The Mechanism of Zakat Productive Fund Management and Its
Effect On The Income of Recipient of Zakat in Palembang City
Ichsan Hamidi, Suhel, Nurkadina Novalia
Department of Economic Development, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Sriwijaya
Keywords: Zakat Productive, Income, Recipient of Zakat
Abstract: This study aims to find out how the management mechanism for zakat productive fund and how they affect
the income of recipient of zakat in Palembang. This study uses qualitative and quantitative approaches,
while data collection techniques use questionnaires and also through interview, observation and
documentation. The population in this study is all recipient of zakat which receives zakat productive fund
from BAZNAS SUMSEL such as 187 recipients. In taking a sample, 81 random sampling techniques are
used. Data analysis using multiple regression analysis model, then performed a classic assumption deviation
test. The results of this study indicate that the mechanism of zakat productive fund management consists of
regional feasibility studies, program socialization, recipient of zakat feasibility studies, distribution of zakat
productive fund, provision of training, establishment of local community institutions to the program
evaluation stage. This study also found that the variables of zakat productive fund, length of business and
training have a positive effect on the income of recipient of zakat. So that it can be concluded that the
implementation of zakat productive can be more increased so that the recipients of zakat can become the
giver of zakat in the future.
In Islam there is one social economic system
which is used to help other Muslims who are in
conditions of poverty and income inequality, namely
zakat which is a system where someone has more
assets so that they can and are willing to share a
portion of their wealth to help fellow Muslims,
especially the poor people. Zakat is the third pillar of
Islam, which zakat should give a good contribution
in improving society's welfare (Ibrahim and Ghazali,
Nowadays,The development of zakat
empowerment in the world has begun to improve
and is widely used as a foundation in helping the
economy of its people. In 2010 Malaysia collected
zakat funds in the amount of RM 1,363,772,682 and
distributed in the same year was RM 1,176,487,212
or 86% of the collected funds. The Amil Zakat
Institute in Malaysia has also begun to distribute
zakat funds in productive forms (Nadzri et al, 2012).
In 2010-2011 in Pakistan, zakat funds collected
amounted to RS2.82 billion from 36 provinces. The
funds are allocated for RS.1,585 billion for
subsystem allowances, education scholarships,
patient care, for marriage, and benefits on Eid al-
Fitr. In the allocation of zakat funds which become
obstacle is the lack of zakat funds collected in the
amil zakat institute of Pakistan. This is due to the
lack of giver of zakat trust to the amil zakat institute
because of lack of transparency in the management
of the zakat funds (Tarar and Riyaz, 2012).
In order to make the role of zakat become better
in improving the economy of recipient of zakat
zakat, the zakat experts begin to develop ideas to
improve productivity of zakat funds, so the thought
arises to distribute zakat funds in the form of
productive zakat capital to the recipient of zakat who
have expertise in opening micro, small and medium
enterprise (MSME) and have expertise in trading
(Asnaini, 2008).
Sartika (2008) conducted a study in Solo, and
found that the use of zakat productive in LAZ Solo
Peduli Surakarta Foundation which distributed in the
form of livestock affected the income of recipient of
zakat by 10.2%. This result is significantly affected
by the amount of zakat productive funds capital
Hamidi, I., Suhel, . and Novalia, N.
The Mechanism of Zakat Productive Fund Management and Its Effect On The Income of Recipients of Zakat in Palembang City.
DOI: 10.5220/0008443706590668
In Proceedings of the 4th Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting, and Business Conference (SEABC 2018), pages 659-668
ISBN: 978-989-758-387-2
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
distributed to the recipient. As in the North Aceh
regency from 2007 to 2010 have given a subsidy to
poor people Rp. 885,000,000, with the number of
recipients of zakat totaling 533 people and the
results of the study showed that after receiving zakat
productive in the form of business capital there was
an increase in the average income of 19% before
receiving productive zakat (Rusli et al. 2013).
Rumah Makmur BAZNAS (RMB) in Semarang
has also carried out zakat productive in the form of
small micro-enterprise modal assistance, thus
encouraging increased profits. Increased profits
before getting capital assistance ranged from an
average of 43% and after getting capital assistance
profits increased by 57%. Although the average
increase which occurred was not so large, but every
recipient of zakat business encounter an average
increase of up to 14%. Meanwhile, Rumah Makmur
BAZNAS (RMB) until September 2013, has provided
business capital to 2,414 recipients, with total
business capital assistance amounting to Rp.
