The Effect of Agency Problems on Cost Stickiness in the Banking
Industry: The Role of the Board of Commissioners and the Audit
Committee Effectiveness
Ancella Anitawati Hermawan and Miranti Djoko
Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
Keywords: Cost stickiness, agency problems, the effectiveness of the board of commissioners, the effectiveness of audit
Abstract: This study aims to examine the effect of agency problems on cost stickiness on Banking in Indonesia.
Furthermore, this study will also examine how the effect of agency problems on cost stickiness on the different
effectiveness level of the board of commissioners and audit committees. The samples used are banks listed
on the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2012-2016 and regularly report their financial reports and annual reports.
This study found that cost stickiness on operational costs occurred in the Indonesian banking sector and
agency problems have a positive influence on the level of cost stickiness. The study also found that, the
positive effect of agency problem on cost stickiness will be lower in banking high level of effectiveness of
Board of Commissioners or Audit Committee.
Study has found asymmetric cost behavior by
Anderson et al. in 2003, that the decline in sales did
not coincide with a decrease in selling costs.
Companies that have studied on average have a 0.55
percent increase in sales costs, general costs and
administrative costs when there is a one percent
increase in sales, but when a one percent decline in
sales, sales costs, general costs and costs just
decreased by 0.35 percent (Anderson et al., 2003).
This phenomenon is called Cost stickiness, ie where
a cost is said Sticky when the increase in cost is
greater than the decrease in activity changes with the
equivalent amount (Ratnawati and Nugrahanti, 2015).
Sticky costs can arise because of the first, unbalance
of resource adjustment (Vonna and David, 2016).
Second, managers tend to choose to retain unused
resources rather than reducing resources when
activity decreases (Windyastuti and Biyanto, 2005).
In Anderson's research (2003) there is a suspicion that
the Cost stickiness may be caused by agency costs,
but no significant empirical evidence has been found.
So this research is intended to fill the research gap.
The Agency Theory predicts that there is a difference
of interest between shareholders and corporate
managers, leading to agency problems, in which
managers engage in activities for their own benefit
rather than shareholder profits (Jensen and Meckling,
1976). This research will continue the research of
Chen et al. (2012), which examines the relationship
of agency problems with cost stickiness. But unlike
the research is the subject of the company that will be
used is a Banking company listed on the Indonesia
Stock Exchange (BEI) in 2012-2015. Because the
subject used by Banking then, Cost stickiness
researched at Operating Cost, because Operating Cost
is one of measuring tools Banking performance
(Windyastuti, 2014). Similar to Chen et al. (2012),
Agency problems are measured by FCF, since FCF is
the most common proxy for measuring agency
problems (Jensen 1986; Masulis et al., 2007;
Richardson 2006; Stulz 1990; Shleifer and Vishny
1997; Titman et al., 2004). This study will also look
at the role of corporate governance in moderating the
effects of agency problems on cost stickiness. Like
Fathoni and Hermawan (2013) research, the
implementation of corporate governance is produced
by the effectiveness of the board of commissioners
and audit committees, by measuring independence,
competence, size, and activity.
Anitawati Hermawan, A. and Djoko, M.
The Effect of Agency Problems on Cost Stickiness in the Banking Industry: The Role of the Board of Commissioners and the Audit Committee Effectiveness.
DOI: 10.5220/0008437000750084
In Proceedings of the 4th Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting, and Business Conference (SEABC 2018), pages 75-84
ISBN: 978-989-758-387-2
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.1 Cost Stickiness Concept
Costs are said to be sticky if the magnitude of the
increase in cost associated with increased volume is
greater than the decrease in cost associated with an
equivalent volume decrease (Cooper and Kaplan,
1998). Initially introducing the concept of sticky cost,
Malcol (1991), suggests that "many new costs tend to
have somewhat non-variable characters, which are
not comparable with activity changes." For example,
Operating costs. A bank wants to raise its revenue by
improving the company's performance. To improve
the performance of the company, the bank requires
additional employees. These additional employees
will increase Operating costs, and the company's
revenue is expected to rise as well. If the income rises,
then the Operating costs will automatically increase.
