Profile of Learners Who Have High Early Ability in Algebra Subject
with Problem Based Learning
Diana Tri Purnamasari
, Riyadi
, and Sri Subanti
Department of Magister Mathematics Education Faculty of Teacher and Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta,
Keywords: High Early Ability, Problem Based Learning, Algebra.
Abstract: Learners already have various levels of initial abilities when they have learned at the first time. High initial
abilities belong to the leaners will be very important in the learning teaching process. Due to the distinction
of initial high abilities which the learners have so that the research has been done to describe about the
learners who already have early high abilities in the learning mathematics with Problem Based Learning
model. The subject of this research is the learners whose high initial abilities. Data of the learners whose
high initial abilities have been obtained through interview and written test. Learners have been obtained
learning with Problem Based Learning model after gaining the results of the written test before. Steps away
from the model of Problem Based Learning is first, orientation of learners to the problem; second, define the
problem and organize learners to learn; third, guiding independent investigation or group investigation;
fourth, develop and present the work; and fifth, reflection and assessment. The sample is using purposive
sampling technique. The results showed that: the use of the right model of Problem Based Learning can
facilitate learners in understanding the material of learners who have a high initial ability above learners
who have the initial ability to understand the material.
The rapid development of science and technology
has a major impact on various aspects of life,
including education. Education can be categorized
successfully if it can change the habits or basic
ability of the individual to be better. This is in
accordance with the opinion that education is the
environmental influence of individuals to produce
constant changes in habits, thoughts, attitudes and
behaviors (Thompson, 1957). There are three kinds
of educational paths, namely formal, non- formal,
and informal education. This is in accordance with
article 13 paragraph 1 of Law no. 20 Year 2003 on
the National Education Stem mentions that the
educational path consists of formal, non-formal and
informal education that can complement and enrich
each other. In accordance with article 1, paragraph
11 of Law Number 20 Year 2003 regarding National
Education System, clarified by Article 1 paragraph 6
of Government Regulation No. 17 of 2010 on
Management and Implementation of Education,
states that what is meant by Formal Education is a
structured and leveled education path which consists
of basic education, secondary education, and
In the academic year 2017/2018 most schools in
Indonesia have implemented the curriculum 2013 to
increase the potential of learners. In accordance with
the Permendikbud No. 103 of 2014 states that
learning in the curriculum 2013 aims to develop the
potential of learners to have the ability to live as
individuals and citizens who are faithful, productive,
creative, innovative and effective, and able to
contribute to the life of society, nation and civilized
nation. Basically, every school always make new
innovations in learning in order to improve the
ability possessed by learners become qualified
human resources . In the learning process, teachers
often use learning models to improve student
achievement, especially mathematics subjects.
Many learners consider that mathematics is an
abstract subject and difficult to understand. This is in
accordance with the opinion saying that it is a fact
that, despite its utility and importance, mathematics
is perceived by most pupils as difficult, boring, not
very practical, abstract, etc., and its learning as
requiring a “special ability” that is not always
Tri Purnamasari, D., Riyadi, . and Subanti, S.
Profile of Learners Who Have High Early Ability in Algebra Subject with Problem Based Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0008522704100414
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics and Islam (ICMIs 2018), pages 410-414
ISBN: 978-989-758-407-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
within everyone’s reach” (Ignacio, 2006). One of
the subjects of mathematics that require more
comprehension is algebra. According to Lins states
that algebraic thinking was an intentional shift
from context (which could be real, or a particular
mathematical case) to structure. Thus, algebraic
thinking arises when people are detecting and
expressing structure, whether in the context of
problem-solving concerning numbers or some
modelled situation, whether in the context of
resolving a class of problems, or whether in the
context of studying structure more generally
(Watson, 2007). Algebraic thinking promotes a
particular way of interpreting the world. It employs
and develops a variety of cognitive strategies
necessary to understand increasingly complex
mathematical concepts and builds upon students’
formal and informal mathematical knowledge.
Essentially students are using, communicating and
making sense of the generalities and relationships
inherent in mathematics, rather than just the
identification of a single numeric answer or
objective fact(Windsor, 2009). Most mathematics
teachers still use a teacher-centered, conventional
learning model, so the learning-centered learning
model is expected to improve the initial capabilities
already possessed.
The application of the Problem Based Learning
model was chosen because it requires active learners
in the investigation and problem-solving process in
learning. PBL is an instructional (and curricular)
learner-centered approach that empowers learners
to conduct research, integrate theory and practice,
and apply knowledge and skills to develop a viable
solution to a defined problem(Savery, 2006). PBL
is a model of learning that begins by confronting
students with mathematics problems. Problem-
based learning (PBL), aims students to gain
autonomous learning, independent study, inquisition
and problem-solving skills; and it is an approach in
which individuals are confronted with simulated
situations like the ones they are probable to face in
their daily lives and encouraged to learn
individually through self-study and research. This
method being used in mathematics classes has an
importance for the permanent storage of knowledge.
