An Investigation of Elementary Students’ Motivation in Learning
Two-dimensional Shapes through Game
Muhammad Islahul Mukmin, Suhendrianto, Imam Rofiki, Dimas Femy Sasongko and Marhayati
Universitas IslamNegeri Maulana Malik IbrahimMalang, Jl. Gajayana No. 50 Malang, Indonesia
Keywords: Students’ Motivation, Two-dimensional Shapes, Game.
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to investigate elementary students’ motivation in learning two-dimensional shapes
through a game. The study was conducted in 4
grade students in an Islamic Elementary School. Data were
gathered from a classroom observation, a questionnaire, and some interview. Data were analyzed using three
steps, namely reducing data, displaying data, and drawing a conclusion. The result of the analysis data
indicated that the elementary students' motivation was very high in learning of two-dimensional shapes using
game. Therefore, teachers can use this game to encourage elementary students’ motivation in learning two-
dimensional shapes.
Some elementary school students consider the two-
dimensional shapes to study geometry as a difficult
material. Several studies identified students’
difficulties in learning geometry, among them
painting pictures and understanding the
characteristics of images(Ayan and Bostan, 2018;
DeJarnette and Gonzalez, 2017; Dindyal, 2015;
Leavy et al., 2018; Papageorgiou and Xenofontos,
2018). Furthermore, Dindyal said that images can
help students understand the concept of geometry, but
images also have limitations depending on the
learning model used by the teacher.
Piaget identifies the age of 4th grade elementary
school children corresponding to concrete operational
development stages characterized by the ability to
organize knowledge into logical categories that still
involve real experience (Geary and Berch, 2016).
This means they need a concrete example of the
learning experience to build their knowledge. Thus,
the geometry learning media needs to be designed
with attention to concrete examples. Even so,
knowledge organizations with the provision of
concrete examples for this two dimensional shapes
still have weaknesses. The conceptual weakness of
two dimensional shapes like a circle is only a concept
that has no example in the real world. In this case, the
researchers believe that the provision of concrete
examples is the right medium to teach two-
dimensional shapes at the elementary school level.
Thus, the use of geometry learning media becomes
very important in order to optimize student learning.
Geometry learning for elementary students must
be well prepared and implemented because good
geometry learning will be a means that can deliver
students' success in learning mathematics.Dindyal
(2015)advocates collaboration between students and
students and collaborates with students in learning
geometry so that learning involves various
approaches, social interaction, and even play. Game
learning ensures social interaction between students
and students.
Bandura (2012) defines the mechanism of human
learning as a series of repeated interactions between a
person's character, environment, and behavior.
Student learning becomes very effective when they
have good self-regulation, that is when students are
able to understand, monitor, and control motivation
and behavior towards the expected learning goals
(Bandura, 2012; Glynn et al., 2011).
Teachers can use game learning media to increase
students' desire/motivation. In this study, the game
media used was Snake and Ladder. Unlike the typical
Snake and Ladder game, this media contains two
dimensional shapes. The advantages of this media can
improve students' social interaction and memory.
Learning media is played at least by two people who
competed first reached the last position.
In fact, knowing the motivation of students in
learning mathematics is not an easy matter.Glynn et
Mukmin, M., Suhendrianto, ., Rofiki, I., Sasongko, D. and Marhayati, .
An Investigation of Elementary Students’ Motivation in Learning Two-dimensional Shapes through Game.
DOI: 10.5220/0008524505060509
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics and Islam (ICMIs 2018), pages 506-509
ISBN: 978-989-758-407-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
al.(2011) suggests that in knowing the motivation to
learn mathematics, it needs to be seen why students
try to learn mathematics, how they feel when trying
to learn mathematics, how intense their efforts are,
and how long their works.
The purpose of this study is to investigate students’
motivation of elementary school in two dimensional
learning through learning game. The subjects of this
research were three 4th grade students of Madrasah
Ibtidaiyah Al Hidayah Blitar, Indonesia.The study
used descriptive-qualitative research. The descriptive
research aims to describe phenomena that are little
known or to identify a new phenomena (Dulock,
1993).Creswell (2012) states that qualitative research
is aimed to understand the phenomena which
contains behavior, perception, action.Supporting
instruments in this study consisted of motivation
questionnaires, observation sheets, and interviews.
Subjects in this study were drawn from students
with different mathematical abilities (low, moderate,
and high) who had an equal level of motivation. The
level of motivation is divided into 3 criteria, namely
low (0 <tm≤2), moderate (2 <tm3), and high (3
<tm≤4). Student’s mathematical ability is shown by
the value of the third grade raport. Subsequently, 3
students were selected as subjects, i.e. S1 (high
mathematical ability), S2 (moderate mathematical
ability), and S3 (low mathematical ability).
