Determinant of Profitability: Evidence of Government Bank in
K.M. Husni Thamrin, Mohamad Adam, Mukhlis Mukhlis, Anisa Melinda
Faculty of Economics, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, Indonesia
Keywords: CAMEL, Profitability, Bank
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of profitability determinant factors on state-owned banks
in Indonesia. The sample in this study were four state-owned banks. This study uses secondary data
obtained from the documentation in the form of annual financial statements of State-Owned Enterprises
listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2007-2016. Data is quantitatively. Methodology using
multiple linear regression analysis. Hypothesis testing that has been done using the t-test shows that the
Capital Adequacy Ratio and Loan Deposit Ratio have a positive and insignificant effect on Return on
Assets. Non-Performing Loans and Operational Income Operating income has a negative and significant
effect on Return On Assets. Net Interest Margin has a positive and significant effect on Return on Assets.
Banks are known as financial institutions that
have a very important role for the economy in
Indonesia. Based on the Republic of Indonesia Act
No. 10 of 1998, the Bank is a business entity, where
the bank must raise funds from the public in the
form of credit and other forms in order to improve
the standard of living of many people. The presence
of banks in Indonesia has a very significant role. It
happens because the need for capital and the storage
of money by the community has become
Banks operate more using funds from the public
than using their capital from shareholders. The
condition of financial performance is very influential
on public trust in banking. Therefore, banks must
always maintain and maintain the health of the bank,
because if the condition of the bank's healthy
financial performance will lead to public confidence
in the bank and vice versa if the condition of the
bank's financial performance decreases it will reduce
public confidence in the bank itself. (Lin & Smith,
2007). This trust is needed to expedite the activities
carried out by the bank. The smooth activities
carried out by banks will be very supportive in
achieving the welfare of stockholders and will
increase the value of the company (Sukarno &
Syaichu, 2006; Yuliani, Fuadah, & Thamrin, 2018).
The banking sector has an important role as a
major driver of economic growth in Indonesia.
Economic growth will affect the level of profitability
of a company. Some research shows that
profitability is the most important thing for the
company because profitability is the result of some
policies and decisions made by the company. A
healthy and stable bank (1) is a need for an economy
that wants to grow and develop well. If a bank can
grow and develop well, the bank is able to compete
(2) in collecting funds from the community and
redistributing it in the form of credit and banks can
maintain public trust (3) because in its operations
banks use more funds from the public compared to
their capital from the owner or shareholder.
There are still many rules that are violated in the
banking world, one of which is the precautionary
principle in providing credit which will affect the
profitability of a bank. The occurrence of a monetary
crisis in Indonesia since mid-1997 also had an
impact on the banking sector (4). It is very important
for us and the company to find out the negative
impact on the profitability of the company, one of
which is bad credit, and this negative impact is the
impact of the weak quality of the banking system.
The bank's financial statements are one of the
main sources of indicators as the basis for evaluating
the bank's financial performance because the bank's
financial statements show the overall financial
condition of the bank. (S. Nanik, 2013). The role of
Thamrin, K., Adam, M., Mukhlis, . and Melinda, A.
Determinant of Profitability (Evidence of Government Bank in Indonesia).
DOI: 10.5220/0008442205330539
In Proceedings of the 4th Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting, and Business Conference (SEABC 2018), pages 533-539
ISBN: 978-989-758-387-2
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
financial statements is very important in the
decision-making process, especially decisions that
will have an impact on companies in the coming
period. Based on the bank's existing financial
statements, some financial ratios calculated as the
basis for research on corporate performance
(Purbaningsih, (2013); Thamrin, Syamsurijal,
Sulastri, & Isnurhadi, (2018).
The making of financial statements aims to fulfill
the interests of various parties, in addition to the
management and the owner of the company itself.
The interested parties are shareholders, government,
management, employees and the wider community.
(Baert, 2009). Financial reports issued by banks will
provide various benefits to various parties. Each
party has its interests and objectives for the financial
statements provided by the bank. The financial
statements presented contain several different
information needs. One important information in
financial statements is information about profits.
