Best Weighted Selection in Handling Error Heterogeneity Problem
on Spatial Regression Model
Sri Sulistijowati Handajani
, Cornelia Ardiana Savita
, Hasih Pratiwi
, and Yuliana Susanti
Statistics of Study Program FMIPA, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Jl.Ir. Sutami 36 A Kentingan, Surakarta, Indonesia
Mathematics of Study Program FMIPA, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Jl.Ir. Sutami 36 A Kentingan, Surakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Spatial Regression Model, Heterogeneity in Error, Ensemble Technique, R
Abstract: Spatial regression model is a regression model that is formed because of the relationship between independent
variables with dependent variable with spasial effect. This is due to a strong relationship of observation in a
location with other adjacent locations. One of assumptions in spatial regression model is homogeneous of
error variance, but we often find the diversity of data in several different locations. This causes the assumption
is not met. One such case is the poverty case data in Central Java Province. The objective of this research is
to get the best model from this data with the heterogeneity in error. Ensemble technique is done by simulating
noises (m) from normal distribution with mean nol and a standard deviation σ of the spasial model error taken
and adding noise to the dependent variable. The technique is done by comparing the queen weighted and the
cross-correlation normalization weighted in forming the model. Furthermore, with these two weights, the
results will be compared using R
and RMSE on the poverty case data in province of Central Java. Both of
weights are calculated to determine the significant factors that give influence on poverty and to choose the
best model. The results of the case study show that the spatial regression model of the SEM ensemble already
does not have a variance error that is not homogeneous and the model using cross-normalization weight is
better than the spatial regression model of SEM ensemble with Queen contiguity weight.
Regression modeling is one form of classical
modeling that is used to provide a model of the
relationship between independent variables with
dependent variable. Fulfillment of the assumptions of
this modeling is necessary to ensure that the model is
good and can be used for prediction. The problem that
often arises is when the model does not meet the
necessary assumptions.
The condition of data in the field that the more
diverse the pattern resulted in the development of
existing classical models. One of the assumptions that
often is not met is the autocorrelation of errors. If the
dependent variable is drawn from several adjacent
areas, this often results in errors of the resulting
model being correlated. The phenomena studied often
show significant associations or interactions of
variables in adjacent areas, as expressed by Anselin
(1988). The development of a regression model by
adding spatial effects can eliminate any dependencies
between errors. This is in accordance with the results
of Lesage (1997) which states that if the model
obtained without considering the spatial effect then
the conclusions obtained will be invalid.
Models with spatial effects have been proposed by
Qu (2013), i.e. the Spatial Auto Regressive (SAR)
model which shows the dependence of observation on
the dependent variable (autoregression) between the
locations. While Mac Millen (1992) discusses the
model of Spatial Error Model (SEM) which indicates
an error correlation between locations.
In spatial models that formed, there arose another
problem that is the heterogeneity of errors that
resulted in instability in the parameter estimation. The
instability of the parameter prediction resulted in less
valid results. This is also stated by Dimopoulus,
Tsiros, Serelis and Chronopoulou (2004) regarding
its application in the neural network model for
various nonlinear problems. This instability is a
weakness of the model that is formed.
Several approaches to the classical regression
model have been done to overcome these assumption
deviations. Such as the robust regression method by
Chen (2002) with its emphasis on the detection of
extreme observations called outliers and its resistance
Handajani, S., Savita, C., Pratiwi, H. and Susanti, Y.
Best Weighted Selection in Handling Error Heterogeneity Problem on Spatial Regression Model.
DOI: 10.5220/0008521002930299
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics and Islam (ICMIs 2018), pages 293-299
ISBN: 978-989-758-407-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
to the model. Approach of regression model with
estimation has also been proposed by Montgomery
and Peck (2006) and Yuliana and Susanti (2008). The
model solutions with S estimation have been
introduced by Rousseeuw and Yohai (1984), and MM
estimation has been discussed also by Yohai (1987).
The problems that arise is how to approach the
regression model that error in addition to
autocorrelation also there is heterogeneity in the error
obtained from the classical regression model.
To overcome the errors that contain
autocorrelation is by spatial regression modeling. In
this research will be discussed the problem of
heterogeneity of error on spatial regression model
with solution which will be applied in this research is
ensemble method. According to Mevik, Segtnan and
Naes (2005) and Canuto, Oliveira, Junior, Santos and
Abreu (2005), ensemble techniques can be used to
reduce the diversity contained in predictive models
and can improve prediction accuracy. This method is
as one solution by combining k spatial regression
model formed from the addition of noise. The
approach is through non-hybrid ensemble approach
and hybrid ensemble approach. The principle of non-
hybrid ensemble method is to combine estimation
results from simulation of one model to a final
estimate. While hybrid ensemble method involves
several suitable models and combine the predicted
simulation results generated by each model into one
final prediction. In this study we studied non-hybrid
ensemble approach by comparing queen weights with
spatial weights of cross-correlation normalization and
using R
and RMSE indicators to select the best
In the data taken based on time and location, the
analyzes were performed using panel data analysis.
Due to the effect of spatial effect in panel data
analysis so that the appropriate model used is spatial
panel regression model. One of the spatial panel
regression models is the panel spatial error model
(SEM) (Lesage, 2009) yang sebelumnya
dikembangkan dari model SEM yang diusulkan
Anselin (2003). The SEM panel regression model is
being the dependent variable of the data in
observation unit and the t-time,
is the
independent variable of the data in the i-th
observation unit and the t-time, is the standardized
spatial weighted row matrix, α is the intercept, β is the
parameter of the independent variable,
spatial error
in the i-th region of time t, and
is the model error
on the i-th observation and the th time.
The model (1) is further simplified to be
  