Researchers used six motivational factors used to
design a motivational questionnaire. Questionnaire
motivation was adapted fromTuan et al. (2005)which
includes self efficacy, active learning startegies,
mathematics learning value, performance goals,
achievement goals, learning environment
stimulation.Researchers also used motivation scale
by Vallerand et al. (1992) which involves intrinsic,
extrinsic, and amotivation. The students’ motivation
questionnaire is presented in Table 1.
Table 1: Students’ motivation questionnaire.
Motivation by Vallerand et al. (1992)
Motivation by
Tuan et al. (2005)
I am sure
that I am
I am
confident to
able to
subject as
difficult as
I need to be
I feel that I
am able to
a difficult
I am not
I did not
study hard
if the lesson
I always try
and write a
new lesson.
I always
connect a
new lesson
with the
and write
lesson if
ordered me.
I study hard
if my
course was
not good.
I feel that
ng and
writing a
new lesson
is not
I feel happy
having a
and skill.
I feel this
lesson is
useful for
my life.
I have no a
and skill
from this
nce Goal
I feel happy
satisfied if I
could do
better one.
I feel happy
satisfied if
praised me
I feel that
my effort
was not
I feel happy
satisfied if I
could solve
I feel happy
satisfied if I
reward or
with my
I feel no
one care
with me
and what I
I feel happy
satisfied if I
could use
well place
and source
of learning.
I feel happy
satisfied if I
could select
place and
source of
I feel my
t was not
An Investigation of Elementary Students’ Motivation in Learning Two-dimensional Shapes through Game
Table 2 showsthe answers of student’s motivational
Table 2: Resultof students’ motivation questionnaire.
Intrinsic motivation : 1,4,7,9,15,21
Extrinsic motivation : 5,10,13,16,19
Amotivation : 2,8, 12, 17,18, 20, 22
3.1 Intrinsic Motivation Description in
Learning Geometry through Game
All subjects showed high intrinsic motivation in
learning two dimensional geometry based on the
questionnnaires given and interview conducted.
Based on questionnaire item Number 12, all subjects
feel happy and satisfy because they can show their
effort in learning, especially S1. This indicates that
snake and ladder game used in learning two
dimensional shapes can provide equal opportunities
among students in learning two dimensional
geometry. Based on questionnaire item number 18, all
subjects feel happy and satisfy as they can utilize
learning place and learning resources, especially S1.
This indicates that there is dependent situation from
the whole subject with learning place, learning
resource, or learning media. This finding in line with
the statement from Cook and Artino Jr. (2016) who
state that human learning proses is influenced with
interaction among personal, behavioral, and
environmental factors. Eventhough learning media is
categorized as extrinsic factors, the extrinsic
motivation can translated to be intrinsic motivation if
that motivation is integrated and internalised (i.e
student think that mastering the learning media as a
3.2 Extrinsic Motivation Description in
Learning Geometry through Game
All subjects indicated high extrinsic motivation based
on questionnaires given and interview conducted.
Based on questionnaires item Number 2, all subjects
feel confident in understanding two dimensional
geometry right after using Snake and Ladder Game.
Based on questionnaires item number 8,all the
subjects will study hard when they get bad
score.Hence, all the subjects are motivated from the
Snake and Ladder Game. This is suitable with
Muntean who stated that gamification not only using
extrinsic motivation such as level, points, and badge
but also can combine intrinsic motivation such as the
effort of mastery, autonomy, and sense of
belonging(Richter et al., 2015). Based on
questionnaires item Number 22, all the subjects is feel
assisstedby Snake and Ladder Game because this
game freed students to communicate, to cooperate,
and interact with the other students.Malone stated that
competition, social interaction, and cooperation can
influence player behaviour(Richter et al., 2015).
3.3 Amotivation Descriptionin
Learning Geometry through Game
Based on questionnaires item Number 17 and 20, all
subjects feel that they have received enough
attentionfor what they capable of in learning. All the
subjects also think that their environment is still
optimum to study. This indicates the optimisme from
all the subjecs such that they could avoid amotivation
caused by their environment.
The result of this study indicates that the game
fortwo-dimensional geometry could provide high
motivation to students. Those high motivation consist
of extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation, and
amotivation. Snake and Ladder Game for two-
dimensional geometry facilitates an intens
interactions between students to the other students,
and interactions between students and teacher. These
interactions were an effective. Researchers also admit
that, it would be impossible to mention the example
of two-dimensional geometric shape in real life.
Hence, the problem remained was teaching two-
dimensional as an abstract concept which uncovered
by this game.
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An Investigation of Elementary Students’ Motivation in Learning Two-dimensional Shapes through Game