The Relationship between Self-control with Aggressive Behavior
Andik Matulessy, Yanto Prasetyo,and Riska Tantri Maharani
Fakultas Psikologi, Jl. Semolowaru No.45, Surabaya, Indonesia
Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya
Keywords: Self-control, aggressive behavior, student association for environmental and adventure activity
Abstract: This research is motivated by the rampant cases of violence happened to the students association for
environmental and adventure activity in Indonesia. Therefore there should be prevention of violence that
occurs in these students who are often performed by their seniors in the framework of the training of new
members. This research was conducted in student association secretariat of Airlangga University, Widya
Mandala Christian University Surabaya, and University of 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya with 53 subjects.
Both scales were arranged with Likert model. The technique used in this research is parametric statistic in
the form of correlation. Data analysis in this research used product moment statistic technique. The higher
the self-control the less aggressiveness occurs in the student association members. It is important to improve
and familiarize the members of nature lovers to control themselves in all situations and conditions, so that
aggressiveness can be avoided.
College students are those who are studying in
college (Poerwadarminta, 2005). For most people,
being a student is a challenge and pride since they
are expected to be the next generation that can
determine the direction toward a good nation.
Students are not just studying in college. Students
are also expected to be actively involved in formal
organizations such as student executive bodies as
well as in student activities units (SMEs) to channel
hobbies. Organizations facilitated by the college
make students learn to interact, coordinate, and
apply science and ideas and achieve achievement.
Students will be more forged into a mature person
and ready to plunge into the community. Widayanto
(in Sitepu, 2014) describes the organization is a
place for students to develop a mindset in
organization and in social life.
Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture
Number 155 / U / 1998 concerning General
Guidelines for Student Organizations explained that
student organizations is a vehicle and means of self-
development students towards the expansion of
insight and increased skill and integrity personality
to achieve goals higher education (Caesari, 2013).
Associaton for environmental and adventure activity
is one of the organizations that accommodate
students who have fun with the open nature such as
mountains, forests, caves, rafting, rock climbing, and
the environment. In addition to channeling interest
in life in the wild that challenged, this organization
have the most important goal of the love of the
homeland, care and love for the environment and
uphold the cooperation among members of the
organization. Based on the environmental conditions
faced, members of the organization are required to
live in a state of limited and draining physically and
mentally. Now it is much preached about the
unpleasant behavior of senior member of the
organization to new members that occurred in one of
the Universities in Indonesia. Responding to the
issue, this organization in other universities should
be able to reflect from the bad experiences that
befell the university concerned. Many senior
members in the organization use the authority
inappropriately. Such as the case of the death of
three members of basic education of students for
environmental and adventure activities and fourteen
injured who are still treated. It occurs due to
violence committed by senior members to new
members. The behavior concerned is a deliberate act
of hurting by a person or institution against another
person or institution that is deliberately called
Berkowitz (in Sarwono, 2009) explains that
aggressiveness is a behavior that intentionally wants
Matulessy, A., Prasetyo, Y. and Maharani, R.
The Relationship between Self-control with Aggressive Behavior.
DOI: 10.5220/0008589103400344
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Psychology in Health, Educational, Social, and Organizational Settings (ICP-HESOS 2018) - Improving Mental Health and Harmony in
Global Community, pages 340-344
ISBN: 978-989-758-435-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
to hurt or give pain to others. Of course, the
behavior is bad for others, more precisely the victim.
The impact of aggressiveness on the victim is
usually not only cause pain, but also can cause
trauma to the victim which will even lead to the
feeling of grudge to do the same to the weaker in
time, in this case to their juniors. Aggressiveness
will continue to be repeated in the classroom and
become a culture.
Of course this should be avoided. As described
above that the goals of student organizations should
be positive. But, in the implementation, it sometimes
occasionally raises negative things such as
aggressiveness which subsequently became a culture
of galvanizing new members. Of course this should
be avoided and, even more, prevented.
Aggressiveness is related to the low ability of
students to control themselves. Students are said to
have good self-control if they are able to arrange,
guide, assis, and direct the form of behavior that can
bring the individual toward the positive
consequences (Goldfried and Merbaum).
Meanwhile, according to Papalia (2004), self-control
is important to adjust the behavior to what is
considered socially acceptable by society. If the
students are able to adjust the behavior in
accordance with the norms of society, it means they
have good self-control, so it is not encouraged to
behave negatively or be able to avoid aggressive
actions in any situation. It is important for students
to grow or maintain good self-control in everyday
life. Based on the above description it is necessary to
examine deeper the relationship between self-control
with the tendency of aggression on student of
student association for envronmental and adventure
2.1 Aggressive Behavior
According to Berkowitz (Sarwono, 2009),
aggressive is a deliberate act of intentional injury by
a person or institution against a person or other
institution that is in fact deliberate. Moyer (1976)
argues that aggressiveness is associated with a lack
of control over the emotions within the individual.