where Z = [I : X] dan
By estimating the parameters using the maximum
likelihood method, it is necessary to first form the
likelihood function. Using the Jacobian
transformation is obtained
and likelihood function :
To facilitate the estimation of the parameters, the
two sections of (2) are logged and the following
results are obtained
 
  
  
  
  
  
By partially deriving (3) against
, and λ and
making it equal to zero, we get the estimator for
and λ as follows
 
  
  
  
  
  
  
ICMIs 2018 - International Conference on Mathematics and Islam
  
 
  
  
  
  
  
  
  
  
  
  
 
1. Derive estimation the parameters for the SEM
spatial panel regression model with maximum
2. Looking for an example case that meets one of the
spatial regression models with an area approach
and contains heterogeneity in the error. An
example of cases taken in this study is the case of
poverty in 35 districts / cities of Central Java
Province. Data taken from Central Bureau of
Statistics (2008-2015) with the variables taken
are percentage of poor people (Y), percentage of
poor people aged more than 14 years and not
finished primary school (X
), percentage of
population not illiterate age 15-55 years (X
percentage of poor people aged more than 14
years and unemployed (X
), percentage of poor
people aged more than 14 years and agriculture
work (X
), percentage of women using
contraceptives (X
), percentage of women with
poor status aged 15-49 years whose first delivery
was assisted by health personnel (X
), the
percentage of households whose houses have a
per capita floor area of less than 8 m
percentage of households using their own toilet /
joint (X
), the percentage of households ever buy
raskin rice (X
), and percentage of population
growth rate (X
3. Determine independent variables that
significantly influence the percentage of poor
people with stepwise method to form a simple
linear regression model.
4. Determine the weighted matrix by using the
spatial matrix of Queen contiguity and the cross-
correlation normalization matrix.
5. Detect spatial effect by using Moran Index test.
6. Test the LM to determine the effect of spatial
7. Establish a corresponding spatial regression
model and test its assumptions.
8. Add noise which is generated k times from the
normal distribution with zero mean and model
error variance of σ and giving a zero value to the
negative value data, to dependent variable to
generate k new data.
9. In the k new data is done spatial regression
modeling as follows.
a. Test Lagrange for spatial dependence
b. Test the Breusch Pagan to test for spatial
c. Estimate model parameters and test their
d. Measuring the goodness of the spatial
regression model with R
10. Establish an ensemble model which is a
composite of k spatial regression models by
calculating the average coefficients of the model.
11. Compare the spatial regression model ensemble
for both weights by looking at the greatest R
minimum RMSE.
In the case of poverty in Central Java province, the
linear regression model begins with the selection of
variables that have a significant effect on the
percentage of poor people in Central Java Province in
2015. Variable selection is done by stepwise method
and the obtained linear regression model is
 
