Mental Health Research Role in Global World
Sri Idaiani
National Institute of Health Research and Development, Ministry of Health, Indonesia
Keywords: Mental Health Research, Health Policy, Quality, Priority.
Abstract: The role of mental health research is very important to support health programs. Health programs should be
developed and evaluated based on scientific evidence. Not all research results could be used for health
planning and policy. Many studies stop until the report finished or only in the form of articles published.
There is one more step that is translating the results of the research into a policy brief therefore it could be
used as a reference for developing the program. To formulate the policy, the research should have a good
quality, in line with priority topics and using good research principles.
Research is a systematic, rigorous investigation of a
situation or problem in order to generate new
knowledge or validate existing knowledge. Health
program is any activities to improve, maintain, and
restore health. Mental health research is any research
within the field of mental health. The role of
research is very important in the current
development both at global and national level.
The health programs should be based on
scientific evidence, as well as the evaluation of a
program should be implemented through a research.
Not only that, the evaluation of the economic aspect
has also become an integral part of research.
Programs should have a good clinical effectiveness
and economically affordable. Currently the research
results are developed to be cost effectiveness, cost
utility, cost benefit and budget impact analysis
In developed countries which have a sufficient
research budget, research has become a necessity.
Contrary in developing countries, research is often
not a priority therefore there is no adequate budget
for research. Even in developed countries though,
mental health research budget is much smaller than
the research budget for other diseases (Ahmed and
Mari, 2014).
In mental health field, the approach is different
from other diseases such infectious diseases. Mental
disorder and mental health problems have not direct
impact on mortality, but have impact on the burden
of disease and decrease productivity including
disability. Based on burden of disease analysis,
neuropsychiatric disease and substance abuse
provided a considerable burden. The depression
disorder occupied the sixth rank of contributor to the
disease burden caused by the disease calculated by
the years live with disability (YLDs) (IHME, 2016).
Another problem is the quality of researches is not
sufficient therefore it can’t be translated into the
health policy. The following will be discussed about
the research points in the global (international) and
national situation.
Determinants of mental health are not only
individual attributes but also social, culture,
political, economic, environmental factors such as
national policies, social protection, working
standards, living condition etc. Besides the
determinants there are vulnerable groups such as
people living in poverty, people with chronic health
condition, infants and children exposed to neglect,
adolescent exposed to substance use, indigenous
group, minority group, older people, people
experiencing discrimination and human right
violation, prisoners, people exposed to conflict or
natural disaster, gay, bisexual, etc (WHO, 2013).
People with mental disorder have 40-60% greater
chance of premature death. They also have more risk
to get Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
infection, non-communicable disease such as
cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer etc. Mental
Idaiani, S.
Mental Health Research Role in Global World.
DOI: 10.5220/0008585300630065
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Psychology in Health, Educational, Social, and Organizational Settings (ICP-HESOS 2018) - Improving Mental Health and Harmony in
Global Community, pages 63-65
ISBN: 978-989-758-435-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
disorder leads people or their family into poverty
and their civil and political right is often ignored
Treatment gap for severe mental disorder is
around 76-85 % in high income countries (HIC) and
around 35-50% in low middle-income countries
(LMIC) (Kohn et al., 2004). Annual spending for
mental health is less than 2 USD in HIC and less
than 0, 25 USD in LMIC. These spending are 67%
for mental hospital. Towards the spending will be
better directed to community, general health care
setting, maternal mental health, and promotion,
prevention, rehabilitation program.
Specialist health workers or general health
worker dealing with mental health are insufficient in
LMIC. The ratio population to mental health doctor
and facility is scarce and mental health legislation
has not reached most people with mental disorder.
Countries with mental health law or legislation are
only limited. Non-government institution,
community participatory including groups on
promotion, prevention movement have same
condition as well (WHO, 2017a).