But when income goes down, managers cannot
reduce their employees directly. This is what makes
Operating costs difficult to decrease when revenue
goes down. This cost condition is called sticky cost.
With the recruitment of new permanent employees,
the administrative and general costs of the company
will increase. Yet when there is a decrease in activity
volume, companies can not directly dismiss new
employees or in other words retain resources
(Windyastuti, 2014). Thus the company will
experience a sticky cost and still pay the salaries of
employees even though the employee is not working
optimally. Cost adjusts to changes in resource volume
that managers have ordered, while resource volume is
affected by fluctuating demand. The cost adjustment
is done intentionally by the manager. Managers need
to be careful in planning resource orders, i.e. delaying
orders to get certainty of falling demand (Anderson et
al., 2003).
2.2 Corporate Governance of Bank
Governance of Bank was previously stipulated in
Bank Indonesia Regulation no. 8/4 / PBI / 2006, then
now governed by the Financial Services Authority
(POJK) Regulation No.55 / POJK.03 / 2016
supplemented by Circular Letter of the Financial
Services Authority No.13 / SEOJK.03 / 2017. The
regulation stipulates consideration in order to
improve bank performance, protect the interests of
the stakeholders, and improve compliance with laws
and regulations and ethical values that are generally
accepted in the banking industry. In addition,
improving the quality of governance implementation
is one of the efforts to strengthen the internal
condition of the national banking system. According
to POJK No.55 / POJK.03 / 2016, Good Governance
is a Bank management procedure that applies the
following principles:
1) Transparency (transparency) is openness in
disclosing material and relevant information and
openness in implementing decision-making process.
2) Accountability (accountability) is the clarity
of functions and implementation of the Bank's organ
liability so that its management runs effectively.
3) Responsibility (responsibility) is the
suitability of Bank management with legislation and
sound bank management principles.
4) Independence (independency) is the
professional management of the Bank without the
influence or pressure of any party.
5) Fairness which is justice and equality in
fulfilling the rights of Stakeholders arising based on
the agreement and the laws and regulations.
2.3 Duties and Responsibilities of The
Board Of Commissioners
Article 1 point (6) of Law Number 40 Year 2007
(Pasal 1 angka (6) Undang- Undang Nomor 40 Tahun
2007) regarding Limited Liability Company (UUPT)
stipulates that the definition of the Board of
Commissioners is an organ of the Company which is
in charge of general and / or special supervision in
accordance with the articles of association and
advises the Board of Directors. The duties and
functions of the board of commissioners are
stipulated in Article 108 UUPT, the commissioner is
in charge of supervising the management policy, the
general management of the company and the
company's business, and advising the directors.
Furthermore, in Article 114 UUPT affirms that the
commissioner is obliged in good faith and full
responsibility to perform its functions for the benefit
of the company.
The Board of Commissioners consists of
Independent Commissioners and Non-Independent
Commissioners. Independent Commissioners shall be
at least 50% (fifty percent) of the total members of the
Board of Commissioners. Independent
Commissioners are members of the Board of
Commissioners who have no financial, management,
share ownership and / or family relationships with
members of the Board of Directors, other BoC
members and / or controlling shareholder, or any
relationship with the Bank that may affect the
relevant ability to act independently.
In POJK No.55 / POJK.03 / 2016, the total
number of members of the Board of Commissioners
SEABC 2018 - 4th Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting, and Business Conference
is stipulated to be at least 3 (three) persons and at most
equal to the number of members of the Board of
Directors. According to Emirzon (2007), a company
should be at least 20% of the members of the board of
commissioners must come from outside the company,
this is useful to improve the effectiveness of the role
of oversight and transparency of consideration. This
commissioner role is expected to minimize agency
issues arising between the board of directors and
shareholders. According to Hermawan (2011), more
and more board of commissioners in an organization
will be able to facilitate the work because the work
can be divided into more people and easier to
specialize because it has a number of experts that
more and varied. Uadiale's research (2010) shows that
firms with large numbers of board of directors will be
more effective in monitoring, thus improving the
company's financial performance compared to firms
with fewer board of directors. However, according to
Muntoro (2006), the size of the board of
commissioners is too big will be able to make the
process of seeking agreement and decision making
process becomes difficult, long and long-winded.