One other factor which affects the students’ learning
is their efficient and proper way of study
(Karaduman, 2013). Problem Based Learning can
also develop important capabilities such as problem
solving, flexibility, adaptability, and critical
thinking (Savin, 2000). The key components in
Problem Based Learning are (a) students working in
small groups; (b) student-centered learning; (c) the
educator acts as a facilitator; and (d) the use of real-
life issues as a focus in learning (MacMath, 2009).
Based on interviews to teachers of SMP Negeri 3
Surakarta obtained information that the factor of a
success in learning apart from the learning model
used is the basic ability of learners. The basic skills
that learners have as a basis for understanding new
things that teachers give are often called initial
abilities. This is in accordance with the opinion
which states that the capabilities that have been
mastered before the learning process of a particular
subject begins (Dick & Carey, 1990). Early ability
of learners into three groups, namely high, medium
and low(Rahman & Maarif, 2014). The process
how to categorize high, medium and low group is
with how to sort the score of mathematics learning
outcomes before (daily tests and middle
exams semester), and classification done by
classroom teachers. When we are dealing with a
number of learners who are not specifically chosen
for their intelligence, among them are children who
are highly capable, moderate and weak.
In connection with the background that has been
described, the proposed research statement is: How
the learning achievement of learners who have high
initial ability in learning mathematics model
Problem Based Learning.
This type of research is qualitative descriptive
research. This research was conducted at SMP
Negeri 3 Surakarta learners VIII C. Determination of
sample using purposive sampling technique. This
study begins by measuring the initial ability of
learners using written tests and interviews
determining the level of initial ability of learners.
This research begins with taking the initial ability
score from previous research. After that, learners are
categorized into three high, medium, and low levels.
Subjects in this study are two students who are
categorized to have high early ability. In addition,
the teacher gives problem/test to solve the
learners/subject after given the model of Problem
Based Learning. It is intended for the
implementation of this research.
The data in this study was collected directly by
the researchers, so that the main instrument of this
study is the researcher himself who assisted with the
aids instruments in the form of a written test and
interview guidelines. This means that the main data
sources in this study are worksheets of learners,
words, and additional data such as documents and
Profile of Learners Who Have High Early Ability in Algebra Subject with Problem Based Learning
others in algebra material. The data obtained will be
described by students who have high initial ability in
learning mathematics using Problem Based
Learning model.
Data collection techniques in this study using test
and non-test techniques. Non-test techniques use
interview methods to obtain valid results. After the
teacher gives the written test the initial ability of the
learners, then the teacher provides the learning
process with Problem Based Learning model and
provide questions to solve, then continued the
interview to confirm the test conducted in writing
with the subject of research. Validity of data is
required in qualitative research. Examination of the
validity of data include credibility, transparency,
dependence, and certainty (Sugiyono, 2010). Data
credibility will be more valid if we use data
triangulation techniques. Triangulation techniques
was done by using a test and interview
techniques. Data Dependence is reached by taking
two subjects who already have high starting
Collecting data in an objective way through the
creation of interview guides, written
test guides initial capability, and presenting data in
accordance with reality is done to obtain data
certainty. Data analysis was done by 2 stages, is at
the stage before and in the field of analysis during
the field. The analysis before the field is done by
validation of instrument research in the form of test
written questions. The analysis during the field is the
process of searching and systematically compiling
data obtained from the results of initial skills
testing and interviews. Data analysis is done by data
reduction, data presentation, and conclusion
drawing. Data reduction is an activity that refers to
the selection process, concentration of attention,
simplification, extracting and transforming raw data
in the field. Presentation of data is done by
classification and identification of data, that is to
write organized and categorized data collection so
that it will enable to draw conclusions from the
data. Drawing conclusions is the concluding activity
of data that has been collected and verify the
The determination of the research subjects
based on initial ability test results using the initial
ability test instrument. Gafur stated that there are
two steps to determine the characteristics of the
learner's early abilities: first, using the available
records such as the Graduation Letter of Learning
(STTB) and the entrance test score; second, using
prerequisite initial test and pre-test (Slameto, 2010).
Based on the description of Gafur, it can be
concluded that the initial ability can be measured by
a specific initial test and the result can be used by
the teacher to determine the learning model to be
3.1 Classification of Capability
Data on the classification of learners based on initial
ability test of the learner will be presented in Table 1
Table 1: Classification Capability Early Learners Class
Number of Students
1 7
Table 1 shows that out of 32 students of
class VIII in SMP Negeri 3 Surakarta, 17 students
have early ability high, 10 students entered in initial
ability medium, and 5 students classified as
having low initial ability. Results of initial
capability classification. These learners are used as a
reference for choosing a research subject. Early
ability data of learners derived from the initial
ability tests subjects L and B are subjects that fall
into the category of learners who have the initial
ability. The data obtained is used to determine the
sample in this study.
