Cyber Slacking among University Students: The Role of Internet
Habit Strength, Media Multitasking Efficacy and Self Regulated
Ermida Simanjuntak
, Nur Ainy Fardana Nawangsari
, and Rahkman Ardi
Faculty of Psychology, Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia
Faculty of Psychology, Widya Mandala Catholic University, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: cyber slacking, non-academic purpose Internet access, university students
Abstract: University provides Internet in the campus to enhance students learning during lectures. However, students
use the Internet in the classrooms not only for academic tasks but also for non-academic purposes. The use
of the Internet for non-academic purposes during class is defined as cyber slacking. The term cyber slacking
was firstly used in the working environment and it is considered as counterproductive behaviour in
organizations. Referring to an educational setting, cyber slacking will make students unproductive in
learning. This current study aims to explore cyber slacking behaviour among university students in
academic settings. There were 385 university students who participated in this survey. Results show that
cyber slacking behaviour correlates with Internet habit strength and media multitasking efficacy. The more
habitual students are to the Internet the more likely they are to engage in cyber slacking activities during
lectures. Students who are confident in media multitasking also tend to cyber slack in the classrooms. The
findings also describe that self-regulated learning does not correlate with cyber slacking. Further research on
cyber slacking behaviour in university settings should be conducted to identify potential factors that prevent
cyber slacking behaviour in the university classrooms.
The recent teaching and learning process frequently
uses the Internet to improve the quality of students
learning results (Weaver and Nilson, 2005; Lee and
Tsai, 2011; Moskal, Dziuban and Hartman, 2013;
Karaoglan Yilmaz et al., 2015). This is in line with
the characteristic of adult learning, which
encourages students to learn independently outside
classroom sessions. This policy implies that the
Internet is one of the supporting learning tools in
academic work, such as finding relevant academic
references for learning task completion (Gaudreau,
Miranda and Gareau, 2014). The high frequency of
Internet use on campus is also related to the
availability of free Wi-Fi (wireless technology)
access provided by the university or students’
personal access on their smartphones. This is in line
with the survey results of Ofcom (2017) which
found that the development of smartphone
technology has made the Internet part of daily
lifestyle among university students. A survey
conducted by the Indonesian Ministry of
Communication and Information showed that
university students were the most active users of
Internet connection, compared to students from other
institutions and professional workers (Kominfo,
2016). Such a wide use of the Internet among
university students may influence their behaviors in
learning (Kolikant, 2010; Barry, Murphy and Drew,
Researches on students’ learning behavior in
lectures show that the availability of Internet access
tends to lead students to indulge in non-academic
activities such as accessing social media, opening
irrelevant sites and playing online games (Junco and
Cotten, 2012; Wood et al., 2012; Wentworth and
Middleton, 2014; Taneja, Fiore and Fischer, 2015;
Gupta and Irwin, 2016; Akbulut et al., 2016b; Varol
and Yildirim, 2018). Students’ tendency to partake
in non-academic activities during lectures falls into
the category of cyber slacking (Gerow, Galluch and
Thatcher, 2010; Yasar and Yurdugul, 2013; Rana et
al., 2016; Taneja, Fiore and Fischer, 2015). Often,
students who bring laptops to the classes are cyber
Simanjuntak, E., Nawangsari, N. and Ardi, R.
Cyber Slacking among University Students: The Role of Internet Habit Strength, Media Multitasking Efficacy and Self Regulated Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0008587702390247
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Psychology in Health, Educational, Social, and Organizational Settings (ICP-HESOS 2018) - Improving Mental Health and Harmony in
Global Community, pages 239-247
ISBN: 978-989-758-435-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
slacking by using the them to access sites irrelevant
to the topics being discussed in the lectures (Fried,
2008; Ragan et al., 2014). Thus, cyber slacking is a
challenge for both students and lecturers during
classes where Internet access is available.