In order for the council to proceed effectively, the
existing board of commissioners within a company
must have sufficient competence. Although the board
of commissioners may utilize the services of experts
from outside the company, the ability of the board of
commissioners to detect problems early will be much
sharper if there are members of the commissioner
who are experts in the field related to the issue
(Muntoro, 2006). Competence can be seen from the
educational background and experience of the
members of the board of commissioners. To be able
to understand and oversee the process of presenting
the company's financial statements, specifically
expected board members have knowledge or
background in finance and accounting (Hermawan,
Activities and activities undertaken by the board
of commissioners within the company include the
submission of supervisory accountability reports on
the performance of directors, financial statements,
and business prospects of the company that has been
done by the board of directors. Furthermore, the
board of commissioners provides advice or
recommendations to the members of the board of
directors for review conducted by the audit
committee. In POJK No.55 / POJK.03 / 2016, the
Meeting of the Board of Commissioners shall be held
periodically at least 4 (four) times in 1 (one) year.
Anderson et al. (2003) and Xie et al. (2003) also states
that board activity as measured by meeting frequency
can also affect board effectiveness. Research
conducted by Brick and Chidambaran (2010) states
that board activity includes the frequency of the
number of meetings attended by the board and
changes in the structure of the board subcommittees,
as well as the activity of the board will determine the
quality level of supervision of the board. Frequency
of meetings has been used as a proxy to measure the
activities of the board of commissioners, the higher
the frequency of meetings will increase the
effectiveness of the board of commissioners. This is
because the higher the activity of the board, it will
increase the disclosure of information that will
ultimately reduce the level of information asymmetry.
2.4 Duties and Responsibilities of Audit
In order to support the effectiveness of the
implementation of duties and responsibilities, the
Board of Commissioners shall form one of the audit
committees. Understanding the audit committee
according to the National Committee on Governance
Policy (KNKG, 2006) in the General Guidelines of
Good Corporate Governance Indonesia is: "Audit
Committee is a group of people selected by a larger
group to do certain work or to perform specific tasks
or a number of members of the council the
commissioner of the client company responsible for
assisting the auditor in maintaining its independence
from management. "The audit committee is one of the
institutional elements in the concept of Good
Corporate Governance which is expected to
contribute highly in the application level. Its
existence is expected to improve the quality of
internal control of the company, as well as able to
optimize the mechanism of checks and balances,
which ultimately aimed at providing optimum
protection to shareholders and other stakeholders
(IKAI, 2010). According to KNKG (2006), the audit
committee is in charge of assisting the board of
commissioners to ensure that:
a. the financial statements are presented fairly
in accordance with generally accepted
accounting principles,
b. the company's internal control structure is
well implemented,
c. the implementation of internal and external
audits is conducted in accordance with
applicable audit standards, and;
d. follow-up findings of audit results carried
out by management.
In POJK No.55 / POJK.03 / 2016, Audit
Committee membership shall consist of at least 1
(one) Independent Commissioner who is also
The Effect of Agency Problems on Cost Stickiness in the Banking Industry: The Role of the Board of Commissioners and the Audit
Committee Effectiveness
chairman, 1 (one) Independent Party having expertise
in finance or accounting field, and 1 (one)
Independent Party having expertise in law or banking
field. Of course, with adequate competence of audit
committee members, it is expected that the existence
of audit committees will be effective in the context of
effective corporate governance.