2,222,195,800 (Wulansari and Setiawan, 2014).
The optimal implementation of zakat productive
is also attempted by Baitul Mal in North Aceh
Regency, this was revealed by Nasrullah (2015). The
Baitul Mal determines the various schematic models
adjusted to the needs of recipient of zakat, starting
from the Qardh Alhasan scheme, then also
providing a mudharabah scheme even to the sale
and purchase scheme with a murabahah contract.
This makes a very positive enthusiasm from the
recipient of zakat to lead a better standard of living.
The positive results from the usage of zakat
productive were also found by Djayusman (2011)
which his study revealed that Baitul Maal Desa
Dompet Dhuafa in Yogyakarta manages zakat funds
by procuring and managing productive assets by and
for dhuafa such as land redistribution, agricultural
development, rural industrialization, integrated
agriculture and rice marketing. Zakat Productive
funds are managed to finance land rent, procurement
of inputs, fertilizer, seedlings and capital goods
investments. This was conducted because Dompet
Dhuafa saw that the recipient of zakat had the
potential and expertise in agriculture. This study also
revealed a significant difference between income
before and after participating in BMD agriculture
programs. The increase in dhuafa income of farm
labors after participating in the BMD agriculture
program amounted to Rp210,584.00 or an increase
of 77.12% from the previous average income. This
is because the majority of recipient of zakat are
farmers, so they have experienced, so that it helps
for making the zakat funds management effective.
In order to get maximum results in the
application of zakat productive among the recipients
of zakat, the good mechanism is needed in the
management of zakat productive funds which under
the recipients authority. As expressed by Toriquddin
and Rauf (2013) that the management of zakat
productive funds at the Ash Shahwah Foundation
(YASA) Malang consists of good planning, after
being well planned, the next stage is proper
organizing then proceed with appropriate
implementation methods with initial planning, after
being implemented, it is necessary to have a
continuous and good supervision from YASA. Zakat
productive funds management can be better with this
mechanism. The same thing is also found in the
community caring justice post (PKPU) Makassar by
Hidajat (2017), that the planning, organizing,
implementation and monitoring stages are things
that must be well-done.
Nopiardo (2016) found that the mechanism of
zakat productive management in BAZNAS Tanah
Datar is well organized, from the determination of
how the distribution pattern to the recipient, and the
mechanism of proposing the recipients and also
reviewing how to assign assistance to them also not
to miss from BAZNAS Tanah Datar attention to how
the mechanism of funds allocation until the process
of handing over assistance to the recipients, and also
to produce the expected results, there must be proper
and sustainable guidance. This is similar to what was
expressed by Ansori (2018) that the distribution
system of zakat productive funds at LAZISNU
Ponorogo begins with accurate data collection by
submitting proposals by prospective of recipient of
zakat to LAZISNU and identifying the recipient by
amil. It followed by grouping them, then amil gives
a training in the form of skills, management of
marketing capital in doing business. The final stage
is the provision of zakat funds by LAZISNU
Ponorogo to recipient of zakat. In addition, zakat
productive funds are only given to those who are
strong working and productive age.
South Sumatra is a province which has good
zakat potential. Based on the population in
Palembang, the zakat potential can be collected to
reach Rp 2.3 trillion annually, this was expressed by
BAZNAS SUMSEL (2017). Meanwhile, according
to the financial report of the National Zakat Agency
(BAZNAS) in South Sumatra in 2017, zakat funds
received by South Sumatra BAZNAS amounted to
Rp 40 billion. This shows that the giver of zakat
awareness for distributing zakat to BAZNAS is still
very less, so it needs to be given better planning
from BAZNAS and other amil zakat institutions.
SEABC 2018 - 4th Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting, and Business Conference
BAZNAS Sumsel has a community empowerment
program which is called the "Rumah Makmur"
program. The ideals of family economic
independence are realized through the roll out of
working capital for dhuafa productive businesses in
various regions including vegetable traders,
hawkers, grocery traders, handicraft businesses,
workshops, and pempek traders. Various village
community empowerment programs are carried out
with a focus on managing local resources. BAZNAS
South Sumatra has several guided which are now
quite successful, and are also able to create jobs for
others in the surrounding environment.
