pro-
environment behavior. This theory explains how
value that relates an individual to the values and how
that relation would build confidence on how those
values need to be preserved and conserve. Besides
values and beliefs, according to the VBN model,
pro-environment behaviour would also be affected
by individual norms and public expectation by the
surrounding relating to how things can be done
(Stern, 2000). A number of researches have
indicated the ability of VBN model to explain pro-
environment behaviour, which based on individual
values, beliefs and norms.
Besides the VBN model proposed by Stern
(2000), Nisbet and Zelenski (2009) proposed a
predictor showing the level of Nature Relatedness,
which describes successfully pro-environment
behavior. Nature Relatedness is a theoretical
framework, which explains individual relatedness,
which is developed on the basis of individual
perception and his personal experiences with the
nature. (Nisbet&Zelenski, 2009). This research aims
to compare the mean score of variables that form
pro-environmental behaviour and pro-environmental
behaviour to see whether or not students who attend
schools which a nature-based curriculum do score
better than students who attend a general-based
school curriculum.
1.1 Pro-environment Behavior
Pro-environment behaviour is a behavioral pattern of
an individual when conducting beneficial and non-
beneficial daily actions based on the same intention
(Stern, 2000). Stern (2000) also denifed pro-
environment behaviour or environmentally
significant behavioras an impact oriented
behavioural pattern and intent oriented. Impact-
oriented behavior is referred more intensely on how
the human behaviour could provide impacts to the
availability of materils and energy from the
environment or how the behaviour could provide
impacts to the dynamic structure of the ecosystem or
the biosphere. Whilst, intent oriented definition is
based on behaviors as an autonomous factor provide
direct impact to the environment (Stern 1997 in,
2000). The main differences between the two
approaches are on impact and the motives.
Subsequently, with the intent-oriented approach, one
will be able to comprehend the process and how to
do intervension in order to reshape the behavioural
patterns. Stern (2000) classified pro-environment
behaviour patterns into four types and identified the
discriminating factors. The first type is the
environmental activism that explains how an
individual involves with meaningful activities to his
environment and surroundings. The second type is
the nonactivistbehaviors in the public spheres
identifying individuals who are supportive to the
environmentally supportive activities. The third type
is the Private sphere behaviors and the last type is
the behaviors in organizations.
Does Green Curriculum Have an Impact on Pro-environmental Behavior?: A Comparative Study with Middle Schools
1.2 Value-Belief-Norm Model
Value-Belief-Norm modelis a theoretical framework
used to understand the dynamic of the pro-
environment behavioural development (Oreg&
Katz-Gerro, 2006). The theory argues that pro-
environmet behaviour emerges from individual
values, which then activates his beliefs that certain
things may threaten his values, and for him to active
anticipatory actions (Stern, 1999).The VBN
theoretical framework relates the theory of value to
the norm-activation theory (Stern, 2000). Stern
(2000) has developed the value-belief-norm (VBN)
theoretical framework to further elaborate the
relationship between values and pro-environment
behavior. The VBN model involves six main
variables i.e. Values consisting of hedonistic,
egoiticandbiopheric values; Belief described by the
New Environmental Paradigm, Awareness of
Consequences dan Ascription of Responsibility;
Norm which represented by Personal Norms. Those
six main variables collaboratively trigger the pro-
environment behaviour.
1.3 Nature Relatedness
Nature relatedness refers to a psychological
construct that is capable to capture the uniqueness of
the individuals in percepting their relation with the
environment (Nisbet et al., 2009). The concept
defines three attributes addressing the relationship
with the nature including: (1) NR-self as the
attribute which captures affective relationship to the
nature, established through thoughts and feelings;
(2) NR-perspective as the attribute representing the
cognitive relationship relating to the impact of the
human acts to their surroundings; and (3) NR-
experience as the attribute describing individual
physical relationship to the nature established
through physical comfort which trigger an aspiration
to be a part of the nature physically. Nisbet (2009)
proposed nature relatedness as a term to describe
relationship between human and the nature
regardless he was comfortable or not to be around
his natural surroundings. By definition, NR (Nature
Relatedness) is the affective and cognitive aspects
and also experiences relating to the relationship
between human and the nature (Nisbet in
EnvirontmentalBehavior 41: 715 – 740, 2009
This research focuseson examining whether or not
pupils who attend nature-based curriculum schools
and general-based curriculum school really have
distinctive mean scores in variables related to pro-
environmental behavior. The pro-environment
behaviour is inferred from the total score calculated
from the General Environmental Behavior for
Adolescence (Kaiser, Oerke&Bogner, 2007). The
higher the score of the pro-environment behaviour,
the friendlier the person is to the environment. The
VBN model which includes factors that shape pro-
enironmental behaviour is measured by five
variables i.e. biospheric values, new environmental
paradigm, awareness of adverse consequences,
ascription of responsibilities and personal norms.