In POJK No.55 / POJK.03 / 2016 , Committee
Meetings are held in accordance with the needs of the
Bank. Vafeas (1999) and Adams (2005) in his
research mentioned that the frequency of meetings
conducted by the board will increase the value of the
company, the higher the frequency of meetings
conducted, the supervisory activities by the board will
be higher. Research conducted by Byun (2007) also
states that the activities of the audit committee may
include activities in holding meetings with fellow
members of the committee as well as with the board.
3.1 Data Collection and Sample
The population is the sum of the entire group of
individuals, events or objects that attract researchers
to investigate or investigate (Lind et al., 2012). The
population used in this study is a banking company
listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) from
2012 to 2016. Purposive Sampling is used as a
method of sampling. Purposive Sampling is a method
of sampling taking into account certain criteria so that
data obtained more representative and relevant.
Purposive sampling in this study was conducted by
considering the following criteria:
1. Companies belonging to the banking
industry listed on the Stock Exchange and
publish the complete consolidated financial
statements and coefficients that have been
audited as of December 31, from 2012-2016.
2. Companies selected as samples have the
completeness of financial report data used as
a variable in this study during the study
period that is 2011 - 2016.
3. The company does not have any negative
equity, revenue, operating expenses or 0
(zero) because it identifies the company in
an abnormal condition. In addition, the
operating cost does not exceed its revenue.
4. The company does not merge in 2012 - 2016.
The type of data used in this study is secondary
data obtained from Datastream Thomson Reuters at
the Library of the Faculty of Economics and Business
Universitas Indonesia and from the company's
official website. The data is in the form of complete
financial data of banking companies registered in
2012 - 2016.
3.2 Regression Models
The research model used is based on previous
studies of cost stickiness by Anderson et al. (2003),
Calleja et al. (2006), Chen et al. (2012), and
Windyastuti (2014). In addition the model of this
study is an adaptation of previous research models
coupled with other references. The research, in
essence, aims to determine the phenomenon of cost
behavior that is not symmetry (cost stickiness) in the
company and the factors that affect the level of cost
stickiness. This research is quantitative that will use
multiple regression model to analyze the influence of
independent variable and control variable to the
dependent variable. As stated from the framework,
the dependent variable in this study is Cost Stickiness
which will be proxied with Operating Cost Ratio with
Bank Revenue. This is described in the research
model as follows:
= β
+ β
+ β
+ ε
In addition, another variable that is a factor that
affects the level of cost stickiness, namely FCF. The
control variables used in this study are employee
intensity, asset intensity and fixed assets to total asset
ratio. Thus the next model of research is as follows,
= β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ ε
Where OE
is Rate of change of Operating Costs
on firm i in year t; SALESCHG
is Rate of change of
annual bank operating income; DECDUM
Interaction variable / dummy moderation, worth 1 if
revenue decreases and is worth 0 if else; FCF
is Free
Cash Flow company i in year t; AI
is Intensity of
Asset to Total Revenue of company i in year t; EI
Employee Intensity to Total Income of company i in
year t; FATA
is Fixed Asset Ratio to Total Asset of
company i in year t.
SEABC 2018 - 4th Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting, and Business Conference
3.3 Variables for Regression Analysis
The dependent variable tested in this research is
the rate of change of operating cost (OEi, t). This
variable is used in previous studies such as Anderson
et al. (2003), Calleja et al. (2006), Chen et al. (2012),
and Windyastuti (2014). According to previous
studies, the level of cost stickiness can be measured
by the logarithm of the ratio of sales, administrative
and general costs of the current year to the previous
year. Sales, administrative and general costs are used
as a proxy for cost stickiness because these costs have
the potential for distortion and behavioral costs that
are not symmetrical because management's
involvement in controlling these costs is considerable
(Sorros and Karagiorgos, 2013). But because this
research uses Banking as the subject of research, then
the ratio used is the operating cost.
The independent variable is a variable that is
modified or changed to measure its effect on the
dependent variable (Lind et al., 2012). The
independent variables in this study are changes in
operating income and agency issues proxied by Free
Cash Flow as in the research of Chen et al. (2012).