The existence of "Rumah Makmur" program
indicates that zakat productive can be accepted by
recipient of zakat, even giving a positive impact. If
one recipient can provide work for others, how if
most of the recipients who get zakat productive can
provide employment for others? Of course
unemployment in South Sumatra will decrease, the
poverty rate will also decrease. This goal is expected
from the establishment of zakat in Islamic religion.
In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to
manage zakat productive by amil zakat, the giver of
zakat and the recipient of zakat, so that they can
contribute maximally to the recipient. This is what
motivate this study to be done. In order the society
can know better how the mechanism of managing
zakat productive funds in BAZNAS SUMSEL and
how it affects the income of the recipient of zakat in
Palembang, so that it can attract other Muslims to
prefer BAZNAS SUMSEL as a place to distribute
their zakat.
2.1 Zakat
Islam is the second largest religion in the world,
with almost more than one billion followers in the
world (Tarar and Riyaz, 2012). In the Al-Qur’an
which is the main law foundation of Islam often
mention about zakat accompanied by prayer. It can
be concluded that zakat is obligatory like prayer, so
that all Muslims in the world must heed Allah's
order to pay zakat. Allah says in Surah Al-Baqarah
verse 267 which means: "O you who have believed,
spend from the good things which you have earned
and from that which We have produced for you from
the earth. And do not aim toward the defective
therefrom, spending [from that] while you would not
take it [yourself] except with closed eyes. And know
that Allah is Free of need and Praiseworthy".
The verse of the Al-Qur’an above concludes that
zakat is not only giving, but how to give the best to
those who need, not giving the bad. Yusoff (2008)
said that zakat is not only giving something to others
on the basis of good deeds, rather the assumption
that zakat is an important pillar in Islam and also a
form of Muslim worship to Allah SWT.
One of the reasons for the creation of zakat is for
humans to help each other. Because humans are
social beings, which means that humans cannot live
alone without the help of others. Zakat also teaches
Muslims to respect each other, so that a life of peace
and harmony is created (Abdullah and Suhaib,
The meaning of zakat in terms of language
comes from zaka which means: blessing, growing,
clean, holy and good. Some of these meanings are
indeed very compatible with the true meaning of
zakat. It is said as a blessing, because zakat will
bring blessings to the wealth of someone who has
done zakat. It is said as holy, because zakat can
purify the owner of the wealth from the nature of the
greedy, shirk, miserly and immoral. It is said to be
growed, because zakat will multiply the merit for the
giver and help the difficulties of the recipient
(Asnaini, 2008).
It called the word zakat, as revealed in the word
of Allah SWT in Surah An-nur verse 56 which
means: "And establish prayer and give zakat and
obey the Messenger - that you may receive mercy".
2.2 Position and Function of Zakat
In the Al-Qur’an many verses that clearly state
the implementation of zakat. Allah's order to
implement zakat is often in tandem with the order of
prayer. This shows how important the role of zakat
in the Muslims live. The verse contained the word
zakat and accompanied by the word prayer. For
example the word of Allah SWT in Surah Al-baqarah
verse 43 and Surah Al-Haj verse 78 which means:
"And establish prayer and give zakah and bow with
those who bow [in worship and obedience]".
According to Mu'iz (2011) Zakat is primarily the
maliyah worship and prayer is primarily badaniyah
worship. Therefore, we are not wondered that all
scholars stipulate that: "denying the law of zakat
(denying its obligation) is punished by kufr, out
from Islam. Muhammad (2011) also said that Zakat
can be used for social purposes, especially for those
who belong to the recipients of zakat which has been
determined in the Al-Qur’an because of the roles
and functions contained in zakat so that it is seen as
a religious levy which must be set aside by a
The Mechanism of Zakat Productive Fund Management and Its Effect On The Income of Recipients of Zakat in Palembang City
Muslims or institution owned by Muslims in
accordance with religious provisions. Zakat in living
can prevent society from the social gap between the
rich and the poor. Zakat can also foster and develop
the stability of social, economic life, grow a sense of
social responsibility. Helping, reducing and lifting
the poor people from economic and social
difficulties, fostering and growing brotherhood
among human beings, and developing individual
responsibility for the society and public interests.