3.2 The Steps of the Problem Based
Learning Model
Learners will get learning with Problem Based
Learning model, then after the completion of
learning can be obtained data from learning results
of written tests. The steps of the Problem Based
Learning model include: first, the orientation of
students to problem (teacher explains learning
objectives, outlining the need for logistics (materials
and equipment) required for solving the problem,
encourage students to engage in problem-solving
activities that have been students and teachers, as
well as self-selected by learners); second, defining
the problem and organizing students to
learn (teacher helps students define and organize the
tasks learners in learning to solve problems, to
ICMIs 2018 - International Conference on Mathematics and Islam
determine the theme, schedules, tasks, and
etc); third, to guide self and group investigation
(teacher encourages learners to hypothesize, collect
information, data relevant to problem-solving tasks,
conduct experiments to obtain information and solve
problems); fourth, to develop and present their work
(teachers assist students in planning and preparing a
work that is relevant for example reports, help share
the task with friends in his group and others, then
students presented works as the proof of
troubleshooting); and fifth, reflection and assessment
(teacher guides students to reflect, understand the
strengths and weaknesses of their reports, notes in
memory of important points or concepts related to
problem solving, analyzes and assesses the processes
and outcomes of problem investigations)(Warsono
& Hariyanto, 2012).
Table 2: Initial Ability of Learners
Steps of
Subject L
Subject B
to Problems
The subjects choose to
work on algebraic
issues from the easiest
Subjects choose
to work on
algebraic issues
from the most
difficult one
Students to
Subjects have been able
to organize problems
and some solutions
from algebra problem
Subjects have
been able to
problems and
solutions of
as well as
The subject is easy in
solving complex algebra
Subject takes a
little time to
solve the
problem itself
The subject can work on
the problem in some
way of completion, but
it is little difficult to
present in front of the
Subjects can
work on and
present algebra
smoothly in
front of the class
Subjects can work on
issues that are given,
but it is difficult to
convey to other friends
Subjects are
less efficient at
times in solving
problems, but
can solve the
problems given
Subjects L and B solve algebra problems using
Problem Based Learning model well. Subject L can
solve algebraic problems from problems he finds
easy in several ways. In contrast to the subject B
who worked on algebraic issues from which he
considered the most difficult. This causes subject B
to spend more time than subject L in solving the
problems. Subject B can present the questions done
in front of the class well and smoothly, while the
subject L is difficult to convey/explain how to do the
questions in front of the class.
Based on the results of this study the subject of L
and B has a high initial ability to complete learning
using Problem Based Learning model well.
Ruseffendi said that from a group of children who
are not specifically selected there are a number of
gifted children who are above moderate-minded
learners, who are the same number as low-ability
children(Herdian, 2010).
Early ability of the students/subjects L and B are
high and can meet some of the steps of
learning Problem Based Learning model. The steps
of the Problem Based Learning model are: first, the
student orientation to the problem (teacher explains
the learning objectives, outlines the logistical needs
(materials and tools) needed for problem
solving, encourages learners to engage in problem-
solving activities that students have selected together
with teachers, as well as those chosen by the learners
themselves); second, defining the problem and
organizing students to learn (teacher helps students
define and organize the tasks learners in learning to
solve problems, to determine the theme, schedules,
tasks, and others); third, to guide self and group
investigations (teacher encourages learners to
hypothesize, collect information, data relevant to
problem-solving tasks, conduct experiments to
obtain information and solve problems); fourth,
developing and presenting their work (teacher assists
students in planning and preparing a work that is
relevant for example reports, help share the task with
friends in his group and others, then students
presented works as a proof of troubleshooting); and
fifth, reflection and assessment (teacher guides
students to reflect, understand the strengths and
weaknesses of their reports, notes in memory of
Profile of Learners Who Have High Early Ability in Algebra Subject with Problem Based Learning
important points or concepts related to problem
solving, analyzes and assesses the processes and
outcomes of problem investigations). Subjects L and
B solve algebra problems using Problem Based
Learning model well. Subject L can solve algebraic
problems from problems he finds easy in several
ways. In contrast to the subject B who worked on
algebraic issues from which he considered the most
difficult. This causes subject B to spend more time
than subject L in solving the problems. Subject B
can present the questions done in front of the class
well and smoothly, while the subject L is difficult to
convey/explain how to do the questions in front of
the class. Teachers should be able to design learning
activities tailored to the level of each child's initial
ability. For learners who have a low and moderate
initial ability, it is best to apply a learning model that
can improve the initial ability to better understand
the material to be taught.
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ICMIs 2018 - International Conference on Mathematics and Islam