Changes in annual operating income are indicators
tested to determine the company's cost stickiness rate
(Windyastuti, 2014). In essence, changes in sales both
up and down will determine changes in operating cost
behavior. This variable can be measured logarithm of
operating income ratio of the current year with
operating income of the previous year. Free cash flow
is measured by operating cash flow minus capital
expenditure then the result is divided by total assets.
Moderate variables are variables that influence
(strengthen or weaken) the relationship between
independent variables with dependent variable
(Sugiono, 2014). In this study, moderation variables
are DECDUM and Corporate Governance (CG),
namely the effectiveness of the board of
commissioners and audit committee. In addition to
the SALESCHG variable, this study uses interaction
variables or dummy moderation related to sales
changes (DECDUM). This variable is worth 1 if the
firm's revenue on t is smaller than last year's
(decreased), and is 0 if the other. As Hermawan
(2011) studied the effectiveness of the board of
commissioners and audit committee using the scoring
method. Scores are obtained based on checklists,
which are based on characteristics that are considered
to enhance the effectiveness of the board of
commissioners and audit committees, namely
independence, activity, size, and competence. For
each question, the assessment will consist of two
possible answers, good and poor, or three possible
answers that are good, fair, and poor. For each good
value will be given a value of 3, fair will be given a
value of 2, and poor will be given a value of 1. For
questions that cannot be obtained from the company's
annual report, it will be given a poor value or 1.
The control variable is a variable related to the
dependent variable that is controlled or made constant
so that the influence of independent variable to the
dependent variable is not influenced by other factors
outside this research (Lind et al., 2012). In this study,
control variables used are Employee Intensity, Asset
Intensity, and Fixed Assets Ratio to Total Assets.
Calculation of Employee Intensity variable, that is by
comparing the number of employees with income and
Intensity of Assets that is by comparing total assets
with income.
4.1 Sample Description
Based on the sample criteria described above, the
total banking listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
(IDX) is 44 banks. In order for the data used to be
more stable then issued a sample of banking that
conducted an initial public offering (IPO) and merger
between the period of research that is as many as 15
banks. In other words overall the total sample used in
the study amounted to 29 banks. Because the study
period is five years, so the total observation becomes
4.2 Descriptive Statistics Agency
Problems to Cost stickiness
Table 1 gives an overview of samples that have
been done treatment winsorization where descriptive
statistical results show that the average of the variable
level of changes in OE is 0.0791 and standard
deviation of 0.0682 which means the spread of data
from OE is not scattered or concentrated around the
value. Descriptive statistic after winsorization, the
biggest change of operating cost occurred at Bank
QNB Indonesia (BKSW) in 2014 of 0.2320. This is
due to the increased interest expense arising from
customer deposits increased 211.69% The increase in
the number of customers due to the acquisition of
both banks namely Qatar and Bank Kesawan. While
the lowest level of operating cost change after the
winsorization, the level of change in the lowest
operating costs of Bank MNC International (BABP)
in 2012 to amounted to 0.2320. The decrease in
operating expenses in BABP was due to a 25%
The Effect of Agency Problems on Cost Stickiness in the Banking Industry: The Role of the Board of Commissioners and the Audit
Committee Effectiveness
decrease in interest expense but the greatest decrease
came from a 76% decrease in impairment losses on
financial assets (securities and loans).
Variable rate of change in operating income
(SALESCHG) shows that the average rate of change
in operating income of 0.0678 and standard deviation
of 0.0589, the value indicates that the average value
is greater than the standard deviation value so that the
distribution of data for the rate of change of income
operations are not dispersed. The maximum value of
the SALESCHG variable after the winsorization is
0.2098. the scores achieved by BKSW 2014. Income
of BKSW which experienced a significant increase is
interest income of 141.12% and income provision and
commission of 83.69%. Increase in interest income is
influenced by the number of assets 2014 which
increased 88.63% compared to 2013. While the
minimum value on SALESCHG Variable after the
winsorization of -0.0312 is the value of Bank of India
(BSWD) in 2016. At BSWD, interest income
decreased by 36 % due to a significant decrease in the
amount of credit. Other operating income in 2016
decreased 152% caused mainly by the cut in deferred
fees, and commissions other than loans.