Hafidhuddin (2006) said that through eight asnaf
financed by zakat as determined by the Al-Qur’an,
zakat can can be used social function as a tool of
social security and unifying the community in
fulfilling the basic needs of each individual,
eradicating poverty and waste against fellow
Muslims, then as a heart softener and a tool for
spreading Islam. Is not zakat among others used for
muallaf who are persuaded by their hearts, which
means the muallaf who are persuaded by their hearts
are those who deserve to be given zakat as a softener
of their hearts or the hearts of their people, or to
strengthen Islam in their hearts.
As the population increases and the potential for
zakat arises new problems, that is how to make zakat
so can be functioned as a worship and also as a
social concept. This is the meaning of zakat
utilization. Based on observations and studies so far,
the Indonesian Ministry of Religion (2002) draws
conclusions that the use of zakat can be classified
into four forms. The first form is "Traditional
Consumptive", that is zakat distributed to recipient
of zakat to be distributed directly. The second form
is "creative consumptive", that is zakat which is
realized in other forms from the original goods, such
as given in the form of school tools, scholarships,
hoes and so on. A third form is "traditional
productive" where zakat is given in the form of
productive goods such as goats, cows, shavers,
carpentry and others. The fourth form is "creative
productive", that is zakat which is realized in the
form of rolling capital for social capital projects or
for helping increase the capital of small traders /
entrepreneurs. The usage of zakat in the third and
fourth forms is to approach the meaning of
utilization, which we must develop, so that the
meaning of sharia zakat both in terms of worship
and social functions can be achieved as expected.
2.3 Allocation of Zakat Funds
The allocation of zakat funds is devoted to eight
groups or commonly referred to the recipients of
zakat. This is in accordance with the provisions of
Allah in his word in Surah At-Taubah verse 60
which means: "Zakah expenditures are only for the
poor and for the needy and for those employed to
collect [zakah] and for bringing hearts together [for
Islam] and for freeing captives [or slaves] and for
those in debt and for the cause of Allah and for the
[stranded] traveler - an obligation [imposed] by
Allah . And Allah is Knowing and Wise."
In the verse mentioned above, the poor people
are the top priority of the 8 groups who are entitled
to receive zakat. The aim is to eradicate poverty and
destitution of Muslims. Asnaini (2008) revealed that
groups including the poor are, people who have no
wealth at all, people who have wealth or business
but not enough for themselves and their families,
people who have assets and business but can only
meet half of their own needs and their families. In
giving this zakat, it should be sufficient, meaning
that this zakat should be given until the recipient of
zakat can suffice for its life. For example, a poor or
poor person who is good at trading is given a large
amount of capital which can produce sufficient
profits for his life (Prihatini et al, 2005).
2.4 Zakat Productive
In the Decree of the Minister of Religion RI No.
581 of 1999 about the Implementation of Zakat
stated that the types of zakat fund utilization
activities are divided into two parts: First, the
utilization of social-based zakat that is the
distribution of zakat funds in the form of
compensation for consumptive needs which called
compensation program (charity) or consumptive
Second, the usage of zakat based on economic
development is the distribution of zakat in the form
of providing business capital to those who have the
right to receive directly or indirectly, whose the
management may involve or not involve target
recipient of zakat. The distribution of zakat funds is
directed to productive economic enterprises, which
are expected to result in increasing a level of public
Al-Masyiqah (2007) said that zakat productive or
zakat investment based on the term is looking for the
acquisition of wealth by doing business with zakat.
Zakat investment can be divided into three parts.
First, the zakat investment by the recipient itself.
Secondly, the zakat investment carried out by the
recipient. Third, the zakat investment carried out by
the ruler or the institution of amil zakat.
Farah (1997) also revealed that zakat productive
as an inclusion of zakat funds separately or with
SEABC 2018 - 4th Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting, and Business Conference
other funds in sectors which generate profits
(profitable). The benefits of zakat investment are
intended for the benefit of the recipient of zakat in
the short and long term while still keep guided to the
principles of sharia.