 
To see the feasibility of the model, tested
normality with statistics Kolmogorov Smirnov and
obtained the test statistic value is 0.0728571. With a
significance level of 5 percent then taken the
conclusion of the assumption of normality error is
met. Furthermore, for multicollinearity test with VIF,
the three independent variables show the VIF value
less than 10 so it is concluded that the above model
Best Weighted Selection in Handling Error Heterogeneity Problem on Spatial Regression Model
does not occur multicolinearity. While homogeneity
test of variance is used statistic of Breusch Pagan
(BP) and obtained value of BP = 7,8908>
= 7,815 so it is concluded that model there is
heteroscedasticity. In addition, spatial correlation
testing is also done between the errors by using
Moran Index. The test results showed positive spatial
autocorrelation with IM value = 0.24 which means
there is similarity error value from adjacent locations
and error value tend to group.
4.1 SEM Model
There is an indication of the spatial effect of the
Moran Index so that an analysis to test for the effect
is necessary. This test uses Lagrange Multiplier (LM)
lag and LM error statistics. LM lag statistic value of
2.1087 and LM error value of 4,0997 compared with
the value of chi square table of 3.851. The conclusion
obtained shows that there is no spatial effect of lag
but there is a spatial effect of error on the model so
that the appropriate model is the SEM model.
Determination of SEM model parameter
estimation with weighted queen obtained result with
each parameter is significant is as follows.
 
 
 .
To overcome the non-homogeneous variance,
noise is added to the dependent variable. The noise is
generated from the normal distribution having a mean
of zero and the standard deviation is the standard
deviation error of 2.53. Noise is simulated 100 times.
The next step is modeled into the SEM model for each
noise simulation result and a spatial regression model
of the ensemble is obtained. The spatial model of the
ensemble model is the result of the average parameter
estimation p of the regression model, where p is the
number of spatial regression models. The spatial
regression ensemble model is expressed as
From the data analysis obtained by regression
model of spatial error ensemble from mean of
estimation result of hundredth parameter of model is
  
 
 
with the R
value of 0.7271, which means that 72% of
the total poor is affected by the percentage of
households using their own latrines / joints, the
percentage of households who have bought raskin
rice, and the percentage of population growth rate. To
see the feasibility of the model, tested normality with
statistics Kolmogorov Smirnov and obtained the test
statistic value is 0,147. With a significance level of 5
percent then taken the conclusion of the assumption
of normality error is met. Furthermore, homogeneity
test of variance is used statistic of Breusch Pagan
(BP) and obtained value of BP = 6:99240<
= 7,815 so it is concluded that the model there isn’t
heteroscedasticity again.
While the panel data analysis is the first done by
analysis with regular regression model. The
formation of the linear regression model is begun by
variable selection which is significant to the model
with stepwise method. In the case of poverty in
Central Java Province in 2008 until 2015, the
obtained linear regression model is
  
 
 