Pro-environment behaviour is measured by using
an adapted unidimenssional General Environmental
Behavior for Adolescence (Kaiser,Oerke&Bogner,
2007), and variables that forms pro-environmental
behavior, which consists of biospheric values, new
environmental paradigm, awareness of adverse
consequences, ascription of responsibilities and
personal norms. The nature relatedness variable is
measured by using the adaptation of Nature
Relatedness Scale (Nisbet&zelenski, 2009), which
has been translated into Bahasa Indonesia. It uses the
six-point likert scalefrom 1 (least preferable) to 6
(mostpreferrable). The measuring tools of the nature
relatedness consistes of 21 items.
General Environmental Behavior for
Adolescence (Kaiser, Oerke&Bogner, 2007) consists
of 20 items. Out of the 20 items, 3 items are used to
measure the level of energy conservation, 2 items to
measure mobility dan transportation, 3 items to
measure waste avoidance, 3 items to measure
recycling preferences, 3 items to measure level of
consumerism, and 7 items to measure Vicarious
Behaviors toward Conservation. Scale of General
Environmental Behavior for Adolescence is adapted
into Bahasa Indonesia and transformes into Likert
scale. The scale is ranging from 1 (least preferable)
to 6 (most preferable).
This research is classified as a quasi-
experimental since the research identified different
responses based on different treatments to two
different groups that have received a considerably
different treatment in regards to the application
environmental education. Based on the data
compilation method, this research is considered as a
quantitative research since the data in acquired from
the participants in term of numerical scores so that
statistical procedures are applicable (Kumar, 2011).
ICP-HESOS 2018 - International Conference on Psychology in Health, Educational, Social, and Organizational Settings
The participants of the research were junior high
school students with ages between 11-15 years old
of the public schools and nature schools. The
number of the respondents is 415 students. The
sample selection method is using non-probability
sampling. The selection method is chosen because
initially the exact number of total number of 12
grade students so that individual approach was not
preferred (Kumar, 2011).
Data compilation was conducted offline so that
the data compilation process can be conducted to
reach as many possible participants at one time. The
use of questionnaire is preferred so that all the
response was made accurately in accordance with
the instructions. The questionnaire was used as
research instruments that were used after the validity
and reliability was assured and the language was
transferred into Bahasa to ease the communication.
The research applied certain statistical
techniques for processing the data such as 1)
Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) used to obtain
valid and reliable indicators of each variables which
consists of The Nature Relatedness Scale, A Brief
Inventory of Values, The New Environmental
Paradigm, Awareness of Adverse Consequences,
Ascription of Responsibilities, Personal Norms
danGeneral Environmental Behavior for
Adolesence; 2) descriptive statistic analysis to obtain
general descriptions including frequency analysis,
obtaining mean, min-max values and deviation
standards; 3) PearsonCorrelation analysis to obtain
interrelation between variables, and; 4) Independent
Sample T-Test to observe differences among
variables based on the types of schools.
There were a total of 415 participants that agreed to
be a part of the experiment. In which 52.8% of the
participants originated from the nature-based
curriculum school, while 47% of the participants
originated from a general-based curriculum school.
In this research, we have found two important
As shown on the table, participants who attended
a nature-based school hasscored better than
participants who attended a school with a general-
based curriculum on biospheric valuesand pro-
environmental behaviour. Meanwhile, participants
who attended a school that uses a general-based
curriculum have been found to haveobtained a
higher score in variables nature relatedness,
ascription of responsibilities, personal norms and
new environmental paradigm.