At first, the scholars differed on the law of zakat
investment. However, in the end the scholars who
did not allow the zakat investment made several
provisions which allowed the zakat investment to be
carried out with several considerations, such as; pay
attention to the needs of the poor people; investment
can really bring benefits; hasten to collect zakat
when there is a need; investments are made by
government or their representatives, both from
departments, social organizations or donor agencies;
this investment is consulted with experienced and
trustworthy people; the investment is carried out on
businesses that are permitted according to sharia and
not a prohibited business (Al-Masyiqah (2007).
The results of zakat may be used for productive
purposes, such as providing financial assistance in
form of business capital to the poor who have certain
skills and are willing to try / work hard, so that they
can regardless of poverty and dependence on others
and be able to be independent. In addition, the
results of zakat can also be used to establish
factories and profitable projects and the results for
zakat recipients in need. Factories and other projects
financed with the results of zakat must prioritize the
recruitment of their workforce to the poor who have
been selected and have been given skills education
in accordance with the available employment, Zuhdi
said in the masail fiqhiyah book (1997)
Farah (1997) revealed several things that become
guidelines in investing zakat funds, that is: Zakat
investment is a tools of supporting the
implementation of zakat, not as a substitute for the
existing zakat mechanism, zakat investment must
run according to sharia rules, such as not related to
usury or bank interest, Zakat investment managers
are chosen based on competence, trustworthy and
noble character, Zakat investment strategy is
designed with the aim to increase the income of the
poor, protect livelihoods and realize their welfare,
the zakat investment institution is the representative
or extension of the recipient of zakat in order to
manage their wealth, zakat investment must
prioritize business activities which provide benefits
directly to the recipient of zakat, zakat investment
institutions must maintain trust in their performance
by conducting an audit of their administration.
Based on research background, problem
formulation, research objectives, theoretical review,
and conceptual framework carried out by
researchers, the Research hypothesis can be
formulated as follows:
H1: Allegedly productive zakat capital, length of
business and training positively affected on the
income of recipients of zakat in Palembang.
This study looks at how the mechanism carried
out by BAZNAS of South Sumatera in managing
productive zakat so that it can have an important role
in economic empowerment of recipient of zakat This
study also wants to see the effect of zakat productive
on the income of recipient of zakat. This study uses
the recipients as an objects which receive zakat
productive from the Zakat Amil Agency (BAZNAS)
of South Sumatra.
The type of data used to support this study is
primary and secondary data. The primary data used
were the results of interviews conducted with the
amil zakat institutions in Palembang and also the
existing of the recipients. In addition to the
BAZNAS, interviews will also be conducted with
other interviewees who substantially have direct
involvement in the process of managing zakat
To obtain primary data, researchers will
distribute questionnaires, especially to recipient of
zakat who receive productive zakat capital
assistance by BAZNAS of South Sumatra.
Researchers will also conduct interviews with
several parties which directly or indirectly involved.
In addition to the primary data obtained through
selected informants, this study also uses secondary
data, secondary data that is used such as books about
zakat, especially productive zakat, phenomenons
that exist in the society and also the reports in the
National Amil Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) of South
Sumatra. The usage of secondary data is intended to
support primary data obtained from questionnaires
and interviews.
In order to get relevant data so that it can be used
as a basis for the analysis process, the authors use
data collection methods which commonly used in
qualitative and quantitative studies, that is
interviews, document analysis, archival records, and
observation. Data collection was carried out in
natural conditions, primary data sources, and more
data collection techniques on participant
observation, questionnaires and in-depth interviews
(Sugiyono, 2012).
For this study, the author uses data collection
techniques in the form of library research and field
The Mechanism of Zakat Productive Fund Management and Its Effect On The Income of Recipients of Zakat in Palembang City
research. The instrument in this study uses
interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. In
this study, interviews were conducted with the
management of Amil Zakat Institution which was
chosen by researchers, namely BAZNAS of South
Sumatera to find out the form and management of
productive zakat carried out by the amil zakat
institution. Questionnaires are given to the poor
people are registered as recipients of zakat
productive. Furthermore, documentation is obtained
from reports on zakat productive in amil zakat
The population that become the object in this
study were all recipient of zakat which received
productive zakat assistance. As for the number of the
recipients population who received zakat productive
assistance from BAZNAS of South Sumatera as
much as 187 recipient of zakat.