In 2015 dementia affected almost 5% of the
world’s elderly population that is predicted to
increase to 75 million in 2030 and 132 million in
2050. Recent reviews estimated that globally 9.9
million people develop dementia each year. Almost
60% of people with dementia currently live in
LMICs and most new cases (71%) are predicted
happened in those countries (WHO, 2017b).
Essentials medicine for mental disorder is very
limited compared to medicines of communicable
diseases. In Indonesia there are various psychotropic
medicines in the essential medicine list, but the
availability of that medicine in health service is a
problem. In primary health care centres (PHCs)
those medicines are often not available
A good research should have a high quality. The
high quality characterised by existence of expert
review, efficient, effective, accessible, monitoring
and evaluation. Global issues including Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs), ASEAN Economic
Community (AEC) could be included to show how
important it is to do. Inclusiveness i.e. partnership,
multisectoral approach, community and civil society
participation during the research process will
improve the quality of research.
The important points to consider in developing
proposal or research such as national strategic plan
2015-2019 (Rencana Pembangunan Jangka
Menengah Nasional = RPJMN) and some
Ministerial decree (Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan or
Permenkes). In RPJMN was stated that government
should reach the 50% target of Health Service
Facility Recipient Institution (IPWL= Institusi
Penerima Wajib Lapor) of active narcotics addicted
people in 2019, number of districts or cities
developing mental health strategy in PHCs should be
280 in 2019 and referral regional general hospital
implementing mental health service or psychiatric
service should be 60% in 2019.
Ministerial decree number 5 in 2014 explains
four psychiatric disorders should be treated
thoroughly in PHC level by medical doctor; the
disorders are insomnia, mixed anxiety depression
disorder, psychosis and dementia. Ministerial decree
number 43 in 2016 regulates health minimum
standard or standar pelayanan minimum (SPM)
therefore local government should allocate budget
for mental health in their region. In 2016, the
Ministry of Health launched Indonesian Healthy
Indonesian Program with family approach or
Program Indonesia Sehat dengan Pendekatan
Keluarga (PIS-PK). There are 12 indicators in PIS-
PK and the eighth indicator is about mental health.
PIS-PK was regulated in Ministerial decree number
36 in 2016. Other Ministerial decree such as number
75 in 2015 about PHC and number 57 in 2017 about
physical restraint in people with mental disorder.
Besides those above, there are several situations
influencing health research such as implementation
of universal health coverage in 2014, Law No 18 in
2014 about mental health etc.
Mental health research is developed with general
principles for research i.e. quality, impact and
inclusiveness. For that purpose, research culture in
research institution should be strengthened. The
capacity of research institution and human resources
should be strengthened as well (WHO, 2012). The
research itself should have a focusing topic and in
priority setting (Sharan et al., 2014). The research
procedure uses standards, guideline or norms i.e.
good clinical practices, (GCP) good clinical
laboratory practices (GCLP), applying ethical
principles etc. The results of research then are
ICP-HESOS 2018 - International Conference on Psychology in Health, Educational, Social, and Organizational Settings
published in high index journal, and another
important thing it should be translated into health
policies (WHO, 2013).
Mental health research or research in general can
be classified by disease approach i.e. epidemiology,
risk factor, aetiology, pathogenesis, therapy, and
prognosis. By system approach is classified as health
policy, health management, health financing, health
service, health empowerment, human resources,
medical devices and drug, health economic, and
social determinant of health. Implementation and
evaluation research are as a part of one of those
Another thing is that when conducting research,
researchers must obey the applicable regulations in
the country where the research is conducted. For
research collaborative with foreign parties,
researchers are asked to carry out the procedures set
by the government through the Ministry of Research
and Technology and Higher Education.
Mental health researches and health researches are
an essential in global world. The research priorities
should be directed to support mental health
programs and policies. A major effort is needed to
ensure all countries and institutions use their
resources on a priority setting. The research program
should involve scientific participatory and conduct
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Mental Health Research Role in Global World