Research on cyber slacking in educational
settings uses the approaches in the theory of planned
behavior (TPB) to explain cyber slacking to students
(Askew et al., 2014; Taneja, Fiore and Fischer,
2015). This theory highlights intention as the
important factor in determining the cyber slacking
behavior. Intention is formed by attitude, subjective
norms, descriptive norms and perceived behavioral
control (Taneja, Fiore and Fischer, 2015). A student
with a positive attitude towards cyber slacking tends
to do it during lectures, though considerations are
still required on the subjective norm, descriptive
norm and perceived behavioral control. If that
particular student feels that it is difficult to cyber
slack, then they will lose the intention to do it
(Taneja, Fiore and Fischer, 2015). Furthermore,
Askew et al. (2014) adds two more factors: web
self-efficacy and ability to hide. Thus, if a student
can access the Internet easily and is capable of
hiding his cyber slacking behavior, then he will tend
to do it.
Other researches also mention the effect of self-
regulation on cyber slacking (Gokcearslan et al.,
2016). Discussion on self-regulation in educational
settings uses the concept of self-regulated learning
(SRL) by Zimmerman and Schunk (2011). SRL is
one of the influential factors in students’ learning
achievements. A student with good SRL tends to be
able to achieve the pre-determined learning targets
(Pintrich, 2004; Kitsantas, Winsler and Huie, 2008;
Nandagopal and Ericsson, 2012; Zhu, Au and Yates,
2016). Related to cyber slacking, a student with
good SRL will tend to focus on things related to
academic topics during lectures; he will tend to
minimize access to non-academic topics.
Internet habit strength is related on how strong
someone’s habit is to access the Internet (LaRose
and Eastin, 2004; Ang, 2017). Someone with
stronger Internet habit will be more likely to access
the Internet. Teenagers usually have a strong
Internet habit (Wohn, 2012; Ang, 2017). Teenagers
and the current university student generation are
often perceived as “Digital Natives”, which refers to
people who have technology exposure and
technology experience (Akcayir, Dundar and
Akcayir, 2016). These students seem to have
habitual access to the Internet during their early
childhood, resulting in them being referred to as
Digital Natives. Related to cyber slacking, it is
assumed that students with a strong Internet habit
would tend to continuously access the Internet.
Rosen et al., (2013) found that for most students, it
would be difficult to learn without technology and to
stop checking their gadgets such as laptops,
computer tablets or smartphones for more than 10
minutes. This phenomenon is related to the
classroom situation in which students meet
difficulties in understanding the lectures and thus
tend to access the Internet (Calderwood et al., 2016).
This habit to access the Internet seems to urge
students to stay connected to the Internet and try to
find a method to do so although the Internet
connection might be unavailable in the classroom
(LaRose and Eastin, 2004; Ang, 2017). If this
behavior is repeated continuously, it will result in a
habit. Related to media habit, such as the Internet
habit, the frequency of accessing the Internet would
then lead to the Internet habit (Wohn, 2012). Related
to cyber slacking, students’ habit of accessing the
Internet for non-academic materials during lectures
would then lead to non-academic Internet habit
during lectures, such as accessing social media and
doing status updates although the lectures are still
Discussion on cyber slacking is also related to
media multitasking. A number of previous
researches also found students’ tendency to do
unproductive multitasking activities during lectures,
which is accessing non-academic materials during
lectures or classroom tutorials (Judd, 2014; Bellur,
Nowak and Hull, 2015; Junco and Cotten, 2012;
Wentworth and Middleton, 2014; Gupta and Irwin,
2016). This media multitasking behavior seems to
happen if the particular student has the confidence to
do things by multitasking. Wu (2017) points to this
confidence as the media multitasking efficacy
(MME). If a student feels confident that he can
multitask in a situation, such as accessing social
media while listening to the lectures, he will tend to
cyber slack in lectures. Students with higher MME
seem to get involve more in media multitasking,
including the possible unproductive media
This paper aims to test the relationship between a
few antecedents of cyber slacking behaviors:
Internet habit strength, media multitasking efficacy
(MME) and self regulated learning. The hypotheses
proposed in this study are:
H1. Internet habit strength correlates with
students’ cyber slacking behavior. Students with
stronger Internet habit tend to cyber slack during
ICP-HESOS 2018 - International Conference on Psychology in Health, Educational, Social, and Organizational Settings
H2. Media multitasking efficacy (MME)
correlates with students’ cyber slacking behavior.