For sampling to recipient of zakat, a random
sampling technique is used. This technique is used if
the population is assumed to be homogeneous
(containing one characteristic) so that the sample can
be taken randomly. In random sampling, each
subject has the same opportunity to be used as a
research sample (Idrus, 2013). The researcher uses
random sampling technique in sampling because all
the recipient who receive zakat productive funds are
assumed to be the same, so that the data obtained
from each sample can indicate the same thing for
others. The samples obtained are 81 samples
The analysis technique used is multiple
regression estimation technique with the method
used the least squares (OLS). As for the regression
analysis equation model of this study as follows.
Y = α + β1X1+ β2X2 + β3X3 + e
Y = Income of recipients of zakat
X1 = Zakat Productive Fund
X2 = Length of Business
X3 = Training
β = Regression Coefficient
α = Constant
e = Error
4.1 Mechanism of Zakat Productive Fund
Management in BAZNAS of South
Empowerment of zakat productive funds
initiated by BAZNAS of South Sumatera in the form
of a program called "Rumah Makmur" which is an
elaboration of the concept of recipients
empowerment program in managing the zakat funds
it receives. This program combines poverty
mapping, surveys, determining strategic partners,
launching and implementing programs, also
monitoring and evaluating programs. The "Rumah
Makmur" program stands on five pillars, i.e: system,
humanitarian value, law and justice, economy and
welfare, and institutional building (these five pillars
are taken from the maqasid as-syariah Islamic
purpose of regulating social life). This program
explicitly strives to humanize human beings, the
target community becomes a subject not an object,
where mentoring applies as a caliph who bears the
mandate of the natural regulator of his creation.
This program works to build a work system
which appreciates local wisdom (aware of local
resources), entrepreneurial capacity, facilitates
access to economical improvement based on life
wisdom. One of the reinforcement is the
establishment of a strong social institution so that
the empowerment of assisted communities can be
sustainable. The poor are educated to be aware of
their rights, especially in accessing resources to
improve their lives. Here, the justice principle
guards the growth of the assisted community.
Based on this discussion, the researchers found
that the mechanism of zakat productive fund
management at BAZNAS of South Sumatera
consisted of several stages from planning to
controlling phase to recipient of zakat. All of this are
carried out with expectation in order the zakat funds
received by the recipients can improve their standard
of living and in the future they can become a giver.
The stages are in the form of:
a. Regional Feasibility Study
The Regional Feasibility Study is the first stage
in determining the program area, in this stage aims
to determine the suitable area for the implementation
of the "Rumah Makmur" program. This is conducted
in several places to see if the region has the potential
for this program to take place as desired by
BAZNAS of South Sumatera. The regional
feasibility study is carried out by looking at the
potential and character of the society who live in the
region, because in this program it takes the character
of society who have good moral, spiritual and
mental characteristics, thus helping the smooth and
successful program in helping to increase the income
of recipient.
b. Program Socialization
Program socialization, is a program explanation
to the society before they join to be the recipients
SEABC 2018 - 4th Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting, and Business Conference
who receive zakat productive funds from BAZNAS
of South Sumatera. This socialization is conducted
in order the recipient candidates can better
understand the nature and purpose of this program.
So that in the future this program can run well
without any misunderstanding from them.
c. Partner Feasibility Study
Partner Feasibility Study, is a detailed data
collection for citizens who are interested in
following the "Rumah Makmur" program. For
partners who meet the criteria, they will proceed to
the next stage.
The criteria that must be met in selecting
beneficiaries are as follows:
Head of family or family member classified as
poor (Recipient of zakat)
1. Productive age (18-60 years) or married
2. Having experience and willingness in
3. Stay (domiciled) in one program target area.
4. Follow and obey the rules in implementing the
d. Distribution of zakat productive zakat funds to
the recipients
The distribution of zakat productive funds to the
recipient in the "Rumah Makmur" program is
distributed through mosques in the targeted areas
and appointed by BAZNAS of South Sumatera as an
intermediary in distributing this zakat productive
fund which is called as "Baitul Qiradh". In
Palembang itself there are several Baitul Qiradhs
that have been operating, such as in plaju, Kertapati,
Kuto, Sako National Housing Authority area. The
duty of Baitul Qiradh is as an intermediary in
distributing zakat productive funds to the recipient
of zakat around the mosque area. Because the
mosque is believed to be a gathering place for
Muslims to worship, discuss and help each other, a
Baitul Qiradh institution was established in the
The distribution of zakat productive funds to the
recipients is given in benevolent loan form with a
Qardh contract, so that although in essence the
recipient of zakat are entitled to the zakat fund and
do not need to return it, but in this program,
BAZNAS of Souh Sumatera wants to educate the
recipient to not be consumptive in managing the
zakat funds which they receive, so they are trained
to make the zakat funds they receive become
productive. The amount of productive zakat funds
received by the recipients ranges between Rp.
