The Integration-interconnection Paradigm in Learning Mathematics
through Development Research and Clinical Supervision
Khurul Wardati
Mathematics Education, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: The Integration-interconnection Paradigm, Four-D Model, Clinical Supervision.
Abstract: The integration-interconnection paradigm is a scientific basic framework developed at UIN Sunan Kalijaga
Yogyakarta. However, the learning model that should be developed to implement integration-
interconnection between Islamic studies and science-technology concepts, as well as the internalization of
Islamic values in society still needs to be examined. Therefore, developmental research with four-D model
was conducted to find math learning model, combined with clinical supervision that aimed to improve the
quality of integration-interconnection learning based. The results showed the existence of different
interpretations between lecturers on learning model used for each level of integration-interconnection
paradigm. Therefore, integration-interconnection experts are required to define every element in integration-
interconnection level, operationally. Moreover, clinical supervision is required to reduce, or even eliminate,
differences in observing the implementation of integration-interconnection in learning. In other words, it
should refer to the standard professional development that includes the expertise, responsibilities and
collegial principles.
The integration-interconnection is a scientific
paradigm developed at UIN Sunan Kalijaga
Yogyakarta, and particularly for the Faculty of
Science and Technology, it is a distinctive scientific
identity and characteristics. The paradigm itself has
been elaborated in syllabus, lesson plan or Satuan
Acara Perkuliahan (SAP), learning process,
evaluation, and academic administration guidelines
(Anonim, 2004).The integration-interconnection
approach in learning process not only involved the
domain of Bloom's taxonomy but also entered the
domain of Islamic education (ilm, iman and amal).
Therefore, curriculum developed at the Faculty
of Science and Technology, UIN Sunan Kalijaga
Yogyakarta is aimed to achieve a scientific
framework of science and technology (hadlarah al-
ilm) that integrated and interconnected with Islamic
studies (hadlarah al-nash) and ethics (hadlarah al-
falsafah). Until now, the integration-interconnection
paradigm in faculty’s curriculum has been delivered
through several models, following the dynamics of
curriculum changes in Indonesia. It is strayed with a
content-based curriculum that emphasizes on
integration-interconnection materials needed to be
delivered to students. Then, it is turned into a
competency-based curriculum (CBC) that oriented
in achieving graduate standards of competence, in
which the integration-interconnection paradigm is
delivered through development of SAP that relevant
to certain conditions and needs. Now, the curriculum
that is being developed is CBC-IQF (CBC-
Indonesian Quality Framework),a curriculum
oriented to the achievement of learning outcomes in
the aspect of attitudes, generic skills or managerial,
as well as specific skills and knowledge in a field of
expertise. This is certainly an opportunity as well as
a challenge in developing curriculum based on
integration-interconnection paradigm, particularly
related to designing learning model that can
implement the concept of integration-
interconnection between Islamic studies and science-
technology, as well as to internalize Islamic values
in society, especially in the profession of expertise.
Wardati, K.
The Integration-interconnection Paradigm in Learning Mathematics through Development Research and Clinical Supervision.
DOI: 10.5220/0008518001170122
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics and Islam (ICMIs 2018), pages 117-122
ISBN: 978-989-758-407-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The author, along with a few colleagues, has
done developmental research with four-D model to
search integration-interconnection model at the
Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Sunan
Kalijaga Yogyakarta. One of the phases is
development phase. In this phase, we made a
learning prototype based on various discourses about
integration-interconnection. The integration-
interconnection domains (philosophy, material,
methodology, strategy) were combined using
integration-interconnection model in learning
implementation. As a result, we obtained a blue print
of disseminated draft models (Wardati et al., 2007)
to observe the implementation of integration-
interconnection paradigm in learning mathematics
specially in class Calculus I.
The results showed that the lecturers of
Calculus I had tried to implement integration-
interconnection learning approach on the level of
material and philosophy, using similarity,
parallelize, complementation, comparisons and
inductive models. However, those lecturers had
different perceptions in observing integration-
interconnection aspects about the level and model of
integration-interconnection. Those differences need
to be reduced or, if possible, eliminated, to find an
integration-interconnection learning model that can
be implemented in general, particularly at the
Faculty of Science and Technology (Khurul W., et
al., 2007).
In addition to determine integration-
interconnection learning model, we also have
conducted a clinical supervision in madrasa (Khurul
W., 2007).The clinical supervision in madrasa
involved eight mathematics teachers in MTs
(Madrasa Tsanawiyah) and MA (Madrasa Aliyah).