Students with more confidence in their ability to do
multitasking will tend to cyber slack during lectures.
H3. Self-regulated learning corresponds to cyber
slacking among students. Students with good self-
regulated learning tend to avoid cyber slacking in
1.1 Academic Cyber Slacking Among
University Students
Cyber slacking, also referred as cyber loafing, is
originally studied in the field of the work behavior
related to technology, which is when workers
frequently access the Internet for personal matters
unrelated to work during working hours (Block,
2001; Lim, 2002; Vitak, Crouse and LaRose, 2011).
Perceived as unproductive behavior during working
hours, cyber slacking is regarded as a problem to
solve in order to improve workers’ productivity at
work (Ugrin and Michael Pearson, 2013; Lim, 2002;
Vitak, Crouse and LaRose, 2011).
Later, the cyber slacking concept is applied in
educational settings, specifically in higher education.
This leads cyber slacking to be defined as the use of
the Internet by students for non-academic purposes
during lectures (Lavoie and Pychyl, 2001; Galluch
and Thatcher, 2006; Gerow, Galluch and Thatcher,
2010). Later researches on cyber slacking started to
apply a cyber slacking concept to describe students’
behavior on Internet access during lectures (Taneja,
Fiore and Fischer, 2015; Akbulut et al., 2016b; Rana
et al., 2016; Varol and Yildirim, 2018). Research
conducted by Akbulut, O. O. Dursun, et al. (2016)
reveals that cyber slacking behaviors during lectures
include sharing, shopping, real time updating,
accessing online content, gaming and gambling.
These indicators are used in the measurement tool
for cyber slacking.
1.2 Internet Habit Strength
Ang (2017) defines Internet habit strength as the
strength of someone’s habit to connect to the
Internet. This habit is acquired from a series of
practices or repeated behaviors, which in this case is
the behavior to connect to the Internet. LaRose and
Eastin (2004) also mention the influence of this
habit on someone. High Internet habit strength
results in integrating the Internet as part of
someone’s routine, with a tendency to access the
Internet without further consideration (LaRose and
Eastin, 2004).
Other research conducted by Wohn, (2012)
mentioned that Internet habit is less connected to the
motivation to connect to the Internet, but more
connected to the habit of accessing the Internet due
to the stimulus from the environment, such as the
availability of Internet access, which leads to
accessing the Internet as a somehow natural deed to
Wohn (2012) argues that this Internet habit will
grow stronger since that particular person will get
involved more in social media, such as playing
online games on social media. Related to the
routines, then it seems that playing online games on
a daily basis will result in a higher Internet habit
strength. In other words, if someone accesses the
social media habitually, then the Internet habit
strength is formed resulting in the action to connect
to the Internet whenever there is available access
(Ang, 2017). Regarding the Internet habit, repetitive
behaviors or connecting to the Internet repeatedly is
the key to the formation of the Internet habit, in
which an Internet access pattern is mentally formed
in someone (Ang, 2017).
1.3 Media Multitasking Efficacy
The concept of media multitasking efficacy is rooted
in Bandura’s self-efficacy theory (Wu, 2017) about
the confidence of an individual in completing a
specific task. In this concept, media multitasking
efficacy (MME) is defined as the confidence of an
individual to simultaneously use several media in his
activities (Wu, 2017). Related to the Internet access,
MME is someone’s confidence to use several
software applications simultaneously.