 
RMSE = 3.151822
To see the feasibility of the model, tested normality
with statistic Kolmogorov Smirnov and obtained the
test statistic value is 0.2071 > D(0.05;280) = 0.0807.
With a significance level of 5 percent then taken the
conclusion of the assumption of normality error is
met. Furthermore, for multicollinearity test with VIF,
from the four independent variables of the model
above shows the VIF value of each less than 10 which
it means that the model does not occur
multicollinearity. While homogeneity test of variance
used statistic Breusch Pagan (BP) and obtained value
of BP = 17.0267 >
 so
concluded that model there is heteroscedasticity. In
addition, spatial correlation testing is also done
between the errors by using Moran Index. The test
results show that there is negative spatial
autocorrelation with IM = -0.0807, which means
different errors in adjacent locations and the errors
tend to spread. There is an indication of the spatial
effect of the Moran Index so that an analysis to test
for the effect is necessary. This test uses Lagrange
Multiplier (LM) lag and LM error statistics. The LM
lag statistic value is and the LM error
value is and each is compared with the
chi square table value of 3.841. The conclusion
obtained shows that there is no spatial effect of lag
ICMIs 2018 - International Conference on Mathematics and Islam
but there is a spatial effect on the model error so that
the appropriate model is the SEM model.
4.2 SEM Panel Model with Queen
Estimation of SEM model parameters with queen
weights obtained with each significant parameter are
as follows
 
 
with the value of R
is 0.725807 which means 72.58%
percentage of the poor is affected by the percentage
of households using their own latrines / joint, the
percentage of households who have bought raskin
rice, the percentage of poor people aged more than 14
years working in the sector agriculture, the
percentage of poor women aged 15-49 years whose
first delivery was helped by health personnel and
RMSE = 3.130008.
To overcome the heteroscedasticity of errors
variance is done adding noise to the dependent
variable. The noise is generated from the normal
distribution having a mean of zero and the standard
deviation is a standard deviation error of 0.23. Noise
is simulated 100 times. The next step is modeled into
the SEM model for each noise and the average model
of the hundredth model is searched. The ensemble
model of the error spatial regression model is
 
 
 
 
with a R
value of 0.750338, which means 75.03% of
the percentage of the poor is affected by the
percentage of households using their own latrines /
joints, the percentage of households who have bought
raskin rice, the percentage of poor people aged over
14 who work in agriculture, the percentage of poor
women aged 15-49 years whose first delivery was
helped by health personnel and RMSE = 3.117259. To
see the feasibility of the model, tested normality with
statistics Kolmogorov Smirnov and obtained the test
statistic value is 0.02438 >D(0.05;280) = 0.0807.
With a significance level of 5 percent then taken the
conclusion of the assumption of normality error is
met. Furthermore, homogeneity test of variance is
used statistic of Breusch Pagan (BP) and obtained
value of BP = 6.217639<
(0,05;3) = 9,48773 so it is
concluded that the model there isnt
heteroscedasticity again.
4.3 SEM Panel Model with Cross-
Correlation Normalization Weight
While the panel data analysis for the use of weighting
cross-correlation normalization first done by regular
regression model analysis. The formation of the linear
regression model is begun by variable selection which
is significant to the model with stepwise method. In
the case of poverty in Central Java Province in 2008
until 2015, the obtained linear regression model is
 
 
 
 
RMSE = 3.151822.
To see the feasibility of the model, tested
normality with statistic Kolmogorov Smirnov and
obtained the test statistic value is 0.2493. With a
significance level of 5 percent then taken the
conclusion of the assumption of normality error is
met. Furthermore, for multicollinearity test with VIF,
from the four independent variables of the model
above shows the VIF value of each less than 10 which
it means that the model does not occur
multicollinearity. While homogeneity test of variance
used statistic Breusch Pagan (BP) and obtained value
of BP = 12.9205 >
 so
concluded that model there is heteroscedasticity. In
addition, spatial correlation testing is also done
between the errors by using Moran Index. The test
results show that there is negative spatial
autocorrelation with IM = -0.03062855, which means
different errors in adjacent locations and the errors
tend to spread. There is an indication of the spatial
effect of the Moran Index so that an analysis to test
for the effect is necessary. This test uses Lagrange
Multiplier (LM) lag and LM error statistics. The LM
lag statistic value is 2.635515 and the LM error value
is 11.721478 and each is compared with the chi
square table value of 3.841. The conclusion obtained
shows that there is no spatial effect of lag but there is
a spatial effect on the model error so that the
appropriate model is the SEM model.
Estimation of SEM model parameters with cross
correlation normalization weights obtained with each
significant parameter are as follows
Best Weighted Selection in Handling Error Heterogeneity Problem on Spatial Regression Model
 