Clinical supervision is a form of professional help
which is done systematically from planning,
observation, until intensive analysis, based on
lecturers (teachers) needs. Clinical supervision
model that commonly used is collaborative and
cooperative. It is expected that through clinical
supervision, lecturers (teachers) can find a way to
increase their teaching ability and skills. After
observation, the selected teacher model was teacher
from MTs UIN SunanKalijaga Laboratory. This
experience inspired us to examine the discourse of
elaborated clinical supervision with development
research in the implementation of learning
improvement models (clinical supervision) based on
integration-interconnection paradigm. Therefore,
this paper aims to:
1. Identify the learning improvement model
based on integration-interconnection
paradigm through clinical supervision
2. Elaborate the implementation of clinical
supervision through research development
using four-D model
Many people assume that learning is related to
school activities, which consist of reading, writing
and counting activities. In fact, learning is a complex
process that involves the relation between different
aspects, so that learning can be said as a system
(Mulyasa, E., 2005). Three important things that
characterize a system are:(1) have a purpose,
(2)contains a process and (3) the process always
involve and use various components or certain
elements (Sanjaya, W., 2006). The theoretical
framework related to the discussion in this paper
consist of integration-interconnection approach,
clinical supervision dan development research with
four-D model.
2.1 The Integration-interconnection
UIN SunanKalijaga has tried to establish a dialogue
and collaboration between various disciplines, which
later known as the integration-interconnection
paradigm. Amin Abdullah as the initiator of that
scientific paradigm has divided the present science
into three scientific discipline: religious studies
(hadlarah al-nash), science (hadlarah al-ilm), and
philosophy (hadlarah al-falsafah). This grouping
leads to a realization that every area has its own
limitation, hence encourages dialogue, collaboration
and the use of methodology and approach from
different scientific discipline (Amin Abdullah,
The scientific paradigm of integration-
interconnection can be elaborated from two aspects,
domain and model. Domain aspects are divided into
four levels, namely the level of philosophy, material,
strategy and methodology. There are six models that
can be used to elaborate integration-interconnection
paradigm: similarity, parallelize, complementation,
comparisons and inductive models (Anonim, 2006).
Integration-interconnection learning approach is
the implementation of scientific paradigm of
integration-interconnection at strategy domain. The
learning of general science (hadlarah al-ilm),
including a mathematics, must involve and utilize
ICMIs 2018 - International Conference on Mathematics and Islam
components and other elements found in the area of
religious studies (hadlarah al-nash) and philosophy
(hadlarah al-falsafah).
Similarity model means similarize concepts in
science with concepts derived from religion, though
the concept not necessarily the same. Parallelize
model assumes that concepts from the qur'an
parallel with concepts derived from science because
of similarity in connotation, but without equating the
two. Complementation model portrays that science
and religion are co-exist and mutually reinforce each
other, but still maintaining the existence of each.
Comparison model compares scientific concept
(theory) with the concept of religious insight the
same symptoms. Inductive model means that the
basic assumptions of scientific theories is supported
by empirical findings, and the rationale is continued
theoretically towards metaphysical thinking, then
connected with related religious and Al Qur’an
principles. Verification model study reveals that the
results of scientific research support and prove the
truths of verses in Al Qur'an (Anonim, 2006).
2.2 Clinical Supervision
Supervision can be viewed as an "art" of cooperation
with a group of people, where they are subjected to
an authority in such a way that work implementation
lead to the highest possible results. This demands the
ability to practice the principles of human
relationships as well. There are no definite and
convincing rules applied in human relationships, and
every person has unique personality. Therefore,
developing working relationships should always
consider the personality of other (Nurtain, 1989 and
Sri Banun Muslim, 2010).
The addition of clinical terms refers to the way
doctor treats patient who suffering from pain. A
clinical trial in health science is basically a series of
new medicine development process. During the trial,
a new type of medication or treatment is expected to
give a better result compared to existing treatments
(Edward White and Julie Winstanley, 2010).
Regarding this issue, the doctor will try to
communicate, and find a way to diagnose and
provide professional and reliable services. Such a
relationship also applied in clinical supervision
between lecturers and supervisor. Supervisor will
observe lecturer during learning activities to obtain
information needed. Based on the recorded data or
facts, supervisor and lecturer can collectively find a
way to improve learning process (Suparwoto,
2006).According to Richard Weller and cited by
Acheson and Gall, clinical supervision is defined as
a form of supervision that focus on teaching
improvement through systematic cycles in planning,
observation, and intellectual as well as intensive
analysis about the real teaching performance that
makes changes in a rational way (Sri Banun Muslim,
Based on the two definitions above, operational
definition for clinical supervision is a supervision
that aims to improve lecturers professionalism
intentionally (by design), started from initial
meeting, final meeting and class observation,
followed by careful, thorough and objective analysis
to get expected behavior change in teaching. This
clinical supervision is a form of professional help,
conducted systematically based on lecturers needs,
in the hope that lecturers can find a way to increase
their teaching ability and skills.