Aggressive behavior is any form of behavior
intended to harm or injure a person against the will
of the person (Breakwell 1998: 17). Aggressive
behavior can be physical or verbal. Physical
aggression is aggression behavior that is done by
doing physical violence such as slapping, punching,
and throwing with objects against others around
him. Verbal aggression is aggression behavior done
by way of expression to attack other people, can be
mockery, insult, or verbal abuse.
According to Myers (2002), the factors that
influence aggressive behavior are frustration,
aggression learning which contains reward, social
learning, and environmental influences. What is
meant is an environmental situation which includes
painful incidents, hot air temperatures, attacks,
crowds that trigger aggressive actions, brain nervous
system, genetic or hereditary factors, and chemical
factors in the blood (alcohol and drugs).
Medinus (Dayaksini & Hudaniah, 2009)
mentions four forms of aggression behavior, namely
physical attack, which includes punching, pushing,
spitting, kicking, biting, punching and robbing,
attacking an object, intended here to attack the dead
or animals, verbally or symbolically, which includes
verbally threatening, aggravating others, threatening
attitudes and demanding attitudes, infringement of
property rights or invading other areas.
2.2 Self Control
Goldfriend and Merbaum (Zulkarnain, 2002) define
self-control as an ability to organize, guide, arrange,
and direct behavioral forms that can lead individuals
to positive consequences. When it comes to self-
control, all individuals should be able to organize
and manage all their behaviors in a positive way.
Someone who has the ability to control themselves
will be able to use common sense, and can still bring
up a calm and positive view. According to Logue
(1995) self-control has characteristics such as: a)
Holding fast or staying afloat with tasks that should
be done despite many burdens. b) Changing its own
behavior through changes as a consequence of
effects of the existing rules. c) Does not show or
involve behavior that is affected by anger
(emotional). d) Can control the stimulus; know
which is good and which is not by preventing or
steering away.
2.3 Research Hypothesis
The hypothesis in this research is whether there is a
negative relationship between self-control with
aggressive behavior on the members of student
association for environmental and adventure
activities. This shows that the higher the self-control
the lower aggressive behavior arises.
The Relationship between Self-control with Aggressive Behavior
The subjects of this study are students who are
active in the organization of environmental and
adventure activities totaling 53 people. The subjects
are taken by using Purposive Sampling. There are
two scales used, Aggressive Behavior and Self
Control scale likert model with five alternative
3.1 Operational Research Variables
3.1.1 Aggressive Behavior (Y
The Aggressive Behavior Scale taken from the
indicator according to Medinus (in Dwi, 2013)
consists of:
a) Physical attack
b) Attacking an object
c) Verbally or symbolically
d) Violation of property rights or attacking
other people's territory
3.1.2 Self Control (X1)
Self-control is the ability of individuals to organize,
guide, arrange, and direct behavioral forms that can
lead individuals to positive consequences. Students
who have self-control in this study are measured
through characteristics consisting of:
a) Stand firm in the task
b) Able to change its own behavior from the
influence of existing norms
c) Does not exhibit behavior that is affected by anger
d) Able to control the stimulus.
3.1.3 Hypothesis Testing Design
Research data were analyzed by data analysis using
SPSS version 20.0. The data are previously
analyzed. Process is done by measuring instrument
1. Dependent variable distribution normality
test (Aggressive Behavior) obtained result p = 0,474
(p> 0,05) which means that the distribution of
Aggressive Behavior variable is normal.
2. The relationship linearity test between:
Self Control (X1) with Aggressive Behavior (Y)
obtained F = 144.925 with p = 0,000 (p <0.05)
which means that the relationship between Self
Control and Aggressive Behavior is linear with the
Cronbach Alpha correlation technique.
Research on the relationship of self-control with
aggressive behavior on the students of student
association of environmental and adventure
activities is conducted from June 23 until July 7,
2017 with 53 individuals who follow the
organization with used tryout system. The 53
subjects were gathered from data collection through
questionnaires. After collecting data, the researcher
then performed the analysis process of validity and
reliability test on the results that have been obtained
to collect items with level of validity and reliability
of measuring instruments. The prerequisite test is
performed. The first one is the normality test by
using Smirnov Kolmogorov technique assisted by
SPSS version 20.0 for Windows program to obtain
result for dependent variable (Aggressive Behavior).