The agency problem variable (FCF) shows that
the average agency problem is 0.0162 with standard
deviation of 0.0307. This value indicates that the
standard deviation value is greater than the mean
value, so the distribution of data for agency problems
is scattered and varied. After the winsorization, the
maximum value of the FCF variable to 0.0824 is
Bank Mega (MEGA) in 2013. The high FCF in
MEGA, due to the result of the 2012 fiscal year is the
receipt of the sale and purchase of the traded asset.
Then the minimum value of FCF variable after the
winsorization of -0.0468 is the value of MEGA in
2012. This is because it is predominantly used to
make payments on the sale and purchase of traded
Variable AI, EI, and FATA include the control
variables of the study. The asset intensity variable
(AI) shows that the average of AI variable is 10.1465
and the standard deviation is 1.8932. These results
indicate that the average value is greater than the
standard deviation value so that the distribution of
data for the level of changes in operating income is
not scattered. After winsorization, the maximum and
minimum values of AI variables are 13.8762 and
6.1672. The value is owned by Bank QNB Indonesia
(BKSW) in 2013 and Bank Tabungan Pensiunan
Nasional (BTPN) in 2014. Employee intensity
variable (EI) indicates that the average variable EI is
0.00000111 and standard deviation is 0,000000636.
These results indicate that the average value is greater
than the standard deviation value so that the
distribution of data for the level of changes in
operating income is not scattered. After the
winsorization is done, the maximum and minimum
values of the EI variable are 0.00000263 and
0.000000419. The value is owned by Bank Bumi Arta
(BNBA) in 2012 and Bank Permata (BNLI) in 2015.
The fixed asset ratio variable to total assets (FATA)
indicates that the average FATA variable is 0.0166
and the standard deviation is 0.0113. These results
indicate that the average value is greater than the
standard deviation value so that the distribution of
data for the level of changes in operating income is
not scattered. After winsorization, the maximum and
minimum values of the FATA variable are 0.04256
and 0.0036. The value is owned by Bank Bumi Artha
(BNBA) in 2015 and Bank MNC International
(BABP) in 2014.
4.3 Descriptive Statistics Checklist of
the Effectiveness of the Board of
Commissioners and the Audit
This study also examines the role of governance
in moderating the effect of agency problems on cost
stickiness. The governance measured in this study is
the effectiveness of the board of commissioners and
audit committee. The data were obtained from
Hermawan's (2011) research checklist that was
adjusted for the purpose of this study. Table 2 and 4
describe the descriptive statistics of each question that
comprises the independence component of the board
of commissioners and the Audit Committee. Value
distribution of each question is described in tables 3
and 5.
4.4 Correlation Analysis
Pearson correlation test on this model
summarized in the table 6 shows the relationship of
each variable to each other. In general it can be
concluded that each variable does not have a very
strong correlation with each other because no one has
a value greater than 0.80. Based on table 6 can be
interpreted for variables that have a positive
correlation with OE is SALESCHG of 0.78, AI of
0.25 and FATA of -0.14. So it can be interpreted that
the income and operating costs move in the same
direction. In addition to SALESCHG, the OE variable
also had significant positive correlation = 5%) with
SEABC 2018 - 4th Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting, and Business Conference
the AI variable and significant negative correlation (α
= 10%) with the FATA variable.
4.5 Hypothesis Testing Results
This study will use Pooled Least Squared (PLS)
with the exception of Strong BOC group that is more
appropriate using Random Effect (RE). This can be
very common given that the sample in this study
operates in the banking sector (industry) which has
the same characteristics. Cost stickiness is an
adjustment to higher cost increases as revenue
increases, but the cost adjustment is smaller when
income decreases. Table 7 shows the result of t test of
SALESCHG variable having coefficient of 0,9850
and p-value equal to 0,0000. The p-value below the α
= 1% level suggests rejecting the null hypothesis. In
other words there is a significant positive effect of
SALESCHG on OE. These findings are consistent
with the concept of cost behavior in which operating
costs will increase as operating income increases.