1,000,000 to Rp. 3,000,000.
e. Training Provision and Program Understanding
This training provision aims to improve the
characteristics, skills and motivation of each
individual of recipient of zakat, and also to stay in
touch between recipient and the management of
Baitul Qiradh. In this training, the recipient can ask
for solutions of the problems experienced in
managing the zakat productive funds they receive,
so that the business they run can be even better. This
training is also intended to foster cohesiveness and
friendship between the recipients who both receive
this zakat productive fund. So that therecipient can
share their experiences and expertise so that the
desire to help each other better get stronger. Because
Islam will be strong when it works together.
f. Formation of Community Local Institutions
The implementation of this zakat productive
program aims to make the recipient become
independent, in this case the BAZNAS of South
Sumatera only run their duties as a distributor of
zakat funds to the recipient. So when the zakat
productive funds have distributed to them through
Baitul Qiradh, the BAZNAS of South Sumatera will
not intervene in terms of its management, all of them
are handed over entirely to Baitul Qiradh and
recipient who receive the zakat productive funds, but
they still supervise so this program still run as it
So Baitul Qiradh itself acts as a driver and coach
in this program. As mentioned before, the recipients
must return the zakat productive funds they receive
in installments every month, because they are worn
to a Qardh contract. When the zakat funds which
they borrowed have been fully returned, they can
make loans again to Baitul Qiradh which has been
trusted by BAZNAS of South Sumatera. Or the
zakat funds they return can be used to provide zakat
productive funds to other recipient who want to join
this "Rumah Makmur" program. In this case, Baitul
Qiradh institution which acts as a local community
institution that is trusted to manage and run this
productive zakat program.
g. Evaluation
This evaluation is carried out to find out the
deficiency of the recipient in managing this zakat
productive, so that the recipient can improve it in the
future. This evaluation was also conducted to find
out the business development of recipient and also
the effect of this program existence on the income of
The Mechanism of Zakat Productive Fund Management and Its Effect On The Income of Recipients of Zakat in Palembang City
4.2 The Effect Of Zakat Produktif on The
Income Of Recipients of Zakat in
Palembang City
The results of the study have obtained
quantitative data during the interview and
observation process. The data obtained were
analyzed by multiple regression methods and
calculated from the three independent variables,
there are the productive zakat funds received, length
of business and training. Based on the data obtained
by the researcher, multiple regression equations can
be arranged as follows:
The results of the multiple regression equation
above show that the beta value of the productive
zakat fund variable is 0.957, this shows that in this
study capital has a positive relationship to the
dependent variable, this positive relationship shows
that the zakat productive funds that received by the
recipient of zakat have so far provided good
influence and enough to help the recipient of zakat
in improving its economy.
Where as for the lenght of business variable
shows the beta value is 0.247 which means that the
length of business and income of the recipient have a
positive relationship. This is in accordance with the
theory which says that if the business owner has
good experience, the income receives will increase.
Besides being seen from the length of business, to
improve the expertise, it is necessary to provide
trainings related to improving the recipients
expertise in run the business.
In the regression equation above it is shown that
the beta value of the training variable is 0.756. This
shows that the training and income of recipient
variables have a positive relationship. This indicates
that the training provided by BAZNAS or other
parties whose purpose is to develop businesses
owned by recipient has an important role in
increasing the income, which in turn will make the
recipient can become a giver at a later time.
The results of the constant are -3.195, which
means that without all these independent variables,
the income of recipient of zakat variable has a
negative value, so it is concluded that all the
independent variables used by the researcher are
very important in increasing the income of recipient.