Related to the cyber slacking academic context,
students accessing non-academic materials during
lectures is connected to the concept of MME since it
is plausible for students to access several gadget
applications while accessing academic materials
(Gaudreau, Miranda and Gareau, 2014). On the
premise that someone with confidence to do
something will tend to really do it, then someone
who can multitask well will tend to multitask (Wu,
2017). However, it is interesting to note that students
often overestimate their capability in multitasking.
Brooks (2015) mentioned that confidence in
multitasking with computers will drive the person to
multitask when working with computers. Related to
cyber slacking, students who are confident in their
capability in media multitasking tend to access
several online software applications during lectures
because they are confident that they can join the
Cyber Slacking among University Students: The Role of Internet Habit Strength, Media Multitasking Efficacy and Self Regulated Learning
lectures while also engaging in non-academic
activities. On the other hand, academic achievement
which is often used as an indicator to measure
students’ understanding towards the lectures is often
negatively correlated to the students’ media
multitasking (Junco and Cotten, 2011; Calderwood,
Ackerman and Conklin, 2014; Wentworth and
Middleton, 2014). This notion is consistent with Wu
(2017) who argues that confidence in multitasking
sometimes has no correlation to a poor performance.
1.4 Self Regulated Learning (SRL) and
Academic Cyber Slacking
Self-regulated learning (SRL) is defined as
someone’s capability to direct his cognition,
affection and behavior to achieve the pre-determined
learning objectives (Zimmerman and Schunk, 2011).
The assumption of this theory is that a student is an
active agent in constructing his learning process.
The learning process is directed to attain particular
pre-determined objectives and the learner can make
necessary adjustments to do that (Zimmerman and
Schunk, 2011).
Schunk (2012) argues that self-regulated learning
involves the choice of the learner to engage in a
certain behavior in learning situations. In this notion,
the learner will choose and formulate his desired
learning objective. This objective may vary from
one learner to another, based on the learner’s own
considerations towards his capability and his
external environment. After formulating the learning
objective, the learner will then monitor his own
learning behavior and assess whether that particular
behavior is capable of helping him achieve his
learning objective.
A study conducted by Kadioglu, Uzuntiryaki and
Aydin (2011) resulted in SRL indicators, which are
motivation regulation, planning, effort regulation,
attention focusing, task strategies, using additional
resources and self-instruction. These findings are
rooted in the research on self-regulated learning by
Zimmerman, Bonner and Kovach (1996). On those
indicators, there is a difference in learning behaviors
between individuals with high SRL and those with
low SRL. For instance, a learner with a high SRL on
motivation regulation could maintain his learning
motivation to achieve his learning objective despite
the difficult academic tasks. Besides that, an
individual with high SRL seems capable of focusing
his attention on things supportive for his learning
Related to academic cyber slacking, a student
with high SRL seems to be able to exercise control
over his desire to access non-academic materials
when he has to complete his academic tasks
(Simanjuntak, 2018). Students with high SRL seem
to exercise control over their behaviors when
accessing the Internet by focusing only on matters
relevant to their learning process in class. During
lectures, these students will limit themselves by
avoiding access to irrelevant materials. By
conducting research on students bringing laptops to
lectures Zhang (2015) proved that self-regulation is
an important factor for students to stay focused on
learning materials despite the possible access to non-
academic materials.
2.1 Procedure
This study was conducted in a private university in
Surabaya by asking students to fill in questionnaires
disseminated by research assistants at the end of
lectures. Before disseminating the questionnaires,
the research assistants asked permission from the
lecturers in charge to briefly explain the
questionnaires and that participating in this study
was to be done voluntarily. The questionnaires were
anonymous, recording only demographic data such
as gender and age.