 
 
 
 
with the value of R
is 0.7433 which means 74.3%
percentage of the poor is affected by the percentage
of households using their own latrines / joint, the
percentage of households who have bought raskin
rice, the percentage of poor people aged more than 14
years working in the sector agriculture, the
percentage of poor women aged 15-49 years whose
first delivery was helped by health personnel and
RMSE = 3.107759.
To overcome the heteroscedasticity of errors
variance is done adding noise to the dependent
variable. The noise is generated from the normal
distribution having a mean of zero and the standard
deviation is a standard deviation error of 0.21. Noise
is simulated 100 times. The next step is modeled into
the SEM model for each noise and the average model
of the hundredth model is obtained. The ensemble
model of the error spatial regression model is
 
 
 
 
with a R
value of 0.7775, which means 78% of the
percentage of the poor is affected by the percentage
of households using their own latrines / joints, the
percentage of households who have bought raskin
rice, the percentage of poor people aged over 14 who
work in agriculture, the percentage of poor women
aged 15-49 years whose first delivery was helped by
health personnel and RMSE = 3.082789. To see the
feasibility of the model, tested normality with
statistics Kolmogorov Smirnov and obtained the test
statistic value is 0.048286. With a significance level
of 5 percent then taken the conclusion of the
assumption of normality error is met. Furthermore,
homogeneity test of variance is used statistic of
Breusch Pagan (BP) and obtained value of BP =
(0,05;3) = 9,48773 so it is concluded that
the model there isn’t heteroscedasticity again.
From the two-weighting used in the panel data, the
results of the analysis concluded that the model with
the normalization of cross-correlation weighting was
better than the model with queen weighting. From the
best model, the percentage of poor people in Central
Java Province in 2015 is predicted. The prediction
results obtained are then grouped into six priority
zones are as follows,
Table 1: Zones of percentage the poor population.
Percentage of the poor population
>35 %
30 % - 34.99 %
25 % - 29.99 %
20 % - 24,99 %
15 % - 19.99 %
Of the six priority zones in Table 1. the percentage of
poverty for districts and cities in Central Java
province is only at three zones, i.e. the second, third
and fourth priority zones. The results of the is shown
in Table 2.
Table 2: The districts and cities of poverty in Central Java
The districts and cities of the poor population
Wonosobo regency, Banjarnegara regency,
Wonogiri regency
Cilacap regency, Banyumas regency,
Purbalingga regency, Kebumen regency,
Purworejo regency, Magelang regency,
Boyolali regency, Klaten regency, Sukoharjo
regency, Karanganyar regency, Sragen regency,
Grobogan regency, Blora regency, Rembang
regency, Pati regency, Kudus regency, Jepara
regency, Demak regency, Semarang regency,
Temanggung regency, Batang regency,
Pekalongan regency, Pemalang regency, Tegal
regency, Brebes regency
Surakarta city, Salatiga city, Pekalongan city,
Magelang city, Semarang city, Tegal city,
Kendak regency
The poverty case shows that the spatial regression
model of the SEM ensemble already does not have a
variance error that is not homogeneous and the
model using cross-normalization weight is better
than the spatial regression model of SEM ensemble
with Queen contiguity weight.
The authors would like to thank to Research Group
of Applied and Inference Statistics for the
discussions. We also appreciate Universitas Sebelas
ICMIs 2018 - International Conference on Mathematics and Islam
Maret for providing financial support through Grant
of Fundamental Research 2018.
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Best Weighted Selection in Handling Error Heterogeneity Problem on Spatial Regression Model