Each 1% increase in operating income, operating
expenses will increase by 0.985%.
SALESCHG * DECDUM moderation variable
has coefficient of -1,1157 and p-value is 0,019. This
p-value value indicates that the SALESCHG *
DECDUM variable has a significant negative effect
(in α = 5%) against the OE variable. Operating costs
will increase by 0.1307% if there is a decrease in
income by 1%. These results are consistent with the
research of He et. al. (2010) stating that the decrease
in operating income is not permanent so that the
unemployed resources are not adjusted for the
4.5.1. The Effect of Agency problem to Cost
Table 7 shows Moderate variables SALESCHG *
DECDUM * FCF has coefficient of -32.1172 and p-
value of 0.005. This p-value value indicates that the
SALESCHG * DECDUM * FCF variable has a
significant negative effect (in α = 1%) against the OE
variable. The smaller (negative) variable coefficients
SALESCHG * DECDUM * FCF indicate a greater
level of cost stickiness. This finding is consistent with
the first hypothesis and is consistent with the research
of Chen et al. (2012) stating that when free cash flow
generated by operational activities is high and at the
same time decreasing revenue, the cost stickiness
level of operating cost is higher. That is, managers
have an incentive to use the company's free cash flow
to invest in additional company resources. In these
circumstances, managers expect that the decline in
income in the year is not permanent (more than two
consecutive years). In addition, managers are also
optimistic that in the future the market conditions will
increase, so managers increase costs rather than
reduce them.
4.5.2. The Effect of Agency problem to Cost
Stickiness at the Effectiveness Level of
the Board of Commissioners
This research separates the research sample into
two groups based on the effectiveness score of the
board of commissioners. The first group was a group
with effectiveness scores below the median of all
samples. This group contains 59 observations or 41%
of the total sample. The second group is the group
with effectiveness score above the median of all
samples, there are 86 observations or 59% of the total
sample. Table 8 shows the regression result of both
groups of effectiveness scores of the board of
commissioners. It can be seen that the SALESCHG *
DECDUM * FCF variable coefficient is -280.1581 in
samples with low effectiveness score and -36,0016 in
samples with high effectiveness score. Both
coefficient values SALESCHG * DECDUM * FCF in
each group are significant in α = 5%. It is found that
the effect of agency problem on the level of cost
stickiness of operating cost of banking is higher in the
sample group which has low effectiveness of the
board of commissioner. This is in line with the first
hypothesis that the effectiveness of the board of
commissioners weakens the positive influence of
agency problems with cost stickiness. Under the
effective board conditions, operating costs continue
to increase but only by 36.11%. Although indicated
there is earnings management, but in this condition
the board of commissioners carry out its obligation
that is to supervise especially on the board of
directors. With more supervision, earnings
management can be minimized.
4.5.3. The Effect of Agency problem to Cost
Stickiness at the Effectiveness Level of
the Audit Committee
In addition to the effectiveness of the board of
commissioners, this study also separates the research
sample into two groups based on the effectiveness of
the audit committee. The first group was the group
with effectiveness scores below the median of all
samples, The group contained 61 observations or
The Effect of Agency Problems on Cost Stickiness in the Banking Industry: The Role of the Board of Commissioners and the Audit
Committee Effectiveness
42% of the total sample. The second group is a group
with effectiveness score above the median of all
samples, there are 84 observations or 58% of the total
sample. Table 9 is a regression result of two groups
of audit committee effectiveness scores. Whereas in
the group of samples with a score higher effectiveness
of the audit committee, the variable SALESCHG *
DECDUM * FCF has -29.7095 and significant
coefficient in the level of α = 5%. These results show
that, the effect of agency problem on the cost
stickiness level of operating cost is higher in the
sample group which has low audit committee
effectiveness score compared with the high sample
group. This is in line with the third hypothesis that the
effectiveness of audit committees weakens the
positive influence of agency problems with cost
stickiness. This means that the effectiveness of the
audit committee can mitigate the actions of managers
in restraining the adjustment of operating costs when
operating income decreases. Basically managers
know more information about the company they
manage. Therefore, an effective audit committee is
required in order to mitigate agency problems at the
Based on hypothesis testing, the conclusion
obtained is the operating cost of banking is the cost
stickiness. That is, the change in the rate of increase
in cost at the time of sale rises higher than the rate of
change in the decrease in cost when the sale falls. In
this research found the existence of cost stickiness on
operating cost is indicated by the increase of 0.985%
for every 1% increase in sales, but for every 1%
decrease in sales still increased the cost of 0.13%.