The independent variables used in this study should
be expected to be assistants and drivers in increasing
the income of recipient in Palembang. Multiple
regression estimation results using statistical tools
are as shown in the table below:
Tabel 1: Multiple Regression Estimation Results
Length of
R-Square : 0.894 F Value : 216,425 (sig = 0.000)
Source : Data Process Result
Based on the estimation table above, it can be
concluded that the R-Square value is 0.894, it can be
concluded that the variable zakat productive funds
received by recipients, length of business and
training affect 89.4% of the income of recipients of
zakat in Palembang, while 10.6 % is influenced by
variables that are not examined by researchers. This
shows that the independent variables used by
researchers have a considerable influence on the
dependent variable, namely the income of recipient
of zakat.
Tabel 2: F Test
Mean Square
Source : Data Process Result
From the results of the above table it can be seen
that independent variables have a significant effect
on the dependent variable. This can be proven by
looking at the significance value of ANOVA f table,
which is equal to 0.000b or smaller than the
significance level determined by the researcher,
which is 0.05 or 5%, then the regression
transformation model can be used to predict the
zakat productive funds, length of businesses and
training together affect the income of recipient of
zakat in Palembang, so that it can be concluded that:
H0: Zakat productive funds received, length of
business and training for the recipients not
Y = -3,195 + 0.957
+ 0,247
Length of business
+ 0.756
SEABC 2018 - 4th Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting, and Business Conference
significantly affected the income of recipient
simultaneously rejected, and
Ha: Zakat productive funds received, length of
business and training for the recipients not
significantly affected the income of recipient
simultaneously received.
Looking at the test results above it can be said
that simultaneously the independent variables have a
positive effect on the dependent variable, which
means that if the zakat productive zakat funds
received by the recipient are higher, the length of
business increases and the training given to the
recipient is increased, the income of recipient in
managing zakat productive will increase.
The results of data analysis show that zakat
productive funds have a significant influence on the
income of recipient in Palembang, and have a
positive relationship to the income. Based on data
obtained by researchers while in the field by giving
questionnaires to the recipient and also observations
during the study it can be found that this zakat
productive program receives positive responses from
the community, because many of the recipient need
financial assistance to run their businesses. The
recipient had previously made loans to cooperatives
or debt collectors, so they had difficulty in paying
their debts due to the interest applied in the return
This zakat productive assistance program is
given to recipient with a loan system without interest
or in Islamic economics called the Qardh and
Qardhul Hasan contracts. The recipient who get this
loan must return the loan money within 10 months
(10 x pay) which the money collected from the
return will be channeled back to another recipients.
So in essence BAZNAS South Sumatera will not ask
for back the zakat productive funds that have been
given to recipient, because this is one program that
is devoted to the recipient who need financial
assistance in running their business. The return
system applied is only for the education process
given to recipient of zakat so that it can be more
responsible in managing the funds and not
The results above also show that the length of
business has a significant influence on the income of
recipient of zakat in Palembang and has a positive
relationship. Analysis of the data above also shows
that training also has a significant influence on the
income of recipient in Palembang and has a positive
relationship. Overall the results of the above analysis
show that the zakat productive funds received, the
length of business and training have a significant
influence on the income of recipient in Palembang.
From this result, it can be concluded that this zakat
productive zakat needs to be increased again in order
to get the desired value.
From the results of this study, it was found that
in the mechanism of zakat productive funds
management for recipient in the Palembang was
good enough, because BAZNAS of South Sumatera
had tried to implement the planning, organizing,
implementation and supervision stages. Beginning
from the regional feasibility study, then continued
with the program socialization, and then the
feasibility study of the partners to be right on target,
and continued with the handover of productive zakat
funds to recipient of zakat, after which were given
some training and refinement, which is expected to
later create a local community institution and end
with the holding of program evaluations to create a
better zakat productive program. This is expected to
help improve the welfare of recipient of zakat in
The results of the analysis in this study also
concluded that the zakat productive funds received
by recipient, the length of business and training
together affect the income of the recipient
significantly, this is indicated by the significance
value of 0,000 and the F value of 216,425. So this
can be used as a reference that this zakat productive
program can continue to be developed and improved
again, so that it can become a superior program to
apply the values expected from the existence of
zakat, namely to improve the welfare of the recipient
of zakat.
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