Table 1: Means and standard deviations of the variables
Variables School
Freq Mean
4.98 .65 219 4.89
4.04 .60 219 4.14
5.04 .72 219 5.22
of Adverse
5.00 .68 219 5.00
4.61 .72 219 4.87
2.72 .78 219 2.77
nt Behavior
3.24 .57 219 3.08
Second is that using the independent sample t-
test method, this research has found three
distinctvariabels that has a significant mean
difference between the nature-based school
curriculum group and the general-based school
Does Green Curriculum Have an Impact on Pro-environmental Behavior?: A Comparative Study with Middle Schools
curriculum group. These variables included are:
ascription of responsibilities, personal norms and
pro-environmental behaviour. In which, for variables
ascription of responsibilities the general-based
school curriculum group had a mean score that is
significantly higher compared to the mean score of
the nature-based school curriculum. Whereas for the
pro-environmental variable, the nature-based school
curriculum group had a significantly higher mean
score compared to their general-based school
curriculum counterpart.
Table 2: Independent sample T-test of each variables
Variables t Significance df
1.285 .199 413
.084 413
Awareness of
-.036 .971 413
Ascription of
.009* 413
.000* 413
-.524 .601 413
2.482 .013* 413
In this research, we find that indeed pupils who
attend a nature-based curriculum schools do have a
significantly higher mean score in pro-
environmental behaviour compared to its general-
based curriculum counterpart. This means that the
students who attend schools who uses a green-based
curriculum behaves more pro-environmentally
compared to students who attend a general-based
curriculum. However, quite contrary than what was
hypothised, nature-based curriculum schools do not
necceserily result in having students who have a
significantly different score in all variables related to
pro-environmental behaviour. Therefore, the
hypothesis of this research cannot be proven.
It is proven that there are evenseveral variables
in which pupils who attend schools with a general-
based curriculum perform even better compared to
their nature-based school counterpart. Infact, there
were eventwo cases in which the general-based
school curriculum is superior compared to their
nature-based school counterpart. Variables
ascription of responsibilities and personal norms are
found to be significantly higher amongst participants
who attend a general-based school curriculum
compared to their nature-based school curriculum
This means that students who attended schools
with a genera-based curriculum have a better
understanding of the knowledge related to
environmental issues and the importance of
conducting it in real life. However, the majority of
them did not actually behaved according to the
knowledge that they have and have chosen to not
behave pro-environmentally.
Quite different from students who attended
schools with a general-based curriculum, students
who attended schools with a green-based curriculum
may not have a full understanding of why they
should behave pro-environmentally, but because
they are accustomed to a pro-environmental way of
life and have good role-models for it, they in result
perform more pro-environmentally compared to
students who attended a general-based curriculum.
Based on the results that were obtained, we have
concluded several reasons as to why it did not show
as hypothised. The first reason why general-based
curriculum schools perform better in variables which
represents belief and norms is because its
environmental education heavily emphasized
theconsequences theoretically rather than actually
emphasizing the impact of every action that they
take in their daily lives.
So that in both curriculums environmental
education can be implemented effectively, it is
adviced in this research paper that general-based
schools focus on increasing facilities and activities
that give their students opportunity to demonstrate
what they learn. Whereas it is adviced in this
research paper that nature-based schools should
increase the theoretical aspect of their environmental
ICP-HESOS 2018 - International Conference on Psychology in Health, Educational, Social, and Organizational Settings
education so that their students fully undertand how
their actions really impact on the environment as a
whole and not just act based on habit.
Through this research, we have concluded that the
schools curriculum indeed affect to the pro-
environmental behaviour of its students. As
explained previously, we concluded that schools
with a green-based curriculum that accustom their
sttudents to behave pro-environmentally do make a
positive habit, even though they do not have the
knowledge of why they do it. On the other hand,
schools with a general based curriculum have
successfully delivered the knowledge related to
environmental issues and how important it is to
behave pro-environmentally, but without habituation
and modelling of the behaviour in their daily life, the
students will not actually perform the behaviour in
their daily lives.
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