This can happen because managers expect that the
decline in income in the year is not permanent (more
than two years). In addition, managers are also
optimistic that in the future market conditions will
increase so that managers continue to increase costs.
From the operational side, there are several properties
of costs in the operating cost that are better
maintained than reduced, because if reduced will
sacrifice higher costs. For example layoffs, the
company must pay severance pay.
Based on hypothesis testing, the agency problem
proxied with free cash flow (FCF) has a significant
positive influence on the level of cost stickiness. By
moderating FCF to the level of income decline, it can
be concluded that FCF has a positive effect on cost
stickiness. This is evidenced by statistical test results,
which concludes an increase in operating costs of
32.25% per 1% decrease in income. This can happen
because of conflict of interest and moral hazard,
managers will pursue the highest possible
compensation but when income decreases they will
object if the compensation is lowered. When FCF is
higher, managers have a greater opportunity to invest
more in operating costs when demand increases, and
delay the decrease in operating costs when demand
decreases. Next result, the high effectiveness of the
board can weaken the positive relationship between
the agency problem and the cost stickiness.
Evidenced in statistical tests, on banks that have the
effectiveness of the board of commissioners is low
every 1% decrease in income increased operating
costs by 274.72%. Whereas in banks that have high
effectiveness of boards of commissioners, every 1%
decrease in income occurs an increase in operating
cost of only 31.84%. From the results of statistical
tests and hypotheses can be concluded, that banks that
have weak effectiveness of the board of
commissioners strengthen the positive relationship
agency problems with cost stickiness, in other words
the weaker the effectiveness of the board of
commissioners then the higher the agency problem
affect the cost stickiness. On the contrary, banks with
strong commissioner effectiveness, the less the
agency problem affects cost stickiness. This can
happen because an effective supervisory board
activity is able to mitigate earnings management
practices at the company. In addition to the
effectiveness of the board of commissioners,
corporate governance is also proxied with the
effectiveness of the audit committee with the scoring
method. As a result, the effectiveness of high audit
committees can weaken the positive relationship
between agency issues and cost stickiness. Evidenced
in statistical tests, banks that have the effectiveness of
low audit committees every 1% decrease in income
increased operating costs by 49.72%. Whereas in
banks with high audit committee effectiveness, every
1% decrease in income occurs an increase in
operating cost of 29.86% only. From the results of
statistical tests and hypotheses can be concluded, that
banks that have the effectiveness of weak audit
committees to strengthen the positive relationship
agency problems with cost stickiness, in other words
the weaker the effectiveness of the audit committee,
the higher the agency problem affect the cost
stickiness. And conversely, banks that have strong
audit committee effectiveness, the less the agency
problem affects cost stickiness. This can happen
because the audit committee can mitigate agency
issues against cost stickiness by conducting
independent financial audits to the company.
SEABC 2018 - 4th Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting, and Business Conference
Further research is expected to be done in all
industries of the company with the number and period
of more research to see sticky properties on other
costs, such as Cost of production or salary burden on
the company, to use more than one proxy agency
problem that is Leverage, CEO Period, CEO Salary,
and CEO Turnover. It is hoped that subsequent
research will use samples outside Indonesia as a
comparison also expected to examine similar issues
with different proxies, such as internal control.
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