Among the main characteristics of clinical
supervision is that clinical supervision is a technique
for improving learning quality, a deliberate
intervention in the process of goal-oriented learning,
which combining the school needs with the needs of
lecturers’ personal development, connecting gap
between reality and ideal, as well as assume
professional working relationships between lecturers
and supervisor. In addition, clinical supervision
requires a strong mutual trust as a reflection of
understanding support and commitment to develop
(Susan Sullivan and Jeffrey Glanz, 2005).
The procedure of supervision implementation
that undertaken in the cycle of learning consists of
three phases (Arham JF., 2014):
1. The first phase is performed at the beginning of
activity, and emphasized to build familiarity,
openness, equality, and collegial atmosphere.
The main discussion should about how to
improve the quality of lecturer profession. This
initial meeting should produce an agreement
between lecturers and supervisor about lesson
plan and instrument for learning observation.
2. The Observation phase, lecturers implement the
arranged lesson plans and supervisor records the
facts that occurred during learning, using the
agreed instrument.
3. The final phase (the meeting end) focus on
feedback discussion (reflection) between
lecturers and supervisors, soon after learning
activity. This meeting is similar with the
initial meeting, in which no rating activity
(no good or bad judgment).
The Integration-interconnection Paradigm in Learning Mathematics through Development Research and Clinical Supervision
2.3 Research Development with Four-
D Model
Developmental research is a research aimed to
develop learning instruction. Model used in
developing learning instruction is a four-D model. A
four-D model consists of a define phase, design
phase, develop phase and disseminate phase
(Savasailam T., et al., 1974 and Ade GorbiI., et al.,
2018). The description of each step is as follows:
1. The Define Phase
a. Problem Identification
The aim of define phase is to establish and
define the needs in developing learning,
through needs assessment that consider the
existed initial conditions (concepts).
b. Setting Analysis
Things to note on background analysis is:
1) Characteristics of college students
The purpose of knowing students’
characteristics is to measure initial
knowledge, to identify things that hinder
or support learning activities, as well as to
determine learning strategies to achieve
learning outcomes and competence
2) Learning conditions
According to Dunn (Harjanto, 1997),
learning conditions that need to be
disclosed is physical environment,
emotional environment, sociological
environment, and physiology of students.
3) Relevant sources and devices
Identification of sources or devices
includes available (used) sources or
devices, human or non-human, and
sources or devices that either intentionally
designed or utilized.
2. The Design Phase
The purpose of this step is to devise a learning
form that meet the needs and address the
problems identified in the define phase.
3. The Develop phase
The steps that must be undertaken on develop
phase are:
a. Identification of basic competencies and
learning outcomes indicators
b. Determining learning strategies
c. Creating learning prototype
The steps in this phase are included in the
learning outline
4. Disseminate phase
After designing learning device at develop phase,
the next phase is dissemination that consists of
these steps:
a. Test device
b. Results analysis by triangulation.
Learning activity in classroom, laboratory, or
outside classroom is a complex lecturer-student
activity. Learning activities are simultaneously
revealing aspects of art, technology, science and the
value option for anyone who choose lecturers
profession. This profession includes expertise,
responsibility, and collegial. The expertise is
acquired through intensive and qualified education
and training, responsibility relates to lecturer daily
task in his profession, while the collegial is related
to the relationships between fellow lecturers.
There are many parallel courses(a subject with
the same nomenclature, code, and SAP, and held in
several classes) at the Faculty of Science and
Technology, UIN Sunan Kalijaga that taught by
different lecturers. For each parallel course, a
coordinator is selected through a faculty meeting and
ratified through the Dean Decision Letter. The
implementation of integration-interconnection
learning at the Faculty of Science and Technology
was observed in parallel courses, including Calculus
I. The observations of learning implementation used
a blue print that created by the research team and
had been tested before (Khurul W., et al., 2007):
Table 1: Blue print of observation sheet.
1. Philosophical
2. Material
3. Methodology
4. Strategy
A. Similarity D. Comparison
B. Parallelize E. Inductive
C. Complementation F. Verification
The initial integration-interconnection learning
model has been made, but the model is not final.