The value obtained was significant value equal to
0,474 (p> 0,05 ) while the independent variable
(self-control) obtained was significant p = 0,991 (p>
0,05). Hence, the result of analysis shows that
dependent variable (aggressive behavior) and
independent variable (self control) in this research is
distributed normally. The second prerequisite test is
a linear test of the relationship between self-control
and aggressive behavior by using Curve Estimation-
Linear technique with SPSS version 20.0 for
Windows program which showed significant value p
= 0,000 (p <0,01). This means that both variables
have linear relationship.
The next stage is the hypothesis test. Correlation
techniques used to determine the relationship
between self-control variables and aggressive
behavior is product moment (parametric) technique.
The calculation by using SPSS version 20.0 for
Windows shows the correlation value of r
= -0,860
with significant p = 0,000 (p <0,01), which stated
that there is a significant negative correlation
between self-control variable with aggressive
behavior variable in student of the organization
Based on the results of this study, the hypothesis
of research which states that there is a negative
relationship between self-control with aggressive
behavior on student association of environmental
and adventure activity is accepted. This suggests that
the research hypothesis is proven. The linearity
result obtain is the value of R Square = 0.740 which
means there is an effective contribution of self-
control variables to aggressive behavior variable of
74% compared with other variables that affect
aggressive behavior variables including those which
are not studied. This shows that there are other
variables that affect the variable Y (aggressive
ICP-HESOS 2018 - International Conference on Psychology in Health, Educational, Social, and Organizational Settings
behavior) by 26%. Then there is a negative
relationship between self-control and aggressive
The results of the research that has been described
above shows that there is a very significant negative
relationship between self-control with aggressive
behavior on students who become the members of
the organization. This shows that the self-control of
these students can influence their aggressive
Goldfriend and Merbaum (in Zulkarnain, 2002)
define self-control as an ability to organize, guide,
arrange and direct behavioral forms that can lead
individuals to positive consequences. A person who
has good self-control will be able to organize and
arrange all his behavior using common sense so as to
lead to a positive behavior.
According to Krahe (in Noor, 2005) one of the
factors that influence aggressive behavior is the
personality factor, one of which is self-control.
Borba (in Noor, 2005) states that in an attempt to
control behavior, self-control provides an important
role for the individual. Self-control makes
individuals able to act right. Self control can stop
dangerous actions from individuals. Furthermore,
the ability to control yourself relates to how one
controls the emotions and impulses in him. In this
case, to control the emotion in question is by doing
something by using a rational attitude to respond to
the situation and prevent excessive reactions. Self-
control can make students to be able to control
themselves in performing acts contrary to the
existing provisions. Students of this organization
who have good self-control will certainly have the
ability to manage their behavior that leads in a
positive, while those who have poor self-control will
result in their inability to control their own behavior.
In connection with the explanation above,
Soekadji (in Noor, 2013), mentions that self-
management is the procedure by which a person
directs or regulates his own behavior. So, a good
self-control will avoid individuals with aggressive
behavior to harm theirselves and others.
Based on this research, it is clear that self-control
is one of the factors associated with aggressive
behavior. So, according to the above explanation,
the hypothesis of the researcher is accepted. There is
a relationship between self-control and aggressive
behavior in student of the association of
environmental and adventure activity.
6.1 Conclusion
This study aims to determine the relationship
between two variables, namely self-control variables
and aggressive behavior in the members of student
association of environmental and adventure
activities. So, the hypothesis in this study is "There
is a negative relationship between self-control with
aggressive behavior in student of student association
of environmental and adventure activities".
From the result of validity and reliability test on
aggressive behavior variable, there are 36 valid
items obtained with a level of reliability that move
from 0,326 until 0,820 with Cronbach's Alpha value
of 0,960. Self control variables get 30 valid item
results with a level of reliability that move from
0.331 to 0.744 with Cronbach's Alpha value of
0.935. Both variables are valid and reliable based on
the validity and reliability test. The result of product
moment correlation analysis shows rxy = -0,860 at
significance level p = 0,000. So, the research
hypothesis states "There is a relationship between
self-control with aggressive behavior on students f
studen association for environmental and adventure
activities” is accepted. It states that the higher self
control the lower aggresive behavior. In contrary, if
they have lower self control, then the aggressive
behavior is higher. This study has limitations on
respondents who refused to be given a scale of
aggressive behavior.
6.2 Suggestion
Further Research needs to be done on the same
aspect to test the consistency of the result of this
study. Research suggest to take a broader subject
than the University in Surabaya both public and
private ones. For the prganization, the existence of
the “high” category results in self-control variables
and the “low” category on aggressive behavioral
variables, which is derived from 53 subjects, is a
fairly good result. So, the researcher suggest the
organization to try to improve the personal condition
both physical and psychic which affect self control
on fellow members of the organization
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ICP-HESOS 2018 - International Conference on Psychology in Health, Educational, Social, and Organizational Settings