This information was important because profit
shows how the company is performing during a
period. The bank's financial ratio reflecting bank's
performance, such as the Capital Adequacy Ratio
(CAR), Non-Performing Loans (NPL), BOPO, Net
Interest Margin (NIM) and Loan to Deposit Ratio
Figure 1: Movement of Return on Assets (ROA) of
BUMN Banks in Indonesia Period 2007-2016
Based on graph 1.1, BRI banks in 2007 to 2016
have a decrease in ROA value each year. When
compared to other banks, BRI has the highest ROA
rate. Bank BNI in 2007 to 2016 had an average ROA
value that increased every year, only experiencing a
decline in 2015. Bank Mandiri also had an average
ROA value that increased from 2007 to 2013 but
decreased in 2013 to 2016. At Bank, BTN shows the
average value of fluctuating ROA. The four banks
have an average ROA value that exceeds the
standard size of banks in Indonesia, which is 1.5%.
Some banks have ROA below standard, namely BNI
Bank in 2007 and 2008 with ROA values of 0.93%
and 0.96% and Bank BTN in 2014 with an ROA
value of 1.14%. It shows that there are factors that
affect the size of the ROA of a bank.
Based on the description and some of the
previous studies above, there is a research gap for
the variables CAR, NPL, BOPO, NIM, and LDR
studied. By these reasons, the researchers are
interested in re-researching and analyzing how the
research variables influence ROA. In this study,
researchers analyzed by taking a sample of research
on government banks in Indonesia in the period
2007-2016 with the title “Determinant Of
Profitability: Evidence Of State-Owned Enterprise
Bank In Indonesia.”
2.1 Return On Assets
Return on Assets (ROA) as a proxy of financial
performance. ROA shows the company's ability to
use all assets owned to generate profit before tax.
This ratio is important for management to evaluate
the effectiveness and efficiency of company
management in managing all company assets. The
greater the ROA means, the more efficient use of
company assets, or in other words, the same amount
of assets can generate greater profits or vice versa.
The formula of ROA:
2.2 Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR)
The CAR ratio is used to measure the adequacy
of bank capital and shows the bank's ability to
provide funds for business development needs and to
accommodate the possible risk of losses caused by
bank operations. The higher the CAR, the stronger
the bank's ability to run the risk. If the high CAR
value by Bank Indonesia regulations (at 8%) means
that the bank can finance bank operations, and can
make a large contribution to the bank's profitability
(ROA) (Raharjo, Dwi Priyanto Agung; Setiaji,
SEABC 2018 - 4th Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting, and Business Conference
2.3 Non-Performing Loan (NPL)
The NPL ratio is used to measure how bank
management's ability to overcome and manage
problem loans. The higher the NPL or, the greater
the number of non-performing loans, the worse the
quality of bank credit because it will cause losses, on
the contrary, if the lower the NPL, the bank's profit
or profitability (ROA) will increase (Ayuningrum,
2011). By Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 17/11 /
PBI / 2015, Bank Indonesia sets the NPL ratio
criteria below 5% so that the value of the bank
remains good.
2.4 Operating Expenditures and
Operating Revenues (BOPO)
The BOPO ratio is used to measure the level of
efficiency and the ability of a bank to control
operational costs for its operating income. The
smaller the value of BOPO means the more efficient
the bank operates.
2.5 Net Interest Margin (NIM)
The NIM ratio is used to measure the bank's
ability to generate income from interest, by looking
at bank activities in channeling credit. Bank income
comes from the difference in interest on loans
disbursed with deposits received (Ayuningrum,
2.6 Loan to Deposit (LDR)
Loan to Deposit Ratio is a ratio to measure the
composition of the amount of credit given compared
to the amount of public funds and own capital used.
Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 17/11 / PBI / 2015
states that the LDR ratio is between 78% and 92%.
The higher the LDR the bank's profit will increase,
this is due to the amount of loans channeled and it is
assumed that the bank can channel its credit
2.7 Framework
Based on the explanation above, a conceptual
mindset can be prepared as described below:
Figure 2: Framework
The hypothesis is a temporary conclusion that
reflects the relationship between the variables being
studied and formulates a hypothesis in the form of a
flow that equipped with a qualitative explanation.