ICMIs 2018 - International Conference on Mathematics and Islam
This is mainly due to the differences of in
understanding aspects of integration-interconnection
between observer (fellow lecturer), both on level and
model aspect. For example, the implementation of
integration-interconnection in class of Calculus I on
derivative subject: the lecturer made an analogy
between derivative concept and descendants
(generation) because both subjects related to
heredity. Lecturer quoted Al Qur’an Surah Ali
Imron,9 and motivated students to carefully
calculate derivative function, and then related it to
the preparation of becoming a parent. From the
observations, two observers argued that the
integration-interconnection level used was
philosophy and one observer was agreed on
material. In addition, all observers had different
opinions on the model used, between similarity,
parallelize, or complementation.
Clinical supervision forms are required to
eliminate the differences in observation results, since
implementation of clinical supervision should refer
to the standard of lecturer professional development
that engaged expertise, responsibilities and collegial
principles. Therefore, one of the recommendations
resulted from this study is that implementing clinical
supervision for improving integration-
interconnection learning quality (particularly parallel
courses in the Faculty of Science and Technology)
needs an expert (as well as supervisor of integration-
interconnection) to define every level and model of
integration-interconnection operationally, for the
subjects concerned. This supervision model can be
elaborated through a developmental research using
four-D model. The procedures and phases of clinical
supervision that include 3 stages (the first stage,
observation and the end) can be elaborated with 4
stages of four-D model(define, design, develop, and
disseminate), as follows :
1. The first stage: the focus of initial meeting is an
agreement between lecturers, supervisors and
expert tutor (speaker), through the following
a. The speaker creates a familiar, open, and
honest atmosphere between supervisor and
lecturers to define (problem identification)
and assess the needs. The need assessment is
based on background analyses that consider
students characteristics, learning conditions,
as well as relevant sources and devices. This
step is known as define in four-D model.
b. All participants choose one model lecturer
(other lecturers become supervisors) with the
modeling focus is not how to teach, but how
student learns, including the deficiency and
excess of lesson models.
c. The speaker determines both integration-
interconnection aspects, domains (level) and
model, followed by dissemination to all
d. The model lecturer designs lesson plan that
meet the assessed needs and address the
identified problems, as well as determining
plan for implementing integration-
interconnection based learning. This step is
the design phase of four-D model.
e. The lecturers select and develop
observational instruments collaboratively and
cooperatively, especially learning observation
instruments that focus on integration-
interconnection aspects. This develop step
consist of identification of basic
competencies and learning outcomes,
indicators of learning outcomes, determining
learning strategies and creating learning
prototype. All is included in the learning
2. The observation stage: this stage includes the
steps of learning implementation in a real
classroom, which in detail is as follows:
a. The model lecturer implements the lesson
plan, the supervisor records all facts that
occur during lesson with the instruments, and
the speaker observe the process.
b. The supervisors and speaker note the
recorded facts systematically and clearly.
c. The facts that occurred during learning are
used as materials for guidance and direction.
3. The final stage: this stage is the evaluation and
feedback discussion between model lecturer and
supervisor, immediately after lesson, that
consists of:
a. Inquire the feeling of model lecturer about
the learning implementation.
b. Display the observation results that has been
analyzed and interpreted by supervisors and
c. The speaker gives improvement inputs to
supervisor regarding to observation on
integration-interconnection aspects.
d. The speaker inquiries the response of model
lecturer toward the observation results and
e. The speaker asks model lecturer to explain
the results of analysis process.
f. Make a research report
The Integration-interconnection Paradigm in Learning Mathematics through Development Research and Clinical Supervision
Improving quality of education can be achieved
through various means, among them is by giving
opportunity to solve learning and non-learning
problem professionally through clinical supervision
and research development. The improvement is
subjected to: 1) the ability to solve problems in
education and learning contextually; 2) the quality of
course content, inputs, processes and outcomes of
learning; 3) lecturers’ professionalism; and 4) the
application of research-based learning principles.
Implementation steps of integration-
interconnection learning with elaborated clinical
supervision and developmental research is the first
stage of four-D model. Clinical supervision in the
observation stage is the dissemination stage, and the
final stage equivalents to evaluation activities. A
very important thing to note is that the evaluation
stage should not include judgement (good or bad) or
rating toward lecturer. Also, the speaker gives inputs
to supervisor regarding to observing integration-
interconnection aspect in learning. After all the three
stages ends, research results must be communicated
through a report for self-reflection as well as a
scientific resource for fellow lecturers, educational
officials and others.
In implementation integration-interconnection
learning at the Faculty of Science and Technology
through clinical supervision, the role of integration-
interconnection expert is crucial. Otherwise, we
need to implement a collaborative clinical
supervision and research development with lecturers
of Islamic studies.
The author is grateful to Anti Damayanti for her
corrections and to the reviewers for their comments
and suggestions.
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ICMIs 2018 - International Conference on Mathematics and Islam