2.2 Participants
Participants were students of a private university in
Surabaya with a total number of 385 students, within
the ages of 17 28 years old. There were 289 female
participants and 96 male participants from the
Faculty of Psychology, Pharmacy, Nursing,
Medicine and Philosophy. Most participants did
cyber slacking during lectures, proven by the answer
towards the item “Do you use the Internet to access
non-academic materials during classroom lectures,
(e.g. chatting with friends, accessing social media,
browsing sites unrelated to lectures)?. There were
344 participants answering yes while only 41
participants answered no. This indicates that most
participants do cyber slacking during classroom
2.3 Measures
Cyber slacking scale in this study is the translated
version of a cyber slacking scale developed by
Akbulut et al. (2016). This scale consists of 30 items
measuring 5 cyber slacking indicators: sharing,
ICP-HESOS 2018 - International Conference on Psychology in Health, Educational, Social, and Organizational Settings
shopping, real time updating, accessing online
content and gaming or gambling. The answers range
from Never to Great Extent. Cronbach’s alpha
coefficient of cyber slacking scale is 0.925.
Internet habit strength was measured by using an
Internet habit strength scale developed by Ang
(2017). The scale is adopted in Bahasa Indonesia
and it consists of 3 items with answers ranging
Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree and
Strongly Agree. The Internet habit strength scale has
Cronbach’s alpha coefficient 0.703.
Media multitasking efficacy (MME) was
measured by using a media multitasking efficacy
scale developed by Wu (2017) and it is adopted in
Bahasa Indonesia. The author of the MME scale has
approved the scale to be translated and used for
subjects in Indonesia. This scale consists of 5 items
with 6 alternative answers, which are 1 (not at all
like me), 2 (not much like me), 3 (neutral), 4
(somewhat like me) and 5 (very much like me).
Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for MME scale is
Self-regulated learning (SRL) scale was the
development of the self-regulatory strategies scale
(SRSS), which is developed by Kadioglu,
Uzuntiryaki and Aydin (2011) and it is adopted in
Bahasa Indonesia. The scale consists of 28 items and
has Cronbach’s alpha coefficient 0.759, which
measures indicators of motivation regulation,
planning, effort regulation, attention focusing, task
strategies, using additional resources and self-
Table 1: Descriptive statistic of the participants (N = 385).
Doing non-academic access during lectures
Average time for non-academic access during
< 1 hour
30 minutes 1 hour
15 30 minutes
> 15 minutes
Reasons to do cyber slacking during lectures
Boring lectures
(participants can answer more than one reason)
Uninteresting teaching methods
Communicating with friends
Searching information
Table 2: Correlation between cyber slacking, internet habit strength, media multitasking efficacy and self regulated
learning (N = 385).
1. Internet habit strength
2. Media multitasking efficacy
3. Self regulated learning
4. Cyber slacking behaviour
*p < .01
Table 3: Regression results for cyber slacking, internet habit strength, media multitasking efficacy and self regulated
learning (N = 385).
95% Confidence
Odds ratio
Internet habit strength
Media multitasking
Self regulated learning
*p < .01
Cyber Slacking among University Students: The Role of Internet Habit Strength, Media Multitasking Efficacy and Self Regulated Learning
Descriptive results showed mean and standard
deviation for cyber slacking behaviour (M = 69.38;
SD = 20.29), media multitasking efficacy (M =
16.43, SD = 5.22), Internet habit strength (M = 9.78;
SD = 2.63) and self-regulated learning (M = 97.37;
SD = 11.12). Regarding the reasons for participants
cyber slacking, Table 1 shows that there were
several reasons and some participants might have
more than one answer. The most chosen reason was
the boredom felt during lectures (235 participants),
uninteresting teaching method of the lecturers (143
participants), wishing to communicate with friends
(106 participants), finding information for personal
interests (156 participants). The data showed that
boring lectures is the main reason for students to do
cyber slacking in class.
Hypotheses are analyzed using ordinal regression
analysis and the results of regression are presented
in Table 3. Based on hypothesis test on H1, results
show that H1 is accepted with r = 0.30 (p < .01). It
means that the Internet habit strength is related to
cyber slacking behavior among students. Thus, it is
concluded that there is a significant relationship
between Internet habit strength and cyber slacking
Hypothesis test H2 on the media multitasking
efficacy (MME) proved that MME correlates with
the cyber slacking behavior (r = 0.32, p < .01). Thus,
students confident in their ability to multitasking
tend to cyber slack during lectures.