The hypothesis is a statement that describes or
predicts relationships between two or more variables
(Sanusi, 2016). Based on the conceptual framework
above, the writer formulates the following
H1 = CAR has a significant effect on ROA
H2 = NPL has a significant effect on ROA
H3 = BOPO has a significant effect on ROA
H4 = NIM has a significant effect on ROA
H5 = LDR has a significant effect on ROA
3.1 Source Data
The data used in this study are secondary data in
the form of bank financial statements which include
Determinant of Profitability (Evidence of Government Bank in Indonesia)
data on Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Non-
Performing Loans (NPL), BOPO, Net Interest
Margin (NIM) and Loan To Deposit Ratio (LDR)
and Return on Assets (ROA). The data used in this
study obtained from the Indonesia Stock Exchange
in 2007-2016
3.2 Analysis Method
The purpose of the analysis of this method is to
interpret and draw a conclusion from the data
collected. Researchers used SPSS version 23
software to process and analyze research data. Data
analysis techniques used in this study are:
3.2.1 Normality Test
This normality test is conducted to see whether
the research data is normal distribution or not.
Research with a good regression model is research
that has a normal or near normal data distribution
(Ayuningrum, 2011).
3.2.2 Classical Assumption Test
This study uses secondary data. To get the
accuracy of the model to be analyzed, it is necessary
to test some of the classical assumption requirements
that underlie the regression model. The classical
assumption test divided into multicollinearity test,
heteroscedasticity test, and autocorrelation test.
3.2.3 Multiple Regression Test
This study uses multiple regression models in
analyzing data. This model is used to determine how
much influence the independent variable on the
dependent variable is the influence of working
capital turnover, current ratio and debt ratio on
return on assets. This test aims to determine whether
the independent variables simultaneously or partially
affect the dependent variable significantly.
4.1 Regression Test
This study consists of dependent variables
namely return on assets and independent variables
which include Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Non-
Performing Loans (NPL), Operating Expenditures
and Operating Revenues (BOPO), Net Interest
Margin (NIM), and Loan to Deposit ( LDR). This
test is used to create regression equations that are
useful for drawing research conclusions. In this
study regression test was used in its completion. The
following is the result of the parameter coefficient
significance test that has been carried out by the
4.2 Partial Test
Table 1: Partial T-Test Result
a. Dependent Variable: ROA
4.3 Effect of Capital Adequacy Ratio
on Return on Assets
The t-test results obtained by the CAR regression
coefficient of 0.018 indicating that if the CAR
experiences a one-unit change assuming other
variables remain, then the ROA will increase by
0.018. The significance level of the CAR variable
has a value of 0.401 greater than the 0.05 level of
concluded that the
CAR used in this study has no positive influence on
the ROA of state-owned banks in Indonesia, so H1,
The CAR is insignificant on ROA; this is
likely due to BI regulations which require each bank
to maintain CAR with a minimum requirement of
8%, resulting in banks trying to maintain their CAR
by BI regulations. Banks tend to invest their funds
carefully and put more emphasis on bank survival so
that CAR does not have much effect on bank
4.4 Effect of Non-Performing Loans on
Return On Assets
The result of the t-test obtained by the NPL
regression coefficient of -0.345 shows that if the
NPL experiences a one-unit change assuming the
other variables remain, then the ROA will decrease
by 0.345. The level of significance, the NPL variable
has a value of 0.000 smaller than the significance
concluded that the
NPL used in this study has a significant effect on
SEABC 2018 - 4th Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting, and Business Conference
ROA of state-owned banks in Indonesia, so H2 is
It shows that the more the number of non-
performing loans makes banks do not dare to
increase lending. Moreover, the total third-party
funds received by banks are not optimal, thus
causing bank liquidity to disrupted. NPL is a ratio
that describes the comparison between non-
performing loans and the total credit provided by the
bank. The provision of credit to the public can create
risks that can cause losses to the bank, one of which
is non-performing loans.
4.5 Effect of Operating Expenditures
and Operating Revenues on Return
On Assets
T-test results obtained by the BOPO regression
coefficient of -0.028 indicates that if BOPO
experiences a one-unit change with the assumption
that the other variables remain, then ROA will
decrease by 0.028. The level of significance, BOPO
variable has a value of 0.000 smaller than the
that BOPO used in this study has a significant effect
on ROA of state-owned banks in Indonesia, so that
H3, accepted.
The high operating expenses (BOPO) will reduce
bank income (ROA) because they have to spend
more money to pay for the operating expenses. It is
because the level of bank efficiency in running its
operations affects the income generated by the bank.
If operational activities are carried out efficiently (in
this case the value of the BOPO ratio is low), then
the income generated by the bank will increase, or
the more efficient the operational performance of a
bank, the greater the profit gained by the bank
(Raharjo, Dwi Priyanto Agung; Setiaji, 2014)
4.6 Effect of Net Interest Margin on
Return on Assets
T-test results obtained by the NIM regression
coefficient of 0.404 indicates that if the NIM
experiences a one-unit change assuming the other
variables remain, then ROA will increase by 0.404.
The level of significance, the NIM variable has a
value of 0.000 smaller than the significance level of
concluded that the NIM used
in this study has a significant effect on ROA of
state-owned banks in Indonesia, so that H4 is
It explains that any increase in NIM will increase
ROA. Every increase in net interest income, which
is the difference between the total interest cost and
total interest income, results in an increase in profit
before tax, which in turn increases ROA. It means
that the ability of the bank's management to generate
net interest affects the level of bank income for its
total assets.
4.7 Effect of Loan to Deposit Ratio on
Return on Assets
The results of the t-test obtained by the LDR
regression coefficient of -0.010 shows that if the
LDR undergoes a one-unit change assuming the
other variables remain, then the ROA will decrease
by 0.010. The level of significance, the LDR
variable has a value of 0.139 greater than the
, so it can
concluded that the LDR used in this study has no
significant effect on ROA of state-owned banks in
Indonesia, so H5, rejected.
The higher LDR, which means that lower
liquidity causes low profitability. It is due to the
presence of Non-Performing Loans which causes
disbursed loans not to produce results, which in turn
reduces profitability. Loan to deposit ratio (LDR)
does not have a significant effect on profitability due
to a lack of optimal credit distribution from the bank
so that banks must be more aggressive in increasing
their credit in order to increase profitability
(Suyitno, 2017).
4.8 F-test Result
Table 2: F-test Result
a. Dependent Variable: ROA
b. Predictors: (Constant), CAR, NPL, BOPO,
Based on the results of regression analysis it can
be seen that the linear regression model is feasible to
be used to explain the effect of independent
variables on variables. It is significant value 0,000
Regression models with independent variables
namely CAR, NPL, BOPO, NIM, and LDR can be
used to predict the dependent variable, ROA.
Determinant of Profitability (Evidence of Government Bank in Indonesia)
4.9 Determinant Coefficient Result
R square explains how much variation Y is
caused by X, from the calculation results obtained
R2 value of 0.922% or 92.2% means that 93.2%
ROA strongly influenced by the five independent
variables CAR, NPL, BOPO, NIM, and LDR.
Moreover, 7.8% is explained by other causes outside
the model.
The Capital Adequacy Ratio has no positive
influence and direction on Return on Assets on state-
owned banks in Indonesia for the period 2007-2016.
Non Performing Loans have a negative influence
and direction on Return on Assets on state-owned
banks in Indonesia for the period 2007-2016.
Operational Costs Operating income has a negative
influence on the return on assets of state-owned
banks in Indonesia for the period 2007-2016. Net
Interest Margin has a positive influence and
direction on Return on Assets in state-owned banks
in Indonesia for the period 2007-2016.
Loan Deposit Ratio has no positive influence and
direction on Return on Assets in state-owned banks
in Indonesia for the period 2007-2016. Multiple
linear regression models are feasible to be used to
measure the effect of Capital Adequacy Ratio, Non
Performing Loans, Operational Income Operating
Costs, Net Interest Margin, and Loan Deposit Ratio
on Return on Assets in BUMN banks in Indonesia
for the period 2007-2016.
5.1 Suggestions
Suggestions for research include the following.
1. BUMN companies are expected to anticipate
factors that can affect the Capital Adequacy
Ratio (CAR), Non Performing Loans (NPL),
Operating Income Operating Costs (BOPO), Net
Interest Margin (NIM), and Loan Deposit Ratio
(LDR), it because become one of the reference
criteria for financial health for banks. Banking
companies are expected to pay attention to other
factors that can affect the Return On Assets
(ROA) outside the research variables in order to
anticipate things that can affect the growth
potential and prospects of the company in the
2. For further research using a longer period of
observation. The addition of research samples
with a wider observation period will provide a
greater possibility of obtaining results that are
close to actual conditions.
3. It is recommended to use other banking health
measurement methods by Bank Indonesia
regulations. In order to get the results of various
studies on the health assessment of banks in
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Determinant of Profitability (Evidence of Government Bank in Indonesia)