Hypothesis test H3 on the relationship between
self-regulated learning (SRL) with cyber slacking
proved that there is no significant correlation
between SRL and cyber slacking (r = -0.01). Thus, it
was possible for students with high SRL to cyber
slack in lectures. It also applies to students with low
SRL that they also do cyber slacking during lectures.
Regression results in Table 3 show that media
multitasking efficacy and Internet habit strenght are
strong predictors for cyber slacking behavior (p <
0.01). However, self-regulated learning is not a
significant predictor of cyber slacking behavior.
Students with high and low SRL might also engage
in cyber slacking behavior.
Results of hypothesis 1 and 2 are consistent with the
theories and results of previous researches about
Internet habit strength and media multitasking
efficacy. Someone with high Internet habit strength
tends to get used to connecting to the Internet
wherever he was (LaRose and Eastin, 2004; Wohn,
2012; Ang, 2017). Thus, a student with high Internet
habit strength will try to access the Internet during
classroom lectures. The environment is quite
supportive by the availability of the Internet access
at campus or the Internet access through students’
own smartphones. This makes it difficult for
students to avoid accessing the Internet for their
favorite sites. This is in accordance with Rosen et
al., (2013) stating that it is difficult for young people
of this generation to leave their technology gadgets
for more than 10 minutes. Besides that, this Internet
habit strength drives the person to automatically
search for things that make him/her comfortable and
Descriptive data shows that the reason for
students cyber slacking is their boredom towards the
lectures. Related to the Internet habit strength, this
boredom is related to finding things which are
entertaining through the technology in his
possession, including playing online games in social
media such as Facebook (Wohn, 2012). Research
conducted by Ang (2017) on Internet habit strength
also mentioned the connection between Internet
habit strength and online communication between an
individual and his peers. It is supported by
descriptive data in this study that most cyber
slacking behavior conducted was communicating
with friends. Thus, students’ Internet habit strength
is capable of predicting the possibility of those
students cyber slacking.
The hypothesis about the correlation between
media multitasking efficacy and cyber slacking
showed that students’ confidence in their ability in
media multitasking would influence their cyber
slacking behavior. This is in line with the findings of
Wu (2017) that students with confidence in
multitasking on the completion of certain tasks as
well as operating several software applications
simultaneously would have a high probability of
cyber slacking during lectures. These students are
confident that they would understand the lectures
while accessing the Internet at the same time. Wu
(2017) argues that the problems were that some
students tend to be overconfident about their ability,
leading to the lack of awareness that not all lectures
could be understood properly while cyber slacking.
This student’s perception and confidence are not
totally correct, because the theory of thread
cognition by Salvucci and Taatgen (2011) stated that
an individual is able to use two or more information
channels if that particular individual has already
mastered one of the tasks to complete. Salvucci and
ICP-HESOS 2018 - International Conference on Psychology in Health, Educational, Social, and Organizational Settings
Taatgen (2011) explained that multitasking is
possible if an individual is able to do one of the tasks
well. Thus, it is unnecessary for that particular
individual to recount the steps to do one task since
that particular task is no longer on the level of
declarative memory, but is already in the procedural
memory, which involves skills. This condition is
doable when one of the tasks at hand is no longer
something new. In classroom cyber slacking, it is
possible that both things conducted by students
(explanations of new materials from their lecturers
and reading a friend’s chat on a new information)
are relatively new, making students unable to
understand the lectures well despite their strong
confidence in their media multitasking ability
(Zhang, 2015; Wu, 2017).
Despite the significant correlation between
media multitasking efficacy and Internet habit
strength regarding cyber slacking behavior, the
effect level of both variables is relatively low
compared to other researches (Ang, 2017; Wu,
2017). There are some possible explanations for
these findings. First, both variables are from internal
aspects of the subjects and there are some
possibilities that external factors influence the cyber
slacking behavior of the subjects such as regulations
on Internet use and teaching methods used by
lecturers in the classrooms ((Lim, 2002; Vitak,
Crouse and LaRose, 2011; Ugrin and Michael
Pearson, 2013). Second, most of the students as
digital natives use the Internet every day for
completing the tasks and there could be no
difference in cyber slacking in the classrooms
between students who believe they have capabilities
in doing multitasking and students who are not
confident in doing multitasking. Most of the students
use the Internet in the classrooms due to social
reasons in order to communicate with friends
(Simanjuntak, 2018). Referring to this condition,
cyber slacking could happen in the classrooms due
to students’ need to communicate with peers despite
their belief in their multitasking capabilities. These
possible explanations also apply to Internet habit
strength in which most of the students as digital
natives have a strong internet habit (LaRose and
Eastin 2004; Kolikant, 2010; Akcayir, Dundar and
Akcayir, 2016).
The result of this study is in opposition to the
hypothesis on self-regulated learning (SRL) which
indicates that there is no significant correlation
between SRL and cyber slacking behavior in
classroom lectures. Thus, students with high SRL or
students with low SRL both have the same tendency
to do cyber slacking. Correlated to the descriptive
data, most participants (89.3%) tend to cyber slack
in classrooms, which explains why self-regulation
has nothing to do with cyber slacking. When
correlated to the reason for participants cyber
slacking, then it is caused by the feeling of boredom
towards the lectures. This is in line with the findings
of Gupta and Irwin (2016) stating that high interest
lectures will influence cyber slacking behavior.
Students who feel that the lectures are uninteresting
tend to alternate their sights to Internet access in
accordance to their interests (Junco and Cotten,
2012; Gupta and Irwin, 2012). This actually
indicates how weak the self-regulation factor is,
especially the aspect of attention focus. However,
the rejection of this hypothesis might also be due to
the absence of data to describe the participants’ SRL
condition since the SRL scales are yet to measure
the real behavior of the participants.
Related to the cyber slacking in educational
settings, the results of this study are in line with
several researches which find that Internet access
availability tends to drive students to access non-
academic materials during lectures (Askew et al.,
2014; Taneja, Fiore and Fischer, 2015; Akbulut et
al., 2016). The results of this study confirm that
cyber slacking is also happening in educational
settings aside from work contexts. Future researches
on cyber slacking in educational settings are
necessary to better described cyber slacking
behavior in classroom contexts in order to prepare
proper countermeasures.
The results of this research prove that the cyber
slacking that happens in the work field context is
also happening in educational settings, when
students access the Internet for non-academic
purposes during classroom lectures. The results
show that there is a correlation between Internet
habit strength and media multitasking efficacy on
cyber slacking behavior conducted by the students.
Stronger Internet habit tends to lead students to do
more cyber slacking. There is also a correlation
between students’ confidence in their abilities in
media multitasking towards their tendency to cyber
slack. Results also show that there is no correlation
between self-regulated learning and cyber slacking.
The drawback of this research lies in the cyber
slacking measurement tool which can be further
developed into observation in experimental
Cyber Slacking among University Students: The Role of Internet Habit Strength, Media Multitasking Efficacy and Self Regulated Learning
situations in order to better observe the students
cyber slacking behavior in reality. Besides that, the
SRL measurement tool is still limited to self-report,
which is limited in describing the real condition of
students’ SRL. Future researches to develop a cyber
slacking model of university students should include
internal factors such as personality, procrastination
tendency and ability to hide cyber slacking behavior.
Besides that, there are external factors to be
considered, such as extrinsic learning motivation,
lecturers’ teaching skills to foster learning
engagement and classroom Internet access policy.
Akbulut, Y., Dursun, O.O., Donmez, O. and Sahin, Y.L.,
2016a. In search of a measure to investigate
cyberloafing in educational settings. Computers in
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Cyber Slacking among University Students: The Role of Internet Habit Strength, Media Multitasking Efficacy and Self Regulated Learning